Table competitions for graduation. Last call games and competitions

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given a piece of paper and a marker. The task of graduates is to remember all human organs and depict them in as much detail as possible anatomical structure his. It will be more interesting if a team of parents also takes part. The most accurate drawing, or rather the team that draws it, will receive a prize.

Song competition

The competition can be done both for each participant and for teams, that is, either the game is for the elimination of participants or for the elimination of a team. Participants must take turns remembering and singing a couple of words from songs that mention school, for example: “School, school, I miss you,” “They teach at school,” “The school romance is over,” “School time,” and others.

Duet with teachers

Each student chooses a forfeit in which a specific item will be indicated. Then teachers of these subjects are invited to the students and their task is to sing songs in accordance with the name of the subjects. If there are many graduates, for one forfeit, that is, for one subject there may be 2 or 3 graduates. Examples of songs: Biology - Via GRA “Biology”, Physical Education - Vysotsky - “ Morning exercises", Mathematics - Fidgets "And they tell us that the leg is shorter than the hypotenuse", Physics - Tretyakov "Physics" and so on.

Think and use your imagination

Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams. Each team is given the word “applicant” and “student”. Teams must be the funniest and most cheerful to decipher these words as abbreviations, for example, “student” is the most seriously tired, truly tireless talent, and so on. Those who can decipher the words best will receive prizes.

Farewell quest

Graduates are divided into 2 or 3 teams. At the command “start” the teams receive a task in the form of a quest. The fastest team to find the treasure is the winner. A cake with the number “5” - an excellent mark, or the year of this issue - can serve as a treasure. The quest can have the following content: 1. you need to run to where you sweated and got into shape (gym), there graduates find the next task in envelopes 2. there the boys planed, sawed and made crafts (work room for boys), there they find next task 3. disobedient students and violators of discipline, all poor students and mischief-makers are called there (principal’s office), there is the next 4. the majority’s changes are taking place there, it smells delicious and buns are being baked there (dining room), and there may be the main prize (treasure).

Knowledge Rocket

Today this rocket launches into the sky. But in order to start it, you need to stock up on fuel and go through several stages of refueling: stage one - remember the formula of Ohm's law, stage two - Square root of 16, stage three - the formula of the Pythagorean theorem, stage four - draw a house, stage five - the 5th element of the periodic table, stage six - sit down 5 times with the whole team. Graduates are divided into 2-3 teams, each given whatman paper and a marker (for completing tasks). The team that completes all stages and fills the rocket with fuel the fastest is the winner.

The last bell is the day of farewell to school. Entertainment will make the holiday fun and bright. Outdoor games And team competitions between classes will amuse the children. Interesting quizzes will give students the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and broaden their horizons.

    The competition involves 2 teams of schoolchildren of 7 people each. This can be an inter-class or intra-class competition.

    The facilitator places in front of each group of participants a chair on which lies a briefcase, school supplies (notebooks, pens, books, pencil case, pencils, ruler, album) and non-school items (soccer ball, T-shirt, jump rope).

    The teams' task is to collect school supplies in their briefcase as quickly as possible. One player has the right to place one item. The catch is that the participants, trying to complete the relay race as quickly as possible, forget about what can be put in the briefcase and what cannot.

    The team that completes the task correctly and faster than its opponents wins.

    The competition involves 2 classes with approximately the same number of students. The participants' task is to line up by last name as they are written in the journal.

    The team that completes the task faster and correctly wins. To make the competition more difficult, participants can be blindfolded.

    A creative competition in which schoolchildren can show their imagination. It involves 2 teams. Each of them receives a sheet of paper and a pen.

    The participants’ task is to create as many new names for familiar school subjects as possible in 2 minutes. For example, a subject such as mathematics can be replaced by the word number cruncher, biology by flower picking, drawing by caricature.

    The team that comes up with the wins large quantity original names for school subjects.

    Game "Knowledge Path"

    Educational game. Children who are confident in their knowledge of various school subjects participate.

    On the floor of the classroom or school yard in front of each participant, the presenter lays out sheets of paper in the form of a path with pre-printed text: mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, Russian language, literature. Players take turns stepping on each leaf and saying a rule or association that relates to the science written on the leaf. For example: literature - Anton Pavlovich Chekhov; algebra - the sum of the squares of the legs is equal to the square of the hypotenuse; physics - there are three types state of aggregation substances. Repeating rules already stated by previous participants is prohibited.

    The winner is the player who does not miss the name sheets and tells one rule for each subject.

