How to eat chicken wings according to etiquette. How to eat chicken

History is silent about who put the idea into our heads that we can eat with our hands. No matter how it is. Cutlery when fighting poultry while eating is our everything. you can cope with any once-feathered, now plucked creature that meekly folds its wings on your plate. "Do not touch!" - such a sign should not be placed in a museum. The best place for it is on the table, when the meal involves dishes with poultry on the bone.

In fact, the clue to answer the question “What is the proper way to eat poultry?” you can always find... on the table itself. The caring hosts of the celebration and the initiators of the treat will always let you know if you can pick up your favorite Azazello bone to finish what you started.

If serving poultry on the table requires, for example, the presence of a small glass or porcelain plate or bowl of water and a rinse bowl, it means that in this house you were allowed to take a bird or game bone in your hands.

In this case, especially if the dish was a success, and the taste of the bird’s meat has deprived you of the determination “not to finish eating the leftovers from places on the bird’s body that are difficult for a knife to reach,” the utensils can be put aside and the bone can be taken by the edge with your fingertips. Once you have dealt with the remaining meat, set the bone on the edge of the plate and lightly dip your fingers (first with one hand, then with the other) into the rinse. Lemon juice will remove any remaining oil on your hands, and a napkin will complete the cleansing process. And the hands are clean, and the bird is eaten!

The second option, indicating a caring owner of the bird treat, is paper tips, caps placed on the tips of the bird's legs. Their presence is a signal for you - “It’s possible!” In this case, you will also not violate the rules and decency if you take a chicken bone in your hands, holding it by the paper cap. This unpretentious “device” when serving poultry on the table also has a second name - “papillotes”.

The third option, allowing the presence of a bird in your hands at the table, is wet wipes served by the waiter or the owner of the house on a special tray. In this case, after eating chicken meat on the bone with your hands, you can remove all the consequences of this process from your hands using a damp cloth.

But if there is no rinse, no curlers, or wet wipes on the table, your hands have nothing to do with the plate. Only your fork and knife have access to it. Use them only.

Hold the piercing object with the teeth down, holding the part of the bird's body with the bone on the plate, and use the cutting object to separate a portion of the treasured meat, carefully cutting it slice by slice from the bone. If there is still meat on the bone, but there is no way to cut it off, calmly move this item to the edge of the plate. Or take the next portion and start all over again!

And remember, even if you have a rinse, curlers or wet wipes, you cannot chew the bones! Show your respect for the chef's skill in some other dignified way!

When visiting cafes, restaurants, canteens, etc., the question often arises - how to properly eat chicken. Despite the rich and mild taste, eating it outside the home is quite inconvenient, since this requires the ability to use special cutlery - a knife and fork. In this article we will try to figure out how to do this correctly:

1. The chicken is served either whole or cut into pieces. In the second case, the task is simplified. Well, in the first case, your task is to correctly divide it into equal portions. First, you should separate the thighs and wings from the carcass, and then proceed to the brisket, holding the fork in your left hand and the knife in right hand. To make this process easier, try to cut the chicken pieces along the cartilages. They are located under the wing, shin and thigh of the bird.

2.Place the piece of chicken you like on your plate. Next, separate the meat from the bone. This should be done with a knife, holding the piece with a fork and cutting it into small pieces. Using the device, remove the bones to the edge of the plate. Well, that’s all, now, according to the norms of etiquette, let’s start the meal.

3.Usually, poultry (and not only poultry, but any dish in general) is served with a special bowl of lemon water for washing hands. It is used to eliminate food odors. If there is such a bowl, then you can carefully take the bone with a large and index fingers and eat the leftover meat. The bowl of lemon water can be replaced with scented towels or paper caps (paper caps that are placed on the tips of chicken feet). If these objects were not provided to you, according to the rules of etiquette, it is forbidden to take the bones with your hands.

4. If you have a Banquet menu and it includes chicken-tobacco, then, as a rule, it is served whole. If they brought you sauce or ketchup, be sure to pour it over the chicken before cutting. You should cut it in the same way as described in point 3: carefully cut the meat from the thighs, wings and brisket. Move the bones to the edge of the plate. You are allowed to handle meat with your hands if you have been given a bowl of lemon water, paper caps, or scented towels.

