Lydia Kozlova: “The most famous were ready to marry me. The son of Mikhail Tanich abandoned his father at the request of his mother The fate of the children of Mikhail Tanich and Lydia Kozlova

After the death of the poet Mikhail Tanich, the founder of the Lesopoval group, the leadership of the men's team was shouldered by his widow Lydia Kozlova. But she is not at all burdened by this burden - on the contrary, she is cheerful, open, smiling. Tanich handed over his brainchild to good hands.

Died many times

Lidia Nikolaevna claims that her husband made her an optimist, who “raised” Kozlova from her 18th birthday, when he took her as his wife. Taught on by example: Tanich never lost heart, although there were enough reasons to despair for several generations. The poet liked to repeat the following phrase: “Life, of course, is a vile thing. But nothing better than life didn’t come up with it.”

Tanich had a typical fate for his peers: his father was shot, his mother was imprisoned, the war began - he went to the front. Mikhail Isaevich, still alive, was buried in a mass grave.

But they managed to get it out. Then they imprisoned him on a false denunciation. After 6 years of camps, in 1953, he was rehabilitated. He was released with a clear conscience and a whole bunch of diseases.

When we got married, he was completely disabled! - Lydia Nikolaevna states without any despondency. She remembers her husband’s illnesses calmly - the way she perceived them.

In addition to tuberculosis, his legs were so rotten that for about 20 years I put oilcloth under the sheet: every night there was a quarter of a leak. liter jar pus. Then it was all over, the body recovered... Tanich died many times. It would be sad to tell, but he was a cheerful person.

When his heart began to worry, the poet was operated on by Renat Akchurin. Later, cancer was discovered. For the last 5 months, Tanich has not gotten up from the red leather sofa in the living room where we are sitting. So he received visitors, who traditionally poured into his house from morning to night. I managed to give songs to Boris Moiseev, Alena Alina, Laima Vaikule. In the end, Mikhail Isaevich spoke with great difficulty, and could not write down poetry on his own - when he woke up, he asked his wife to sit down next to him with a piece of paper and a pen and dictated to her... Embarrassed by the request (“it’s indecent for me to say such a thing, elderly woman"), Kozlova reads one poem dedicated by Tanich to herself:

Who would know how beautiful you are in the morning,
Don't you think your makeup suits you?
How they rise above me every time
Both the suns of your green eyes.

Kozlova found these lines in her husband’s desk, which she touched for the first time
“In April, it will be three years since Mikhail Isaevich has been gone, and I do everything that he did, as if I continue to live for him,” shares Lidia Nikolaevna. - I don’t even feel sad. I only regret that these almost 52 years life together it ended that a person is mortal... Already dying, in the intensive care unit, where I was allowed to enter for a short time, when my husband was already practically unconscious, he, slightly moving his lips, whispered: “And you and I... haven’t gotten enough of love.” Here, of course, tears flowed from both of us. And I didn't cry anymore.

Was Balda

Kozlova did not have to delve particularly into the affairs of the artistic director of Lesopoval. Tanich took care of his wife in this too. When the country sang his first songs - “Textile Town”, “How It Serves You”, letters with offers of cooperation began to arrive in bags for the poet. He appointed his wife, who herself is a member of the Union of Writers of the USSR, to defend against graphomaniacs.

In order to identify talented composers, Tanich appointed me as “worker Balda,” as in Pushkin’s fairy tale,” Lidiya Nikolaevna laughs. - People came, I listened to the melodies and in my own mind I wondered if there was hope. If the melody was okay, it allowed him to reach Tanich.

His songs, performed by Soviet pop stars, became popular one after another, the poet earned decent money... and suddenly “Lesopoval” appeared in his life. Few people know that it was Kozlova who brought Tanich to chanson through long 10-year persuasion.

Out of stupidity, people still scold Misha for the “Lesopoval” program. Not understanding that there are no bad themes - there are bad songs in this genre - the poet's widow defends the group. - Tanich didn’t want to touch on this topic, but I always appreciated such a song.

