Ready-made sales scripts: templates for cold calling. Phone conversation scripts

Algorithm for communication between a sales manager and potential client is an important technology tool active sales. The success of the manager's call and the activities of the entire sales department depends on how well all the aspects are worked out - from presenting the service to dealing with objections and closing the deal. A conversation with a client, which is built according to a certain algorithm, is usually called a script. Find out how to correctly construct a negotiation script and what examples of telephone sales scripts already exist in our instructions.

Four Key Points

Regardless of what and to whom you sell, the text of the script may change. But still, the template should be built on four fundamental principles that allow you to successfully conduct telephone conversations.

The template should be based on four fundamental principles.

Equality of contracting parties

Must be done by a person who is authorized to make decisions about the purchase of goods or services. This could be the general director of the company, the head of the relevant procurement or supply department. The conversation with the client is built on equal terms. But getting through to them is not an easy task in itself. On this path, many barriers await you in the form of office managers, deputies, deputy deputies and other characters whose task is to “protect” and “prevent”. Therefore, here we allow some superiority, and the use of lexical constructions like “Who can I talk to about ....” unacceptable. Remember the principle of equality. Instead of interrogative constructions, you need to use affirmative ones: “How can I hear Mr...”, “Mr.. is in place? Connect!”


It is important to remember that the needs of individuals who are competent to make a decision to purchase a product or service are different. to CEO or it is important for a business owner to reduce costs and increase profits. The head of the supply department wants to make his work easier. Put yourself in the shoes of your counterpart and adjust your approach. The presentation begins with an introduction and should follow a question-and-answer scenario.

Example of a successful presentation:

– Good afternoon, ... (addressed by first name and patronymic). My name is Ivan, I represent the company (company name). We are doing... I hope I'm not distracting you from your business, can we discuss a few issues?

So, let's look at an example. The phrase “Good afternoon” itself carries a positive charge and, on an unconscious level, “melts the ice” between interlocutors. She significantly beats the hackneyed “hello.” The first name must be full, but the last name can be omitted. 1 out of 10 potential clients will still remember it.

There is no need to present the company as an LLC. This is dissonant and does not add advantages to the image. Last phrase should be said rather in an affirmative manner, be in the nature of a formal question. The client must be addressed by name and patronymic, but without forgetting the principle of equality of the contracting parties.

The script should contain at least 10 questions to which you already know the answer. The questions in each script will be different; they depend on the industry in which your company operates and the company that is a potential counterparty. For example, wholesale products and organization of holidays involve different faces discussions.

The script should contain at least 10 questions to which you already know the answer.

It is important that 70% of the questions receive a resounding “yes”. The “Three Yes Technique” still works flawlessly. Main question: is the person ready to get acquainted with the commercial offer. If you get a resounding “yes”, half the success is achieved.

Commercial offer

You must be ready to send it in any way convenient for the client. Archaic fax means fax. Yes, even a carrier pigeon. Fortunately, almost all companies use email. After 30-40 minutes, it is important to call the client back and check whether he received your letter. At this stage, you need to inquire about the next communication session. It is better to immediately seize the initiative, for example, in the form of a question: “I will call you back about our business on Monday the 15th at 12 o’clock. Will this suit you? The client can agree, or can set his own date. It is important that it is still appointed.

Call again

Scenario next outgoing call the client comes down to the following. You remind the person of yourself and find out your attitude towards the commercial offer. The situation can develop in two ways. The client may be positive, and you make an appointment to sign the contract, or he may not be satisfied with the proposed conditions. In the latter case, the stage of dealing with objections begins.

You need to find out what the client is not satisfied with and whether these objections are far-fetched. In such a situation, lexical constructions like:

– What exactly doesn’t suit you in our proposal?

– (client response)

– Okay, if we finalize this issue, will you be ready to continue negotiations? Are there any other points that require adjustment?

If there are few disagreements and they can be easily resolved, the deal is closed by a meeting and signing of an agreement. If the client is not ready to cooperate, agree that you will call him back after a while.


All of the above is a constructor for writing ready-made scripts for your sales department or manager. Remember that the sample must be constantly “tested” in practice and modernized.