    Two teams of schoolchildren participate in the competition. Each of them receives a sheet of paper on which 33 squares are drawn.

    The participants’ task is to take turns writing the letters of the alphabet into the squares so that they are not repeated. The order of placement does not matter.

    The winner is the team that fills all the squares faster and does not allow repetitions of the same letters.

    Game "Identify the object"

    10 children are playing. They are divided equally into 2 teams. To play the game you will need cards with the names of school supplies.

    After the game starts, the participants in each group take turns approaching the leader and drawing a card at random. Their task is to describe to their team members what is written on it, without saying the word itself. For example: a participant pulls out a card with the word “notebook”. He can explain this item this way: specially sewn sheets, lined or squared, are intended for writing. Each player is given 1 minute to explain the word. After the team guesses the item or time runs out, the next participant draws a new card. After the leader's signal "stop" the game ends.

Like in a magazine

Everyone has blindfolds on their eyes.
At the signal, the class must line up back to back in the order of last names in the class register.
(It is assumed that this order is well etched in everyone’s memory).
Which class will do it first?

Get to know your friends' parents

Parents bring their childhood photographs to the prom.
Photos are numbered and posted for everyone to see.
Graduates look at photographs, trying to identify the parents of classmates; Everyone writes down their own versions.
At a certain point, the DJ-animator asks who deciphered the most photographs.
Invites 2-3 leaders, they say who is whose parent.
The one who guessed the most wins.

Photos can be collected and scanned in advance.
Then they can be projected on the screen, which is more spectacular.

You can post a photo of the graduates themselves, about a year old.
Who can guess the most friends from their childhood photos?

Pack your briefcase

Relay race.

In front of each team at a distance there is a chair on which a briefcase and school supplies lie ( equal number for each team).
At the animator’s signal, the first number of the team runs up to the chair, puts one item in the briefcase, returns back and stands at the end of the line...
The last number brings to the starting line a briefcase filled with all the accessories that were “charged” on the chair.

Farewell autograph

The text of a memorial address to the school from graduates is prepared in advance.
Blank spaces are left in place of adjectives.
The animator asks the audience to come up with adjectives, which he writes (types on the keyboard) into the empty spaces of the text. Then reads (prints and reads) the resulting text.
Farewell autograph of graduates of the year 20__
_______ our teachers!
On this _______ day of farewell to school, we want to say only the most _______ words.
During 11 years of _______ school life, we experienced many _______ moments.
We will never forget you, our _______ teachers!
We, your _______ students, wish you _______ health, more _______ minutes in your life, _______ students, and may a _______ smile always shine on your faces.
With love and respect, your _______ children.

Who will he be in ten years?

During the feast, the animator distributes pieces of paper and pens to the graduates (previously placed on the tables).
– It has been proven that the most accurate forecast Your friends and girlfriends give information about your future. Not your parents, not your teachers, but your classmates.
Let's take advantage of this. Let everyone choose the classmate you know best. Let everyone write on a piece of paper who they think their counterpart will be in 10 years.
Sign with your name or pseudonym so that ten years from now you can find out who wrote it.
Place the sheets of paper in this large envelope, which I will seal and deposit with the school principal for 10 years.

The trained director plays along with the animator:
– I will keep the envelope in the school safe!
(You can stamp the envelope with the school seal.)
– In 10 years, at the alumni reunion, the envelope will be opened, and we will see who gave the most correct forecast!
(The trick has been used many times at graduation parties. Those envelopes are probably gathering dust in school safes. Or maybe someone opened them with trembling hands at a high school reunion...)

Advertising a school in 15 seconds

For the prom.
– Who, if not the graduates, knows their school with all its obvious shortcomings and hidden advantages? And who else but they can brightly advertise their school to future students?
The animator divides the audience into “advertising groups”.
Each group must:

  • run onto the podium for a “photo shoot”
  • portray an advertising “living picture”
  • recite the school's advertising slogan
15 seconds are allotted for everything (advertising time is expensive!)
Everyone is given 10 minutes (3 songs) to prepare the advertisement.
When all the groups have passed, the resulting advertising is shown digital photos on the screen.

Cool hit

The DJ surveys graduates about the most popular song.
(Experience shows that young people willingly write the names of their favorite bands. In addition, it takes up time, which is always so much on prom night.)
– A survey of graduates showed that the most popular song of the 11th “A” is such and such! 11th “B” – such and such! 11th “B” – such and such!
The first to occupy the center of the hall is the 11th... "B"! Simply because their song is already loaded in my player. 11th "B" is dancing!