The group's first appearance on television created a sensation. The telephone at Tanich’s house did not stop ringing until the morning. One of the callers, Kozlova recalls, was a doctor philosophical sciences. “I don’t approve of such songs,” the lady said. - I think they are romanticizing underworld... But tell me, where else can I listen to them?” The poet laughed in response: “God willing, you will hear.”

Man and steamboat

Tanich left more than a hundred poems for “Lesopoval”. The group continues to perform and release new albums. The music for the group is written by 10 composers who were still under Mikhail Isaevich - not a single one has broken away. The house is also full of guests. Although this apartment where I spent my last years Tanich, not as prayed for as the old one, located on the other side of the Garden Ring. It is furnished with antique furniture; all the current celebrities who were still rising then came there.

When we were planning to move here, Sasha Malinin came to us and asked what we would do with the situation,” Kozlova recalls. “I don’t know,” answered Mikhail Isaevich. “You must leave everything as it is,” said Sasha. “Your museum will be here...” And then Nadya Babkina looked in. Her Russian Song theater is right below us - so she asked to sell her our apartment. But Misha refused: “My Svetka (one of two daughters, the second went to Holland - author) will settle here.”

Kozlova jokes that her daughter still lives there - “like a museum servant”... But Tanich still took one thing from the old furnishings: her favorite sculpture, bought with the royalties from Kozlova’s song “Iceberg”, performed by Alla Pugacheva. The walls of the poet's widow's two-story home are hung with paintings, and she did not buy any of them. Knowing Tanich’s love for painting and sculpture (he himself studied architecture), his friends tried to give him objects of art. But the poet received, perhaps, the most luxurious gift only after his death. Recently, a man approached Lydia Nikolaevna with a request for permission to name the ship that carries tourists along the Volga after Mikhail Isaevich. Upon closer acquaintance, the shipowner turned out to be the nephew of Evgeniy Leonov. “I have no reason to be sad,” Kozlova, leaving looking through photographs of her husband, raises her eyes. - You can only regret what you have done in life - meanness, betrayal. Time passed and you realized. You will sit and kill yourself, what an abomination you have committed. Why should I cry? I'm just glad I was with Tanich. I was very lucky to meet a man of such intelligence, such nobility, such humor and such courage. Parting is a difficult thing, but Tanich enriched me with the love of life so much that I don’t even understand that he’s gone. And I continue this love, this relationship from soul to soul...

Olga Saburova
Interlocutor, 5, 2011

Lidia Nikolaevna Kozlova – a beautiful woman, poetess who for a long time remained in the shadow of her husband Mikhail Tanich. Few people know that she is the artistic director of the Lesopoval group. The life of this poetess and songwriter is very interesting and fascinating.

Childhood and youth

Lida was born on the eve of the Great Patriotic War November 19, 1937 in Moscow. The poetess's childhood passed during difficult years for the entire country, when the war destroyed families and cities. Memories of childhood turned out to be the most difficult in the life of the future poetess. She saw not only destroyed cities and destroyed houses, but also felt all the hardships of the post-war period.

The photo shows Lida in her childhood years
Even as a child, Lida started playing the guitar, because she really liked music. There was no opportunity to learn to play the guitar; music schools were closed, so the girl learned little by little on her own. At the same time, the future poetess began to sing. She had a beautiful voice, and her friends loved to listen to her songs.

After graduating from school and receiving a certificate, Lydia immediately enters a construction college. She studied well and did not stand out among her peers. But her fellow students loved listening to her musical performances.

After graduating from college, Lydia, like many of her fellow students, was sent to work in Volgograd, where they were to build the Volzhskaya Hydroelectric Power Station. This construction site became a turning point in Kozlova’s biography, because here she met her husband, Mikhail Tanich. It was at a construction site that the girl began to sing while continuing to play the guitar.

