Kazachenko’s wife wrote a letter full of bitterness to Vadim’s former lover, a real “cry from the soul.” Vadim Kazachenko biography of the singer, photo, personal life and his wife Kazachenko family

Vadim Gennadievich Kazachenko (born July 13, 1963) is a Russian and Ukrainian singer. He was the lead singer of the popular group "Freestyle", thanks to which his name became famous. In 2011 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. Continues active concert activities.


Vadim Kazachenko was born on a hot July day in 1963 in Ukraine in the city of Poltava. His childhood was no different from the first years of life of all Soviet schoolchildren of that time. He studied, kicked a ball in the yard with the neighboring boys. Among his friends, little Vadim stood out for his amazing vocal abilities, although for a long time I didn’t dare show them in public.

However, the talent could not be hidden for long. Very soon, the boy’s impromptu concerts attracted the attention of others, which gave him the idea of ​​​​creating his own group. The vocal and instrumental ensemble “Eureka” appeared when Vadim was in the 8th grade and became extremely popular.

Years of military service and study

Despite his success in creativity, after graduating from school, Vadim Kazachenko, young and full of plans for the future, entered the Poltava Anti-Aircraft Missile Red Banner command school. Here he studied from 1980 to 1982, and then in 1982 he served in Izhevsk.

However, the future stage star clearly could not decide on her plans for a long time. In 1983, he made another sharp turn and entered the Pedagogical Institute in Poltava, from which he graduated in 1985.

All these years, Vadim Kazachenko did not forget about his favorite hobby - music. He managed to be a member of several groups:

  • “Window to the World”, “Auction” at the Rocket School;
  • "Victoria" at the institute.

The path to the world of big music

In 1983, Kazachenko began collaborating with Slava Yanko, who would become his friend and colleague at long years. Their group was called “Angle of Vision”, and four years later it turned into the “Festival” group, which played under the wing of the Amur Philharmonic.

During this period in 1985, Kazachenko performed on the professional stage for the first time. He was successful, so the Philharmonic in Barnaul was interested in his candidacy, where after some time they managed to lure him. The move turned out to be fateful.

Barnaul not only warmly welcomed young man, but also prepared for him a meeting that determined his entire later life. It was here that Vadim Kazachenko met his future colleagues from the Freestyle group. The musicians were so impressed by the talented young man that they almost immediately invited him to take the place of soloist.

Group "Freestyle"

“Freestyle” is strongly associated with the name of Kazachenko, despite the fact that he sang in its composition for only a short time, from 1989 to 1991. However, it was during this period that four of the group’s albums and most of its hits, which fans still remember, were released. One of the most famous “It hurts me, it hurts...”.

It was this song that played a significant role in creative life Kazachenko. It didn't just become a 100% hit. A video was shot for this composition, which was a rare occurrence in those days. Now not only the singer’s voice came from every radio, but also his face flashed on all television screens. It was real glory - with the first lines of the charts and crowds of fans. Such fame could not help but turn the head of the young performer. He thought about a solo career and immediately took the first steps towards realizing his plans.

Life after "Freestyle"

A number of scandals were associated with Kazachenko’s departure from the group, which resulted in a complete ban on the use of joint creativity with “Freestyle”. This could not help but anger the singer, but he actively got to work and already in 1993 he released his first solo album with the symbolic title “All over again.”

The start turned out to be more than successful. The hits written by Malezhik, Matetsky, Ukupnik and many other star poets and composers were enjoyed by listeners. It is noteworthy that the album was soon released on CD, and this, for those years when the majority of the CIS population did not know anything like that, became an indicator of real success.

Over the next three years, three more albums by the artist were released. This led to the fact that in the mid-90s Kazachenko was recognized as the most “sold”. His fame thundered, but by 1998 he suddenly disappeared. Rumor has it that a conflict with such a “monster” led to this. Russian stage, like Igor Krutoy.

The popular singer Vadim Kazachenko, who became a celebrity in the late 80s, was born on July 13, 1963. Vadim Gennadievich is 176 cm tall and weighs 74 kg. He was born, the idol of many girls of that time, in Poltava, where he lived until his stellar career.

As a child, the boy was no different from his peers and spent a lot of time with friends. However, his hobbies were not limited to this. After 3rd grade, Vadim joins the swimming team and devotes his entire youth to this sport.

From the age of 14, there was little sports activity, and the young man, together with his friends, created the school musical group “Eureka”. It is worth noting that he was pushed to this by performances in the yard, where Vadim received his first rays of fame.

