Oksana Akinshina's mother age. Akinshina: “I felt happy for the first time with my husband

For Lena, Akinshina’s behavior seems outrageous. Miro could not understand how it was possible to go so far from her own child and live happily ever after. “The truth is that Akinshina has the mentality of a downtrodden woman. The downtrodden woman is in charge life valuemen's pants. For the sake of having these pants in her house, a downtrodden woman will bend under any conditions.”, – wrote Lena.

Miro claims that Oksana’s husband, businessman Archil Gelovani, gave an ultimatum that the actress’s eldest son should be left in Russia. According to Lena, the downtrodden woman agrees to everything, as long as the man is nearby.


The blogger does not understand how Oksana can live peacefully away from her child. Is it worth relegating children to the background? Lena does not approve of the actress’s action; she believes that Philip simply needs maternal love and affection. “What kind of chicken do you have to be to sign up for this?”– wrote an angry Miro.


Elena was also outraged by the words spoken by Akinshina about her daughter. Oksana said in an interview that Emma would tear apart all men. Miro writes that the actress has no brains, because, holding a one and a half year old girl in her arms, she thinks about how she will break the men. According to Miro, such thinking characterizes a downtrodden woman.


The blogger claims that there are many women in Russia who put the interests of men first. It is worth noting that many network users supported Elena’s position. “Mothers who leave their children with a grandmother or a nanny gradually lose touch with them. This negatively affects the overall relationship between mother and child. The behavior of mothers in wealthy “regular marriages” is simply dishonest and little reasonable. They get mad at the free ones Money", "What is the need for a school so far away? This is primary education and will not have any preference in the future. There are plenty of such schools, closer and cheaper. So the summary here is quite clear: pathos and status.”, wrote people who were not indifferent to the situation.


Oksana Akinshina decided not to say what disease had overcome her eldest son Philip. Therefore, users began to doubt the veracity of the actress’s words and took the side of Elena Miro.

    Actress Oksana Akinshina was born on April 19, 1987. The girl's parents often quarreled, and the tense situation in the family greatly affected her character. Since childhood, she became independent. She considered her mother more of a friend than an authority. She did everything her own way.

    Oksana always despised social norms and did not obey them. She strived to be different from everyone else, not to obey the established order in her environment. The biography of the beautiful Oksana Akinshina is interesting to her fans. That’s why we dedicated today’s article to her.

    The youth of the actress

    The family of the future actress was not at all creative. Her mother was an accountant, and her father worked as a car mechanic. But Oksana always liked art. She enjoyed attending the theater club at school. But I also thought about other professions - I wanted to become a veterinarian or a police officer.

    At the age of 12, the future actress first became interested in the opposite sex. Beautiful girl The young men liked her and some of them reciprocated.

    For Oksana Akinshina, there were practically no prohibitions. Also, at the age of 12, she got a tattoo. And at 13 I didn’t give up cigarettes and alcohol.

    In addition, the young girl began earning money early. She began working as a model. But she was bored at school. Because of this, the girl studied poorly.

    She received a certificate of secondary education only in 2008, when she was already 21 years old. In addition, after graduating from school, the girl decided to study as an art critic and entered a St. Petersburg university.

    Filmography of Oksana Akinshina

    In 2000, the girl’s life changed dramatically. Thanks to the modeling agency, Oksana took part in auditions for the film “Sisters” by Sergei Bodrov, Jr. At that moment she didn’t even dream of a career in cinema and didn’t want to please the director at all. But the complex, rebellious character of the actress played a key role - she was unconditionally accepted for main role. Thanks to Bodrov, Oksana fell in love with the world of cinema. And for the sake of this world, she decided to quit school.

    Oksana Akinshina, Sergei Bodrov Jr. and Katya Gorina in the film “Sisters”

    The girl easily transformed into the heroine of the film, Sveta. But in character she was very different from her character. Sveta is an introvert, she doesn’t let anyone get close to her. And young Akinshina was more sociable and cheerful.

    It’s interesting that Oksana didn’t get along very well with Ekaterina Gorina, who played her sister. The girls were jealous of the director for each other. True, after filming, their relationship improved.

    Oksana Akinshina in the film “Lilya Forever”

    Soon after the film “Sisters,” Akinshina was invited to his project by Swedish director Lukas Moodysson. She played the main role in the drama “Lilya Forever”. Thanks to this film, the young actress became famous abroad.