5.Kiev cutlets, like hot dishes, should first be carefully pierced with a fork, and only then cut. The butter inside the cutlet may get on your clothes or skin.

If you decide to treat yourself to a Kiev cutlet, carefully pierce it with a fork and only then cut it. Sometimes the butter in it splashes in all directions.

I hope that after reading this article you will no longer have problems with how to eat chicken correctly.

Etiquette rules also dictate how to eat chicken dishes. Moreover, they can serve either a whole chicken or a part, for example, a leg or wings. In both cases, the rules are the same. Contrary to a common misconception, which we owe to Chekhov, chicken dishes are eaten not with hands, but with the help of cutlery.

Sometimes you can help them with your fingertips. According to the rules of etiquette from whole chicken cut off the wings first, then the legs and breast. You need to cut along the cartilage, which is located under the wings, shin and thigh.
Then the meat from one of the pieces is removed from the bone as follows. Use a fork (it needs to be turned with its teeth down) to hold the chicken on the plate, and use a knife to cut off thin slices of meat. It is unlikely that you will be able to completely cut off the meat. At home, you can take a piece of chicken in your hands. In an official setting, you can act in two ways.

Option one. The restaurant may serve finger rinse. This is a small glass or porcelain bowl containing water with a slice of lemon. This water easily cleanses grease and eliminates unpleasant odors. Sometimes traditional rinses are replaced with a modern innovation - wet wipes. In any case, you can put the fork and knife down on a plate and finish the meat off the bone by picking it up with your fingertips. Sometimes chicken feet are served with paper caps at the ends. This simple device will allow you to keep your fingers clean and eat the remaining meat from the bone.

In the second case, when all of the above is missing, the bone with uncut pieces of meat, in accordance with the rules of etiquette, will have to be left on the plate.

Chicken tabaka is served whole, placed on the left garlic Sause, and on the right is a side dish of vegetables. First you need to pour the sauce over the chicken (this is done with a spoon), then put the side dish on your plate. Then they can be added. Chicken tabaka is also eaten with a knife and fork. First you need to cut off a wing or leg and trim the flesh from it, just like with a regular chicken. The bones are removed to the edge of the plate, holding them with a knife and fork. And only after the legs and wings can you start on the breast. You also need to cut off pieces of meat from it with a knife, while it is allowed to leave some meat on the bones. If a finger rinse is served with the tabaka chicken, you can pick up the bone with two fingers and finish the meat. Then they need to be carefully rinsed in a vase and wiped with a napkin.

At an informal feast, juicy chicken cooked on the grill can be eaten with your hands, after dividing it into several parts. You need to take it with the fingertips of one hand.

Chicken Kiev cutlets made from chicken fillet are stuffed with butter. Oil may splash while eating. To avoid this, you need to carefully pierce the meat near the curler with a fork.

Like many dishes, chicken requires compliance with the rules of etiquette when dining. Not all people know about this; many are under the misconception that it is permissible to eat chicken with your hands. This is wrong, there are rules about how to properly eat chicken according to etiquette.

Table etiquette: how to eat chicken?

Great amount delicious dishes With chicken meat offers a restaurant menu or hospitable hosts when inviting you to visit. Let's look at the most popular of them and important rules etiquette required to be observed during meals.

Whole chicken

If it is served whole, then before the start of the meal it is divided into several servings. This is usually done by the owner of the house or restaurant staff. The following actions are performed:

Using a knife in the right hand and a fork in the left hand, the wings, breast part and legs are cut off from the chicken. Note! The task will be completed faster if you cut along the cartilaginous parts.

Cut a small portion and place it on a plate.

Separate the meat part from the bone part. Note! When cutting portions, do not try to make them large, but try to make them approximately equal in size.

After all the meat has been eaten, you should use wet wipes or water (sometimes this is provided initially in restaurants).

Chicken legs

  • Carefully place the papillot on the leg.
  • Take the leg in your hands using two fingers: thumb and index.
  • Bite calmly, eat in small pieces. Please note: It is allowed to gnaw the leg, but it is forbidden to gnaw or slurp it.
  • Carefully leave the remaining bone on a plate.

Chicken fillet and minced meat dishes

  • Cut it into portions using a knife and fork. In this case, each piece should be cut in approximately equal proportions.
  • Carefully place portions onto plates.

