Long bouffant styling. Correct implementation of brushed hairstyles

Puffed hairstyles for medium hair are always popular, despite the vagaries of fashion. Styles change, new options appear, but fleece remains the basis of many hairstyles. Babette, various tails, hairstyles with a bandage, original braids, a combination of fleece with curls - you can't count all the options.

Many people think that combed strands look unnatural, and an abundance of hairspray speaks of bad taste. These comments appear for one reason: not all girls know how to properly comb and give their hair the most natural look. Remember these simple rules - and your hairstyle will always look perfect.

The benefits of hairstyles

Reasons for the popularity of capricious styling:

  • gives volume to thin, weakened hairs;
  • keeps the shape of the hairstyle well;
  • allows you to create an original image.

Secrets of the correct comb

  • be sure to wash your hair, dry your hair well;
  • it is forbidden to comb wet or damp strands: you will severely damage the structure of the hairs;
  • apply light styling products to the curls - gentle mousse or foam;
  • do not spray your hair with varnish, especially strong fixation, give up a dense layer of gel - after combing, the strands will resemble stuck together threads;
  • refuse to use metal combs that destroy the structure of the hairs.

How to get rid of combed strands

Many girls make a gross mistake, trying to quickly comb the combed areas with a frequent comb. They pull strands, get nervous, hurt themselves, pull out hairs.

Do this:

  • gently unravel the curls with your fingers to the maximum, divide into separate strands;
  • carefully, without using force, comb the curls with a comb with rare teeth;
  • do not rush, otherwise you will damage the structure of the hairs;
  • be sure to dry your head with a mild shampoo, conditioner or hair balm;
  • a good option on dried strands to apply a regenerating hair mask with base oils, eggs, honey.

Who is styling suitable for

A few tips:

  • to give the styling volume - the main task of the owners of rare, thin strands. Scratching is a great way out of the situation. The main thing is not to "torment" the hair too often, otherwise the curls will become even weaker;
  • this type of hair treatment is also suitable for owners of medium-sized curls. With curls "little devil" after combing the hair, you run the risk of saying goodbye to some of the hairs, untangling them after a strong fleece;
  • with thick, coarse hair, do not comb the strands - under the weight of your own weight and hairspray, the strands will shrink, the hairstyle will lose its shape. If you really want to experiment, comb individual areas, but do not brush the entire head.

Important! Do you have a square or wide face? Avoid combing side strands at cheekbone level. A high forehead or an elongated face is a reason to abandon a high fleece.

How to get your hair done right

A puffed hairstyle for medium, short and even long hair will look stylish and elegant if you remember all the stages of combing the strands. Chaotic treatment, wrong choice of zones, inability to disguise the combed areas worsen the look of the hairstyle.

You will need:

  • hairbrush (non-metallic);
  • brushing (round hair brush);
  • hairpins, invisible;
  • styling foam or mousse;
  • high-quality bristle brush;
  • strong and medium hold varnish;
  • accessories for decorating hairstyles.


  • distribute a little styling mousse on slightly damp strands, use a round brush and a hair dryer to "pull back" them, dry them completely;
  • if you have bangs, detach about a centimeter of hair at the forehead - you will process them last. You will cover combed hair with part of the strands;
  • take the strands from top to bottom on the crown and in the occipital zone, comb gently;
  • then comb the areas from the roots to the central part of the head. Be sure to retreat from the roots 3-4 cm, otherwise you will damage the sensitive root zone;
  • fix the root areas with medium hold varnish;
  • it remains to give the styling a natural look, to hide the trimmed zones as much as possible;
  • Lightly smooth the hair with a soft brush. Act without pressure to maintain the volume;
  • it's time to get your hair done. Pick up the combed strands from the temporal zone to the back of the head, secure with invisible ones;
  • comb the strands on the bangs that you did not touch before, lay back. Try to comb the topmost layer to a minimum to keep the natural appearance of the hairs;
  • spray the styling with strong hold varnish.

Advice! If you wish, decorate your hair with a hairpin, original hairpins, artificial or natural flowers. Another option is to braid a pigtail on one side of the temple, after creating a high hairstyle, wrap it like a rim, fix it, hide the place of fixation.

Options and step-by-step layouts

Pay attention to popular styling. Choose two or three options, experiment with decorations, hairstyle heights, styling methods. Go for simple options for everyday life and original ones for the holidays.