(Then, for example, “A”, “B” and the entire episode - to the most popular song of the school. When processing the voices, we want the DJ to avoid excessive coincidence of tastes. The subsequent execution of individual requests helps to “eat up” time.)

Include teachers in the survey - what song is popular among them? Dance with the whole school to the teachers' favorite song.

How much does an excellent student's head weigh?

A piece of paper with the weight of his head, for example, 10 kg 350 g, is placed in the breast pocket of an excellent student’s jacket.
Auction: who can accurately guess the weight of an excellent student's head?

Miss Prom Night

The animator invites graduates (up to 10-12 people).

  1. The girls in the dressing room try on specially prepared outfits and come up with names for them.
    Fashion show with commentary by an animator.
  2. The girls sort out the colored ribbons (one at a time!), which are pulled from the bag in the hands of the animator.
    The animator releases the bag - a prize is tied to one of the ribbons. The lucky one is declared Miss Prom Night.
    The ribbons remain as souvenirs for the girls.

Mister Future

The animator asks each of the girls to write on a piece of paper the name of the “coolest” guy in their class, in her opinion.
(Girls are always willing to do this; you don’t have to sign.)
The animator counts the votes.
Invites the 9 most popular guys to the stage.

  1. The guys fold paper airplanes, write the name of the aircraft on the fuselage, and launch it.
    The animator awards consolation prizes to the three whose planes fell closest to the stage.
    They return to the hall.
  2. From the remaining six, the animator forms two teams of 3 people.
    Relay "Log between the legs."
    The losing trio receives prizes and leaves.
  3. Assignment to the semi-finalists: SIT AT THE “DIRECTOR’S TABLE” IN THE MOST DIFFICULT WAY.
    One loser gets a prize and leaves.
  4. Football:
    • everyone's choice of the name of a famous football player
    • the finalists go to the dressing room, each of them has a bunch of 5 balls tied to his leg
    • "football players" come out to the fans, loud greeting
    • match: crush all your opponent's balls while protecting your own (do not use your hands!)
    • rewarding the loser and the champion (rock it!)
The champion is declared Mr. Future.

Make a pair of oversized football shorts for the finalists to wear before the match.

Motto for this night

Each team draws 5 cards with random words from the deck (words are not repeated).
The team composes the “Motto of This Night” from the extracted words.
You need to use all the words, you can change cases and numbers, and add only prepositions.
The teams show the hall cards with their words and say “Mottos”.
Who has it better?

Teams receive sets of cards with the same set of words.
And who will combine the “Motto” more inventively?

Translators from Russian into Russian

The animator hands the contestants (teams) pieces of paper with the same phrase.
You need to “translate the phrase from Russian into Russian,” that is, convey its meaning in other words, without using a single word from the original phrase.
At the proms, we used a phrase-assignment, I think it was from Bradbury: “IN EVERY PERSON’S LIFE THERE SHOULD BE ONE NIGHT THAT HE WILL REMEMBER FOREVER.”

Duel of Erudites

The animator invites two of the smartest students (students, employees, etc.)
Asks them to stand opposite each other at a distance of 6-8 steps.
Animator (addressing one of the scholars):
– I’m asking you a simple question. You answer quickly. As soon as I asked the question, your opponent runs towards us and stands on the same line as you. If he gets there before you answer, he gets a point. If you answer first, the point is yours!
Animator (to first):
- Bird?
(The first one answers, the second one runs. After each question, the players take their starting positions.)
Animator (to the second):
- Fish?
(The second one answers, the first one runs to the second one and stands next to him on the same line. He tries to get there sooner than the answer is heard.)
- Check(For example) 2:0. But it was a rehearsal. Do you understand what to do? Then let's start the Duel of Erudites!
Animator (to first):
- Formula for water?
Animator (to the second):
- Alcohol formula?
To the first:
- Don Quixote's squire?
To the second:
- Footballer?
To the first:
- TV show?
To the second:
- Newspaper?
To the first:
– What is your favorite song?
To the second:
– Your favorite teacher?
To the first:
– Extend the sentence: Gentlemen...
To the second:
– Extend the phrase: Comrades...
To the first:
- Dad's son Carlo?
To the second:
– Erotic film?
First (the most difficult question!):
- How many legs does a cockroach have?(Six)
Second (also difficult!):
- Daughter ex-wife Philip Kirkorov?(Christina)
The animator has a sign where he writes down the current score. The number of questions during the game can be varied.
Questions must be asked quickly, using “Start” intonation.

