Cleanse the digestive system. How to cleanse the intestines at home quickly and without harm to health

Cleaning the intestines at home using folk remedies is one of the ways to normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Not only a person’s general well-being, but also his appearance and the state of the immune system depend on how correctly the digestive system distributes the nutrients entering the body.

In the 21st century, the basis of nutrition consists of products that contain various chemical additives, and sometimes modified additives. Eating such food for a long time has a negative effect on the body. It gradually accumulates toxins and other harmful substances.

In order to somehow change the situation, it is recommended to cleanse the stomach and intestines at home at least once every 3 months. This will help free the digestive system from toxins, allowing it to work properly and supply the blood with useful substances, vitamins and microelements that are necessary to ensure the normal functioning of the human body, its well-being and appearance.

Traditional methods

There are many ways to cleanse the body in general and the intestines in particular. Some of them are used as needed before medical procedures and surgeries. Others are aimed at improving well-being, eliminating constipation and reducing excess weight.

You can cleanse the intestines with folk remedies at home. In modern medicine, there are many drugs whose recipes were borrowed from nature.

There are certain contraindications to preventive colon cleansing. Such procedures cannot be carried out in cases of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases, exhaustion, colds and viral diseases.

Activated carbon

The most popular adsorbent, used not only in traditional, but also in folk medicine. Coal is used both for preventive purposes and for various types of poisoning (food, chemical). Once in the body, it absorbs harmful substances and is excreted along with them during the act of defecation.

This remedy is used both independently and as part of many folk recipes to cleanse the stomach, intestines and even the liver. The average dosage calculation is 1 tablet of activated carbon per 10 kg of body weight. People prone to constipation should take activated charcoal with caution.


They are prepared from fresh vegetables and fruits rich in fiber. Once indigestible fibers enter the body, they leave it naturally, taking with them all the unnecessary “garbage” and at the same time saturating the blood with vitamins and minerals. The best “friends” of the intestines are beets, cabbage and carrots. Based on these vegetables, a very popular salad in dietetics called “broom” was invented.

To prepare it you will need white cabbage (600 g), fresh carrots (200 g), beets (200 g), 1 lemon and vegetable oil (2 tbsp.):

  1. Wash and peel the vegetables.
  2. Grate the carrots and beets on a beet grater, chop the cabbage thinner and knead with your hands.
  3. Place the prepared vegetables in one container, squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix thoroughly, season with vegetable oil.

The ingredients of this salad can be varied depending on the individual characteristics of the body. So, with low acidity, fresh cabbage can be replaced with sauerkraut, and pickled beets can be used instead of raw beets. You can add more lemon juice. If the acidity of the stomach is increased, then it is better to use only oil as a dressing. It is recommended to introduce an additional ingredient - prunes.


A simple and accessible way to cleanse the intestines and the body as a whole. To do this, it is enough to drink 0.2 liters of clean fresh water every morning on an empty stomach, you can add a little honey. The method has no contraindications. Complete cleansing of the entire body can be achieved by drinking at least 2 liters of liquid per day. However, juices, drinks, coffee and soups are not taken into account. The main condition is that the water must be clean and “alive”. The ideal option is spring water, but filtered water is also acceptable.

Plain water with salt

This combination can be used to both cleanse the intestines and prevent constipation. To normalize stool in case of difficulties with defecation, salted water is used as an osmotic solution. It prevents fluid from being absorbed into the intestinal walls. Thanks to this reaction of the body to salt water, the stool becomes softer and easier to pass. There are several cooking options:

  1. Dilute 5 g of salt in 0.2 liters of warm water and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After a few minutes, drink a glass of warm water without salt.
  2. Make a solution of 200 ml of warm water and 2.5 g of salt and drink before bed.

To improve the taste, add lemon juice to each recipe at the rate of 1/2 lemon per glass of liquid. You can also put a pinch of salt in the sublingual cavity, slowly dissolve and drink 2 glasses of water at room temperature.

Concentrated water with salt

This solution for cleansing the intestines is prepared in a higher concentration. The advantage of oral administration is that along with the colon, the stomach and small intestine are cleansed. Disadvantage: unpleasant taste. To prepare the cleaning solution, you must use warm filtered water (not boiled or distilled). You need to use either sea salt or pink Himalayan salt. Cooked and iodized are strictly prohibited.

This water should taste like a rich soup. A higher salt concentration will provoke the intestines to suck water from the body. This reaction can lead to dehydration. Under-salted water will leave through the walls of the small intestine. In this case, rinsing will not work, since the solution simply will not reach the large intestine.

It is important not to rush or be nervous during the procedure. Anxiety can trigger intestinal spasms and vomiting. Even deep breathing will help you relax.


Magnesium sulfate (Epsom salt), which is extracted from natural springs with mineral water, has a laxative effect, absorbs toxins and waste. You can purchase the drug at a pharmacy without a doctor's prescription. To cleanse the intestines, the medicine is used in the form of a powder, which, in addition to magnesium, contains a sulfuric acid salt. When combined, the drugs have an absorbent property, which prevents the absorption of fluid by the intestinal walls.

The suspension prepared from the powder is almost not absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. This creates osmotic pressure inside the intestine, due to which softened and increased stool begins to move towards the exit. Magnesia has a strong medicinal effect on the body and a wide range of uses, so consult your doctor before cleansing your intestines with it.

The intestinal cleansing preparation is prepared at the rate of 1 sachet of powder (25 g) per 100 ml of warm water. To enhance the effect, after taking the suspension you need to drink a glass of water. The laxative effect occurs after 40-60 minutes. To cleanse the intestines, the medicine is taken 2-3 times a day, half an hour before meals.


The cleansing course stops when normal, regular bowel movements are achieved. If the suspension is used for a long time, this can lead to inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa. Magnesia should not be used by children under 14 years of age, or if the following problems are observed in the patient’s body:

  • intestinal obstruction;
  • dehydration;
  • severe bradycardia (low pulse);
  • hypotension (low blood pressure);
  • anal bleeding;
  • renal failure;
  • appendicitis.

With caution and only under the supervision of the attending physician, the drug can be used to cleanse the intestines during pregnancy. If there is a need to use magnesia during lactation, breastfeeding should be suspended while taking the medicine.

During a magnesium cleansing course, the following adverse reactions of the body may occur:

  • bloating and flatulence;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • decreased blood pressure and heart rate;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • feeling of thirst;
  • drowsiness (strong sedative effect).


