How to find out who your heavenly patron is. Icons of the patroness by date of birth

Many people wonder what their patron saints are based on their name and date of birth. Our article is entirely devoted to the answer. You will learn the name of your patron saint, and information will also be provided on how best to celebrate the name day. This day is incredibly important for every person. So, read the information provided below carefully.

Nowadays, after a long break, more and more people are beginning to revive their interest in their heavenly patrons and name days. But many continue to confuse the concepts of “name day”, “birthday” and “guardian angel day”. Also, often people simply don’t think about why their name day is celebrated, say, today, and not tomorrow or some other day. Even more often, having learned that there are several saints with a certain name, people begin to be at a loss as to which of these saints is the heavenly patron for this or that person. Let's try to understand these questions and find answers to them. These concepts simply need to be distinguished.

I think everyone knows what a birthday is and loves to celebrate it, invite guests and receive gifts. Everything is simple here: a birthday is the day on which a person was born. But let’s think about it, why is it that quite often we call a person “birthday boy” on his birthday? This happens because, thanks to the long atheistic period, everything post-Soviet space people simply began to confuse their birthday and their name day, sometimes combining them into one date. However, “birthday” and “name day” are different concepts. It is worth mentioning that before the revolution in Tsarist Russia, name days for Orthodox Christians were much more important holiday than a birthday. Nowadays they are celebrated much less often. This is due to people's lack of awareness about the significance of name day. But every year the situation changes and that’s it more people show interest in them and their heavenly patrons. So what is this day? Believers also call it “namesake”. You know the meaning of the words “namesake”, “namesake”? They denote a person who has the same name. So: a certain calendar day on which one or another saint or several saints at once is remembered is the namesake, a holiday for the person bearing the name of the saint who is remembered on that day. In the common people, especially in the western parts of Ukraine and Belarus, name day is often referred to as “the day of the angel”, “the day of the guardian angel”, which, of course, is also not entirely correct. The mistake occurs for the reason that believers sometimes call their saints angels, guardian angels. But this is not a saint, this is an angel, good spirit, given at baptism by God to a person, so that he would instruct a person during his earthly life on the path of salvation. But a person cannot know his personal name, since he is invisible to a person. That is why each guardian angel is not assigned a separate day for his remembrance. But installed certain days, in which all heavenly angelic powers are honored.

How to find out the name of the patron saint

So how do you find out when the day of veneration of your saint is set? And what are the patron saints by name and date of birth for each of us? In the end, who decides all this? So, in order: firstly, in order to find out which of the saints is our heavenly patron, we need to look at the Saints, or, as this is also called church-folk calendar, Months. It is there that the names of all the saints and dates for their memory are written down. And these dates are set by the Church, which canonize this or that person as a saint. Secondly, patron saints are usually identified by name and date of birth. Okay, this is understandable, because we know our name. However, what should we do if several saints with our name are mentioned in the Saints? In this case, we must choose the saint whose memory is celebrated closest to our birthday. It should also be taken into account that the list of saints is constantly updated as more and more saints are glorified. For example, at the Council of Bishops in 2000, the new martyrs and confessors of Russia were glorified, and if a person was baptized before 2000, then the saints by name and date of birth are determined according to the publications of the Saints before 2000. And if after, then the saint is determined from a broader list by date of birth, according to publications of the Saints later than 2000. What if we don’t find a saint with our name in the Saints? For example, what if a person has a non-Christian name? In this case, we must choose a patron saint close in name to ours. So, Dina becomes Evdokia, Angelica becomes Angelina, Zhanna Ioanna, and Svetlana becomes Photinia. But Yuri at baptism is called George. Does this mean that a person is called by this new name in ordinary worldly life? No. In worldly life, he naturally remains Yuri. And in church life, during, say, confession or communion, when calling himself, he must name church name: George. When submitting notes about health or repose, the person’s church name is also written. Previously, when they decided to name and baptize a newborn, they usually looked into the Saints and saw which saints the Church honors on this day, and chose a patron saint for the baby by name from this list. It is on the day of the child’s baptism, and not on his birthday. Now this is a forgotten tradition, and in our time few people adhere to it. They are now named mainly in honor of their relatives or in honor of some favorite characters from books or films, but not in honor of saints. This also happens because many do not know which patron saints exist by date of birth and name. Using the example of some names, let’s see how many saints there are per name.

