Compatibility of the snake woman with other signs. Compatibility of Snakes and Snakes: wisdom and subtle calculations squared, what awaits this couple

The compatibility of the Snake woman with other signs of the eastern horoscope is largely explained by her mysterious nature, which many strive to unravel.

What affects compatibility

Most representatives of the Chinese horoscope see a woman born under the sign of the Snake as a charming nature, and are rarely able to resist her. By the way, no matter how attractive the person herself is, she does nothing to attract the opposite sex: she does not make eyes and does not strive for seduction.

A woman born under the sign of the Snake always decides who to be with on her own.

The compatibility of a Snake woman by year of birth with other signs of the eastern horoscope is greatly influenced by the fact that the inherent insight of such a girl, gifted to her by the stars, gives her the opportunity to understand men. There is no place next to her for thick-skinned individuals who do not have a vivid imagination and are not tactful.

It is rarely boring with a woman born under the sign of the Snake. She is humorous by nature.

The mystery in the character of those born under the sign of the Snake is complemented by natural sensuality. Even if the Snake’s compatibility with other signs according to the eastern horoscope is ideal, such a woman will not fully open up to her partner.

The Snake woman, sensual in nature, is able to give her man a lot of warmth, without being afraid to show femininity. Pickiness in men often leads her to jealousy. She expects her partner to be infinitely faithful and devoted to her, but the Snake woman herself in her love is in no hurry to become a solved mystery.

What kind of snakes are there?

Like other representatives of the eastern horoscope, there are earth, fire, metal and water Snakes:

  • the earth sign, born in 1929 and 1989, is always collected and rarely makes mistakes, as he is not in a hurry in business,
  • Fire Snake, born in 1977, always has her own opinion on everything,
  • the most secretive is the metal one, which was born in 1941 or 2001,
  • but the merman, born in 1953 or 2013, is considered the wisest.

Best partners


The Rooster can become a real life partner, reliable and courageous, capable of protecting his chosen one. The love acquired by partners does not lose its ardor over time, but becomes stronger year after year. The sincere Rooster has a positive influence on his slightly reserved life partner, who gradually becomes more and more cheerful.

A woman born under the sign of the Snake always has the opportunity to count on the warlike and courageous Rooster, and he appreciates her wise advice.


In a marriage with an Ox, she will be truly surrounded by love. The hardworking Ox is a sign that will be able to satisfy the needs of its partner.

A Snake married to an Ox will control him so intelligently that the latter will not even feel her leading position in the family. Their compatibility in sex is also high, which will allow them to maintain their love passion for many years. The Ox will be able to become a mentor and sponsor for his chosen one, because she is accustomed to luxury and does not like hard work too much.


Partners are able to find many interesting topics for conversation. The compatibility of a Snake woman and a Rabbit man is also based on their common interests. Signs are ready to devote themselves to beauty and live in peace. Both are well versed in fashion trends, love to be in shape and prefer a healthy lifestyle. Together they are ready to travel to exotic places, but are not averse to relaxing at home. Under the influence of a partner, the Rabbit often acquires a new hobby, while she takes from the man the ability to trust others.

The Dragon

According to the horoscope compatibility of the Snake woman with the Dragon, this is an ideal couple. They are full of ambition and quite smart in order to achieve their goals. A wife endowed with wisdom will become a storehouse of wise advice for her Dragon husband, giving him the opportunity to shine in leadership positions. She does this in such a way that the Dragon man does not even realize that in fact he is not the one running the show.

Good partners

Among the eastern signs that have good compatibility with the Snake, there are several who, under certain conditions, can count on marriage with such a woman.


Although the eastern horoscope does not promise a cloudless marriage with a Dog man, such a family has every chance of living together to a ripe old age. The dog will carry his love throughout his entire family life, admiring his intellectual abilities and natural wisdom. It is possible to save the relationship if the Dog gives his companion a little freedom.


Such a couple can be admired by others, as both are elegant and charming. Their compatibility is often unimportantly influenced by their differences in character. The rat, by its nature, is quite active and dynamic, which cannot be said about its snake companion, who prefers calm. The partners’ sense of humor and ability to understand each other, and love of entertainment can unite them for a long time.