If there is an excess of magnesium, depression of the central nervous system and respiratory depression with shortness of breath may occur. The body is under stress. Strict adherence to the dosages prescribed by the doctor is very important. Patient reviews of the drug are mostly positive. Side effects have been reported in case of overdose or exceeding the duration of the prescribed course.

Cleansing the intestines with folk remedies at home using salts is best done on an empty stomach. Avoid eating the night before.


Total bowel cleansing can be done no more than once a year. For preventive purposes, decoctions of medicinal herbs can be taken weekly. Folk remedies for intestinal cleansing, prepared on the basis of medicinal plants, help not only get rid of accumulated toxins, but also supply the body with vitamins, which allows you to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

But daily intake of herbal infusions can be harmful to health, since in this case all useful substances will be washed out of the body, and the natural balance of bacteria in the intestines will be disrupted. Here you need to follow the rule of the “golden mean”. The “more is better” principle is not suitable for colon cleansing. Everything should be done in moderation.

You can prepare a useful herbal mixture for cleansing the intestines yourself. This mixture includes the following medicinal plants:

  • dandelion root (4 tbsp.);
  • elderberry (2 tbsp);
  • senna (3 tbsp);
  • chamomile (1 tbsp).

Each of the herbs used in this collection to cleanse the intestines works differently, and when combined, the herbs complement each other. Dandelion root has a choleretic effect, elderberry dissolves mucus, senna herb loosens stool, chamomile has a sedative and antiseptic effect on the body. All of the herbs listed can be purchased at the pharmacy.

Preparation and use

For the cleaning procedure, take 1.5 tbsp. l. collection, place in a thermos and pour 0.2 liters of boiling water. Let the herbal tea steep for about 1 hour, then strain and drink at night before bed.

Due to the presence of dandelion root in the composition, the drink is slightly bitter, but it cannot be sweetened with either sugar or honey. The infusion will take effect overnight and you will have stool in the morning. Each organism has individual characteristics, and therefore it may be necessary to select the dosage of herbs for 1 serving of colon cleansing tea. The main and most reliable indicator is the quality of the stool. Ideally, it should be rich and soft, but not runny.

If diarrhea occurs in the morning after drinking the drink, the amount of dry matter per brew should be reduced to 1 tbsp. l. for 200 ml of water. If you are prone to constipation, the average dosage may not be enough. In this case, there will be no stool in the morning. If the body reacts in this way, the dosage of dry herbs should be increased to 2 tbsp. l. The duration of taking the cleansing infusion is 14 days.

Carry out cleansing procedures with caution so as not to harm the body. When using laxatives, use moderation so as not to wash out beneficial microflora from the intestines. By cleaning correctly, you can achieve amazing effects. This means excellent health, clear skin, vigor, as well as good mood and increased performance.

Doctors are unanimous in their opinion that the cause of the increase in incidence is toxins, poisons and waste. They accumulate in our body and cause poisoning. To prevent this, it is necessary to get rid of harmful accumulations in a timely manner. The health of the entire body depends on the cleanliness of the digestive system, so it is very important to begin cleansing the gastrointestinal tract first. Often slagging is the cause of deterioration of the condition. If a person notices increased fatigue, decreased immunity, or an increase in colds, it is necessary to take action and carry out cleaning.

Who needs to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract?

It is not difficult to understand that the body needs help. If you have at least a few of the symptoms listed below, you are at risk:

  • constant persistent fatigue;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • the appearance of skin problems;
  • malfunctions of the digestive system;
  • poor quality of hair and nails;
  • unpleasant odor of all secretions (urine, sweat, etc.);
  • persistent colds;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • sleep problems;
  • problems with the spine;
  • frequent migraine-like pain;
  • shortness of breath, breathing problems.

Everyone who lives in large cities, works in a stressful job, takes medications, or has bad habits is at risk.

Slagging in the body contributes to:

  • eating on the go, snacking, lack of a full meal;
  • passion for fast food;
  • lack of sports and physical activity;
  • passion for fatty foods;
  • unnatural food.

The danger of slagging of the body

Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract is not just a fashion statement, it is a truly necessary procedure. Our intestines are a special organ; having a very long length, it is capable of accumulating up to one and a half dozen kilograms of slag waste. The product gradually decomposes, poisoning the body. The process occurs day after day, toxic substances systematically enter the bloodstream and spread throughout the body.

Poisoning causes the development of pathological processes that negatively affect health and even pose a danger to life. Slag stones interfere with the absorption of beneficial components, impoverishing the body. Mucus begins to accumulate in the organ, and mold develops. In this case, there is no need to talk about any health; you need to immediately change the situation and cleanse the gastrointestinal tract.

Toxins negatively affect the health of the organ as a whole:

  • failure in the production of gastric juice;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation;
  • inflammatory processes in internal organs;
  • impaired intestinal motility;
  • proliferation of pathogenic microflora;
  • dysbiosis.

Illness in the digestive system immediately affects the health of the immune system.

Toxins removed at the wrong time poison the body and lead to the following manifestations:

  • disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • constant headaches;
  • general intoxication;
  • compaction of feces;
  • the appearance of stones;
  • dysfunction of the liver, kidneys;
  • stomach infection;
  • oncological diseases.

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Proper preparation for cleansing the gastrointestinal tract

To clean the organ effectively and correctly, you need to properly carry out the preparatory work. It is necessary to start with the intestines, for the reason that it is the most polluted. The most active phase of the intestines is autumn, so during the autumn period it is preferable to cleanse the organ. Before you start cleaning, you need to prepare your digestive tract for cleansing. The essence of the process is as follows:

  • rational and balanced diet, plant foods should predominate in the diet;
  • reducing the amount of consumed sweets and flour products;
  • the minimum possible consumption of fish and meat, no more than once a week;
  • meals in small portions, five times a day;
  • sufficient consumption of ordinary water - from one and a half liters per day.

You need to change your gastronomic habits a month before the planned cleanse. It is necessary to cleanse the intestines and stomach annually, sometimes a couple of times a year. It's not particularly pleasant, but the results are worth the effort. A person who has cleansed the gastrointestinal tract notices a noticeable improvement in his condition. Colon cleansing helps:

  • blood purification;
  • removal of toxins and slag components;
  • normalization of the digestive system;
  • getting rid of headaches;
  • blood pressure stabilization;
  • getting rid of skin and hair problems.

