Military department of Samara. Story

Work begins in Samara admissions committees, and often an important factor for an applicant’s choice of a particular university is the presence of a department in it military training. Military departments in Samara universities: what they provide, and who has the right to enroll there.

In Samara, military departments operate only in two higher educational institutions- Samara State technical university and Samara State Aerospace University. After graduating from the military department, the graduate is awarded the rank of reserve officer.

Since 2008, in Russia, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the institution of conscription of reserve officers has been abolished. Thus, in peacetime, graduates of Samara military departments in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation cannot be drafted. Unless, of course, the graduate himself expresses a desire to serve in the army - in this case, he can independently come to the military registration and enlistment office and go to serve as an officer in the law enforcement agencies under a contract.

Only full-time students with Russian citizenship and whose age does not exceed 30 years have the right to study at the military department. Training begins with the second (sometimes third) course, resulting in 30-day training camps in military units and state final examination. Students who successfully cope with the load graduate from the university with a military rank.

Enrollment in military departments of Samara universities occurs as a result of competitive selection - the number of places in departments is limited, and admission to a university does not guarantee automatic exemption from military service.

When passing the competition, the student’s fitness for service for health reasons, level physical training, category of professional suitability based on the results of professional psychological selection, current academic performance in a higher educational institution, compliance with the direction of training (specialty) of higher education vocational education military specialty according to the military training program. Orphans, family members of military personnel, and citizens who have already completed their military service on call.

The direction of military training that the student will receive at the department depends on the civilian specialty obtained within the walls of the university. Little of, not every specialty offers the possibility of enrollment student to the military department: both at SamSTU and at SSAU there are certain lists of specialties - only those students who are studying in these areas can enter the “military school”. It is worth paying attention to this point before taking documents to the admissions office.

Students are enrolled in the military department on a voluntary basis: those who have not entered into a training agreement with the department, after receiving a diploma, will go to serve on a general basis - in the rank of private for a period of 1 year. The same fate awaits those careless students who, for some reason (poor academic performance, poor discipline) were expelled from the department.

The activities of the Samara Military Medical Institute have been carried out since 1939, after the resolution of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on the organization of a second military medical university in the Union at the academy level. The base for the educational institution was the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute with a total number of students of about 1.5 thousand people. Famous professors and scientists in the field of medicine and healthcare worked at the academy.

History of creation

Classes at the Samara Military Medical Institute began in September 1939. At the beginning of 1940, hundreds of students along with teachers were sent to the Soviet-Finnish front. Several people from this group were awarded medals and orders of various degrees. Subsequent graduations of military doctors took place in the fall of 1941 and spring of 1942.

In 1942, the Kuibyshev Academy was repurposed as a civilian medical higher education institution. During its existence, the university has graduated more than one thousand military doctors. Over 70 percent of academy graduates in war time were awarded orders of various degrees.

Post-war years

Many academy graduates gave their lives defending their homeland. Their details are listed on memorial plaque university

In 1951, the directions of the Kuibyshev Academy were created. Until 1958, it trained more than 1.5 thousand doctors (7 graduates). More than 20 graduates received gold medal, among them are future generals and prominent leaders in the military medical field.

In 1964, the number of listeners was 400 people. G. D. Nevmerzhitsky became the head. In 1976, the number of students increased to 1040 people. From 1983 to 1994, the following transformations were carried out at the Samara Military Medical Institute:

  • The emergence of adjunct, residency, officer courses (1983)
  • Training of specialists in the field of dentistry (1985)
  • Beginning of admission of women as students (since 1990)
  • Introduction of a three-year training period for students undergoing internship as a training for medical specialists.

Further development

On the basis of the faculty of the medical university, the Samara Military Medical Institute was created in 1999 (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 29, 1998). Until 2006, the universities in question, in various forms of its existence, graduated 41 military doctors, amounting to over 13 thousand people. Almost 100 graduates received a gold medal. Many people who graduated from this institution became prominent figures in the field of military medical service. Among the graduates: Major General Linok, Professor Vyazitsky, Major Generals Kamenskov, Korotkikh, Shaposhnikov, Nikonov, Makhlai.

Among the current teaching staff, 25 people visited Afghanistan, providing medical assistance on the battlefield. Four officers are liquidators of the Chernobyl accident; several dozen people served in various “hot” spots in the North Caucasus region. Major General Makhlai was awarded the Gold Star of the Hero of the Russian Federation for his contribution to the development of vaccines against viral infections.

Structure and academic disciplines

The modern Samara Military Medical Institute, the photo of which is presented below, has the following general structure:

  • Management sphere (command, study department, editorial and publishing office, research department, economic and educational department).
  • Faculties of pre-diploma training and additional postgraduate education.
  • Twelve departments.
  • Institute clinic with 650 beds.
  • Support Division.

The university in question provides the following educational programs:

  • Medical and dental work.
  • Medical and preventive direction.
  • Postgraduate vocational education.
  • Internship in specialized areas (surgery, maxillofacial surgery, therapy, organization of sanitary-epidemiological services and social hygiene).

Forms of teaching

After graduation in 2000, the Samara Military Medical Institute organized and developed methods of general and thematic improvement. This area includes areas of gastroenterology, surgery, pulmonology, epidemiology and others.

