Stars who have lost their heads with love. Eminem's personal life

Eminem (b. 1972) - American rapper and actor, composer and music producer, King of Hip Hop. He is engaged in a solo career, and is also a member of the group “D 12” and the hip-hop duo “Bad Meets Evil”. He is one of the world's best-selling artists. Many magazines included him in the list of the greatest musicians of all time. More than 100 million of his albums have been sold worldwide.


Eminem was born on October 17, 1972 in the province of Missouri, the small town of St. Joseph. His real name is Marshall Bruce Mathers III. He was the only child in the family.

His father, Marshall Bruce Mathers Jr., born in 1947, was a creative artist and a member of the local music group in Kansas City. Deborah Nelson, Eminem’s mother, who was born in 1955, also worked there as a singer. The parents met in 1970, Deborah was only 15 years old, and almost immediately after meeting they got married. Two and a half years later, a boy was born into the family, the birth was very difficult, lasted 73 hours, and Deborah almost died during it. They decided to give their son exactly the same name as his father.

And when the baby was only six months old, the father left them and his mother, went to California and never met his family again. Deborah's relatives helped raise the baby, and as a result, the boy became very attached to Ronnie, his mother's brother. Deborah herself constantly burned with the dream of improving her financial situation and the life of her little child, in search of good place work and residence moved a lot from one settlement to another. So little Marshall is already in early childhood traveled with his mother.

When the boy was 12 years old, he and his mother finally settled in Detroit, Michigan. They settled in a suburban area (the eastern part of Detroit), the population there was mainly African-American. Here the boy went to school, but often played truant, and his relationships with dark-skinned peers did not work out. Marshall spent his free time from school at home, watching movies and reading comics.

In the fourth grade, a black high school student began to constantly terrorize him, and others also bullied him; no one wanted to be friends with a white-skinned boy. Due to difficult relationships, I had to change schools several times, but this did not save me from an almost tragic incident. In 1983, Marshall was severely beaten by his peers in the school toilet, his ears even began to bleed, after which the child could not be brought out of a coma for about 10 days. Such suffering, humiliation and a difficult childhood left their mark on Eminem’s future work.

A year after this incident, Marshall and his mother moved to Kansas City. The boy was incredibly happy about this, because he again met his uncle Ronnie, whom he loved very much. Eminem considers him his best friend through life. My uncle was always into rap and taught it to his little nephew. When Marshall was still 4 years old, he was already performing his own rap. And on this visit, Ronnie recorded several of his cassettes with rap music for his nephew and also gave Ice-T’s “Reckless” cassette, which prompted the young boy to finally take the path of a rapper.

The beginning of a creative journey

When the boy was 13 years old, he was already inventing and recording his own rap. This music fascinated him more and more every day. He performed rap freestyles in the school cafeteria, and over time gained a reputation as a very capable rapper.

Already at the age of 14, he began performing in local clubs, competing there with other aspiring rappers and came up with the stage name “M&M” (the first letters of his first and last name), later this pseudonym was transformed into “Eminem”.

Rap captivated the young man so much that he could not live even a day without this music. At the age of 17, Marshall made the final decision to leave school and devote his life to creativity. Every night he performed on local radio in live.

Since 1992, Eminem began performing at the most famous rap club in Detroit. Once a week he took part in rap competitions, which over time he began to win constantly. This could not go unnoticed, and he was invited to perform at the best radio station in Detroit.

In late 1993, Deborah's mother told her son that Ronnie, his uncle and friend, had died. He committed suicide by shooting himself with a shotgun. Eminem went into a deep depression, locked himself in a room, and, without leaving, listened to the records that Ronnie once gave him. The singer quit rapping and stopped writing songs.

He was brought back to creativity by the message that his beloved woman Kim was pregnant and they would soon have a daughter. Inspired by this news, Eminem returned to rap, updated his repertoire and soon began working with small company sound recordings.

In 1996, Marshall's first solo album, Infinite, was released, but he didn't make much money from it. But the respect of the public and several positive reviews about his album in very influential magazines added optimism to the singer.

Nevertheless, her daughter was growing up, and Marshall could barely earn money for diapers for her. He had to change low-paying jobs one after another. When he released his second album, “Slim Shady EP,” he firmly decided that if it did not bring him material means to live, he would quit rapping.

Within 10 months, Marshall performed in hip-hop clubs, the singer was noticed and received an invitation to take part in the annual Rap Olympics competition, where he came second.