In addition, the emotional mood improves, lightness appears in the body, and energy is filled. A person rejuvenates both internally and externally.

The first steps of cleansing the gastrointestinal tract

The beginning of cleansing procedures must begin with the colon. There are two directions: enemas and the use of laxatives. Before starting the procedure, it is recommended to undergo therapeutic fasting for one or two days. After this, cleansing of the entire intestine begins and there are a lot of options here. Planned cleaning consists of the following steps: drinking salted water, laxatives and enemas. In this case, a preparatory period is also needed.

The procedure begins early in the morning. It is advisable to follow these rules:

  1. Prepare two and a half liters of salt water. The solution is prepared from a proportion of fifteen grams of salt per liter of water.
  2. The drinking temperature should be about thirty-seven to forty-two degrees.
  3. Initially, you need to drink two glasses of salted water, after which you drink one glass at intervals.

After some time, you will feel the urge to visit the toilet and defecate. After this, it is recommended to eat any vegetables or fruits. If desired, they can be replaced with rice porridge cooked in water. An enema helps cleanse the lower intestines. For the procedure, take warm water, you can prepare a special solution.

Lemon juice, potassium permanganate, honey, coffee, soda and decoctions of medicinal herbs are often added. There is a douching scheme, regardless of which auxiliary component you have chosen. Let's imagine for convenience that the course starts on Monday. The diagram looks like this:

  1. Mon. - half a liter of liquid.
  2. Tue - one litre.
  3. Wed. - break.
  4. Thurs. - one and a half liters.
  5. Fri. - break.
  6. Sat. - break.
  7. Sun. - two liters.

It is necessary to introduce liquid through the anus very carefully.

To do this, you need to lie on your left side, bend your knees slightly and try to relax. To avoid injury, you need to lubricate the tip with Vaseline.

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Other cleansing methods

A simple and easy habit will help to significantly improve the condition of the gastrointestinal tract: start your day with a glass of plain water without gas. It can be plain water, with lemon, at room temperature, hot or cold. In any case, it will help flush out all harmful substances from the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. Cleaning with microcrystalline cellulose. A very effective way to rid organs of old toxins, mucus and stones. MCC can be purchased at a pharmacy. The product acts like a brush, mechanically removing plaque on the walls of the digestive system. The main and very important condition for cleaning with MCC is the consumption of large amounts of water. The volume of liquid is individual for each specific case. The calculation is made using a simple formula: sixty milligrams of water for every kilogram of weight. You need to calculate the required amount and strictly follow the instructions, otherwise constipation may occur.
  2. Cleansing with bran. Bran cleanses the organ like MCC. The fiber in the product is not digested or absorbed; it swells in the intestines and, passing through the organ, removes harmful deposits. Bran is equally effective in removing fecal stones, toxins, heavy metals and other dangerous substances. You can buy the product at a pharmacy kiosk or in a store. It is recommended to consume three times a day half an hour before meals. Take two tablespoons of the product with a large volume of water. Take the drug for four weeks, once a year.

Colon cleansing with food

Some food products are extremely effective at cleaning the gastrointestinal tract, while filling the body with useful components.

  1. Peeling with apples. To normalize the body’s condition, it is recommended to spend a fasting day on fruits, such as apples. Cleaning will require more than two kilograms of product. You can only eat apples, drink mineral water and herbal tea. This option is suitable for monthly colon cleansing.
  2. Cleansing with porridge. Porridge helps remove from the body everything unnecessary that has stagnated or accumulated in the folds of the intestines. Porridges not only clean, but also heal various types of damage to the mucous walls. For cleaning, it is recommended to prepare a mixture of rice and oats. Take the same proportion of each cereal, generally one glass. You can add a little salt to the finished porridge; no oil is needed.
  3. Vegetable cleansing. A fasting day on vegetables will help bring the digestive tract organs back to normal and get rid of harmful substances and accumulations. Take two kilograms of vegetables, but you can’t eat anything else. You can drink pure water, herbal teas or mineral water. It is best to eat carrots, cucumbers, beets, sweet peppers, and cabbage. The ingredients can be mixed and eaten as a salad. Adding salt and vegetable oil is allowed.
  4. Cleansing with fruit juices. It is permissible to cleanse with fruit juices monthly. The drink will not only effectively relieve the digestive tract, but also fill the body with vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is recommended to use freshly prepared apple, orange, and peach juices. Drink two and a half liters of juice drink and as much plain water as possible per day. Eating food is prohibited.
  • Saline solution. You need to add twenty grams of salt to a one and a half liter bottle of regular water and drink the solution before your main meal. This encourages the bowels to empty. Drink the solution until the intestines are completely empty. After cleaning, you can eat vegetables, fruits, and cereals.
  • Medicines "Lavakol", "Fortrans", grass, buckthorn. Medicines have a laxative effect and help remove stagnant stool. Such drugs should not be used often. In addition, they can be addictive and cause pain when stimulating peristalsis. Medicines cannot cleanse the organ as deeply as possible, as saline solution or xylitol can.
  • Cleansing with water

    This is a very simple method that you need to make a habit of. A person who drinks about two liters of water a day helps the gastrointestinal tract get rid of harmful waste and metabolic products. If you have questions about how to cleanse your digestive tract as safely as possible, drink water.

    A large amount of water helps improve intestinal motility, which relieves a person from constipation. Feces are excreted on time and do not stagnate, which means that harmful substances do not penetrate into the blood. Salt water is useful because it is absorbed worse, but it helps to “acidify” old plaque and deposits.

    Contraindications to cleansing the gastrointestinal tract

    Any cleansing technique requires a careful approach; you cannot use the method without permission, no matter how harmless it may seem. There are conditions in which it is prohibited to cleanse the intestines at home:

    • diabetes;
    • the waiting period for the child;
    • period;
    • breastfeeding the baby;
    • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
    • asthmatic component;
    • meningitis;
    • heart disease;
    • oncological diseases;
    • tuberculosis.

    Even in the absence of these health problems, consultation with a doctor is mandatory.

    How to cleanse your stomach? This question should concern any person who cares about their health. The digestive system is a complex mechanism through which many different substances pass. Many of the processed components do not bring any benefit, and some are simply toxic to the human body. However, these various substances accumulate in the system and clog it. Clearing the stomach and intestines of unnecessary “garbage” means helping the entire body work at its full potential. In addition, cleansing the stomach at home is necessary in case of poisoning with low-quality products, stool disorders, etc. In other words, the cleansing procedure is an important event for maintaining normal vitality.

