A comic forecast for the evening with the names of the guests. Congratulations according to zodiac signs

Even those who do not believe in horoscopes know that they themselves were born, for example, under the sign of Aries, their wife is a stubborn Taurus, and their close friend is a Gemini. When wishing a happy birthday, take into account the horoscope, the birthday person will be pleased. Today we offer you comic

congratulations according to the zodiac signs.

ARIES - never guilty of anything.

Aries always runs ahead of the locomotive. They are active, dynamic and not prone to pessimism. In our active times, Aries are simply ideal! Let us raise a glass “to the furious and rebellious!” For Aries!

For a man:

Everyone knows - stubborn Aries,

All conventions are corrected,

Even if I'm guilty,

Still repeats: “I’m right!”

He is persistent, fearless,

He is in charge of the fire.

Let our fiery lamb

He will break through all the walls with his forehead!

For a woman:

Aries is a fire sign

It's hot for everyone when you're around.

Like fire, beckoning to you

You burn even with your glance.

She warmed and charmed everyone,

Giving a magical light.

We drink to make you shine

Brighter than others - up to a hundred years!

TAURUS is the smith of his own happiness.

Taurus is solid, stable, reliable. He is full of earthly charm, sensitive to the beauty of flowers, smells and nature in general. Sets up your home or summer cottage in the most comfortable way. At the birthday of a Taurus or Heifer, it is worth raising a toast to earthly beauty! And for the owner (hostess) - her embodiment!

For a man:

Taurus is calm and confident

His path of life is measured.

He is in life for any cause

It is handled simply and skillfully.

So let's raise a toast to Taurus -

Good luck to the blacksmith!

For a woman:

The heifer is the hostess

She always has

Cooking in a warm kitchen

Tasty food.

There is no order,

She has comfort

The legs are just themselves

They are taking her to visit!

For my dear hostess,

For a cozy home

Let's drink one by one -

And let's pour it again!

(To be continued…)

Congratulations according to zodiac signs. Part 4

Svetlana Burtseva

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Let's drink to Sagittarius - a daring fellow.

Sagittarius are people of high spirituality, the Don Quixotes of our days. They are always ready to stand up for the truth and defend the weak. They love to help everyone and give advice. And it’s okay that advice is sometimes stupid, and help confuses the matter even more. The main thing is that Sagittarius has a pure and noble heart. With him you should always be ready to go to the ends of the earth and to crazy feats! Toast at Sagittarius's birthday: “For justice! For the height of the spirit!

To a man

Everyone knows that Sagittarius is

a fighter from birth!

He stands up boldly

the noblest thing.

Everyone loves and honors him -

He's almost like Robin Hood.

Or even William Tell -

hits the target!

Let everything be done

more than ok

let every arrow

will hit the top ten!

To a woman

Everyone knows that Strelchikha

manages her husband dashingly -

she's such a wife,

like an Amazon!

We do not discredit Strelchikha,

but we want to wish her

so that I could at least at night

hide your onions under the bed!

Capricorn - live without worries!

Capricorn is an earthy, realistic sign. He is able to climb the career ladder and gain a strong position in society. Women often become businesswomen. And if not, then they certainly occupy a strong position as the head of the house. With Capricorn you will be comfortable and safe! Toast at Capricorn's birthday: “For confidence in the future!”

To a man

So many paths in life

in front of you, Capricorn!

You are an earthly sign, and your step is firm,

you can be proud of yourself!

So be calm, like a yogi,

live without grief and anxiety!

We drink so that you are not deceived,

so that all friends are true.

May the horns never become

a gift from your wife!

To a woman

Let it be, Koerozhka,

your path is easy,

let whatever you want,

then at that very moment it comes true!

Run easily like a goat

and don't be afraid of worries,

May your life be like a rose

Blooms in the middle of winter!


Pour us a stronger drink!

Aquarians are extremely fond of talking, fantasizing, and pouring out their souls. He is active: one idea is being embodied, another is on the way, a third is in stock. Intelligence is a strong trait of Aquarius. These are sophisticated aesthetes and deep thinkers. Toast at Aquarius's birthday: “To intelligence and beauty!”

To a man

Your patron, Aquarius,

looks at us from the bus.

Pour it stronger, don’t be sorry -

because there is a wonderful toast!

For giving life

us a waterfall of miracles,

so that the summer rain pours

only joy from heaven!

Let the shadow not darken

the path of your destiny,

for a summer shower on a winter day

We'll drink, Aquarius!

To a woman

My dear chatterbox,

You are pouring words like water!

We are coming to you, friend,

like without an umbrella - in the rain.

On this holiday, Aquarius,

have pity on our ears

and something stronger

pour it without hesitation!

Dreamy Pisces could do so much...

Pisces are gentle and impressionable natures. They are ready to feel sorry for everyone, to sympathize with everyone. Emotions are the main thing for Pisces. They rarely swim against the current and usually live in their own parallel world, far from everyday life. This world is full of beauty and tenderness. Do not destroy the dreams and illusions of Pisces! A toast for their name day? Of course: “For making your dreams come true!”

To a man

Happy swimming to the Fish in the river,

and in the sea, and in the lake, and in the ocean!

If you want, then in milk,

If it works out - even in nirvana!

Swim through life, swim in freedom,

let your dreams come true!

Just don't try to dive in alcohol -

Sharks and even whales drown in it.

To a woman

Dreamy Pisces

so much could be done.

But only reluctantly

raise their fin.

I raise my glass

and I propose a toast,

so that Rybka succeeds

suddenly become gold!

