The administrative method of management. Methodological foundations of management

Organizational management methods are based on the preparation and approval of internal regulatory documents regulating the activities of personnel of a particular enterprise.

Such documents include:

– charter of an enterprise or organization;

staffing table enterprises;

collective agreement between the administration and the workforce;

– organizational management structure;

– regulations on structural divisions;

– internal labor regulations;

– job descriptions of employees and organization of workplaces.

Peculiarity: documents (with the exception of the charter) can be drawn up in the form of enterprise standards and must be put into effect by order of the head of the enterprise. The documents are mandatory for all employees, and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

In organizations where high level organizational influences brought to the standard of the enterprise and management regulations, and high labor and performance discipline, the need for the use of administrative influences is significantly reduced.

Administrative methods of management are aimed at achieving the set management goals, compliance with internal regulations or maintaining the enterprise management system within the specified parameters through direct administrative regulation.

Forms of administrative influence:

A) order. He obliges his subordinates to strictly fulfill decision within the established time frame, and failure to comply entails an appropriate sanction (punishment);

b) order. It is mandatory for execution within a specific management function and structural unit. An order, unlike an order, does not cover all the functions of the enterprise and, as a rule, is signed by the deputy heads of the enterprise;

V) directions and instructions are a local type of organizational influence and, most often, are aimed at the operational regulation of the management process in a short time and for a limited number of employees. Each enterprise must have written job descriptions for each employee, which he must be familiar with. Peculiarity: if directions or instructions are given orally, then they need strict control over execution or should be the basis of high trust in the “manager-subordinate” relationship;

G) instructing and coordinating work- these are management methods based on transferring to subordinates the rules for performing labor operations. Most often, instruction is carried out upon hiring; it is carried out either by the head of the personnel department or by the immediate supervisor;

d) instruction– a one-time method of application by the manager, when he explains with reason the feasibility of a work task for a subordinate. In case of refusal, a repeated attempt is inappropriate, since it will lead to the loss of the manager’s authority over the subordinate.

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Management stages

Management is the obligatory management of economic activities, which in turn is an independent type of professional... the sphere of management is the activity of enterprises that act in the market... a manager is a specially trained professional manager who is an expert in this field...

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Management stages
1. Strategic management – ​​development of management goals, forecasting and long-term planning of management actions. 2. Operational management

Control Features
The concept of “management” has the following basic formulations: 1) a function of organized systems of diverse nature, ensuring the preservation of their structure, maintenance of

Features of the management process
1. The management process is based on the power of the subject of management, its organizational, administrative, economic, moral and ethical leverage. 2. Management - p

Management principles formulated by A. Fayol
1. Division of labor, i.e. e. specialization necessary for the effective use of labor in relation to managerial and executive work. 2. D

Frederick Taylor's Basic Principles
1. Scientific study of each individual type of work activity. 2. Selection, training and education of workers and managers based on scientific criteria. 3. Administration cooperation

The role of differential pay
1. The system of differentiated piece rates should stimulate greater productivity of workers, since this increases the piece rate of wages. 2. Using Tey's ideas

Main representatives
1. Douglas McGregor is a professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology School of Industrial Management. 2. Chris Argyris is a professor at Yale University. 3. Rensis Liker

Basic concepts of Russian management
1. The concept of copying Western management theory. This concept does not take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality. To master the theory, you will only need to translate Western textbooks and materials.

Operational planning systems
Operational planning of material flows is one of the main areas of management. The most popular systems: – MRP (Manufacturing Resource Planning);

Situational approach to management
The founder of the situational approach is Fiedler. He believed that since a manager is not capable of changing himself and his management style, therefore, he must be placed in

Vroom and Eatton identify five leadership styles
1. The leader makes decisions himself. 2. The manager expresses the essence of the problem to his subordinates, listens to their opinions and makes decisions. 3. The manager identifies the problem of his subordinates

Systematic approach to management
Systems theory was created by Bertalanffy in the 1930s. XX century It is associated with the analysis, design and functioning of independent units. Organizational systems subdra

Management methods
The word "method" translated from Greek means a way to achieve a goal. Management methods are a set of techniques and methods of influencing the controlled object to achieve delivery.

Economic management methods
Economic management methods are ways and techniques of influencing the population, which are based on the economic relations of people and the use of their economic interests.

Two groups of economic management methods
1. Direct economic calculation is based on planned, centralized, directive distribution and redistribution of labor, material and financial resources to ensure m

Environmental factors influencing economic management methods
1. The labor market determines the distribution of labor in proportion to the structure of social needs and the level of material production. It ensures the maintenance of equal

Administrative management methods
Administrative methods are a way of implementing managerial influences on personnel. They are based on power, discipline and penalties. Administrative methods directed

Financial liability and penalties
The financial responsibility of employees is expressed in their obligation to compensate for damage caused by a guilty action or inaction. Material liability is assigned to workers for damage

Sociological methods of management
The role of sociological management methods: allow the team leader to carry out social planning, regulate the socio-psychological climate, ensure effective

Features of psychological management methods
The role of psychological methods: they are of great importance in working with personnel, because they are aimed at a specific personality of a worker or employee, they are strictly personalized and individual.

Types of psychological effects
1. Inducement is a form of moral influence on a person when emphasized positive traits employee, his qualifications and experience, confidence in the successful implementation of the assigned

Control functions
Management functions - a type of management activity (performed by special techniques and methods), as well as the corresponding organization of work. Each control function

Coordination of activities
Coordination of an organization’s activities is: 1) synchronization of the efforts made, their unification into a single whole; 2) the process of distributing activities over time,

Planning function
Planning is the process of developing a system of measures aimed at achieving certain goals. Planning provides answers to the questions: what needs to be done? For what period

History of the development of the planning function in modern society
In the pre-reform period in Russia, the main management element was planning. During this period, systems of national economic plans were developed: annual, five-year, complex

Planning principles
1. The larger the organization, the more versatile and clear the planning of its activities should be. 2. It is necessary to foresee the course of developments in the organization, in the industry, in divisions,

Organization concept
Organization is a management activity aimed at ensuring the orderliness of the management process as a whole. Organization represents both the distribution of functions and