    The essence of the problem

    The digestive process is based on a complex mechanism involving a series of chemical reactions. Despite this, food is not completely absorbed, and its components gradually accumulate in the digestive organs - the stomach and intestines. As a result, the content of waste and toxins increases, which causes the following functional anomalies:

    • impaired secretion of gastric juice;
    • obstructing the passage of feces;
    • motor dysfunction;
    • the appearance of inflammatory reactions;
    • creating favorable conditions for the activation of opportunistic microorganisms;
    • dysbiosis.

    Failures in the digestive system significantly affect the immune defense of the entire body.

    The problem of dangerous clogging of the digestive system is especially relevant with excessive consumption of fatty, spicy and fried foods, alcohol and smoking abuse, frequent visits to fast food establishments, consumption of foods with all kinds of artificial additives, and a predominant diet of animal products.

    The main symptoms that indicate excessive accumulation of food toxins and waste in the body can be identified:

    • frequent flatulence and bloating;
    • unpleasant smell of sweat;
    • increased incidence of skin pathologies;
    • chronic constipation;
    • fast fatiguability;
    • breathing problems;
    • the appearance of signs of radiculitis.

    The appearance of abnormal signs indicates the need to cleanse the stomach at home or in a hospital. This procedure is called colon hydrotherapy.

    When consuming low-quality products or poisonous fruits, acute food poisoning can occur when the food system is affected by various bacteria and viruses: E. coli, salmonella, shigella, staphylococci, etc. In this case, the process develops very quickly, and the stomach must be urgently rinsed to remove toxins.

    Neglecting the problems of intestinal and stomach clogging can lead to numerous complications. Among them are the following pathologies:

    • absorption and evacuation dysfunction of the colon;
    • intoxication of the body;
    • the appearance of fecal stones;
    • disruption of the pelvic organs, liver and kidneys;
    • danger of intestinal infections;
    • disorders of the cardiovascular system;
    • breathing problems;
    • migraine;
    • tumors of the stomach and intestines.

    Measures for food intoxication

    Food poisoning occurs when eating poor-quality, stale or contaminated foods or drinking untreated water. The incubation period is on average 10-12 hours. The main symptoms are: fever, malaise, discomfort in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, pain in the abdominal area of ​​various types, general weakness. The most obvious sign is unexpected diarrhea. Usually the color of the stool changes: green - with salmonellosis, crimson - with amoebiasis, the appearance of rice fat - with cholera. Sometimes impurities of blood, mucus, pus, as well as a specific odor appear. At the first signs of food intoxication, you should immediately call an ambulance and begin taking emergency measures.

    Treatment for food poisoning includes two main stages: cleansing the stomach of toxic substances and infections and restoring microflora and fluid. The first step is to cleanse the stomach at home by lavaging it and inducing artificial vomiting. You can quickly achieve the desired effect by using a weak solution of potassium permanganate or baking soda (20-25 g per 1.5 liters of water). After consuming a portion of the solution, vomiting is induced, and then the procedure is repeated several times until complete cleansing of the stomach is achieved. You can use the pharmaceutical composition Polysorb MP, diluting it in water (1 tbsp per 1 liter of water).

    The second step is cleaning the stomach using a sorbent. The most common is activated carbon, which is most often used to cleanse the intestines at home. It absorbs all harmful substances, inhibits their absorption into the body and promotes active elimination. Recommended dosage: 1 standard tablet per 10 kg of person’s weight. In case of severe poisoning, the dosage can be increased. The most convenient form of use is dilution in water at room temperature. Modern sorbents that compete with coal include Smecta, Enterosgel, Laktofiltrum.

    After cleansing the stomach and intestines is completed, it is necessary to restore the water balance. For this purpose, an enhanced drinking regime is provided - up to 3 liters of liquid per day. For the intestines at home, the most beneficial effect is alternating between drinking a salted solution (10-15 g of salt per 1 liter of water) and sweet tea. The mineralized compounds Regidron and Oralit have a good restorative effect. In general, after cleansing activities, the following therapy is recommended for complete restoration of the body:

    • preparations for restoring microflora (Hilak Forte, Linex, Mezim);
    • antipyretics at temperatures above 38 °C (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen) and antibiotics, if necessary, strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

    After cleansing the stomach and intestines is completed, it is necessary to restore the water balance. For this purpose, an enhanced drinking regime is provided - up to 3 liters of liquid per day.

    Routine digestive system cleansing

    With the gradual accumulation of harmful substances in the digestive organs, it is advisable to carry out the question of how to clean the system in a planned manner with preliminary preparation of the body. This cleansing of the stomach can be carried out as an independent event or in combination with procedures for cleansing the entire body. The preparatory stage includes preliminary cleansing through therapeutic fasting, a fruit and vegetable or juice diet for 1-2 days before the procedures, as well as warming up the body in a bathhouse or sauna.

    The main methods that have a cleansing effect: colon hydrotherapy, the use of salt water, the prescription of laxatives and enemas.

    The colon hydrotherapy procedure is usually carried out in a hospital and involves washing the intestines with water. As a result of this effect, it is possible to lose several kilograms of weight at once, digestion is normalized and overall well-being improves.

    Use of salt water

    At home, in the absence of special equipment, simplified colon hydrotherapy is performed - cleansing with salt water. In this case, unlike acute poisoning, the purpose of the procedure is not to induce vomiting, but to pass the solution throughout the esophagus and excrete it in the urine. The procedure is carried out as follows:

    1. A saline solution is prepared: salt (preferably Carlsbad or sea salt) is mixed in water heated to a temperature of 38-42 ° C in a proportion of about 10-15 g per 1 liter of water. A reduced salt concentration prolongs the process but does not cause vomiting, which is important for the implementation of this method.
    2. Drink about 2-2.5 liters of water over 1-1.5 hours.
    3. The drinking regime is as follows: first, drink 0.4-0.5 liters and take a break until the liquid passes through the intestines, then alternately drink the rest of the volume in portions of 200-250 ml. After drinking water, you should feel the urge to urinate.
    4. After cleansing through urination, you should eat light food - vegetables, fruits, porridge with water (preferably rice).

    At home, in the absence of special equipment, simplified colon hydrotherapy is performed - cleansing with salt water.

    The best time for the event is in the morning on an empty stomach. In total, it is recommended to carry out 4-6 cleansings with a break between procedures of 2-3 days. It is advisable to carry out such colon hydrotherapy annually (2-3 times a year is possible).