Congratulations according to zodiac signs. Part 3

Svetlana Burtseva

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Lion and lioness - king and queen

Leo is an extremely ambitious sign. The only thing he craves from the world is flattery, flattery, flattery! Leo simply basks in the rays of universal admiration. Praise him - and he will be capable of many things: he will help, and console, and save, and lend money. Have you figured it out yet? On the name day of a Leo or Lioness there can be only one toast: “To our incomparable one! Unsurpassed! The only one!

For a man:

Let everyone know - Leo

there are rights to the kingdom!

He who dares controls.

He can do it! He can do it!

I've overcome all the difficulties,

taking over the whole world,

let him be forever right

our fire-fighting Leo!

For a woman:

luxurious purring Lioness,

you can be proud of yourself!

You were born to reign, to captivate,

both to rule and to subjugate!

So let you, my queen,

the whole world in love will submit!

Virgo is the harvest queen!

Virgo is a rational, critical, analytical sign. He values ​​neatness and (oddly enough!) a sense of humor. Most of all, he values ​​​​intelligence - and loves for this quality to be respectfully noted in him. So, a toast to Virgo’s birthday: “To a brilliant mind! For wisdom! For critical talent that helps us all become better!” Virgos value health and a rational lifestyle. They take toasts “to health” seriously. So don’t skimp on wishes of this kind!

To a man

September and August - Virgo servants –

we are given a generous harvest,

and that means for your merits

Collect rewards generously!

Everywhere, in everything, be the first

may all people honor you.

Queen of the Harvest - Virgo

will reward you for your work!

For a woman:

Simple, confident

you are walking exactly according to fate.

Always ready to give advice,

you emit a soft light.

May our Virgin be preserved

Lord from all kinds of insults, -

will give your heart joy and peace,

will give you more than enough money.

We wish her to be healthy

and don't forget about your friends!

Scales - amazing beauty.

Scales - charming, sexy, relaxed. They put aesthetics at the forefront; beauty is the main thing for them. Grace in everything and attractiveness to everyone is what you should emphasize in your toast. Libra is controversial. They try to weigh everything once and for all and at the same time eternally hesitate. Raise your glasses to decisiveness and righteousness, maybe by doing this you will encourage the hero of the day to do something important for him.

To a man

You don't know fear in life,

you were able to weigh everything on Libra,

you know exactly what it costs,

you are going the right way.

We wish everything to come true,

so that it goes according to plan - like a clock,

so that you never make mistakes

Fortune is accurate Libra!

To a woman

You are made of hesitation

out of unjustified doubts,

you are all a hint and expectation,

love and happiness gentle genius.

Yes, only Libra women

such exquisite beauty!

So let's drink, angel of beauty,

May everyone's dreams come true!

Scorpio is a champion of burning passion!

Scorpio is a mystical personality. This man is torn by passions. He

he suffers and torments others. The adventurous streak in Scorpio is very strong; he loves adventure and danger. He makes concessions extremely rarely; his motto is “What’s mine is mine.” And most importantly: the Scorpio woman is a femme fatale. A Scorpio man is simply irresistible in the eyes of the opposite sex. But be careful! They love to play with other people. Toast at Scorpio's birthday: “To the triumph of love!”

To a man

We hear from all sides:

“What a darling Scorpio!

He is both bright and smart,

and a champion in bed!

And - when he feels itchy -

impossible to achieve! »

Let all obstacles pass,

Let him achieve happiness!

BUT... Let your own poison

Scorpio beware!

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Geminis are inspired creators.

On the birthday of your friend Gemini, remember that the sun of Russian poetry, Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin, was also born under the sign of Gemini. Gemini is an enthusiastic, super sociable, creative person. This is an air sign. He is changeable like the wind. Have you guessed why we're raising our glasses? For creativity! Here's to change! For the unknown!

For a man:

Promises inspiration

Air sign - Gemini

These are geniuses of communication,

These are the joys of the creators!

Humanity's crown

Pushkin was also a Gemini!

If you were born a Gemini,

Don't lose face!

For a woman:

It's like there's wind in my head,

then suddenly calm and modest.

Although I see clearly, you are alone,

but sometimes it seems like there are two of you.

You change all the time

enchanting body and soul.

So be like this for many years

unpredictably beautiful!

Cancer - drinking beer is not a fool.

A native tradition combines raki with beer. It makes sense. Cancer really loves to eat and understands cooking. However, this zodiac sign is not at all a flat, primitive creature. On the contrary!\ Cancer is ONE OF the most sensitive signs of the Zodiac! This is a dreamer. And a very touchy dreamer! Be careful not to offend his impressionable soul!

And our toast will sound like this: “To a world of dreams, harmony and beauty!” This is where the crayfish reside, rejecting harsh reality.”

For a man:

Cancer - there is no sign of a soul,

He is happy to serve his friends.

Aside from Raka beer

hard for us to imagine.

Let's raise our glass, lovingly,

and let's clink glasses in Russian-

we'll invite you for a beer

not as a snack!

To a woman

One moment you laugh, and then suddenly there is silence.

This is how you attract men to you

but at the last moment you retreat,

our shy sweet crustacean.

Today we wish with excitement,

so that you become more beautiful over the years,

so that, having given up his embarrassment,

boldly took the joys of life!

In the year of the Pig, according to astrologers and other magical brethren, representatives of the zodiac houses will be under the powerful influence of this hardworking animal. This means that the whole year will be fruitful, inspiration and joy of achievement will hang in the air.

However, it is difficult to force people to move forward against their will. The only thing that helps is a golden kick! Therefore, astrologers and soothsayers advise all zodiac signs to search for a “magic kick”. But if this is difficult, then ask one of your relatives to do a favor and give you that “golden kick”.

What to expect in 2019? Considering that the Pig is a rational animal, we tune in to global savings in all areas of life, which is compensated by good health and a cheerful mood. And a lot of work awaits us all, which will not escape into the forest.