Stages of building an organization
1. Determining the nature of the work being performed. It is rational to divide all the work into sub-items: – activities that must be carried out and methods of interaction;

Organizational management structures
1. Features of linear management organization: a) distribution job responsibilities maximizes performance goals production tasks organizations;

Combination of linear and functional control
This is the most popular approach. Line management is supported by special support services. The functional structure of an organization in its pure form is a rare phenomenon. Nedo

Types of relationships within the organization
1. Linear relationships - the relationship between the manager and his subordinates. 2. Functional relationships - the relationship of an employee who is authorized to carry out

Relationship between organizational structure and external environment
Organizations exist in an environment consisting of many elements, including: – changing technologies, equipment, requirements for product quality, educational

Centralization and decentralization
The degree of centralization and decentralization depends on the extent of authority. Without delegation of authority, the management of an organization becomes too centralized. Center degree

Definition of authority
The importance of defining authority: for efficient work It is important for an organization to clearly and clearly define functional responsibilities and authorities, as well as their relationships. Every worker

Main stages of motivation
1. The emergence of needs. A need manifests itself in the form that a person begins to feel that he is missing something. It appears in exact time and begins to demand

Objectives and methods of motivation
The role of motivation: acts as a direct cause of employee behavior. Motivation is the process of motivating a person to perform a certain activity with the help of

Types of motivation
Normative motivation is inducing a person to a certain behavior with the help of ideological psychological impact: persuasion, suggestion, information, psychological infection

Prerequisites for the emergence of motives
1. Society has at its disposal a set of goods that correspond to socially determined human needs. 2. To obtain these benefits, human labor efforts are necessary, labor activity

Dr. McGregor's theory of motivation
D. McGregor's theory of motivation combines two opposing concepts: theory “X” and theory “Y”. The main provisions of Theory “X”: – strict leadership and control are

The theory of two factors f. Herzberg
F. Herzberg studied two hundred engineers and accountants to identify motivational factors and their strength. Employees were asked two questions: “Can you describe in detail when

The main ideas of F. Herzberg
1. The existence of motivators can only partially compensate for the lack of hygiene factors. 2. Lack of hygiene factors leads to job dissatisfaction. 3. Positive

Basic practical recommendations
1. It is advisable for employees to be given the opportunity to create their own work schedule. 2. They should create conditions for the growth of their own self-esteem and respect. 3.

Hierarchy of needs theory a. Maslow
A. Maslow believes that a person is influenced by a whole set of needs, which can be combined into several groups, arranging them according to the principle of hierarchy. Practical use theory

Dr. McClelland's theory of motivational needs
Douglas McClelland tried to discover the most important among the “secondary needs”, which become relevant provided there is sufficient material security. He thinks

The Main Ideas of Douglas McClelland
1. The need to be successful in to the same degree expressed among different workers. A person who directs his actions to achieve success desires autonomy and is ready to bear responsibility.

McClelland identified 3 types of managers
1. Institutional managers – have a high level of self-control. They have a stronger need for power than for group affiliation. 2. Managers who sweat

Moral incentives for workers
The World Health Organization (WHO) in defining health has considered the physical and mental condition person. According to WHO definition, health is

Physical condition monitoring
Maintaining physical fitness has a strengthening effect on human health. Physical activity is a form of mental pressure relief. Physical fatigue makes it brighter and clearer

Control function
Control is the process of comparing actually achieved results with intended ones. Control is a management activity aimed at identifying

Types of control
1. Preliminary control. Performed before the actual start of work. The main means of performing preliminary control is the implementation of established rules, procedures or

Main stages of control
The first stage of the control process is the definition of standards, that is, specific, measurable goals. For management, standards must be created in the form of performance indicators

Strategy and its features
History of the term: Originally, the term "strategy" referred to the role of a person (commander of an army). Later the concept acquired new meaning– “the art of military command”, i.e. character

Features of strategic planning
1. Effective strategies are formed around several basic concepts and directions, which gives them coherence, balance and a certain focus. Some directions are

Types of strategic planning
1. With bottom-up strategic planning, company management puts forward strategic ideas and develops a general development forecast, and the planning department establishes a unified form

Strategic planning
Strategic planning- this is the basis for the strategic management of an enterprise, establishing the directions of the organization’s activities for certain periods of time (most often from

Key features of the strategy
1. “Strategy characterizes an organization.” The positive point: the strategy shows general outline character of the organization and shows it distinctive features. Strategists

Main disadvantages of strategic management
1. Strategic management cannot provide an accurate and detailed picture of the future. The description of the projected future of the organization created in strategic management is not a detailed description of its

Implementation of the strategy
After developing the organization’s strategy and consolidating it in the strategic plan (and sometimes in parallel with this stage), the implementation of specific activities aimed at achieving

The main characteristics by which strategic and operational management differ
1. The nature of the problems being solved. Strategic problems are most often unstructured. Operational problems tend to be structured and often have analogues. 2. Ste

Strategic alternatives and their features
Any organization faces 4 main strategic alternatives, although there are a large number of options for each of these alternatives. 1. Limited

Key elements that make up the organization's mission
1. Determination of all areas of activity in which the organization plans to operate. 2. Strategic goals that the organization sets, identification of key indicators that we strive for

Tasks that the organization’s mission contributes to solving
1. Express what the organization exists for. 2. Establish how the organization differs from other organizations operating in the same market. 3. Determine the criterion for evaluation

Internal environment of the organization
Internal environment– a set of characteristics of an organization and its internal subjects (strengths, weaknesses of its elements and connections between them), influencing the position and prospects of the company.

External environment of the organization
Any organization is located and operates in the external environment, which is a source of resources for the organization. In turn, the organization itself directs the results to its activities

Management decision and its features
A management decision is a conscious choice from available options and alternatives of a course of action that reduces the gap between the present and future desired state of the organization

Systematization of management decisions
The defining moment in the systematization of management decisions are the conditions in which the decision is made, in connection with this, all decisions are divided into: - decisions made

Factors influencing management decision making
The following groups of factors influence management decision-making. 1. Category of the problem being solved: – standard problems,

Basic properties of management decisions
The quality of management decisions is understood as a set of decision parameters that ensure their successful implementation. Among the properties of management decisions, the following are distinguished:

Management decision methodology
The decision-making process is one of the central points of management activity. Rational problem solving is possible when leaders follow generally accepted methods of solving problems.