    Administration of enemas

    Using an enema is considered a good method for cleansing the colon. This method does not completely empty the intestines and stomach, but is most often used to cleanse the rectum, incl. for constipation. The most common are enemas with solutions to which salt, activated charcoal or infusions of medicinal herbs are added. The following compositions of cleansing enemas can be recommended:

    1. Coffee composition: dissolve ground coffee (3 tablespoons) in boiling water (200 ml) and boil for 10-14 minutes over low heat.
    2. Honey composition: honey (1 tbsp.) mixed with lemon juice (from half a lemon) and diluted in warm water (200 ml); The enema is given within 12-16 minutes.

    Use of laxatives

    For intestinal motility disorders and constipation, the best way to cleanse the system is to take laxatives. Such drugs can be divided into several groups:

    1. Fiber-based products: Metamucil, Citrusel - be sure to wash it down with water.
    2. Muscle tone stimulants: Dulcolax, Senokot.
    3. Laxatives with osmotic action to facilitate fecal excretion: Sorbitol, Colase.
    4. Lubricants and salts: Haley, Milk of Magnesia.
    5. Chloride channel activators: Lubiprostone.

    In case of severe manifestations of intestinal damage, potent laxatives such as Fortrans are prescribed.

    Folk remedies

    Folk remedies based on medicinal plants and healthy vegetables become good helpers in cleansing the digestive organs. Several methods can be suggested:

    1. Eggplant is able to cleanse the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from various infections. Its seeds fight bacteria, mucus, and worms well.
    2. Pine decoction is used against toxins. Method of preparation: pine needles are crushed (100 g), poured with boiling water (500 ml) and infused overnight. The tincture is drunk every 30-40 minutes throughout the day.
    3. White cabbage juice is very useful for cleaning canals if consumed freshly.
    4. Alcohol tincture of garlic: chopped vegetable is poured with vodka (proportion 1:5) and infused for 8-10 days at room temperature. Use diluted - 5 drops per 1 tbsp. l. water.
    5. A common cleaning method: castor oil with lemon in a 1:2 ratio. It is used at the rate of 10 ml of castor oil per 10 kg of body weight. It is recommended to drink before bedtime.

    The digestive system is highly susceptible to food toxins. The method of cleaning the stomach and intestines depends on the degree and severity of poisoning. In case of acute poisoning, urgent measures are required. Long-term accumulation of toxins and waste should also be periodically disposed of.

    Colon cleansing solves many health problems. Toxins in the body accumulate from taking medications, environmental factors, junk food, all of which is reflected in one’s appearance. The signal for cleaning is general malaise and lack of vitality. Harmful substances are naturally eliminated more slowly with age - for this there are folk methods and special means of cleansing the body, which improve the general condition.


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    Why do you need a colon cleanse?

    Slagging causes malfunctions in the functioning of the body, when toxins, impurities and poisons accumulate in the human body, any disease is difficult to treat. The immune system is not able to cope with such a load. The presence of slagging can be seen with the naked eye. Rashes appear on the face and body, pimples, acne, hair and nails take on an unhealthy appearance. A person begins to have mental problems - memory weakens, concentration disappears, and nervous breakdowns appear.

    Some problems with the intestines include constipation, pain in the lower abdomen, and bleeding from the anus. With such symptoms, you should contact a specialist to get examined. Usually in such situations it is enough to undergo a colonoscopy examination. During this procedure, the inside of the colon and rectum is examined using a flexible tube or device equipped with a video camera and a light source.

    Cleansing can improve the condition of the skin, normalize the functioning of the nervous system, improve immunity and protect against colds. After cleansing, all organs begin to work more efficiently, chronic diseases respond more quickly to treatment, and sometimes disappear completely. It also helps to get rid of excess weight.

    System of nutrition and cleansing of the body according to Ivan Neumyvakin - the use of soda and hydrogen peroxide

    Symptoms of slagging

    Substances that poison the body accumulate in internal organs, bones and intercellular spaces. They get in with air, water, and food. Symptoms of slagging are expressed in the following manifestations:

    • inflammation of the sebaceous glands;
    • death of nerve cells;
    • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • low immunity;
    • increased fatigue and decreased performance;
    • damage to mucous membranes;
    • allergic reactions;
    • decreased appetite, constant thirst;
    • liver diseases;
    • premature aging of the skin, brittle nails and unhealthy hair;
    • absent-mindedness, memory loss and frequent headaches.

    Slagging can include pathologies of the cardiovascular system, the development of early strokes and heart attacks. The intestines react to medications, stress and poor diet.

    Cleaning rules

    To feel good, you must follow the principles of a healthy lifestyle:

    • move actively and eat right;
    • spend more time in nature;
    • drink clean water;
    • eliminate bad habits;
    • limit the use of synthetic detergents;
    • include more raw vegetables and fruits in your diet;
    • have a full rest.

    In humans, the body is able to cleanse itself, without any external influences. Waste and toxins are effectively eliminated through the kidneys, liver, intestines and sweat glands. You should not get carried away with cleansing procedures and various diets, so as not to harm the body.

    Methods of colon cleansing

    There are several ways to cleanse the intestines that will help you regain good health and lose weight: the use of medications, enemas, recipes for folk remedies, fasting diets. You can carry out the procedure yourself at home.

    In the small intestine, food is not retained, but moves on. In other parts of the organ, the process slows down; toxins in food are absorbed into the walls of the large intestine. To prevent them from entering the blood and muscle tissues of the body, the digestive organ should be completely emptied.


    To select medications, you should consult a specialist. The most common and effective medications:

    1. 1. Fortrans is an effective laxative for removing toxins. One sachet is diluted in 1 liter of boiled water, within 6 hours you need to drink 3 liters of solution.
    2. 2. Duphalac - a drug with the same effect. 200 mg of solution is diluted in 3 liters of water and taken every 15 minutes in small portions for 6 hours.
    3. 3. Magnesium sulfate or magnesium - for abundant bowel movements, one packet of salt is enough, it must be dissolved in 100 mg of water and consumed immediately. Cleaning will begin within one hour.
    4. 4. Activated carbon - tablets that absorb harmful substances. You need to take it for 3-7 days at the rate of 1 tablet for every 10 kg of body weight, toxins are excreted along with feces. A contraindication for this method is the presence of peptic ulcers.
    5. 5. Castor oil - if well tolerated, take 1 g per 1 kg of weight. Directions for use: measure the required amount and drink, followed by freshly squeezed lemon juice. The oil solution is taken at night; after using it, it is not recommended to eat for 12 hours.

