Children of the panther as they are called. Baby animals: what are their correct names?

A video has appeared online of a 4-month-old panda trying to take her first steps. The video was filmed in the Shanghai Wild Animal Park, Metro reports. We bring to your attention a few photos of this adorable baby and a video of her taking her first steps!

The panda cub was born on July 9th and made her public debut on September 15th. Named Peanut by park workers, she is the daughter of 20-year-old panda Guo-Guo, the first panda born in Shanghai (which was previously evacuated from the Chinese province of Sichuan, which suffered from a powerful earthquake).

The name of the panda cub was, as they say, chosen by the whole world! More than 50,000 people took part in the competition, offering their options. The baby was eventually named Peanut (or “Hua Sheng” in Chinese).

Park officials say they chose the name because it means “to take root, grow and multiply.”

At birth, the panda cub weighed only 151 grams and was 14.3 centimeters tall. When she went for her first walk last Friday, November 4, she already weighed 7 kilograms.

A wonderful video of a baby taking her first steps to greet visitors to the Shanghai Wild Animal Park has captured the hearts of animal lovers around the world! In less than two hours, it received 135 thousand views and almost ten thousand likes.

Panda facts:

  • For the first time, when scientists examined a giant panda, they came to the conclusion that it was a giant raccoon. Only centuries later, with the help of a genetic test, scientists were able to establish that the giant panda is a bear.
  • The main food of pandas is bamboo, but in addition to bamboo, pandas sometimes eat food of animal origin.
  • Both the red panda and the giant panda have six regular toes on their front paws. The sixth toe, the thumb, helps animals grasp and hold bamboo.
  • Giant panda babies weigh only 140 grams at birth, but already at the age of 3 months their weight reaches 4-6 kilograms.
  • At birth, giant pandas are white, and only after a week do the babies get their recognizable color.
  • Both the giant and the red panda are inhabitants of bamboo forests, which are found only in China, India, Nepal, Myanmar and Bhutan.
  • For a full-fledged life in the natural environment, a giant panda needs 7-11 square kilometers of land.
  • The size of the giant panda is not inferior to the black bear, but inferior in speed. While the panda can accelerate to a brisk walk, the black bear reaches speeds of 40 to 50 kilometers per hour.
  • The lifespan of a giant panda in its natural environment is from 14 to 20 years. In captivity, pandas live up to 26 years.
  • Giant pandas are not sold to other zoos, but rather rented out. China receives $1 million annually for renting one panda. If pandas give birth to offspring at the zoo, they are transferred to China to restore the gene pool.
  • Few people realize that the name of the popular Internet browser “Mozilla Firefox”, namely the “Firefox” part, is one of the names of the red panda. Initially, the red panda was supposed to be present on the browser logo. But the designer felt that the image of a red panda would not be recognizable on the logo, so it was replaced with the image of a fox.

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Lions, tigers, cheetahs, jaguars and other representatives of the cat family are often called cats, and their adorable offspring are called kittens. However, for children of some species, derivatives of “adult” names are used: small tigers are called “tiger cubs”, lynxes are called “lynx cubs”, lions are called “lion cubs”. What is the name of a cheetah cub? Attaching a diminutive suffix to the word “cheetah” or “leopard” produces dissonant word forms, although there are such words in dictionaries. Therefore, to refer to the cubs of all felines, it is customary to say “leopard kitten”, “puma kitten”, “cheetah kitten” and so on.

A little about baby cheetahs...

These touching creatures are born monochromatic, with a tassel on their tails, which helps their mother find playful babies among them. Kittens have a luxuriant mane covering most of their body. All these insignia disappear by three months.

Newborn babies are very tiny, about 300 grams, and they do not grow up quickly - their eyes open only ten days after birth, and they begin to walk after 20 days. The mother feeds the kittens until they are eight months old, at nine months they have permanent teeth, and they become completely independent at about one and a half years. Until this moment, the cubs are raised by the female, without the participation of the male.

The mother patiently teaches them to hunt, first taking away their meat so that they learn to protect the prey, then bringing them half-killed animals, and only then taking them to a real adult hunt. Interestingly, the female cannot become pregnant until the previous litter learns to obtain its own food.

