Learning Italian on your own for beginners. Learning Italian from scratch: ways to learn

Where to begin? These lessons will help you increase lexicon Italian words. All Italian lessons are divided into levels and modules. When you first set out on the path to learning Italian, immediately press the button "start lesson". If you feel that you already have the so-called “school vocabulary”, click the button "start test"- this way you will find out what level of Italian your knowledge approximately corresponds to. Over time, take the test again and check your progress!

How to learn Italian on this site?

The lessons are designed in such a way as to increase vocabulary. At the same time, you can not only find out how the word is spelled, its translation and transcription. You will be able to hear how it is pronounced. Pronunciation is what distinguishes native speakers from learners from the first seconds of communication. We can learn Italian from books for as long as we want, know the grammar and many rules. But there will be difficulties with pronunciation. Books cannot convey how to pronounce a word in Italian. Even a word read by a tutor may be pronounced differently by native speakers. Now, in the 21st century, anyone can learn Italian words with pronunciation completely free of charge! Get started now!

For your convenience, the lessons are divided into 4 levels:

  • Italian: Part 1
  • Italian: Part 2
  • Italian: Part 3
  • Italian: Part 4

Italian language tutorial - instructions

  1. Don't know what level of Italian you have yet? Spend 10 minutes on the test. The result will tell you which lesson to start studying with.
  2. Go to the lesson that the test suggested or select any other lesson from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  3. You will see a table of words in Italian, their translation and transcription. On the left there will be buttons, by clicking on which you will hear the pronunciation of the word in Italian. Naturally, you will need headphones or speakers.
  4. Start with several lessons a day. This will prevent you from overtiring your brain with new words. If you notice that the words are already familiar, feel free to skip the lesson and move on to the next Italian lesson.
  5. Are you wondering how your vocabulary has changed? Take the test again to see how the Italian tutorial changed your vocabulary.

How will this site help me?

The main goal of the site is to increase your vocabulary with words with correct pronunciation. The emphasis is on pronunciation- something that is always missing when you don’t communicate with native speakers. Another feature of the site is that registration is not required. We do not collect your personal data and do not send mailings via email or instant messengers. Here you can learn Italian completely free.. You can safely recommend it to your friends! We recommend bookmarking the site in case you accidentally lose the link. We decided to call the tutorial that way, because this method of learning Italian is suitable for lazy people, or those who cannot bring themselves to sit for an hour on lessons. One lesson here will take you no more than 15 minutes. This way you will increase your vocabulary in just 15 minutes a day. Enough reading already, it's time to start the first lesson!


Is it possible to self-study Italian? Grammar lectures and online lessons will help you learn Italian for free. Free online course for beginners.In every online lesson grammar with examples, grammar exercises, texts and dialogues in Italian and vocabulary development.

concept of article, definite and indefinite article singular, regular verbs, conjugation of verbs of the first, second and third conjugation.

letter combinations chi, che. Articles in the plural. Irregular Verbs dare, stare, andare. Verbs ending -CARE, -GARE

agreement of adjectives and nouns in gender and number. Verbs dare and are. Question words. Prepositions a, per, da.

Special cases of pronunciation. Auxiliary verbs ESSERE, AVERE. Turns c"è / ci sono. Ordinal and cardinal numbers. Arithmetic operations and numbers in Italian. Count in Italian.

Personal pronouns. Combined forms of preposition and article (preposition + article). Using the prepositions a and di with verbs and nouns.

Acquaintance. Greeting and parting formulas. Truncating verbs, nouns, adjectives.

Verbs of the second and third conjugation. Ordinal and cardinal numbers (tens, hundreds, thousands). Dates. Merging of prepositions di, su with articles.

Word hyphenation rules. Irregular verbs of the second conjugation. Modal verbs dovere, potere, volere, sapere. Indefinite adjectives and pronouns ogni, qualche, alcuno, qualcuno, qualcosa. Possessive adjectives And possessive pronouns mio, tuo, suo, nostro, vostro, loro. Rules for using the article. Adverb, adjective and pronoun molto, poco.

Irregular verbs of the second conjugation: venire, tenere, salire, rimanere, bere, uscire. Stressed and unstressed personal pronouns (me, te, mi, ti, lo, la, le, li, ci, vi). Reflexive verbs. Education plural adjectives and nouns ending in -co, -go, -ca, -ga (-che, -ghe, -chi, -ghi).

Indefinite adjective tutto. What time is it now. Stressed and unstressed forms of the verb piacere. Adverbs anche, neanche, nemmeno.

Regular verbs V difficult times. Past tense (nearest past) passato prossimo. Transitional and intransitive verbs. Unstressed forms of personal pronouns in the past tense. Reflexive past tense verbs. Choosing an auxiliary verb in passato prossimo. Article meanings. Basic meanings of the definite article.

Dmitry Petrov's language courses need no introduction. This is the fastest and effective method Learn the basics of Italian in a short time. It is with these videos that you need to start if you are just starting to study, and only then can you move on to other channels.