By the end of school, his passion for music grew into something more, and Vadim quit sports. The swimming sports team required the teenager to constantly train and go to competitions, and this took a lot of time.

Before fame

After school, Kazachenko decides to give back to his country and enters the Poltava Anti-Aircraft Missile School. With this act, the future star kills two birds with one stone: he serves in the army and remains in hometown, where he continues his musical activities. During this period, Vadim performed in the little-known groups “Window to the World” and “Auction”. However, in 1982 he had to serve in Izhevsk, where he went on demobilization in 1983.

Immediately after the army, the young man entered the Poltava Pedagogical Institute. In the same year, Vadim Kazachenko moved to another team called “Victoria”. However, cooperation with this group was short-lived.

Climbing the pedestal of fame

After many attempts to find an acceptable team, Vadim meets the Festival group, which becomes the artist’s ticket to the wide stage. The artist worked in this team for 2 years and only then outstanding personality noticed, after which they were invited to the sensational group “Freestyle”.

1989 - 1991, performances in the Freestyle group, turned out to be the most highlights glory of Vadim Kazachenko. At that time, every girl listened to Vadim's songs, and many simply idolized his personality. The composition “It hurts, it hurts me” brought an uncontrollable increase in popularity. After that, all the tracks were received with a bang by the listeners.

Since 1991, Vadim Gennadievich leaves the group that gave him fame and begins solo career. The exit from the popular group was facilitated by scandals with the team. Long months of work yielded results only in 1993. Kazachenko releases the album “All over again”, the name of which clearly makes it clear about the motives for leaving “Freestyle”.

Subsequently, the sensational star will release many more solo albums and will have time to work with such giants of pop music of those times as Ukupnik, Igor Krutoy, Vyacheslav Malezhik and others. However, his best job everyone will remember the vocal performances as part of the Freestyle group.

Personal life

The star's first marriage was with a girl named Marina, who became pregnant and gave birth to a daughter. However, the union was concluded to suit the circumstances of the girl’s situation and after a while, the couple separated. Of course, the idol of millions of fans could not remain alone and therefore had a large number of extramarital affairs, including a relationship with one of the soloists of the Combination group.

Only in 2014 did the public become aware of Vadim’s new companion, Olga Martynova. The couple lived together for 2 years, after which Olga reported in the press that her husband left for another woman and left her in a position. Vadim himself categorically denied his participation in his wife’s pregnancy. However, after the birth of the boy, an examination was carried out that proved Kazachenko’s paternity.

The DNA match could not convince the star that Olga’s child was his son. Vadim, who left his wife, married Irina Amanti in 2017, taking advantage of gaps in the laws.

Vadim Kazachenko was once a very popular and sought-after singer. Today he is no longer so famous; his name has practically sunk into history. He is rarely interviewed, I don’t write in newspapers that often, he rarely prefers to give concerts and generally appear on television. But this does not mean that he has become worse as a creative person.

Rather, on the contrary, after hearing his work by chance, you can immediately feel nostalgia, which is sometimes very necessary. What else can you add about him, because the singer was a real star nineties. Therefore, his music now seems to be a thing of the past, which will probably never return. Let's look at where he started and how he came to become a singer.

Height, weight, age. How old is Vadim Kazachenko

Answering the question height, weight, age. How old is Vadim Kazachenko, you can easily notice that, despite his not too young years, the singer looks great. Now he is 53 years old, height is 178 centimeters, and weight is 74 centimeters. That is, even if he no longer speaks in public, he still prefers to look good, at least for the sake of himself, his wife and children. Once performing on stage, he apparently decided that nothing was impossible for him, and even though now he is no longer as in demand as in the past, but even now he is able to delight with his will and physical fitness. Kazachenko belongs to the type of men who are used to conquering women's hearts.

Biography of Vadim Kazachenko

The biography of Vadim Kazachenko begins in Soviet times. He was born in the Ukrainian city of Poltava, where he spent his childhood. It was also in this city that he began to play music, although initially he did it only for himself, without thinking about becoming a professional. It should be noted that his performances interested the public, he gathered crowds of fans and listeners around him. Therefore, at one point I decided to create my own ensemble. It was at this moment that his career actually began, which brought him recognition and success. And although at first he did not receive great fame, all the same, then Vadim began to think about conquering the big stage. The future singer proved that he is capable of moving towards his goal systematically, albeit sometimes in small steps.