Methods for optimization and modeling of solutions
Optimization of management decisions is carried out on the basis of analysis, which is the decomposition of the whole into elements and the establishment of relationships between them. Optimization methods

The role of the marketing service in the enterprise
Marketing is, on the one hand, the development and implementation of measures to influence the market for goods or services produced by a given organization, and on the other hand, the reorientation of production towards it.

Marketing Management Concepts
American researcher F. Kotler identifies five concepts of marketing management. 1. Production improvement concept: consumers will be more bl

The relationship between marketing and management
Main principle marketing – focus on the consumer and his needs, their formation and maximum satisfaction. Implementation of this principle in all areas of production

Quality and competitiveness of goods
A competitive product is a product whose complex of consumer and cost properties ensures its commercial success. Product quality level

Pricing concept
Prices determine the structure of production and have a decisive impact on the movement of material flows, the distribution of goods, and the level of well-being of the population.

Types of prices
1. The maximum price for a product is the maximum allowable. 2. The price set in accordance with the skimming strategy for a popular brand of a new product. 3. Price set

Price determination methods
1. Based on costs (C) and profitability (R) of the product: 2. Based on the establishment of standards

Certification and its features
Product certification is a procedure for confirming conformity, through which an organization independent of the manufacturer (seller) and the consumer certifies in writing

Psychology of management
Management psychology studies the hierarchical relationships of workers in an organization, as well as the conditions for optimizing these relationships in order to increase productivity

E. Deming in 1950 formulated the following basic postulates of quality management
1. The constant goal is to improve the quality of products and services. This process must be carried out continuously and systematically. At the same time, it is necessary to ensure: rational placement of resources

Avoid empty slogans
10. Eliminate digital quotas in work. The norm for piecework work is set as the average time for its completion. Therefore, half of the workers complete it quickly and then rest, while the other

Chronology of development of quality systems
The history of the creation of the theory of total quality management consists of four groups of teachings. 1. Scientific management. The founders are considered to be F. Taylor, M. Weber, A

Characteristics of reliability as an indicator of quality
One of the most important characteristics quality is the reliability of a product. Reliability is considered as the property of a product to maintain the value of its quality parameters in certain areas

There are three main models of personnel management
1. HR manager as a trustee of his employees, caring for healthy working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere in the enterprise. 2. HR manager

Creation of a personnel service at the enterprise
Tasks personnel service– the direction of personnel work, an idea of ​​​​the goals of working with personnel, specified taking into account the specific conditions of the organization’s existence.

When designing a personnel management structure, the following must be taken into account:
1. The level at which personnel management is expected to be implemented: – if this becomes a matter of concern and consideration at the highest corporate level, it will be corporate management

Overcoming Resistance to Change
Readiness for change is evidenced by: 1) flexibility of the organizational structure - the presence of small, easily manageable structures, minimization of bureaucratic procedures;

Tasks of personnel management during the formation of an organization
The main tasks of the personnel service for personnel management at the stage of formation of the organization are: 1. Preparation of an organizational project: –

Tasks of the HR service during a period of intensive growth of the organization
At the stage of intensive growth, to meet growing demand, the organization must quickly restructure, organize new departments, divisions, establish connections between

Tasks of personnel management during the period of stabilization
The main task of the work of management personnel at this stage is not only to maintain the achieved level of profitability and not increase production costs, but also to

In this situation, the tasks of personnel management are the following:
1. To optimize production and reduce personnel costs, it is necessary to analyze activities, identify sources of losses and organize work as efficiently as possible. New action options

Stages that companies go through during the merger process
Pre-planning stage. The tasks of personnel management at this stage: 1) organize the merger headquarters. The leader should be an experienced manager not

Basic leadership styles
Management style is a set of the most characteristic and stable methods of solving problems used by a manager, his manner of behavior in relation to subordinates. Control style

Creating a Leadership Style
Leadership style is a strictly individual phenomenon, since it is determined by the specific characteristics of a particular person and reflects the characteristics of working with people and technology.

Theories of style in relation to management practice
Multidimensional management styles are a set of complementary, intertwined approaches, each of which is independent of the others, and therefore can be implemented along with them.

Main types of managers
American Studies corporate culture made it possible to identify four main types of leader-manager. 1. “Masters”. These are people who hold

Leadership and its features
Leadership is the ability to convince people of one’s ability to manage, it is voluntary submission to a person who enjoys respect and authority, recognition of his qualifications and experience

Additional management styles
Additional management styles include paternalism, opportunism, and facadeism. Paternalism (maternalism) is characterized by a combination of a high level of concern for production

The main management roles of an HR manager are as follows
1. HR strategist – a member of the management team responsible for the development and implementation of the HR strategy, as well as the organizational mechanisms for ensuring it; control systems and

Tasks of the HR service during a crisis
In a crisis situation, the management personnel of the enterprise must conduct a serious analysis and decide on possible options for further development. There are several options.

Typology of crisis situations
Types of crisis situations are determined by the stages of development of the organization. The transition from the stage of formation of an organization to its intensive growth, as a rule, is accompanied by the first crisis

Typology of situations of own crisis
1. A situation when the organization’s employees do not want to work in new conditions, but are equipped with tools. The manager’s task is to increase the level of motivation of employees to change, search for new

Highlights of the personnel crisis
Most crises begin due to miscalculations in assessing the situation, inattention or negligence in the actions of the employee, as well as the manager or supervisor. Particularly highlight the role of SC

Crisis management
A crisis is a deep disorder, a sharp turning point, a period of aggravation of contradictions in the process of development of any sphere of human activity. Crises can be subdivided

Overcoming a crisis in an organization with the help of personnel
To overcome the crisis in the organization, it is necessary to quickly mobilize human resources to implement the enterprise recovery plan. The process of mobilizing personnel

Japanese labor management system
The “Japaneseization” of personnel management methods has spread widely after the success of the largest Japanese companies. In 1981, American professor W. Ouchi put forward the “Z” theory. Having studied Japanese

Anti-crisis management and its features
Anti-crisis management is management in which the anticipation of the danger of a crisis, analysis of its symptoms, and measures to reduce negative consequences are carried out in a certain way.

