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Rzhev-Sychevsk offensive operation
Commanders Losses For the first time, it was planned to implement on a large scale the ideas of the “artillery offensive” set out in the directive letter of the Supreme High Command dated January 10...
Why do you dream about the moon - the queen of the night?
Some signs and symbols appear in dreams quite often, and most people have long known the interpretation of their appearance without any dream books or interpreters. It is logical that there are less common...
How to cook beet cutlets
Wash the beets thoroughly under running water to remove dirt and soil. Cut off the tail and top. I always bake beets in the oven, wrapping each one individually in foil. After...
Future Perfect Tense - future completed tense
There are quite a few ways of expressing future events in the English language, and each of them is responsible for its own, strictly limited, domain. Today we will study an aspect that allows us to indicate the completeness of this...
Stuffed tomatoes with cheese and egg
Every housewife has probably made stuffed tomatoes for an appetizer at least once in her life. This is a very simple, easy to prepare, but at the same time very original dish. Filling for stuffed...
The benefits and harms of silicon water, how to make it and take it Silicon in mineral water
Taking care of your health is a fashionable trend today, which is good news. An increasing number of people are concerned about how what they eat and drink can improve their quality and standard of living. Tap water -...
GPC agreement: SZV-M Are contract agreements reflected in the SZV-M?
Question 1: To whom exactly must policyholders submit monthly reports? Answer. In accordance with paragraph 2.2 of Article 11 of the Federal Law of April 1, 1996 No. 27-FZ “On Individual...
Business card of the People's Republic of China in geography
Slide 2 Visiting card of China Official name: PRC - since 1949 People's Republic of China Area; 9597 thousand kmCapital: Beijing -10 million people.Largest cities: Shanghai, Tianjin, Shenyang,...
Presentation of Our Most Holy Lady Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary into the Temple
December for Orthodox believers is primarily a month completely dedicated. Lent, which began on November 28, is comparable in length to Lent - it lasts 40 days and ends on January 6,...
All about hunting - elk meat dish
Any game to us, spoiled city dwellers, seems tough, lean and difficult to prepare. Meanwhile, game meat is not only much healthier than well-fed broilers and pigs, it also has an exquisite and...
Vladimir State University
The largest university in the city of Vladimir is VlSU. Faculties, specialties and departments are focused on producing specialists in demand in various fields of activity. Active research...
Deadline for submitting FSS for half a year
When do you need to submit the 4-FSS report for the first half of 2017? What does a sample 4-FSS calculation for the 2nd quarter of 2017 look like? What to pay attention to when filling out the report? Which form should I use?...
Speech material for sound automation
COLLECTION OF HOMEWORK TASKS FOR AUTOMATING THE SOUND OF CHILDREN AGED 4-7 YEARS OLD AT THE LOGO CENTER Speech therapist Burovtseva E.A. Sing the “steamboat song”: pronounce the sound l for a long time on one exhalation: l-l-l......
Providing assistance to those in distress on the water: rules of rescue
Providing assistance to ships Actions of a ship in distress. A ship in an emergency transmits a distress signal or message. Ship distresses are divided into two categories: coastal and ocean...
Prayer for the repose of dad's soul
When a loved one passes away, it is always difficult and his relatives grieve and grieve for a long time. To help the soul settle into that world, it is necessary to read the funeral prayer. You can do this...
Seeing a flood on the street in a dream?
You can be seriously scared when you see such a dream. Why do you dream of a flood in an apartment or on the street? However, the dream book interprets such a phenomenon as a flood in different ways. And if you look into the dream books of different authors...