But there is a positive aspect here: the year will be favorable for careerists who will easily leave behind their less fortunate and persistent colleagues.

It is better to attract the attention of others to your person in bright and shocking outfits. If one of your employees is confused by your shaved head or the rainbow coloring of your office jacket, then it will be nice to enlighten the person about the dramatic changes in the new year, starting with your appearance.

  • Stubborn Aries should urgently pay attention to their spouses in 2019, otherwise there is a high risk of “growing” branchy horns.
  • Stubborn sheep devoted so much time and effort to work that they completely forgot about tenderness and romantic feelings.
    The Year of the Pig will return charred and long-cooled feelings from ardent passions to Aries, forcing them to go crazy and not stray far from the love bed.
  • For Aries men, the loving Pig will bring such qualities that no representative of the fair sex can resist.
  • Aries women will have the chance to choose from hundreds of suitors the most selected specimen from the truck of admirers of all titles and varying degrees of handsomeness turned over on their street. The main thing is to choose carefully so as not to end up in the tight embrace of a gigolo.
  • In work, the Year of the Pig will not bring many changes to Aries, so lambs can go on vacation for three months with peace of mind. All the same, the lamb will not climb the career ladder, and the cash flows will not be as great as we would like.

There is only one piece of advice from astrologers: learn to save. However, Aries are also misers by nature, so they will be able to please the Pig and even fall into the category of favorites of the year.

It's very difficult not to be stubborn
But we have to endure everything
And in the year 2019 to you every morning
You need to look in the mirror more often.
And seeing your smile
You will go out into the world more cheerfully
And don't make a mistake
Having loved everyone in my life.

Moderate your temper,
The quieter you go, the further you'll get,
And then, without fail,
The Year of the Pig will be great!
Success awaits you in all areas,
You'll still have to work hard,
The main thing is not to relax,
And the fruits of your efforts,
In the fall, collect:
Career growth, business profit,
Health is normal, prosperity in the house,
A very successful year for ARIES!

Aries is a stubborn person
Knows like no one else
That he is always the best
In any situation.
The year 2019 will forever teach you
Be a little more modest!
And it will only make you better
And he will send the faithful one on the way!

Comic table horoscope in verse and prose for Taurus women and men for 2019

  • Slow, stubborn, and absolutely devoid of a sense of humor, Taurus will not be surrounded by the attention of the owner of 2019, because these qualities anger him.
  • However, Taurus should not be discouraged, but rather wait out the difficult period, hiding in a secluded and painfully familiar place, reaping the fruits of their labors. Bulls know that if they want, they can reach heavenly heights, but is the extra movement necessary?
  • All the same, manna from heaven from banknotes will fall on their heads, no matter where they are and no matter what they do. Then there will be only one thing left: to have time to rake up the “lavender” and spend it.
  • There is a high probability that Taurus has an unknown relative living out his days somewhere on the Canary Islands, who will soon give his soul to God, having transferred his millions to him.
  • Taurus can hit the jackpot in the year of the Pig. In a word, financial problems cannot touch him. The career peak is also ready to submit to Taurus, if only he is careful with ill-wishers.
  • Congenital laziness will help them remain calm, and Taurus will not even think about revenge. The main thing is to remember your pleasant habit, such as a furious twitch of your shoulder or a fierce gnawing on a pencil, and you can forget about the injustice of the world around you.

There are no changes on the love front for Taurus. In other words, complete calm: absence of romantic dates and any relationships with the opposite sex. More precisely, they will be in a relationship, but it will be very short-lived, so it is better not to get wrapped up in the issue of arranging your personal life during this period.

The Year of the Pig will give Taurus
Incredible positivity
He will give you big money,
Great year for prospects!
Taurus has great luck
Will give you endless happiness!
Good luck will calm the soul,
Love will light hearts with fire!

Patient and stubborn
Relentless and smart
Awaiting recognition of merits,
Temptations of fate!
You on the ladder of success,
The way to the top is close,
And then it’s up to you -
Jump down or get ready,
Reach a new goal!
Don't joke with your health
Take a vacation in the fall
Relax, take a walk,
Be positive!
Difficulties and trials
What fall out at the end of the year
You will meet with a smile,
You almost won't notice them!
Golden year for Taurus!

Red everywhere? Very hot?
Bullfight is here! And you are a hero.
To avoid parked minutes -
Run home with joy.
Moo rarely, but to the point.
Chew gum every day
Train your mind and body
And drive away laziness!

For Taurus, the Year of the Pig is preparing a surprise in the summer
His ideas will be the prize ticket
Let the other one, on yours, on the idea
Build your best career
Don't be upset, you won't be forgotten either
And ideas will not disappear from Taurus
The year 2019 will not shower you with money
But the last one won’t take away the bread
And Taurus will not be very lucky in love
Let him keep and protect what he has.

  • Oh, these neat and fussy Geminis! The Year of the Pig is preparing a whole series of events for them. These two-faced individuals will show themselves in full: they will masterfully torment their relatives with fits of bad mood, they will experience more frequent attacks of drowsiness and laziness in 2019.
  • However, sometimes looking up from the pillow, Gemini will try to bring one of their many ideas to life.
  • It is important that at such moments there is a person nearby who will help sort through the influx of ideas and choose one that can lift Gemini to the top of his career.
  • But if a faithful and insightful well-wisher is not nearby, then Gemini will be able to cope with the task themselves, relying on their vaunted intuition and resourcefulness.
  • Gemini in the year of the Pig will continue to move from place to place, there will again be new acquaintances and attachments against the backdrop of contempt for various rules. Romantic relationships are no exception: Geminis will throw enchanting jokes left and right and try to seduce everyone they like.