    In the same year, the actress played in Andrei Proshkin’s film “Moth Games”. The girl’s partners on the set were Alexey Chadov and Sergey Shnurov. In addition, she was involved in the filming of the popular TV series “Kamenskaya”.

    Oksana Akinshina in Hollywood movie"The Bourne Supremacy"

    The success of young Oksana Akinshina in cinema is enviable. In 2004, she went to Hollywood to film The Bourne Supremacy. She played a cameo role in it. The girl was delighted with her work in American cinema. In addition, she incredibly enjoyed working with the famous Matt Damon.

    Still from the film “Hipsters”

    In 2008, the girl had a new interesting project. She played the main role in Valery Todorovsky's film "Hipsters". Here she brought to life a new image for herself - a spectacular blonde. And she reincarnated into him quite successfully.

    Still from the film “Wolfhound of the Kind” Gray Dogs»

    In 2012, the actress brilliantly played in the comedy “Eight First Dates”, together with actor Vladimir Zelensky. And in 2015 she took part in the continuation of this film.
    Today Oksana Akinshina is still in demand as an actress.

    Oksana Akinshina and Vladimir Zelensky in the film “Eight First Dates”

    For example, in 2016, Oksana Akinshina delighted her fans by starring in another Russian film, “Hammer.” The premiere of this film took place in November.

    Now Oksana agrees less and less to directors’ proposals. Firstly, because he wants to devote as much time as possible to his family. And secondly, because she does not see worthy projects in which she would be interested in working. But quit acting career the girl is not going to. She is glad that she is an actress, that her fate turned out this way.

    Oksana Akinshina and Alexey Chadov on the set of the film “Sword”

    Akinshina Oksana: children and husband, photo

    Oksana's first love was actor Alexey Chadov. And at the age of 16 she fell deeply in love with musician Sergei Shnurov. The famous musician was twice as old as the young actress. In an interview, Oksana admitted that she was always drawn to men like Shnurov.

    They met on the set of the film Game of Moths. The musician recorded the soundtrack for this film, and Akinshina played one of the main roles. A few weeks after they met, they began to live together.

    The girl became a real muse for Sergei Shnurov and learned all the delights of life with a rock musician - both joys and sorrows. Their stormy romance, despite public scandals and fights, lasted five years.

    The biography and personal life of Oksana Akinshina was very eventful. In 2008, the girl met the man who became her first husband, Dmitry Litvinov. He was not a creative person - he headed the Planet Inform company.

    Two months after they met, the man proposed to Akinshina. They merried. A year later, the girl realized that she was not ready for marriage.

    Despite the fact that she was pregnant, the girl left her husband. And having already parted with him, she gave birth to a son, Philip. In 2010, Oksana and Dmitry officially divorced.

    After the birth of her son, the girl began an affair with Alexei Vorobyov. They dated for one year.

    In 2011, the actress met Archil Gelovani on the set of the project “Love with an Accent”. He was the producer of this picture. At first, the lovers lived in a civil marriage and did not advertise their relationship. And in 2012 they stopped hiding their civil marriage. At the beginning of 2013, she gave her common-law husband a son. They named him Konstantin.
    Now Oksana Aleksandrovna Akinshina is still happy in her personal life. At the beginning of 2017, she gave birth to a daughter from Archil Gelovani.

    Having married Archil Gelovani, actress Oksana Akinshina, whose biography and personal life we ​​are discussing today, changed only internally, but also externally. If earlier she could appear in front of everyone in provocative dresses, today she does not allow herself to do this and dresses much more modestly.

    Perhaps the actress does not want to provoke her husband to jealousy. Or perhaps, after the birth of three children, Akinshina’s tastes in clothing changed.

    Oksana Aleksandrovna Akinshina is a Russian film actress, she was born on April 19, 1987 in St. Petersburg. Viewers remembered the attractive girl for her brilliant performance in the projects “Sisters”, “Lilya Forever”, “Hipsters” and “Eight First Dates”. The girl's debut on the screen took place at the age of 13. It is noteworthy that she graduated from school only in 2008. Due to the abundance of filming, the teenager simply had no time to go to classes. Oksana also has a diploma from the Faculty of Art History.

    Difficult child

    Akinshina’s parents had nothing to do with creative professions. Her mother was an accountant and her father repaired cars. Ksyusha also had a sister, with whom they studied at a modeling school and attended a dance club.