Telephone sales scripts allow you not only to effectively negotiate with a potential counterparty, but also to reduce the influence human factor. For the inexperienced, this is a cheat sheet to help you with your work. Practice shows that a person armed with a script, even calling with offers for the first time, can get a meeting. But in this case, it is better to entrust the closing of the transaction to a more experienced colleague.

A script is a written algorithm of actions, phrases, questions and answers. Scripts are needed by everyone who communicates with the client. Especially if this is the “first line” - telephone or live contact with the client. Scripts allow you to standardize the service, reduce stress, save time, and allow employees to confidently conduct a conversation by managing the dialogue. Scripts lay out the diversity of events like moves on a chessboard. Knowing your options, you can always choose the right move.

The implementation of standards (scripts) significantly simplifies the lives of employees and clients, and also leads to increased business results, strengthens reputation and forms internal discipline. And this stage for an organization means a transition from chaos to structure. By introducing standards, the company moves to new level.

How to create scripts?
Briefly the scheme is:

  1. You study the business process, the entry and exit points of communications, how contact with the client occurs now. Break it down into stages/parts
  2. Observe work in the fields / listen to telephone recordings and record errors
  3. Study how competitors work / call leading companies under the guise of a client / collect diagrams
  4. Connect common sense and trainer’s experience, write a prototype script
  5. Discuss and approve with management

You can use the training to create scripts. To do this, we model the same stages, only the participants themselves draw the processes and model the scripts.

It may look like the photo. It can be seen that first in the group we identified processes, clients and products. And then they pasted phrases and questions. After that, I transferred everything into electronic form. So during the training, together with the group, we created a prototype of the scripts.

Let's return to the option of creating scripts by the trainer. I'll tell you about specific example beauty salon. The request from management can be expressed in one phrase: “Teach how to speak on the phone correctly”

On the one hand, this is a very simple request. But on one condition: if there are work standards. If no one in the company knows the standards, the coach is entrusted with a mission that at first seems impossible: to write standards, namely telephone conversation scripts. In other words, the script telephone conversation, specific questions and expected answers from the employee.

If there is no support in the form of " Salon guest service standard”, or another simple regulatory document, effective control levers disappear. You can't manage what you can't measure!

An example of creating scripts for a beauty salon (Algorithm)

Action Result
STEP #1 The trainer makes incoming calls to all employees. “Mystery shopper”
  • Diagnostics weak points and resources.
  • “Photo of a call”, analysis of results
EXAMPLE No. 1 “Situation analysis – processing incoming calls”
  • Administrators say the name of the salon and give their name
  • In general, the dialogue is led by the client
  • The manner of communication (emotional background) of administrators is “friendly - indifferent”
  • The administrator only reacts passively (writes down, answers questions about cost)
  • They ask questions: “What day should I sign you up for?”
  • In fact, they do not determine the client’s needs, they work according to the rules – call and make an appointment
  • No other services offered
  • They don’t know how to handle objections, they simply ignore them
  • The client himself asks if it is possible to get a manicure or pedicure.
  • They conduct a dialogue in an informative style, using monosyllabic answers: “Yes, that’s right, we have manicures, and also cosmetic services.” After a client asked about cosmetic services. But they make no attempt to sell these services
STEP #2 We outline the required points of the script
  • Write down the key points of the phone call
  • Highlight the key “reference points” of the call
EXAMPLE No. 2 “Break the conversation into standard stages”
  1. Greetings, contact
  2. Withdrawing a request or suggestion from a stylist if the request is generated by the client
  3. Service offer
  4. Upselling (cross-selling)
  5. Call summary (time, service, master)
  6. Parting
STEP#3 We process the results through several information filters (at least two filters)
  • Filter No. 1

Independent work with information: searching for scripts from related industries on the Internet

  • Filter No. 2

Calls to competitors in the industry, recording and analysis of the phone call

Choosing “catchy phrases”

  • Filter No. 3

Call or meet with an expert in this field ( I called my colleague from the beauty industry)

