What to do if a mirror breaks according to your horoscope. Broken mirror

Since ancient times, a mirror has been considered a mystical object endowed with magical powers. A superstition has survived to this day that its reflective surface is a door between two worlds, ours and the other world. Therefore, many different signs are associated with this item, and the most common one is breaking a mirror.

Break up in the house

  • Since ancient times, it has been believed that by accidentally breaking a mirror on the street or at home, a person dooms himself to troubles in the family, love relationships, career, and health for 7 years. Spouses can grow apart from each other and begin to quarrel even over trifles, while conflicts are often protracted and often lead to divorce.
  • An accidentally broken mirror threatens an unmarried girl with loneliness for 7 years.
  • If the reflective surface of the accessory did not break when dropped, but only cracked, then this is also a bad sign. Even a small crack affects a person’s health, draining energy and strength from him. As a result, a person loses his mood, he becomes lethargic and apathetic.
  • A mirror object cracked right in your hands - to disappointment in a loved one.
  • A mirror accidentally broken in the house can also portend the loss of a friend. If it unexpectedly falls on its own, then this promises the loss of loved ones.

It is also necessary to pay attention to the room in which the mirror broke:

  • Corridor - there is damage in the home, it is worth inspecting the pillows and the threshold; what is found should be burned.
  • Living room - one of your acquaintances or friends is plotting something against the owner of the house.
  • Bedroom - to a serious illness of the one who sleeps in this room.
  • Bathroom - mental anxiety, deception.
  • Children's room - to problems with the child.

Look into the broken

A damaged mirror is endowed with the ability to absorb and accumulate energy, both negative and positive. Its sharp fragments can draw vitality and energy from someone who sees their reflection in them. Therefore, you should never look into broken glass. Particularly dangerous are antique mirror objects that have served for many decades and have managed to accumulate a large amount of negative energy, which is undesirable to be released outside.

Sometimes cracks may spontaneously appear on the surface of the mirror. It is believed that this is how a powerful wave of negative energy comes out of the object, which can damage the biofield of a person who sees his reflection in it. If a mirror unexpectedly cracks, you should throw it away immediately and hang a new one in the empty place.

If, nevertheless, a person sees his reflection, then, when removing the fragments, he needs to cross them and read one of the strong prayers - Psalm 91, Our Father or a prayer to the Holy Spirit. After saying the words: “Where there are fragments, there is trouble. Let it be so!”

What to do

You can try to avoid potential troubles caused by a broken mirror if you meet the following conditions:

  • Carefully collect all the fragments and rinse them under running water, which, according to legend, will help wash away negative energy flows from the glass, cleaning the broken object. You need to rinse with the words: “I wash, I remove the bad, I wash off the old, I throw it out with water. Amen".
  • Take a church candle and light it in the place where the mirror was broken. The candle will clear the space of negative energy that has escaped after the incident.
  • Wrap the fragments in a dark cloth, tie it in a knot and bury it away from the house with the following words: “Even if the mirror breaks, trouble will not touch me (name). Amen".
  • Hang a new one in place of the broken mirror.

At work

A broken mirror portends minor troubles, conflicts with management and staff, which can lead to dismissal. Sometimes this promises change; a difficult situation or a long-standing problem that is hindering career advancement or the development of an enterprise may be resolved.

To protect yourself from conflicts and troubles at work, you need to put the pieces of glass in a bag with a moistened broom, without looking at the reflection, sprinkle it with water and throw it outside the enterprise. It is also recommended to get rid of the broom, as pieces of glass may remain on it.

Break someone else's mirror

This can be a definite sign for both the owner and the one who broke the item. Perhaps a quarrel or a situation will occur between these people that will take them along different paths in life, and they will never meet again.

The child broke the mirror

Whether a bad omen comes true or not depends on the baby’s mother. If mom is positive and does not panic, then all troubles and troubles will pass by. The only thing you need to make sure is that the child does not look like shards - this can make him sick and timid. The glass must be removed by the mother or godmother. Under no circumstances should you scold or shout at your baby, as you can provoke fear in him, which will lead to a series of troubles.