The marriage of these signs can be harmonious, since both have a rich imagination, know how to adapt to the unexpected, and do not give in to difficulties. Thanks to the foresight of the partner, the Monkey will be able to earn good money, while avoiding mistakes and unnecessary expenses. This seemingly ideal marriage can be destroyed by infidelity, to which both are prone.


Identical eastern signs are capable of linking their fate if they find common interests. Their mutual thriftiness can become an assistant in family life. Relationships will develop most favorably if these signs find each other, already having a wealth of experience behind them. In this case, friendship and respect in relationships become priorities. In a situation where emotions take precedence over reason, signs can destroy each other and thereby destroy a marriage.

Of all the representatives of the eastern horoscope, three are contraindicated for marriage with the Snake.

  • With the Tiger, the Snake woman cannot rule out a dizzying, but short-lived affair. Their differences in character will cause a quick quarrel. They can only be united by sex and joint entertainment, but they are not suitable for marriage and everyday life. The first is calculating by nature and often selfish, which cannot be said about the Tiger, who is not distinguished by boring realism. An active Tiger will not be able to budge a lazy chosen one who counts every penny he spends.
  • People of the sign can be united by the desire to be in fashion with the Horse. At the initial stage of a relationship, there may be a strong sexual attraction, which quickly passes. This is where the compatibility of the Snake woman with the Horse ends. The Horse, who loves beautiful compliments and passionate words, does not receive them from the chosen one, who is restrained in emotions, which becomes the cause of resentment and disappointment.
  • The Snake, who is good-natured by nature, will simply eat him, because he does not understand how one can be so frivolous. Partners are characterized by passion, but they each perceive the world in their own way. Their values ​​are also different. Noticing over time the selfishness and prudence of his other half, the Pig man will rush to find solace in the arms of others, which will cause endless jealousy and revenge.

Hello, dear readers! Do you believe in horoscopes? Then this article is for you! If you or someone close to you is a Snake according to the Chinese horoscope (according to the year of birth), then you will probably be interested in how such people differ.

What is a union if the man is a Snake and the woman is a Snake: compatibility with each other and with other signs of the Chinese horoscope.

Distinctive features

People born in the years of the Snake according to the Chinese calendar, before connecting their lives with someone, choose their chosen one for a long time. Therefore, before the wedding, they are usually already quite experienced.

And after marriage they will be faithful and respectful towards each other, and they are also very reluctant to dissolve the marriage bond.

A distinctive feature that can interfere with love is strong jealousy. Both men and women will not be able to just end a relationship, even if the latter has exhausted itself.

What is she like, the Snake woman?

Such a lady attracts the attention of others with her image and good taste. And when you get to know her better, she will attract you with her charisma. Moreover, you can be charmed by it instantly - this is another highlight of it.

In addition, such a lady is comprehensively developed, she has many interests. Friends and family do not mind getting advice from the Snake woman, as she is also known for her wisdom.

The snake, despite its balance, calmness and secrecy, as a rule, experiences failure in choosing a partner. But in the family she tries to take a leadership position and is intolerant when the rules she has established are violated. It is best for such a lady to choose a balanced and calm man as her husband.

Snake Man: what is he like?

Such a gentleman is popular among his peers. He is pleasant to talk to and very seductive - he can woo any woman.

He really needs the support of his loved ones. And he needs to choose a wife suitable for his financial situation and lifestyle. Otherwise you will be very disappointed.

As we can see, if there are two Snakes in a couple, they will not get along well together. Flirting on the side awaits this couple, even betrayal is possible. They will crave adventure outside of the family. The only exception is the Pisces-Snake man and the Pisces-Snake woman.

This couple will complement each other. They will be able to become insightful, easy to communicate with others and less shy than other zodiac signs and other Pisces in particular.

Relationship with the Ox

If the man is an Ox, then this union will be the most favorable for him. The Ox greatly respects family values ​​and is ready to devote himself completely to the family. So the Snake can confidently take a leadership position. But if she wishes, she is able to transfer the reins of the family into the hands of her husband, because the Ox also has the qualities of a leader.