The general principles of crisis management are the following
1. Systematic principle. The systematic nature of management provides for a coordinated approach to all areas of the formation of human capital of the organization: recruitment, selection,

Particular principles of crisis management
1. The principle of taking into account the long-term perspective of the organization involves the implementation of strategic forecasting and planning for the development of the organization. 2. The principle of integration and cohesion towards

The essence of the conflict
Conflict is a clash of contradictory or incompatible forces, a contradiction that arises between people and teams in the process of their joint work activities due to misunderstanding

Types of conflicts in an organization
In relation to an individual subject, conflicts are internal and external. The first includes intrapersonal conflicts, the second interpersonal, between an individual and a group, intergroup

Causes of conflicts in an enterprise
Each conflict has its own cause (source) of occurrence. The reasons that give rise to conflicts can be divided into three groups: those arising in the process of work, caused by psychological

Interpersonal styles of conflict resolution
There are several tactics for resolving conflicts; they lie in the plane of interpersonal relationships and can be represented by five main styles. Sti

Conflict management
Conflict management is a targeted impact on eliminating (minimizing) the causes of the conflict or correcting the behavior of the participants in the conflict, changing their goals. M

Such documents include:

  • charter of an enterprise or organization;
  • staffing table of the enterprise;
  • collective agreement between the administration and the workforce;
  • organizational management structure;
  • regulations on structural divisions;
  • internal labor regulations;
  • job descriptions of employees and organization of workplaces.

Peculiarity: documents (with the exception of the charter) can be drawn up in the form of enterprise standards and must be put into effect by order of the head of the enterprise. The documents are mandatory for all employees, and failure to comply will result in disciplinary action.

In organizations where there is a high level of organizational influences brought to the standard of the enterprise and management regulations, and high labor and performance discipline, the need for the use of administrative influences is significantly reduced.

Administrative methods of management are aimed at achieving the set management goals, compliance with internal regulations or maintaining the enterprise management system within the specified parameters through direct administrative regulation.

Forms of administrative influence:

A) order. He obliges his subordinates to strictly implement the decision within the established time frame, and its failure to comply entails an appropriate sanction (punishment);

b) order. It is mandatory for execution within a specific management function and structural unit. An order, unlike an order, does not cover all the functions of the enterprise and, as a rule, is signed by the deputy heads of the enterprise;

V) directions and instructions are a local type of organizational influence and, most often, are aimed at the operational regulation of the management process in a short time and for a limited number of employees. Each enterprise must have written job descriptions for each employee, which he must be familiar with. Peculiarity: if directions or instructions are given orally, then they need strict control over execution or should be the basis of high trust in the “manager-subordinate” relationship;

G) instructing and coordinating work- these are management methods based on transferring to subordinates the rules for performing labor operations. Most often, instruction is carried out upon hiring; it is carried out either by the head of the personnel department or by the immediate supervisor;

d) instruction– a one-time method of application by the manager, when he explains with reason the feasibility of a work task for a subordinate. In case of refusal, a repeated attempt is inappropriate, since it will lead to the loss of the manager’s authority over the subordinate.

To make it easier to study the material, we divide the article into topics:

Thirdly, they are based on the mandatory provisions, instructions, orders, instructions, instructions and resolutions of the manager, failure to comply with which is considered a violation of production discipline and entails.

There are different types of organization, but only one of them in a given environment contributes to the best performance of work.

The following types of organization can be distinguished:

1. An organization based on a strict distribution of management functions, regulation of activities, careful control and increased disciplinary requirements, clear responsibility. This type of organization requires strict accounting and anticipation of all problems that arise in management. It has important positive qualities, it corresponds highest degree organization and under certain conditions gives a significant control effect. It often fetters people’s initiative, which is so valuable in modern conditions of production development. Often this type of organization gives rise to bureaucracy in the work of the management apparatus.

2. An organization based on a no less strict distribution of functions and regulation of activities. This is a more flexible type of organization. It has its advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are flexibility, fast reaction to the emergence of unforeseen new problems, greater opportunities for an informal approach to solving them. If a problem arises that does not fit into the existing order of distribution of functions, commissions are formed to deal with the problem. Negative traits This type of organization is characterized by difficulties in monitoring the work of commissions, additional efforts to form and disband them, and some complexity in the organization of management.

3. An organization based primarily on social factors. Here the main emphasis is on the selection and training of personnel, the formation of efficient groups for joint activities, setting goals and objectives for their work, and only then on their functional and structural design. The division of functions is carried out on informal grounds. Such groups are able to work in a very organized manner, they are flexible in their work, disciplined, and have a creative spirit. In the practical construction of an organization of this type, difficulties arise, since social characteristics and the qualities of people are mobile and changeable.

In production management practice, these types of organization are not used in their pure form. In every real organization, one of these three types predominates, which depends on the leader and management staff. The manager chooses one or another type of organization based on management goals, subjective ideas, habitual work style, assessment of the current situation, problems arising in the management process. By choosing and forming a certain type of organization or combining all forms of management organization in one proportion or another, based on the specific operating conditions and psychological characteristics of workers, the social climate, he thereby organizationally influences people.

There is a difference between the content and form of managerial influence. The impact may or may not have a clear organizational design. In cases where a manager, trying to achieve certain goals, uses informal communications and contacts instead of orders and instructions, there is no clear organizational design. Such influence is often called socio-psychological, but not because it is informal. Socio-psychological influence can also be formal, that is, it can have quite rigid organizational forms and at the same time remain socio-psychological. The same can be said about economic management methods.

In accordance with this understanding of management methods, we can talk about the organizational forms of economic and socio-psychological management methods, i.e., about the formal side of their implementation, and at the same time we can talk about organizational management methods that are distinguished according to their substantive specificity.

Thus, if there are organizational influences and if the manager and the management apparatus have the opportunity to operate with them, choosing from them the most acceptable and effective ones, then there are organizational methods that are different from other methods. The presence of organizational forms in the implementation of economic and socio-psychological methods does not change this circumstance, but only indicates the special role of organizational management methods in the system of methods and their inextricable connection with other management methods.