    You can try all the means one by one and choose the most effective and convenient method for yourself.

    • boiled water;
    • spoon of vegetable oil;
    • lemon or apple cider vinegar.

    Cool boiled water to body temperature. Add lemon juice or 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to 2 liters of water. Hang the vessel, lubricate the tube with vegetable oil and begin the procedure. At the end of the session, it is recommended to move for a few minutes. When pressure appears on the intestines, you should try to empty it. An enema is given within a month:

    1. 1. The first week - every day, preferably at the same time.
    2. 2. Second week - every other day.
    3. 3. Third week - in two days.
    4. 4. The fourth - in three days.

    All this time it is necessary to adhere to a special diet: consume more unrefined grains cooked in water. The use of enemas has contraindications: hemorrhoids, intestinal polyps, fissures, rectal prolapse.


    This cleansing method is suitable for people to lose excess weight. You can eat oat, wheat, and rice bran; they contain fiber, which quickly and effectively cleanses the intestines. When consuming this product, the microflora is normalized and immunity is increased.

    Bran should be taken 3 times a day, half an hour before meals: 2 tablespoons washed down with 2 glasses of clean water. When mixed with water, the product swells and increases in volume. Once in the intestines, it irritates its walls, resulting in emptying. This method cleanses the intestinal walls of fecal stones; the course of use is one month.


    The most useful is Hercules oatmeal, which completely cleanses the intestines, removes waste and toxins, and delivers minerals to the body. It's easy to prepare: a handful of cereal is brewed with hot water or milk - a very healthy breakfast.

    Millet porridge. To prepare, you need to rinse the cereal in the evening and add clean water, in the morning do not drain the liquid and bring to a boil, cook for up to 8 minutes. You can add dried fruits or pumpkin to the porridge.

    Buckwheat or rice porridge is prepared like millet porridge. Helps remove toxins and mucus from the intestinal walls, saturates the body with potassium and magnesium.

    Fresh juices

    They increase the speed of movement of digested food through the intestines, preventing it from stagnating, as a result of which toxins do not have time to form. The best juices for cleansing are:

    • vegetable - beetroot and carrot;
    • fruit - apple and orange.

    They should be consumed one glass between meals. It is not recommended to drink freshly squeezed juices without preparation - in a few days you need to increase the amount of raw vegetables and fruits in your diet.

    Salty water

    The simplest and most effective folk method of healing, but it has contraindications. You cannot clean with salt water if you have a stomach ulcer, hemorrhoids, oncology, liver and kidney diseases.

    To carry out the procedure, one tablespoon of rock salt must be dissolved in a liter of warm water and drunk on an empty stomach. The saline solution will begin to push out everything that has accumulated in the intestines, so it is advisable to stay at home on this day. Nausea may occur; to prevent this from happening, add lemon juice to the solution.

    This remedy is suitable for rapid weight loss: a unloading effect occurs and excess fluid is removed. In one day of a salt diet you can lose several kilograms. The procedure cannot be abused, because useful microelements are washed out along with toxins and waste.

    Kefir cleansing with juices

    The method is designed for three days with a special diet:

    1. 1. First day - divide 2.5 liters of kefir into 6 servings and drink throughout the day. It is allowed to eat crackers made from black bread.
    2. 2. Second day - prepare 2 liters of apple juice, only sweet apples are suitable for this, so as not to irritate the walls of the intestines and stomach. In addition - black bread crackers.
    3. 3. Third day - you can eat salads and boiled vegetables. Cook using beets, carrots and potatoes. You can add sauerkraut, vegetable oil, and onions. Add black bread crackers to this.

    To systematically cleanse the intestines, the diet should be carried out 2 times a month. Kefir contains components that are beneficial for microflora. It is completely digestible and processed, suitable even for people with milk intolerance. This is a low-calorie product and is used in dietary nutrition.

    A gentle and painless intestinal cleansing comes from fresh kefir with a low fat content at room temperature. A drink with a fat content of more than 2% hardens the digestive organ and causes stool retention.

    Flax seeds

    They are used in different ways, the simplest option is considered to be a water infusion, it has several methods of use:

    1. 1. Grind one teaspoon of flax seed in a coffee grinder or grind in a mortar. Add 200 ml of cold water and leave for 12 hours to allow mucus to form. Drink on an empty stomach in the morning and do not eat or drink anything for an hour. Should be taken regularly, for a month.
    2. 2. Unground seeds - 2 teaspoons - add water, boil for 10 minutes and cool. Use the product at night, 2 hours after meals or before bed. The course lasts up to 3 weeks. The recipe helps to cleanse the intestines more strongly and is taken in the evening.

    Super recipe with kefir. Ground flour will do, the kefir should be fresh - up to two days old, the fat content does not matter, an additional advantage will be the “Bio” label. It is recommended to carry out the procedure for 3 weeks. It should be taken on an empty stomach in the morning instead of breakfast; if you feel hungry, the portion can be increased to 0.5 liters. Algorithm:

    1. 1. First week - add 3 teaspoons of ground flax to 100 ml of fresh kefir.
    2. 2. Second week - the same amount of kefir, flax - 6 teaspoons.
    3. 3. Third week - increase the amount of kefir to 200 ml, and add 9 teaspoons of flax.

    If necessary, the course can be repeated in a month, counting from the last day of taking the drug.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to completely lose excess weight? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

    Every day, debris accumulates in the folds of the intestines and stomach, which is a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria and pathogenic microorganisms.

    Recent studies have proven that at least half of the world's population has several kilograms of toxins and waste in their bodies, which interfere with the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

    Before carrying out measures to remove waste and toxins, you must make sure that these measures are necessary. The following signs indicate that the body is “contaminated”:

    • Chronic fatigue
    • Fast fatiguability
    • Periodic problems with the gastrointestinal tract: constipation, flatulence, diarrhea, bloating
    • Deterioration of skin condition
    • Brittle hair and nails
    • Frequent colds
    • Sleep disturbance
    • Migraine
    • Breathing problems, shortness of breath

    Also at risk are people who predominantly live in urban areas, are exposed to stress and adverse environmental influences, often drink alcohol, and take a lot of medications. The following also have a great influence on the “clogging” of the body:

    • Frequent snacking
    • Regular visits to fast food restaurants
    • Refusal to play sports
    • Eating too fatty foods
    • Food containing large amounts of harmful food additives

    Preparing to cleanse the stomach and intestines at home

    The procedure for cleansing the digestive tract begins with the intestines, since it is the most polluted part of the body. All food waste accumulates in its bends and turns into fecal stones.