Classes with students are conducted in 12 departments of this university and 23 departments of Samara State Medical University. Among the teaching staff there are more than 50 doctors of science and professors, 22 with academic degrees and 74 candidates. The overall scientific potential of the university exceeds 70 percent. The institute practices such a form of student training as field training, which allows students to cover all semesters of training with a control lesson on organizing the functioning of a medical unit. In the field of training army doctors, military internships for students occupy an important place. Classes are carried out in three military districts and five garrisons of the Strategic Missile Forces.

Material base

The Department of OTMS of the Samara Military Medical Institute, like other areas, actively uses innovative technologies when preparing students. The university has three computer classrooms with an Internet connection. The prestige of studying at the university in question is due to the following aspects:

  • Full compliance of training with State standards.
  • High level of scientific and pedagogical potential.
  • Constant improvement of educational material for the training of military doctors based on a combination of traditional and innovative teaching methods, including automation of educational process management.
  • The material base of the university makes it possible to successfully not only train military doctors, but also provide decent living and study conditions.

Address of the Samara Military Medical Institute

University address: 443099, Samara region, Samara city, Pioneer street, 22. It is located in four buildings, the main one of which is a building built back in 1847. At different times it was used as a vocational school, a military hospital, Suvorov School. The administrative part of the university is located in a building built in 1885. It is an architectural monument. For nonresident students there is a 14-story comfortable dormitory, which was built in the city center, not far from the banks of the picturesque Volga. The institute also has a canteen for 600 people and a family hostel with 75 apartments.


The higher educational institution in question is especially proud of the presence of a clinic with a capacity of 650 patients. It is equipped with a modern base and staffed by specialists highly qualified. Here they are put into practice the most modern methods diagnosis and treatment. The latest achievements in the field of science and technology are widely used. The equipment of the university allows for the development of an extensive advanced training program for military doctors, as well as nursing and junior medical staff, along with practical training for students.

What now?

Since 2009, direct admission to the Samara Military Medical Institute has become impossible. The university came under the jurisdiction of St. Petersburg and ceased to exist as an independent entity. Applicants wishing to enter the faculty of this institution will have to go to take exams in St. Petersburg.

Enrollment rules:

  • Applicants who have passed the professional selection process are included in the competitive lists for enrollment and, based on the results of the competition, are admitted to the university.
  • Competitive applications are compiled according to levels of professional education and preparatory specialties.
  • Candidates applying for specialty programs are placed on the lists according to the amount of points that characterize their overall level of preparation (marks for each subject of the entrance exams are added up, and the level of physical fitness is also taken into account).
  • Applicants entering secondary vocational education programs are listed according to the average score of their secondary education certificate.
  • Applicants who are assigned to the third category based on the results of psychological selection are placed on the lists after applicants of the first and second groups, regardless of the result obtained by the sum of marks.

Applicants for the Samara Military Medical Institute, whose passing score is the same, are included in the competition lists in a certain sequence, namely:

  • The first priority is for applicants who enjoy preferential rights to enter military educational institutions.
  • The second stage consists of applicants with a higher grade in specialized disciplines, in particular chemistry, and also taking into account their physical training.
  • The third stage is candidates whose score was higher in the general education discipline (biology).

Samara Military Medical Institute: reviews

SVMI graduates remember their student days as one of the most interesting periods in life. Military doctors note the friendly atmosphere of the institute, as well as its good material and technical base. Some graduates who studied at other similar institutions Samara Institute they give a solid “A”, whereas other universities do not always reach even a “C”.

Users also note the presence of their own clinic, which makes it possible to combine theory with practice, as well as an original approach to teaching methods and high class teaching staff. Former students also consider living conditions to be one of the advantages of the institution (the presence of a comfortable dormitory and a canteen). In addition, the university buildings and “dorms” are located in picturesque places of the city.

Bottom line

After the transfer of this military medical university to the St. Petersburg Academy, only internship and retraining courses for active military doctors remain in Samara. Cadets undergoing training will be able to graduate from the university without problems, and new applicants must go to St. Petersburg to enroll.

Thus, on January 1, 1919, a solemn public meeting of the Council took place Samara University, which was attended by professors and teachers - V.V. Gorinevsky, M.I. Akker, V.P. Adrianov, P.V. Smirnov, E.I. Tarasov, A.N. Barannikov, S.A. Shcheglova, N. N. Lebedev, O. I. Nikonova, V. I. Timofeeva and a number of other well-known specialists in Samara.

At this Council, Professor V.V. Gorinevsky gave a speech, who outlined to the students the basics of teaching medicine at the Higher Courses in St. Petersburg, which he knew well, since he was a teacher there for several years. It is quite natural that Valentin Vladislavovich Gorinevsky was unanimously elected as the first dean of the established medical faculty of Samara University.

Founder of the Medical Faculty of Samara state university Professor V.V. Gorinevsky (1857-1937) is rightfully considered. He also became the head of the department of hygiene at the university. N. A. Semashko, V. V. Gorinevsky.

It must be said that V.V. Gorinevsky was a prominent hygienist, one of the founders (along with P.F. Lesgaft) of medical control over physical education and therapeutic physical culture in our country.