Positive sides

Contrary to popular belief, among the signs about a broken mirror there are also good ones:

    A mirror that falls on its own frees itself and the surrounding space from anger, negativity, damage, and curses. A powerful flow of negative energy dissipates and disappears without a trace, without bringing harm to anyone.

  • When a mirror breaks, you need to count the fragments; if you get an odd number, then there will soon be a wedding in the house.
  • In some countries, a mirror was deliberately broken if a sick person looked into it for a long time, in order to dispel the mask of torment and suffering imprinted in it. They hung a new one in place of the old one and looked at it only with a smile and a good mood; it was believed that in this case the illness would go away and recovery would soon come.

Dream Interpretation

  • Breaking a mirror in a dream means loss and betrayal of a loved one.
  • Seeing a mirror falling and breaking into small fragments means quarrels, minor troubles, possibly health problems; into large pieces - to big troubles; if it was framed in silver or gold, then there will be significant losses at work.
  • Dreaming of your reflection in a broken mirror means that only those closest to you will support and help in a difficult situation.
  • Not looking into a broken mirror, but seeing it in your dream means imminent conflicts and troubles.

The mirror broke - what to do? The household item is endowed with a mystical aura. With its help they tell fortunes and look into other worlds.

There are many fears and concerns associated with mirrors. But there is a rational explanation for everything. For example, in the Middle Ages, mirrors were of incredible value, and legends were invented to keep servants careful with them. This is one of the versions, “the mirror broke” - expect grief.

What to do if a mirror breaks?

A miniature item is a minor problem. If you drop your cosmetic mirror, you don’t have to worry. You will overcome minor quarrels. It’s another matter if a mirror that has been hanging in the hallway or living room for more than one year breaks. Mystics believe that this is a sign that speaks of a difficult period: illness and even death. A mirror is like a portal that accumulates negative energy. When there is a lot of negativity, an “incident” occurs. Here it’s worth figuring out what you yourself feel: relief or fear? For example, why do they hang mirrors in the room after the death of a loved one? This is done so that the soul calmly goes higher and does not disturb the guests.

Signs: the mirror broke

1. You accidentally broke an object. The standard sign says: there will be no peace in the family for seven years.

2. If you accidentally look at the scattered fragments, you will be overcome by a serious illness.

3. If a mirror breaks into many small particles - the most terrible sentence associated with death.

4. Feel free to throw away a mirror that has become dark or chipped. This is the real gateway for negativity.

5. If a young girl’s mirror breaks, she won’t get married for 7 years.

6. If the object breaks in your hands, you will be disappointed in love.

7. You dropped and broke someone else's mirror. Expect a quarrel with this person.

Historical background: the first to put forward the theory that the mirror is a portal between worlds was the alchemist Paracelsus. According to his theory, subtle energy makes its way into our reality through mirrors, which can even cause mental disorders.

The sign is also associated with the location of the mirror:

  • If a mirror in the living room breaks, you will experience the betrayal of a loved one.
  • If the accessory is cheerful in the hallway, you are most likely damaged.
  • The mirror was hanging in the bedroom and shattered into fragments - a serious illness.
  • If the mirror decorating the bathroom breaks, it means betrayal and mental anguish.
  • The baby mirror is cracked - the baby will get sick.
  • The working mirror shattered into pieces - conflicts at work, unpleasant clashes with management.

But you can’t talk only about the bad. There are also positive, happy “mirror” superstitions:

  • Optimists believe that the mirror beats towards joy. This means that the negativity goes away and a new round awaits the family.
  • You can count the fragments. If there are an odd number of them, someone will go to a fun wedding.
  • In order for the patient to recover, you can break the object yourself, thereby speeding up recovery. Buy a new mirror and let your sick face look into it with hope.
  • A mirror in the office shattered - to success in business and elimination of debt!
  • You are standing in front of the pieces and don’t know where to start: what to clean with? Where to throw it away? There is a “clear” algorithm for this case:
  • Say a phrase that will ease your emotional state. You will remove bad thoughts that will certainly enter your head. Say: “Where the fragments go, let the trouble go there.” Let it be so".
  • Do not pick up sharp parts with bare hands. This is dangerous from a physical point of view, you can get hurt, and from a mystical point of view. You will let the negativity pass through you. Wear rubber gloves and arm yourself with a broom and dustpan. After such cleaning, be sure to vacuum! This way you eliminate small particles. The broom also needs to be “cleaned”. To do this, you need to throw it up three times, but do it so that the utensil touches the ground.
  • Don't shift responsibility onto someone else's shoulders. If the item breaks due to your fault, you will have to answer. There are exceptions to any rule, for example, if you lost your mirrors due to the fault of your children. You will still have to clean up after the little mischief-makers.
  • If you accidentally catch your reflection in the fragments, don’t panic. Prepare a church candle, light it, read a prayer, for example, “Our Father.” Make sure that the cross is reflected in the fragments.
  • When all the components of the mirror surface have been assembled, take a dark, opaque cloth and wrap the fragments in it. They must either be drowned in a deep pond. Water is an excellent conductor of energy and all negativity will “drown.” The second option is to bury the unusable mirror deep into the ground. Choose a place that is far from the residential sector.

For skeptics, the cleaning ritual does not seem “sophisticated”. Also wrap up the broken pieces and throw them in the trash.

  • To avoid losing your mirror, clean it of negativity

The most “dangerous” mirrors, according to esotericists, are ancient ones. Nobody knows how many secrets they bury, how much good or bad they have seen. Looking in such a mirror, it seems as if someone left a piece of their soul in this object. If you decide to decorate your bedroom, never hang a mirror opposite the bed. It should not reflect a sleeping person. This is how energy is “pumped out”. Again, this is the opinion of the esoteric society. Mirrors that “cut off” part of the body of the person looking at them are not popular, for example, if you approach the mirror, you will not see legs, etc.

What if the mirror fell but didn't break?

This means that negativity is rushing into the house. To get around the trouble, spit over your left shoulder and say: “mind me, mind me.”

The mirror broke - the opinion of the great Vanga:

“A crack in the mirror is a split in fate,” so said the clairvoyant.

A mirror broke or cracked: how do they treat this sign in different countries?

  • The French say that if a mirror breaks, it means discord in family life.
  • The Spaniards believe that a mirror with a crack means early aging.
  • A hole in the purse - the verdict of the Ukrainians.
  • The British complain that health is leaking through the cracks.
  • For Mexicans, a cracked mirror means trouble is imminent.

How to clean?

  • Fill a container with holy water and lower the mirror attribute. You can wash it with running water, but cover the surface with salt. If there is a vintage mirror in the house, it is useless to clean it; it is easier to get rid of it, along with the memories it stores. Perform a ritual
  • Clean the surface using the methods indicated above - holy water and salt.
  • It is necessary to darken the mirror surface. To do this, paint it with dark paint, or, as a last resort, cover it with a dark cloth.
  • There is no need to choose a special place to say goodbye to the mirror - a regular trash container will do.
  • Afterwards, consecrate the apartment/house by walking around the rooms with a lit church candle. Sprinkle the corners with holy water.

Advice: After the mirror broke, you followed all the instructions and got rid of the damaged item. Buy a new mirror. Its dimensions must exceed the dimensions of the previous sample. You need to hang it in the same place. Thus, it eliminates the flow of negative energy.

Bottom line

Superstitions are part of our heritage and mentality. Anyone will pick up a button if a black cat crosses the road. A similar situation with the mirror. We hope our tips will help you not to lose composure and composure.

The mirror is a very ancient object, surrounded by a myriad of good and bad omens, legends, secrets, and gossip. It is well known that mirrors are used very often in magic, since ancient sorcerers and witches believed that the mirror surface had great magical power. If someone broke a mirror, it was considered a very unfavorable event.