The pinnacle of glory

The producer, black rapper Dre, heard the tracks from the album “Slim Shady EP” and called Eminem. They met and their fruitful collaboration began. In 1999, the re-released “Slim Shady EP” was released and became an instant hit. The video for the song “My Name Is” turned out to be especially successful; it was played constantly on MTV. This album subsequently went multi-platinum and won two Grammy Awards.

At the end of spring 2000, Eminem's second studio album, The Marshall Mathers LP, was released. Here his talent was revealed from different sides, there are songs funny and sad, self-critical and incredibly cruel. The album sold 19 million copies, won a Grammy, and is currently one of the best rap albums of all time.

In 2001, Eminem became a member of the group "D 12", where he sang with his friends from Detroit. At the same time, he did not give up his solo career and already in 2002 he released a new, again mega-popular album, “The Eminem Show”.

Since then, each of his studio albums has been a worldwide success:

  • "Shady XV";
  • "Recovery";
  • Encore;
  • "Relapse".

Other activities and achievements

In 2002, the film “8 Mile” was released, where Eminem played main role. The film is almost autobiographical, as it tells the story of a young white rapper living in an African-American neighborhood in Detroit.

Jimmy "Rabbit" Smith Jr., played by Eminem, works in a factory and writes rap, trying to start and build a career in such difficult conditions. He has to go through many difficulties: a severe beating, the loss of his beloved girl. But he still won the final rap battle. He won and left, realizing that this life was not for him.

The film turned out to be quite successful both in terms of box office receipts and in terms of how audiences received it. With a budget of $41 million, the film grossed $242 million worldwide. Eminem wrote a song for the film and won an Academy Award for it in 2003.

In addition to this picture, Eminem starred in the following films:

  • "Washing";
  • "Beauties";
  • "Pranksters";
  • "Interview".

The singer is the founder of his own charitable foundation, which helps Michigan children born into disadvantaged families.

He has his own radio station and record label. He has received a Grammy Award 15 times. Wesley Gibson based his appearance on Eminem for his main character in the Wanted comics.

Eminem got into the Guinness Book of Records, as in one of his songs he accelerated to 6.5 words per second. In 6 minutes and 4 seconds he performed 1560 words - this, of course, is a record.

Personal life

In the history of music, there is no more famous white rapper than Eminem. But he became famous not only for his albums, but also for his scandals and love affairs. He married the same woman twice, and also had affairs with the most popular modern singers.

When Marshall was 15 years old, he met the most great love of his life - Kimberly Ann Scott. They were both still in school at that time. When Kim had family problems, she and her sister lived at Marshall's house for some time. They dated for 10 years and got married only in 1999, at which time their daughter Haley Jade Scott was already 4 years old, the girl was born in 1995. At that moment, Eminem was just ascending to the pinnacle of fame, and their marriage could not withstand such a test. In 2001, the couple separated.

After 5 years, Kim and Marshall reconciled, got married again and even got married again. This time the marital relationship lasted several months. The couple filed for divorce again, amicably agreeing to share custody of their daughter. This time, the cause of the discord was drugs, alcohol and infidelity, and all this on both sides.

Yellow press Eminem attributes romances with such pop divas as Britney Spears, Mariah Carey, Tara Reid and Beyoncé. The singer has a special passion for representatives of the porn industry, whom he periodically films in videos. For about six months he had a relationship with the flamboyant Brittany Andrews, then an affair with another porn star, Gina Lynn.

In 2002, Eminem had a relationship with the actress who starred with him in the movie 8 Mile, Brittany Murphy. They lived together for some time, but nothing serious came of it.

Despite such a stormy personal life, Eminem is now alone. He still considers Kim Scott a part of his life. Sometimes there are rumors that the couple is about to get back together, but this has not happened yet.

Eminem was born in the small town of Kansas City, Missouri, into a dysfunctional family. Eminem's parents were members of a local music group. Marshall's father left him with his mother when the boy was about six months old, and Eminem has never seen him since.

Marshall's mother, Debbie Nelson, constantly moved from one place to another, so Eminem spent his childhood in a trailer on endless trips from Missouri to Michigan. Eminem often lived with relatives, with his mother's brother Ronnie, to whom he became very attached. The uncle was actually not much older than Eminem himself.

Eminem and his mother settled in Detroit, in the Eastside area with a predominantly African-American population. Marshall had difficulties communicating with black peers: due to constant clashes and bullying, Eminem had to change schools every two to three months. Marshall was once beaten so severely that he lay in a coma for several days. Of course, this whole experience could not help but affect the rapper’s further work.