A brood usually consists of two to six cubs, which are in no hurry to part with each other even after they leave their mother. Siblings hunt together until adulthood, which occurs at two years of age. After this, young females separate from the males and live alone. Males usually form groups of two or three individuals, this makes it easier to hunt and defend their territory.

Sometimes a female and a male form a pair, but such families are rare and break up quite quickly.

and about cheetah parents

The cheetah is the record holder among mammals.

  • It is capable of reaching a speed of 110 km/h, and it takes only a couple of seconds to accelerate to 70 km/h. It cannot maintain this speed for long, but it is quite enough to catch up and grab prey.
  • With a body length of up to 135 cm, the cheetah is capable of covering 8 meters in one jump.

Animals live in Central Asia and African savannas. They lead a diurnal lifestyle, hunting mainly gazelles and small animals. The lifespan of this predator is on average 15 years. In captivity, cheetahs can live up to 25.

It is curious that the cheetah tolerates living close to humans well, is easily tamed, but extremely rarely bears offspring in captivity.

Externally, the cheetah is a real big cat with a spotted sand-colored skin, long legs and a tail. But this animal has one difference that makes it similar to dogs - the claws on the paws are retracted into the pads only in kittens up to three months, and then remain non-retractable until the end of their days. For this reason, it is proposed to classify the cheetah as a separate subfamily of cats.

Despite some similarities with dogs in habits and body structure, the cheetah remains a typical representative of the cat family. Therefore, to the question “What is the name of a cheetah cub?” There are two answers: usually the word “kitten” is used for this, but saying “cheetah cub” would also not be a mistake.

In fact, the word “panther” hides not a separate biological species, but an entire genus of the cat family, which includes such formidable predators as the lion, jaguar and leopard. As for the well-known black panther, it is usually a leopard or jaguar, which has a corresponding black color.

Why is the panther black?

The panther's black coloring is caused by special mutations in the animal's genes known as melanism. Such a mutation is very common among predatory felines, for example, in Malaysia, approximately half of all leopards there are black in color as a result of melanism and, in fact, are black panthers.

The black color of these animals often has practical significance (after all, nature is always wise in its actions), so many black panthers live in dense forests, where, with a lack of lighting, dark animals are less noticeable, which makes their life much easier.

Panther: description, structure, characteristics. What does a panther look like?

The calling card of any panther is its signature black color. Although if you look at the panther more closely, you will notice that its fur is covered with dark spots of different shades, all this creates the appearance of a black color.

Panthers are large predators; the weight of a panther can reach 40-50 kg. The body is oblong and reaches up to two meters in length.

The panther also has four powerful and large paws, with long and sharp claws that retract into the fingers (their structure is approximately the same as that of the kindest feline - the domestic cat).

The panther's head is very large, somewhat elongated, and there are small ears on the top of the head. The panther's eyes are medium-sized with large pupils. The panther also has sharp teeth and powerful jaws.

The panther has fur all over its body and also has a very long tail, which can sometimes be up to half the length of the animal.

Where does the panther live?

Panthers live over a wide geographic range, with many of them living on the African continent, especially in the mountains of Ethiopia and Kenya. They are also found in Asia and South America, only, of course, the black panthers of South America have a significant difference from the black panthers of Asia, there they are actually black jaguars, while in Asia they are black leopards.

What does a panther eat?

All panthers are ferocious and dangerous predators, one of the most dangerous among the cat family. If a panther is hungry, it can easily attack any nearby game, including humans. But most often the panther gets to eat various herbivores: zebras, buffalos, antelopes. Sometimes the panther is not averse to having a snack and... Domestic animals: cows, sheep, also finding themselves unattended in the jungle, have a high chance of becoming food for panthers.

Panthers always go hunting at night; in the dark, thanks to their black color, they become practically invisible, which gives them the opportunity to watch for potential prey without any problems.

Panther lifestyle

Panthers, like real representatives of the cat family, are true individualists, preferring to live alone, or in pairs of male + female. Occasionally they can gather in a pride, as lions do, creating a small family of panthers, but this does not happen often.

Panthers are territorial animals; each panther has its own specific territory, so to speak, hunting grounds, where it is not advisable for other panthers to enter.

Panthers are nocturnal, which is greatly facilitated by their black color, thanks to which night hunting is much more preferable for a panther than chasing game during the day.

How long does a panther live?