He developed the organizational and methodological foundations of medical control over the physical education of children and adolescents, hardening and physical exercise not only to maintain health, but also to achieve harmonious development; forms of conducting industrial gymnastics on industrial enterprises. V.V. Gorinevsky knew well the then People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR N.A. Semashko, who before the revolution worked for some time in the provincial zemstvo hospital in Samara together with the future famous surgeon, Academician A.V. Vishnevsky.

Soon after the official opening, the first educational departments were formed at the Faculty of Medicine of Samara University.

Thus, in January 1919, among the first departments of the Faculty of Medicine, the Department of Normal Anatomy was created, which a month later, due to the merger of the natural and medical faculties, merged with the Department of Histology. Its first head was 35-year-old professor Viktor Vasilyevich Fedorov (1884-1920), a graduate of the St. Petersburg Military Medical Academy. Professor V.V. Fedorov quite quickly formed a staff of the department and organized the educational process, although at that time he had to work in extremely difficult conditions, the Civil War was going on. In 1921, the Department of Anatomy received more spacious premises in the new morphological building. From that time until now, the building on the street. Chapaevskaya, 227, students call it “anatomist”.

Also, from the very beginning of the opening of the Faculty of Medicine at Samara University in 1919, the Department of Pathological Anatomy was formed. She was based in the central zemstvo hospital. Professor A.F. Topchieva, a graduate of the Kharkov University, was invited to head the department. medical school. On course general pathology Until 1923, lectures were given by professors E. L. Kavetsky and Yu. V. Portugalov. Then, from 1920 to 1936, this department was headed by Professor E. L. Kavetsky, a highly erudite specialist who, even before the revolution, since 1898, headed the pathological service of Samara at the zemstvo hospital and conducted numerous pathohistological and bacteriological studies.

Evgeny Leopoldovich Kavetsky is one of the initiators of the creation of a higher medical school in Samara, dean of the medical faculty and rector of Samara State University.

Administrative building of SamSMU in 1919-1927.

And in July 1920, the Department of Contagious Diseases (now - infectious diseases) was organized and began working. The part-time management of this department was also entrusted to Professor V.N. Klimenko. The clinical base of the department was located in a children's infectious diseases hospital with 80 beds (a hospital built at the expense of the famous Samara merchant Arzhanov).

Professor Vasily Nikolaevich Vorontsov, who had worked at Voronezh University before arriving in Samara, was elected head of the department of pharmacology, also founded in 1919. The department was located in a house in Khlebny Lane (now Studenchesky Lane). At the same time, the future Samara chemical school began to emerge. But, as is usually the case, the long road begins with the first, albeit small, step. The Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry was located in the building of the former theological seminary before the revolution on the street. Molodogvardeiskaya, 151 (headed by Professor M. S. Skanavi-Grigorieva).

The course of biochemistry, called physiological chemistry at that time, began to be taught at the medical faculty of Samara University in February 1919 under the leadership of Olga Semyonovna Manoilova (1880-1962). She began her education in St. Petersburg and completed it in Paris, while in political exile. In Paris, she worked for some time at the Pasteur Institute under the leadership of I. I. Mechnikov, and later in Germany, with the prominent biochemist P. Euler, who in 1908, together with I. I. Mechnikov, received Nobel Prize in the field of physiology and medicine. By this time O. S. Manoilova was already well known as a capable Researcher: Thus, she began to widely introduce microchemical research methods into laboratory and clinical practice. In September 1919, she was approved for the academic rank of professor and became the first female professor at the medical faculty of Samara University.

The history of the therapeutic departments of the Faculty of Medicine of Samara University began in November 1919. The first department of diagnostics was created, which was also located on the basis of the central zemstvo hospital. It was headed by a well-known professor-therapist in Samara, Mikhail Nikolaevich Gremyachkin, a graduate of Kazan University. In those difficult years, employees studied mainly issues of infectious diseases. A couple of years later, this department was divided into the Department of Medical Diagnostics and the Department of Private Pathology and Therapy. These departments became the basis for subsequent departments and clinics of hospital, faculty and propaedeutic therapy. In 1920-1921, students and teachers of the Faculty of Medicine of Samara State University took an active part in the fight against hunger and epidemics caused by the civil war. There was even a so-called “Combat Epidemiological Squad,” almost half of whose members were students (among them was the future People’s Commissar of Health of the USSR, and then a student at the Faculty of Medicine, Georgy Miterev, our fellow countryman).

The first surgical department and clinic - now the Department of General Surgery - was organized in 1920, a year after the opening of the medical faculty of Samara University. Then the teaching of surgery was carried out at the Faculty of Medicine in two departments - propaedeutic surgery, as well as at the department of desmurgy and mechanurgy. In November 1922, by order of the People's Commissariat of Education of the RSFSR, both departments were united. This united department of surgical pathology was headed by Professor V.V. Gorinevskaya, who later became a famous Soviet traumatologist, before her departure from Samara.

Since 1920, the leading clinical base of the medical faculty was the former central zemstvo hospital, then the 1st Soviet provincial hospital, now the city clinical hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogova. On the basis of its departments, practical classes were held in surgery, therapy, obstetrics and gynecology, as well as other academic disciplines.