Participants can sit on chairs at a distance of 5-6 steps from each other, and then the runner needs to jump up, run to the opponent and sit on an empty chair next to him.

Girls, do you like boys?

This feature completes the disco, New Year's ball, prom.
The DJ asks all the young men to come to him. Only boys and girls are asked to stay put!
When the guys surround the DJ in a tight ring, he is not on the microphone! - explains to them what needs to be done:

  1. become one after another “locomotive”;
  2. when the music starts, start moving around the site;
  3. when the DJ asks: “Boys, do you like girls?” - answer unanimously: “Yes!”
During this briefing, the girls wander around the hall and are terribly curious about what secret the DJ is telling the guys?
Finally, the DJ becomes generous and asks the girls to come closer to the stage. The girls surround the DJ, and he asks them:
  1. do as the boys do
  2. move the way boys would move
  3. when the DJ asks: “Girls, do you like boys?” - answer in unison: “No!”
The young men line up like a train and “ride” around the hall. The girls follow them.
- Boys, do you like girls?
- Yeees!
- Girls, do you like boys?
- Nooo!

Fanfare sounds.


It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.



School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

And today you are graduates!

Skvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna

/ ./




/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends!


11th grade


"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Chief" - Dubinin Peter

11 "B" class

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/



introduce the school.


HOST. Dear graduates!








dance floor.


Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" -

3 pairs per class.

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love”

4. Competition "Get into the ring"


HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is still the night


friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

(they shout: We love you!)

parents ./ raise their hands/


    What were you singing when

    Question for a male parent:

LEADING. Amazing!

1 . Classroom teacher

2. Graduate

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate

5. Dad

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate

8. Graduate

9. Lech graduate

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program


your release,

Game program:


helium balloons:

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

didn't catch

Classroom hour!

3. .

couples cards) – rock and roll

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5

2. choose the Queen


THIRD Feast.


tables. /sweet table/


- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- What’s the director’s name?




blitz survey.


Presenter .




1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus






Ready for a surprise again

As a sign of achievements and good luck!


(relay of wishes)


distributes Bengali




- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov


Don't forget these candles with you.

They will stay with you for a long time!




  • Back

"Educational program for toastmaster" prom script


Fanfare sounds. The phonogram of the “school waltz” sounds. In the hall, parents line up in a living corridor on both sides. The class teachers lead their classes into the hall to the friendly applause of their parents.

Presenter. The school waltz is spinning,

Spin the earth! The universe is spinning!

You came to the ball from the ship "teaching"

And from the ball to the ship called “life”!

Good evening, dear friends! We greet the best graduates with applause best school № `3!

It's a school night for you,

The most memorable evening.

We invite you to the ball,

For the last meeting.

This day has come -

Last day, farewell.

He is the most memorable

And a little sad.

HOST. Dear graduates, teachers and parents, I ask you all to come to the tables./music plays while everyone is seated/

HOST. Dear friends! Every year summer night, at the end of June a holiday of youth, youth, beauty, health and happiness comes to school! This is our graduates spending their last evening at school.

School bells rang

11 years of lessons passed

Since you became students,

And today you are graduates!

Today is the graduation party! After this night, everyone will go their separate ways. Everyone will have their own path in life, but the warm moments of school life, interesting lessons kind and noble teachers - you will never be able to forget all this. There is a person at school whom everyone respects. This is the director. Today he congratulated you on graduating from school, presented your matriculation certificates and to your directorSkvortsova Zinaida Sergeevna the floor is given to table congratulations graduates - 2010.

/ wishes of the director of music. Pause ./

Presenter . Dear friends! How many times do I catch myself thinking that school

teachers, let's shout to the best school in the world: Hurray!(shouting)

HOST. Dear friends! I wish you bon appetit and I want

inform you that a disco will be open for you today. Her

DJ - Sasha is the most popular DJ in the city!

Dear graduates! Today is your last night at school. And you must spend it in such a way that you remember it for the rest of your life. You must light up the party to the fullest! Agreed?

Also at our evening you can make a musical congratulation to your friends, classmates, and favorite teachers. And one more little information: Each of the chairs you sit on has a personalized balloon attached to it. Please save them until the end of the evening. You will need them for a symbolic action called “Farewell to Childhood.” At dawn you will all go to the fountain and, wishing for the most cherished wish, release your balloons into the sky. Your wish will definitely come true if you really want it and believe in it.

And I will be with you this night - the presenter’s name is Natalya Nikolaevna. We wish you a pleasant holiday!

