Love of Capricorn man and woman.

In the love sphere throughout 2018, single men and women of the Capricorn sign, according to the stars and the love horoscope, will experience uncertainty and doubts about their strengths, their attractiveness and their ability to find the right person for them. During this time period, married people, in addition to approximately the same feelings, will also experience duality in relation to their partner and will begin to doubt the correctness of their choice.

Capricorn will make efforts to ensure that family relationships with a loved one do not go wrong at all, but, on the contrary, become stronger. On the other hand, this person will doubt whether he needs to hold his family together and continue the relationship further, because something has been going wrong for quite a long time, and this is not the fault of the mistress of 2018.

Although it may also happen that Capricorn will be afraid of a difficult turn of fate, will resign himself, simply giving up a full-fledged family life, and will withdraw into himself, his inner world, where no one will disturb him.

But maybe he shouldn’t close himself off so much, but understand that he was born not for this, to close himself off, but in order to live his life happily, without later regretting that he decided to take a brave step, changed the course own life. site/node/3415

By understanding this, Capricorn can become a more open and confident person in the coming year. His relationship with his loved one, if not restored, will have a great chance to start his life again.

Love horoscope for Capricorn man 2018

In the personal life of a Capricorn man living in a happy marriage, changes will occur over the coming year; it is quite possible that your relationship with your family partner will reach a new, better level, and the slightly faded love will flare up with passion again.

In 2018, family representatives of the Capricorn sign will feel confident, and harmony will reign in their family, this will be especially noticeable until the fall. Throughout this period, this person will be busy with his professional responsibilities and family concerns. In the fall, there may be an increase in tension in the relationship, associated with some kind of uncertainty; perhaps one of the spouses will need a vacation separately from the family.

In general, in such a situation, your loved one must take the initiative into his own hands, show patience and tact, so as not to aggravate the situation. By the end of this year, there will be harmony in relationships in your family and undivided peace and tranquility will reign, and even a small quarrel will not bring serious discord into the family.

Love horoscope for Capricorn woman 2018

The Capricorn family woman, always elegant and proud, outwardly charming and graceful, in 2018, according to the love horoscope, will set several goals for herself at once. She must continue to serve her family faithfully, because her family is completely satisfied with her and she is not going to change anything, she also needs to have time to do her professional work, because perhaps they will soon be promoted.

Those lovely ladies of the Capricorn sign, whose relationships have reached a dead end and are clearly heading towards divorce, can count on making new acquaintances this year, but only towards the end.

A prudent and thorough family man, Capricorn with traditional views on marriage, will continue to manipulate his wife and children this year.

He should turn his attention to his wife’s attitude towards him; perhaps it has changed recently, as if he would not have to join the ranks of bachelors in the near future if he does not change his attitude towards her and his family.

Although it is quite possible that it is already too late to do something, his partner has already weighed everything, thought it over and she has made a decision, he can only think about his future, as well as about how to change himself.

Focusing separately on single representatives of the Capricorn sign, in 20188 they should meet the person with whom they will be ready to join their destiny, in the hope of living happily ever after.

Moreover, meeting a new person will not last long, everything will happen quickly, and as soon as he finds himself in the arms of a loved one, he will immediately understand that this is his choice forever.

The end of the year for single men and women of this sign, trusting the stars and relying on the love horoscope, should be positive; they will prepare for the New Year holidays together with a new acquaintance, which means there will be something to think about on New Year’s Eve!

In conclusion: - to get to know the lonely Capricorn better

The love passions of women and men of the Capricorn sign begin when all their friends and peers have long since started a family and are raising children.

This happens because these people are young, completely absorbed in their careers, or are finishing their studies, receiving some kind of academic degrees, and so on.

That is why they are in no hurry to tie their lives by marriage, and not at all because they are snobs and bores, as someone might think.