Remember! You shouldn't comb your strands every day. You will easily damage the hair structure. Be sure to use nourishing and regenerating hair masks. So you will reduce the harmful effect of fleece on the hair shafts, keep your hair healthy.

Original tail

A ponytail hairstyle is a great option for all occasions. Perfect styling for party and office. Original accessories will change the styling style in a couple of minutes (for example, an interesting hair clip plus creative earrings - and a bright image is ready).

How to do:

  • separate the strands with a horizontal parting;
  • collect a regular tail from the lower half at the back of the head;
  • comb the upper part carefully, strand by strand;
  • your task is to give your hair the maximum volume;
  • turn the combed top back, smooth it with a bristle brush;
  • secure the bulky strands at the base of the tail. Use invisible ones, if necessary - hairpins;
  • hide the junction of the tail and combed hair.
  • sprinkle the styling with varnish.

Greek style

The hairstyle is suitable for every day or for a celebration. The difference is in the amount of hair and accessories. The emphasis is on the bandage. Options: plain, wide / narrow, shiny, bright, with rhinestones, strict and so on.

Your actions:

  • put on a bandage like a headband;
  • outside the bandage, comb the hair, starting from the top of the head;
  • smooth the top layer with a brush;
  • gather strands in a low ponytail;
  • spray with strong hold varnish.

Legendary Babette

This original styling is once again at the peak of its popularity. Young girls and ladies of elegant age will look equally stylish with such luxurious styling. Medium length hair is ideal for this type of tufted hairstyle.


  • comb your hair thoroughly, collect a high "ponytail";
  • Fold your hair to the side of your forehead. Pin the roller to the base of the tail with invisible pins and hairpins, slightly bending it;
  • be sure to comb the strands;
  • cover the roller with voluminous curls, fix it well with an elastic band;
  • wrap the rest of the strands under the roller, secure well with pins;
  • check if the roller is visible;
  • styling is ready. It remains to secure the "Babette" with a strong fixation varnish.

Romantic look with curls

A romantic, delicate look is easy to create by adding volume to the curls. Select the strands completely or leave part loose - you choose depending on the situation. When creating hairstyles with fleece and curls, you can collect strands under a bandage, release several curls, like a bang.

How to proceed:

  • comb the main part of the hair;
  • do not touch curls yet;
  • also leave about a centimeter of the top of the hair without a comb;
  • it remains to close the combed areas with curls and a top layer that retains the natural structure;
  • straighten your hair with your fingers, sprinkle with "strong" varnish.

Stylish braid

Create an interesting look with a simple technique - combing strands. A regular braid will look impressive and stylish. Styling is suitable for any event. With this hairstyle, you can appear in the office or at a celebration.

Everything is very simple:

  • comb the curls, retreating from the root about three centimeters;
  • smooth the top layer of hairs with a soft brush;
  • braid a low braid. Make sure the weave is loose. Secure with an elastic band;
  • gently "stretch" the sections of the braid, achieving a little more volume;
  • separate a strand 2-3 cm wide, wrap it around the elastic, fix it with an invisible bottom side;
  • be sure to sprinkle the original braid with varnish.

Now you know how to comb your hair correctly. Choose suitable hairstyles for medium hair with a puff, highlight the dignity of your look.

Remember the rules for caring for your hair, protect your curls from aggressive influences. You will always have a luxurious hairstyle, pleasant volume, healthy hair.

This season one of the first places is occupied by fashionable brushed hairstyles, which, in principle, remain popular for many years. With the help of a fleece, you can achieve a more voluminous hairstyle, but it must be done correctly so as not to spoil the overall look of the fashionista.

It is also important not to harm your hair by creating a chic head of hair.

Phased execution of the combing

Volume and splendor undoubtedly emphasize a beautiful styling, and this can be achieved with the help of a competent comb. Owners of thin and thin hair especially need it, since by nature they are not endowed with thick strands.

When creating a fleece, it is necessary to consider:

  • when creating a styling, it is necessary to take into account the structure, oval of the face and the structure of the hair;
  • before starting work, you must definitely wash your hair;
  • purchase the necessary tools;
  • to study the technique of performing combing.

Before creating a lush hairstyle, you need to thoroughly rinse your hair using shampoo that you use constantly. Then treat them with a conditioner balm to soften the strands. Dry hair completely, either naturally or with a hair dryer.