Patron Saint named Andrew

Name Andrey - Greek origin. Translated, it means “courageous, brave.” Because the given name is very common - that was the name of one of the twelve apostles of Christ - then, accordingly, there should be many saints with that name. Let's see if this is true? Let's look at the Saints. Yes, indeed, there are many saints named Andrei. Here they are. Hieromartyr Andrew, Bishop of Ufa (January 8), Martyr Andrew of Lampsaki (May 31), Apostle Andrew the First-Called (July 3, July 13, December 13), Rev. Andrei Rublev, icon painter (July 17), Holy Martyr Andrew of Crete (October 30).

So, as we can see, there is a lot of choice. This is far from full list. Remember that in order to determine his heavenly patron, Andrei needs to select a saint with the name Andrei from the list that would be closest to his birthday.


What is the patron saint of the name Vladimir? It's Slavic. The first part of the name goes back to the Proto-Indo-European basis and means the word “strength, power.” The second part of the name is borrowed from Germanic languages ​​with the meaning “great, famous.” However, this second part (measures) among the Slavs, under the influence of the word “peace,” took on a different meaning corresponding to the indicated word. It turns out that the name Vladimir means the combination “owning the world”; at the same time the world in the sense of “Universe, Earth”, and peace in the meaning of “silence, peace”. Originally this name was pagan. But after the baptism of Rus', subsequently, the name Vladimir was canonized, since Rus' was baptized by Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. There are much fewer saints with this name than in the case of Andrei. Let's look at the Saints. Hieromartyr Vladimir, Metropolitan of Kiev and Galicia (February 1), Martyr John Vladimir, Prince of Serbia (June 4), Equal to the Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir (July 28), martyr priest Vladimir (August 29), noble prince Vladimir Yaroslavich of Novgorod (October 17).

Name Dmitry

Now we will find out what the patron saint of the name Dmitry is. This Greek name means "dedicated to the goddess Demeter." The established church form of the name is Demetrius. There are also many saints with this name, since the name Dmitry is very common to this day. What saints with the name Demetrius do the Saints mention? Reverend Demetrius Skevofylaks (February 7), Righteous Demetrius of Yuryevsky, son of the blessed Prince Svyatoslav (February 16), Passion-Bearer Righteous Tsarevich Demetrius of Uglich and Moscow (May 28, June 5, June 16), Martyr Demetrius of Kazan (October 15), Martyr Demetrius ( November 28), righteous Demetrius (December 14).


Let's talk about what the patron saint of the name Alexander is. This female uniform named after Alexander; is of Greek origin and is translated as “protector of people”, “brave”. There are, frankly speaking, few saints with this name, here they are: Martyr Alexandra of Pontus (April 2), Martyr Alexandra of Rome, Nicomedia, Empress (May 6), Martyr Alexandra of Corinth (May 31, November 19), Venerable Alexandra of Diveyevo (June 26 ), Holy Passion-Bearer Empress Alexandra (July 17). In Russia, by far the most popular saint bearing this name is the Russian Empress, wife of Nicholas II, the last Russian Emperor.


It is worth talking about the patron saint of the name Anna. If all the previous names we were considering (with the exception of Vladimir) were of Greek origin, then this name is of Hebrew origin, and is translated as “grace, favor, mercy, dear.” This name is biblical. Since the name is very common throughout the world, there are, of course, many saints with this name, unlike Alexandra: the prophetess Anna (February 16, December 22, the martyr Anna of Goth (April 8), the blessed Grand Duchess Anna Kashinskaya (25 June, August 3, October 15), Venerable Anna of Bithynia (June 26, November 11), Martyr Anna (July 18).