Love relationships and compatibility of the Capricorn sign with other signs

Good compatibility of Capricorn, that is, the most acceptable options for him to create a happy family, with such signs - Pisces, Cancer and Virgo

Possible options for Capricorn when they can find a common language in an equal chance of 50/50 - with Libra, Aquarius, Gemini and Capricorn

Unfavorable compatibility and it is better for Capricorn not to tempt fate, as well as not to waste his time, on representatives of the zodiac - Leo, Aries, Sagittarius and Scorpio

Love among zodiac signs

Everyone understands that each zodiac sign understands the word love in its own way and imagines what a love relationship between partners should be like. Often even representatives of the same sign behave completely differently; the following examples can be given (using the element of Fire):

For the Fire sign Aries, love is an immersion in a magical world of adventure, where you can get completely new emotions that he desperately needs. For representatives of this sign, the brighter the reaction of the new partner, the more interesting and intriguing it is for him;

Representatives of the Leo sign are not as passionate as Aries in matters of love; they are more serious, restrained and thorough. Their love can be called uniform, it will burn with an even flame and will not burn the new partner;

The love of the last representative of the Sagittarius Fire sign flares up brightly and quickly, and it also goes out. Representatives of this sign are fickle in love and relationships; they love change more and do not count on a long-term relationship than the first two signs.

Manifestation of love by zodiac signs

SwiftAries Passionate and irrepressible in love, these people are ready to fulfill any desire of their beloved partner, at the same time, it is very important for this person that his efforts are appreciated. Aries will give gifts to their loved one, although often they will turn out to be inappropriate; they should be interested in their partner’s preferences in advance.

Sullen and knowing for sure that they are always rightTaurus , in love they are quite practical materialists, to some extent they are calculating egoists, they tend to express their feelings in the form of some kind of gifts - it can be anything, exquisite jewelry, fashionable watches or something else.

Windy and fickleTwins they love to give and to be given gifts, they are ready to present and accept any that bring love and warmth, these can be soft toys, inexpensive watches or jewelry. One of the most ardent and fickle signs, but they know how to love like no other.

Cautious and somewhat timidCancers , great romantics in love, at the same time they are practical, always trying to surround their love with mystery. For the sake of a loved one, they are ready for the most daring actions, even self-sacrifice. It is not always easy with this person; often he requires too close attachment to himself, which not everyone likes.

Royal and firmly convinced that they are rightLions , in love they are not so much romantic as they are pragmatic, so his gifts to his loved one will not be those that cause delight, but thorough and useful. Leo will not often please and surprise his partner, but his gifts are always expensive, which are always appropriate and will definitely be useful to him, or in their shared home.

Representatives of few words in everyday lifeVirgo , are ready to give up everything for the sake of a loved one and run with him to the ends of the world. They carefully look after their new partner, often give gifts, but first find out from him what their beloved (beloved) wants to receive. You feel confident with this person, but if he stops loving you, he will become distant and closed.

For representatives of the doubting signScales in love, attention and receiving mental and physical pleasure are important. These people are ready to give the joys of love to their beloved partner, but also want to receive the same return from him, not only with words or signs of attention, but also in bed.

Calculating in relationships with the opposite sexScorpios They are often very practical, but this is if they do not love their partner; if they have feelings for him, then they become soft and easily controlled. In this case, they are ready to follow their loved one to the ends of the earth and almost completely obey him.

Representatives of the swift signSagittarius They usually show their love openly, they even show it off publicly. This person, for the sake of his beloved (beloved), is ready for the most insane and desperate actions, which sometimes cannot be justified. They will be faithful and submissive as long as the fire of love burns in their soul, but as soon as it fades away, expect drastic changes.

Fickle and unpredictableAquarius - in love, this is the person who views this feeling as some kind of misunderstanding. In relationships, they are cold and indifferent, even if Aquarius has feelings for their partner, he will not show his interest; love will most likely have to be shown to their chosen one or chosen one.

PersistentCapricorn in love for your partner there is very practicality, he will constantly take care of him, inquire about his well-being and health, take care and worry. This person is used to giving practical and useful gifts, so instead of flowers or an exquisite watch, he will buy his chosen one a warm sweater or blanket.

Gentle and secretiveFish one of the sexiest and most loving signs, but here’s the problem: in relationships with the opposite sex, they often try to amaze their partner not with intimacy, but with some kind of abstruse speeches, knowledge in some area, and their broad outlook. Pisces loves to be given gifts to a greater extent, although she herself is not averse to giving a surprise to her loved one, but usually it is inexpensive.