The effectiveness of the comb directly depends on the correct choice of hairstyle.

Create a brushed tail

A ponytail hairstyle with a fleece is the most popular and affordable option.

  • Rinse and dry your hair well.
  • Apply mousse or special hair foam to the curls.
  • Curl a little curls using a curling iron.
  • Separate from both sides (from the temples) the front part of the hair. If there is sufficient length of the bangs, it can also be used for the top layer of the fleece. Otherwise, separate the part of the hair from the forehead that will not be used.
  • Alternately, strand by strand, lift and gently brush from forehead to crown.
  • At the end of the work, you need to lightly smooth it with a comb, shifting them to the center of the head. The actions must be careful not to spoil the resulting volume.
  • It is reasonable to sprinkle a hairstyle with a fleece on medium hair with a little varnish, to consolidate the result. Then the hair needs to be collected in a ponytail, the height for it is determined individually
  • taste.
  • It is better to tie the tail with an elastic band to match the hair color. Then, having separated one strand, you need to wrap the base of the tail with it and stab it with a small invisibility.

Volume styling on long hair

First you need to properly separate the strands, since the topmost layer (maximum 10 mm) is important to leave free from work. This is to give the fleece a more natural look, as shown in the “Brushed Hairstyles” photo.

To avoid causing harm to thin hair, it is reasonable to do the comb with smooth, neat movements.

It is not necessary to scratch the entire stream of hair at once, it is better to perform actions gradually, slowly working with small strands. For a more durable styling, it is better to spray each layer with varnish.

After processing all the strands, you need to comb the hair back with a soft bristled brush. Then, having formed the final hairstyle with a fleece for long hair, you need to cover the fleece with the curls delayed at the beginning of work and fix it with varnish.

"Loose" fleece

Many women of fashion ask themselves the question: How to make a brushed hairstyle without using hairpins and elastic bands?

The fastest and easiest option for a great hairstyle is a little fleece on loose hair. If at the same time the hair is slightly curled with large curlers, additional volume will be added.

First, you need to separate a small layer of hair near the face line, moving it to the side. Then, slowly combing strand by strand, fixing each strip with varnish. Curls from the temples and the top of the head are also gradually removed back, combing them at the roots.

Distribute the previously removed strand over the hair, thereby masking the fleece advantageously. The ends of long curled strands will fall beautifully over the shoulders. At the end of the installation, you need to fix the result with varnish.

"Solemn" fleece

This version of a high hairdo with a fleece will look good on any holiday. You can choose to fantasize with hair: you can fix loose curls on the crown of the head, take them into the tail with a beautiful hairpin, or just leave the falling curls alone.

The principle of creating the base will be the same. All strands are gradually combed in the same way (from the forehead to the crown). In the event that it is supposed to leave a parting on the head, it must be divided before starting work. Then the loose hair is twisted and beautifully fixed with hairpins on the crown of the head.

But if it is conceived that a high hairstyle will be with flowing curls, then they must be carefully styled and sprayed with a fixing agent.

It is important to know that fleece styling should not be part of the daily ritual! This frequent procedure negatively affects the health of the hair follicles, making hair brittle and dull.

You cannot sleep without removing the fleece, as it will get confused even more and it will be difficult to comb the styling without damage.

Photo of brushed hairstyles

Types of bouffants

There are many fluffy hairstyles-2018, but only two types of bouffant are used to create them:

  • blunting (at the root): the most common method; is done first on one strand, then the rest are connected to it;
  • on separate strands: more suitable for creating bouclés (rings or twisted volumetric curls); also, as with tuping, it starts from the bottom, then the comb gradually rises up.

This season, they can flaunt on hair of any length: both on short, medium and long strands. You can do brushed hairstyles with or without bangs her, or, without special design, just fluff up the hair and dissolve it over the shoulders or throw it to one side.

Advice! In order not to injure the hair scales, apply a softening spray to them before combing. Hair covered with such a composition will be smoother and more manageable.

How to do a bouffant root?

To create such hairstyles, you can purchase a special comb or use any with thin and not too frequent semicircular teeth. You will also need a regular comb to smooth out the rest of the strand not affected by the fleece.