Finding unearthly happiness is possible for Gemini only if they force themselves to stop in time. For lonely Gemini, the Pig even organizes a trip to the registry office to the sounds of Mendelssohn’s march with a sleepy Taurus or tight-fisted Capricorn, which will satisfy their mercantile desires.

An ambiguous year is coming for Gemini
This year promises them many ups,
Helps solve complex problems
But falls are also expected...
Take your problems calmly,
After all, you will still be able to solve them!
Help your relatives more,
And the year, believe me, will be perfect!

Love will come unexpectedly
And will not leave you all year,
There is no need to start new things,
You won't have good luck with them quickly,
Should you expand your business?
And strengthen what already exists,
And in these endeavors of yours -
The pig is on your side!
Take care of your health
And the flu can be insidious
And take a vacation in the winter,
Pay attention to your loved ones!

A world with haste and eagerness
He tries to deceive you.
Spend your life on the move
Chew Revit packets.
Twins with a similar disposition
Can be quickly distinguished.
Happy New Year to all of you
It will be a joy to give you!

You shouldn't focus on your career
Gemini can't jump over the barrier
There will be no shortage of money
Money will be smooth all year
Pull yourself together and keep
The love that is nearby, take care
And may it take a lot of strength
But this year will not send you another.

  • For suspicious and sad representatives of the zodiac family Cancer, the Pig is preparing the opportunity to get out of the shell in order to enjoy the fruits of their hands, or rather, their claws.
  • Cancers, with their rich inner world, will remain a mystery to those around them, and even to the Cancers themselves in 2019.
  • Representatives of this zodiac sign will shed tears over trifles, having previously climbed into a cozy hole and prepared beautiful handkerchiefs and chocolates for such an occasion.
  • However, the Pig will change the situation radically: Cancers will have to stop suffering, get up from the comfortable sofa and get to work. Fortunately, there will be a lot of it. But finances will run out at the most inopportune moment.
  • If Cancer does not want to walk around the world with an outstretched hand, then he will have to not just work, but work his ass off. Luck will literally haunt Cancers, so they should devote this year to completing the work they have started and finally getting to the top of the career ladder.

Cancers should leave depression and blues until more difficult periods of life, because now is the time to grab Luck by the scruff of the neck and pull it into your shell. And you’ll start whining and complaining about your bitter fate next year.

The stars hint to Cancer -
Risk must be avoided!
After all, this whole year decides
What to promise, to whom.
Routine work for you
Gives sweet fruits!
You will be in worries all year -
But dreams will come true!

The beginning of the year will be difficult
Can't do without help
Friends and relatives will help,
Just don’t isolate yourself!
Be careful at work
You don't need unnecessary risk
In love, honest and constant,
Don't chase every skirt!
Pay attention to your health,
Don't forget to give
And unreasonable impulses,
Try to curb it!

Don't back away from happiness!
Run as fast as you can towards him!
Bypassing illness and misfortune.
The coming 2019 is a guarantee of this.
Look for holes under rocks
Rock your claws and smile!
Then he will always be with you
Warmth in the eyes, violin in the sound.

  • Leos will please the Pig, the mistress of 2019, who will bestow all the blessings on the representatives of this zodiac sign.
  • Owners of luxurious hair will be able to fully enjoy their status as the king of beasts. Many opportunities will open up for them to slowly and majestically reach the limits of their dreams.
  • Leos dreaming of the boss's chair will be able to take this place if only they stop throwing their charm to the wind and stop drowning in a jumble of endless social events and parties.
  • Leos who dream of a strong and happy family will meet their love, because they will simply be overwhelmed by an army of fans. The main thing is not to get confused and make the right choice under an avalanche of romantic SMS, passionate sighs under the balcony to the delight of the neighbors.
  • There will even be admirers who will offer to go to the Maldives or Goa.

The boat of financial well-being will leak, so Leos better look for information that will help them save, and immediately begin putting the advice into practice. Otherwise, there is a high risk of maintaining a regal appearance with a constant feeling of hunger.

Good luck the light flashes,
And Leo, combing his mane,
It hints to all fans,
The mood is quite playful.
The owner of the year, smiling,
Admires the imposing Leo,
And the stars also tried,
And then, one wonderful day,
Leo received his salary
And I was terribly surprised
Seems simple, lives without cronyism,
He didn’t flatter and didn’t fuss...
It's okay, Leo, relax
You deserve to live richly
At least go to the Maldives,
The goat decided to please.

Thunderstorm of forests, fields and prairies.
Shaggy lion. Victory awaits you!
Run away from ridiculous debates -
They cause calluses, dandruff, troubles!
Keep and love your pride.
The leader of the entire pack is an important rank.
Simple things, appreciate life.
Freedom of sincere paintings.

It's time for the lions to enjoy the fruits
Your very hard work.
This year there is no need to fear disasters -
After all, this year is calmer for you than ever.
We just don’t want Leos to lose their vigilance,
Although you won’t have to wait for many events -
Still, you better trust your wisdom,
And she will be able to tell you a lot!

  • Virgos will find a common language with the owner of 2019 thanks to their mutual love for all kinds of nonsense and fables, even with an invariably tragic ending.
  • After all, the owner of the year himself loves to spend time in intimate conversations and is capable of lying for the sake of a catchphrase.
  • For pedantic and unhappy Virgos, the Year of the Pig will bring little money and a lot of work. Although Virgos are accustomed to a frantic working rhythm: by launching their built-in brain calculator, they invariably find a way to get a considerable amount before payday and work almost to the point of exhaustion.

Staying on the Pinocchio diet (with three crusts of bread) is not about Virgos, no matter what year it comes. On the love front, Virgos expect real shocks: romance for them will pass under both the “plus” and “minus” signs. But everything will work out for the good.

