Preserving sprat for the winter. Sprat in tomato sauce - the best recipes at home


Homemade sprat in tomato is many times superior in taste to all store-bought canned fish. This delicious snack, even after canning, does not fall into pieces and retains its structure as much as possible. Fish in tomato sauce, cooked at home, will conquer every taster. It is very juicy, appetizing, aromatic and soft. It is enough to prepare canned sprat with vegetables with your own hands once, and then start stocking it for the winter every year.
It takes very little time to cook homemade sprat in tomato. You only need to set aside fifty minutes. It is convenient to prepare this dish both on the stove and in the oven, and if you have a slow cooker, then you practically do not have to participate in the cooking process at all. This universal electrical appliance has special modes that allow housewives not to monitor the preparation of the dish.
Every housewife can make canned sprat in tomato with her own hands. In addition to being very simple, it is also incredibly economical. A fish like sprat costs little money, and it can be used either fresh or frozen. In the latter case, you should pay attention to the fact that the fish is frozen only once. After re-freezing, sprat should never be used for canning. This makes it less healthy, and twice-frozen fish has a very short shelf life.
We suggest not to waste time and start cooking right now, and in order to avoid mistakes in making sprat in tomato, we recommend that you carefully read the simple recipe with photos, presented below in the form of technological instructions!


Homemade sprat in tomato - recipe

If you are using frozen sprat, first place it in a container and fill it with cold water to defrost. When the fish is completely defrosted, rinse it and separate the head and entrails.

Next, pour vegetable oil into the frying pan, then put it on the fire to heat up. Meanwhile, peel the onions, rinse them with water and cut them into small pieces. Place the chopped vegetable in a frying pan with hot oil for frying. While the onions are frying, prepare the carrots. Peel it from the top layer with a vegetable peeler, rinse it under the tap and grate it using a coarse grater. Add carrots to the fried onions and reduce heat.

Now take the prepared fish, rinse it again under the tap and be sure to dry it with a napkin. After this, place the sprat in a frying pan with vegetables. Season the resulting mixture with salt and pepper, and also add bay leaves and allspice to it. Mix everything well and leave on fire.

At this stage, remove homemade tomato juice from supplies and pour the required amount into a separate bowl. If there is no juice, then instead use ripe tomatoes twisted through a meat grinder and strained through a sieve. You can also replace tomato with ketchup diluted with water.

Add one tablespoon of flour to the prepared tomato juice. This will make it thicker. Whisk the resulting mixture and add to the vegetables and sprat. Make sure that the tomato completely covers the workpiece. Simmer the future appetizer over low heat for thirty minutes.

At the end of cooking, add the required amount of vinegar to the mixture, mix everything well, keep on the fire for five minutes and package in sterilized jars. Roll up the pieces with lids and leave at room temperature to cool.

Canned sprat in tomato with vegetables is ready for the winter. Now you have an excellent snack in stock and an excellent ingredient for making delicious sandwiches.

The popular canned tomato sauce has always been considered the cheapest and easiest snack, since its preparation required cheap products supplied by the agricultural and fishing industries. However, after the abolition of the state standard for the production of these canned foods, the quality of the finished goods has decreased significantly, therefore, it is best to prepare a tasty and uncomplicated snack yourself.

Classic recipe for preparing sprat in tomato for the winter

Required Products:

half a kilogram of fresh or frozen fish;
one and a half glasses of tomato juice;
large onion;
one carrot, medium size;
vegetable oil for frying;
a large spoon with a heap of wheat flour;
a large spoon of granulated sugar;
salt and spices - bay leaf,
allspice peas, ground black pepper - to taste;
a large spoon of table vinegar.

Subtleties of preparation:

Defrost sprat naturally.
Drain off excess liquid, remove the innards and remove the heads.
Peel the onion, rinse and finely chop.
Heat a few tablespoons of refined oil in a deep frying pan or saucepan and add the onion.
Peel and wash the carrots under the tap, grate on a grater with large holes.
Add the grated root vegetable to the onion and fry until semi-soft.
Place the dried and previously peeled sprat into the stewed vegetables, season with granulated sugar and salt, and add your favorite spices.
From fresh tomatoes, prepare the amount of tomato juice required in the recipe using any method.
Using a whisk, thoroughly mix the flour and juice.
Pour the tomato mixture over the entire mixture in the pan.
Simmer for about half an hour.
Pour in vinegar and keep on fire for another five minutes.
Place in sterilized jars and roll up.
Cool upside down and keep warm.