Music career

Lidia Nikolaevna’s creative biography began after meeting Mikhail Tanich. The poetess began to write poetry. And her husband tried to do everything to ensure that all these hobbies of hers became a profession.

At the age of 18, the young poetess wrote her first song. She took the poems for her from her husband. But still, she was more interested in writing, because she saw the war and its consequences. Therefore, one day she took up her pen and soon Kozlova’s book “Next to the War” was published, in which she talked about the fate of the soldiers who were able to return from the war, crippled, and how complex and difficult their lives were in the future. This book is the poetess’s own vision of the world, these are the memories of her childhood and youth.

After the book was published, Lydia devoted herself entirely to her family. And only 20 years later she suddenly wanted to write poetry again. According to the poetess herself, this desire was served by her husband’s creativity. But she was embarrassed to show her poems to her husband, but she gladly gave them to Sergei Berezin, the head of VIA “Plamya”. This is how the famous and popular song “Snow is spinning, flying, flying” appeared. This song, called “Leaf Fall,” became a real musical hit.

So Kozlova quietly entered the circle of composers. She wrote compositions for songs for both Edita Piekha and Lyudmila Gurchenko.

It is known that sometimes Mikhail Tanich sent his customers to his wife, realizing that she could handle this or that musical composition better than him. This is how the meeting with the then still young and unknown took place. And the result of this acquaintance was the song “Iceberg”, written by Lidia Nikolaevna, which Alla Pugacheva began to perform with pleasure.

Soon Kozlova began to write musical compositions for many performers. Among them are not only Alla Pugacheva, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Edita Piekha, but also Valentina Tolkunova, Philip Kirkorov, Vyacheslav Malezhik and Alexander Malinin. She also worked in duets with other composers. And when her husband, Mikhail Tanich, died, she took over his responsibilities - the head of the Lesopoval group.

It is worth noting that soon after this event, Lydia Nikolaevna was enrolled in the Russian Writers' Union. After the death of her husband, she puts in order his archive, where many unknown poems remain, and which must necessarily turn into songs that will become the most popular hits.

Personal life

A new page in Kozlova’s biography opens after meeting her only husband. Immediately after graduating from college, the poetess met her husband and fell in love with him. After the wedding, the young family moved to Volzhsky. But life was difficult for them, as they were on the verge of poverty. Despite all the hardships and difficulties, their love continued to exist. They lived together for 52 years.

Lydia Nikolaevna became both a muse and an assistant for her husband. It was she who insisted that he send his poems to Galich, thanks to which Mikhail Tanich became famous for his work.

In that happy marriage the couple gave birth to two beautiful daughters: Svetlana and Inga. Svetlana became the guardian of her father's creativity.

"Komsomolskaya Pravda" came to visit Lidia Nikolaevna on the eve of the concert, in a large, comfortable apartment on Krasina Street, in which future hits were composed. In the hallway there is a painting by Shemyakin, a gift from the author. In the corner there is a bronze figurine.

I bought it with the royalties from the song “Iceberg”, found it with great difficulty, now it stands and decorates the apartment,” says Lydia Nikolaevna. Few people know, but she is the author of the lines of Pugacheva’s hit.

She and her husband worked together, endured joys and sorrows. And during the conversation it always seemed to us that the poetess was talking about Tanich as if he were alive:

Mikhail Isaevich and I still live together. The physical shell has died, but in my soul he is always with me. Our connection with him continues. And it still seems to me that he will come out now, kiss me, hug me...

Most of the artists ran to Tanich for a hit. Has it ever happened that you didn’t like a song right away?