What are the patron saints of the name Helen? It is of Greek origin. It is interesting that its etymology is still unclear. There were suggestions that it is associated with the sun god Helios or indicates the self-name of the Greeks - Hellenes. However, despite its popularity, there are very few saints with this name. Martyr Elena (January 28), Equal-to-the-Apostles Queen Elena (June 3), Martyr Elena, daughter of the Apostle Alpheus (June 8), Venerable Elena of Diveevskaya (June 10), Equal-to-the-Apostles Olga, Grand Duchess of Russia, Elena in holy baptism (July 24), righteous Helena, Queen of Serbia (November 12).

A little about the icons of patron saints

There are many icons with images of saints. And it is very good if a person has at home or carries with him an image of his heavenly patron saint. You can turn to the saint with any request; our patron saints hear us and help us. In order to choose the right icon with the image of our saint, we need to know about our patron, how he is depicted on the icons, go to the church shop and choose the right one. It will be good if the icon of the patron saint by name will always be next to you. In addition, let’s say that it would be nice to also know at least one prayer addressed to your saint.

How to properly celebrate the patron saint's day?

If you understand the difference between a name day and a birthday, you certainly understand the difference between celebrations. On name day, we, first of all, remember our saints, so that they also remember us. On name day, believers usually go to church, confess and receive communion. But, of course, there are no obstacles for guests, festive dinner and gifts. But this should not be noisy fun and feast with alcoholic drinks. It’s better if it’s a sincere conversation, filled with meaning and content. It is worth noting that if your name day falls during Lent, you only need to cook Lenten dishes. Follow this rule. If your name day falls on a weekday during Lent, it must be moved to Sunday or Saturday.

Some people do not celebrate their name day in any way. This is extremely wrong, because, in addition to the religious overtones, it is also just a good bright day filled with joy.

Very important with early age accustom children to celebrating name days, take them to church for communion, and also give them small gifts and arrange a quiet feast with the family. In the future, throughout his life, the child will treat this day as a festive and special one.

And further. Never forget to congratulate your relatives and friends on their name day. Give them small gifts. They will be very pleased with your attention on this day. Visit them whenever possible. Knowing which patron saints your loved ones have by date of birth and name will help you with choosing a gift if you decide to present an icon.

We really hope that this article was useful to you. You know what the patron saints are by name and date of birth, and how to identify them. That's not all. You found out which patron saint you have by name. We also hope that for you there will be interesting information how to celebrate name day. For many people, this is another reason for a feast, which is not right. Now you will know what actions are best to take on this wonderful name day for every person. How to find out the name of the patron saint? It's not that difficult. You just need to show a keen interest.

An icon is a window into Upper world. It is one of the main means of communication with the Lord.

All Orthodox Christians know that, depending on their date of birth, every Christian has an icon that protects them from misfortune. Knowing which saint patronizes you, you can choose your icon and turn to it in prayer for help and support.

Starting the day with is a long-standing tradition for everyone. Orthodox families. Prayer Rule every morning helps to tune in to favorable events and avoid misfortunes and troubles during the day. The prayer of the Optina elders is considered one of the most powerful.

Patron saints by date of birth

Each person has his own icon: its choice depends on the specific time period in which your birth date falls. Such an icon has greater power and can protect you from great trouble, as well as attract joy, happiness and prosperity into your life.

For example, those born between December 20 and January 22 are patronized by the icon of the Virgin Mary “ Unexpected joy" The holy mentor and protector for people born at this time is the Venerable Elder Seraphim of Sarov.

Orthodox Christians born between January 22 and February 20 are under the protection of the “Vladimir Mother of God” icon, and prayers to Saint Athanasius will help gain the patronage and help of this ascetic.

For those born from February 21 to March 20, the Iverskaya icon will be a good protection. Iverskaya Mother of God You can pray for the preservation of the family and deliverance from childhood illnesses. The patron saint for those born at this time is Saint Alexy.