So let's take a step-by-step look at how brushed hairstyles are created:

  • hair is thoroughly washed and dried; to get additional volume at the roots, it is better to dry them with a hairdryer, lowering your head down;
  • depending on the option chosen, we determine on which strands we will make the volume; for a ponytail, beat the hair only on the back of the head, some hairstyles require processing the back of the head and sides;
  • we start work from the back of the head, gradually rising higher, take a strand about a centimeter thick, process it with fixing gel or varnish;
  • holding it perpendicular to the head, we begin smoothly and carefully, trying to injure the scales as little as possible, beat, starting from the tips, gradually, by 2-3 centimeters, moving towards the roots;
  • it is necessary to capture only the lower part of the strand, leaving its top smooth;
  • up and down movements unnecessarily injure the scales, so it is better to use a comb only from top to bottom;
  • we lower the finished strand and move on to the next;
  • it will take more time to comb hard strands - they give in worse;
  • with an ordinary comb, we pass only along the upper strands that cover the fleece;
  • we must fix the obtained result with varnish, otherwise our hairstyle will quickly disintegrate.


Gathered in a bun high at the back of the head, and then falling in the form of a tail, the strands give the face a special aristocracy. A ponytail brushed hairstyle can be performed:

  • with or without bangs;
  • not only on straight, but also curly hair;
  • long strands or curls of medium length;
  • be located very high, low, almost at the back of the head or on the side of the head;
  • be smooth, voluminous, or slightly disheveled; be formed by strands "knocked out" of the hairstyle;
  • braid or start with braids laid on the head;
  • fixed only with elastic bands or subsequent entwining with your own lock of hair.

Unfortunately, this option is not suitable for everyone. A playful "tail", slightly swaying to the beat of heels, can only be afforded by the owner of rather thick hair. You should not do it in the case of a narrow face with small cheekbones - it will only emphasize this drawback. The ideal option for a ponytail is a round or square face.

Another contraindication to this option is age - only young girls can afford a ponytail. Even slightly protruding ears should not be exposed with the help of such a hairstyle. After all, stylists offer a lot of hairstyles this year. If you like the "tails", in this case, use more softened options, located below with stray strands on the sides.

Advice! You should not comb all your hair, otherwise the hairstyle will look like a bird's nest. The hair is lifted by a fine comb only from the inside. The strands covering it are neatly combed from above.


Babette also applies to hair with a pile for medium and long hair (photo).

As in the previous case, we need to make the tail high at the back of the head. But we will not comb the top of the head, but the strands hanging from it to obtain a roller from them in the future. To add volume, beat the tail with a comb as hard as possible.

Then the knocked-out strands are hidden in the tail, and the roller is fixed with invisible ones, sprayed with varnish and, if necessary, decorated with decor. To give your hairstyle even more volume, you can use foam pads or bagels, which wrap around and hide under the strands of hair. A roller wrapped in a thin oblique or decorated with a bow of your own hair
Another very feminine version of babette is half-open. To create it, the hair is combed at the crown, and the part of it located closer to the temples is not whipped. In the area of ​​\ u200b \ u200bthe crown, a roller is hidden under the hair and is attached with hairpins. It remains only to collect the hair from the sides and fasten it in the back and, voila, a chic and feminine hairstyle is ready.

Advice! It is a big mistake to rip apart your combed hair with a comb. To straighten them, it is enough to wash them, and then distribute the balm over them and carefully disassemble the tangled hairs with your fingers.

Greek style bouffant

This hairstyle helps to soften the facial features and make it more feminine. In this case, the emphasis is on a bandage, hoop or ribbon. They can imitate the usual headband or be located on the forehead.

The strands, starting from the crown, are gently whipped with a comb, the upper strands are combed with a brush. Then all the hair is collected in a ponytail located at the back of the head. Try not to pull it too tight - the hairstyle should be as soft and feminine as possible. Several headbands can also be worn on the head. Loose hair between them will create a kind of lush waves. Since in this case we do not need a large volume, the varnish is distributed over the top for fixing.

Advice! If you are having trouble getting a neat bouffant, you may be doing it wrong. The correct bouffant is performed on a tightly stretched strand in semicircular movements.