In 1920, in the first year of the organization of the Department of General Surgery, a student scientific circle was created under the leadership of V.V. Gorinevskaya, which then became the core of the Student Scientific Society (SSS) of the Faculty of Medicine, organized on the initiative and under the supervision of V.V. Gorinevskaya in February 1923.

The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology largely follows the path of higher education medical education in the city of Samara. When the medical faculty of Samara University was established in January 1919, the talented obstetrician-gynecologist L. L. Okontsich was elected the first head of the department of obstetrics and gynecology. He was replaced at the end of 1919 by Professor P.V. Zanchenko, who took an active part in organizing the obstetrics and gynecology service. At the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, which he headed, issues of emergency care for uterine rupture were studied, ectopic pregnancy, use of healing properties mineral springs Samara province. Somewhat later, P.V. Zanchenko developed the operation caesarean section in the lower segment of the uterus, widely used today as the most favorable outcome.

Professor P.V. Zanchenko also became the second dean of the Faculty of Medicine and the first organizer of the Regional Scientific Society of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

The history of the Department of Otorhinolaryngology began in 1920, that is, in the second year of the existence of the Medical Faculty of Samara University. It was headed by one of the best students of the founder of Russian otorhinolaryngology, academician of the St. Petersburg Imperial University Nikolai Petrovich Simanovsky, Professor Nikolai Vasilyevich Belogolov. From 1920 to 1926 he was the first head of the department of otorhinolaryngology at Samara Medical University. Scientific research conducted by N.V. Belogolov in Samara was devoted mainly to the study of auditory orientation in space - ototopics (scientific term also introduced by N.V. Belogolov), rationalization of surgical interventions on the frontal sinus (radical surgery on the frontal sinus according to the method of N.V. Belogolov), the pituitary gland and surgical treatment laryngeal stenosis.

The beginning of the formation of the Samara Neurological School also dates back to 1920, when the Department of Nervous Diseases was opened at the Faculty of Medicine of Samara University. At all stages of the development of the Samara Neurological School, the department was headed by prominent Russian neurologists. The first organizer and head of the neurological clinic was Professor Alexander Aleksandrovich Kornilov, who headed the department for 6 years (1920-1926). A representative of the Moscow school of neuropathologists, a prominent scientist, the author of scientific works on muscular dystrophies and pathology of the reflex sphere, Professor A. A. Kornilov managed to organize a clinic that was exemplary for that time in Samara and gather young, capable doctors around him. In 1923, on the initiative of Professor A. A. Kornilov, the Samara Physiotherapeutic Institute named after. M.I. Kalinina. In the same year, the Physiotherapeutic Institute, later the Samara Regional Hospital named after M.I. Kalinin, became the main educational and clinical base of the Department of Nervous Diseases of the Faculty of Medicine.

September 1921 marked the beginning of the activity of the Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases (now it is the Department of Dermatovenerology). The department was headed by one of the most experienced and erudite dermatovenerologists in Samara, Vasily Vasilyevich Kolchin. The former divisional doctor of the 25th Chapaev Division, Mikhail Viktorovich Kubarev (he was a student of the outstanding Russian dermatovenerologist Pyotr Vasilyevich Nikolsky) and the young doctor Isaac Moiseevich Tyles were invited as teachers to the department. The Department of Skin and Venereal Diseases at that time had 60 staff beds and was located in two wooden barracks of the former central zemstvo hospital. The main task of the department in those years was the training of medical specialists, and the main activity of the employees was limited to teaching and medical work; scientific activity began a little later.

The Department of Forensic Medicine also began to function as part of the Faculty of Medicine in September 1921. The first head of the department was doctor I. I. Tsvetkov. In 1921, he was also appointed to the position of “head of the section (in other documents - subdepartment) of forensic medical examination” of the Samara Provincial Health Department. Until 1927, he remained the only teacher in this department.

A lecture course on psychiatry at the medical faculty of Samara University was first given by Professor Yuli Veniaminovich Portugalov in 1922. Two years later, a separate department of psychiatry was formed at the university under his leadership.

The first graduation of doctors from the Faculty of Medicine of Samara University took place in 1922. 37 graduates received certificates conferring the title of doctor. Since 1923, only three senior students studied at the medical faculty of the university. Since 1925, only fifth-year medical students received state (that is, free) education.

Issue of 1925. Third from left in the top row - G. A. Miterev, fourth from left in the middle row - V. A. Klimovitsky.

In 1927, due to great financial difficulties, the medical faculty of Samara University, unfortunately, was closed. During the nine years of its activity, 724 certified doctors were trained and graduated. In the last years of the existence of the Faculty of Medicine, the chairman of the qualification commission was professor-therapist M. N. Gremyachkin. It was from the graduates of that period that wonderful scientists and health care organizers emerged: R. E. Kavetsky, G. A. Miterev, G. K. Lavsky, I. N. Askalonov, T. I. Eroshevsky, I. I. Kukolev, V. N. Zvorykina, N. S. Rozhaeva, Y. M. Grinberg, V. A. Klimovitsky.