Organizational and administrative methods of management are sometimes called administrative methods. This is due to the fact that, to a large extent, the organizational impact is based on the use, many of the norms of which reflect government regulations and orders, orders, instructions of ministries, committees, decisions and orders of councils of people's deputies. However, the concept of “organizational and administrative methods of management” is broader than the concept of “administrative methods of management”, since organizational and administrative methods include the study of organizational impacts at various levels of management and in the sizes and forms of their manifestation. Heads of enterprises and associations issue orders or regulations containing norms of administrative law. That is why the methods used by them are called organizational-administrative. At the same time, being guided by the rules of law is a prerequisite organizational activities not only managers, but also the entire management apparatus.

Classification and composition of organizational and administrative management methods

Organizational and administrative management methods can be classified according to the sources and directions of their application (impact). Highest value for organizational methods there is a classification of levers of organizational influence. Such levers are: regulations, norms, instructions, disciplinary requirements, responsibility, powers, orders, instructions, etc. Grouping these means of influence according to their role in the management process, we can distinguish three groups of organizational and administrative methods of influence: organizational-stabilizing, administrative and disciplinary. The first and central place among them is occupied by methods of organizational-stabilizing (regulating) influence. The main content of the methods of organizational-stabilizing influence is to establish the composition of the elements of the system and stable organizational connections between them by assigning certain responsibilities both to the system as a whole and to its individual links.

The second group of organizational and administrative management methods are methods of administrative influence, reflecting the current use of established organizational connections and their partial adjustment when working conditions change. At the heart of administrative influence are powers and responsibilities.

A necessary addition to the methods of organizational stabilizing and administrative influence is the third group - methods of disciplinary action, which are designed to maintain the stability of organizational relations through disciplinary requirements and a system of responsibility.

All three groups of management methods are used both separately and together, complementing each other. After all, these methods are interchangeable, which determines the characteristics of one or another type of organization chosen in management, or simply the main accents of organizational activity in the management process.

Organizational and administrative management methods are classified according to sources of influence. Here we highlight the ways of organizational influence of the first, second and subsequent levels of the management system.

Practice shows that each level of the management system has its own characteristics of organizational impact and identifies those that are most effective for this level. The differentiation of methods of organizational influence by levels of the management system is natural, because it reflects the amount of authority possessed by managers of a certain rank, their legal position and, finally, the specific specifics of management, its functional content at a certain level of the management system.

Correct differentiation of organizational and administrative management methods by levels of the management system plays an important role in the theory and practice of management. It reflects the level of centralization of management and contributes to the most complete accounting of organizational relations in the socio-economic system.

Organizational and administrative management methods are classified according to their focus. There are organizational management methods aimed at the controlling and managed systems. The specifics of one and the other system determine the specifics of the organizational impact on each of them. The organization of intellectual work, compared to the organization of physical work, has its own characteristics, which requires a different approach to the application of organizational management methods in the control and controlled systems.

In the system of an enterprise and production association, various subsystems can also be distinguished. Each of them, due to its characteristics, implies a difference in organizational influences, a difference in organizational methods in managing each of them; in this case, management methods act in the form of organizational forms of economic, social and other influences.

It is the differentiation of organizational and administrative management methods according to their focus that is an important factor in improving the system of methods used in management practice.

Composition and main characteristics of organizational and administrative management methods

It is convenient to consider the composition of organizational and administrative management methods according to their first classification division—the specificity of the means of organizational influence. It was noted above that methods of organizational-stabilizing influence occupy a central place. They represent a long-term consolidation of organizational connections in the system, serving as the basis for its management. Methods of organizational-stabilizing influence include regulation, standardization and instruction.

“Regulation is a rather strict type of organizational influence. It consists in the development and implementation of organizational provisions that are mandatory and valid for a period precisely defined by these provisions.

It is possible to specify the composition of such regulatory organizational provisions:

Firstly, these are provisions of a general organizational nature that establish organizational isolation and the order of functioning of the socio-economic system as a whole. Examples of such provisions are the Regulations on the Socialist Enterprise. Regulations on the production association, etc.

Regulation - the establishment of certain social rules, precise instructions for action, a framework for the behavior of a unit (body), a leader.

Secondly, these are provisions that define and establish the internal order of work, the organizational status of various units, their tasks, functions, powers, etc. Such a provision, for example, is the Regulation on linear and functional bodies.

Thirdly, this is - typical structures, defining the leading features of building internal organizational foundations. The great importance of such regulation lies in achieving the necessary unification of management, which helps to strengthen the unity of the management system.

Fourthly, this is job regulation, carried out through states and job descriptions that establish a list of positions and the basic requirements for filling them.

In addition to regulation, another method of organizational-stabilizing influence is used - rationing. It is considered a less stringent type of organizational stabilization and consists in establishing norms and standards that serve as guidelines for activities, establish its boundaries along the upper and lower limits; management practice uses time standards, production standards, number standards, correlation standards, etc. The integrated use of standards has great importance in management. It is very important to correctly determine where, for what types of work, which ones, in what form and within what boundaries the standards should be applied. When making such a choice, deciding on the introduction of standards for certain types of work, the manager organizationally influences the team and uses organizational management methods.

At enterprises and production associations there are a large number of standards: quality-technical, technological, operation-repair, labor, financial-credit, calendar-dynamic, cost-calculation, economic incentives, material-supply and transport, and relations with the budget, organizational - managerial. All these standards determine the activities of the enterprise and production association, both in the field of production and management.

Consequently, if organizational regulation establishes the basis for the organization of the system and the processes occurring in it, then organizational formation determines the ways and order of performing functions and responsibilities, the necessary norms, rules of action and interaction in this system.

The softest method of organizational influence is instruction. It consists of familiarizing yourself with the working conditions or circumstances of the assigned case and explaining.