The young man received his first successes on the big stage in the mid-eighties; he then made the necessary acquaintances from other musical groups who helped him pave the way to musical career. While performing as part of the Freestyle group, he worked on his own albums, and the success of some songs made him think about pursuing a solo career. He then left the Freestyle group and devoted himself to his own plans and dreams. According to some versions, in the nineties, Kazachenko became one of the best-selling singers of that time. The guy often appeared on screens, constantly went on tour, his songs were heard in almost every home. But in the late nineties, Vadim Kazachenko disappeared from the sight of fans. Some data claim that this happened because he quarreled with his friend Igor Krutoy.

Only two years later Kazachenko returned to creative activity, appeared on stage again. He released a new album, which was received coolly by both critics and listeners. This caused Kazachenko to disappear from the stage again. Some sources, on the contrary, believe that the singer never interrupted his work. Touring continued, new songs were written, however, the scale became much smaller and more modest. And although, as mentioned above, he rarely performs now, he still continues to work and release new songs. So maybe we will still hear about him, and something good.

Personal life of Vadim Kazachenko

The personal life of Vadim Kazachenko is quite modest and simple. He is married to a woman named Irina. They began to live together for quite a long time, so it is not surprising that they already had children from previous unions. What is known about Kazachenko’s first union is that he annulled his marriage to Olga Kazachenko, from whom he also has a son. There is also a daughter named Marianne, who now lives in Germany. Irina has a daughter, Tatyana, who now lives in America. The couple now live in two houses, because they have an apartment in Moscow, as well as a large house in America. So, in any case, Kazachenko is not in poverty, although he does not particularly strive to get on the big stage again.

Family of Vadim Kazachenko

Now Vadim Kazachenko is happy in his family, as well as in his business. He not only does his favorite work, but also lives with his beloved woman, whose name is Irina. Vadim Kazachenko's family consists of himself, his wife Ira, as well as two daughters who do not live with these parents. The fact is that the daughters are from the first unions of husband and wife, therefore, it is not surprising that the heiresses chose to live where, perhaps, their other parents are located. But they regularly call each other and communicate with their parents, so we can say that they have a good relationship, although they don’t see each other often.

Children of Vadim Kazachenko

The children of Vadim Kazachenko are his two daughters, although he only has one biological one. There is also a son from Olga Kazachenko. The point is that it is legal married life the singer started quite late, so it was too late to think about heirs. But he left behind a daughter, Marianna, who, however, does not live with her father. She lives in Germany and regularly calls her father. The second daughter of his wife Irina, who also gave birth to her in her first marriage. There is a son from another wife. Tatyana (that’s her daughter’s name) now lives in America, but this does not prevent her from maintaining a good relationship with her mother and communicating with her stepfather. So the spouses already have adult children, so they can easily live for themselves.

Vadim Kazachenko's ex-wife - Olga Kazachenko

Ex-wife Vadim Kazachenko Olga Kazachenko became a real celebrity when she dared to live declare that the star of the nineties abandoned her. She also said that she was pregnant from him. And although many stood up for the singer, in the end it turned out that, after all, the marriage was true and the future son was really his. By the way, there are rumors that after Olga admitted that her husband allegedly forced her to have an abortion, the demand for the singer’s concerts dropped significantly, so this led to another collapse of her career. Vadim Kazachenko and his wife Olga were full of talk about this, their last news. Whether this is true or not, now the former spouses hardly communicate, they do not want to know each other. It is not even known exactly how often Vadim sees his son.

Vadim Kazachenko's wife - Irina Amanti

Vadim Kazachenko’s wife, Irina Amanti, became his legal wife quite late. True, there is a version that for this the singer left his first wife Olga Kazachenko, who decided to fight for her husband, so she announced directly on the air that she was pregnant with his child. This whole story is very confusing, but it did not stop Irina from continuing to love her chosen one. Now they are happy because the wife supports her husband in everything. They live in two houses, in Russia and in America, so everything is in order and in financially. Despite the fact that the spouses began to live together already in quite mature age, this only strengthened the relationship, made them closer to each other.

Wikipedia Vadim Kazachenko

Nowadays little can be found about Vadim Kazachenko, but there is still information about him. The main source is Wikipedia (https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kazachenko,_Vadim_Gennadievich) Vadim Kazachenko, where he collected general facts about his life, interests, creative achievements. If you are one of the fans of the star of the nineties, then you can be sure that you can get acquainted with his life using the Internet. You can always listen to his songs, both hit and not so hit. If you want to feel nostalgic, or just listen good songs, then Vadim Kazachenko will always help you do this. A good singer will forever remain a great creative personality who loves his work and his fans.