Japanese hana

Outwardly, she looks like semi-loose hair with a small bun on the crown. You can make a khana in 1-2 minutes:

  • also, as in the previous case, we collect the tail, but we do not collect all the hair in it, but only a part from the top of the head, fasten it as high as possible and make a fleece on it;
  • so that the hairstyle does not turn out to be too smooth, carefully pull the strands out of the tail;
  • we twist the whipped hair into a shell and tuck the remaining ends into it;
    you can give the roller a larger volume if you put a bagel, a small hairpiece or a foam rubber pad under it and close them with an artificial strand or wrap them with a thin cloth;
  • you can wrap the hana with a scythe or a strand to hide the knocked out ends;
  • such a hairstyle can be decorated with a hairpin, hairpins with rhinestones or beads, a ribbon, a thin leather strap.

Bouffant with curls

Stylish hairstyles, the same as those of Hollywood stars, can be done by combining bouffant with curls

The most important thing is to create the effect of natural lush curly curls:

  • each strand is whipped with a comb at the roots before twisting;
  • if you want to get only the texture on the hair without pronounced curled curls, the strands are taken wide enough;
  • we take a curling iron in our hands and begin gradually, strand by strand, to form curls from them;
  • do not forget to fix each of them with varnish.

Advice! You shouldn't comb your hair every day. After all, such a procedure damages them. Be sure to use medicated masks more often. Healthy and well-groomed curls suffer from it much less.

Hairstyle "nest"

You can "twist" it yourself, without going to the salon. The hairstyle differs from the previous options in its large volume and the presence of a chignon, which can be replaced with a suitable piece of foam rubber. To keep it invisible, wrap it in some kind of cloth to match your hair color.

You can create a similar hairstyle with a pile for long hair without using a hairpiece. But on short, overhead strands will be required. You can hide them both under the ponytail and in the very thick of combed hair in the region of the crown or upper part of the back of the head. Such a high and very voluminous hairstyle is decorated with ribbons, bows, hairpins, braided laces or tiaras.

Advice! In order for the hair to keep its volume as long as possible, not all hair should be fixed with varnish at once, but each fluffed strand.

Short hair comb

Hairstyles for short hair with a pile (see photo) can have a huge number of variations. Depending on the desired result, they are whipped in a certain sequence.


How to make a beautiful bouffant for yourself

Brushed hairstyles were popular in the 60s of the twentieth century. But after undeserved oblivion, they became fashionable again. To make a bouffant at home, you need to know some of the intricacies of creating this hairstyle.

Features of the hairstyle

This is a way of combing, which gives the hair additional splendor and volume. There are two ways of combing: blunting and in a strand.

On its basis, you can make many hairstyles: babette, shell, various tails, braids, bunches or just beautiful curls.

There are several rules for combing different hair types:

Hair length

Brushed hairstyles are good because they can be done on hair of any length. Very short hair is the only exception. The minimum hair length is down to the jawline. When styling, it is not necessary to comb long hair from root to tip, it is enough to lift it in the root zone.

Technology for creating brushed hairstyles

What is needed

Such styling does not require any expensive devices and devices, therefore it is available to every woman. You will need:


In order for the hairstyle to look as beautiful as possible, and the combed strands to last as long as possible, you need to properly prepare the hair. For this:

  • Wash your hair. It is recommended to use a special shampoo from the "For extra volume" series.
  • Dry your hair with a hair dryer.
  • Comb through the hair with your fingers and lightly massage your head, trying to lift the hair in the root zone.
  • Apply some mousse or nail polish.

The classic way

Classic bouffant is the basis of most retro hairstyles, so if you like 60s fashion then go for it.

Thick option:

  • To make the surface of the hairstyle smooth, separate a few wide strands with which you will then cover it before you do the bouffant. Pin them so they don't get in the way.
  • Separate a strand of 1-2 cm thick and pull it perpendicular to the surface of the head.
  • Insert a fine comb into your hair and start moving towards the base of the strand. Perform a few vigorous but gentle movements on the inside and outside of the curl. Flip the finished strand to the side so it doesn't get in the way.
  • Treat the entire head in this way.
  • Cover your combed hair with strands, smooth with a natural bristle comb and sprinkle lightly with varnish.

Easy option (blunting):

When blunting, only the inside of the strand is processed, and the outside remains smooth.

  • Separate the strand.
  • Start combing your hair: beat a section of hair with a fine comb on the inside halfway through, leaving the top intact.
  • Treat the entire head in this way.
  • Smooth the hair with a brush and fix with varnish.