The understanding of love and relationships between partners is also completely different for different zodiac signs, for example:

Fire signs (Aries, Leo and Sagittarius) are impetuous, uncontrollable and to some extent domineering in love, and do not accept bickering or their partner’s own opinion.

Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius) are open and ready to experiment; they require play and imagination; routine and dullness are not for these people.

Representatives of the Earth (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn) love openness, thoroughness and honesty in relationships with the opposite sex.

For the elements of Water (Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces), in love, contacts, acquaintances and relationships with new chosen ones, they prefer romance, caution, mystery and a delicate attitude.

For single men and women of the zodiac sign Capricorn, 2018 in love and love relationships with the opposite sex can turn out any way, much if not everything will depend on themselves, their desires and desires to arrange their lives, to finally find peace of mind with their loved one person. Therefore, Capricorns should not be shy to be active and proactive in searching for their destiny, be bolder in making contact, offer yourself and get acquainted, start a family and enjoy life together with your beloved one!

The year of the fiery rooster for Capricorns promises to be calm and stable, both in matters of the heart and in friendships. You will be especially pleased with the wonderful atmosphere of intra-family relationships, which proceed smoothly and without aggravation. Pleasant bustle, worries and troubles await only those who have scheduled their wedding for 2018. The wedding celebration will be great, without any delays and extremely luxurious.

As for Capricorns who are not connected by family ties, it is unlikely that they will be able to find a suitable partner for a strong and long-term relationship in 2018. The stars recommend that they be more careful when meeting representatives of the opposite sex. After all, Capricorns can count on a fateful meeting with the one and only person no earlier than next year. Of course, single Capricorns will have many pleasant acquaintances, with some of whom they will develop closer relationships, but, unfortunately, the long-awaited meeting is not expected.

At the beginning of the year, Capricorns will devote a lot of energy and time to professional activities, which will entail dissatisfaction on the part of the other half. The situation in the family will worsen, which will upset Capricorns a little. The stars recommend not to distance yourself from resolving this situation, but to clarify all the issues immediately. After everything works out, loved ones will look at the current situation from a different angle and will not reproach Capricorn for the lack of attention and care.

With the arrival of the spring months, Capricorns, free from family ties, will begin romantic adventures. Some attractive person of the opposite sex will come into their field of vision, who will pay attention and in every possible way provoke Capricorns to take decisive action. It is worth noting that neither Capricorn nor a new acquaintance will be interested in a long-term relationship; everything that happens will be perceived by them as an exciting adventure.

The beginning of this relationship will be a common interest in the outcome of a project and joint work on mutually beneficial terms. During the first full moon, which will occur on January 12, some unknown force may throw Capricorns into the arms of this person. Everything will happen by itself. It will seem that even the forces of nature are helping to unite these people together and help ignite the passion in their hearts. Neither Capricorn nor his partner will have any opportunity to resist such a combination of circumstances.

If the situation described above happens to family Capricorns, troubles most likely cannot be avoided. The other half will begin to suspect Capricorn of infidelity. Stormy scenes, tears and showdowns are not expected, but Capricorns will fully feel the disrespect and contempt of their partner. Sometimes it will be unpleasant for them to even return home.

The stars recommend that the wards of this zodiac sign break up with their chosen one due to fading feelings. But, if you truly love him, try with all your might to resolve the situation and beg for forgiveness. If Capricorns choose the second option, it is recommended that a large group go out into nature and spend the night. This will help you relax and take a break from everyday worries. You will be able to tune in to a responsible step - to commit to being a worthy person and no longer encroaching on the honor of the relationship.

The reserved and serious Capricorn showed himself with dignity in the year of the Red Rooster, for which he was rewarded according to his deserts. The Yellow Dog will begin to rule the world on February 16, so the 2018 Capricorn horoscope advises you to prepare in advance for a meeting with a good-natured animal. The Dog will notice his charm and perseverance in business immediately and in the spring he will help to successfully complete everything that Capricorn did not manage to implement at the beginning of the year.