The concept of “norm” is used in the sense of “measure”, “establishing a measure”, and a standard is a quantitative expression of this norm. In the case under consideration, “norms” are applied in the sense of “rule”, “precise instruction”. These norms, in contrast to material and technical ones, have a social nature of the situation, tasks, possible difficulties, warnings against possible mistakes, advice on performing certain types of work, etc. Instruction always takes the form of methodological and informational assistance aimed at the successful completion of work .

Instruction can be carried out through radio, telephone, video devices, through personal contacts, collectively, etc. It can be in a visual form. Instruction includes the design of premises with the necessary organizational documentation on working conditions: stands with the names of organizational units, their location diagrams, work procedures, internal organizational instructions. Conciseness, simplicity, and consideration of the psychology of perception play a very important role here. It all improves organizational conditions work, contributes to its successful implementation.

It is recommended to apply these methods of organizational influence in a comprehensive manner.

Methods of administrative influence are methods of current organizational work based on an organization formed by an organizational-stabilizing influence. These are methods based on solving a specific situation that is not provided for in regulatory acts or is provided for as administrative activity. In management practice, problems may arise that do not fit within the boundaries established by regulatory acts. In this case, methods of administrative influence are used. They include directives, regulations, orders, instructions, instructions, resolutions. Types of administrative activities, types of administrative influence, and not documents are listed here. A document with a similar name is only an external expression of administrative activity, a means of exercising administrative influence. The administrative influence itself can be oral or documented in form. Each of these forms has its own advantages. The oral form of administrative activity most quickly determines the important aspect of the manager’s work.

At enterprises and production associations, orders can be issued only by line managers, orders - by deputy managers and heads of functional services, within the limits of the rights and competencies granted.

Administrative influence, more often than organizational influence, requires control and verification of execution, which must be clearly organized.

Management of modern production can only be carried out on the basis of firm discipline, subordination of the team to the orders and instructions of higher authorities and their managers. This involves a skillful combination of strict production and the use of initiative and experience of the team.

One of the groups of organizational management methods is methods of disciplinary action, which consists in establishing responsibility. There are personal, collective, material, moral and official responsibility. Combination different types responsibility is important point correct application of organizational management methods.

Determining the degree of mutual correspondence of organizational methods is carried out using organizational analysis, and the determination of the main organizational parameters that best suit the needs of the enterprise in a given period of its development is carried out using organizational planning

Organizational planning (organizational plan) determines the order of implementation of administrative acts. Its goal is to create clear and coordinated work of a group of performers within the framework of certain requirements for its quality under certain limiting conditions, in particular taking into account material, financial and human resources.

Organizational analysis (organizational analysis) is carried out during the study of the system and concerns the application of the principles of management organization, the functional and structural state of management, the use of management methods, management techniques and technology.

Organizational planning is carried out on the basis of org. analysis. Modeling is used as a general methodological technique, i.e., constructed models that reflect the essential communication structures and dependencies of a given process or system, which is a design object, in graphic, text or mathematical forms.

The use of organizational and administrative methods in management

The correct use of organizational and administrative management methods is of great importance in improving management. It determines the clarity and coherence of work, efficiency and timeliness of decisions, flexibility of management, etc. V.I. Lenin attached great importance to organizational issues of management. In his work “The Immediate Tasks of Soviet Power” he wrote: “... main task of the proletariat... is the positive or creative work of imposing an extremely complex and subtle network of new organizational relations.”

Underestimation of the role of organizational and administrative management methods has negative consequences, complicates management, complicates it, reduces official discipline, etc. The decisions of the XXIV, XXV and XXVI Congresses of the CPSU pay special attention to the strengthening, development and constant improvement of the organizational foundations of management. The conventions emphasized a thoughtful, creative, and evidence-based approach to organizational management practices. The use of organizational and administrative management methods requires a thorough analysis of their influence on other management methods, their role in improving socio-psychological and economic methods.

Organizational and administrative management methods occupy a special place among other management methods. They determine the possibilities of using economic and socio-psychological methods. Their special role lies in the immediacy of their action. If the results of using economic and socio-psychological management methods can be detected with a certain delay, then the results of using organizational and administrative methods most often appear directly. All this in management practice often leads to an exaggeration of the role of organizational management methods and sometimes has negative consequences. Like other management methods, organizational and administrative methods have boundaries of effective application, beyond which efficiency decreases. When using organizational and administrative management methods, it is necessary to take into account economic interests, social needs and psychological characteristics subordinates.

An example of the predominance of organizational and administrative management methods is the economic situation “plan at any cost.” In this case, a discrepancy may arise between the management goal and the means to achieve it. This approach, focusing on organizational coercion, does not take into account great opportunities economic and socio-psychological stimulation.

An example of a directive, purely organizational influence that does not take into account economic opportunities and conditions is, for example, the requirement to increase within the framework of the previous management mechanism, i.e. without changing profitability indicators, with constant prices and costs. This usually does not lead to significant and sustainable results. It is no coincidence that the problem of improving product quality is solved through comprehensive improvement of management, the formation of a special quality management mechanism that takes into account all aspects of its improvement.

An important problem in the use of organizational and administrative management methods is their mutual correspondence. Responsibility must correspond to authority, management flexibility should not contradict the stability of work and the clarity of fulfillment of all responsibilities. The correct choice of organizational and administrative management methods is determined by: the goals and nature of the tasks solved in management; organizational traditions that have developed in the team; real interaction of organizational, economic and social interests (relations) in the team.

The effectiveness of using organizational and administrative management methods is determined by the receptivity of their team, acceptability in given working conditions, and compliance with other management methods.

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Organizational and administrative methods of the board.

A special place in the system of management methods is occupied by organizational and administrative methods of management (ORMU). They include techniques and methods of influence of the subject of management on the object of management on the basis of the power and authority of power - decrees, laws, regulations, orders, instructions, directions, instructions, etc. These methods establish the duties, rights, and responsibilities of each manager and subordinate (performer), as well as each link and level of management. ORMU must ensure the personal responsibility of each of the employees of the management apparatus for the execution of the will of higher authorities.

The objective basis for the use of these management methods are organizational relationships that form part of the management mechanism. Since through them one of the most important management functions is realized - the organizational function, the task of organizational and administrative activities is to coordinate the actions of subordinates.

