The hereditary tragedy of the Maksakovs. The difficult fate of a famous family

Today, September 26, famous actress theater and cinema Lyudmila Maksakova celebrates her birthday. The artist turned 77 years old. For my creative career she played a huge number of roles in both theatrical productions, both on television and in cinema. Despite the dizzying success in her career, harmony did not always reign in her family.

Son's trial

Lyudmila Maksakova married twice. She did not live long with her first husband, artist Lev Zbarsky. The couple had a son, Maxim. At first he bore his father's surname, but after his move to the USA he became Maksakov. Lev Borisovich did not maintain contact with his family and spent last days all alone. He died of lung cancer. The grandchildren of Lyudmila Maksakova buried their grandfather in the USA

Four years ago, the actress’s family was affected by a major scandal. Her son was accused of stealing a huge sum from budget funds- 260 million rubles. This money was allocated for a campaign to popularize sports leisure and healthy image life. Over the course of four years, Maksakov’s company concluded eight contracts worth 370 million. According to investigators, the company of the actress’s son claimed that it spent money on materials in the press. However, the journalists themselves, who prepared the articles, assured that they did it in a working manner.

// Photo: Mikhail Frolov/ TVNZ/

Maxim Maksakov and his colleague Vasily Kolodny did not admit their guilt and believed that they were only victims of arbitrariness on the part of former operatives. The actress's son was sentenced to three years, but since he for a long time was under house arrest, this term was counted against him and he was released straight from the courtroom.

Quarrel with daughter over son-in-law

Lyudmila Maksakova also has a daughter from her second marriage with German entrepreneur Peter Andreas Igenbergs. Maria followed in the footsteps of her famous grandmother, opera singer Maria Maksakova. The artist was a guest soloist Bolshoi Theater since 2003. Despite the active creative activity, she decided to try herself in politics.

In 2011, she became a State Duma deputy from the party " United Russia”, but six years later she was expelled for concealing dual citizenship. However, at that time the artist had already moved to Kyiv with her husband Denis Voronenkov. A man was shot dead in the center of the Ukrainian capital in March. Maria Maksakova arrived and fainted. PHOTO. VIDEO

Relations between Lyudmila Vasilievna and Maria worsened after the actress made a statement about her daughter’s husband. “Well, thank you, Lord,” the actress commented on Voronenkov’s death. – What else should we do with it? Thank you, Lord, that in the end the person who was so mean... He’s a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago.” Many were amazed by this phrase from the famous artist about her son-in-law.

However, this incident finally alienated Maria from her mother. As it turned out, before this everything was not so simple in the Maksakova family. According to the opera singer, she lacked attention as a child famous actress. Maria Maksakova spoke about humiliation in her parents' home

“I started using cosmetics, my mother was annoyed,” Maria Maksakova recalled in an interview with the ZIK TV channel. “One day I put on my makeup, and she took a dirty sponge, used to wash dishes that smelled bad, and tried to wash it off. I endured this humiliation, but I still remember it. I realized that I would have to continue communicating with this woman, no matter how she treated me. But when I was less than eighteen years old, I closed the door of this house and try not to remember.”

However, relatives hope that Lyudmila Vasilievna and Maria will be able to find the strength to make peace. Peter Igenbergs is trying to do everything to bring peace back to his family. Maria maintains contact with her father and does not rule out that after some time she will again be able to communicate with her loved one. Lyudmila Maksakova regrets her words about the death of her son-in-law

Lyudmila Vasilievna has six grandchildren and one great-grandson, Anatoly, the son of Pyotr Maksakov and. Maksakova still receives invitations to roles in films. Not long ago she starred in the film “Attraction”.

Accused in a criminal case of theft of budget funds allocated for promoting sports and a healthy lifestyle in the media, son People's Artist Russia Lyudmila Maksakova, the former general director of the capital's PR+Sport company, Maxim Maksakov, by decision of the Tverskoy District Court, was released from the pre-trial detention center due to the fact that his maximum period of detention had expired, and the investigation decided not to extend it. A few months earlier, the amount of damage charged against Maksakov increased from 13 million to 260 million rubles. At the same time, Maksakov’s representatives have already sent a complaint to Supreme Court RF for investigation.