Sprat in tomato sauce

Of course, the easiest way is to buy such canned food in a store, however, if heavy bags are prepared for children and students every week, it is best to prepare such a delicious preparation yourself - it will be cheaper and more reliable. In addition, in the fall, the ingredients for the sauce are much cheaper, and you can find inexpensive small fish on the wholesale market.

Required products and proportions:

2.5 kg. frozen or fresh small fish;
3 kg very ripe tomatoes;
1 kg kilogram of carrots;
a glass of refined oil;
1.5 cups granulated sugar;
half a glass of table salt;
0.5 liter can of tomato paste.

Cooking method:

Thaw fish, drain excess water.
Remove the heads and entrails from large specimens, rinse and dry the sprat on a towel.
Wash the tomatoes, cut out any hard or spoiled areas, and pass through a meat grinder with a fine wire rack.
Peel the onion and finely chop it with a knife.
Peel the carrots and grate them on a large-mesh grater.
Mix the tomato mass with the prepared vegetables and place on the stove.
Cook the dressing for forty minutes over low heat, stirring from time to time to avoid burning.
Place the fish in the sauce, add butter, salt and sugar, simmer for another half hour, stirring gently with a wooden spatula.
Conduct heat treatment of canning containers and sealing lids using any available method.
Place the prepared sprat along with the sauce into hot jars and keep an eye on it. so that when laying out the canned food, voids do not form.
Roll up. Cool, turn over and warm.
Tip: This preparation is good with black bread and can be used as a dressing for quick soup. Just add a jar of sprat to the previously boiled potatoes with water or broth and that’s it, the soup is student-ready.

Cooking sprat in tomato sauce in a slow cooker for winter storage

Using a multicooker to prepare stock of small fish for the winter allows the fish bones to cook well, and the fish itself is perfectly soaked in delicious tomato sauce. Using a miracle device in preparations of this type significantly saves time and reduces the risk of thick sauce burning.

Required ingredients:

kilogram of fresh frozen sprat
(you can take capelin, small river fish and herring, the main condition is that the carcasses must be small);
one medium carrot;
two onions;
a heaped tablespoon of wheat flour;
half a large spoon of granulated sugar;
half a teaspoon of table salt; two bay leaves;
two large spoons of refined oil;
ground black pepper - optional and to taste;
two glasses of tomato juice.

Method for preparing winter snacks:

Leave the fish to defrost overnight at room temperature.
Drain the formed water, clean the fish from the black films inside, remove the heads. Prepare tomato juice or dilute tomato paste at the rate of two tablespoons of paste per glass of cold water.
Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater.
Peel the onion, wash it and cut it into quarter rings.
Turn on the “Fry” mode on the multicooker, add oil, heat.
Place the onions and carrots in a bowl, fry until the onions are golden brown.
Place fish carcasses on top of the frying, cutting off the fins and tails with scissors.
Add sugar, flour, salt and seasonings to prepared tomato juice or diluted tomato paste and mix thoroughly.
Pour the prepared dressing over the fish, carefully so as not to break the carcasses, and stir.
Set the extinguishing mode for two hours, then, after the sound signal, switch to the keep warm mode for an hour.
During cooking, you should look under the lid two or three times to check for the presence of liquid in the canned food.
Carefully place the hot dish into sterilized, clean jars and seal immediately.
Store in a cool place.

Today is the recipe for canned fish “Fish with vegetables”. It's very tasty and practical. In winter you can eat it as a separate dish, with any side dish, or make a quick fish soup :)

We will need:

Sprat (herring, capelin) - 2kg
Tomatoes - 1.5 kg
Onion - 500 gr
Carrots - 500g
Vegetable oil - 150ml
Sugar - 4 tbsp
Salt - 2 tbsp
Vinegar 9% - 1 tsp per 0.5 l jar
Peppercorns - 15pcs
Bay leaf - 2 pcs

Preserve for your health!!!

One of the popular snacks among the population of the post-Soviet space is canned sprat in tomato sauce. And if good quality canned food is difficult to find, then you can buy a couple of kilograms of frozen sprat in any supermarket. And you can easily and simply prepare delicious ones from it! Sprat in tomato sauce with vegetables is a simple and inexpensive appetizer that most people really like and is in demand at various events, be it a holiday, a picnic or just a home-cooked lunch.

Sprat in tomato sauce with carrots and onions for the winter

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 1 kg of defrosted sprat;
  • 1 kg of ripe tomatoes;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 100 grams of vinegar 9%;
  • 2-3 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil;
  • peppercorns to taste;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon ground black pepper.