Organizational and administrative methods are mainly based on the authority of the leader, his rights, the discipline and responsibility inherent in the organization.

The relations of an organization are objectively determined not only by the laws of social development, but are also determined by the socio-economic and political conditions of social development, that is, they have not only an objective, but also a subjective nature. In any case, organizational relations serve as the basis for building a hierarchy of authority, that is, the relationship of rights and responsibilities along the entire hierarchy of organizational relations. The system of subordination relations of rights and responsibilities plays decisive role when building a system of organizational and administrative management methods. In order for it to work effectively, two main conditions are necessary:

Balancing rights and responsibilities on each level management, which forms the basis for the identity of the subject and object of management at each level of management;

Balancing rights and responsibilities between levels management. In this case, each of the intermediate control levels must act as a “relay” (transmitting device) that does not create interference or distortions in the control system.

When these requirements are violated, efforts to dominate rights and reduce responsibility inevitably arise and develop.

ORMUs mainly express the direct directive influence of government authorities on managed systems, as a result of which they are often called administrative. However, this is not entirely true. A number of ORMUs have the character of not a direct, but an indirect influence of the authority of the authorities on subordinates, recommendations, proposals, advice.

In general, hazardous conditions are quite diverse in nature, but they can be classified according to the areas of impact. The levers of such influence are regulations, norms, instructions, directive requirements, responsibility and authority, order, instruction, etc.

They are designed to ensure organizational clarity and labor discipline. These methods are regulated by legal acts of labor and economic legislation, the main goals of which are: legal regulation labor relations, strengthening the rule of law, protecting the rights and legitimate interests of the enterprise and its employees in accordance with the Labor Code and other legislative acts.

The classification identifies three groups of organizational and administrative methods (Fig. 1).

1) administrative;

2) organizational - stabilizing;

3) disciplining.

These three groups of methods are always used comprehensively and are closely interrelated with each other.

Rice. 1. ORMU classification scheme

Administrative and disciplinary management methods always act together with organizational and stabilizing ones, providing regulation, standardization and instruction. The directions of their action are as follows:

Ensure the stability of the organizational structures of the socio-economic system and the conditions for their functioning;

Subject each of the processes occurring in socio-economic systems to unconditional subordination to power.

At the same time, all ORM should be used in a complex, contributing to the organizational stabilization of the system.

The question of the interchangeability of management methods is inappropriate, since they have a different nature and a different spectrum of action and are therefore complementary.

Regulatory management methods include:

a) general organizational management methods that determine general principles organizational structures and structure of government bodies;

b) structural management methods that determine the structure of government bodies, that is, a set of links and levels of management;

c) official management methods that determine the official status of each person holding power:

d) functional management methods that determine the order of functioning of certain power structures and public organizations.

The problem with using regulatory management methods is that in many areas the directions of regulation are too rigidly fixed, which limits the mobility of individual parts of the system. In other areas, regulation is either vague or completely absent.

Standardizing management methods based on the use of standards. The concept of a norm should be clearly distinguished from the concept of a norm. The norm is a value characterizing natural conditions the course of natural and anthropogenic processes. A standard is a conditional distribution (fixation) of something per unit of something. Standard management methods include:

a) time standards, for example, time spent per unit of goods (services), per consumer, etc.;

b) population standards, for example, the number of health workers per thousand people of the population;

c) value standards, for example, the maximum permissible concentration of harmful substances in 1 m 3 production premises etc.;

d) output - the volume of products produced per unit of time with piecework wages;

e) standards of correlation, for example, the ratio of the number of students and teachers at a university.

Instruction also forms an extensive scope of operation of the ORMU. It includes various types of information:

a) warning;

b) clarification;

Organizational and administrative methods of management are focused on awareness of the need for labor discipline, obedience to the law, to senior officials, etc. Using administrative methods, the rights, duties and responsibilities of teams and individual workers are determined; their relationships in the process of production and management; coordination of actions; assessment of their effectiveness, etc.

Organizational and administrative methods are distinguished by the direct nature of their impact: any regulatory or other administrative act is subject to mandatory implementation. This requires making a scientifically based decision and using an effective system for monitoring the execution of orders and instructions.

These are methods of direct influence that are directive and mandatory in nature. They are based on discipline, responsibility, power, coercion.

Organizational methods include: - organizational design, - regulation, - standardization.

At the same time, specific persons and specific execution dates are not indicated.

With administrative methods (order, direction, instruction), specific performers and deadlines are indicated.

Organizational methods are based on typical situations, while managerial methods mostly relate to specific situations. Typically, administrative methods are based on organizational ones.

The essence of organizational regulation is to establish rules that are mandatory and determine the content and order of organizational activities (statutes on the enterprise, charter of the company, internal standards, regulations, instructions, rules of planning, accounting, etc.).

Organizational rationing includes norms and standards for the expenditure of resources in the process of the company's activities.

Regulation and standardization are the basis for the organizational design of new and existing firms.

Administrative methods are implemented in the form of: - order, - resolution, - instruction, - instruction, - command, - recommendation.

Production management is carried out on the basis legal norms, which relate to organizational, property, labor and other relations in the production process.

The use of power motivation alone does not allow us to fully mobilize the creative activity of the team and its individual members to solve the problems facing them. To achieve maximum effect, it is necessary to use methods focused on material and moral motives.

Topic 8. Management functions. Planning in management

F functions management

General management functions: planning, organizing, motivating, and controlling.

In Russian management at state enterprises - planning, organization, stimulation and control.

The main functions are planning, organization, coordination, regulation, control, motivation.

Planning includes a set of goals of the enterprise and departments, and also determines the means to achieve them, taking into account the specifics of the future environment in which it is expected that planned decisions and actions will be implemented. Planning function performs the following types of actions:

    Choosing the appropriate course of action from future alternatives both for the enterprise as a whole and for each of its divisions;

    Choosing a goal to which the enterprise will strive;

    Setting tasks for departments;

    Determining a rational path to achieve these tasks and goals.

The planning function has 4 important goals: 1) eliminate negative effects, uncertainties and changes; 2) focus on the main tasks; 3) achieve economic functioning; 4) provide control.