Izvestia sources close to the investigation said that on October 14, Maksakov, the son from the first marriage of actress Lyudmila Maksakova and the grandson of biochemist Boris Zbarsky, former director laboratory at the Lenin Mausoleum, his period of detention expired, and therefore, by court decision, he was released from the pre-trial detention center.

Maxim Maksakov was released from the pre-trial detention center by decision of the Tverskoy court; a new preventive measure was not chosen for him, a source close to the investigation said.

Sources also said that Maksakov’s representatives have prepared and already sent a complaint to the Supreme Court against the actions of investigators during the investigation of the circumstances of the case. However, they do not advertise the details of what is said in the complaints.

Maksakov’s lawyer Tatyana Luchkina did not comment to Izvestia on the circumstances of her client’s release.

According to investigators, at the end of the 2000s, companies controlled by Maxim Maksakov won a series of competitions from the Ministry of Sports to promote sports and a healthy lifestyle in the media within the framework of the federal target program “Development physical culture and sports in Russian Federation" One of these companies was PR+Sport LLC, which from 2009 to 2013 received eight government contracts totaling over 370 million rubles. One of the last large orders - more than 90 million rubles. Investigators believe that most of these funds were stolen according to a simple scheme: the management of PR+Sport wrote off the money to pay journalists for the preparation of materials and their placement in the media. For reporting, they selected already published news articles with similar topics from newspapers and media websites, passing them off as allegedly prepared under government orders.

Investigators interviewed journalists from well-known publications who allegedly received fees from PR+Sport, but they did not confirm their cooperation with this company and said that they wrote their materials on sports topics as part of their work.

Initially, in October 2013, Maksakov was charged with theft in the amount of 13 million rubles, but subsequently, in July 2014, the amount of damage increased to almost 260 million rubles. It was then that investigators from the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Moscow received an economic expert report on the case of theft of budget funds through PR+Sport LLC, which allowed them to re-file the charge in a new version.

Maksakov and the company’s founder, Vasily Kolodny, were detained in October 2013. At first they were under house arrest, but then they were transferred to custody in one of the capital’s pre-trial detention centers. The businessmen do not admit their guilt and believe that they were victims of arbitrariness on the part of former operatives and heads of the Main Directorate economic security and anti-corruption (GUEBiPK), against which a criminal case is currently being investigated for organizing a criminal community, provoking a bribe and exceeding official powers. In particular, Maksakov informed the Investigative Committee that the police allegedly fabricated a case against him and put pressure on him, forcing him to testify against Deputy Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko.

Former State Duma deputy Maria Maksakova now even those who are not interested in opera or politics know it by sight.

A young, attractive woman, a mother of three children, celebrating her 40th birthday today, is popular on the Internet in a way that she was not popular during the years of her singing and theater career and during the period of “serving time” in a building on Okhotny Ryad. The reason for this is her flight to Ukraine with her husband Denis Voronenkov, then And as a consequence of all this - a real tragic farce. Literally - dancing on bones.

Masha changes her hairstyle. Sings. Sits on the splits. Wears furs in summer. Taking pictures with Saakashvili. Now any step of Maksakova, captured by the paparazzi, is discussed as greatest event century. The unexpected “resurrection” of the late husband, who was allegedly “seen alive and well in Israel,” added to the noise.

Yes, now Maria Petrovna Jr. needs to somehow survive in a foreign land. You have to be more sophisticated. Even my mother won’t help here - it seems that the prima of the Vakhtangov Theater Lyudmila Maksakova no longer has any relationship with her daughter.

It's amazing that women's destinies All three Maksakovs are not easy. With external well-being, even wealth, family happiness it didn't come easy for them. They suffered and tossed about. They married the “wrong” men. They did stupid things. Not one of them managed to create a cozy nest the first time. So that - once and for all. But, what is even more curious, the fate of each lady included foreign husbands (and associated problems) and second citizenship. They could not do without politics and accusations of betrayal of their homeland, which made their life even more difficult...

“Where is my Carmen?”

Maria Petrovna Sr. Three-time winner of the Stalin Prize, prima of the Bolshoi Theater, performer of Russian romances.

It seems her life was meant to be full. And fate began to test the future star in childhood.