Those born from March 21 to April 20 are patronized by the Kazan Mother of God: this icon must be in the house, since it itself is powerful protection for the whole family. You can also turn in prayer to the patron saint George the Confessor, who strengthens you in faith and instructs you in Right way.

Those born between April 21 and May 20 should pray to the icon of the Mother of God “Help of Sinners.” Prayers in front of this icon will help you find the right path and strengthen yourself in the Orthodox faith. The patron saint is the Apostle John.

For those born from May 21 to June 22, the image will be an excellent protection Holy Mother of God « Burning bush" For help and support, those born at this time can turn to Saint Alexei.

For Orthodox Christians born between June 23 and July 22, the icon of the Virgin Mary “Joy of All Who Sorrow” will provide help, support and support. Saint Cyril is the patron saint of those born at this time.

Angel Day: determining the date

As a rule, Angel Day is the day following the birthday of the saint whose name the Christian bears. For example, for Anna, born on November 20, Angel's Day will fall on December 3 - the day following her birthday, when St. Anna, and her saint will be the holy martyr Anna of Persia.

Often parents choose a name for the child in advance, having a special love for one or another saint, then the date of the Angel’s Day is no longer associated with the birthday.

How to find your patron saint according to the Orthodox calendar?

The name of the saint whose memory follows your birthday is determined according to the calendar, for example, according to the Orthodox calendar –>

    • Name day. Male names

    • Name day. Women's names

  • You should remember this nuance: in 2000, at the Council of Bishops, the new martyrs and confessors of Russia were glorified: if you were baptized before 2000, then your saint is chosen from the saints glorified before 2000. For example, if your name is Catherine, and you were baptized before the glorification of the new martyrs, then your saint is St. Great Martyr Catherine, if you were baptized after the Council, then you can choose St. Catherine, whose memorial date is closer to your birthday. On the day of the Angel, the Orthodox try to confess and partake of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. If the day of the angel falls on a day of fasting or fasting, then celebrations and feasts are usually transferred to non-fasting days.
  • Day Angel. Name day