  • Having warmed up the slacker and loafer in their cozy nest, the Virgos will finally break the union that is dragging them to the bottom and take a deep breath. Virgos who still have not found their soul mate will go in search of her, increasing the degree of charm to the limit.
  • Fans will have no choice but to fall at their feet and pile up in stacks.

Lonely Virgos in the Year of the Pig love
Of course, it’s waiting somewhere!
You have to be surprised by life again -
And she promises surprises!
Only the best is what should happen
But for this you need to try!
And you will be able to find your calling,
The main thing is not to worry about trifles!

To the fair half of the virgins
The coming year promises troubles.
Make-up, kitchen heating,
Keep a hearth for the whole company.
Male half of the sign!
Carry the first ones in your arms!
With such courage and attack
Take your place in the clouds!

Virgos, sensitive and smart,
Pleasant surprises await
Career growth, sudden flirting,
And the finances are in order,
It's worth doing sports
Beware of different stresses
And don’t think about your age,
There is no need for self-examination,
How long are we destined to live?
Neither subtract nor add,
So keep your nose up
This year will be successful!

  • Libras are capable of driving those around them into delirium tremens in 2019 with their doubts and worries when they have the opportunity to choose.
  • However, if ways to solve the problem are found, then Libra shows unprecedented persistence. The Pig is not impressed by this behavior of Libra, so they risk ending up in the ranks of losers or getting bogged down in drunkenness.
  • Libras face poverty and unemployment unless they make important decisions at the beginning of the year: regarding work, personal relationships, and finances.
  • The coming 12 months will depend on what decisions Libra makes earlier this year. Therefore, you should cast aside all doubts, stop complaining about life, and stock up on patience and perseverance to conquer the peak of your career.
  • You will have to show remarkable creativity and impress your bosses with your zeal for work, otherwise Libra risks losing their job. Relationships with the opposite sex will be difficult. And this is connected with Libra’s confidence in his irresistibility.

The owner of the year will force Libra to storm the bastions of fortresses on their own, and for this you will have to learn the basics of flirting. Otherwise, Libra risks losing even old fans who are tired of endless promises.

Your arrow is balanced
Depends entirely on you!
The harmony of the soul is always wonderful,
A clear, precise eye has been developed.
The scales of fate will not weigh you down,
When you don’t cheat either.
On the contrary - they will hang it upstairs,
They will help you believe and love.

Libra, you will have to become smarter,
After all, many events are expected this year.
Change jobs or even fall in love,
Finally fulfill your dream!
Libra's whole life can turn upside down,
It's up to you what happens!
But the stars will definitely turn to face you,
Believe me, good things will definitely come!

And everything will be evenly balanced on the scales
Try - you will have everything approximately
You don't have to suffer financially
Libra will always have a stash
Love will bring your taste back to life
And even vinegar will become sweet
The year will be full of love and temptations
Libra's worries are in vain.

  • Scorpios in the year of the Pig will be able to catch luck by the tail. These bloodthirsty and narcissistic arthropods will find themselves on a streak of unexpected luck.
  • But this year’s generosity will not end there either: Scorpios will simply be overwhelmed by an avalanche of profits and offers in 2019, which will be difficult to refuse.
  • Such a prosperous life also has a price: the Pig will demand that Scorpio stop stinging everyone who comes to hand (under the tail with a sting).
  • After all, the Pig experiences fear at the sight of arachnids! Scorpios, out of their habit, will rush at whiners and weaklings, pushing them away with their claws. The level of activity and enthusiasm of arthropods will not decrease.
  • All this will contribute to the fact that Scorpios will be able to find themselves at the top of their career ladder already in the middle of the year. Having climbed to its top, scorpions will make fun of their less arrogant and agile relatives.
  • In love affairs, it is better for Scorpios not to waste time on trifles and not to count their expenses on gifts for loved ones.

The reward for this will be a real ocean of sensuality and gratitude. In a word, Scorpio has no need for a sting in the year of the Pig: everything can be achieved peacefully.

Year 2019 for Scorpios,
It won't be easy
Hassles, everyday life, routine,
Everyone will fall together...
There is no need to pity everyone,
Whoever turns up at hand
Friends will help you
In difficult times!
And health will be normal,
It’s a sin to complain to you,
Take more time
Raising children!

In the desert, sultry and deaf
Don't get lost, Scorpios!
Where to go? Forward! By hand
Break all your obstacles.
An oasis awaits - value your time.
There are prickly cacti there - dangerous!
For those who are in the subject of this topic -
Search. And you will find happiness.

Big changes await Scorpios
It depends on you whether they will be bad or excellent
You need to reconsider your outlook on life
To move to the next level in time
In love, don’t dream of something new
Keep what you have, don't lose it
If you don’t listen, you’ll lose...
You will be stuck alone for a whole year.

  • The last of the zodiac romantics, Sagittarius, will have good luck in the Year of the Pig. For their medieval-style gallantry and ability to gather large and noisy companies, the owner of 2019 will generously reward them.
  • Sagittarius will be overwhelmed by fireworks of feelings, romantic confessions and evidence of passionate love. Moreover, both Sagittarius themselves and their admirers will fall under this fireworks display.
  • But in other areas of life, the whole year will pass with a terrible creak. The owner of the year will constantly try to bite Sagittarius harder.
  • Therefore, if Sagittarius decided to change jobs, move, or otherwise radically change their lives, then it is better to wait until next year, otherwise treacherous turns of fate cannot be avoided.

However, this does not mean at all that representatives of this zodiac sign can sit all year long, folding their arrows by the fireplace, and reminiscing about pleasant memories. Such things will not work with the Pig: you will have to work hard to receive monetary rewards.

In the year of the Pig, Sagittarius will have to
Inspire your family
If the whole family comes together
Get to work means prosper
You are destined for the coming year!
Let Sagittarius not forget -
Nothing will warm you better
What a caress of loving hearts!