The girl was born into a prosperous family. But my father is an employee of the Volga Shipping Company Petr Sidorov— died early, and at the age of eight the eldest Marusya had to go earn money. She was paid a ruble a month for singing in a church choir. At the age of 17, Maria was already enrolled in the troupe of the Astrakhan Opera Theater.

And in the summer of 1919, a native of Austria, a famous baritone and opera entrepreneur, came to the city on tour. Maximilian Maksakov. He became the new manager of the troupe and immediately entrusted Masha Sidorova with several interesting roles. At the same time, he noted that, although she has talent and a voice, the girl cannot sing at all. She asked Maximilian Karlovich to work out with her - he had no time for her. Maria went to the Petrograd Conservatory. However, having learned from Professor Glazunov, who has a lyric soprano, hurried to return to Astrakhan.

Maria Maksakova Sr. in the opera "Lohengrin". Photo: RIA Novosti / Dmitry Korobeinikov

Maria Petrovna herself later recalled that upon returning to her homeland, she very soon became not only Maksakov’s student, but also his wife. However, the early marriage of Marusya Sidorova gave rise to many legends that would later accompany her throughout her life. later life. They even said that Maximilian connected his life with a simple poor girl at the request of his dying wife. Who knows? Maria was 18 years old at that time, he was 50.

Maksakova’s granddaughter, her full namesake, would later say: her grandmother wanted to become a singer so much that only Maximilian could help her. He will take her to Moscow, they will live for 16 years. And until the end of her days, Maria Petrovna will call him best husband and human.

She will devote almost 30 years to the Bolshoi Theater and become the voice of this stage. And wherein long years will live in fear and not sleep at night. Shudder at every rustle outside the window. Wait for the “black funnel” to come for her sooner or later.

Maximilian Maksakov as Iago. Photo: Public Domain

The singer’s daughter Lyudmila Maksakova recalled: Maria Petrovna and Maximilian Karlovich were building a cooperative in Bryusov Lane, and one day the singer needed her husband’s passport. Having opened his document for the first time, she almost fainted: it turns out that her beloved is a citizen of Austria, and his last name is not Maksakov at all (it was just a pseudonym), but Schwartz. 1930s. There are enemies of the people and spies all around. Arrests, denunciations. She immediately closed the curtains and burned her passport in a frying pan. From then on, fear settled in her heart. And in 1936, my husband died.

After enduring a year of mourning, Maria Maksakova decided on a new relationship. While on tour in Warsaw, she met the USSR Ambassador to Poland and the founder of foreign intelligence Yakov Davtyan. But this relationship was not destined to be either long or happy. They lived only six months. Davtyan was shot, and she, as the wife of an enemy of the people, faced deportation. If not Stalin. It is known that he was a big theater lover, often went to the opera, and knew Maksakova. “Where is my Carmen?” the leader suddenly asked. And the singer was immediately taken to the Kremlin.

Is it any wonder that when 38-year-old Maria Maksakova gave birth in 1940 long-awaited daughter, rumors immediately spread throughout Moscow that the girl’s dad was “the father of all times and peoples.” Nobody knew what it really was like. Later Lyudmila Vasilievna will tell you that her mother gave birth to Bolshoi Theater soloist Alexander Volkov. But he did not want to recognize his daughter and during World War II he fled to the USA, automatically becoming an enemy of the people.

So, if Maria Petrovna had not erased Volkov from her life, Lyudmila would have faced the fate of the daughter of a traitor to her homeland. Maksakova Sr. could not allow this. And she wrote down her daughter as “Lyudmila Vasilievna.” The future prima of the Vakhtangov Theater received her middle name from a family friend Vasily Novikova- employee of the State Security Service. They say that it was he who helped Maria Petrovna and little Lyusya evacuate to Astrakhan during the war.

Then the singer had to work and raise a child. Just live peacefully. There was no great personal happiness, however. And three Stalin Prizes first degree could hardly help in its possession. And in 1953 she suffered a terrible blow in her career. The Bolshoi Theater unexpectedly sent the youthful, still in good shape singer into retirement.

Maksakova was 51 years old. But even at this young age she was able to start new life. What it cost her is a separate topic. She came to the folk orchestra named after. Osipova, began to perform Russian songs and romances. And the country applauded her again. But in order to feed herself and her daughter, Maria Petrovna was forced to earn extra money by teaching students. Her daughter hardly saw her. Mother kept Lucy under a tight rein and never had a heart-to-heart talk with her. But the main lesson that Lyudmila Vasilievna received from Maria Petrovna: you have to work. And I tried to follow him.