Relationship with the Rooster

Their union will be happy if the man or woman is a Rooster. Although both have complex characters and will try to take leading positions. The union will be accompanied by constant struggle with each other, but in a good sense of the word. Both husband and wife, playing philosophers, will help each other get rid of their shortcomings.

Relationship with the Rat

Marriage with those born in the year of the Rat will be more difficult. Such people, when in love, can forgive almost anything. But the Snake will take advantage of this situation and sooner or later will bring the Rat to desperate steps. In such a marriage, the Snake must ease the pressure if he wants to save the relationship.

Relationship with Pig

In such a union, the Snake will rule over the Pig. However, the marriage can be called successful. The only thing that is a pity is that the Pig man will be completely subservient and suppressed by others. At the same time, Pig will not have the courage to confront another, even in small things.

Relationship with the Rabbit

The latter is very partial to comfort and coziness, so such a union may be to the taste of both. The rabbit is faithful to his partner, but he needs a little personal space. If the Rabbit periodically meets with friends, then the Snake will be able to devote time to his beloved.

Relationship with a Dog

A man or woman-Dog will endure a union with a Snake without much loss. People born in the years of the Dog are distinguished from others by their devotion and affection. The Dog partner will be able to “turn a blind eye” to most of the husband or wife’s misdeeds.

Relationship with the Dragon

If your woman or man is a Dragon, you will have a difficult time. Dragons love themselves very much, they have a sense of self-esteem. Dragons must not be forgotten to be praised and admired. At the same time, they are freedom-loving and have their own view of life.

If your goals and beliefs do not coincide with the Dragon, it will be quite difficult, because both the Snake and her chosen one will not want to follow each other’s lead.

Relationship with Goat

The latter are open and good-natured people. The Goat will be able to forgive and “turn a blind eye” to minor flaws. However, you should not bring her to the “last straw”, because once she has made a decision, she will not change it.

Relationship with the Tiger

A Tiger woman or man is not the best partner in this case. He has his own strong intentions and priorities, he does not pay attention to others. But if the Tiger changes his priorities, he will not tolerate the reproaches of his husband/wife.

In addition, the Tiger, with his plans and harsh actions, can destroy the Snake’s way of life. It will be very surprising if such a marriage lasts a long time, since such a tandem is simply incompatible.

Relationship with a Monkey

This union will be successful only if both make concessions. A marriage will become strong if the partners are united by some third goal, for the benefit of which both will work.

Relationship with the Horse

The only thing that a Horse woman or man will not forgive is adultery. As soon as it “smells fried,” the Horse will leave and never return. Marriages with infidelity are not for her. Moreover, the Snake will not be able to convince the Horse to stay.

As you can see, Snakes have a complex character and many signs cannot get along with them. But horoscopes are horoscopes, and the compatibility of people is influenced by many more factors. So love and successful relationships, learn to compromise!

See you in the next articles and share useful information on social networks.

Nata Karlin July 25, 2018, 20:07

The compatibility of a man and a woman born under the zodiac sign of the Snake is considered successful. These people have the same goals, dreams and character. They both just have to listen to their partner’s position, and everything becomes simple and clear. In all aspects of life they always find something in common, and this allows them to achieve goals through joint efforts.

Snake men are attractive for their courtesy, tact, ability to charm an interlocutor or partner, worldly wisdom and patience

They know how and how to attract women and impress them. Since their youth, these guys have a lot of fans, they are excellent conversationalists and interesting opponents in any dispute. From a young age, the Snake man is sure that he will definitely find the very girl who will become his only love for life. According to the eastern horoscope, few zodiac signs are as ideally suited to the Snake man as the Snake woman. With her he can build both a business relationship and a strong marriage.