In the quiver of arrows behind my back,
Onions in hand, in salad too.
Accurate archer - you are a hero!
You look like Robin Hood!
Hitting all targets
Feel this sweetness.
Products: vermicelli,
From events - joy of life!

This year promises Sagittarius,
Only everything is good
Thoughts, plans and ideas,
They will find application
And they will bring you income!
In matters for you,
You'll have to calculate
Excessive trust -
It will turn out to be a failure!
Dot the “i”s
Love won't hurt
Health will be normal -
The pig promises you!

Comic table horoscope in verse and prose for Capricorn women and men for 2019

  • Ambitious Capricorns, who so love to teach everyone about life and drive everyone to white heat with moralizing, will finally get hit on the nose in 2019.
  • The owner of the year himself is not averse to teaching anyone wisdom, and therefore Capricorns will feel unclaimed.
  • And for them, such a situation is like death: drinking or a desire to philosophize about the meaning of life may immediately begin.
  • But if Capricorns calm down and try to push their ambitions into the background, they will be able to drift without any major outbursts until next year.

The reward for obedience and diligent behavior for Capricorns will be a lollipop from the owner of the year: an extraordinary bonus, a dizzying romance that can incinerate the remnants of reason and adequacy. Only all this will happen next year.

two thousand nineteen
It promises you new opportunities -
Joy awaits those Capricorns in life,
Who is willful, honest and open.
Don't focus on your family -
You need to go out into the world more often.
And the stars give advice for the whole year -
Love your work, love your job!

The coming year for Capricorns
A vigorous trot along the roads
It rushes upward rapidly.
On the left horn - a pound of luck.
The right horn is a pound of health.
Shine on the fur? This means,
That peace and good await you.

You need to be a little more humble
Although, don’t be afraid to express bold ideas
Only then will you reach great heights
And you will have no money worries
You will have to get rid of disorderly love
It's time to stop and think
Moreover, fate gives you a chance
Watch, or else it will float by.

  • One of the most mystical and jealous of the zodiac family is Aquarius. They are jealous of their significant other for everything that moves.
  • 2019 of the Pig will be filled with passion and love adventures for them. True, the romances will be short-lived, and Aquarians will decide that those around them, by prior agreement, are driving them crazy.
  • What else can you think when you find yourself in a circle of intrigue and find out that luxurious horns have been branching on your head for a long time. Aquarius will have to split with their friends and even get their hands on their relatives.
  • The only thing that will bring joy is work. Aquarians will need to work hard, until they sweat, as money will begin to disappear at the speed of light. Financial well-being will temporarily leave Aquarius, who, with their quarrelsome nature, will be forced to tighten their belts.

But Aquarius will not be sad for long: by the end of the year, management will finally notice their efforts, promoting them or paying them a bonus. Aquarius' financial holes will be successfully closed, and they will begin the next year with enthusiasm.

Aquarius, welcoming the Year of the Pig,
Must be wise and very strong!
After all, many events await
And fate will intervene in everything!
What awaits you? The stars forbid
Pound the water in the mortar endlessly,
They call for active action -
And luck can help you!

Don't waste water, guys!
Always to the point, quickly, clearly, accurately!
Specific direct date -
It rarely happens like this.
Wash dishes more often!
And don't forget about your hands!
And in evil microbial life more often
Fight and don't judge.

This year will be amazingly successful for you.
Don't bend so that it doesn't become gloomy
You don't have to give in to adventures
Then you can enjoy life all year long
And as for love, it's alright
They won't be bothered by misunderstandings
And if you are alone, meet your destiny
And your life will be like in PARADISE.

Wise folk signs
In the year of the Pig, Aquarius recognizes
And various moments of fate,
Put it together and understand - oh okay!
One day, raising my head
He will see through the clouds in the sky
The star that laughs
He will show you the way - and it is magical!
Doubts away, despondency away.
You will win a million.
And if you're very lucky,
It’s even in bucks (whatever).
And half is on the doorstep
Already standing, exhausted,
And in astrology predictions,
Believe it or not, we know!

  • At the very beginning of 2019, Pisces will face a difficult choice: become a toothy shark or remain a small, big-eyed sprat. If you have enough determination, then there is a chance to change the situation for the better.
  • If Pisces once planned to start running in the morning, then there is no better time for this, and if you thought that smoking was a bad habit that should be gotten rid of, then you should throw away a pack of cigarettes now.
  • In order for your long-standing dream of a rich life to come true, you need to not sit on the couch, but start working hard. In the Year of the Pig, the moment will come when you can grab your piece of happiness.
  • The Pig does not favor this zodiac sign, because Pisces does not sing its praises like others. And in general, such slippery personalities are not to the liking of the owner of the year. However, you shouldn’t be upset, because you can stay on the sidelines all year and calmly solve the accumulated problems. If only laziness doesn’t overcome you ahead of time!

On the love front, everything will be different for Pisces: luck and complete harmony will reign here. therefore, Pisces will even be able to find a mate and spawn.

The fish sat in the calm waters -
This means that the Year of the Pig will shake them up!
So that you are completely warmed by love,
This year will send her doubly!
Many mystical events
They will help you find the meaning of life.
Many wonderful discoveries await you -
The main thing is not to lose yourself!

Think about your family,
Pisces should this year
Living conditions
Improve hurry,
Good luck in business
The partnership will bring
But you'll have to travel
A lot this 2019.
Overall positive
Can you name the year?
And about your health
Don't forget!


Dear guests, today an astronomer and predictor came to us, who made a forecast for the next year, intended for our hero of the day, based on the stars.