    They undergo a process of decay over time and are absorbed back into the walls of the colon, and then spread throughout the body. The intestines work most actively in the fall, so it is believed that the removal of toxins is best done at this time.

    Doctors advise starting preparation by changing your diet. A month before the expected removal of food waste, you need to give up flour, sweet and fatty foods, and drink alcohol and energy drinks. Additionally, doctors recommend drinking at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day, based on 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.

    Folk remedies for removing waste and toxins

    The intestines and stomach can be cleansed with regular foods. This is the softest and most gentle method, since it is not capable of causing much harm to the digestive organs.

    The method stimulates natural bowel movements, acting as a laxative. The following foods are readily available and are among the most effective ways to cleanse the stomach and intestines at home:

    • Apples

    They are best used during fasting days, when you can only consume this fruit, but in unlimited quantities. Along with apples, you need to drink plenty of water and herbal tea.

    • Dried fruits

    Well-known ones will help to improve the functioning of the digestive tract: dried apricots, figs, prunes, as well as stinging nettle. The indicated ingredients are taken in equal proportions, 300 grams each, and ground well. Honey and aloe are added to them, 100 g each, respectively. Take the resulting mixture twice a day, one spoon at a time. The course of admission is 10 days.

    They have a lot of nutrients and vitamins that will not only help cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, but strengthen the entire body. In this case, any types of cereals are suitable: rice, buckwheat, quinoa, oats, millet, pearl barley.

    One way to unload toxins is to drink a glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning, then eat a portion of porridge for breakfast, lunch and dinner. At the same time, do not forget to drink enough water or juice.

    Cleansing with rice grains will take longer, as you need to steep 1 cup of rice for 5 days. The water is changed daily and the rice is washed.

    It is then boiled for a few minutes and divided into 5 servings for daily breakfast. After such a breakfast, it is recommended not to eat for 4 hours. The course of cleansing using this method is designed for 40 days. And it should be done once a year.

    Freshly squeezed juices or fresh juices have a good effect. You can choose any fruit or a combination of them: apples, pears, oranges, grapefruits, etc.

    But it is best to give preference to sour fruits, since the fruit acid they contain helps break down toxins and remove them.

    You need to drink at least 2 liters of juice per day and it is best not to eat food at all. Take the juice at regular intervals, for example, every hour. This will prevent your appetite from running wild and relieve you from the pangs of hunger.

    • Kefir

    This method of cleansing the stomach and intestines at home is based on the same principles as when cleansing with juice. You need to choose kefir with any fat content and consume it all day, excluding any meals. This product cleanses the microflora and eliminates the proliferation of rotting bacteria in feces.

    • Bran

    It is necessary to eat 2 tablespoons of bran 15 minutes before each meal. They should be washed down with clean non-carbonated water, tea or juice.

    If you exclude liquid, there will be no positive effect, since the bran will not swell. It is not recommended to take more than 6 tablespoons per day.

    • Beet

    This vegetable has a lot of useful substances that help strengthen the entire body as a whole. Cleaning with this product lasts 1 week. It is necessary to grate the beets and squeeze the juice out of them.

    Roll the remaining mixture into small balls and store in the refrigerator. Beetroot juice is consumed in the evening before bed, and the balls should be eaten half an hour before each meal.

    • Flax seeds

    To cleanse the body, take 1 teaspoon of flax seeds and pour boiling water for at least 5 hours. You need to take 1 glass of boiling water. The resulting mass should be consumed within one week before bedtime. It is very important to eat the seeds along with the liquid.

    • Rowan

    It is best to harvest rowan in the fall. An ordinary red rowan is suitable for this method. You need to take 1 teaspoon of rowan and mash it well. Then pour 1 glass of cold boiled water.

    This solution must be left to steep for at least 8 hours. And then use it within one day at any time. This course can be extended to several days.

    • Rose hip

    Grind 100 grams of dry rose hips in a blender; a meat grinder or coffee grinder is also suitable. Pour the resulting mass with warm boiled water until the consistency resembles thick sour cream. After this, let it sit for several hours. Take once a day, preferably in the evening, the entire mass.

    For this detoxification method, you can take already steamed rose hips and also grind them in any available way. The resulting slurry should be taken 2 hours after dinner.

    • Laminaride

    It is a regular sea herb in the form of granules, which can be bought at any pharmacy. Once in the intestines, sea grass swells and removes all unnecessary toxins from the body. These granules should be taken according to the instructions on the package in the morning on an empty stomach for 7 days.

    Removing toxins with honey is one of the most pleasant ways to cleanse not only the stomach and intestines at home, but the entire body. The easiest option is cleansing with honey water. Dissolve 1 tablespoon of honey in a glass of water at room temperature and drink in the morning on an empty stomach. The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months.

    You can also mix 1 teaspoon of honey and 2 teaspoons of lemon juice in 1 glass of warm water. You can take this solution in the morning before meals or during the day 20 minutes before meals.

    Honey goes well with aloe and enhances its effect. Grind a few aloe leaves in a meat grinder and add 1-2 tablespoons of honey to them. Store the resulting pulp in the refrigerator and consume it in the morning before meals or in the evening before bed.

    • Herbal infusions

    Senna herb has one of the most powerful laxative effects. It can be purchased at the pharmacy, both stems and leaves. They are sold in the form of powder, tablets or tea to choose from.

    One option for using this remedy: pour 1-2 teaspoons of dry leaves of this herb into 250 ml of boiling water. Let sit covered for 15 minutes and consume in the evening before going to bed.

    You can also make your own cleansing herbal mixture from: 4 teaspoons of dandelion or immortelle, 3 tablespoons of buckthorn, 2 tablespoons of fennel seeds, and one spoon of mint. Mix all these herbs, pour 1 teaspoon of herbal mixture with 1 glass of boiling water. Take throughout the day, for at least 7 days.

    • Castor oil

    Since castor oil has a specific odor, it is better to take it by mixing it with bran, lemon juice or kefir. One option is to mix 1 teaspoon each of bran and castor oil, crushed to a powder. Then add 1 tablespoon of kefir. Take this mixture for 10 days, either on an empty stomach or 2 hours after dinner.