  • After the revolution, a serious and systematic ideological struggle began with name days: the baptismal rite was recognized as counter-revolutionary, and they tried to replace it with “Oktyabriny” and “Zvezdiny”. A ritual was developed in detail, in which the newborn was congratulated in strict sequence by an October child, a pioneer, a Komsomol member, a communist, “honorary parents”, sometimes the baby was symbolically enrolled in a trade union, etc. The fight against “remnants” reached anecdotal extremes: for example, in the 20s, censorship banned K. Chukovsky’s “Mukha-Tsokotukha” for “propaganda of name days.”
  • The Russian Christian name book has evolved over centuries. The first extensive layer of Russian names arose in the pre-Christian era. The reasons for the emergence of a particular name could be very different: in addition to religious motives, the circumstances of birth, appearance, character, etc. played a role. Later, after the Baptism of Rus', these names, sometimes difficult to distinguish from nicknames, coexisted with Christian calendar names ( up to the 17th century). Even priests sometimes had nicknames. It happened that one person could have as many as three personal names: a “nickname” name and two baptismal names (one obvious, the other hidden, known only to the confessor). When the Christian name book completely replaced the pre-Christian “nickname” names, they did not leave us forever, moving into another class of names - in surnames (for example, Nekrasov, Zhdanov, Naydenov). Some pre-Christian names of canonized Russian saints subsequently became calendar ones (for example, Yaroslav, Vyacheslav, Vladimir). With the adoption of Christianity, Rus' was enriched with the name of the whole human civilization: with the Byzantine calendar, Greek, Jewish, Roman and other names came to us. Sometimes images of more ancient religions and cultures were hidden under the Christian name. Over time, these names became Russified, so much so that the Hebrew names themselves became Russian - Ivan and Marya. At the same time, one should keep in mind the lofty thought of Fr. Pavel Florensky: “there are no names, neither Jewish, nor Greek, nor Latin, nor Russian - there are only universal names, the common heritage of mankind.” The post-revolutionary history of Russian names developed dramatically: a massive campaign of “de-Christianization” of the name vocabulary was carried out. The revolutionary obscurantism of some sections of society, combined with harsh government policy, was aimed at restructuring, and therefore at renaming the world. Along with the renaming of the country, its cities and streets, the people were renamed. “Red calendars” were compiled, new, “revolutionary” names were invented, many of which now sound simply like curiosities (for example, Malentro, i.e. Marx, Lenin, Trotsky; Dazdraperma, i.e. Long live May Day, etc. .). The process of revolutionary name creation, characteristic of ideological revolutions in general (it was also known in France in late XVIII century, both in Republican Spain and in the countries of the former “socialist camp”) continued in Soviet Russia not for long, about a decade (20-30s). Soon these names became the property of history - here it is appropriate to recall another thought of Father Pavel Florensky: “you can’t make up names,” in the sense that they are “the most stable fact of culture and the most important of its foundations.” The change in the Russian name book also went along the line of borrowing from other cultures - Western European (eg Albert, Victoria, Zhanna) and common Slavic Christian names (eg Stanislav, Bronislava), names from Greek and Roman mythology and history (eg Aurelius, Aphrodite, Venus), etc. With time Russian society again returned to calendar names, but “de-Christianization” and a break in tradition led to an extraordinary impoverishment of the modern name book, which now consists of only a few dozen names (this also played a role general propertypopular cultures” - the desire for averaging, standardization). According to the nature of Christian deeds, saints are traditionally divided into faces (categories):
    prophets are God's chosen ones, to whom God revealed His will (the main subject of prophetic predictions was the promised Savior);
    apostles (i.e. messengers, messengers) - the first disciples of Jesus Christ, some of whom belong to the twelve closest disciples, others, from among the seventy, were not constant witnesses of the works of God, and were not fully invested with that spiritual power and the authority with which the twelve apostles were invested;
    Equal-to-the-Apostles and Enlighteners - saints who brought whole nations and countries to Christ with their preaching after the times of the Apostles;
    saints - fathers, shepherds, teachers of the Church: hierarchs who received the grace of the Holy Spirit from the Apostles with the duty of guarding the flock of Christ and leading Christians into the Kingdom of God;
    martyrs, great martyrs, passion-bearers, confessors - saints who were martyred or suffered cruel persecution for Christian faith. Those who were martyred in the rank of bishop or priest are called holy martyrs, and those who suffered in monasticism (monasticism) are called venerable martyrs];
    venerables - ascetics from the monastic order, who left the world and its blessings, family and public relations in the name of closeness to God, in the name of purity and holiness of life;
    silverless - saints who sacrificially and selflessly served the poor, suffering and sick;
    fools for Christ's sake (blessed) - ascetics who renounced their usual prudence and way of life, endured reproach and persecution, but received the gifts of prophecy and miracles;
    the righteous are saints who pleased God but did not leave the world;
    the faithful are holy rulers: kings, princes.

Every person has a guardian angel who protects him from various troubles. Heavenly patrons are messengers of God sent to earth to help and protect people. Many have probably heard about name days or angel days. They are called that for a reason, because it is the day of the patron saint of the person who bears the same name. You can determine your guardian angel by your date of birth or the coming days.

In life it often happens that some unseen circumstances interfere with pre-thought-out plans, causing indignation and an explosion of emotions. But in the end, it may turn out that events worked out for the better, allowing us to avoid some irreparable situations. Then each person remembers with gratitude his God's intercessor.

Who is this invisible protector, how do you find out who your guardian angel is, whose existence is confirmed by the ancient texts of the Bible, which mention these spirits about three hundred times. According to Jesus Christ, angels can always see the face of the Lord God and talk to him, and the Heavenly Father, through holy messengers, can communicate his divine will to man.