“Knocked a man down and ran away?”

Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova, daughter of Maria Petrovna. Prima of the Vakhtangov Theater.

Strictness in education and restrictions in entertainment led to the opposite result in the life of young Lyudmila Maksakova. Having entered drama school, contrary to her mother’s advice, to become a translator and graduate from a foreign language, the aspiring actress began experimenting with her appearance. She dyed her hair and was fond of bright makeup. The taste of freedom was sweet. Lyudmila had little interest in studying. Student parties were much more attractive. It’s no wonder that the beauty quickly got married. For her sake artist Zbarsky He even left his fashion model wife.

Lev and Lyudmila were young, loved each other and their friends. There were always guests in the house. The actress went grocery shopping, cooked, and washed dishes. At the same time, the artist demanded that she take care of herself, and he himself was jealous and often started scandals. None of them wanted to register officially.

As Lyudmila Vasilievna later said, the talented artist never had 15 rubles for a stamp in his passport. And she always had a lot of work.

Lyudmila Maksakova, 1966 Photo: RIA Novosti / Vitaly Armand

At the age of 29, Lyudmila became pregnant. It was hard to carry Maxim. And when he was born, Leo had to adopt him. He gave the boy his middle name and last name. However, the relationship with Lyudmila very soon faded away. She returned to her mother, Lev decided to emigrate to America.

My mother's mistakes taught me nothing. Fate would have it that Lyudmila studied at own experience. And the life of the son of an emigrant in the Soviet Union would hardly have been happy. Most likely, he would not have been accepted into a decent institute, would not have been accepted for Good work. Abroad would certainly be closed to him. This is how Lyudmila Maksakova reasoned before going to the registry office and... submitting documents for the de-adoption of Maxim Zbarsky. She rewrote her son's name. Lev left safely and did not have to pay alimony for 15 years in advance before leaving, as required by Soviet law. He simply didn't have that kind of money. Lev Zbarsky never even called his son. Not long ago the artist passed away.

With a small child in her arms, Lyudmila continued her search for personal happiness. But also the second bright novel was marred by tragedy.

WITH Mikael Tariverdiev Lyudmila Maksakova met at the Akter sanatorium. Handsome, impressive, dressed to the nines, the owner of water skis and a Volga with a deer on the hood, the composer immediately made an impression on the actress. Both were free and ready for new romantic relationships. They only lasted three years. A beautiful fairy tale has ended car accident, in which a young stranger was injured. The young man ran across Leningradsky Prospekt near the Sovetskaya Hotel - a girl was waiting for him on the other side - and found himself under the wheels of Tariverdiev’s car.

The story that happened to the composer and actress became the basis for the film script Eldara Ryazanova"Station for two." They talked a lot about her in those years. But how it really happened, Lyudmila Maksakova and the widow Mikaela Tariverdieva tell differently.

The widow says that Lyudmila was driving, and Mikael, like a decent noble man, took the blame upon himself. The actress assures that there were a lot of witnesses - Tariverdiev himself drove the car. As Lyudmila Vasilievna said, the worst thing that night was that Mikael did not stop, but even increased speed. Apparently there was a shock. And only when some military man caught up with them and shouted: “What, you bastard, knocked down a man and ran away?!”, Tariverdiev turned around and drove to the crime scene. The composer had a famous lawyer, and he was given a suspended sentence. However, that story ruined Tariverdiev’s life. Having suffered several heart attacks, he died quite early.

German citizen, Latvian Peter Paul Andreas Igenbergs whose ancestors once left Tsarist Russia, became the first and only legal husband of Lyudmila Maksakova. A physicist and businessman, Peter worked in Moscow. According to one version, they met by chance, at the entrance. And there the man proposed to the actress. According to another version, they finally met in the apartment - at a party on the occasion of Maksakova’s conferment of the title of “honored”. However, this just doesn’t matter.

Lyudmila Maksakova. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

For a year and a half, Peter and Lyudmila looked closely at each other. Although, maybe she was looking closely. And he was so persistent from the very beginning that he was ready to run to the registry office almost the next day. As a result, he “starved out.” And when they submitted an application to Griboedovsky, they began to get on their nerves and demand the most incredible certificates about relatives up to the seventh generation.