To this day, the opinion has been preserved that the mirror represents, among other things, the line between two Universes - this and the other world. It seems that it was this statement that became the basis for the emergence of such a large number of superstitions and signs. What to do if a mirror breaks? What does this mean for the clumsy poor fellow who touched or dropped him?

Most often, people think that such a sign foreshadows some kind of terrible failure, misfortune, or even a catastrophe. Such superstitions exist not only in Russia, they are exaggerated in many nations, only the degrees of severity of interpretation vary. Someone claims that from a broken mirror all the negativity collected over the years of its existence comes out, and the one who breaks it will not have good luck for seven years. And someone says that a broken mirror means loss.

That is, some are convinced that a broken mirror is a sign that brings with it many years of troubles and misfortunes, and there is nothing to be done about it. And others are more generous, and predict only one misfortune, but soon.

From here came the most common sign that if a mirror breaks, it will bring with it failure of a larger or smaller scale.

There is also an opinion that if a woman suddenly breaks a mirror, she will not be able to find her fiancé. Most likely, this is also nothing more than a superstition and a sign, but the woman who broke the mirror carefully avoided looking into it. And she did all her household chores, looking in the other direction. There are beliefs that say that if a person breaks a mirror and looks into its fragment, then soon an obstacle will arise on his path in life. And this cannot be avoided.

So what to do with a broken mirror?

Remember very firmly that if a mirror breaks, you cannot touch it with your hands. And you can’t do anything while looking into it either. And looking into a mirror that was broken by someone else, for example a child, is also prohibited (a bad omen), because you may well see creatures there peering out from a parallel universe. And if you manage to cut your hand with a piece of mirror glass, this is almost a one hundred percent guarantee of bringing bad luck into your life.

What to do? Practice shows that it is possible to avoid all of the above if, immediately after breaking the mirror, throw something opaque over it. For example, a newspaper or a rag. Then carefully collect all the fragments down to the smallest. The best thing to do is vacuum the floor.

Folk signs and superstitions about the mirror:

The point here is not only to ensure that there is no “unlucky” mirror left in the house, but also to avoid cutting your feet on the glass when walking. Remove all trash from the house as quickly as possible.

If a very large mirror (as tall as a person or more) breaks in your house, then you should deal with it in one of several ways.

First you need to do the following: place the broken glass under a stream of running water. It is assumed that such an action removes the consequences of a destructive action. And after holding the broken mirror under water, you can throw out the fragments and forget about them.

Next, you can not wash anything under running water, but simply collect all the glass and take it out of the house, but you need to throw out the garbage to the west. It doesn’t even have to be in a trash can - bury the former mirror somewhere close to your home. At the same time, it makes sense to say the words: “In oneself, not from oneself.”

With all this, it is better to wear gloves so as not to cut yourself. This already depends on common sense, and not on whether it was a man or a woman who broke the object. Agree, an accidental cut can also be considered a nuisance, and it usually takes a long time to heal. Therefore, it is better to take care of your safety in advance.

After you bury the mirror (with the reflective surface facing down), you can sprinkle the “burial” site with holy water. You can also place a candle there so that it burns for at least three hours. If you broke a mirror while you were reflecting in it, go to church and light a candle for good health.

Magical background and a little history about mirrors

But where did the folk superstition about a broken mirror come from? Magicians of all times were convinced that mirrors connect parallel realities with each other, which means that in the reflection you can see a person’s soul and somehow influence it. But should we take this statement seriously? And why does a broken mirror foreshadow misfortune, and not, for example, a broken cup?

This sign does not necessarily have such a mystical explanation; perhaps the reason is much more pragmatic. The fact is that the ancients did not have the technology to make cheap mirrors, and each such thing was a piece of work and very expensive (especially if you take into account the precious frame inlaid with gems). Therefore, if a mirror broke in the house, then the omen was one hundred percent correct - the money to buy it could be considered wasted.

Considering the number of rumors, beliefs and signs associated with mirrors, even the most distant person from superstitions will probably experience anxiety or worry if he breaks a mirror. Even if he doesn’t know exactly what this sign means. How much you should trust her is up to you to decide. In any case, you already know how to deprive an ominous omen of its destructive power, which means you can easily avoid the trouble predicted by a broken mirror.