Through quite a short time, already in 1930, due to the urgent need to provide healthcare with qualified medical personnel, the Middle Volga Regional Medical Institute was opened. This name was given because Samara in those years was the administrative center of the Middle Volga region. In 1934, in connection with the administrative reform in the country and the introduction of regions, the Middle Volga Regional Medical Institute was renamed the Samara Medical Institute, and since 1935, when our city was named after the famous revolutionary V.V. Kuibyshev, - the Kuibyshev Medical Institute institute

The institute's buildings were then located on Galaktionovskaya Street, 25 (administrative building), Ulyanovskaya Street, 18 (theoretical building), Chapaevskaya Street, 227 (morphological building), Nikitinskaya Street, 2 (Regional Institute for the Protection of Motherhood and Infancy). The medical institute was represented by five faculties at once: medical, sanitary and preventive, maternal and infant health, a working faculty with branches in Samara, Penza, Klyavlino, Averino, as well as a sector distance learning and training courses for dentists.

In 1930, the Department of Fundamentals of Soviet Health and Social Hygiene was created at the Medical Institute, which was headed by Professor P. M. Batrachenko until 1932. Then he headed the department of eye diseases, which he headed from 1932 to 1937. In 1934-1937, P. M. Batrachenko, in addition, was the head of the Middle Volga regional (Samara, and then Kuibyshev regional) health department.

Subsequently, in 1935-1942, the head of the department of social hygiene was N. A. Ananyev, who made a significant contribution not only to improving the educational process, but also to the study and analysis of morbidity among the population of the Kuibyshev region, the development of a set of health measures, which generally contributed to reducing the incidence of tuberculosis, malaria, sexually transmitted diseases, and endemic goiter.

A major role in the progressive development and growth of the scientific authority of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute in our country at this stage was played by professors A. G. Brzhozovsky, S. M. Shikleev, B. I. Fuks, A. S. Zenin, G. M. Lopatin, S.I. Boryu and others.

Scientific sessions and conferences became regular. Publishing activity is expanding: it is very important to note here treatise, as the unique monograph by M.P. Batunin and A.S. Zenin “Occupational Skin Diseases” was published, which has not lost its significance to this day.

The thirties were the years of formation of an independent medical university. It was during these years that the Institute Clinics were created - a separate page in the history of the university, its wealth and pride.

With the granting of the right to defend dissertations to the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, the first to defend them were the employees of the Clinic I. N. Askalonov and A. I. Germanov, both future professors of the KMI. In the 1930s, new forms began to emerge collaboration medical science and society as a whole - a gradual and ever-increasing interaction between the staff of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute and government authorities and practical healthcare began. In the same 30s, students began to become more and more actively involved in scientific work. In 1939, the institute held its first Scientific Conference Student Scientific Society, at which 22 reports were made.

Notable are the wonderful personalities - clinical professors, scientists and teachers who have glorified the history of our medical university. One of them was Anton Grigorievich Brzhozovsky, the founder of the faculty surgery clinic at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute in 1935, who directed it until 1954. He was a man of amazing destiny: during the times civil warpersonal doctor white admiral Kolchak, and later - a consultant to Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin himself. Under his leadership, the department developed many of the basic issues of surgery, so fruitfully developed by his followers.

From 1930 to 1939, 1,120 doctors were trained at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute; employees defended more than 40 candidate and doctoral dissertations, 18 of them at their home university.


In connection with the approaching war and the ongoing gradual reform of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army (RKKA), everything was urgently needed to strengthen the country's defense capability large quantity trained military doctors. These were times of fleeting military conflicts on Lake Khasan and on the Khalkhin Gol River. They largely revealed a number weaknesses in the organization of the entire system of military medicine in the Red Army. There was an urgent need to expand the number of educational institutions that would train medical personnel for the army. Therefore, in April 1939, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was reorganized into the Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy of the Red Army.

The permanent staff of KVMA teachers was staffed by employees of the VMA named after. S. M. Kirov from Leningrad and teachers of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute. KVMA listeners in required quantity were selected and urgently called up for military service from other medical institutes in our country.

For the same purpose, the teaching staff of the KVMA was additionally staffed with well-known figures in domestic medicine. For example, major Soviet scientists - professors M. N. Akhutin, V. V. Zakusov, V. A. Beyer, I. A. Klyuss, A. N. Berkutov and others - became heads of clinical departments. They devoted a lot of effort to improve the medical support of the Red Army.

The Great Patriotic War was not only a tragic event in the life of Soviet people, but also a manifestation of the rise of patriotic and civic feelings, solidarity with the peoples who fought against fascism. Kuibyshev medical scientists occupied a special place in the general fight against the enemy. They were given the most important task - to develop such a system and find such means of treating wounded and sick soldiers of the Red Army and Navy that would provide quick return them into service. Throughout the difficult years of the war, the staff of the Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy (and then the Kuibyshev Medical Institute) lived and worked together with everyone Soviet people very courageously, according to the fundamental and iron principle: “Everything for the front, everything for victory!”

Perhaps one of the most remarkable documents stored in the archives is this telegram from the chairman of the State Defense Committee to the director of the medical institute, the secretary of the party bureau, professors, doctors of medical sciences Kavetsky, Shilovtsev, Shlyapnikov, the secretary of the Komsomol committee: “Please convey to the students, teaching staff, workers and employees of the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute, who collected 181,780 rubles in money and 56,380 rubles in government bonds for ambulance planes named after the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute, my fraternal greetings and gratitude to the Red Army. The wishes of the workers and students of the institute will be fulfilled. I. Stalin."