The horoscope for Capricorn for 2018 promises career growth, as well as praise from superiors for the work done. The dog will be proud of you, so in March and April it will not leave you without honors and monetary rewards. Even minor troubles at work cannot unsettle a thorough Capricorn. In order to increase your capital in the year of the Earth Dog, you will need diligence and ingenuity. The main thing is not to be afraid to show your abilities in all areas of life in 2018.

The horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn until the end of spring predicts profitable deals and contracts, as well as new partnerships. Success at work will be stunning, which will give Capricorn optimism. The dog will personally take you to a fashionable boutique and help you choose a solid business suit, branded watch, briefcase and tie. Capricorn should not spend all his time and energy on business, because his personal life also needs to be arranged. In Capricorn's family in 2018, visits from distant relatives, hereditary and domestic problems are expected. Close people will help you solve pressing matters, make repairs and actively work on your garden plot.

The horoscope for Capricorn for 2018 recommends the Dog to single representatives of this sign to look around. You have a chance to meet “your” person, destined by fate. By the way, if Capricorn has a desire to propose to his chosen one, then it is better to do this in May 2018. Already at the beginning of summer, the Dog will tell you where it is better to buy a wedding outfit and which host to invite to the celebration. But only if Capricorn is decisive and sensitive, will he be able to maintain a strong relationship with his loved one. Don’t be modest in your desires, take the initiative and then happiness will not bypass your home.

The 2018 horoscope for Capricorn predicts a busy and interesting autumn season. You won't notice the cloudy weather outside your window if you indulge in daydreaming and romance. Capricorn will be in perfect health – no blues, no depression. The Yellow Dog will help you open your own business, establish promising connections and get a high position. It’s too early for Capricorn to think about rest, but it’s better to normalize relations with competitors and improve their professional level.

The horoscope for Capricorn for 2018 promises a wonderful and fruitful winter period. You will be able to find worthy partners and increase your income. At the end of the Year of the Dog, Capricorn will finally go to a travel agency to buy a trip. Choose a resort with your family to relax together away from the city noise. In 2018, make sure that all relatives have foreign passports, then there will be less hassle with documents and fees for the trip. A romantic trip abroad awaits a Capricorn in love.

The horoscope for Capricorn for 2018 for the Dog predicts a fun and not boring pastime. Even if you have to work day and night, you will still not lose your positive mood and assertiveness. The dog favors the persistent Capricorn, so he will do everything possible to make him a loved and respected person in society. In 2018, be less discouraged, complain and be sad because of unrealized plans. After all, if there is a desire, then Capricorn will achieve a lot without outside help.

Capricorn is one of the most stable and firmly standing signs; Aries and Taurus combined will envy his stubbornness in all matters. But the older a representative of this sign gets, the more difficult it is for him to compromise both with himself and with his conscience. The Queen of the Year Dog will calmly look at his behavior, however, until it begins to harm others, which is also not uncommon.

General trends

Throughout 2018, Capricorn will pull the blanket over itself. He believes that he is always right in everything, and in order for everything to work out the way he planned, everyone around him must obey only this strong representative of the earthly element. Despite the fact that the Year of the Rooster was difficult for him, and they very often, so to speak, disagreed with him in principles and opinions. The dog is more pragmatic and consistent, which Capricorns really like. Their life will stabilize and there will be confidence in the future. They will boldly lead everyone who is next to them on the path. Trust them, representatives of the earthly element will not lead you down a bad path, they will think through their every step. By the way, it is best not to rush anyone in this matter, since these people usually think for a long time, make any decisions carefully and not in one day.

Stubbornness does not always lead to good results. Unfortunately, they do not listen to anyone, and having made a decision they will not move to the side, even if the other party is right. Because of this, disagreements may arise with work colleagues, especially with superior people. Capricorns who have set themselves the goal of making a career move in 2018 need to be very, very careful in their expressions and actions, otherwise your hopes will not come true.

Capricorn love horoscope

Capricorns are very selective in love; they look closely at their partner for a long time before making their choice. But after they have done it, they make loyal and caring family men or wives. Every step they take will be taken for the sake of the family and for the family. Loving people just have to not irritate or put pressure on the one who cares about them.

