How to become unfit for the army. What does fitness category “G” mean on a military ID?

There is no relevant law in the Russian Federation on this topic yet. Categories of suitability for military service are indicated in several documents that provide comprehensive answers to common questions. When contacting one of them, a citizen will be able to get acquainted with all the information that interests him. This material will be devoted specifically to this issue.

How to find out the category of suitability for military service?

Many people wonder how to find out their category and where it is marked. Firstly, there is the so-called initial registration - registration of a citizen with the military registration and enlistment office. Those. Initially, while still a schoolchild, a citizen undergoes an examination and receives a registration certificate, which contains all the required information. Those who for some reason did not receive a certificate have another option - contact the military registration and enlistment office and collect the materials of their personal file.

Decoding the categories of suitability for military service

A conscript in Russia can theoretically have one of five categories. In fact, there are only eleven of them. The fact is that the letters “A” and “B” have some extensions. Next we will give a description of each element:

  • “A” - a completely healthy organism, without possible restrictions (highest);
  • “B” - suitability, but with minor restrictions;
  • “B” - enrollment in the reserve (a lot of restrictions, and suitability only in case of mobilization);
  • “G” - unfitness of a temporary nature (a broken arm/leg, or the disease may disappear after a while, etc.);
  • “D” is completely worthless, without exception.

The last paragraph is recognized to provide for the complete release of the citizen. For example, if one is disabled, then there can be no talk of any registration or repeated conscription measures. The same applies to those who are of limited use - they are immediately added to the reserve. Those who are temporarily unfit will be forced to take the event again.

Where can I see the category of fitness for military service on my military ID?

We seem to have figured out what each column means and what types of suitability there are. Now we’ll tell you where to watch it on the ticket, since many, for some reason, encounter difficulties in this regard.

The information you are looking for is listed on page 11 of the document described. Only here it is indicated not in letters, but in the form of a transcript.

What categories of suitability for military service are indicated by the letters a b c d e

The state of health should be determined only by the elements we have specified. Those. if any function is impaired, then this must be defined in a medical report. Violation of compliance with this requirement is punishable by criminal law. At the same time, a citizen recognized as fit/unfit always has the right to an examination, the data of which will be the initial one.

Categories of fitness for military service -

It is the same document that contains a table with health impairments and their correspondence to one or another category. Those. The specialist must check the information in the Schedule of Diseases before assigning a final letter. For example, flat feet can have a large number of degrees, not all of which give the right to a deferment or complete exemption.

But here there are very important distinctions based on military ranks or length of service. For example, it would be extremely wrong to conduct military military training for officers and for those who are just going to serve. In this act, each disease is divided into three columns, among which are soldiers, midshipmen (warrant officers, sailors, etc.) and officers. Each article has its own extension to a specific category (here we mean the title, and not the position).

Categories of suitability for military service 2018 under contract

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Military medical examination is one of the main conscription activities mandatory for all those liable for military service. A medical commission is conducted to determine the level of readiness for service due to health reasons. Based on the results of an examination by specialized specialists, the young person is assigned a certain fitness category. There are five of them in total - “A”, “B”, “C”, “G”, “D”. The last three guarantee temporary or permanent unfit for military serviceand are grounds for legal exemption from conscription.

In order to defend their right not to serve due to health problems, every conscript must know what diseases are not accepted into the army, and how to behave if the military commissariat does not recognize the established non-conscription diagnosis.

Who evaluates suitability for service and how?

Decisions on deferments from the army, obtaining a military ID and exemptions are made by medical organizations accredited by it. There are no other institutions with such powers.

Based on medical opinions obtained during a medical commission.

Experts assess the physical and mental condition of the young man, as well as his readiness for the stress expected during military service.

For a full examination and identification of health problems, specialists from various fields are involved in the draft commission:








In addition to the mandatory medical examination, specialized specialists study previously established and recorded diagnoses in the medical history.

The assignment of fitness categories is established on the basis. This document contains a complete list of non-conscription diseases, upon diagnosis of which a person liable for military service will be released from the army.

Some illnesses imply certain restrictions on service, others completely exclude the possibility of serving in conditions where physical endurance and psychological stability are required.