Video: A mirror broke, what to do?

A mirror is a special item. This is a symbol of the border between worlds. It is used in magical rituals and fortune telling. Many well-known signs are associated with it. No matter how skeptical you may be, when the mirror slips out of your hands and breaks, you will be overcome with excitement. After all, immediately remember both about 7 years of misfortunes and about a bad sign. And someone nearby will clasp their hands in fear: “That’s it!” Living in anticipation of trouble is very difficult. What to do? Sometimes people just go crazy with fear:

I’m sleeping this morning, and there’s a wild roar coming from the toilet. I run to the bathroom. There the sister sits on the toilet and says: “The mirror broke!” It was glued to me with double-sided tape. And I knew that it could come unstuck! And a week before, when I washed it, it almost fell off. My sister is hysterical. She says that since it fell in front of her, she will have misfortune.

Crap! My son broke a mirror. I thought I’d go to the forum, read and calm down. Fuck it! How many scarecrows! My knees are shaking now. If it concerned me, I wouldn’t even think about it, but my son is not even three years old. Now what to expect. Very creepy and unpleasant.

How a sign programs a person for troubles and misfortunes

The main danger of broken mirrors is powerful self-programming for failure and problems . Why does this subject scare us so much? Because for us a mirror is not just an everyday thing, but also a symbol of the boundaries between worlds (ours and the other world). According to ancient beliefs, evil forces can penetrate through broken mirrors. But what should we do? Everyone has a heap of cheap Chinese mirrors: in the bathroom, hallway, wardrobe, on the table, in a cosmetic bag, on combs. They fight. Especially if there are cats, children, elderly people in the house, from whose clumsiness things suffer. Maybe the whole planet should give up mirrors, since it is such a terrible thing? Broken mirrors drive people into such a state of panic that they start doing random things in horror.

Go to hell with your superstitions!!! I read the forum and immediately ran to the trash bin to throw away the broken mirror as soon as possible. I left my daughter at home, she’s only 1.8. She locked the house from the outside. She's back. I can't get home! The daughter was playing and pushed the iron latch and locked herself from the inside. I'm panicking! I started calling the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Well, my bunny figured out how to open the door herself.

You broke a mirror, anxiety arose, anticipation of trouble. But it’s hard to be in such a state, because you don’t know whether there will be trouble yet. Life is such that sooner or later everyone may have problems: you will quarrel with someone, you will lose something. But the wait is unbearable! And the psyche helps to find a solution: let’s quickly do something bad for ourselves and live in peace. And the omen comes true!


This is a verbal formula that blocks the realization of negative expectations. A method proven over centuries. After all, a thousand years ago our psyche worked the same way, and people found a way not to create problems for themselves out of the blue. Conspiracies are good for especially anxious, suspicious people. Verbal speech dissipates the energy of tension, eliminates the image of negative developments of events, thus healing a person.

“The mirror breaks, the trouble does not concern the servant of God (name).”

“Even as a child, my grandmother told me: “It’s okay that you broke the mirror - it has seen a lot of things, you collect the fragments, but don’t look at them, if you throw them away - keep quiet.” Then wash your face with water, saying: what broke, broke and did not affect me.”

“When you break a mirror, you need to collect everything, go outside and throw it into a container with the following words: ‘I didn’t break a mirror, but my misfortune, I don’t throw away mirrors, but my misfortunes!’

Ritual of collecting and disposing of fragments

Tradition prescribes special ritual actions to be performed when removing the fragments (ritual - symbolic actions, demonstrative, having a certain order). For example, sprinkle holy water on the fragments, quickly remove them by putting them in a dark rag, hold them under running water before throwing them away, and paint them over with dark paint.