/ Music Pause./

HOST. Dear friends! It's sad to part with mine

pupils. Agree that current graduates -

the most, the most... / graduates confirm /

Presenter. Now I am announcing a competition of nominations for “The Most, the Most of

you". Over the 11 years of study, you have learned a lot about each other.

I will name the nomination, and you should

guess who received this nomination. So, let's begin!

11th grade

Nomination - “Class Stylist” - Oksana Baranova

“Soul of the Company” - Ershova Tatyana

“Theater Star” - Ekaterin Mamatova

“All so brutal” Anatoly Dyukarev

"Computer genius" - Nikolay Dobrev

“Sex symbol of class, handsome” - Ovsyannikov


“The cutest” - Maria Titkova

“Miss Modesty” - Katya Tyupina

"Real Colonel" - Stepanov Amir

"The smartest" - Maxim Storozhev

"Hostess" - Svetlana Kireeva

"Disco Dancer" - Andrey Gribov

"Internet Lover" - Alexey Chuev

"The Artist" - Katya Medvedeva

"Mr. Orator" - Nikolay Malakhov

"Future politician" - Dakhin Gennady

"Nightclub Lover" - Katya Torgashova

"Botanist" - Chigarev Alexey

"Showman" - Alexey Loskutov

"Chief" - Dubinin Peter

"Musician" - Vadim Naberezhnykh

"The Great Mathematician" - Ivan Kharlanov

11 "B" class

“Brunette in Chocolate” - Tanya Medyntseva

“Favorite of Girls” - Yukhanov Yaroslav

“The Brain of the Class” - Kisel Alexandra

“Informal” - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

“Smile of the class” - Migunova Tatyana

“Nurse” - Julia Dergacheva

“Glamour of class” Agafonova Victoria

“Open Heart” - Chernikov Alexander

“The Mystery Girl” - Alina Korneva

“The most fun” - Belogurova Karina

"Olympic Hope" -Otrishko Alexander

“Kindness Itself” - Zhidovkina Maria

"Musician 2" - Temnikov Nikolay

"Miss Positive" - ​​Alina Kozlova

"Schumacher" - Sechin Sergei

"The most businesslike" - Dmitry Goncharuk

"Football star" - Mikhail Gvozdetsky

"The best friend" - Nikita Kaskov

HOST. Dear graduates! And all together you are awarded the most

highest nomination - faithful friends! Applause! Hooray!

I congratulate you on your first awards and want to inform you that

prom has just begun and you still have everything ahead of you. IN

The program has many competitions, prizes and surprises. Today on

Prom Queen will be chosen at graduation and, of course,

King. These titles will be awarded to the most active

resourceful, cheerful ones of you!

So go for it!/

HOST. Dear friends! We continue our program. Eleven

years you were in magical land- the country of childhood, the door to

which your school has revealed to you. I would like you to

once greeted with applause those who helped you

become adults. Applause to your strict, wise and fair teachers. All these years they put a piece of their soul into you, gave you human warmth, their love.

.(one word of congratulations and wishes)

HOST. Dear graduates! It is impossible without your teachers

introduce the school.

Auction “Without which it is impossible to imagine School No. 13”


(whoever calls last wins the prize).

HOST. Dear graduates!

There are women at school who look like flames,

On a barely noticeable candle tongue

They've been walking next to you for two years

Who are these women? Come on, let's shout!

Graduates shout: class teachers!

HOST. Right! This is the class teacher of class 11A -Sderzhikova Vera Ivanovna and class teacher 11B - Chernykh Capitalina Mikhailovna

HOST. But we will now find out what they were like for each of you. I will ask graduates to name as many definitions as possible.

(an auction of kind and respectful words addressed to class teachers. And then graduates must leave their autographs on the word Kapitalina Mikhailovna and the word Vera Ivanovna. The table of graduates is divided into two halves. Whose team is faster?)

The wishes of the class teachers

HOST. Dear friends! Once again I want on behalf of all students

express words of gratitude to all teachers,

present in this hall. We tell you again

thanks a lot. !And may good luck accompany you all your life

your noble cause. But with particular pleasure I

I would like to remind all graduates about your first

teachers. Welcome with applause:

_________________ Lyudmila Ivanovna Zhiltsova and Elena Kucheryavykh


__________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

HOST. Dear graduates! I am now addressing the young men. You are yours

the first teachers taught to be real gentlemen.

Now we'll see what came of it. I invite

to the site of the first teachers, boys, prepare for them


Competition “Kiss the hand of your favorite teacher”

Graduates - boys are divided into teams, depending on how many teachers there will be. Each team is opposite its teacher. On command, everyone runs up, kisses her hand, returns, and the next one runs. Whose team is faster will win.