In 1984, Marshall and his mother returned to Kansas City, where he again met with Uncle Ronnie, who was a rap fan. It was he who provided big influence on Eminem's subsequent work. In 1987, Marshall's uncle presented his nephew with Ice T's Reckless cassette, which changed Marshall's entire understanding of music. He became seriously interested in rap music and realized that he would devote his life to it. Marshall takes the name Eminem - a combination of the first letters of his first name and the surname of Marshall Mathers - and at the age of 15 he founded his first rap group.

Star Trek

Eminem, one of the best-selling musicians of the early 2000s and one of the most popular rappers, has sold more than 90 million albums worldwide. Eminem was discovered in big show business by rapper and producer Dr. Dre. Since the musicians began working together, things have gone uphill for the novice Eminem, hiding under the pseudonym Slim Shady. Slim Shady was born unexpectedly. Eminem picked the first thing that came to his mind. Slim Shady is a vile provocateur, the dark side of Marshall's soul, which arose from a combination of tragic circumstances in his life.

In 1996, Eminem recorded his first album, Infinite. However, it did not bring success. Eminem explained that Infinite was a work in which he wanted to figure out what style he would perform in and what he would sound like.

Eminem's second album, The Marshall Mathers LP, appeared in the spring of 2000. The rapper dedicated this album to the memory of his beloved friend, Uncle Ronnie, who committed suicide.

In 2002, the autobiographical film 8 Mile appeared, in which Eminem plays poverty-line rapper Jimmy Smith. The film was a success both financially and in terms of audience response, and the Lose Yourself soundtrack earned Marshall an Oscar.
In 2011, Eminem became one of the most viewed artists on YouTube channel. On this moment his total views are almost 2,000,000,000. In addition, the rapper became the first person in history who managed to receive more than 61,000,000 human “likes” in social network Facebook, beating out Michael Jackson and Lady Gaga.

Personal life

At the age of 15, in the school corridor, Marshall saw her - the girl who was destined to become his wife and the mother of his child twice. Kimberly Scott became the love of his life. After Ronnie's uncle shot himself with a shotgun, Marshall gave up music and fell into a deep depression. But after some time, Kim announced that she was expecting a child, and this brought the rapper back to life.

On Catholic Christmas, December 25, 1995, Eminem's daughter Hailey was born (at that time Eminem and his wife were not registered, they got married only in 1999).

The couple filed for divorce for the first time a year after the secret wedding, and five years later, in January 2006, they got married again. However, in December of the same year, the couple separated completely, and Eminem in one of his interviews vowed never to marry again.
Previously, Eminem adopted two children: daughter Kimberly Whitney from another man and Alaina, daughter of Kimberly's sister.

0 March 28, 2017, 5:45 pm

Haley Jade Scott

December 25, 2016 only daughter The rapper celebrated her birthday - Haley Jade Scott turned 21. The girl everyone remembers from the video famous father Mockingbird has grown up and turned into a real beauty - she is already predicted to have a great future in the modeling business. We tell you in detail about the rising star of social networks.

Parents' love story

Eminem and Kimberly Scott's romance began in 1989, when Kim was only 16 years old. On December 25, 1995, the couple's daughter, Haley Jade Scott, was born. After the birth of Haley, Eminem adopted two more girls: his wife’s child from his first marriage, Whitney, and his sister Kim’s daughter, Alaina Scott. Only in 1999 did the couple officially formalize their marriage after more than 10 years of relationship, but after two years the couple divorced. In 2006, Eminem and Kimberly tried to get their relationship back, even getting married again, but after a few months they still separated.

Eminem has told his love story more than once in clips in which footage of Kim and Haley from his home archive appeared.


Haley graduated with honors in 2014 high school Chippewa Valley High School in Clinton, Michigan. According to teachers, the rapper’s daughter is an exemplary student and school activist. It is also known that Hayley became the beauty queen at her school. After graduation, the girl entered the University of Michigan State University, where he studies psychology.

Eminem's daughter is in no hurry to associate herself with show business - she likes the simple student life.

Relationship with father

Eminem is crazy about his beloved daughter. They were always close, and in 2002, the rapper dedicated a song to Hailie, which he called Hailie's Song. When Eminem entered the school hall, where Hailie was being awarded for winning the beauty queen competition, he shouted: “This is my girl!” And she herself the girl wrote words of gratitude to her parents on social networks:

My mother and father did everything to make me the person I am. They support me in everything.

Personal life

Until recently private life Hayley Scott has been closely guarded, but now she has her own Instagram page. The girl does not update the social network as often as her subscribers, of whom there are already 260 thousand, would like. Moreover, Hayley closed comments on the photos. She rarely shares photos, there are a little more than 20 of them in total. The girl’s posts are very different: from quotes to candid photos with her boyfriend.