Turn your prayers to the Higher powers. Try to return yourself to a state of peace, trust in the wisdom and love of God for you. There are texts that have been helping people find peace of mind in times of anxiety for thousands of years. One of the most famous can be found below.

text of Psalm 90 in Russian

1 He who dwells under the shelter of the Most High rests in the shadow of the Almighty,
2 He says to the Lord: “My refuge and my defense, my God in whom I trust!”
3 He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler, from the destructive plague,
4 He will overshadow you with His feathers, and under His wings you will be safe; shield and fence - His truth.
5 You will not fear the terrors of the night, nor the arrows that fly by day,
6 The plague that walks in darkness, the plague that destroys at midday.
7 A thousand shall fall at your side, and ten thousand at your right hand; but will not come close to you:
8 Only you will look with your eyes and see the retribution of the wicked.
9 For you have said: “The Lord is my hope”; You have chosen the Most High as your refuge;
10 No evil will befall you, and no plague will come near your dwelling;
11 For he will command his angels concerning you, to guard you in all your ways:
12 They will carry you up in their hands, lest you dash your foot against a stone;
13 You will tread on the asp and basilisk; You will trample on the lion and the dragon.
14 “Because he loved Me, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he has known My name.
15 He will call to Me, and I will hear him; I am with him in sorrow; I will deliver him and glorify him,
16 I will satisfy him with long days, and show him My salvation.”

Exit from disturbing resonance

Join those who do not believe in this sign, do not worry and do not pay attention to such nonsense.

« I broke more than one mirror. And NOTHING followed this.”

“I’ll reveal a terrible secret! Over the past six months, I have broken three large, almost full-length mirrors. Pfffff…. Do you know what's the worst thing here? Sweep all the fragments out of the apartment!!!”

“On the eve of giving birth, a friend broke a huge mirror; it was standing on the floor, because the apartment was being renovated. I didn’t notice it in the dark and stumbled upon it. She gave birth quite safely to a wonderful son. Nothing bad happened. Just don’t set yourself up for bad things.”

“For as long as I can remember, my mirrors break CONSTANTLY. Both big and small. I don’t even always throw them away, but I look in the broken mirror, what’s the difference. And nothing ever followed.”

“I have them all broken. And I got married, and happiness in my personal life, and work, and everything in the world. And I didn’t give a damn about mirrors, black cats and other rubbish.”

“I also hit mirrors from time to time. I have never noticed any special consequences. If you break it, you immediately collect it and throw it away. And seven years of misfortune - no thanks. We’re fine without them.”

The most effective way: shape your future yourself!

We need a mirror in everyday life mainly just so that the interior is beautiful and attractive, and so that we can look at it when getting ready for work, for a walk or for some special event. But before, our great-grandmothers used a mirror for magical purposes, because they believed that it could open the door to a closed space associated with the other world.

Modern esotericists continue to claim that the mirror has many powerful magical properties. They accumulate information, have memory, so they have a special energy. Each of us needs to be able to properly handle this piece of furniture, because the mirror creates an astral projection of everything that surrounds us.

  • All the emotions and experiences that we send to the mirror are remembered by our counterparts in the reflection. Therefore, even skeptics need to carefully control what they say and how they look in the mirror so that it does not accumulate negative energy.
  • In addition, the mirror must be constantly cleaned of dust, ensure that there are no cracks, so that it is clean and well-groomed. Psychics generally do not recommend looking in the mirror to people who are sick or in a bad mood, because after a while all the negativity comes back through the mirror.
  • In other words, a mirror is a powerful esoteric object; if something happens to it, all sorts of changes, most of them negative, begin to occur in the lives of the people in whose house it is located.