It is believed that angels are directed by the Lord God to protect people from life’s troubles and save the eternal soul. The intercessor begins his duties of protection from the moment of liberation from original sin during the sacrament of baptism. The guardian accompanies a person throughout his life from the moment of birth to repose. They can refuse their intercession when the soul of the ward renounces God and, seduced by the promises of demons, begins to serve evil.

Angels can protect not only a person, but also an entire country if there are attacks on its territory. fighting. These celestials do not interfere with the course or outcome of the war, but pray to God to bring the warring parties to their senses. Higher divine power gave the heavenly defenders the ability:

  • Intercede for a person before God, seeing his thoughts.
  • Perform actions in the real world.
  • At will, to be visible or invisible to the human eye.
  • Destroy entire settlements if necessary.

It is not in the power of angels to punish people. Only the Heavenly Father can punish the children of men.

Methods for determining a defender

Before finding out what a guardian angel is by date of birth in Orthodoxy, you need to make sure that he is nearby, that there is a heavenly messenger rushing to help in difficult times, someone invisible, ready to protect and cover with his wings from troubles and misfortunes .

This can be determined by dreams. The appearance of a person during a dream, giving advice or warning against something bad, indicates that a heavenly protector is nearby. Sometimes angels may appear in real life in human form. For example, in the form of a beautiful old woman or an old man, nice person in white clothes, warning of some changes in the future. In this case, it is better to listen to advice.

Signs of the presence of a heavenly messenger can come in the form of regularly repeated numbers, signs, letters or voices, pleasant smells that no one else hears or feels except the person to whom the protector is attached.

A signal of the existence of a holy protector can be the fact of a happy escape from an unexpected unpleasant situation. For example, when a person is standing near a high-rise building and just stepped aside, and something heavy fell in its original place, or a late passenger did not have time to run into the transport, thanks to which he avoided an emergency situation.

Age and gender of the intercessor

The Bible says that the angels of God do not have a bodily image and, accordingly, gender, but sometimes they take on the image of a certain person. By date of birth you can find out whose appearance the messenger of heaven will take. To do this, simply add up all the numbers. For example, if a person was born on November 7, 1955, then the sum (7+1+1+1+9+5+5=29) will result in an odd numerical value. This suggests that the celestial being takes the form female. If the number is even, the defender may appear in the form of a man.

You can also determine the age of the heavenly intercessor by date of birth. To do this, the numbers of the day and month of birth are adjusted (7 + 11 = 18 years). If the defender is young, you should not be afraid of this, because this is a heavenly being and wisdom was given to him by God, and age only speaks of what the earthly incarnation will look like.

Determination by element

To better know your protector, what abilities and character he has, you can determine the element corresponding to the angel by the day, month and year of the person’s birth. This is easy to calculate by summing the numbers of your date of birth. For example, October 12, 1989. The total is 31. If after the first addition a two-digit number comes out, you need to add these two digits together (3+1=4). The resulting figure will allow you to find out the temperament of the guardian angel and his element:

Knowing the number of the angel’s element and its purpose, you can find out how to contact it and determine your own weak sides, avoid many troubles in earthly life.

The secret of the keeper's name

In Christianity, it is believed that the name of the guardian coincides with the name of the saint given at the sacrament of baptism, but this is not always the case. The name of the heavenly protector may vary. If you really want to know the name of the angel, you need to sit comfortably, relax and ask an exciting question. The answer is considered received if after some time the same word or phrase comes to mind.

To communicate with an angel you need to have a pure soul and sinless thoughts, otherwise nothing will come of it. Meditation is best done on an angel's day or name day.

It is impossible to see your heavenly patron during this life, since the angel becomes visible only at the moment of transition to afterworld. But, with a little practice, you can feel the touch of the heavenly intercessor, having previously addressed him by the name that you recognized earlier.

He will detect his presence with a sudden breeze, an unexpected feeling of warmth, pleasant smells or lightness in the body. In this case, you need to ask for advice or touch. After communication, you need to release the patron to heaven, having previously thanked him for coming.