Details, attributes: a white robe, a folder of books under the arm, a telescope in hand and a poster-congratulation-prediction for the coming year for the hero of the day. The prediction and poster are printed, and you don’t have to memorize the text, but simply read it from the sheet.

Hello dear guests and our unrivaled hero of the day.
In the previous month, I worked on (NAME's) horoscope.
I was inspired by the location of the nearby planets Mars and Venus, and the unusual cycle of our sun.
After carefully determining the degrees between the Moon and other planets of the solar system, according to the existing pattern, spiral cyclicity, an accurate and individual prediction was formed for our (NAME).

A busy work schedule will bring a little discord in family relationships. Virgos' behavior has not satisfied their partners for some time. Virgos are used to controlling their loved ones, constantly teaching and being jealous. On this basis, relationships will cool, which can lead to separation....

At the festive table, especially in the first half of the evening, various table games, quizzes, chants and competitions take place wonderfully. They help you get ready for the holiday, get to know each other better and relax. It is better to choose the party program based on the occasion and tastes of the audience.

Collected here table games and competitions for March 8 from a variety of sources (thanks to the authors), which ones to choose is up to you. These are quizzes, tests, games and entertainment that are written about women and for women.

1. Table game for March 8th “Comic forecast for the evening.”

(give out numbers to everyone, it is advisable to figure out as you go which task is more suitable for a man or a woman, perhaps even make small notes on the numbers)

Presenter: I suggest you find out the forecast for tonight, and at the same time get to know each other better. As soon as you hear your number, vigorously raise your hand up, agreeing with what was said

Today, number 1 will sing the most.

Number 2 will dance the most.

Today, number 3 will shine and star the most.

But more often and louder than anyone else he will shout, “Pour more! " - number 5

Today numbers 6 and 7 will hold hands and dance and sing: “And we are penguins, but we are not cold, and we live in the north”

The 8th will pester the 9th all evening with the words: “Why do you girls, you love beautiful ones.”

And the 10th will exclaim all evening: “Where am I?”

Today is 11... I will be inviting my colleagues to relax in Haiti all evening.

And 12... will chase men with the words: “Look me in the eyes!”

-...After the party, the 13th will leave on his own...

Singing: “I’m drunk and drunk, I won’t make it home,” the 14th will leave in a car...

And the 15th... and the 16th... will hardly lead away the 17th..., who will shout: “All men...”

In an hour the 18th will say that she (He) the most (th) cool (Ouch),

In 1.5 hours the 19th... will say that he is Mega Star,

And after 2 hours 20... won’t say anything.

Tomorrow the 21st invites you to improve your health...

And with the words “Does a cow give a lot of milk?” - tomorrow she will wake up in someone else’s bed 22nd

The 23rd will drink to the prosperity of all guests all evening with the words: “And I wish you happiness!”

The 24th will allow the 25th not to come to work tomorrow,

And the 26th will come to work with a jar of pickle and treat everyone.

The 27th will dance on the table, and the 28th will sit quietly... under the table and sing “a million, million, million scarlet roses”

The 29th will spend the entire evening looking at a bottle of vodka in fascination and saying: “What the hell, I’m so in love with you.”

Well, in conclusion of our acquaintance, I cannot help but say about the 30th and the following numbers, which will now stand up and loudly say: “Enough, people talk, we need to pour it, people!”

(Source: prazdnovik.ru)

2. Table game for March 8th “Which woman doesn’t dream?”

4. Game moment "Holiday menu"

There are many different recipes,

To feed the family.
I propose you today
Unravel my menu.

I know it's not new to you,
Vegetable or fruit,
And I’m happy to help your health
Most useful for everyone... (salad)

He is a relative close to fellow salads,
You need to eat it more often for your health.
There is no more vitamin than it, no more beetroot,
And his name is vegetable... (the vinaigrette).

He's the first course. It's soup, but what kind of soup!
It is prepared by fishermen over the river.
And this is not fiction, not nonsense,
Fresh fish is ready... (ear)

Another soup, and again not simple,
It is also called “field”.
Remove from the fire and eat in the air -
Prepared with millet smoke... (kulesh).

It also applies to jellies and aspics,
It comes in chicken, goose and pork.
He is simply the “father” of all Russian dishes.
Ready with horseradish and mustard... (aspic)

There is fish, meat,
There is vegetable, chop.
There is no secret in her recipe,
Made from minced meat... (cutlet)

Now let's add a little
Vegetables, rice or potatoes.
For the stomach to have a feast,
To go with the cutlet you need to take... (garnish)

Approaching dessert already,
I will test you, experts:
What's like a jellyfish on the table?
Colored sweet... (jelly)

Another dessert, but who knows...
It is baked in the oven.
Filling - eggs and cottage cheese,
Maybe with jam... (pie)

They serve it on the “third”
Although sometimes they drink first,
Sugar, water, fruit -
And now it’s ready... (compote)

(Source: gamevil.ru)

5. Table competition for March 8 “War of the Sexes”

All guests participate in this competition, who must be conditionally divided into two teams: male and female players. The facilitator asks the teams questions one by one. In this case, the women's team is asked men's questions, and the men's team is asked women's questions. competition for March 8 can be done on any corporate holiday.