Until October 1942 (in three years), the Military Medical Academy in Kuibyshev graduated six students, training 1,793 military doctors. In October 1942, by decision of the Council of People's Commissars, the Kuibyshev Military Medical Academy was disbanded. The departments of the military medical block of the KVMA were relocated together with the Military Medical Academy named after. S. M. Kirov to Samarkand. Its chief, Major General of the Medical Service V.I. Vilesov, also left with the personnel of the academy to establish a new training base there.

The country's leadership was firmly convinced that victory in World War II would be on the side Soviet Union. Therefore, by the decision of the Council of People's Commissars of the USSR on September 4, 1942, on the basis of the liquidating Military Medical Academy, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was again recreated, subordinate to the People's Commissariat of Health of the RSFSR, and Colonel of the Medical Service, Associate Professor V.I. Savelyev was appointed its director.

V. I. Savelyev invested a lot of strength and energy in organizing the educational process, which was restructured in accordance with wartime tasks. The institute actively studied new, most effective ways treatment of wounded and sick soldiers, generalized the experience of medical care during combat operations, features of military field surgery, etc.

The teaching staff of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was supplemented with teachers from a number of medical institutes evacuated from the occupied by the German invaders territories of our country. For example, professors A. N. Orlov, an ophthalmologist, N. A. Torsuev, a dermatovenerologist, A. I. Zlatoverov, a neurologist, P. Ya. Pelchuk, an obstetrician-gynecologist, and Sh. I. Krinitsky, a pathologist, arrived from the Rostov Medical Institute. From the students who arrived with them, training courses were formed and scheduled classes began.

To continue their studies, young men and women came to the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, evacuated from other cities, in whose institutes they had already begun training in medical science. Young people who had experienced many hardships had to be united and given the impetus for a new, peaceful life. A variety of educational work carried out by party and Komsomol organizations and teachers at the institute gave positive results.

On July 1, 1943, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute held the first military graduation of doctors: 112 young specialists received diplomas, 50% of them were sent to the army, 35% to medical institutions of the Kuibyshev region, 1% to the People's Commissariat of Water Transport, 5% to institutions People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs.

Despite all the difficulties and the enormous medical work carried out on the wounded, scientific research and development continued to be intensively carried out at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute. Of course, they were mainly on defense topics - military injuries, burns and frostbite, shock, transfusiology, septic tonsillitis (alaukia). Students from clinical departments began to take part in research work. At the same time, the team of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, led by leading scientists, became involved in active assistance to medical institutions in cities and rural areas of the Kuibyshev region. The inextricable connection between medical science and practical healthcare was clearly demonstrated again.

A great contribution to the provision of surgical assistance to soldiers of the Red Army during the war was made by the Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Professor Sergei Pavlovich Shilovtsev, who from December 1942 headed the clinic and the department of general surgery for 20 years. In May 1943, the first scientific session of the KMI took place. The scientific session lasted 4 days, during which 54 reports by scientists and doctors were presented on all areas of theoretical and practical medicine. The scientific secretary of the KMI, head of the department of faculty therapy, Professor V.I. Chilikin wrote about this in his report: “Kuibyshev State Medical Institute is one of the largest in the Union. Its departments and clinics are headed by professors - doctors of science, who have extensive experience in teaching, scientific and medical work.”

In the Kuibyshev region in the spring and summer of 1944, an outbreak of Vincent-Simanovsky’s septic tonsillitis occurred. Particularly significant assistance in the fight against it was provided to the Kuibyshev Regional Health Department by an authoritative scientific medical commission consisting of professors from the KMI, heads of the departments of therapy V. I. Chilikin (scientific secretary of the KMI), infectious diseases F. M. Toporkov, ENT diseases B. N. Lukov , pathological anatomy by N.F. Shlyapnikov, skin diseases by A.S. Zenin and a number of other specialists. Teachers and 3rd year medical students of the KMI participated in this work. In the end, the outbreak of this serious disease, which affected 10 districts of the Kuibyshev region, was completely eliminated. The head of the Department of ENT Diseases, Professor B.N. Lukov, during the war years, performed more than 8 thousand operations, consulted more than 53 thousand patients - wounded and sick. For his work he was awarded the gratitude of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. For about two decades, from 1942 to 1960, Boris Nikolaevich Lukov headed this department.

Professor Alexander Iosifovich Zlatoverov, one of the largest neurologists in our country, who played special role in the formation of the Samara school of neurologists, headed the department of nervous diseases from 1944 to 1968. A representative of the Moscow neurological school, a student of Professors L. S. Minor and L. O. Darkshevich, Professor A. I. Zlatoverov rightfully occupies a prominent place among the founders of Russian neurology. Over the years, with his active participation, the neurological service of the city of Kuibyshev and the region was improved, new neurological departments were opened, and scientific research was carried out. A.I. Zlatoverov was one of the initiators of the opening of a neurosurgical department in the Samara Regional Hospital in 1958. In May 1943, by order of the Soviet government, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was given the right to accept dissertations for defense and award scientific degrees of doctor and candidate of medical and biological sciences, as well as academic titles- professor and associate professor.