Finally, Peter and Lyudmila signed. Although in 1974, marriage with a foreigner was considered almost a betrayal of the homeland. And her colleagues reacted differently to her marriage. Only a few found the strength to sincerely rejoice. Mostly, they were jealous. And many simply stopped communicating with her. For the upcoming tour to Greece, her name was not on the list. She became restricted from traveling abroad. They stopped inviting her to filming and photo tests. My husband had problems getting in and out. Once, when Maria Petrovna Maksakova was dying, they did not want to let him into the Union, and Lyudmila Vasilievna called Gromyko’s assistant. If my husband is not given a visa, I will throw myself out of the window,” she shouted into the phone. And Peter managed to say goodbye to his mother-in-law.

Only in this marriage, Lyudmila Maksakova later admitted, did she feel truly happy. Only with Peter did I understand what it means to be “like behind a stone wall.” He raised Maxim as his own son, although the “good people”, of course, told the truth. And on July 24, 1977, in Munich, the couple had a daughter, who was named in honor of Maria Petrovna.

Lyudmila Maksakova as Jocasta in the play Oedipus the King. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Fedorenko

“During the day I love United Russia, at night I love the communist!”

Maria Petrovna Maksakova-Igenbergs. Daughter of Lyudmila Vasilievna. Granddaughter of Maria Petrovna.

Like Lyudmila Vasilievna once upon a time, as a teenager Maria also began to wear makeup madly, rebelled, and was offended by her mother. Once she even tried to open her veins. Lyudmila Maksakova herself spoke about this in frank interview. But she seemed to be “justifying herself”: most likely, it was only a desire to prove that she was right, to scare her mother.

“My husband Vladimir Anatolyevich is a respectable businessman with experience family life, 19 years older than me,” she said in an interview glossy magazine who, like her grandmother, became an opera singer, Maria Maksakova.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her daughter Maria (right) and grandson Petya, 1995. Photo: RIA Novosti / Vladimir Vyatkin

Having seen her on TV, Tyurin immediately fell in love and began to wait for Maria in the Hermitage garden. And he was probably as assertive as Maria’s future father had once been towards her mother.

Unfortunately, there are no other similarities. “His life was ready for my appearance in it: the finished frame was waiting for its gem,” Maria Maksakova expressed herself floridly in the same interview. “He offered me literally everything at once: his feelings, his home, having children... Very soon I also fell in love with him...”

Apparently he offered everything but the truth. On the Internet you can find information about Vladimir Anatolyevich Tyurin, born in 1958. He graduated from the Gnessin Music College... He has several criminal records and the nickname “Tyurik”.

The Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime of the Ministry of Internal Affairs several years ago gave an operational report: “Tyurin is a thief in law and the leader of the Bratskaya organized crime group.”

A few years ago in some media Tyurin was mentioned as common law husband Maria Maksakova. They wrote that he was the father of the singer’s two children: Ilya and Lyudmila. But in 2011, Maria became a State Duma deputy from United Russia, and a denial appeared on the party’s website that she “has never been married and is not married now.” Despite the fact that already in 2012 Maria admitted that she was in a relationship with the son of a Baku musician - a jeweler Jamil Aliyev. It can be assumed that both unions were not officially registered. However, later Maria decided to completely disown acquaintance with Vladimir Tyurin, leaving her fans in the dark about who really is the father of her children.

On March 26, 2015, State Duma deputy from United Russia Maria Maksakova and parliamentarian from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Voronenkov officially registered their relationship.

Wedding of Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov. Photo: RIA Novosti / Ekaterina Chesnokova

The singer admitted that having lived to the age of 37, she no longer hoped to ever meet a man with whom she would like to spend her whole life. “He’s probably the best thing that happened to me,” Maksakova said. “For the first time I feel like a fragile woman, I’m happy.”

They bought groceries in the same stores and stayed in the same hotels. And they even took fish from one merchant at the Dorogomilovsky market. But fate wanted to throw them into politics. And mix it there, in a large building on Okhotny Ryad. So that very soon they would part so tragically.