Find out about the assignedcategories of unsuitabilitypossible, which is issued after passing the initial registration at the military registration and enlistment office. The document is received at school, but if for some reason the certificate is missing or lost, you can contact the military commissariat and familiarize yourself with the materials of your personal file.

Category “B”. What is limited validity

Of the five current fitness categories, the smallest is category “A”. Its owners, healthy and strong young men, can serve in any army. Most often these are prestigious Navy, Airborne Forces, etc. Young people who are assigned category “B” are not in perfect health, but minor impairments in physical condition are not grounds for exemption from the army.

The remaining categories “B”, “G” and “D” are considered non-conscription. Those liable for military service from group “D” are completely exempt from military service and are not included in the mobilization reserve of the Russian Army.

The “G” mark implies a temporary delay for the treatment of identified diseases and the subsequent passage of a second medical examination.

It means limited suitability for military service and raises the most questions among conscripts and their parents.

In peacetime, those liable for military service with category “B” are exempted from service, and the reason for this is considered to be a serious illness.

If a record of assignment to this category appears in the draft or during initial registration, upon reaching the 18th birthday, the non-conscription diagnosis will need to be confirmed.

Not all diseases can be successfully treated. The progression of the disease after completing a full therapeutic course can be identified during the next military medical examination, but the military commissariat has its own tasks.

There is a draft board plan and it must be followed. For this reason, very often young people are drafted into the army, despite the fact that they have a legal right not to serve for health reasons. In such cases, the presence of problems and unsuitability for service will have to be proven.

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To prevent specialists from suspecting malingering, it is necessary to provide all available documents characterizing the state of health. It can be:

    A statement from the attending physician indicating the diagnosis.

    Certificates with diagnostic results.

    X-ray pictures.

    Results of laboratory studies.

    Conclusions from hospitals and sanatoriums where treatment and rehabilitation took place.

Representatives of the medical examination examine the presented documents very carefully. If the medical record does not contain any data on the causes and course of the disease, specialists may have doubts about the reliability of the data. In such cases, previously diagnosed pathology may not be taken into account when assigning a fitness category.

Most often, additional medical examination is prescribed to confirm established diagnoses. If the state of health has not changed and the disease has not receded, the conscript is left on the military register, but is released from service in peacetime, written off to the reserve and issued a military ID. They can only be drafted into the army during general mobilization.

Previously, young people with category “B” () underwent re-examination every 3 years. By Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 886 (dated December 31, 2004), this provision was canceled. Current conscripts do not need to confirm their diagnosis, and the military ID issued for health reasons is final.

Read more about how this happens on our website.

Diseases of unfitness for service

All circumstances and reasons prohibiting the military commissariat from sending those liable for military service are specified in Federal Law No. 53, Art. 23 and 24. According to this regulatory act, soldiers who have already served, those who have timely applied for a deferment, holders of an academic degree, those serving a sentence and having a criminal record, those permanently residing in another country and other categories of citizens are not accepted into the army.

But the most common reason for exemption from military service is a diagnosis of non-conscription.

Even if a young man is ready to serve and dreams of a military career, he may not be drafted due to health problems.

Mental disorders are included in a separate group of the Schedule of Diseases. When passing a medical commission, specialists carefully study the conscript’s behavior, personal file, characteristics from the place of study, work and other data that allow them to draw conclusions about mental adequacy.

If mental disorders are revealed during the examination, Article 18 appears on the military ID, confirming the presence of mental illnesses and pathological reactions incompatible with the conditions of military service. These include schizophrenia, mental retardation, psychosis, severe phobias, obsessive states, disorders of sexual preference, etc. Confirmed in such cases, unfitness for service can become an obstacle in civilian life, in particular, when getting a job and obtaining rights.

One hundred percent unfitness is confirmed if the conscript has obvious pathologies and serious life-threatening diseases: hepatitis C, HIV infection, cancer, absence of limbs, deafness, blindness, stuttering, etc.

For less pronounced and serious pathologies, doctors assess suitability for military service based on the severity of the disease, frequency of relapses, functional impairment, complexity of treatment and a number of other criteria.

Let's highlight the most commonillnesses of unfitness for service, when diagnosed, conscripts are sent to the reserve:

    Respiratory system(congenital pathologies of the respiratory system, pulmonary mycosis, purulent sinusitis, injuries of the larynx and trachea, respiratory failure).