There was a story with Tõnis Mägi, such a cute boy. He decided to write a serious album and came to our home to discuss some points with Tanich. And before that they showed him the song “Save broken heart mine", to which Mikhail Isaevich also wrote the words, which Tynis did not know about. And so he sits with us and says - listen, they offered me a song, but I don’t know if it’s somehow frivolous. And when we told him, that the author of the lyrics was sitting opposite, Tõnis was so embarrassed that he crawled under the table and didn’t come out for about an hour. And Igor Sklyar didn’t really like the song “Komarovo.” It seemed to him that it was somehow rustic for him. But in the end, it was she became a hit.

They say that Vladimir Vysotsky regretted offending Tanich...

In the bottom of the interview, he spoke unflatteringly about popular culture: “The white light has come together like a wedge on you, the white light has come together like a wedge on you, the white light has come together like a wedge on you” - and as many as three authors - Oscar Feltsman, Mikhail Tanich and Igor Shaferan." But about 14 years after Vysotsky’s death on At the funeral of Shaferan, friends of Vladimir Semenovich came up to us. He very much regretted that he allowed himself to speak out so harshly, and asked to apologize to the authors.

You worked with our pop stars, but their character is not sweet...

Best of the day

We didn’t have any problems with anyone, perhaps because Mikhail Isaevich was a non-conflict, but rather straightforward person. Maybe because he didn’t offer his songs - the singers themselves turned to him. I remember how we met Alla Pugacheva. There was such a program "C" Good morning", and Tanich, together with composer Levon Merabov, recorded the song "Robot" for her. We thought: who can perform it? We found two singers. One was very professional, with good voice. She sang so hard it gave me goosebumps. And then Alla came out. Skinny, with long eyelashes... And she sang it so touchingly: “Robot, you were a man,” and she had such inner strength... In general, they gave the song to her.

Tolsty Leps

You, also a poetess, have you deliberately gone into your husband’s shadow?

I wrote poems, but didn’t show them to Tanich - he was too strict. But one day Sergei Berezin, artistic director of “Flame,” brought him music. He asked me to write poetry. But Tanich had no time. I took it and came up with words. And when Berezin came, he had to show something. I was shy, but in the end I gave away the poem “The Snow Is Spinning.” Berezin listened, then turned around and left. I realized it was a failure. And he called us and said it was a hit. There was a similar story with the song "Iceberg". Igor Nikolaev brought music, I tried to write the text, Mikhail Isaevich approved it.

They say that Grigory Leps auditioned for Lesopoval...

There was already a repertoire written by Volodya Matetsky, but we still couldn’t figure out who would sing these songs. Matetsky himself wanted it, but he didn’t fit the type at all - so respectable, imposing, long-haired. We started looking. And Grisha then came to our house. I remember that at that time he was absolutely immense - now, of course, it’s difficult to imagine a fat Leps, but still. We listened to him and realized that it was not right. He then worked in restaurants, and his manner of singing was appropriate, plus it was strained.

"He heard me after death"

Over the past year, it must have been difficult for you to understand that your husband was leaving...

It's never been easy for us. After prison he had tuberculosis plus big problems with the legs - the wounds on them did not heal for several years. And in Last year we knew he was dying. It was very difficult for him to walk, but Mikhail behaved very courageously and did not want to show his illness to anyone. A couple of weeks before his death, “Lesopoval” was given a bonus. We asked the doctor if he could go there. The doctor said it would hasten his end. But Tanich went. He told me: “There, at the service entrance to the Kremlin, there are 17 steps, that’s how many steps I can take.” He barely made it onto the stage, then received the award with a smile. He walked back to another stage on stiff legs and literally fell into the arms of the doctor, who was already waiting for him.

Just before his death, Mikhail Isaevich found the strength to call Kobzon and ask him to agree on the cemetery. And when, in fact, everything happened, one significant incident occurred for me. They say that when a person dies physically, he is still aware of what is happening for some time. And I’m sitting next to him, holding his hand, saying words of love, when suddenly a tear rolls down his face...

After Mikhail's death, many manuscripts and poems remained. I'm doing this little by little under his supervision.