Last year, the wife of 90s star Vadim Kazachenko Olga came to the “Let Them Talk” program to talk about the fact that she had been married to famous artist. The husband preferred to hide his wife from the general public, and then went to court to have his marriage declared fictitious. Nevertheless, he did not refuse the child that Olga was going to give birth to soon.

It became known that recently ex-wife Vadima Kazachenko became a mother for the first time. StarHit contacted lawyer Katya Gordon, who represents Olga’s interests in court against Vadim Kazachenko.

“As far as I know, the singer did nothing on the day his wife gave birth - he did not call and did not congratulate. But he arranged a vulgar, in my opinion, marriage proposal to his director Irina Amanti. It seems to me that a man who does this while his wife is giving birth is not very good man", says Katya.

Now Olga and Katya are waiting for it to come into force decision court to cancel the decree recognizing the marriage of Vadim Kazachenko as fictitious. Gordon explained that at the moment a man really has every right to marry someone else. However, this will not relieve him of responsibility for the child in the future.

“I would like to contact Vadim Kazachenko. Guys, let's all give up the shameful attempt to get married. Let’s not complicate the life of the child, who, through Kazachenko’s efforts, may receive a dash in the “father” column on the birth certificate. Let's just enjoy our new life, especially since this is a great opportunity to make peace. Still, it can be done humanely. I suggest you be glad that Vadim and Olga Kazachenko had a child,” Gordon said.

Katya explained that Olga has 30 days from the moment the child is born to complete the paperwork - the question is whose name will be indicated in the “father” column. Nevertheless, the lawyer is worried that Kazachenko may file a complaint with the court in order to delay the entry into force of the court decision.

According to Katya, Olga is now trying not to think about possible troubles, and is completely absorbed in caring for the newborn baby. She accepts congratulations on the birth of her first child.

“Olya is now focused on the child, like any normal mother. It seems to me that deep down in her soul there is still a glimmer of hope that she and Vadim will make peace. In my opinion, Kazachenko is behaving somehow inhumanely. I am sure that Olya will only be happy with the father’s desire to communicate with the child. There will definitely be no obstacles on her part,” Gordon admitted to StarHit.

Well-groomed woman. She’s clearly not poor (this is important), and apparently she didn’t spare money for herself. She's not a beauty, but that's actually a matter of taste. Kazachenko, by the way, is not a handsome man himself.

In these photographs, Irina Amanti is not quite young, but quite young. Brunette. The figure is not bad. Everything you need is there. And she has breasts, and good height, slim... in places.

Vadim Kazachenko's wife Irina Amanti is bright and beautiful, her name is associated with a scandal. The fact is that Vadim married her while still married to Olga Martynova. Irina is the singer’s director and looks great thanks to personal care and plastic surgery. In her youth, Irina looked fuller, but she was always a beauty.

Looking through those that exist, of course, it became more interesting, plastic surgery she tried, because finances allow her to embellish her shape.

Looking at both women of Vadim Kozachenko, of course, Amanti wins, thanks to her assertiveness, and in some places, impudent behavior. Add bright makeup and bright dresses. Everything is thought out in conversation, behavior, and Kozachenko stands like an idol. But I don't feel sorry for him. Sorry.

What did Irina Amanti look like in her youth?

Irina Amanti is a producer and close person singer Vadim Kozachenko.

For many years she has been with him, Irina has always supported the singer in everything and now they are together.

Irina looks very good for her age, it is clear that the woman spares no expense and takes care of herself, and besides, she clearly sought the services of a plastic surgeon, however, more than once.

If you compare photos of her in her youth, we must admit that Irina has only become more beautiful with age.

Considering the fact that Irina Amanti looks great now. And taking into account the intervention of plastic surgeons, she has also become younger, it is very difficult to differentiate her real beauty in his youth from the current one. She looks great and continues to stay young and look amazing.

This is the photo I found on the Internet. On it are young singer Vadim Kozachenko and businesswoman Irina Amanti. There are no photos of them looking even younger on the Internet.

Too young Irina Amanti is not on the Internet. She appears only in connection with working with Vadim Kazachenko and becoming his wife. But, perhaps, 15-20 years ago she looked like this. Has changed a little. She became even more beautiful. But this is probably the help of plastic surgery and injections. Here you can watch it together with V. Kazachenko.

Irina Amanti undoubtedly beautiful woman and arouses interest, especially now. How long does this scandal with Vadim Kazachenko’s bigamy last? After rummaging around on the Internet, I was able to find old photos where she is somewhat fuller than now. In my opinion she is this moment looks more beautiful.