HOST . Dear friends! Well, now we invite you to

dance floor.


HOST. Dear graduates! I remind you that today, at the evening, we must choose the King and Queen of the ball. To get these titles you need to be very active, cheerful, resourceful, participate in our competitions, be real ladies and gentlemen! It's all ahead! Well, now - dancing!

Dance program - 3-4 dances.

Competition program:

    Competition "School Bell" - The graduating class is divided into two teams. Opposite each team is a cube with a school bell on it. The first participants run up, take the bells, run back and ring the bell, pass the bell to the next team member. Whoever rings louder and runs faster is the winner!

2.Competition “Bankers Competition” - 3 pairs per class.

Female depositors must invest 10 in their male banks

dollar bills in different places, without repeating. Whose couple

The faster one wins.

    COMPETITION “Statue of Love” / 4 pairs student-teacher, student-parent, student-student, parent-teacher/ Best couple determined by the applause of the audience.

4. Competition "Get into the ring"



HOST. DEAR GRADUATES! Tonight is still the night

the most unusual, she is the only one. Smile at each other and talk Nice words, make wishes - they will definitely come true. On this magical night you can take a glimpse into the future. Want to?

In my magic bag there are predictions for you for the near future. Who knows - maybe this is the one accurate prediction in your life.

(graduates draw out tickets to see who will be who)

HOST . Dear graduates! Today the closest and dearest people -

your parents. Today they are present in this hall and want

share your holiday with you. Your certificates are theirs too

certificates too. Together with you they did not sleep at night and

were preparing for exams. Let's say hello to the parents

friendly applause.

HOST. DEAR FRIENDS ! Today graduates as a sign

they want to confess their love to their parents

(they shout: We love you!)

And now I ask you to raise your hands, who has the best

parents ./ raise their hands/

Everyone, I have no doubt. But this one was the first to raise his hand

The graduate and this graduate. Please distribute to your

Parents have these balls - three balls for moms and three for dads.

HOST . Dear parents! And now we will find out which of you is the most fun! I’ll give you a card and a pen. (Calls 6 people and asks them to write one phrase from their favorite song on their card)

    The presenter asks a question to the male parent:What were you singing when

your wife gave birth to you a son (daughter)?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) learned to walk?

    Question for a male parent:What did you sing when your son (daughter) and your wife did homework in the first grade in the evenings?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) brought the first deuce in his diary?

    What did you sing when your son (daughter) told you that he kissed a young girl for the first time?

    What will you sing tomorrow morning after graduation?

(all parents are awarded prizes)

LEADING. Amazing! While the parents were having fun, our graduates

depressed, thinking about something. And now I'll try to guess

your thoughts, and moreover, voice them so that everyone

those present heard. Want to?

There is a competition “Thoughts” (hat)

1 . Classroom teacher “It’s great that we are all here today.”

2. Graduate - “a soldier is walking through the city, along an unfamiliar street”

3. Graduate - “Oh, girls, I’m in love”

4. Graduate - “My baby, I miss you”

5. Dad - “and there are still three days and three nights ahead, but the shish kebab with cognac is very tasty.”

6. Mom - "Where are you? I'm running after you!

7. Graduate - “Katya, take the phone, it’s him, it’s him.”

8. Graduate “Oh, Lekha, Lekha, I feel so bad without you.”

9. Lech graduate – On the French side, on an alien planet

I have to study at the university

10. All graduates - dancing, dancing, dancing...

Dance program (if they don’t dance - a competition about the school canteen - an auction of school dishes. For each answer - a dumpling. Which of the graduates received a dumpling goes to the site - thus - two teams of future hungry students. Whose team throws a dumpling faster - to pan, that team wins.

Dance program

Presenter. Dear graduates! And now comes your “Minute of Glory”

Now you must prove to everyone present in the hall why

your release, 2010 edition is the best and most special!

Game program:

1. So, a moment of glory for the guys. Tongue Teller Competition with

helium balloons: (the winner is determined by applause)

1. I was going to school one day, in my 11th grade.

2.And at the school doors, I lost my briefcase

3. I’m returning to my yard

There is grass in the yard

There is firewood on the grass

4. Above me the ships were tacking, tacking, yes

didn't catch

5. conclusion: I once walked in the yard all

Classroom hour!