2. Learn Italian with Lucrezia

On this channel you will find videos both for beginners, which teach the basics of the language, and videos for advanced ones, which explain the grammar and subtleties of using some words and expressions.

In addition, viewers will be able to get acquainted with interesting information about history, culture and modern life Italy in video blog format. The videos are recorded mainly in Italian, some have subtitles.

3. Grammaticando

Sgrammaticando will be useful primarily for those who already know a little Italian. With the help of this channel you can improve your speaking skills and begin to understand Italian without any problems. The energetic presenter releases one video every week, so that during the existence of the channel, almost 400 videos have already accumulated.

4. Italian lessons with Tatyana Ablyasova

The author of this channel has recorded more than 60 educational videos on the Italian language. Of course, they don’t qualify for a full-fledged course, but as a additional material can be very useful. In addition, you will find some words and expressions in them that are definitely not in the textbooks.

5. Italy Made Easy

The author of this channel is a professional teacher, so he presents the material consistently and clearly. The course starts with the very basics and gradually plunges into the depths of Italian. Training is ongoing, so the channel can only be recommended to those who want to learn Italian as a second foreign language.

If you have the idea of ​​learning one of the most romantic and beautiful languages ​​in Europe, then you should not neglect it. Learning Italian is not at all difficult, the main thing is to know where to start and what to strive for. In this article we will talk about the rules of learning Italian and their application.

Rule one: Take a test drive

A lot of material has been written about how to learn grammar, alphabet and vocabulary correctly, but almost no one pays attention to one obvious thing: you can learn Italian well only when you get into it beautiful language. Almost every technique quick learning Italian course does not take into account your attitude towards the language, it seems to imply that you are ready to devote all your efforts to learning and have great motivation to learn Italian. But, as practice shows, this is not always the case and people begin to learn a language without even having an idea of ​​what it is, which often leads to disappointment and conclusions like: “I’m not capable of languages.”

To avoid such destructive conclusions and deep disappointments, take a step forward: test drive the language. This means listening, watching and trying to speak (repeat) Italian for several weeks. Listen to Italian music, download audio lessons, or try reading the Italian press with a translator. After 1-2 weeks, you will not only have a basic understanding of the language, but also form your own opinion about Italian and be able to make a more informed and thoughtful decision about learning Italian.

A sure indicator that you need to continue learning Italian is the pleasure and excitement you experience while learning. If after 2 weeks you have not lost your passion and are still determined to learn Italian, then there is no need to put it on the back burner - start learning on the same day.

Rule two: Lay a strong foundation

Once you have decided and are ready to learn, it’s time to talk about the sequence of training. In the first couple of years it is very easy to get confused and start developing the wrong thing. Learning Italian, first of all, you need to start with the basics: the alphabet, correct pronunciation sounds and simple words and phrases. Conventionally, training can be divided into three stages:

1.Foundation: simple words, phrases, alphabet and pronunciation; minimum grammar.

2.Constructions: great attention to vocabulary and grammar; gradual increase in practice hours.

3.Finishing work: a lot of practice, work on the accent.

Why is it important to build a strong foundation? Because without it you will not be able to learn Italian fully. The more responsibly you approach learning the basics of the language, the fewer problems you will have in the next stages. So, for example, if you pay enough attention to the pronunciation of Italian words, then it will be much easier for you during a live conversation. It’s the same with grammar: the more you put into it, the fewer problems you will have with writing texts, letters, and statements.

To form the basics of the Italian language, I would recommend learning the language in the following sequence:

1.Alphabet and pronunciation of letters

2.Simple words and expressions

3.Greetings and other everyday phrases

As mentioned earlier, at this stage there is no need to go into the jungle of grammar or learn 100 words on the topic “Work”, here it is important to learn the minimum, but very well, since the rest of the study of the Italian language will be built on it.

Rule three: Don't skimp on designs

The most difficult and time-consuming stage is the formation of structures. During this period, you must learn a huge number of different topics, link them to grammar and learn to apply it all in practice. Although this stage is difficult, it is what decides how well you will learn Italian.

On your own or with the help of a tutor/courses, but you will have to work a lot and very diligently, since the period of constructing structures is a period of accumulating a critical amount of knowledge, which in the future will help you use the language fluently. Spare no effort and time to learn the Italian language, be prepared that the language will take everything from you free time: you will wake up and go to bed with it, you will go to work/study with it, and it will become your leisure time during your studies.

But despite all the difficulties, the reward for this titanic work will not be long in coming. And after 3-6 months you will already be able to correspond or even communicate on household topics with the Italians. And in another year you will already speak and even think perfectly in Italian. It’s like with a train: the most difficult thing is to move it, so don’t skimp on building structures, devote yourself completely to learning the Italian language.