During the war years, 8 doctoral dissertations and 22 dissertations for the degree of candidate of medical sciences were defended in the scientific council of the institute. In addition, in the 1944-45 academic year, the institute’s staff completed 16 dissertations, of which 6 were for the degree of Doctor of Science and 10 were for the degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences. At the end of the war, the number of graduate students and clinical residents reached 23 people.

One of the most prominent figures among medical scientists in the city of Kuibyshev was Professor N.F. Shlyapnikov. In March 1944, he was appointed to the position of head of the department of pathological anatomy, before which long time headed a similar department at the Saratov Medical Institute.

As you know, during the Great Patriotic War Kuibyshev was the reserve capital of the union state. For almost two years the Soviet government was based in the city. Many were evacuated here from enemy-occupied western territories. large factories, who produced military equipment and industrial products necessary for the front. Advanced scientific personnel, including medical ones, were also concentrated here. Kuibyshev military hospitals were one of the main training grounds where advanced research and research were carried out, the most advanced efficient technologies treatment of wounded Red Army soldiers. The department of pathological morphology was faced with the specific task of a comprehensive study of the wound process, complicated by a wide variety of diseases, as well as the accumulation and synthesis of material on new forms of diseases: wound exhaustion, nutritional dystrophy, etc.

During the war years, the Kuibyshev Medical Institute trained 432 doctors, most of them went to the front. About 400 employees of our institute are participants in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945.


The post-war years were marked by the rapid development of all areas of the institute's activities. These years were not easy, peaceful life was just getting better in the country, but inspiration reigned in everyone’s souls. Front-line students returned to classes, returned to the walls of the university from active army teachers, but for a long time to come young people whose childhood was scorched by the war will continue to enter the institute.

Professors A. I. Germanov, B. N. Lukov, A. M. Aminev with KMI graduates after state exams.

Stage of formation and maturity modern university One can name the period from 1945 to 1965 of the functioning of the still single-faculty Kuibyshev Medical Institute. Special attention Professors N. E. Kavetsky, A. M. Aminev, A. I. Germanov, T. I. Eroshevsky paid attention to the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, improving the quality of educational, medical, and scientific work. One of the remarkable traditions has been the regular holding of scientific and practical conferences since 1956. Over the years, 16 conferences were held, 17 collections of scientific papers were published.

During this period, six-year training was introduced; in the content of practical classes, including the study of theoretical disciplines, significant importance was attached to the development of practical skills among students. And the students had someone to learn from, not only in Russia, but also outside of it, Samara’s scientific schools. In 1949, Professor Tikhon Ivanovich Eroshevsky was appointed director of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute; it was in our medical institute that he created his own scientific and pedagogical ophthalmological school, which became world famous.

T. I. Eroshevsky, S. N. Fedorov later at the 4th Congress of Russian Ophthalmologists in 1982

Then, T.I. Eroshevsky was replaced as director of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute in 1958 by Dmitry Andreevich Voronov.

An experienced healthcare organizer, a tactful and far-sighted person, D. A. Voronov was in power for quite some time short period- only 5 years. However, caring about the fate of the university itself, he prudently included 3 objects in the capital construction plans: a 5-story dormitory on the street. Gagarina, 16, educational building on the street. Gagarina, 18, and the building of the Central Scientific Research Laboratory with a vivarium. They were completed and opened later, but a start had been made.

My scientific activity D. A. Voronov developed all scientific, pedagogical activity which is associated with the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, where he came in 1946 after demobilization from the army.

The main scientific merit of Doctor of Medical Sciences S.I. Stegunin is that he, along with the outstanding scientists N.N. Anichkov, E.V. Shmidt, N.N. Blokhin, A.V. Chaklin, V.B. Smirnov, began to develop in depth the pathogenetic concept of the emergence of the most important non-infectious diseases. And, of course, the name of S.I. Stegunin forever entered the history of the university as the founder of the Museum of History of KSMI-SamSMU! At that time, excellent clinicians worked at the institute: obstetricians-gynecologists, therapists, surgeons. In 1947, an independent course in traumatology and orthopedics began to be taught at the Department of Hospital Surgery. Its leader was Alexander Pavlovich Evstropov.

Since 1951, the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology was headed by Professor I. T. Milchenko, who had 2 higher educations: pedagogical and medical. The scientific work of the department concerned the issues of functional and morphological characteristics of the internal genital organs, the state of the nervous and vascular systems for various obstetric pathologies. Under his leadership, V.V. Goryachev, I.A. Kupaev, who later became heads of departments at our university, A.F. Zharkin, who became a professor, and head of the department, completed their dissertations. Department of the Volgograd Medical Institute. In 1955, the Department of Faculty Surgery of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute was headed by Professor Sergei Leonidovich Libov, who headed the department from 1955 to 1961.

This period in the life of the Department of Faculty Surgery was relatively short, but extremely eventful. It was then that in the history of the department the words “for the first time, first” began to be heard often in one or another combination.

Under the leadership of S.L. Libov, departments of thoracic and cardiac surgery were opened for the first time in Kuibyshev, where some of the first dry heart operations in the USSR were performed, as well as the world's first simultaneous operations on both lungs for bronchiectasis.