The beginning of the year should be left for comfortable rest and recuperation, because the Rooster made the representative of this constellation work very hard and get nervous. Every day was devoted to work and putting your own affairs in order, so throughout January you need to remain quiet and not get to know your potential other half. It is important. Firstly, your exhausted mind may miss the “me” and find something completely unsuitable for you. Secondly, you may simply start to get irritated over every little thing and annoy everyone around you.

Starting from mid-February, you can think about love and romantic games. In March and April, some of you will get the chance to meet your other half. There is one small nuance here: from the very beginning there should be not just sympathy, but mutual understanding between you. The stronger the friendship between you, the stronger the future relationship will be.

Summer will be a testing period for love. The reason may be a short separation, business trips, jealousy.

The autumn period, as our ancestors said, is good for weddings. In addition, the earthly element that patronizes this sign will help maintain the stability of a future marriage, be long and fertile.

Towards the end of the year, the horoscope advises all free representatives of this sign to give up all their urgent matters and urgently start organizing their personal lives. Although, of course, this should have been done earlier. The Year of the Dog is most suitable for creating a cozy family corner. If you are an ardent bachelor and do not want to change anything in your life, then put all your energy into completing work and financial matters.

Money horoscope for the year of the Dog

Financial stability will come to Capricorns; they worked so hard last year that the Dog will not test them this year either. The money invested will begin to generate income, and frequent expenses will significantly decrease. Possible business trips will improve your financial condition; the horoscope advises you not to shy away from them.

The winter period will be passive in relation to income growth, but stable. Large expenses are also not expected. In the spring, many representatives of the earth element will have the opportunity to make excellent investments and earn outside income. Advice to the female half of this sign: don’t take on too much, you can overstrain yourself and literally fall ill. Leave financial issues to your men, work for pleasure. Of course, this state of affairs concerns only those women whose rear is covered by a reliable male back. Although such advice may seem ridiculous to single ladies, it is still worth listening and turning your attention to the children for whom you work so hard. Perhaps at the moment, they need your attention more than good financial security. Don't forget that family values ​​come first in 2018.

Summer is a time for excellent business trips; it makes sense to hold off on vacation for now. Many people believe that summer is a stagnant period for business, but this is not always the case. Businessmen never rest at all. Ordinary Capricorn employees in the summer months, when a good half of their colleagues have gone “across the seas,” are given the opportunity to distinguish themselves in front of their boss.

Autumn can be reserved for relaxation. The housewife herself becomes lazy and slow in the fall, why don’t you relax with her?

You must complete your business before the end of the year. The dog likes things to be simple. At the same time, she must take care of her future, therefore, while working for a whole year, do not forget to “bury a bone” for the next year, 2019. And, be careful, the Pig just loves to spend money.

Capricorn health in 2018

At the beginning of 2018, gourmet Capricorns may suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. If you don’t go on a diet in a timely manner, there is a high probability of gaining extra pounds.

Due to your weakness for tasty food, you are not at risk of vitamin deficiency; your body is still full of strength. But by the month of May, perhaps, it’s time to remember both a healthy diet and adequate physical activity, otherwise the body will fail. Both pharmaceutical and natural products are excellent for obtaining vitamins. An excellent appetite and “workaholism” undermine health, so you should not forget about a sufficient amount of water, which helps your body renew its cells, cleanse the body of toxins, and cleanse the blood vessels of cholesterol. Preparing yourself for the hot summer period will also be useful.

In the fall, it is important to eat well and properly, regain your strength before next summer, because in the future, you will have to work even harder to satisfy the patroness of the year. Try not to catch a cold; autumn colds can be persistent. The weak point will be the nose and, accordingly, the ears; beware, the disease may drag on.

By the end of the year, Capricorns face the danger of injury, ranging from dislocations to fractures. Be careful and take your time, especially for the fairer sex, who often “run” through life much more than men.

Capricorn woman horoscope

Women of this sign are unbearably stubborn, which the Dog does not support at all. The stars warn you: you should not always and not everywhere show this side of your character. There is a high probability of petty and unnecessary quarrels precisely because of your stubbornness. Especially beware of arguing with your superiors and your other half. Every argument you have is a step towards a possible separation. Give in in small things, give in in big disputes, even when you are sure that you are right. Your methods of proving it are very pushy and annoying. Sometimes it is better to step back and wait to resolve the issue. Weigh the evidence of your rightness, write it on paper, in the end, and give it to your opponent to read. Perhaps with a fresh mind and peacefully you will achieve much greater results.