Rule four: The facade must be beautiful

No matter how strange it may be, people often forget that there is final stage in learning the Italian language - gaining experience in communication and the correct accent. Many people think that learning Italian means knowing grammar and vocabulary, as well as being able to start and maintain a conversation, and it doesn’t matter how you speak, it’s important to be understood. It is very appropriate to compare this understanding of learning the Italian language with housing: you can live in a room where there are only walls and a roof, but it is much nicer and more comfortable to live in a well-equipped, well-renovated house.

It's the same with the language. It is not enough to learn all the rules and be well versed in Italian vocabulary; it is important to have a rich language base and not get lost in non-standard situations. And for this you need to practice a lot. The best way to do this is to go to Italy and live there. Once you get a job, you will not only learn a lot of professional vocabulary, but also gain invaluable experience in solving non-standard problems and a huge number of hours of language practice.

The complexity of this stage lies in the fact that in order to complete it and truly learn the Italian language, you are required to take real actions related to changing the usual course of affairs, up to and including moving to Italy. After all, this is how you can use the maximum of acquired knowledge and get maximum benefit. Even spending six months in Italy will help you develop a huge number of non-standard situations, gain invaluable communication experience, and even get rid of your accent (if you try hard).

Therefore, find the opportunity to go to this beautiful and romantic country for at least six months to consolidate all the acquired knowledge and skills. Take finishing work seriously and then you will be able to say with confidence: “I learned Italian!”, and, however, you don’t even have to say it: your speech itself will say it for you.

Good luck in learning Italian and all the best!

There was a great desire to learn Italian language? Do you want to listen to Luciano Pavarotti and understand him in high tones? Or order at an Italian restaurant with confidence that you are ordering correctly? Statistics show that Italian is the fifth most studied language. On this moment Italian is spoken by more than 70 million people. Another 150 million speak it as a foreign language. Therefore, Lingust simply could not ignore him. And this is what he offers you.

On the lesson pages of this section of the site you will find a specially created for beginners from scratch version of the tutorial from Celeste Zawadska & Maria Majdecka () by learning Italian. Its task is to familiarize students with Italian pronunciation, grammar and vocabulary to such an extent that, having mastered the self-instruction material, they can master colloquial speech and independently read journalistic and works of art medium difficulty. For this purpose, the tutorial contains both dialogues on everyday topics and adapted excerpts from works fiction. The self-teacher's dictionary covers about 3,300 words from various areas of everyday, socio-political and cultural life. Well consists of 52 lessons + phonetics lesson. The keys to the lessons contain translations of Italian texts and assignment solutions. The key is activated when you drag the mouse over it: .

  1. First, we get acquainted with the meaning of words and idiomatic phrases and expressions (it is not recommended to memorize words and phrases taken out of context);
  2. Having become familiar with the vocabulary, we begin to read the text and try to understand its content. If there is audio for the text, a mini-player appears on the page, listen to it several times and carefully monitor the pronunciation (if you don’t see the player, then your browser does not have flash player installed, install it, or some browser add-on is blocking flash, or you have a very old browser.);
  3. We master grammatical material and perform oral and written exercises; then we check the correctness of their execution using the keys and eliminate the mistakes made;
  4. Having become familiar with vocabulary and learning new ones grammatical forms, we proceed to independent oral and then written translation of the Italian text into Russian. The translated text must be checked using the translation placed in the keys and errors made must be eliminated. The Russian translation can then be used to “back” translate from Russian into Italian;
  5. The final stage of the work is re-reading the text, reproducing its contents aloud and recording the reproduced text on a voice recorder to compare it with the textbook text. In the case of collective learning of the Italian language, the authors advise playing dialogues several times by role, changing roles each time, and also using descriptive texts to conduct conversations.

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Reasons to learn Italian

  • Why do you think Mozart composed his operas in Italian and not German?
  • Many people consider Italian to be the most... beautiful language. You can check this opinion and compare it with the French language.
  • In Italian greatest number words to describe the food - they love it so much.
  • Watch films by Fellini, Visconti, Pasolini without subtitles.
  • You can read “The Divine Comedy” (La Divina Commedia) as Dante wrote it.
  • According to UNESCO, more than 60% of the world's artistic treasures are in Italy.
  • Italy is a real magnet for tourists. In 2004, Italy topped the list of favorite holiday destinations in Europe, increasing the number of tourists by 339% over the year!
  • Italians are a quirky people, very sociable and will happily show you around their country as long as you (try) to speak Italian to them!
  • Italian is the closest language to Latin language, the common ancestor of all Romance languages. There are a huge number of words of Latin origin in the English language; this will make it easier to learn the vocabulary of both languages.
  • The Italian language has the most accurate correspondence between letters and sounds (Russian language does not count, of course). A little further from it is Spanish.
  • Increasing business integration with suppliers and customers from Italy requires knowledge of the Italian language, because... they have difficulty or are reluctant to speak English.
  • Art, fashion, design, opera, cooking, etc. If you are planning a career in these areas, knowledge of Italian is a must!

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Learning Italian