EXAMPLE No. 3 “TRIAL SCRIPT (fragments)”
  1. Good (morning, afternoon, evening)!
  2. Salon of Dmitry Vinokurov, Irina.
  3. How can I be of assistance to you?
  4. How can I contact you? (find out name)
  5. Which service would you like to sign up for?
  6. Are you calling for the first time, or are you our regular customer?
  7. Which stylist (specialist) would you like to make an appointment with?
  8. What time is convenient for you?
  9. What phone number can I contact you to remind you about your appointment?
  10. So, ( Maria, we call the client's name!), I have made an appointment for you on Tuesday, February 19 at 15:00 with master Sergei
STEP #4 Viability testing during training, together with employees (administrators)

P.S. I gave the administrators the task to approach the stylists THEMSELVES and find out the advantage of each service, according to the specialists

26.09.18 17 402 18

How to write a script for selling over the phone

Tinkoff Bank scriptologist says

My name is Katya Denga, I write scripts for sales at Tinkoff Bank.

Ekaterina Denga

knows everything about scripts

A script is an instruction according to which a call center operator or salesperson constructs a conversation with a client.

Scripts are important if you have to make frequent calls: thanks to the script, the seller will not forget to say important things, will not confuse the numbers and will know what to answer tricky question. A good script is powerful.

I'll tell you about the basic principles that we use. I’ll also share my observations: what techniques definitely cannot be used in telephone sales, because everyone is already tired of them and are more likely to cause negativity.

Know pairing

If from the very first seconds it seems to your interlocutor that you are selling him your product, this is a bad, very bad script. There is nothing easier for a person than to hang up the phone at this moment.

Therefore, a good script goes through the following stages:

  1. Acquaintance.
  2. Clarification of needs.
  3. Offer.
  4. Answers on questions.
  5. Agreements.

And if, at the stage of clarifying needs, we understand that our products are now irrelevant to a person, we need to politely end the conversation and say goodbye. It’s better that we call him back in three or four months and offer him again than try to sell him something over the phone right now.


It’s good if the interlocutor immediately understands what awaits him. This way, first of all, you will save your time: if a person is not interested in communicating with the seller, he will immediately say so, and you will move on to the next call.

Not the best option- immediately offer to buy the product:

I would like to invite you to buy a unicorn from us on favorable terms.

It’s better to introduce yourself and indicate who we are:

Ivan, hello. My name is Katerina, I’m calling from the Pink Farm company, we sell unicorns.

It’s also useful to say where you got Ivan’s phone number, if this information can be disclosed. This way Ivan won’t have the feeling that we are some kind of spammers who bought a database of numbers:

You left your phone number on the website.

You left your business card at our company’s stand at the World of Unicorns exhibition.

You were advised to call your colleagues from the Immortal Pony company, these are our partners.

We saw on your company's website that you organize parties for children. I thought you might be interested in purchasing unicorns.

A year ago, we talked about buying garden gnomes. Now we have unicorns in our assortment, so I wanted to find out if this is also relevant.

Determining the need

An obvious idea that is rarely taken into account in scripts: people buy because they need something, and not because the operator insists on buying.

The caller’s task is to identify the needs of the interlocutor, for this he needs to ask questions. It is important to explain why these questions are needed.

I want to understand which unicorn is best for you. Tell me, are you planning to take a unicorn to go to work, or just for beauty?

Are you planning to upgrade your magical creatures park now?

I wanted to know if you have any requests or wishes regarding magical animals. Can our unicorns help you with miracles, celebrations, transportation or creating positive vibrations in the office?

The wording for clarifying needs should be natural and humane, taking into account the intricacies of the business and how the person uses your services. There is no need to copy the wording from this article or any book about scripts. Just ask the client as if you were communicating with him in the office, without pathos, officialdom and memorized forms of politeness. There are no ready-made formulas here.


Having identified the needs, you need to respond to them with a product offer. For now, it’s enough to just name it without offering to pay for it. But be sure to use the “property - benefit” link. That is, don’t just voice the benefits, but reveal why the client needs it.

CLIENT: Well, yes, my usual ponies are no longer exported.

OPERATOR: In what sense do they not take it out?

K.: Well, the children have grown up, the youngest is already twelve. They've become so healthy, it's hard for the little ones.

O.: Ivan, we have special riding unicorns with reinforced suspension for this case. One rideable unicorn lifts a child or adult up to 150 kg. You can transport two children or a child and an adult at the same time.