When you have a meal that includes minced meat, don’t forget the following:

  • You cannot use a knife.
  • If there is no side dish, then only a fork is used (hold in your left hand). When adding garnish, use a knife.

Grilled chicken

Chicken cooked using the grill method is often found in restaurants and when visiting friends. In this case, the portions are prepared by the owner of the house or the restaurant waiter.

General rules for cutting:

  • Cut into approximately equal portions.
  • If soy sauce is used, then it is added to the plate for each serving of meat.
  • If the event is formal and there is some sauce left on the plate, it is recommended not to touch it. If grilled chicken is served with friends, you can use a piece of bread to finish off this sauce.

Chicken tabaka

Most often, “tabaka chicken” is served with a side dish and sauce, so during the meal:

  • First, pour the sauce over the bird.
  • Add a side dish to it.
  • General recommendations for consumption are the same as for whole chicken.

Chicken Kiev

When eating cutlet Kiev, and not breaking the rules of etiquette, eating it correctly, you will need:

  • First, pierce the cutlet with a fork. Note! Make the puncture carefully, because oil may splash in all directions.
  • Only after this do you start eating with a knife and fork.

Chicken soup and pate

If you serve this soup, you must adhere to the following rules:

  • First, eat the broth itself.
  • Eat chicken meat carefully.

If pate is served, you need to remember the following:

  • When eating, use a snack-type fork or a dessert-type spoon.
  • It is permissible to spread the pate on bread: place a little pate on the edge of the plate, using a knife for appetizers, spread the pate on the bread.
  • Eat the toast itself using a fork and knife.

Is it possible to eat chicken with your hands? As already stated above, according to the rules this is prohibited and only occasionally, when there are devices for cleaning hands on the table, is it permissible to hold the bird with your fingers. By observing these basic rules at the table, you will show other guests your high level etiquette.

Most of us are sure that we eat chicken with our hands. Unfortunately, we have to disappoint you. According to the rules of etiquette, it was customary to eat poultry with your hands until forks appeared.

Game and poultry in the Middle Ages they ate a lot. Unlike you and me, the table medieval knight could be bursting with twenty names of various birds. Chickens, ducks, turkeys, quails, pheasants, swans, herons, cranes, bustards, bitterns, and partridges were served one after another. And they ate all this variety with their hands, after which they rinsed their fingers in cups of water.

By the 16th century, the entire European nobility, trendsetter and etiquette rules, tried to comply with the new device and no longer ate poultry or meat with their hands as before. Of course, in some cases it was less convenient, but it was necessary to keep up, since the king himself preferred to use a newfangled device, a fork. Besides, you agree with a fork, it’s still cleaner. In Russia, the fork appeared even later; False Dmitry’s wife, Marina Mnishek, brought it to us. It took a long time for the device to take root, but as you can see, we are using it. We don't regret it. However, not always when it should be.

If you are at home, in a narrow circle of family and friends, we don’t think it’s worth standing on ceremony and going through the trouble of cutting off pieces from chicken leg. Enjoy gnawing on the seeds, if you love them, no one will take them away from you. Although, who knows, training for the future won’t hurt. So, what are the rules for eating chicken?

If you are in a restaurant or visiting, we advise you to adhere to the rules of etiquette. Don't forget, this will not only add respect to you, but first of all, you will be doing yourself a favor. If you eat chicken with your hands, you will simply get dirty. And then, without washing your hands first, you won’t be able to pick up a fork or lift a glass without getting it dirty.

So your helpers are a knife and a fork. This applies to everyone large birds, be it chicken, turkey or goose. With white meat everything is clear. Cut off a piece and eat. It will be more difficult with the legs. Hold it with a fork and cut the meat with a knife, as if cutting it, from top to bottom and to the left. You can eat the meat that you were unable to cut off by picking up the bone with your fingertips. For this case, you should be offered a bowl of water flavored lemon juice. Lemon acid will take away the smell of chicken. After rinsing your fingers, dry them with a napkin. If there is no place to rinse your fingers, it is better to put the bones on the edge of the plate.

It’s somewhat simpler with quails and partridges; there is little meat in these birds, but what they have is so tasty that we continue to cook them with pleasure. It is permissible to eat quails with your hands, after first dividing the carcass with a knife and cutting off all available meat.