Kimberly Ann Scott was Eminem's wife twice and the only woman with whom he had a long and very complicated relationship.

She lived with her mother, Caitlin Slack, and her stepfather, who abused alcohol and was prone to violence. Kim’s childhood in the family cannot be called prosperous, which left its mark on her future life.

Kim herself said the following in an interview:

“I don't know who my biological father was. But I had to endure sexual harassment from my stepfather.”

Eminem met Kim when he was 15 years old at a party during which he performed LL Cool J's "I'm Bad." This attracted her attention and from that moment their relationship began.

In 1987, 13-year-old Kim and her sister ran away from home and began living with Marshall and his mother.

Debbie Mathers, Eminem's mother, recalls:

“Marshall came home from school with a tall, sullen blonde. He introduced her as Kim Scott and said she needed somewhere to stay. I was glad to help. Kim said she was 15 and I believed her. To tell the truth, she was so sweet and sad that she looked much older.”

Eminem (18 years old) and Kim (14 years old)

Eminem's mother, Debbie, did not speak well of their relationship and did not approve of it. And by and large, this was the reason that the couple had to move to another area.

Birth of a daughter

Their daughter Hayley was born on December 25, 1995. The pregnancy came as a surprise to everyone, but after that Eminem began to work actively; he did not want his daughter to grow up in poverty.

“Hayley is life's greatest gift. I love her very much". - this is what Eminem says about his daughter.

While there was no shortage of love between Kim and Eminem, their relationship was filled with arguments. Here's what one of the rapper's friends said in 1999:

“One day we went to their house and Kim threw all his clothes on the front lawn and Eminem said something to the effect that he was leaving and not coming back. But the next day he returned. They had real love, nor did they constantly quarrel.”

Their first separation occurred during this period; in 1996, Eminem returned to live with his mother, and Kimberly and her child rented a separate apartment. After some time, the couple reunited.

Wedding and divorce

In 1999, Kimberly officially married Eminem.

The family did not last long and after several years of marriage they divorced. One of the reasons was the song “97 Bonnie & Clyde,” where Eminem “kills” his wife and then, together with his daughter, gets rid of the corpse.

“He (Marshall) destroyed me mentally with this song, I wanted to commit suicide. It was terrible: watching the crowd echo the words of the song, laugh, applaud. After the concert, I came home and decided to kill myself.”

2000 in court after a suicide attempt

After the divorce, Kimberly and Eminem obtained joint custody of their daughter.

Kim periodically had problems with the law, for example, in 2001, an arrest warrant was issued when she began taking drugs after her divorce from Eminem. She was accused of using cocaine, but was not convicted.

2001 in court

In 2002, Kimberly dated Eric Hatter, with whom she gave birth to a daughter, Whitney. There is practically no information about their relationship. Eminem would later adopt Whitney.

Troubles with the law continued, and in 2003, Kim was charged with possession of cocaine, taken into custody, had her driver's license suspended, and was sentenced to 30 days in prison.

2003 trial

After Kim was released from prison, she and Eminem made peace.

Around the same time, they obtained custody of Kimberly's sister's daughter, who could not overcome her drug addiction. As a result, Kim and Eminem were raising three children together.

In 2006 they remarried.

Kimberly explained that they decided to get married in honor of their 15th anniversary of their relationship. The wedding took place on the day of their first date. Kim herself wanted to hold an unofficial ceremony, because... I didn't want the kids to go through their divorce again.

However, a little more than a month later they finally broke up. After that they began to line up friendly relations for the sake of the children.

For a long time nothing was heard about Kim, until in 2015, while intoxicated, she ended up in prison. car accident. This situation was actively covered in the press, including because it became known that Kim was attempting to commit suicide in this way. Nothing is known about the reasons for this action.

From the court hearing

The dark streak in Kimberly's life continued with the death of her sister from a heroin overdose.

Despite her difficult childhood and all the hardships that Kimberly went through, she remained a wonderful mother, and her grown daughters are proof of this.

With daughter Hayley

Who is Eminem? Producer, actor, musician or composer? No "or". The rapper is fluent in all these professions and specialties. You can also add - father and husband. Although family life While the singer cannot boast, Eminem has managed to marry his wife twice and divorce twice in his life. But here's how to build your career, how to become a global famous celebrity and one of the greatest musicians of our time - it’s worth learning from him.

A few facts from Eminem's life

    The rapper opened his charitable foundation, which is named after his real name. The foundation's activities are aimed at helping Michigan children who grow up in disadvantaged families.