We remove all the insides of the fish. Wash thoroughly and place in boiling water. Remove the foam, add spices. You also need to put one teaspoon of salt here.

The sprat should be boiled over low heat for about 40 minutes. Remove the cooked fish and cool it. Season the fish with tomato sauce and vegetables.

Tomato sauce with vegetables is easy to prepare. Grate the carrots on a coarse grater and chop the onion. Add vegetable oil to the pan, fry the onions and carrots over low heat. Then add crushed tomatoes (you can grind them using a meat grinder or on a grater), if it’s not the season, you can add thick tomato paste.

Simmer the vegetables for 20 minutes with the lid on. Combine sprat with tomato and vegetables, add vinegar, salt to taste, simmer for another 10-15 minutes. Sprat in tomato sauce with fresh vegetables is ready. Can be rolled into sterilized jars.

Another recipe for an unusual preparation of sprat with tomatoes and vegetables is described in this recipe; you will need fresh tomatoes and carrots.

Sprat in tomato with carrots for the winter

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 1 kg sprat;
  • 500 gr. tomatoes;
  • 2 medium onions;
  • 1 celery root;
  • 1 PC. carrots;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • 1 tablespoon butter;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • peppercorns to taste.


Wash the fish, clean it, cut it, put it in a saucepan with a thick bottom, preferably a cauldron. Add butter, celery, shredded carrots, chopped onion, salt, peppercorns, bay leaf, washed tomatoes cut into thin slices. Fill the fish with water, cover the dish with a lid, cook over low heat after boiling for about 1.5 hours.

Next, the workpiece should be placed in sterilized jars and tightened using a seaming wrench. Turn the jars upside down, wrap them in a warm blanket and leave overnight. The sprat preparation for the winter is ready.

Sprat with tomatoes and bell peppers for the winter

Ingredients for the dish:

  • 1 kg sprat;
  • 1 kg of tomatoes;
  • 1 kg of sweet bell pepper;
  • 100 g vinegar 9%;
  • 2 onions;
  • 100 gr. tomato sauce or 2 tablespoons of tomato paste;
  • 100 g vegetable oil;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • allspice peas to taste;
  • half a tablespoon of salt;
  • 1 teaspoon sugar.


Wash the tomatoes, pour boiling water over them, peel them and grind them using a meat grinder or blender. Wash and cut: bell peppers into slices, onions into rings, carrots into strips. Place the vegetables in a thick-bottomed pan, add sweet peppers, bay leaves, vegetable oil, salt and sugar, tomato sauce or paste, and vinegar.

Prepare the fish: clean it, rinse it thoroughly and add it to the vegetables. Mix carefully and simmer covered over low heat for about 1.5-2 hours. The sprat is placed in sterilized jars, carefully sealed, wrapped until cool and stored in a cellar or refrigerator.

  • sprat for preservation must be fresh and whole;
  • To prevent the lids from swelling, before sealing the canned food, jars of sprat need to be sterilized for an additional 30-40 minutes (steam bath).

Until recently, a jar of sprat in tomato sauce was a “strategic” supply for all occasions, and was in the bins of every self-respecting housewife. They whipped up a delicious soup from it, opened it with potatoes for dinner and as a snack with a glass. At home, it is not particularly common to preserve tiny fish for long-term storage. But if you are the owner of a large amount of fresh sprat, then God himself ordered you to prepare delicious canned food in the sauce.

As a symbol of the Soviet era, sprat in tomato remains popular today. This is facilitated by low cost and excellent taste. And for those who were born in the USSR, it is a kind of nostalgic memory of their former youth.

The inhabitants of the Baltic coast were the first to eat small fish; there is reliable information about this. They learned to first salt it and then seal it in a tin, adding spices to improve the taste. I have two recipes for homemade sprat in tomato sauce. Prepare and enjoy!

How to cook sprat in tomato at home

  • Ideally, the fish will be fresh, Baltic, Black Sea. Defrost frozen sprat in natural conditions, without resorting to hot water or a microwave.
  • Real canned food is made from uncut sprat. But if you add vegetables, it's best to get rid of the innards.
  • I do not recommend replacing tomato paste with sauce; the taste will not be the same. It will be delicious with potatoes, but not suitable for making soup.
  • Take tomato paste of high concentration from 25 and above. The final result of the product depends on the density.
  • The size of the fish matters. Large specimens will not fit smoothly into the jar, they will break when finished, and the canned food will lose its appetizing appearance. Select fish of medium and small size, especially when it comes to long-term storage of the workpiece.
  • It is more convenient to make preparations in glass jars, half a liter in volume, so that the opened jar is quickly disposed of. It is advisable not to keep leftover canned food for a long time, even in the refrigerator.
  • If you want to improve the taste of canned food and make it delicious, first fry the sprat in a small amount of oil and then can it.
  • Traditional seasonings are pepper and bay leaf. Take peppercorns and grind them yourself, they are much more fragrant.
  • You can add other seasonings: cloves, coriander, but do not overuse them, otherwise the taste of the sprat itself will be lost. When you decide to add, add a little at a time.