Two Snakes easily achieve a goal through joint efforts

The Snake woman knows how to win the heart of her partner and find an approach to him. She is always well-groomed, has her own clothing style, and looks great at any time of the day. The Snake woman is wise and insightful, people are used to turning to her for advice, it is easy to trust her with plans and dreams, because you can get practical advice and help. There are always many men around her who want to get this “tidbit,” but a woman of this eastern zodiac constellation is rarely in a hurry to enter into a serious relationship, she is always waiting for that one person who will become her support and love for life. In this case, a combination with a Snake man would be ideal. In marriage, the lady of this sign is a wonderful, caring wife and mother. She is patient and selflessly gives herself to her family. However, she is very susceptible to lies and betrayal. In this case, her rage will know no bounds.

The Snake Woman looks beautiful at any time of the day

Compatibility horoscope for Snakes and Snakes in love according to the eastern horoscope

Love relationshipmen and women of the Serpent will always be shrouded in a halo of mystery. However, this union is doomed to mutual understanding and happy coexistence of two loving hearts. Sensitivity, tenderness and compassion for a partner are the main feelings that both women and men experience in this tandem. However, people who are too equal in psychological and emotional terms simply cannot be around for a long time; they become bored. This is why there is a feeling of dissatisfaction with the partner and depression.

At the time of first love, partners simply do not have the time or desire to argue; they are completely absorbed in their feelings and love experiences

At first, a relationship in tandem will resemble just friendship, but will gradually develop into real, deep feelings.

The union of the Snake and the Snake is doomed to mutual understanding and happy coexistence

Marital compatibility of couples born both in the year of the Snake

The husband and wife of the Snake in marriage are distinguished by enviable constancy and fidelity. Astrologers consider this marriage to be sensual, imbued with erotic and love experiences. In sex between partners there is complete mutual understanding and harmony. Exactly in bed, their spiritual and physical intimacy reaches its climax.

Both spouses do not need to look for entertainment on the side, because even after living together for quite a long time, they fully satisfy each other's needs. The main misunderstanding between partners can arise in cases where:

  • One of them is unreasonably jealous of the other or tries to manipulate.
  • The couple developed mistrust caused by various reasons.
  • Excessive self-obsession and isolation appear, which is not conducive to open communication.

However, all these troubles can be easily eliminated if you pay more attention to your partner’s problems.

To do this you need:

  • learn to listen and hear your other half;
  • go out for walks together more often, or better yet, do some kind of sport together;
  • start a good tradition - every evening talk about how your day went and discuss events.

Those born in the year of the Snake fully satisfy each other's needs

Friendship between Snake and Snake according to the Chinese calendar

Representatives of the Snake zodiac sign can be friends. They understand each other perfectly and tactfully turn a blind eye to their partner's many shortcomings. In friendship they are faithful and reliable; for them the well-being of their neighbor is much more important than their own. Even if they do not agree with a friend’s point of view, they will definitely defend his position in front of others.

People born under the Snake zodiac sign are too reluctant to part with money, so conflict situations can arise precisely in this niche of human relationships

However, for a truly close person, they are ready to “give their last shirt.” Much more often than in material, they need moral support.

The compatibility in the work of the Snake and the Snake is almost perfect. This tandem is doomed to success if both strive for a common goal. The Snake Girl feels like a duck to water in professions related to numbers and analytics. They make excellent accountants, economists, and financiers. The Snake Guy can foresee all the moves of business partners or competitors in advance. He is an excellent politician and strategist. Respect in tandem and complete mutual understanding gives excellent results.

Disagreements between two Snakes can arise over financial issues.

Astrologers claim that in a union where he and she are Snakes, any type of social relationship can become ideal. Partners understand each other perfectly, are self-possessed, wise and prudent. That is why they always manage to achieve a lot through joint efforts.

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Snake man and the Snake woman, this union is fraught with many contradictions. Both spouses have similar characters, which allows them to understand each other, but at the same time there is no opportunity for growth, since both are energetically on the same floor.

This marriage rarely allows you to expand your spiritual horizons or somehow radically renew your life. As a rule, both the Snake man and the Snake woman preach an independent philosophy of life. They can live together without love, being bound by common creative aspirations or material plans.