    The teachers saw the future in each of their students, so they regularly sent them to auditions. When the girl was 13 years old, she got into the casting of the film “Sisters,” directed by Sergei Bodrov Jr. He was fascinated by the little girl’s daring and categorical character and immediately approved her for this role.

    Akinshina’s relationship with Ekaterina Gorina, her partner in the film, did not develop right away. During filming, they did not like each other, there was competition and jealousy. But after the finale the girls became real sisters. They received the award for best acting duo in 2001.

    Unexpected popularity

    After a successful debut, the girl dropped out of school, she dreamed only of a career in cinema. Soon, director Lucas Muddison came to Russia, having seen Ksyusha in the film “Sisters”. He was delighted with her performance and dreamed of getting Akinshina to play the main role in his project “Lilya Forever”. This shocking drama finally convinced everyone of the talent of the aspiring actress.

    Filming continued for 40 days, with locations in Tallinn and Sweden. For this role, Oksana received an award from the Stockholm International Film Festival and the Golden Bug Award. In 2002, she received the People's Choice Award. In the same year, the films “On the Move” and “South” were released, for the latter of which the girl had to learn Dutch.

    In 2003, two more projects with the participation of the actress were released, each of them was a success with viewers. This year, Akinshina played in the film “Games of Moths” and appeared in an episode of the television series “Kamenskaya”. A few months later she could be seen in the Hollywood action movie The Bourne Supremacy. Oksana got a small role, but her filming partner was Matt Damon himself. In addition, the girl managed to get this job only the second time. She later spoke warmly of her experience in American cinema.

    In 2006, the Russian fantasy film “Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs” was released. The actress was disappointed with both the filming process and the result. The film, which was supposed to be a response to The Lord of the Rings, turned out to be an absolute failure. This happened before in Akinshina’s career, although most of the projects with her participation were successful.

    Bright projects

    In 2008, viewers saw their favorite in a new role. This time she played a gentle blonde from the world of dudes in the film musical of the same name. The director was thinking of casting another girl for the main role, and a Polish actress was also considered. But after meeting Oksana, Valery Todorovsky realized that he only wanted to see her in this role. For her work in this film, Akinshina received the “Best Kiss” award from the MTV Russia Movie Awards. She remembers the filming with warmth and considers this project dear to her heart. They remained good friends with their co-stars.

    Best project for her entire career, the girl considers the film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive". There she played the friend of a famous musician; for this role Akinshina was nominated for the Georges and Nika awards. Her filming partners included such stars as Sergei Bezrukov, Ivan Urgant and Andrei Panin. Spectators and critics highly appreciated the actress’s work.

    In 2012, Oksana could be seen in the Ukrainian comedy “Eight First Dates.” This was one of the few works of this genre, and the girl also coped well with the comedic role. In 2015, a sequel to the film entitled “Eight New Dates” appeared on the screens.

    In August 2014, the actress took an express course on working with oil. She needed this to prepare for new role. In Igor Grinyakin’s film “To Each His Own,” Akinshina played a student involved in ecology. Her heroine, after finishing her studies, went to explore the Arctic.

    Stormy personal life

    Since childhood, Oksana had complete freedom, her parents often quarreled and did not pay enough attention to raising their children. By the age of thirteen, the girl smoked, drank, and also had relationships with boys. She valued freedom very much and did not recognize any prohibitions. The actress and her mother had friendly relations. They consulted on important issues, But the last word always remained with the daughter. Her character was also evident in her choice of partners.

    The girl matured early, so at the age of 16 she had her first serious relationship. At first she briefly dated Alexei Chadov, but then left the actor for a scandalous famous singer Sergei Shnurov. The relationship with the lead singer of the Leningrad group lasted several years, there were many scandals, and even assault. During periods of calm, the couple often shocked the public with their behavior. After the breakup, Oksana felt empty.

    In 2007, Akinshina met businessman Dmitry Litvinov. They dated for only two months, but decided to get married almost immediately. In 2009, their son Philip was born, and soon after that the couple divorced. In 2011, the actress was in a relationship with singer Alexei Vorobyov, they repeatedly broke up and got back together.

    In 2012, it became known about the girl’s affair with producer Archil Gelovani. At that time, their relationship lasted more than a year and a half. Akinshina had to introduce her lover to the press because she could no longer hide her pregnancy. On January 15, 2013, Oksana gave birth to her second son, he was named Konstantin. Recently, the actress gave birth to a daughter for her husband, so she became a mother of many children.