The lifespan of a panther, like many other representatives of the cat family, is on average 10-12 years, but there have been cases when a panther lived up to 20 years.

Panther breeding

Panthers reach sexual maturity by 2-3 years. And since they live in a constantly warm climate, they can reproduce all year round. The male, having found a suitable female, has sexual intercourse with her. Having become pregnant, the female looks for a safe and comfortable place to give birth.

The pregnancy itself in a female panther lasts 3-3.5 months. Usually, a panther gives birth to two or three small kittens (well, not really kittens), like the babies of an ordinary cat, at first they are blind, and only then their eyes appear. At first, mother panther does not leave her babies, feeding them milk, while dad, like a real breadwinner, brings food.

In general, panthers are very caring towards their offspring, and at an older age, the mother panther teaches her cubs how to move correctly, hunt and other intricacies of their animal life. When a panther reaches a year, it already becomes a fully grown animal ready for independent life.

  • The panther gained great popularity in popular culture thanks to the book of the English writer Kipling “Mowgli”. As we remember, the black panther named Bagheera was one of the main positive characters of this book.
  • The panther also found its place in heraldry, as it was the emblem of the English kings Henry IV and Henry VI.
  • As the personification of valor and courage, the panther is present on the coat of arms of the African state of Gabon.

Black Panther video

And in conclusion, an interesting documentary video about a black panther/leopard.

Many baby animals have the most unpredictable names. When children begin to explore the world, they ask their parents a lot of questions, for example, whose baby is the lamb? Or what is the name of a baby giraffe, or a camel, or other animals. Sometimes parents don't know it themselves. To prevent this from happening, we have collected answers to all these questions in this article.

Let's start with pets. They catch the eye of children more often, and therefore arouse more interest.


Let's look at what a baby sheep is called. Many people living in cities do not even realize that sheep and ram are one type of animal, only female and male. Their baby is not called a ewe or lamb, but a lamb.

This is interesting! The word lamb comes from the Latin agnus. In the Old Church Slavonic language, a baby sheep and ram sounds like a lamb. The name of the animal contained the root “yagn”. Later, the suffix “enok” was added to it, which denotes a reduced form. Hence the name - lamb.


Pigs are one of the first animals to be domesticated by humans. They belong to the order Artiodactyls. They supply people with meat and lard. The female pig is called a sow or pig, and the male is called a boar or boar. But their baby is called not a pig or a hog, but a piglet.

This is interesting! The Slavs called a male pig a poros. The addition of the suffix “enok”, again, means a reduced form. Hence the name - piglet.

By the way, the birth of piglets is called farrowing, and a pregnant pig is called gestation.


Cows have been tamed by humans since ancient times. They give people meat and milk. The male cow is called a bull, and the baby is called a calf. Another example of the fact that children and parents have different roots.

Experts still cannot figure out where the word calf came from; there are only guesses. One of them is that among the ancient Slavs this word meant “born”, but cows bear their offspring for 9 months.


America is the homeland of turkeys. But in recent centuries, this bird has been grown in European countries.

This is interesting! Few people know that turkeys are named after their homeland. Previously, America was called the West Indies, so the name of the birds is translated as Indian rooster.

In this case, parents and their children have the same root. A female turkey is called a gobbler or turkey, and her baby is called a poult.


Another domestic animal is the rabbit. The female is called a rabbit, the male is called a rabbit, and their baby is called a bunny.

Rabbits are raised for meat, hides and fur. The Angora breed of animals has valuable fur; beautiful and expensive fur coats are made from it.

Scientists also test drugs on rabbits before releasing them for sale. Not long ago, dwarf breeds of rabbits were bred; now they are kept in apartments instead of hamsters and guinea pigs.


Unlike previous animals, goats are not so often raised by people, but there are entire farms with them. The fact is that in addition to meat and fatty milk, these animals provide people with skin and wool.

The female of these animals is a goat, the male is a goat, and their baby is a kid. The baby’s name still contains the same “diminutive” suffix “enok”.

Many people confuse kids with lambs. This is a big misconception because we are talking about two different species of animals.


Horses were domesticated more than 7,000 years ago. During this time, people developed many breeds of these animals, from miniature ponies to huge draft horses and horses.

A female horse is called a mare, a male is called a stallion or horse, and their baby is called a foal. If we are talking about two or more babies, then the word foals is used.