With corrugation

Part it. Separate thin strands along it on both sides and fix with clamps. Treat the rest of the hair in the root zone with an iron with a corrugated surface. Let the hair cool down and dull the corrugated part of the curls. At the end, cover the combed hair with the previously fixed strands.

By curling

If you have chemistry done, it will make the process easier. Curls are lighter and hold the fleece better. If not, you can curl your hair with a curling iron or curlers. The closer the curl is to the root, the easier it will be to add volume.

For such styling, only tuping is suitable, since ordinary bouffant will violate the beauty of the curl. Start with the lower strands, each curl is blunt-ended separately. After combing, fix with varnish. For a more natural effect, lightly fluff up the hair with your hands.

With a bang

Combed bangs are laid back, to one side or upward (option "Carlson"). In any of these cases, first, the bangs are sucked in the classical way, and then the hair is styled in the chosen direction. At the end, the hairstyle is fixed with varnish.

To make a beautiful styling, but not damage their structure, use the following tips:

  • It is strictly forbidden to do hair correctly on dry hair, on wet or wet hair.
  • Do not jerk the comb sharply when combing.
  • Do not use metal combs.
  • Comb the strands not to the very ends, as they can split.
  • Do not use sharp-toothed combs.
  • It is not recommended to do styling daily, as they can be severely damaged.

Face shape

If you want to create a beautiful hairstyle, consider the shape of your face. For example, a high pile on the crown or in front of the front visually stretches the face (an ideal solution for chubby girls), but for owners of an oblong oval it is contraindicated. For a triangular face, a side-brushed hairstyle is suitable, and for a pear-shaped one - on the back of the head and on the temples.

How to comb your hair

Do not try to comb combed strands as this will break them.

Option number 1: Apply a thick balm on them for 15-20 minutes, then comb through with a comb with rare teeth. Then wash off the balm and apply a nourishing mask.

Option number 2: Just wash your hair, and then start combing.

The bouffant allows you to visually give the hairstyle more volume and lightness, so if you like a feminine retro babette, ponytail, braid or bun, you definitely need to master the principles of creating this styling.

But, unfortunately, not everyone knows how to do it technically.

A correctly executed bouffant can turn an ordinary hairstyle into a bright accent of an evening look.

Therefore, before proceeding with hair styling in practice, it is worth studying the theoretical part of the issue.

For the first time, brushed hairstyles appeared and became popular in the middle of the last century. Since then, fleece has firmly established itself as one of the main elements of the hairdressing art.

From time to time, interest in bouffants especially increases, and today we can observe just such a surge in its popularity.

There are two ways of voluminous springy hair design - regular bouffant and blunting.

Technically, bouffant hair is tightly fluffed hair that is combed on both sides of the strand across the entire width.

To do this, separate a wide strand, pull it at a right angle to the head and, holding the middle of the hair with your left hand, run the comb several times towards the base.

The bouffant starts at a distance of 5-6 cm from the roots and ends, reaching the ends of the strands. The manipulation of the comb is stopped at the moment when there is difficulty in advancing it.

In the process of combing and moving away from the roots, the inhibition of each subsequent movement of the comb will increase. The comb should be fine-toothed.

After each movement, you must remove the comb from the strand.

Blunting is done in the same way, but, unlike pile, it captures only one side of the strand.

In this case, the strand is not pulled at a right angle, but immediately laid as it should lie in the finished hairstyle.

In the process of blunting, the comb is not completely inserted into the strand, combing only over its surface.

That is, the teeth of the comb should not go beyond the strand on the back side. The ends of the strands are not affected.

For short hair, a different combing technique is used, depending on the desired result. If volume is needed, only the tips are combed.

If you plan to use a hairpiece or patch, then comb the hair at the roots. If the strands are too short, then they are combed along the entire length.

Possession of the universal combing technique will come in handy every day: at work and on holidays (for evening events, for a family celebration and even for a wedding).

In addition, all brushed and tuped hairstyles are classified as long-lasting.

This is very convenient - performing hair with a pile every day, you do not have to worry that in the late afternoon they will lose their shape.

It is believed that combing can ruin and harm hair, so it should not be done every day.

Experts assure that this delusion could appear only as a result of improper installation.