    In 2016, Akinshina appeared in the sports drama “Hammer”, her filming partner was ex-lover Alexey Chadov. In the same year, Oksana played one of the key roles in the comedy “Super Beavers”. She also starred in a Megafon commercial with the girls’ favorite Danila Kozlovsky.

    Now Akinshina rarely acts in films; she prefers to spend more time with her family and best friend, Evgenia Evgienko, the wife of director Pyotr Buslov. Recently, rumors leaked to the press that the star, along with her husband and children, had moved to live in Switzerland.

    Oksana Akinshina was born on April 19, 1987. The girl grew up in simple Soviet family. Her parents quarreled and fought very often. The girl was not given much time, so she grew up on her own. According to Oksana, she owes her upbringing to the street, where she spent a lot of time.

    Oksana became independent early. She always tried to solve all her problems herself, and never counted on anyone. She had with her mother a good relationship. She treated her like best friend, and always listened to her advice.

    Oksana often went alone against everyone. The girl constantly strived to stand out from the crowd and show her uniqueness. The future actress was fond of dancing, but did not intend to connect her life with it. Her choice preferences future profession changed very often. For some time, Oksana dreamed of serving in the police, then she wanted to become a veterinarian, and at the age of thirteen she began working as a model. After graduating from school, the girl became a university student. Then she decided to become an art critic.

    The work of Oksana Akinshina

    In 2000, Oksana, who worked as a model, was invited to a screen test. Oksana was skeptical about the prospect of becoming an actress, but it was she who was chosen to play the main role in the film “Sisters” by Sergei Bodrov. The girl was so fascinated by the filming that she dropped out of school to devote all her time to filmmaking. For this role, Akinshina was awarded the “Best Acting Debut” award.

    Oksana Akinshina in the film "Sisters" by Sergei Bodrov

    In 2001, Oksana starred in the film “Lilya Forever,” which was directed by the famous Swedish director. This role made the actress famous abroad. Lucas Muddison was impressed by the young talent's acting. Filming lasted a little over a month. During filming, Oksana visited several countries.

    Oksana Akinshina in the film "Wolfhound from the Family of Gray Dogs"

    In 2004, Akinshina was approved for one of the roles in the film “State Councilor”, but she ignored the filming and lost the role. During the same period, she went to Hollywood to star in the film “The Bourne Supremacy.” At first she was unable to pass the audition, but later she was given a small cameo role. Playing in a Hollywood film brought the aspiring actress into complete delight.

    Oksana Akinshina in the movie "Hipsters"

    Oksana Akinshina in the film "Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive"

    In 2005, the young actress starred in the film “Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs.” The film was a failure and greatly upset the young actress. The girl absolutely did not like the work on the site and the disastrous result.

    Vladimir Zelensky and Oksana Akinshina in the film "Eight First Dates"

    In 2008, the film “Hipsters” was released, where Akinshina played the leading role. This role helped Oksana receive another award. This time Akinshina took the prize for “Best Kiss.”

    Oksana Akinshina and Alexey Chadov in the film "Hammer"

    In 2012, the actress starred in the film “8 First Dates”, and in 2016 she became the main character in the film "Super Beavers". For your creative path In cinema, the actress starred in 12 films, many of which were a stunning success.

    The behind-the-scenes life of Oksana Akinshina

    The first love of actress Oksana Akinshina is Alexey Chadov. They dated until she was 15 years old. However, at the age of 15, she fell in love with the notorious musician Sergei Shnurov, with whom she was together for five years. Akinshina and Shnurov first saw each other on the set of the film “Games of Moths,” where Oksana played the role of Zoyka, and the singer recorded the soundtrack for the film.

    Despite big difference aged, the girl immediately fell in love with the lead singer of the Leningrad group, and after a couple of weeks they began to live together. This novel was very often discussed in the press, because at the time of their life together, Oksana was not yet 18 years old. Five years later, the romance between Akinshina and Shnurov ended as quickly as it began.

    Sergey Shnurov and Oksana Akinshina

    In 2008, Oksana met her first husband, Dmitry Litvinov. That same year, the lovers got married, and a year later they had their first child. But Oksana soon realized that she was not yet ready for family life. In 2010, the couple divorced.

    Oksana Akinshina with her first husband Dmitry Litvinov

    At the same time, the actress met singer Alexei Vorobyov. Their romance lasted only a year, after which they broke up.