The first pressure chamber was installed in the Faculty Surgery Clinic.

For only four years, until 1967, the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute was headed by Honored Scientist of the RSFSR, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Ivan Vasilyevich Sidorenkov.

Sidorenkov began work in Kuibyshev, where he arrived from Orenburg, full of energy and scientific plans: to come to grips with the problem of atherosclerosis. Strategy scientific research it has already been worked out and comprehended. All that was missing was a team of like-minded people, which Ivan Vasilyevich began to form by starting hard work on the proper equipment of the department, the selection of students and the formation of a circle of associates - those who could bring to life everything they had planned.

Under him, since 1966, another faculty was opened at the Kuibyshev Medical Institute - dentistry. He saw in the then Sasha Krasnov, a young professor, the makings of a future leader - the head of the department and the rector of the university.


In August 1966, in connection with the growth of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute, the second department of hospital surgery was organized, to which the teaching of traumatology and orthopedics and military field surgery was transferred.

The new department was headed by Professor Alexander Fedorovich Krasnov, a graduate of the department of Professor A. M. Aminev. In 1967, he became the rector of the Kuibyshev Medical Institute and led it for 31 years - until 1998! Three decades are a serious part of human life, and in the life of a university they have become an entire era.

Under A.F. Krasnov, rapid construction of new buildings and dormitories began, and with them new faculties were formed at the institute. Let us only note that today SamSMU has all the faculties that a university providing medical and pharmaceutical education can have. So from a single-faculty institute educational institution becomes a medical university. It is quite natural that new departments were opened during this period.

A. F. Krasnov, G. P. Kotelnikov, A. K. Povelikhin, S. N. Izmalkov, 1970s.

Since 1971, the Department of Tuberculosis has been organized at the Kuibyshev State Medical Institute, headed by Professor Kim Pavlovich Prosvirnov. The department provided healthcare practical help, studies were conducted on centralized control of tuberculosis patients, immunity in tuberculosis was studied. The scientific directions of the department are early detection of tuberculosis in children with concomitant conditions, a new test for the early detection of tuberculosis has been proposed, and immunity continues to be studied.

The Department of Oncology was organized in August 1974. The founder and first head of the department is Honored Scientist of Russia, Honorary Professor and Honorary Graduate of our university, Honorary Oncologist of Russia, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Yuri Ivanovich Malyshev, one of the favorite students of Professor Alexander Mikhailovich Aminev. The first teachers of the department were E. N. Katorkin, the first associate professor and head of the department’s academic department, and B. K. Soldatkin. Associate Professor N.P. Savelyev, an experienced oncologist with more than 40 years of work experience, worked at the department. The main scientific direction is the optimization of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of patients with malignant neoplasms.

The Department of Urology was organized in 1977, and its first head was Professor Lev Anatolyevich Kudryavtsev. It should be noted that the basics of teaching urology and the development of the specialty in Samara region is inextricably linked with the name of V.P. Smelovsky, who back in 1951 was elected associate professor in the course of urology at the department of faculty surgery, was the founder of the urological scientific society and its permanent chairman. L. A. Kudryavtsev developed the problems of urethral strictures and bladder cancer, the latter laid the foundation for the oncourological direction of the scientific department.

Also in 1977, the Department of Endocrinology was organized. Until 2006, it was led by Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Nelly Ilyinichna Verbovaya. The formation of the department took place along with the strengthening of the endocrinological service of the city and region. The main directions of research work of the department: macroangiopathies with diabetes mellitus, obesity in adolescence, osteoporosis, pathology thyroid gland and gonads.

One of the last new departments created by order of the rector of SamSMU, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences Alexander Fedorovich Krasnov in 1997, was the Department of Geriatrics. The fundamentals of teaching gerontology issues originated at the Department of Hospital Therapy; Honored Scientist, Professor V. A. Germanov obliged all teachers to include the study of current issues in the treatment of elderly patients in the therapy lesson program. The decision to create an independent department was certainly innovative; a similar department for sixth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine was organized for the first time in Russian Federation. Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Natalya Olegovna Zakharova was appointed head of the department.

Students at our university have the opportunity to study in detail the features of the pathology of old age - multimorbidity, chronic disease, weariness of clinical manifestations, drug pathomorphosis. IN modern conditions, given the objective aging of the population, this is very important.

The ideological inspirer of the creation of the new department was Professor G.P. Kotelnikov, at that time vice-rector for educational work. This was the last year of his vice-rectorship.

From 1998 to present

In 1998, Gennady Petrovich Kotelnikov was elected rector of Samara State Medical University.

Rector of SamSMU Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences G. P. Kotelnikov with students.

So it was opened new page in the history of the university, a page in the heyday of a real university complex, which has in its structure not only classical faculties and departments, but also educational and research institutes, multidisciplinary clinics, specialized medical and scientific and educational centers.

What is our university today? In the documents of the Central Data Bank for Russian Universities it is written as follows: "Samara State medical University is a leading scientific and methodological center in the main areas of its educational activities.”

This conclusion, in our opinion, is absolutely justified. It is enough to remember only several achievements and awards of SamSMU behind last years, reflecting the level of its Russian and international recognition.