Sprat in tomato sauce at home - recipe

The simplest recipe for canning fish in a jar. Known since Soviet times.


  • Fresh sprat, uncut – kilogram.
  • High concentration tomato paste - add to taste.
  • Sunflower oil – 150 ml.
  • Vinegar 9% - 80 ml.
  • Salt - a large spoon.
  • Granulated sugar - the same amount.
  • Peppercorns, bay leaf.

Step by step recipe:

  1. Rinse the fish and place in a saucepan. Fill with water until the liquid completely covers the sprat. Splash some oil.
  2. Let it cook. After boiling, reduce the heat and cook for 15 minutes.
  3. Add tomato. I put it on the eye, a spoon at a time. I stir the sauce, taste it, and decide if I need to add more. The taste should be rich.
  4. Add sugar and salt in the same way. In the recipe, I give a conditional amount of these spices, since everyone has different tastes. Considering that the fish will absorb some of the spices, the sauce should be a little saltier and sweeter than you usually eat.
  5. Pour in vinegar. Cook for 40 minutes.
  6. Distribute the sprat into sterilized glass jars. Roll it under the lid.
Curious! Margaret Thatcher appreciated our culinary achievement. During her visit to the country, she not only treated her cat to delicious canned food, but also tried it herself with pleasure.

Canned sprat in tomato with pepper, onion, carrots

Add hot peppers and the dish becomes spicy. Suddenly? It is generally believed that sprat does not go well with spicy seasonings. I propose to do a little experiment and make sure that this is not so.

  • Fish – 2 kg. (You should end up with 2 kg of cut fish, so take 3 kg with a reserve.)
  • Tomatoes – 2 kg.
  • Carrots – 800 gr.
  • Onion – 500 gr.
  • Hot chili - pod.
  • Peppercorns, bay leaves, vegetable oil.
  • Table vinegar - 4 large spoons.
  • Sugar – 2 small spoons.
  • Salt – 1.5 large spoons.

How to preserve:

  1. Thaw and gut the fish, rinse.
  2. Peel, wash and coarsely chop the vegetables. Then puree with a blender (do not grind too finely).
  3. Separately, puree the tomatoes in a blender.
  4. Fry the vegetables in oil in a frying pan. After 10 minutes, pour in the tomato puree. Add all spices except vinegar.
  5. Stir the contents. Place the sprat so that the sauce covers the carcasses completely.
  6. Simmer on low heat for about an hour.
  7. 10 minutes before the end of stewing, pour in the vinegar.
  8. Place the preparation in sterile jars and seal. Cool upside down. Keep refrigerated.

Homemade sprat in tomato sauce - a very tasty preserved recipe


  • Fish – 500 gr.
  • Tomato sauce - to taste.
  • Large carrot.
  • Large onion.
  • Flour - a tablespoon.
  • Coriander – 8 peas.
  • Sugar - a tablespoon.
  • Salt – ½ teaspoon.
  • Pepper - a pinch.
  • Allspice – 4-5 peas.
  • Bay leaf – 2 pcs.
  • Vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons.
  • Sunflower oil - the same amount.

How to do:

  1. Remove the heads and entrails from the defrosted fish. Wash and let the liquid drain.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings, grate the carrot coarsely.
  3. Fry the onion slices, add the carrots, fry together until beautifully browned.
  4. Place the vegetables in a saucepan (preferably with thick walls). Add the spices listed in the recipe list, except acid.
  5. Separately, prepare tomato sauce by diluting a few tablespoons of store-bought sauce or ketchup in a glass of water. In total you should have 300 ml.
  6. Add flour to the sauce and stir.
  7. Place the sprat in a saucepan, tossing it with frying. Pour in the sauce.
  8. Preheat the oven to 220 o C. Place a bowl with fish in it. Heat for 1.5-2 hours.
  9. 10 minutes before the end of the process, add vinegar. Using a long stick, poke in several places to distribute the acid throughout the sauce. If canned food is prepared for quick consumption, then vinegar can be omitted.
  10. For long-term storage, place the sprat in jars, roll it up and put it in a cooler place.
Add to your collection of delicious fish dishes:

Sprat in tomato with vegetables - recipe in a slow cooker

All that remains is to boil the potatoes, and a complete dish for dinner will appear on the table.