But if you follow the entire sequence of the process correctly, the fleece will not only not ruin your hair, but, on the contrary, will become a good helper in the design of your hair.

Especially for rare, thin, lack of volume strands.

So that the implementation of a hair with a pile does not disappoint, we recommend that you pay attention to the following tips from stylists:

  • Any combed hairstyles are always done only on clean, dry hair. Wet strands are susceptible to trauma, therefore, they must be dried before laying;
    to keep the brushed hairstyles longer, it is recommended to dry your hair head down;
    the task of combing is to create volume. Therefore, you should decide in advance in which part of the head this volume will be appropriate;
  • For styling, do not use sharp-edged combs - this can damage the integrity of the scalp and weaken the hair;
  • It is unacceptable to comb the hair along the entire length at once. This must be done in stages. The required volume ensures the correct sequence of the bouffant - first at the roots, then in the middle of the strand and at the ends;
  • Movements during combing should be smooth, neat;
  • To preserve the styling effect, each combed strand is fixed with varnish (especially if the strands are thick and thick);
  • The general shape after styling is given to the hairstyle using a massage brush;
  • To make the hair easier to comb after styling, they are treated with balm or a special softening mask.

In addition, when choosing a hairstyle with a fleece, you need to take into account the shape of the face. If the face is round and it is necessary to make it look visually longer, then a high styling with combing is performed.

But if the shape of the face is elongated, then it is better to make a hairstyle with other stylistic elements.

Faces of a rounded and wide type should not be framed with voluminous curls, which are obtained by combing strands around the head.

For persons of a triangular type, there are bouffants at the roots with loose curls. For an oval face, you can choose any type of hairstyle.

Festive brushed hairstyles

If you combine bouffant with curls, you get a great evening hairstyle. This combination is considered to be classic. Most often, this hairstyle is performed with a straight parting and pile on the crown.

A similar version of a hairstyle with curls, but appropriate not only for the exit, but also for every day - the well-known "malvinka".

Step by step, its design looks like this: first you need to comb the strands on the crown, then on both sides at the level of the temples, separate the strands and fix them at the back, slightly lower.

One of the very effective hair styling options is the side combed hairstyle. It can be worn every day or complemented with accessories and made for a festive event.

An elegant evening hairstyle with the help of combing is quite possible to arrange with your own hands.

Laying is done step by step as follows:

  • All strands are divided horizontally into two parts - front and back. The parting should go along the crown - from ear to ear;
  • The surface of the hair is treated with a fixative to emphasize the curls. If the strands are straight, curl with a hair dryer. Curls should look slightly sloppy;
  • Straighten the strands around the face with an iron or pull out with a hairdryer and a brush;
    strands from the back of the head are distributed evenly so that three small braids can be braided;
  • Each resulting pigtail is collected with an accordion. To do this, hold the tail with one hand, and with the other, pull the pigtail links up;
  • The upper part of the strands on the back of the head is combed;
  • The upper part of the strands on the crown is curled and laid on top of the fleece;
  • The hair is varnished.

Possibilities of performing brushed hairstyles

A regular ponytail can also be done using the bouffant technique. The principle of execution is the same as in the traditional case, only before the design of the tail on the crown, you need to make a fleece.

This hairstyle can be easily styled every day and always look great.

The bouffant is drawn on the crown, after which the hair is combed to one side and fixed with hairpins. In this case, the strands can be left with loose curls or braided into a loose braid.

The hairstyle is done step by step as follows:

  1. A small fleece is made on the top of the head;
  2. The part of the strands that has not been combed is thrown back, smoothed and a regular braid is woven;
    in the course of weaving, they make stops in order to slightly stretch the braided strands, about every 3 links of the braid. With the help of such a simple method, the braid will receive volume and slight negligence;
  3. To secure the braid, fix it with an elastic band, and comb the remaining tip.

Short strands can also be styled by combing. Both the boy's haircut and the classic bob and bob look completely new when styled with comb.

However, it is not recommended to do such styling every day. Stylists advise using bouffant on short strands when performing evening styling or to create a romantic look.

To do this, a strip of strands in the front, about 1 cm wide, is left intact, and the rest of the hair is combed. Then the intact layer of curls is applied on top of the combed strands and fixed with varnish.

Any hairstyle can be easily made unique by adding accessories to its design - headbands, elastic bands, tiaras, headbands, hairpins or flowers.