In search of fame or financial well-being, they can be ruthless both to the people around them and to each other. Being nearby, they cannot relax and trust, since anyone can “bite”. But, possessing a fair amount of endurance, they are able to tolerate each other’s shortcomings for a long time. They are unlikely to have a relationship full of romance and passion, but they can achieve a lot together by participating in a common cause or having the same profession, of course, if rivalry and jealousy do not get in their way. It is worth noting that Snakes are very jealous, and even if they no longer love their partner, they still cannot let him go.

Snake man and Snake woman – compatibility

The Snake is one of the most mysterious signs in the Eastern horoscope. As a couple, a man and a woman born in the year of the Snake have many contradictions that both frighten and attract, so it will be quite difficult for them to build a personal life. Spouses will have to make a lot of effort to achieve family happiness. But, nevertheless, this union will be interesting and intellectual. Partners will never be bored together, they feel great about each other and they like to enjoy the time spent together. One of the conditions for a long and happy relationship is closeness and autonomy from the outside world. If a man and a woman of this sign can build a relationship on sensitivity and non-interference from the outside, their feelings will last a very long time. But you cannot allow yourself to feel sorry for yourself, which is typical for all people born in the year of the Snake, otherwise problems cannot be avoided. The most important reassurance will be a quiet and comfortable home. Everyday life does not cause difficulties, provided that they clearly divide responsibilities.

People born in . They are distinguished by a cold mind, prudence, impulsiveness and calmness, as well as a desire for success in all areas of activity. The process of finding a suitable person is always difficult and thorny for them. Before making the final choice, both go through a long journey filled with passions, disappointments and doubts. The sympathy of these two sexes always begins with friendship. And only after both have established absolute trust, regularly expressing their thoughts to each other as to themselves, can they begin an affair. A spark of love can flare into a flame only if there is mutual assistance and support. Family, for people born in the year of the Snake, is very important. And it is the formation of a family, sincere love or the birth of a child that can help radically change your character. Both the Snake man and the Snake woman choose as life partners only strong and independent partners who can provide well for their family and protect it if necessary. People born in the year of the Snake can be difficult to understand; they do not like to show their “inner life”. They even hide what there is no need to hide - simply out of habit. Most often, people born in the year of the Snake have innate wisdom and remarkable intuition. They primarily trust their feelings, impressions, intuition and sympathy, leaving logic and objective facts in second place. Snakes are not talkative and prone to thinking.

He is a pleasant gentleman with a touch of sentimentality. He has a wonderful sense of humor and an impeccable, extravagant appearance. He has iron, logical thinking, sensuality, romanticism, hidden potential strength and closeness. Thanks to his enormous charm and courtesy, he easily attracts the attention of people of the opposite sex. It's always interesting to talk to him and there's something to talk about. The Snake man, deep down in his soul, dreams of pure and eternal love and is constantly looking for the one and only in the crowd. He is active, but his energy quickly ends and he often gets tired, so he needs constant support and admiration from the female sex. Stability in relationships is extremely important to him, but he is not ready to make sacrifices for his interests.

And the ability to instantly charm your interlocutor. She knows how to win a man's heart and skillfully uses this gift. She stands out from the general mass of people with her extravagant appearance and grace. She has her own unique style of clothing, which allows her to always look chic. This woman knows how to take care of herself and maintains her beauty until old age. She has an amazingly strong will and knows how to truly love. And it is on her, on her individual character traits, that depends how happy the family union will be. Usually the Snake woman has an unstable character and is subject to rapid mood changes. Just yesterday she was an unbearable egoist, but today she is kind and ready to do anything for the joy of her loved ones.

Problems in a couple often arise due to excessive depression of both partners. Snakes cannot be called life-lovers; rather, life appears before them in a gloomy light, and this is clearly manifested in the work of many of them. And if both fall into depression at once, then there will be no difficulties. They will be sad together, watching another sad movie about love and eating popcorn or cakes. But if one of the partners falls into depression, then the second one will have a hard time, because a sad Snake can ruin everyone’s mood and it is better not to approach it, so as not to provoke a scandal.