Examples of questions for women:

What is a carburetor a part of? ( Motor)

What can you hit with a “poke”? (On the ball)

Is the hood of your car located at the front or rear? (Front)

What is a shootout? (Penalty in hockey)

When working with a saw, in which direction is the force applied: towards yourself or away from you? (Push)

Do the Bure brothers play football or hockey? (In hockey)

Where was the 2002 FIFA World Cup held? (In Japan)

Which company's products have a tick-shaped emblem? (Nike)

Examples of questions for men:

Why do women drip nail polish onto torn tights? (So ​​that the arrow does not appear on torn tights)

When threading a needle, what should be stationary: the needle or the thread? (Needle)

What is highlighting? (Coloring individual strands of hair)

Why might a woman need acetone? (Remove old nail polish)

What is the name of the small bag that holds the items needed to do makeup? (Beauty bag)

Is yeast used in shortbread dough? (No)

Do I need to wash off the dye from my hair after coloring it? (Yes)

Wax, cream, mechanical devices, and laser devices can be used for this process. What is this process? (Depilation)

For each correct answer the team receives a bonus point

(Source: marryland.ru)

6. Quiz for March 8 “What was the first thing a woman did?”

(choose the correct one

1. The woman came up with a holiday …….

a) Valentine's Day;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) Defender of the Fatherland Day;

d) Independence Day.

2. The woman was the first to spend….

A) lottery ;

b) demonstration;

c) beauty contest;

d) horizon line.

3. The woman introduced the tradition…..

a) cut nails;

b) wash your hands before eating;

c) take off your shoes before going to bed;

G ) drink tea at 5 o'clock morning.

4. The woman came up with

a) office glue;

b) pushpins;

c) paper clips;

G) clerical" correct R».

5. The woman was first…….

a) astronomer;

b) psychic;

V) medium ;

d) a gossip

6. The woman came up with….

A) teddy bear ;

b) a rubber baby elephant;

c) tin soldier;

d) chocolate bunny.

7. The woman sent first….

a) telegram;

V) « valentine »;

d) “letter of happiness.”

8. Woman created….

a) Online store;

b) Internet cafe e;

c) virtual registry office;

d) virtual acquaintance.

9. The woman opened the lardn hygiene for……

A ) women ;

b) men;

10. Woman designed….

c) sink;

G ) "belt fidelity»

11. A woman invented…..

A) dishwasher ;

b) washing machine;

c) the justice machine;

d) time machine.

7. Competition for a corporate party at the table

"Thinking outside the box"

Leading: Let's remember what qualities help when people want to impress each other. For example, the ability to think outside the box. To develop this skill, let's practice a little. You have to guess what famous fairy tales we are talking about. For example, in “The Tale of How a Psychic Gave the President a Radar Device” we are talking about the Golden Cockerel. The golden cockerel, a gift from the magician, warned the king about the advance of enemies.

About how love turns a beast into a man. (The Scarlet Flower)

About the first victim of a bad investment. (Pinocchio)

About the advantage of stone buildings over thatched ones. (3 little pigs)

About the difficult path of a bakery product to the consumer. (Kolobok)

About how a large animal used child labor in the household. (Masha and the Three Bears)

About overcrowding of living space, which led to the destruction of the building. (Teremok)

8. Game at the table “Auction of compliments on March 8th”.

Playing compliments with the audience. Men say adjectives that characterize women starting with the letter “F” (LIVING, CHEERFUL, BURNING DESIRED, IRON, PEARL FEMININE, WAITING, COMPLETELY BURRING, and women praise men starting with the letter “M” (FASHIONABLE, WISE, SWEET, MAGICAL YOUNG, POWERFUL. DREAMY)

Finally, the guests' imagination runs out; whoever comes up with the last male and female compliment receives prizes from the host.

9. Prize in riddles

The prize is taken and wrapped in paper. The contents of any riddle are glued to the wrapper. Turns around again. And again the riddle sticks. And so ten times. The players sit in a circle. The presenter gives one a prize wrapped in ten wrappers. The player removes one wrapper, sees the riddle, and reads to himself. If he guessed it, he says the riddle; if not, he reads the riddle out loud; whoever guessed it gets the right to further unwrap the prize and everything continues according to the same pattern. The winner is the one who, guessing the riddle, gets to the very end.

1) Which ditty mentions both women and the number 8? (“Eight girls, one me..”)

2) What alcoholic drink reminds you of Women's Day? (Martini)

3) Remember the films with the word woman? (“Strange woman”, “Sweet woman”, “Beloved woman of the mechanic Gavrilov”, “A woman as a gift”, “A woman for everyone”, “Women”, “A lonely woman wants to meet”...)

4) Which movies contain adjectives about women? (“The most charming and attractive”; “The only one”, “The faithful wife”)

5) Which songs mention women's names? (“Lisa, don’t leave”, “Ah, Tanya, Tanechka”, “At the samovar, me and my Masha”; “Hello, Alena”, “A stewardess named Zhanna”; “And I’m flowers for Lily”; “Natasha, Natasha , if only a miracle..")

6) Which wines are named after women? (Lydia, Isabella; Dunyasha)

7) What plants have female names? (Rose, Pansies; Daisies; Ivan and Marya)

8) What movies with female names (“Mashenka”, “Zhenya, Zhenechka and Katyusha”, “Anna Karenina”; “Valentin and Valentina”; “Nina”).

(Source: melochi-jizni.ru)

11. Table game-cry

"Exercising at the table."

The presenter explains the rules of this: when she makes a gesture with her right hand, the guests on the right shout: (no, no), when she gestures with her left hand, the guests on the left: (yes, yes). If your hands are above your head - all in unison: (we agree), hands on your sides - men in a bass voice: (hurray!)

I have a question - will we celebrate the holiday? (left - yes)

Will we be silent and bored? (right - no)

Need a drink, a snack (left - yes)

Can I offer you some tea? (right - no)

The gentlemen will dance for us (on the sides - hurray)

Ladies let men kiss (overhead - we agree)

The guests will probably all sing (left - yes)

From now on, we wish to surprise you with beauty - (left - yes)

And hide it from everyone - (right - no)

So that everyone in our hall would scream today (on the sides - hurray)

Because in fact, your holiday is knocking on the door - (left - yes)

We pour wine for everyone (on the sides - hurray and above the head - we agree)