What to do with a broken mirror: a guide to action

If it happens that any mirror breaks in your home, then you need to take a number of measures that will protect you from evil and negativity:

  1. First of all, you need to collect the fragments from the mirror. To do this, you need to wear special gloves so as not to cut yourself, firstly, and secondly, so as not to attract negative magical forces. Esotericists recommend covering the fragments with a dark cloth so as not to see your reflection in them. If this happens, then a black streak of failures will soon begin in a person’s life. If there is no fabric, you can pour black paint on the fragments. If you don’t want to spoil the floor surface with paint, then simply collect the fragments and wash them under the tap. It is believed that water will wash away all the negativity from the fragments.
  2. It is advisable not to touch the fragments with your hands at all, but to use a broom and dustpan. You shouldn’t bring them into the house after cleaning; throw the broom three times so that it falls to the ground and leave it outside. It is better to wash all the dust that remains from the mirror on the floor with a wet cloth. It is prohibited to store it in the house after cleaning; it is best to throw it away.
  3. It is advisable to wrap the fragments in some kind of unnecessary fabric and throw them into the depths of a river or lake. Another option is to bury the fabric with the fragments in a place where people rarely set foot, and where you will definitely never appear again.

Important! Please note that it does not matter who broke the mirror - a child or an adult. In any case, the fragments will need to be disposed of urgently. The only exception is if the mirror fell, but did not break, but simply cracked. In this case, it will not pose any danger to the person and his family.

Positive signs associated with a broken mirror

If a mirror breaks in the house, then, as a rule, people do not associate anything good with this incident, but this is in vain. There are several opinions that a broken mirror in the house can be a prerequisite for positive changes in life. What good can a broken mirror promise?

  1. Along with a broken mirror, all the negative energy that has accumulated over many years disappears from the house.
  2. All residents of the house become more energetic and cheerful, because the space around them becomes completely clean.
  3. A mirror that shatters into many small fragments that cannot be counted means that a new family will soon be born in the house. Someone will either get married or get married.
  4. A broken mirror in a house where a seriously ill person lives for a long time is a good sign that foreshadows changes for the better. However, a reverse reaction can also occur, because the mirror remembers the mask of a sick person and can try it on anyone who looks in the mirror in a bad mood.

However, in any case, you should not look into a broken mirror. If this happened by accident, then immediately read the Lord’s Prayer to yourself and do the following:

  • firstly, never panic and treat what happened positively;
  • if you personally broke the mirror, then it is you who must remove the fragments; if the mirror shattered because of a child or pet, then the mother must collect the fragments;
  • try to make sure that the fragments you have collected no longer fall from your hands, especially if you are a woman (they say that in this case, all men who live with such a woman will face a lot of failures in life);
  • Be sure to hang a new one in place of the old broken mirror.

Negative signs associated with a broken mirror

Now let’s look at the signs that are colored negatively, in which people believe more than in positive ones:

  1. If in the house where you are the owner, a mirror breaks due to your fault, then in the next few years you will not see good luck in life.
  2. You cannot look into a broken mirror, otherwise you will invite misfortune and failure on yourself and your relatives who share your living space.
  3. If the mirror breaks into very small pieces, this means that you will soon have to experience the passing of a person who is very dear to you. This could be a close relative or a good friend.
  4. When a mirror is broken, all the entities that live in it come out. Often these entities are negative, they begin to do a lot of nasty things to family members of the house in which the mirror was broken.
  5. The mirror that the guy broke will bring him loneliness. He will not be able to get married for the next 7 years after what happened. The same applies to representatives of the fair sex, who, having broken a mirror, doom themselves to loneliness.
  6. A warning about death in the house is a broken mirror for no reason. If this happened at the moment when you were looking at it, then trouble will happen to you.
  7. A broken mirror can “cut” your life. This is one of the reasons why you should not look into broken mirrors.
  8. If a mirror breaks at work, this may indicate that someone in the team is about to be fired.
  9. If a mirror breaks in a dream, it means that the person you love will betray you, or you will lose him for another reason. If you dream that you are looking into fragments of a mirror, this means that in the near future a big trouble will happen in your life, which only your relatives will help you cope with. If you dreamed that a mirror fell and shattered into small pieces, expect trouble; if large, it means financial losses on a global scale.

It depends only on you what will happen in your home, at work, in everyday life after the mirror breaks or cracks. If you do everything as we described in our article, then you are unlikely to be bothered by representatives of evil spirits and other problems. If you twist your thoughts and attract negativity, it will accompany you everywhere. Let your life not be overshadowed by superstitions and other negative emotions associated with mirrors.