    Another method is also to mix castor oil and lemon juice. Oil is taken at the rate of 1 gram per 1 kg of weight, then it is heated and mixed with juice at the rate of: 2 parts juice and 1 part oil.

    Cleansing with water

    Cleansing the gastrointestinal tract can be done with the most accessible means - water. People who drink enough water a day, 10-14 glasses, help the intestines get rid of unnecessary waste faster and protect it from unwanted consequences such as constipation.

    Plain water helps the work, thereby stimulating the excretion of feces. A more effective way is to use salt water. The essence of this method is that salt water is more easily absorbed by the intestinal walls and, accordingly, washes all the folds of this organ well.

    First of all, you need to prepare a solution - mix 1 liter of water with 1-2 teaspoons of sea salt, not iodized. The resulting liquid should be taken in the morning on an empty stomach.

    The solution is effective for 1 hour, so it is better not to plan important things and stay close to the toilet. If there is no laxative effect after 2 hours, then you should drink another 1 liter of water with salt.

    Many doctors advise drinking enough water until you start having watery bowel movements. But you can drink salt water on an empty stomach every day or during the day before meals.

    How to cleanse the stomach and intestines with soda

    Baking soda or sodium bicarbonate breaks down in the human body into salt, carbon dioxide and water. It reacts with stomach acid and is a good colon cleanser. Baking soda helps get rid of unnecessary gases, pain, and also speeds up the process of bowel movements.

    To cleanse the body, you need to drink a soda solution in the morning on an empty stomach. To do this, dissolve 1 teaspoon of soda in 50 ml of warm water and mix well. The resulting solution must be drunk completely. You can repeat this procedure for several days.

    Another way is to mix baking soda and apple cider vinegar. This solution is used as needed, as it has a strong laxative effect.

    You need to mix 1/2 teaspoon of soda and 2 tbsp. spoons of vinegar. It is better to give preference to block vinegar. Dissolve this mixture in a glass of water and mix well.


    At home, you can use medications to remove toxins, but before using them, it is better to consult with a specialist. The most popular and proven include:

    • Activated carbon

    It can be used not only to remove toxins, harmful bacteria and microbes, but also for comprehensive cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract.

    The essence of the action of charcoal powder is that each tablet consists of tiny pores that attract harmful microbes and adsorb them from the body.

    This medicine should be used at the rate of 1 tablet per 10 kg of weight. The frequency of use is 2 times a day, morning and evening. It is best to crush the tablets and take them with plenty of water. Duration of use is 2-3 weeks.

    • Magnesium sulfate

    Another name for this drug is magnesia or “Epsom salt.” It has a strong laxative effect, causing the intestinal walls to contract and expel the contents. Magnesia is not absorbed into the walls and has a choleretic effect.

    Dilute one sachet of dry powder (30 g) in 100 ml of boiled water and drink the entire solution. Use this remedy in the morning or evening 2 hours before going to bed. The course of cleansing is 3 days. During this time, eat light food, excluding meat, as well as fatty, salty and sweet foods.

    • Fortrans

    This drug is often prescribed to patients before undergoing examinations of the digestive system. Its peculiarity is that it gently cleanses the organs without injuring the microflora.

    Use the drug at the rate of 1 sachet per 15-20 kg of weight. One sachet dissolves in 1 liter of water, which means you need to drink 3-4 liters of solution on average.

    The reading can be done at any time, the effect occurs within 1 hour. You should drink 1 glass and repeat the procedure after 15 minutes. This drug has a specific taste, so you can eat a slice of lemon, tangerine or orange after each glass.

    • Lavacol

    It is a laxative powder packaged in sachets. This medication has many contraindications, so it is not suitable for everyone.

    Lavacol increases the volume and softens the stool, thereby causing the intestines to contract reflexively. But along with feces, the amount of electrolytes will decrease. Therefore, you should not use this drug for a long time.

    1 sachet is dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature, consumed on average 15 doses with an interval of 20 minutes. That is, the whole procedure will take several hours, during which time it is recommended to eat only liquid food.

    How to cleanse the intestines with an enema

    According to the rules, cleansing the body should be carried out in 3 stages. Then it will pass most gently and painlessly. At the first stage, you should adjust your diet, that is, switch to more dietary foods.

    The second stage consists of a course of cleansing enemas, which is usually carried out over 3 weeks. At the last stage, a number of measures are carried out to restore the intestinal microflora: therapeutic massages and self-massages, special physical exercises, medications.

    An enema can be done using a regular syringe, but it is better to use an Esmarch mug, its volume is 2-2.5 liters. The entire structure is fixed at a height of 1-1.5 meters.

    It is best to administer an enema while standing on all fours, or lying on your left side, with your knees pulled up to your stomach. After starting fluid administration, you should wait 5-10 minutes and then empty your bowels.

    Usually enemas are done early in the morning or in the evening, a few hours before going to bed. The basis of all enemas that cleanse the body of waste and toxins is pure boiled water - 1.5–2 liters, which is mixed with any solution of your choice.

    The main options for enemas:

    • Walker enema. It is based on an acidic solution that has a gentle effect on microflora. It also prevents the development of bacterial growth processes in the colon. Dilute 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or 4-6% vinegar in 2 liters of clean water. It is best to take apple cider vinegar.
    • Garlic enema. Grind 1 clove of garlic with 200 ml of water. After administering this solution, you can also prepare a cleansing enema to facilitate the passage of feces.
    • Salt enema. There are many variations of this enema. But the most popular is to mix 1 tablespoon of salt with 1 liter of water. You can also add 20 drops of Lugol's.
    • Herbal enema. This option consists of decoctions of various herbs. Usually mixed in equal parts: sage, mint, chamomile, eucalyptus and currant leaves. Then pour boiling water over 1-2 tablespoons of the selected herb. For such a volume of dry mixture you need 0.5 liters of hot water. Let the mixture sit for at least 20 minutes and the decoction can be used.
    • Enema with honey. Dilute 2 tablespoons of honey in 0.5 liters of boiled water at room temperature and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice. After administering the solution, it is best to hold it for a few minutes and then empty the intestines.

    So, now you know how and with what to cleanse the stomach and intestines. These methods can be easily carried out without medical intervention. But in order not to cause more harm to the body or acquire undesirable consequences, it is better to consult a doctor.