Women who have adult children should think about whether you are imposing your opinion on them a little. It may be worth giving individuals separate from you the green light to make their own decisions. Mothers of teenagers should let go of the rules and let their children choose their own route. Of course, you don’t need to stop watching them completely, just help them become more confident and independent. You can observe and control from afar. Remember: the golden mean is the right decision in all aspects of life.

For single ladies, the Year of the Dog will be an excellent time to resolve this issue. An ardent supporter of family life, she will lead you to various acquaintances and romances, so that you can quickly find your other half. The horoscope recommends, when meeting a potential groom, not to scare him off with your assertiveness. Remember: we reveal the strengths of our character little by little.

Horoscope of Capricorn Men

In the year of the Earth Dog, it is important for Capricorn men to stay with their family. Very often work becomes almost the only value, which is extremely wrong! The patroness will support you in any business or career endeavors, but only if you do not approach this issue fanatically.

We earnestly ask men - do not quarrel with your family over trifles. Petty quarrels not only exhaust you, they take up a lot of your health and time. Give in more, the mistress of the year is not stubborn, she is pliable and faithful to her loved ones. Support your children in their honest endeavors and creative ideas. Both boys and girls need the good opinion of family authority.

The year of the bright and active Rooster was successful in everything for smart and prudent Capricorns. How will the new period develop, and will the Yellow Earth Dog be so favorable to Saturn’s pets? You can find out about all this by looking at our horoscope for 2018 Capricorn woman.

A detailed presentation of all events will allow you to take timely measures, “spread a straw” somewhere, and in other cases act decisively and firmly.

And some problems will arise for the lovely Capricorn ladies at the very beginning of the year. This will be due to a lack of finances, so women will direct all their efforts to search for reliable sources of income.

This will even lead to the fact that other aspects of life will be left without attention, which threatens a slight discord in the family union of married Capricorns.

It is important to be able to prioritize without forgetting about your family. It will be easier for single ladies who will immerse themselves in building a career, striving to achieve financial stability.

Success will accompany the hardworking representatives of this zodiac sign, and in the very near future all financial issues for Capricorns will be resolved.

Just don’t forget about rest, otherwise it will turn out that you will spend your hard-earned capital on your own treatment.

It is in the spring that unmarried ladies will receive a marriage proposal. This event will take them by surprise, many will even be confused, everything will be done so unexpectedly for Capricorns.

It’s up to you to think and decide, but don’t shy away from the offer under the guise of being busy and not wanting to change your usual way of life. It is quite possible that this is your destiny, and because of your intense work schedule, you do not even want to understand your feelings.

In the summer, there is a high probability of getting bogged down in legal disputes that will be initiated by distant relatives. You will be discouraged by this turn of events, but friends and a loved one will come to your aid.

They will help not only financially, but also morally, supporting you in all trials. In the end, everything will turn out great, and you will once again be convinced of the correctness of the saying about having a hundred true friends.

Your career will go up, and representatives of the stronger sex will only be surprised at your firm, victorious tread and the right decisions. A promotion to a position for which many will apply, but management will prefer you, will also be completely predictable.

The purposefulness of Capricorn ladies will also manifest itself in the fall. They suddenly decide to get another education, and this step will be approved by their superiors.

The stars also say that large purchases will be successful in October-November, so if you have been planning to buy something for a long time, do not hesitate and go to the store.

The Capricorn woman will end her stormy 2018 with a journey. Married ladies will go with their significant other and children to celebrate the New Year in overseas countries.

Free Capricorn women will choose an excursion tour for relaxation, preferring new meetings, emotions and acquaintances to the calm and loneliness of home.

Love horoscope for 2018 for Capricorn women

The Yellow Dog will try to please Capricorns, and therefore they will definitely be lucky in love in 2018. The stars predict a beautiful love affair for single ladies, but whether it will have a serious continuation in the form of a family union is up to Capricorns themselves to decide.

Your chosen one will be completely disposed towards you, surround you with attention, care, and shower you with gifts, and all actions will be sincere and from the heart.