    (strabismus, impaired acuity, myopia, farsightedness, chronic conjunctivitis, glaucoma, lacrimal duct diseases, retinal rupture or detachment).

    Hearing(chronic otitis, bilateral perforation of the eardrum, persistent hearing loss, absence (congenital) of the auricle).

    Leather(psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, urticaria, ulcerative pyoderma).

    Circulatory and vascular system(leukopenia, hereditary capillary fragility, anemia, impaired platelet or leukocyte function).

    Endocrine system(, euthyroid goiter, gout, hypovitaminosis, diseases of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland, thyroid gland).

    Digestive system(liver cirrhosis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, hernia, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, diseases of the oral mucosa, salivary glands and tongue).

    Nervous system(paralysis, epilepsy, encephalitis, meningitis, multiple sclerosis).

    Musculoskeletal system(, and above, chronic arthritis).

    Genitourinary system(absence of a kidney, cystitis, urethritis, urinary incontinence, diseases of the male genital organs with dysfunction).

    Chronic alcoholism and drug addictionwith confirmed persistent dependence.

    Congenital defects(weight less than 45 kg, height less than 150 cm).

A complete list can be found inSchedule of illnesses, where more than 2000 different pathologies and their varieties are indicated with a detailed description of each. This regulatory document divides all conscripts into categories and has a very complex structure. Moreover, its content changes annually. Those wishing to receive exemption from the army should monitor the updates and relevance of the information.

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First of all, these include persons who are unable to perform military service due to health problems. To determine the ability of citizens, based on the state of their health, to perform military service, to undergo it in one or another branch or branch of the military in specific military specialties, categories of suitability for military service have been established, the decoding of which is given in the Federal Law. Later in the article we will look at the categories of suitability for military service.

Categories of suitability for military service: determination procedure

Finally, appeal the conclusion regarding the category of fitness for military service in court. It should be noted that the judicial procedure does not exclude the conduct of an independent military medical examination during the trial. When a person who has been given a deferment from conscription remains subject to conscription at the time of its expiration, he is called for a medical examination in the general manner. Based on its results, a change in the category of fitness for military service is also allowed.

Russian citizens who have reached the age of 27 years and/or are in the reserve have the right to undergo repeated medical examinations. They are carried out by military commissariats. Based on the results of the examination, it is possible to change the fitness group for military service determined earlier. To change it, you need to do the following:

  • If you disagree with a certain degree of suitability, undergo an independent military medical examination;
  • File a judicial complaint against the conclusion with approval of a certain category of fitness for military service;
  • Pass a medical examination related to admission to;
  • Submit a written appeal to the head of the military commissariat department. It must contain a request to schedule a second medical examination. Here it is necessary to describe the changes that have occurred in the state of health. They must provide grounds for revising the conclusions of the military medical commission. This can be confirmed by medical documents attached to the application obtained as a result of a new examination.


Cancellation of the mandatory re-examination of persons who were previously recognized as partially fit for military service is not considered a basis for refusal to order a re-examination. In any case, a citizen who is recognized as partially fit and enlisted in the reserve in this regard has the right to a re-examination, as a result of which it is possible to change his category of fitness for military service. This conclusion follows, in particular, from the practice of judicial disputes.

If a refusal is received regarding a referral for a second medical examination, the citizen has the right to appeal it. An appeal is made in court if a person believes that there are actions (inactions) or decisions that violate his freedoms and rights. Such a complaint is considered in the standard manner. Based on the results of the hearing, the claims of the complaint may be satisfied.

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Fitness category B means that the conscript is limitedly fit for military service, i.e. is exempt from military service for health reasons in peacetime, but can be drafted during war and only to the rear units. The majority of conscripts who received a military ID for health reasons have a fitness category of B. In the military ID of a citizen of the Russian Federation, only the fitness category is indicated without indicating the diagnosis for which the conscript was released from the army. Below we will tell you more about who receives it.

How is fitness for service determined?

Fitness for service is determined based on the results of a medical examination and additional examination. When making a decision on assigning a fitness category, doctors at the military registration and enlistment office are also guided by the certificates, extracts and any other medical documents submitted by the conscript that confirm the presence of health problems. Also, before passing a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office, you need to take blood and urine tests, undergo fluorography and an ECG. Without the results of these studies, making a decision on the suitability category will be considered illegal.