It is important that the benefits correspond to what the person expressed at the stage of identifying needs. That is, a person says: “I need to take the children to school” - our answer should be “This thing will take the children to school.” I’m not taking my mother-in-law to the dacha, not a girl on a date, but specifically the children and specifically to school. The script should force the operator to have a meaningful conversation with the client in response to his needs.

Answers on questions

Usually scriptologists call this stage “working with objections,” but I prefer “answering questions,” because the concept of “objection” already implies some kind of confrontation, struggle. And we need to stand on the same side with the client.

OPERATOR: Ivan, what do you think about transportation on unicorns?

CLIENT: Well, I don't know. How safe is it?

A: Nowadays unicorns are the safest children's transport. All our unicorns are vaccinated against fairy fever and have been certified by Rospotrebnadzor, trained according to the ISO system and are very friendly. Children, of course, need to be buckled up.

K.: How much do they eat?

O.: There is a complete set of magic pollen, uses a gram per week. There is an option on the rainbow, one arc per month. On average, it costs from 2 to 5 thousand rubles per month to feed a unicorn.

K.: Damn, expensive.

A: There is an option with a lower load capacity, up to 100 kg. There the consumption is two times less.

K.: Oh, okay. And... they poop, excuse me, what?

A: All unicorns poop butterflies. A device for catching and disposal is included in the kit. We also have a promotion going on now: we give replacement filters for two years when you order today, tomorrow and Friday.

What happened here: we invited the client to ask questions, he asked them, we answered exactly what he asked.


At the end of the call, you need to agree with the client on the next step. Depending on the complexity of the product and its cost, this may be:

Not interested right now, busy, no timeWe agreed on when to call back. The client agreed that we would talk again
Need to think
We need to consult
We need to discuss
Agree when to call back. Maybe get a contact where to send it Additional information(website, presentation)
This is not for me
I don't solve these issues
Find out who in the company solves this issue, get contact
Actually, it's interesting
Ready to buy
Wrap two
Agree on the next step: meeting in the office, issuing and paying the invoice. Specific time and place


It’s not interesting now, I’m busy, I don’t have time.


We agreed on when to call back. The client agreed that we would talk again.


Need to think.
We need to consult.
We need to discuss.


Agree when to call back. Maybe get a contact where to send additional information (website, presentation).



Find out who in the company solves this issue, get a contact.


In principle, it’s interesting.
Ready to buy.
Wrap two.


Agree on the next step: meeting in the office, issuing and paying the invoice. Specific time and place.

It’s good when the client chooses from ready-made options for action, rather than coming up with a new one.

Undesirable option:

When can we meet?

We offer:

I'll be near your office on Tuesday. Is it more convenient if I come in in the morning or afternoon?

Or, let's say we want a client to come to one of our offices. The client mentioned that he was working and was uncomfortable. You can offer a ready-made option:

We have an office on Leninsky, which is open on Saturday. If it’s convenient, you can stop by at any time on Saturday, there’s work there for half an hour. I can sign you up for exact time so that there is no queue?

Such questions may cause negativity, but in my opinion personal experience, they increase conversion. If in doubt, don't use this technique.

But this is really infuriating

- Is it convenient to talk?
- Do you have a couple of minutes?

It seems polite to ask the other person if he can speak. But at the beginning of the conversation, the person does not understand who is calling him and why, so formal politeness only drags out the conversation. A person gets the feeling that something is being sold to him, and he refuses the offer even before he hears it.

There is no need to use meaningless clarifying questions - try to identify the purpose of the call as quickly as possible.

- Mikhail is bothering you. Am I disturbing you?

Such phrases reduce the personal importance of the caller. People begin to be condescending towards both the interlocutor and his proposal and eventually refuse dialogue.

No need to fawn: the caller is a partner with a lucrative offer.

- You are interested?
- Would you like to buy it?

These are closed questions and can only be answered with “yes” or “no”. And people more often answer “no,” automatically, even if they are interested in the offer.

Try to avoid closed questions; it is better to offer a choice without a choice.

- I have an advantageous offer for you.