Speaking in general about this type of animal, two names are applied to them: horses and steeds.


Ducks can be wild or domestic. They belong to the order of birds and are valued for the taste of their meat. The female of these birds is called a duck, mallard, the male is called a drake, and their baby is called a duckling. If we are talking about two or more chicks, then the word ducklings is used.

We looked at domestic animals, but there are many more wild and tropical animals, as well as fish and birds, that are of interest to children and adults.

Very often children ask: what is the name of a baby zebra or giraffe? But not every adult will immediately answer this question.


Zebras belong to the order of equids. In fact, these are the same horses, only with a characteristic black and white coloring. In common parlance, zebra cubs are called baby zebras or baby zebras, but this is an incorrect endearing interpretation. The correct name is foal, just like horses.


Since giraffes are the tallest animals in the world, interest in this animal is high. With their participation, many cartoons were shot, various stories and fairy tales were invented. It is not surprising that children are interested in the question: what is the name of a baby giraffe?

Since these representatives of the fauna belong to the order of artiodactyls, their babies are called calves. However, this name was not strongly attached to the offspring of giraffes. They are more often called giraffes or giraffes. But if a child is given the task of describing baby giraffes, then the correct word would be a calf.

By the way, a female giraffe is called a giraffe, and a male is called a giraffe.

Names of other animals, birds and fish

Since there are a huge number of representatives of the fauna, for convenience we present a table where we consider the names of adult individuals and their small descendants:

Adults Cubs
Bear Teddy Bear
Squirrel Little squirrel
Wolf Teen Wolf
Raccoon Puppy
Camel baby camel
Crow Little crow, crow chick
Gazelle Baby gazelle, colloquial version - gazelle
Deer Fawn
Elephant Baby elephant
Tiger Tiger cub
Frog Little Frog
Dog Puppy
Cuckoo Cuckoo
Ferret Puppy
Doe Calf
Mink Puppy
Ferret Puppy
Doe Calf
Gorilla Baby Gorilla
Yak Calf
Jackdaw Little jackdaw, chick
Cheetah Kitty
Dolphin baby dolphin
Hedgehog Hedgehog
Toad Tadpole
Hare little hare
Crocodile Little crocodile, little crocodile
Leopard Kitty
Mole Little one, little one
Fox Puppy
Elk Calf
Frog Frog, tadpole
Rhinoceros Calf,
Donkey Foal, donkey
Ostrich Baby Ostrich
Seal Pup
Panther Kitty
Peacock Chick
Lynx Little lynx
Ostrich Baby Ostrich
Heron Chick
Turtle little turtle,
Monkey baby monkey
a lion Lion cub
Already Uglyok

Baby animals are cute creatures that already have personalities. Newborn babies imitate their parents and try to repeat their habits.

The American Knoxville Zoo introduced new red or red panda cubs. These cute babies (male and female) were born on June 1, but were presented to the public only last week.

The parents of the twins were a female named Scarlett and a male named Scarlett and Madan. Despite the fact that little pandas are not yet very sociable, their behavior already shows how different they are in character.

The female has a wayward character, while the male is more docile, compliant and even gentle. According to the keepers, he is very similar to his father, who is inferior to Scarlett in everything. The babies have not yet been given names, but soon a competition will be held on the zoo’s website, at which everything will be determined.

The red panda or red panda (lat. Ailurus fulgens) is a predatory mammal from the Panda family (lat. Ailuridae). The English name for the red panda is Firefox, which translates as “fire fox,” although this animal has nothing to do with foxes.

Red pandas are predominantly nocturnal, or rather crepuscular. During the day, he prefers to sit out somewhere in a hollow tree, where he sleeps, curled up. This animal also prefers to hide from predators in trees, where it feels safe. On the ground, the red panda moves awkwardly and slowly, although it feeds mainly here.

Although the red panda is considered a predator, 95% of its diet consists of plant foods (young foliage and bamboo shoots), the remaining 5% is fruits, mushrooms, berries, bird eggs and small rodents. It is worth noting that the digestive system of the red panda is absolutely the same as that of all predators.

Knoxville Zoo is considered one of the best zoos in the world for breeding red pandas. Today, the number of red pandas living at the Knoxville Zoo is 106 individuals. This species of panda is on the verge of extinction mainly due to the reduction of its natural habitat.