The trials began even before the wedding. In December 2014, the Moscow Department of the RF IC sent materials to the State Duma about depriving Voronenkov of parliamentary immunity. A criminal case was initiated against him for raider takeover buildings in the center of Moscow. In April 2015, a month after the wedding, Maria had nervous soil there was a miscarriage - she lost twins. But a year later the couple had a son Ivan.

That day, an announcement appeared in the State Duma: on the occasion of the birth of the first inter-factional child, the buffet was open for free. Who composed the ditty remains a mystery:

My lips are the color of apricot, and I sing clearly.
By day I love United Russia, by night I love communists!

They remembered her to Maria Maksakova for a long time. Then it seemed to the lovers that everything would be fine. He called her “my star”, she called him “Denechka”. They believed in themselves. And in the Lord. They even got married in Jerusalem in November 2016. But this did not save them either.

Maria Maksakova and Denis Voronenkov were deprived of their deputy mandates. They fled to Ukraine. He received citizenship of this country (later Maria will say that her husband is “half Ukrainian”). And on March 23, 2017, less than two years after the wedding, the disgraced

Politics, emigration and an “unreliable” husband played a cruel joke on the third representative of the Maksakov family. For her dual citizenship (Germany and Russia) that surfaced, Maria was expelled from the party. Gnesinka and Mariinsky Theater hastened to fire her.

“Well, thank you, Lord!” Lyudmila Maksakova told reporters about the death of her son-in-law.

An emotional outburst, of course. But you won’t envy her now. Whatever Mary is, whatever she does, she is her daughter.

“Let her publicly retract her words if she wants me to talk to her,” Maria answered. And then she stated that the journalists had quarreled with her mother.

“There is such a place in the Bible: the living will envy the dead...” she cried in an interview and assured that she stayed alive only to raise Vanya.

Then there will be other confessions. That Denis was the best husband in the world. That she thanked him for every day she lived. Appreciated every moment. And then, in March, she was in very, very pain. Although someone tried to see “not enough mourning” in her appearance.

At 39 years old, Maria Maksakova was left a widow with three children. What conclusions will she draw from this story? Will she be able to be happy again?

// Photo: Boris Kremer/

Today, September 26, the famous theater and film actress Lyudmila Maksakova celebrates her birthday. The artist turned 77 years old. During her creative career, she played a huge number of roles both in theatrical productions and on television and in films. Despite the dizzying success in her career, harmony did not always reign in her family.

Son's trial

Lyudmila Maksakova married twice. She did not live long with her first husband, artist Lev Zbarsky. The couple had a son, Maxim. At first he bore his father's surname, but after his move to the USA he became Maksakov. Lev Borisovich did not maintain contact with his family and spent his last days completely alone. He died of lung cancer.

Four years ago, the actress’s family was affected by a major scandal. Her son was accused of stealing a huge amount from budget funds - 260 million rubles. This money was allocated for a campaign to popularize sports and a healthy lifestyle in the media. Over the course of four years, Maksakov’s company concluded eight contracts worth 370 million. According to investigators, the company of the actress’s son claimed that it spent money on materials in the press. However, the journalists themselves, who prepared the articles, assured that they did it in a working manner.

// Photo: Mikhail Frolov/ Komsomolskaya Pravda /

Maxim Maksakov and his colleague Vasily Kolodny did not admit their guilt and believed that they were only victims of arbitrariness on the part of former operatives. The actress’s son was sentenced to three years, but since he had been under house arrest for a long time, this term was counted against him and he was released straight from the courtroom.

Quarrel with daughter over son-in-law

Lyudmila Maksakova also has a daughter from her second marriage with German entrepreneur Peter Andreas Igenbergs. Maria followed in the footsteps of her famous grandmother, opera singer Maria Maksakova. The artist has been a guest soloist at the Bolshoi Theater since 2003. Despite her active creative activity, she decided to try herself in politics.

In 2011, she became a State Duma deputy from the United Russia party, but six years later she was expelled due to concealing dual citizenship. However, at that time the artist had already moved to Kyiv with her husband Denis Voronenkov. A man was shot dead in the center of the Ukrainian capital in March.

Relations between Lyudmila Vasilievna and Maria worsened after the actress made a statement about her daughter’s husband. “Well, thank you, Lord,” the actress commented on Voronenkov’s death. – What else should we do with it? Thank you, Lord, that in the end the person who was so mean... He’s a military man, he would have been shot for treason long ago.” Many were amazed by this phrase from the famous artist about her son-in-law.