It is very important not to forget to pray daily and say words addressed to the patron saint. These can be simple requests made sincerely. They need to be uttered at the moment of resentment, fear, heaviness in the soul, everyday adversity and on the road. After turning to the holy protector, relief and peace sets in, as if someone invisible had fenced off the unfriendly outside world with its large warm wings.

Prayers to patron saints

Many people mistakenly believe that the guardian angel is the patron saint of man, but this is not so. An invisible protector is given to a person at birth, and a person acquires a patron saint at the time of baptism.

For each specific person there is a protector icon. In Orthodoxy, you can recognize your icon by your date of birth and the name of your patron saint. To do this you need to look at church calendar the name of the heavenly protector, who is honored on name day. Guardian angels of a person by date of birth:

When praying for intercession to an icon chosen by name, a person needs to ask for the help of his heavenly patron in order to be heard by God. Children often receive names from their parents according to the calendar., they can be very diverse. Every day has its own saint or saint to whom you can pray in difficult times.

Knowing all this, a person can be sure that there is a heavenly messenger nearby, always ready to help, sympathize, love boundlessly, protect from troubles, rejoice in repentance for sins and share sorrows.

Christians believe that every person at the time of birth receives a Guardian Angel, who protects them from various misfortunes throughout their lives. In addition, there are also icons-intercessors, which are selected by date of birth. Images of saints help protect yourself and your home from various negativity, as well as solve various problems and improve life in general.

What is the patroness icon by date of birth?

The easiest way is to choose your patron saint according to your horoscope. Contact icons not only to ask for help, but also to thank them for their protection and help.

How to choose a patron icon by date of birth:

  1. Aries. Representatives of this zodiac sign can turn to the Kazan Mother of God for support. before the image will help to cope with difficult situations.
  2. Taurus. It is recommended to place the icon of the Iveron Mother of God and the “Help of Sinners” in the house. Prayers will help you get rid of various diseases, receive forgiveness and earn repentance.
  3. Twins. Those born under this zodiac sign should ask for help and protection from the image of the Vladimir Mother of God. More protective icons by date of birth: “The Burning Bush” and “Recovery of the Lost.” In front of the icons you should pray for your own health, as well as for the healing of children.
  4. Cancer. You should pray to the icon of St. Cyril, “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and the Kazan Mother of God. Images help to find physical and spiritual healing.
  5. a lion. IN difficult situations It is worth contacting Nicholas the Ugodnik and Elijah the Prophet. It is worth placing an intercessor icon in the house - “Protection of the Most Holy Theotokos”. Prayers to this image give strength and patience.
  6. Virgo. Patron icons by date of birth for a person born during this period are “Passionate” and “Burning Bush”. Prayer calls help in grief and misfortune, and also provide healing and consolation.
  7. Scales. Representatives of this zodiac sign are protected by the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God, and they can also pray in front of the image of the “Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord” and the “Burning Bush”. Icons protect the house from various troubles.
  8. Scorpion. Intercessory icons – the Mother of God of Jerusalem and the “Quick to Hear”. Appeals to the saints will help you receive consolation and forgiveness. Prayers will help you find the right way in difficult situations.
  9. Sagittarius. Those born under this sign should place an icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant and the Tikhvin Mother of God “The Sign” in their home. Images will help strengthen family relationships, protect against various diseases and.
  10. Capricorn. The patron icon “Sovereign” helps in personal life and in difficult situations, and also heals from various diseases.
  11. Aquarius. For protection, it is necessary to have in the house the icon of the Vladimir Mother of God “The Burning Bush”. Saints protect against the evil eye, slander and help cope with heart disease. Being in the house, the icon will protect you from scandals and quarrels.
  12. Fish. Representatives of this zodiac sign are protected by the icon of the Iveron Mother of God. Prayer requests will help you find solace in grief and various problems.