It is advisable for women to show themselves from the best side, however, this will not be so difficult, by nature, Capricorns are excellent lovers and faithful, understanding partners.

Add a little passion and emotion to your relationship, don’t forget about your main weapon – charm, and then everything will definitely work out for you.

The astrological forecast especially notes that in love relationships it is better for Capricorns to rely on their heart, and not on a cold mind. It’s probably not worth throwing yourself into the maelstrom of passion, although who knows, maybe this tactic will give the best result.

Married ladies will have to go through worries about flirting on the side of their significant other. But the Dog keeps everything under control, quickly brings the lost sheep to reason and returns it to the family.

But Capricorn women themselves will need to pay attention to the family, since complete concentration only on work can cause a split in even the strongest marriage.

By the way, don’t forget about taking care of yourself, and also that you need to look stunning not only at business receptions and various celebrations, but also at home.

Financial horoscope for 2018

Capricorn ladies will make every effort to improve the material well-being of their family. To this end, consent will be given in the spring in response to the offer of a new position in a completely new field for Capricorns.

Hard work, determination and dedication will bring excellent results, and in the second half of the year the budget will be steadily replenished. True, it will not be possible to make any nest eggs and reserves, since the funds will be spent on various large purchases.

In the summer and early autumn, Capricorns will plan to make major renovations, replace furniture in the apartment, and completely update the wardrobe for the whole family. And this will be absolutely correct, since the heavenly bodies give the go-ahead for such expenses.

A properly structured financial policy and reasonable savings will allow you to do without loans. The dog will welcome such actions and help in every possible way.

A completely unexpected thing for representatives of this zodiac sign will be the return of a long-standing and already forgotten debt from an old friend.

Also in December, management will issue a bonus, so Capricorns can safely go for New Year's gifts for their loved ones and friends.

Career horoscope for Capricorns for 2018

Capricorns are ready to work day and night to achieve the top in their career, but their hard work is not always appreciated by their superiors.

Many ladies, from the very beginning of the year, will be completely immersed in the work process, sometimes sacrificing weekends and holidays and forgetting about their family. Modern business women are distinguished by an “iron” grip, and this produces results, but still, do not forget that first of all you are women.

In the spring, the stars do not advise starting new projects, but the transition to a new place of work will be successful. It is also not recommended to expand your business before the fall; it is better to start preparing and filling out all the necessary documentation, calculate all the options, and prepare the “foundation.”

An astrological forecast warns office workers of the risk of serious conflicts with colleagues. The reason for this is Capricorns’ irreconcilable position on some issues, their reluctance to reach an agreement even on small things. It's probably time to reconsider your actions a little, to be tolerant and attentive to other points of view.

Do not get involved in disputes that will distract you from the main thing, do not take all gossip and rumors on faith, be above it.

The stars say that this tactic will be the best, and you will avoid problems with management and also save your own nerves.

Health horoscope for Capricorns for 2018

The astrological forecast recommends Capricorn women to pay more attention to their health. Perhaps in the spring doctors will offer you an operation, and you should agree to it. There is no need to be afraid, but in the future you will avoid problems with deteriorating health.

For rehabilitation after the hospital, it would be good to go to a sanatorium so that recovery goes faster.

It is also advisable to visit an ophthalmologist; prolonged work at the computer will cause strain on the eyes. The specialist will recommend vitamin supplements and also prescribe glasses or contacts if necessary.

In the summer, Capricorn ladies will have complexes about being overweight. But this is in vain, since slight plumpness suits lovely women very much, you just need to know when to eat in moderation and do not forget about the fitness room and jogging.

If such jogging does not appeal to you, you can choose Nordic walking, taking a friend or significant other as your companion - everyone will benefit.

In autumn and winter, avoid hypothermia; do not walk around without a hat during the thaw period. If you don’t listen to the Dog’s wise advice, you’ll get a cold, and it will bother you until next year.

If you were previously quite skeptical about hardening and contrast showers, now is the time to reconsider your views.

The stars say that these are the procedures that will allow you to quickly put your body in order, get a wonderful boost of energy, and always be in a great mood.

Natalia Severova