However, this incident alienated Maria from her mother. As it turned out, before this everything was not so simple in the Maksakova family. According to the opera singer, as a child she missed the attention of the famous actress.

“I started using cosmetics, my mother was annoyed,” Maria Maksakova recalled in an interview with the ZIK TV channel. “One day I put on my makeup, and she took a dirty sponge, used to wash dishes that smelled bad, and tried to wash it off. I endured this humiliation, but I still remember it. I realized that I would have to continue communicating with this woman, no matter how she treated me. But when I was less than eighteen years old, I closed the door of this house and try not to remember.”

Let's talk about the biography and personal life of Maxim Maksakov, about whose life not much is known. Little is known about Maxim, the son, and the first information you come across is related to the not-so-pleasant side of his life. The sister of Maxim Lvovich Maksakov is an ex-deputy.

Now Maxim is 46 full years. It can be immediately noted that at birth, of course, Maxim had his father’s last name - Zbarsky. There was no relationship as such between Maxim and his father, because even before the birth of his son he left to live in the United States of America. His father is a professional artist and graphic artist.

Maxim Maksakov in his youth

Of course, the biography and personal life of Maxim Maksakov is directly related to his known relatives and criminal past. Despite all this, many fans of the grandmother or famous sister are interested in him. Therefore, it is worth dwelling in more detail on the facts from his biography that may interest you.

Maxim Maksakov’s biography is complex and has to be collected in small pieces. One of the most enjoyable parts of his biography both for readers and for Maksakov himself is this. He recently became engaged to the daughter of one of the most prominent fashion designers in Russia, Valentin Yudashkin. But no one has been able to find out the location of Maxim himself; he lives with his second wife and two daughters.

What’s especially strange is that really little was heard about Maxim. There were no interviews and journalists began to speculate that perhaps it was something to do with his complex character or something else. It is for this reason that Maxim’s fate seems to attract a lot of attention, but, on the other hand, it is simply impossible to obtain reliable accurate data, because his relatives also do not like to raise this topic, especially in connection with the following events...

Maxim's parents Lyudmila Maksakova and Lev Zbarsky

Maksakov's real fame came in connection with a not very pleasant event - in 2013 he was detained along with Vasily Kolodin, with whom they were suspected of fraud. As a result, the suspicion turned into a fully proven accusation and a verdict.

It was proven that Maxim Maksakov is the organizer and participant in the theft of 260,000,000 rubles from the state budget.

The court took into account Maxim’s sincere confession, assistance to the investigation and ideal characteristics, assigning only 3 years in a general regime colony.

In addition, it was decided to release the accused from the courtroom, because the investigation lasted a very long time and it turned out that the court was able to count as punishment the time that Maxim was under house arrest. The situation was settled, but Maxim’s reputation was left with a greasy blot.

The son of Maxim Maksakov with his fiancee Galina Yudashkina

Today, children are of great importance for Maxim Maksakov and his personal life. Although he has been married more than once, he pays a huge amount of attention to them. All this makes him a good father and head of the family. In fact, if not for his desire for business, he could have become very famous actor or he would work as a director or producer, since his sister and grandmother would help organize his life.

Criminal case

According to investigators, in the late 2000s, Maxim had already developed a scheme according to which he planned to work. There were no accidents here, not even close. Very specific companies, whose activities were controlled by Maxim Maksakov, were able to win a series of tenders that were organized by the Ministry of Sports and were aimed at significantly improving and expanding the scale of funds mass media promotion of sports and a healthy lifestyle.

Then there was a special target program that was aimed at long-term work throughout the country. Thus, several companies that were unofficially managed by Maxim Maksakov were able to receive almost 400,000,000 rubles in 4 years. We can say that it was precisely this factor that darkened the entire personal life and biography of Maxim Maksakov.

In fact, Maksakov never had any journalists, and for the results of the work he did, he presented ready-made, already published articles that were written by completely different people.

The scheme turned out to be banal, but it worked, so Maxim’s life began to improve. The personal life and biography of Maxim Maksakov is full of various dark stories. He was brought to justice more than once, but, in the opinion certain people, he managed to avoid imprisonment only through connections.