Organization- this is the process of streamlining technical, economic, social and organizational subsystems at all hierarchical levels, as well as the formation and maintenance of a control subsystem at the required level.

Function of the organization is implemented on the basis of the following principles: specialization, proportionality, parallelism, straightness, continuity and rhythm.

Principle of proportionality is to maintain separate proportions between the various parts of the management apparatus, so that all functions are performed in a timely manner, harmoniously, without the occurrence of bottlenecks.

Parallel principle imposes requirements for the parallel execution of labor process operations by management employees in order to reduce the duration of the work cycle and individual procedures.

Direct flow principle consists in the rational organization of labor processes in the management apparatus, which is achieved by determining the shortest path for the movement of information or documentation from the place of origin to the place of use.

Continuity principle requires minimizing all kinds of technological interruptions in the process of managerial work.

The principle of rhythm makes demands on the management apparatus to ensure uniform operation of all its links, subordination to a single rhythm, subordination of the entire labor process to a certain systematic regime established by planning and technical documents.

Coordination- this is the basis of management, since achieving harmony of individual efforts aimed at achieving goals is the main task of management. The principles that ensure the implementation of the coordination function are rationality (consists in establishing thoughtful connections between the elements of the coordinated system), reliability (involves ensuring the greatest reliability and reliability of information used in the process of coordinating all activities in the management system), the principle of clarity and efficiency (consists in ensuring clarity and speed of implementation of each element of the control system on direct and feedback signals).

Stages and stages of development of the management process.

The business management process was first divided into stages by Henri Fayol in 1914 and currently includes the following main stages: planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

Planning in an enterprise is necessary in order to formulate the main goals and determine ways to achieve them, the organization is to optimally distribute work among subordinates, management is to create conditions and desires among people to work together to achieve the company’s goals, and control is to assess the reality of the goals and find out what results the company was able to achieve. Thus, the process of enterprise management implies that the functions of control and planning are interconnected - thanks to control, the goals of the organization are revised (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Enterprise management process

Control of the enterprise's activities should be carried out by identifying deviations between actual and planned indicators. Formation of planned performance indicators of an enterprise is the main function of budgeting (budget planning). A budget is a detailed plan for the activities of an enterprise, and control of the activities of an enterprise, in essence, is control over the execution of the budget.

The experience of implementing a control system at a number of enterprises in the Volgograd region allows us to conclude that the process of monitoring the activities of an enterprise should include the following stages:

1. Determination of those responsible for the execution of budget items of the enterprise. Practice has shown that involving all employees of an enterprise to monitor the activities of the enterprise is inappropriate. It is enough to assign responsible persons to the main items of expenses and income of the enterprise, who will analyze the dynamics of deviations;

2. Formation of a set of indicators for analyzing the activities of the enterprise. Monitoring each budget figure may not only require large expenses for the enterprise, but will also turn out to be ineffective, therefore, to control the activity of the enterprise, it is necessary to use a number of indicators, through which all favorable and unfavorable changes occurring in the enterprise will be clearly visible.

3. Selection of the necessary information about the financial and economic activities of the enterprise and its presentation in a form convenient for analysis;

4. Determining the deviation of the fact from the plan by comparing the relevant indicators. Deviations are distinguished as follows: absolute, relative, selective, cumulative, deviations in time;

5. Analysis of deviations and identification of the causes of their occurrence. All reasons can be divided into two groups:

External and internal factors activity of the enterprise: (for example, changes in the position of the enterprise in the market, increases in prices for raw materials or energy resources, forced downtime of the enterprise, force majeure, etc.);

Use of incorrect data in the planning or analysis process (intentional or due to incompetence);

6. Making a decision to adjust the budget or tighten it while monitoring its execution (Figure 2).

Fig 2. Deviation analysis diagram

Properly organized control allows not only to promptly detect shortcomings in the activities of the enterprise, but also to take timely measures to eliminate them. Strict adherence to the above steps allows you to properly organize a system for monitoring the activities of the enterprise. Control is aimed at continuous improvement of the enterprise’s activities, which is a necessity for modern enterprises.

Development of a business plan using network planning methods and management (SPU)

Gantt charts are dashes in the operation time.

Perth method - reliability assessment method, SPU

The main thing in the SPU method is parallelism of work (many options for action). Used in construction, rocket industry, large manufacturing companies, development of business plans, assembly and dismantling of buildings

In the network schedule, you can adjust the entire range of work to meet the deadline by increasing resources (labor, financial, etc.). SPU appeared in the mid-20th century. The network model is a complex of all expected interconnected works. The network model associated with the policy period is converted into a network diagram. Direct work (ΟΟ), - is standardized in various resources; Event(Ο); Fictitious work (Ο- -) - is not standardized, 0, but without it it is not possible to continue further work.

Landow's rule: RNPR - early start of subsequent work; POPR - late completion of previous work. POPR-RNPR=P (time reserve).

P = 0 - the event enters the critical path (the maximum duration path that does not allow the work to be disrupted. One straight line and as many fictitious ones lead to one event.

The use of network matrices in the management process makes it possible to present this process in a visual form, as well as to identify the features of the situation, the structure necessary work and acceptable means and methods for their implementation, analyze the relationship between performers and work, prepare a scientifically based coordinated plan for performing the entire range of work to solve the task. Such a plan, based on analysis of the network matrix and identification of critical activities, makes it possible to reallocate resources for more efficient use. It also becomes possible to quickly process large amounts of reporting data using computer technology and provide company management with timely and comprehensive information about the actual state of work, facilitating the adjustment of decisions made, predicting the progress of work on the critical path and concentrating the attention of managers at various levels on them. The network decision matrix is ​​a graphical representation of the management process, where all operations that are necessary to achieve the final goal are shown in a certain technological sequence and interdependence.

To build a network diagram, it is necessary to establish in the technological sequence which works must be completed before the start of this work, which must be started after the completion of this work, which need to be completed simultaneously with the completion of this work.

When coding network models, the following must be taken into account: all events have independent numbers; are encoded by numbers of the natural series (without gaps), the number of the subsequent event is assigned after assigning numbers to the preceding events; the arrow (work) should always be directed from the event with a lower number to the event with a higher number.

Layout of the American version of a business plan.