This can start a conversation about fitness, firewood or desert island with discount. Generic phrases don't take into account what you're selling or to whom. As a result, the client’s head was foggy, the conversation dragged on, and the operator didn’t sell anything.

Do not use templates; write your own text for each call.

How to understand that the script is good

A good script should sell. But how much it is in numbers depends on the product, price, call base, competitors. There is no average number, and if someone claims to know it, they are most likely selling you sales courses. Run.

For example, we sold hay with a conversion rate of 15%, and this was an excellent result. And for selling a combine, 0.1% is a good conversion rate, although the audience is the same. The fact is that hay is consumables, and a combine harvester is an infrequent expensive purchase. Don't be upset if the conversion rate is low.

The first time you set the bar by expert method- based on experience. If you don’t have experience yet, take a number out of thin air. With each new call, your data accumulates and you can better predict conversion. The script is considered effective if the actual conversion coincides with the forecast or exceeds it.

Where to create the script

The scriptologist sees all the call scripts at once - this is important so as not to miss anything. This scheme is convenient for a scriptologist, but it can confuse the operator during a call. The operator is distracted by filling out the data and then may not immediately find the required branch in the script. Hesitations will irritate the client.

To prevent this from happening, the operator is given the script in special program- it displays only the current question.

For example, you will write the perfect script, and the operator will monotonously read it to the interlocutor - of course, this will affect the conversion. It’s cool when the operator is lively and interested in the conversation. It’s bad when just his tone of voice makes you want to call Roskomnadzor.

Or the script is good, but does not take into account the call base. One day we were given a database and told that it only contained managers who made decisions. We wrote a script, started calling, and then it turned out that the operators ended up as secretaries, not managers. This is a completely different communication, and the script did not take it into account. I had to stop calling and rewrite the script.

A script, like any sales technology, is not a magic pill, but just one of the tools. In addition to this, sales are affected by the product, your reputation, the situation in the world, exchange rates, calling base, time of day and day of the week, and even the weather outside the window, no joke.

Try selling something to someone at ten on a Sunday morning. Try calling accountants during the quarterly report. And then try offering languid young people wine with delivery on a cloudy St. Petersburg day. Excessive consumption of vine is harmful to your health.

Thanks to this article, you will be able to set up your interlocutor in a friendly manner, without stooping to familiarity, convince a potential buyer of the honesty of your intentions, and solve the client’s problem in two minutes to ensure that the deal is closed.

We sell professional cleaning products to organizations. Scripts for communicating with the client We have been using them for five years: we use them in working with “warm” customers whom we met at events or to whom we visited the site. When communicating with “cold” clients, we do not use scripts, as they do not produce results. We work with “warm” people over the phone and talk in person.

We downloaded twenty scripts from the network, analyzed them and filled them with the necessary content. We chose a standard scheme: greeting, question (whether you are interested in the product), offer and handling objections. The wording was borrowed from the found scripts. Six months later, we saw that calls were converted into orders only if managers improvised. Sales did not change the structure, but quickly adapted to the client: they changed the greeting, questions and wording of the proposal. At first, the conversion was low - 20%.

Best article of the month

We have prepared an article that:

✩will show how tracking programs help protect a company from theft;

✩will tell you what managers actually do during working hours;

✩explains how to organize surveillance of employees so as not to break the law.

With the help of the proposed tools, you will be able to control managers without reducing motivation.

We analyzed the changes that the sales team made on the fly and adjusted the scenario. In greetings they switched to “you”, in questions they offered solutions to problems, in proposals they focused on the fairness of the transaction, when dealing with objections they compared themselves with competitors, they went to the client’s site and presented a gift. The deal closing stage was removed: it turned out to be unnecessary. When the new script was implemented, the conversion increased to 99%. I'll tell you what elements they relied on.

  • Sales scripts, or How to sell without annoying clients

An informal greeting increases script conversion

Initial data. The dialogue with the client began with a standard “Hello”, introduction of the company and manager. Next, the salesperson reminded where he met the interlocutor. It took 40 seconds to call and greet.

Problem. Clients did not react to the impersonal standard greeting and understood: we would impose the product. 20% of potential customers cut off the conversation: “Call back later.” We concluded: people don’t want to listen to a boring introduction and waste time on a company they don’t remember.