From the KP dossier

Mikhail Isaevich TANIHLEVICH was born on September 15, 1923 in Taganrog. Under the pseudonym Tanich, he began publishing his poems after his release from the camp, where he spent six years on charges of anti-Soviet propaganda. And before that he fought - he served as part of an anti-tank fighter brigade from Belarus to the Elbe. Was only rehabilitated at the end

50s and was able to settle in Moscow. The hits “Black Cat”, “Komarovo”, “What can I tell you about Sakhalin”, “I’ll get off at the distant station”, “Weather in the house” brought him fame. Founded the Lesopoval group. He died four years ago from kidney failure.

// Photo: Anatoly Lomokhov/

The artists called Tanich “Uncle Misha” because he would always help. Sincere and dedicated to his work, he is up to last months life wanted to work. Show business stars dreamed of performing songs based on Tanich's poems, and spoke about him in a purely positive manner. So, Igor Nikolaev came to his house as if it were his own home. “She and Lydia Nikolaevna were my Moscow parents, they looked after me and protected me. Mikhail Isaevich later told me that there were daughters, but no son. And he saw me as a son. And for me he was a father, whom I lost at the age of 21,” said the musician.

However, few people know that real son Mikhail Tanich abandoned him as a child. For the first time, Mikhail Isaevich married a medical student, Irina, in Rostov, from whom a son, Yuri, was born. Their family was destroyed by misfortune: Tanich was sent to prison following a denunciation. During one of the student parties, he had the imprudence to praise German roads and radios. For anti-Soviet propaganda, 24-year-old Tanich received six years in the camps. The first wife did not wait for the poet to return from prison and asked for a divorce. And then she even forced her son to write a letter in which he abandoned his father. Tanich met his son later, when he entered Moscow State University, but a warm relationship never developed between them. The heir to the star died very early from heart disease.

The only one true love Lydia Kozlova became a poet, with whom he lived together all his life. Their love began in the poorest hut on the banks of the Volga. There was no furniture, only a bed. And Tanich took that one from the morgue, broken. It was his wife who helped Tanich forget about the failures in his first marriage.

“Once he gave me a bouquet of flowers,” recalls Lydia Nikolaevna. - And he saw how happy I was. Since then, he never forgot to bring flowers once a week throughout the 52 years that we lived together.”

Even youngest daughter Mikhail Isaevich, Svetlana, admits that her father was truly close only with her mother. “Dad didn’t like children being pampered. I could get hit for rudeness. In general, he was open and friendly up to a certain point. He had doors where he never let anyone in. Until the end, he opened up, maybe only to his mother,” admitted the heiress of the star Svetlana.

By the way, both daughters took their mother’s surname so as not to be in the shadow of their famous father. Those who saw sincere love parents and Tanich's heirs were still unable to build personal happiness. Now both women are single. Inga has two unsuccessful marriage. But Svetlana has never been married, lives in her parents’ apartment and works on her father’s archive.

On the air of the “Tonight” program, the poet’s relatives remembered that hard time for their family came in the early 2000s, when Tanich suffered two heart attacks one after another. He underwent heart surgery when he was already over 70. But the worst thing happened when the writer was diagnosed with cancer in last stage. He suffered from unbearable pain, but he spared his wife and did not admit how painful it was for him.

“At 3.10 am he died. But no one told me. I went to see him at ten in the morning, fully confident that he was still alive. When I found out that he died, I asked to see him. The doctor says that when a loved one comes to see someone who has just died, they may react to it. I walk in, Tanich is an absolute corpse. I understand that it is not possible to return it. But I start saying words that I didn’t finish. And when I said, “Mishenka, I’m here, I’m with you,” a tear appeared in his eyes, he parted his lips and almost silently said, “You and I can’t stop loving each other.” This was our farewell to him,” said the poet’s widow.

The poet’s wife admitted that she still remembers him every day. Only next to this man were both his wife and two daughters truly happy, and therefore now they protect his memory with all their might.