Both partners know how to make money and are not afraid of hard work. They manage to save up the required amount for a major purchase and set aside some savings for their old age. These two will never need anything and their children will be provided with everything they need. They will travel a lot because they can afford it financially. Spouses will achieve a lot if they work together; moreover, a joint business also strengthens the relationship. Surprisingly, it’s true that together, “bewitching” clients is much easier and faster. Confidence in the future and a feeling of comfort are important for both partners. Therefore, financial stability serves as an essential support in the family.

The biggest problems in a couple are caused by jealousy of both. Both men and women born in the year of the Snake have a heightened sense of possessiveness. They can wrap themselves in a tight ring around each other and suffocate in their embrace, completely depriving them of freedom. At the same time, the sense of ownership is so great that even when feelings cool down and love leaves, they continue to keep their partner near them.

Snake man and Snake woman – compatibility in love

In the sexual sphere, in the union of a Snake man and a Snake woman, everything is perfect. Oddly enough, the main driving force in intimate life for two snakes is intelligence. For physical attraction to arise and be maintained, external beauty and attractiveness alone are not enough for them. The mindset is important for them. The Snake man and the Snake woman always have something to talk about, so the sexual attraction will be constant. Both love experiments and role-playing games, although the rational mind somewhat dulls the passion, but the main thing is that both are satisfied with this state of affairs.

Treason in such a union, as a rule, does not happen. Despite all their love for flirting, they rarely start an affair, since absolute intimacy with one person is important to both.

Advice from “Moon Today” for the Snake Man and Snake Woman couple

The pair of Snake man and Snake woman will face many trials before they can achieve family happiness. They have a lot in common, they understand each other perfectly, have the same goals and life dreams, so there is a right to happiness in this union.

The main bonding element in this family will be trust. When these two learn to trust each other and share their thoughts, the union will be flawless and happy. When they learn to express their emotions and sometimes go beyond old habits and upbringing, they will find kinship of souls and complete mutual understanding. Fortunately, both have enough wisdom to achieve this.

Also, it is worth noting that partners are very jealous. Moreover, this jealousy is omnipresent and, often, groundless. Therefore, they need to eliminate all prerequisites for this. If a couple spends 90% of their time together, this will only strengthen their marriage. Also, a joint business will be the key to a successful marriage.

And from depression, which periodically affects all people born in the year of the Snake, an established life and a peaceful environment in the house saves them.

It is quite rare that representatives of the same eastern horoscope symbol are completely compatible in different areas of life. The extraordinary exception is the snake. Snake woman and snake man, the compatibility of these two signs will be described below in the article.

General compatibility information

The snake man is a charming and handsome sign. He may have quite a lot of fans of the opposite sex, and this is not surprising. He not only knows how to speak, but also knows how to make a tender woman’s heart tremble.

What kind of woman is she, born in the year of the snake:

  • Her strength is in loving herself. This is not selfishness, but love. She knows how to take care of herself and does it with special care. Appearance is not so important for her; she simply considers being clean and well-groomed to be the responsibility of every person.
  • Has his own style and sticks to it, which allows her to look simple but unique and stand out from the crowd.
  • A woman born in the year of the snake is charming and knows how to speak beautifully. If someone is interested in her, she will be able to charm him even just with words and manners.
  • She is wise and knows how to give practical advice not only to others, but also to herself. This helps her build relationships, and in marriage keep her loved one even in the most crisis situations. She can resolve any conflict, resolve any dispute.

Their relationship promises to be very fruitful and beautiful, and here are some reasons for this:

  • Both of them are looking for the same thing in love - the only person on the whole earth who can conquer, and then hook for life. With whom you can safely go through pain, fear, difficulties. The kind that will want to be with you in joy, love, and happiness.
  • They have similar goals and life priorities. They don’t need to think about what and who wants, think about a strategy on how to get everywhere, since they have the same path for both of them.
  • A calm character and good-natured disposition allows them to easily solve problems in everyday life and love. They do not need scandals; they avoid them thanks to the wisdom of a woman.