  • A - fit for military service.
  • B - fit for service with minor restrictions.
  • B - limited fit for military service.
  • G - temporarily unfit.
  • D - unfit for military service.

Fitness category B - limited fit for military service

Fitness category B means that the conscript has a disease with which he is not accepted into the army. By decision of the draft commission, such a young man is released from military service, enlisted in the reserves, and the military registration and enlistment office is obliged to issue him a military ID. After receiving a military ID, you do not need to undergo re-examination to confirm the diagnosis. However, if fitness category B was assigned during the initial military registration, then after the 18th birthday the young man will have to go through conscription events again and confirm this category, since the state of health may change. Sometimes conscripts confuse how “limitedly fit for military service” differs from “fit for military service with minor restrictions.” Those fit with minor restrictions are assigned category B, which means the conscript has minor health problems, but will still serve in the army with a restriction on the choice of troops.

Category of fitness for military service B is assigned to a conscript only if he has proven that his state of health is the basis for exemption from service, and conscription activities were carried out without violations.

How to get fitness category B

  • Prepare for a medical examination at the military registration and enlistment office: collect medical documents confirming the diagnosis.
  • Pass a medical examination. Tell the doctors at the military registration and enlistment office about your complaints and confirm them with medical documents.
  • Receive a referral for additional examination according to the act from the military registration and enlistment office.
  • Complete all prescribed examinations to confirm the non-conscription diagnosis.
  • At a meeting of the draft commission, you will receive a fitness category corresponding to your diagnosis.
  • If the draft commission makes an illegal decision, appeal it in court.

Is it necessary to undergo re-examination?

We are often asked the question whether it is necessary to confirm category B after being released from military service due to health reasons and enlisted in the reserves. After enlisting in the reserves and receiving a military ID, you do not need to undergo a medical examination again and confirm your fitness category at the military registration and enlistment office. Conscripts with fitness category B are not accepted into the army even if they manage to cure their illness. Previously, the law provided for the obligation to undergo a medical re-examination procedure every three years, but Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 886 abolished this provision. Currently, the issuance of a military ID for health reasons is final; re-confirmation of the diagnosis is not required. There is only one possibility to end up with fitness category B in the army: to recover, undergo re-examination at your own request and enter contract service in the desired branch of the military.

Diseases for which category B is required

The articles of the Schedule of Diseases contain a complete list of diseases for which conscripts have the right to be released from the army under fitness category B. This list must be taken into account when the medical commission works and examines the conscript based on the results of examinations and tests. List of major diseases classified as category B

Disease groups


Venereal diseases in the acute phase
Cured closed form of tuberculosis without destruction of lung tissue
Fungal diseases of internal organs (mycoses, candidiasis, etc.)


Postoperative conditions with impaired functionality
Malignant neoplasms
Conditions after radiation and cytostatic therapy
Benign tumors that cause disorders of body functions

Blood diseases

Pathological disorders that involve the immune system in the process and cause temporary disruption of body functions

Metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders

Minor dysfunction of the glands

Mental disorders

Mental disorders that are accompanied by prolonged or recurring painful sensations
Compensated personality disorders
Drug addiction, substance abuse, alcoholism and other forms of addiction
Mild mental retardation

Nervous system

Epilepsy with rare seizures
Inflammatory diseases and hereditary disorders of the central nervous system
Diseases of the vessels of the spinal cord and brain with moderate impairment of functionality
Spinal cord and brain injuries with some impairment of function

Organs of vision

Myopia more than 6 diopters, astigmatism, farsightedness more than 8 diopters, sharp decrease in visual acuity

Hearing aid

Congenital defects

Height less than 150 cm
Weight less than 45 kg

Genitourinary system

Impaired functioning of the kidneys and genitourinary system

How will a military ID with category B be reflected at work?

For the majority of conscripts, category B on the military ID will not play a decisive role in finding a job. The employer will be interested in the very fact of having a military ID, confirming that the applicant is enlisted in the reserves of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and is not subject to conscription. Therefore, the employer can safely hire such an employee, invest in his training and not be afraid that he will be called up for military service at any time. Difficulties with getting a job will only arise for those who plan to get a job in the police, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the FSB and other structures where it is necessary to pass a military medical and medical flight commission.