Solution. In 65% of cases, exhibition visitors are contacted friendly relations, so the sales people say: “Hello, this is Alena from ChistoProsto.” We met at the exhibition, remember?” When talking with other clients, they limit themselves to the standard “Hello” and address the interlocutor by name. When it’s not the decision maker who picks up the phone, they ask: “Who’s in charge here?” Colleagues of the decision maker do not hesitate to shift responsibility and connect them with the right employee. Greeting now takes 10 seconds. and interests the client - buyers stopped hanging up.


    To improve the script, offer help

    Initial data. Previously, questions like “Do you use dishwasher?. If they received a positive answer, they continued: “Are you interested in detergents for her?” In 95% of cases, the interlocutor did not hang up and answered - affirmatively or negatively. The manager offered the product, but 60% of the customers ended the dialogue.

    Problem. The obvious question seemed stupid to the buyer. Sometimes the salesperson would get a snide response like, “I have no idea, ask the dishwasher.” The manager tried to extinguish the aggression by asking about the budget or the brand of the product. But the client understood: a purchase offer would follow. This stage lasted 25 seconds.

    Solution. After the greeting, the manager offered help. We call “warm” contacts, so we know the priorities of buyers. At the event, they ask what products customers use. If they are cheap, the price is more important for a person, if they are expensive, the quality is more important. To those who pay attention to the price, we say: “We will reduce the cost of detergents. Interesting?". For adherents of quality we offer: “We will clean your premises clean. Do you believe?" For government agencies, we focus on speed: “Our products will wash away grease in a second, and cleaners will work faster.” We use bright wording to immediately interest the client. Prospects continue the conversation 98% of the time. We spend a maximum of 50 seconds on this stage.

    • Sales manager conversation scripts: development algorithm, examples

    Mutual benefit

    Initial data. We described the types and benefits of products. Listed the facts, cited positive reviews other customers. But when they named the price, the client refused because of the high cost. This stage took at least 30 seconds.

    Problem. The client was tired of listening to uninteresting offers. Sales found out this after the second call: the interlocutor did not remember what he was told the last time. We get it: Buyers don't end the conversation at the offer stage out of politeness. Only 10% of customers hung up, but the rest did not order anything.

    Solution. We set the wrong goal - to sell a product without making sure that the client needs it. The task was changed: not to sell, but to show the benefits. Sales says: “Let's not waste time playing cat and mouse. We will save your money without losing quality - we invite you to try our product.” There is another formulation: “I will not persuade you to buy. But the offer is profitable - you’ll save money.” They stopped listing the types of goods: if the client is interested, he will look at the website. The proposal stage was reduced to 10 seconds. and made it intriguing.

    • Expertise, emotions and tricks in scripts, or How to increase the value of a product for the buyer

    Comparison with competitors also increases script conversion

    Initial data. In response to the proposal, the client most often promised to think about it. Sales asked again what they weren’t happy with and promised to solve the problem. If the interlocutor spoke about high price, they offered the product cheaper, and gave a calculation: how much the customer would lose if he didn’t buy it right away.

    Problem. We didn't hear our interlocutor. The client did not need the product without justification for its benefits.

    Solution. To deal with objections, we compare the product with competitors’ products (picture), offer to meet and demonstrate the product. We come to the site and see what the client washes and how. If problems arise, we offer a solution. If there are no problems, we focus on reducing the cost. In 95% of cases we sell the product. IN difficult situations We give the product as a gift and add: “Test and share the result.” After the test, 70% of customers buy the product.

    • Telephone techniques: 6 tips to avoid getting confused

    Brevity. The script will not bring results if the dialogue with the client drags on. The maximum time for the first conversation is two minutes.

    Control. Call customers yourself once a day and ask questions about salespeople. Don't use direct questions, ask: “Do you think our products are effective and cost-effective? Are you satisfied with the product? If the customer is dissatisfied, find out the reasons and find a responsible manager. Sales may not provide additional documents or tell you how to properly use the product. Sometimes a client does not purchase a product due to personal hostility towards the seller. If you change the manager at the buyer’s request, you will increase the number of transactions.

    New script elements increased the conversion to purchases from 1-2 to 99%.