Compatibility in love

They can probably see each other at first glance. This sign is very picky about the people with whom it builds relationships, so when they see a snake similar to themselves, they are likely to find true happiness:

  • They understand each other perfectly. This allows them to successfully plan their leisure time and quarrel less over trifles.
  • They are satisfied not only with their partner’s appearance, but also with his ability to communicate and seduce. They, most likely, will not be jealous of each other, but will begin to enjoy the aesthetics and unique taste of their loved one.
  • In love, they do not seek profit or self-interest. It is not a problem for them to go to work, and therefore both will date solely because of strong emotional and spiritual feelings, and not the large salary of a possible partner.

Marriage Compatibility

Their family life is strong. They are each other's support and best friends at the same time, which allows them to maintain a balance:

  • Both partners know what they want from life and go towards their goals without interfering with each other, if their goals are different, or helping - if they are the same.
  • This sign does not tolerate betrayal and betrayal, and therefore in such a marriage there is complete understanding and support. If love passes, they will honestly open their cards and only then begin to build new relationships.
  • Such a husband and wife know how and will work persistently, and sometimes hard. to provide the family with everything they need. They are not afraid of work; they desire it.
  • Thanks to hard work, they can afford to make large purchases, go on vacation, and even manage to save for their old age. Their children will never want for anything, but will know the value of money. In such a family, spending is not held in high esteem.

Compatibility in bed

They can hardly be called passionate lovers. In relationships, they see intelligence first, and only then everything else. Therefore, sexually, they can quickly cool down.

At the same time, both are open to experiments, fantasies, and desires. If they often discuss what they want in their intimate life, the desire will never disappear, but will only grow with renewed vigor.

Compatibility in friendship

As in a love relationship, in friendship they are devoted and faithful to each other. They know each other's strengths and weaknesses, which makes them very strong allies.

They enjoy spending time together and may have common interests and hobbies. And in new beginnings and discoveries, they will trust the advice of the snake more than the representatives of another symbol of the eastern horoscope.

Compatibility at work

General work and business are not a problem for them. Hard work is in their blood, and therefore they will work together without any problems. If they are entrusted with a joint business, it will most likely bring considerable success; together they can simply work.

If you put them as competitors, they will not play dirty tricks and harm each other for the sake of promotion. They are honest opponents in such a “battle.”

But if both snakes who met at the same job are not married, then strong sympathy will certainly arise between them. If they already have a serious relationship, they will simply work together without cheating on their other halves.

Compatibility percentage

Such a couple has incredible compatibility - 98%:

  • in love – 95%;
  • married – 93%;
  • in bed – 98%.

They understand and accept all each other's strengths and weaknesses. They do not need unnecessary words or quarrels; they try to resolve conflicts amicably or not start them at all.

In bed, they are satisfied with everything about each other, even when desire cools down - this is not a hindrance for them, because at any moment they can rekindle the flame.

Negative sides of the union

A pair of a snake and a snake turns out to be very strong. But there are factors that can destroy such a strong union:

  • Snakes experience depression very hard. If a couple becomes depressed together, they will most likely be sad together day and night. But if only one of them is sad, then it is better not to approach him at all. A depressed snake may bite without warning and without thinking about the consequences. In such cases, the marriage may even break up.
  • The snake considers itself too smart to listen to the advice of strangers. The problem is that it is precisely this kind of bragging that can lead to the collapse of the alliance. Such a couple will easily separate due to suspicions that cannot be refuted. But even though those around them will try to reconcile them, they will not listen to them because they are not used to doing this.
  • If we consider the union of snake friends, then their main problem and the negative side of friendship is that from friends they can “accidentally” become lovers, and then family. This, of course, can hardly be called a disadvantage, and yet it can create some difficulties for the couple as friends.

  • Snakes should appreciate such a union. This is truly a great gift. In love, at work, in friendship, they are united and nothing can separate them.
  • The snake does not meet everyone it meets. It is difficult to win her over and even just persuade her to go on dates. She is extremely picky. The best and easiest way to get closer is to interest such a person or become her friend or work colleague. This will allow the snake to open the door to its heart, which is locked from everyone.
  • The snake is wise, but to avoid problems, she should at least hear the advice, and sometimes warnings, of others.