    Eminem has two alter egos - Slim Shady and Ken Caniff. It is worth noting that Caniff is a homosexual.

  • The rapper released his autobiography, a memoir entitled “I am who I am,” where he openly talked about his path to fame and the problems he faced and overcame. His mother also released a biography telling the story of her life and his.
  • The film "8 Mile", in which Eminem played the main role, is considered autobiographical, but the actor has repeatedly said in interviews that only half of the events unfolding in the film actually happened in his life.
  • Eminem recorded his first album in 1995, but it went completely unnoticed, since in Detroit music life was fed up with hip-hop. Especially white guy It was very difficult for a rap artist to make his way in a city where the majority of the population is African-American.
  • The track "God of Rap" was included in the Guinness Book of Records - it is a hit whose lyrics contain the most words. Namely 1560. “God of Rap” is six minutes of non-stop recitative.


The future King of Rap was raised in loneliness by his mother Deborah R. Mathers-Briggs, who did everything possible to provide a decent childhood for her son. Deborah married Eminem Marshall's father Bruce Mathers Jr. when she was just 15 years old. Three years later, during a difficult labor that lasted 73 hours, a beautiful boy was born, who was named after his father - Marshall Bruce Mathers III. The father abandoned the family, went to California and never saw his son.

The mother, who devoted her life to raising her son, was not deterred, and in 1999 she filed a lawsuit for $10 million because her son allegedly slandered her in his album The Slim Shady LP . At the end of the trial, the mother received compensation for moral damage, which was estimated at $1,600.

Today, Eminem is raising children alone, and behind him are two failed marriages with the same woman.

First marriage

Despite the fact that relations with future wife Eminem started back in adolescence, the couple decided to legitimize them only in 1999, when the singer was already 27 years old. According to the singer himself and his family, the couple met at school, when the future rapper was only 15 years old and his beloved was 13.

Eminem's future wife Kim and her Native sister ran away from home and moved into Marshall's mother's house.

The couple's relationship before marriage lasted just over 10 years. But the official union did not last long - in 2000 they already filed for divorce, which ended in 2001. The reason for the divorce was the behavior of Kimberly Scott, Eminem's wife. The woman allowed herself to drive a car in drunk and was detained twice at that time. Kim also suffered from other bad habits.

Second marriage

In 2006 ex-spouses decided to renew their relationship and re-entered an official marriage. But, just like the first time, the happiness did not last long. The marriage lasted for several months, after which a second divorce followed. The divorce process took a little time, and in the same 2006, Eminem’s wife became an ex for the second time.

The official reason for the divorce was not announced, but judging by the fact that over the years outside of marriage, Kim’s preferences have not changed, one can guess that she was again the culprit of the divorce.

Further relationship with his wife

There are periodic rumors in the press that ex-wife Eminem again decided to resume the relationship, but the singer categorically denies everything. He clearly and confidently indicates that this relationship has come to a final and unconditional end. But the couple, in joint custody, are raising a common daughter, born before their first marriage.

Kimberly Scott also said in an interview that ex-husband She is very helpful and supportive. Judging by the photo, Eminem's wife is not worried better times. Several years ago, she even tried to commit suicide - while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, she crashed her car into a tree.

Having survived, she underwent rehabilitation and subsequently regretted her momentary weakness. Apparently, problems with drugs and drinking have haunted Kimberly Scott all her life and are often able to subjugate her. In the constant struggle with temptations, Kim often loses.


Without a doubt, Eminem loves children very much and is a good, caring father. The rapper has three daughters: Hailey, Alaina and Whitney. He also acts as the legal guardian of his half-brother Nathan.

Of all the singer’s children, only Hayley is his biological daughter. Her celebrity was born to his first love, Kim Scott, in 1995.

Alaina is Kim's sister's daughter. Eminem's wife's sister suffered from drug addiction, which ruined her life. As soon as she began to have serious problems with drugs, Kimberly and Eminem took the baby, adopted her and raised her as their own. Alaina’s biological mother died of an overdose a couple of years ago.

Whitney is Kim's daughter from another relationship. Eminem considered it necessary to adopt her, as his wife suffered from constant depression and alcohol addiction. The singer successfully overcame his addictions, and everything indicates that he became a wonderful father of three wonderful girls.

The life of the best-selling musical artist of our time is full of events and achievements. Eminem achieved unprecedented heights in musical career and is not going to stop there. The whole world is looking forward to new creations from the king of hip-hop, both in musical world, and in the world of cinema.