2.. Which girl is the fastest? (competition "Flowers" - run and bring a mobile phone, a kiss from a classmate, a tie, a shoe)

3. . Competition “I want to dance with the general” become / prepare

couples cards) – rock and roll

Dance program - 15 min.

Game program:

    Choosing a King (5 chairs - James Bond competition: take off your shoes,

There are ties on the chairs, jackets on hangers inside out. Assignment: sit down to the music, put on your shoes, put on a tie, put on a jacket and say “I am the real James Bond!”

2. choose the Queen (walk to the music under the tape and sit on


THIRD Feast.

HOST. Dear friends, we again invite you all to come for

tables. /sweet table/

Presenter . So that you don’t accidentally forget your home school

Come on, everyone answer the questions without hesitation!

The blitz response time is 5 seconds:

- What are your impressions of the school?

- What are you dreaming about now?

- On what floor is the head teacher’s office?

- What’s the director’s name?

- In what year was your school building built?

- Who in your class encouraged the others to play truant?


- What was harder to carry: textbooks or a diary with


- What inscriptions did you make on your desk during training?

- Where did you hide your cheat sheets during exams?

- Who from your class will you continue your friendship with?

- What advice do you give to the director when you leave?

(ask if there will be questions from teachers)

Presenter . Bravo! Applause to the graduates! They endured with honor

blitz survey.

HOST. AND NOW - SING, FRIENDS!(whoever guesses the song sings it). A table of alumni, teachers and parents take part in the competition.

/A competition is being held - KARAOKE - make a selection of songs/

Presenter . (Holds the “Romantic Couples” competition))

HOST . /holds a competition among graduates “The Smartest”

/application / and a quiz for teachers “please tell me the seven wonders of the world.”


1.Egyptian pyramids

2. Hanging Gardens in Babylon

3.Temple of Artemis in Ephesus

4.Zeus statue in Olympia/Greece/

5. Galakarkos Mausoleum /Türkiye/

6.Colossus of Rhodes /Rhodes Island, Asia Minor/

7.Foros lighthouse /Foros island, Egypt/

Prizes are awarded for correct answers.

HOST holds a competition among female teachers “Princess on

pea.”/seven cones, handkerchiefs)



The school waltz sounds. There is a “star path” laid out in the hall. The class teachers stand near it, they have a large bowl in their hands, two candles are burning in it./Distribute sparklers to the children in advance /

HOST. Dear graduates! The moment has come when the faces of classmates become a little sad, when there is anxiety and excitement in the eyes of teachers and parents. This - last minutes High school prom. It's time to say goodbye to school, goodbye to childhood. Take your hands Balloons and write your name on them. A balloon is a symbol of your childhood, which is leaving today. Whoever wrote, stand in a circle.

And in a moment of farewell, but happy

Ready for a surprise again

Keep your ball happy

As a sign of achievements and good luck!

Presenter . Hold them tight, make your most cherished wish. They say that everything in this world happens in heaven. So now we will convey the wish we made to the balloons, each to our own.

And, when you traditionally come to the fountain to greet the sunrise, you will all release them into the sky together, and all your wishes will certainly come true.

(relay of wishes)

Presenter. Dear graduates! But you will meet the dawn after

how will you walk along the star path (distributes Bengali


LEADING . I INVITE ALUMNI TO THE STAR TRAIL. As you pass under the dream constellation, stop at the bowl of knowledge. This cup is in the hands of the class teacher and light your flame of goodness, love and justice and carry it along the starry path that will lead you to the real road called "Life"


- Oksana Baranova

- Ershova Tatyana

- Mamatova Ekaterin

Dyukarev Anatoly

- Dobrev Nikolay

- Ovsyannikov Andrey

- Titkova Maria

- Tyupina Katya

- Stepanov Amir

- Storozhev Maxim

- Kireeva Svetlana

Gribov Andrey

Chuev Alexey

- Katya Medvedeva

- Malakhov Nikolay

- Dakhin Gennady

- Torgashova Katya

- Chigarev Alexey

- Loskutov Alexey"

- Dubinin Peter

- Naberezhnykh Vadim

- Kharlanov Ivan

11 "B" class

- Tanya Medyntseva

- Yukhanov Yaroslav

- Kisel Alexandra

" - Kucheryavenko Tatyana

Migunova Tatyana

- Julia Dergacheva

Agafonova Victoria

" - Chernikov Alexander

- Korneva Alina

- Belogurova Karina

« -Otrishko Alexander

- Zhidovkina Maria

" Temnikov Nikolay

- Kozlova Alina

- Sechin Sergei

- Goncharuk Dmitry"

- Gvozdetsky Mikhail"

- Nikita Kaskov

SOLEMN music sounds. Graduates walk along the star path and stand in a semicircle. Parents applaud.