  • Fish – 2.5 kg.
  • Carrots – 1 kg.
  • Onion – 1 kg.
  • Sweet pepper – 2 pcs.
  • Tomatoes – 2.5 kg.
  • Salt – 2 large spoons.
  • Sunflower oil – 400 ml.
  • Granulated sugar - 2.5 large spoons.
  • Sulfur pepper - a small spoon.
  • Vinegar 9% - 200 ml.

How to cook:

  1. Coarsely grate the carrots, divide the tomatoes into small cubes, cut the bell pepper into strips. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Place the tomatoes in a multicooker bowl, cook until thickened in the “Stew” mode until they turn into tomato juice. If you don't have fresh tomatoes, use paste as in the first recipe or tomato sauce.
  3. Add oil to the pan, fry the onion first (until translucent), then add carrot chips. Fry together for 5 minutes.
  4. Add tomato juice or paste. Stir if adding paste, adjust taste by adding as needed.
  5. Add pepper, salt the contents, cook for about 20 minutes.
  6. Place the sprat in the slow cooker, alternating the fish with sauce and vegetables. Try to alternate layers: fish - vegetables.
  7. When the contents boil, close the lid. Cook as usual, setting the timer for 1 hour.
  8. After opening the lid, pour in vinegar. Stir gently, being careful not to damage the fish. Cook for 5 minutes. After the beep, set to keep warm and leave for about an hour.
  9. Distribute among jars and roll up. Once cooled, refrigerate

Video recipe for sprat in tomato sauce in an autoclave

This recipe helped me out many times when I was still a student. Mom then made a lot of such preparations, which she then passed on to me to make cooking easier in the kitchen. My husband and I really liked it, we used to open a jar of such sprat and just gobble it up with bread, and at the same time my mother was swearing on the phone, saying that we could have boiled potatoes or cooked rice porridge. Yes, now it’s even funny to remember the beginning of our life together, because, despite the fact that I knew how to cook, I did not manage the household on my own. Therefore, of course, like in any young family, we had unexpected situations: either we forget to buy bread and in the evenings we walk around the city looking for a bread store, then in the morning we don’t find the right thing, then we simply oversleep and run to class hungry, buying on the way to the university, pies with cabbage and peas.
But now we have matured, gained worldly experience, and I myself can give advice on how best to prepare this or that dish or what to do in any situation. And now I would like to advise you to find out how to prepare sprat in tomato sauce at home for the winter - an excellent appetizer that is easy to prepare in advance, seal in jars and simply put on the table at the right time. This fish turns out to be very tasty and tender, because we will cook it at home with vegetables and, if desired, you can add your favorite spices.
For such an appetizer, we need to take a small freshly frozen fish, it is best if it is frozen using the quick dry freezing method, then it is tastier and of better quality.

- fresh frozen fish (sprat) – 2.5 kg,
- ripe tomato fruit – 3 kg,
- carrot root – 1 kg,
- tomato paste – 500 ml,
- sunflower oil – 1 tbsp. (200 ml),
- finely ground salt – 100 g,
- granulated sugar (beetroot) – 300 g,
- vinegar – 2 tbsp.

Defrost the fish naturally. We rinse.

Then we tear off the head and tail of a small fish, and clean the insides of a larger one. We rinse the carcasses with cold water, and then lower them into boiling water for a minute. After blanching, the fish becomes softer and the sharp unpleasant smell goes away.

We wash the ripe tomato fruits and then grind them with a meat grinder.

Grind the peeled carrots on a coarse grater.
We clean the onion from dry scales, rinse with water and chop fairly finely.

Pour tomato juice into a saucepan, add carrots and onions and simmer over medium heat for about 40 minutes.

Then pour in the vegetable oil and add tomato paste, as well as salt and granulated sugar. Mix the resulting sauce and add blanched sprat to it.

Simmer the fish in the sauce for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. 5 minutes before the end of cooking, add vinegar and stir.

Now put the fish stewed with vegetables into clean, steamed jars and immediately screw them on with the lids. As soon as the jars have cooled, transfer them to a suitable place for storage. They also turn out very tasty and are also easy to prepare at home.

Bon appetit!