From the modest amount of information related to Maxim Maksakov, we can separately note the story of his father, Lev Zbarsky. Just as nothing is known about Maxim now, one day his father emigrated to the USA not because he was chasing fame, but, quite the opposite, for the reason that he wanted obscurity, but freedom and independence, and it worked out.

Lyudmila Maksakova Maxim's mother

The same turned out to be Maxim Maksakov, who carefully hides his personal life, biography and information about his children, but this does not always work out. Today he good father for his children and has no connections to the criminal world.

Leo’s amazing versatility is striking, which, by the way, seems to have been inherited by Maxim. The fact that this person could draw well and had a sense of style is a very modest characteristic. Here you need to understand that before us is a person who has a real gift for feeling modern trends.

His obscurity was only formal - he is the author of many trends that were popular in different years, but no one knew who owned the original and, admittedly, rather complex idea. Immersion in the world of fashion, design, style, and drawing was his profession; he perfectly combined precise geometry with creativity and innovation, and this is a very rare quality.

Lev Zbarsky

On August 19, 2015, the story of Lev Zbarsky entered its final stage - he was diagnosed with lung cancer, which had already reached stage 4. Lev died on February 22, 2016 in New York.

Since there is practically nothing connecting his father and Maxim Maksakov, he did not influence his biography or personal life.

Of course, if he had grown up with his father, then everything could have turned out completely differently for both. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the children, personal life and biography of Maxim Maksakov. Journalists regularly remember him, since the fame of his loved ones haunts them.

It is noted that there were many inconsistencies in Maxim’s case that began to be discovered and recorded not so long ago. Gradually, the investigation began to move from Maxim himself to those people who were leading the case. Accusations of falsification, putting pressure on the accused, and much more began to pour in. Now several people are being interrogated, and the investigation may find a lot more interesting things.

Maxim's younger sister Maria Maksakova

In particular, Maxim himself said that during the investigation he was literally forced under threats to testify against Mutko, who is now generally responsible for Russian sports.

In the future, it may happen that Maxim’s name will be devoid of such dark spots, because if the money was stolen by other people, and he himself honestly did his job, then this is a completely different story.

Characteristics from friends

The personal life and biography of Maxim Maksakov is directly related to his sister and grandmother, who did a lot for Russian opera. But his popularity and connection with crimes always haunted them. Of course, they tried to help him in some way, but it didn’t always work out. Maksakov himself continues to do business and has no plans to step away from entrepreneurial activities.

It is very interesting to pay attention to those characteristics of Maxim that his friends awarded him. There is a lot of interesting things here, sometimes contradicting each other, but still characterizing him as a versatile person and ready for much. For example, they like to say that he was an unusually calm person and very freedom-loving.

Lyudmila Maksakova with her grandson and his bride

This sounds good, but when we translate this into the fact that a person had difficulty getting along with his own own family, then a lot becomes clear. Maxim never did anything specific to which he could devote his whole life, but at the same time, as friends and colleagues note, his cognitive capabilities simply amazed the imagination - it was simply impossible to achieve something like that.

This is a person who not only tried to learn everything about the area he needed, but a person who seemed to be helped by something from within, some feeling, some depth - this means a lot.

Despite the criminal cases, no one turned away from Maxim Maksakov. For his friends and acquaintances, his image, characteristics, and his life achievements are so indisputable that it simply cannot be discussed.

Maxim Maksakov with his mother and niece

As we understand perfectly well, there simply cannot be many such people. Currently for Maxim Maksakov great importance has his personal life, children, so he tries to lead the life of a law-abiding citizen.

Of course, when such situations related to criminal liability arise in a person’s life, then it all radically changes and forces him to rethink. For those who are interested in children or the biography of Maxim Maksakov, you can visit him social media, where there is a photo of them.

Personal life: where are Maksakov's children

Maxim Maksakov was married twice. From his first marriage he has a son, with whom he sees often. The problem that led to the destruction of the family was constant problems with the law, quarrels that reached the point of assault. He met his second wife before leaving for Italy.

Ekaterina Dobrynina, the first wife of Maxim Maksakov, with her son

Today they have a full-fledged family and two very beautiful daughters. The family is happy and regularly pleases their fans with photographs. You can find information on the Internet about the biography of Maxim Maksakov, his personal life, his children, without any difficulties. His personality interests many.