HOST. To have enough strength on the road,

So that the path is brighter and easier

In the moment of farewell on the school threshold

Don't forget these candles with you.

May these candles burn out for good reason,

May you remember this hour

Let the warmth of partings and meetings

They will stay with you for a long time!

HOST. Dear graduates! We wish you happiness! Invite

each other for the last dance!

/ the music “we wish you happiness” sounds, everyone dances, /

HOST. Dear friends! Our graduation party is over! Let this evening and this night be remembered by you forever! Goodbye childhood! Hello youth! I wish you happiness, goodness, light and good luck! Good luck!

  • Back

Dance competitions at the prom will allow you to set positive attitude. Outdoor games and competitions between classes will make the evening exciting and unique. Relay races and marathons, youth collective tasks and raffles will create a festive atmosphere and help to imprint this day in the memory of graduates for a long time.

    Game "Farewell kisses"

    All graduates and teachers play. To play the game, you need to prepare cards in advance with the names of all participants and put them in a briefcase.

    The players stand in a circle. The music turns on. One of the participants picks up the briefcase and begins to pass it around. The player who has the briefcase in his hands after musical accompaniment stops sounding and draws a card at random. His task is to give a friendly kiss or hug to the person whose name is written on the blank. The game continues until all the cards are drawn from the briefcase.

    Competition-raffle. Of all the graduates, one of the bravest and most desperate people is selected. The presenter blindfolds the player and invites him to walk along the carpet, under which lie Cell phones teachers, trying not to step on them. He is assigned an assistant who has the right to suggest the right moves.

    After the participant no longer sees anything, the presenter puts away the phones. The competitor, without knowing this, at his own peril and risk, begins to walk along the path, trying not to step on the phones. The assistant has no right to tell the participant that there is nothing under the track. His task is to stimulate the player as much as possible and force him to make as many movements as possible on the track.

    At the end of the competition, the participant takes off the blindfold and realizes that he was simply played.

    Quiz game

    Parents of graduates play. They are divided equally into 2 teams. One of the graduates takes turns asking each group of participants questions. After they give the correct answer, he moves on to the next question.

    The team that gives the most correct answers in 2 minutes wins.

    Sample questions

    • What is the name of the place where all the children serve their 11 year sentence? (School)
    • The name of the signal that indicates the beginning and end of school torment. (Call)
    • Name of the dating club between parents and class teacher. (Parent meeting)
    • What do riders wear and schoolchildren hide? (Spurs)
    • What color are the class teacher's eyes?
    • A place where students don't like to go. (Board)
    • Three months of happiness. (Holidays)
    • Head of the school. (Director)
    • From 2 to 5. (Rating)
    • Document for recording grades and attendance. (Cool magazine)
    • A stick used to point at something. (Pointer)
    • Square bag with clasp. (Briefcase)
  • Game "Chamomile"

    7 graduates are playing. To play the game you need to make a colored daisy with 7 petals in advance. On each petal you need to write a task.

    Before the game starts, the participants stand in a circle. One player picks up a tambourine. The music turns on. Participants begin to pass the tambourine around in a circle. The player in whose hands it turns out musical instrument after turning off the music, he must tear off a daisy petal and do what is written on it. After he completes the task, he leaves the circle. The game continues until the tambourine is in the hands of all participants.

    Examples of tasks

    • Sing a couple of lines from the song “Where Childhood Goes”
    • Tell a farewell poem on a school theme (or any other poem)
    • Express your gratitude to your favorite teacher
    • Tell the Russian alphabet
    • Come up with the text of an explanatory note to the teacher on behalf of the parents about the child’s absence from school
    • Write a celebratory message to graduates
    • Say the phrase " School years- the best” in different intonations - sad, happy, indifferent
  • Everyone can participate in the competition. 2 assistants take the tape in their hands, pull it and hold it at a certain height. The music turns on.

    Participants begin to dance and take turns walking under the ribbon. You cannot lean forward while doing this. The one who touched the tape is eliminated. After all participants walk under the ribbon once in the dance movement, the assistants lower it lower.

    The competition continues until one, the most flexible graduate (or graduate) remains.

    All graduates participate in the competition. Its essence lies in anonymous voting for best dress prom queens and for the most beautiful suit prom king. Each participant receives a piece of paper and a pen and writes the name of the guy and girl whom he considers the most fashionable and beautiful.