    Alexey Vorobyov and Oksana Akinshina

    In 2011, Akinshina met her second husband, producer Archil Gelovani. Lovers long time did not talk about their relationship to the press. In 2013, Oksana and Archil’s family welcomed a son, who was named Kostya.

    Oksana Akinshina with her second husband Archil Gelovani

    All the most interesting things about famous models read

    Russian film actress

    Oksana Akinshina is the youngest of the talented actresses and the most talented of the young.


    Oksana Akinshina is originally from St. Petersburg. Grew up in simple working family, which has nothing to do with the world of art. My father worked as a car mechanic, my mother was an accountant. “Everything was available to me. Not in the sense of material things, I was simply allowed a lot, and my mother and I communicated as friends, not in the “mother and daughter” format, and this is wrong,” recalls his childhood actress. And, as a result, Oksana studied poorly at school and by the age of 13 she had tasted adult life, began to earn money on her own.

    The future movie star attended a dance club, along with younger sister I worked at a modeling agency. Nature rewarded Oksana with her bright appearance and acting talent. “I always felt different from everyone else. Since childhood, something was constantly vibrating in me. But I started acting at the age of 12, and that childhood world disappeared at that moment,” the actress said in an interview. Oksana dropped out of school and completely went into the world of art.


    Oksana Akinshina's film career began rapidly, thanks to Sergei Bodrov Jr. In 2000, Oksana accidentally got into the casting of the film “Sisters”, the director liked her for her temperament and charisma and was approved for one of the main roles. Her ensemble with Katya Gorina (performer of the other leading role) managed to create truly vivid and memorable images and received the award “For Best Acting Duet” in the “Debut” competition at the Sochi Film Festival in 2001.

    This role helped Oksana Akinshina gain popularity, and she decided to pursue a career as a film actress. Already in 2001, she starred in Philip Yankovsky’s film “On the Move,” where such wonderful actors as Konstantin Khabensky, Fyodor Bondarchuk, Oksana Fandera, Mikhail Efremov took part.

    Later there were many other interesting works, but the actress always remembers the importance of the director, man and friend Sergei Bodrov in her biography: “For me, he was and remained the most important person in life. He brought me to big cinema and remained so forever the one I followed. Bodrov was not just a mentor for me in the professional sphere, he and I were somehow surprisingly close spiritually. And, despite the fact that Sergei is the kind of person who always kept his distance from everyone, especially If it concerned work, it still always seemed to me that, purely humanly, we were very close."

    Oksana Akinshina received international recognition after starring in the crime drama “Lily Forever” by Swedish director Lucas Moodyson. Lucas was impressed by the actress's performance in Sisters. He specially came to Moscow to meet with her and invited her to play the main role in his film. Oksana agreed, as she dreamed of starring in any film with this director. The actress recalls: “...I read the script late at night, in one gulp. Early in the morning it was necessary to meet and discuss the conditions of the shooting, so there was no time for special understanding of it. The script itself didn’t bother me much at all then - I just really wanted to act with Moodysson, and "I agreed to any film. Even before I took the role in my hands, I knew that I would agree to it."

    Filming took place in Estonia and Sweden. For her participation in the film, the artist received a prize at the 13th International Film Festival in Stockholm in 2002 in the category "Best Actress", in addition, the Golden Bug Award of the Swedish Film Academy in the category "Leading Actress" and won the Audience Award in the competition "Best Actress in Sweden" in 2002.

    About your first foreign experience and communicating with Lucas Moodyson, the actress recalls: “He is quite strange, secretive, I would say -” inner man", so withdrawn, all to himself. In general, it was very difficult for me on the set of “Lily”: we communicated with Lucas only through a translator, because he doesn’t speak Russian, and I don’t understand Swedish, and he’s also uncommunicative character showed."

    In 2004, Oksana Akinshina starred in another foreign film. Dutch director Martin Koolhoven offered the actress a role in the drama "South". Oksana played Zoya, a single mother who came to the Netherlands illegally to work. The actress did not know the language, and she had to carefully prepare for each shooting day, memorizing the text by heart.

    From 2004-2006, the actress played Alka in Yuri Moroz's melodrama "Women in a Game Without Rules", Polina Grineva in Vyacheslav Nikiforov's film "The Captain's Children", Anna in Vadim Shmelev's action film "Countdown". Oksana also played the role of Knesinka Elen in the fantasy film by Nikolai Lebedev “The Wolfhound of the Gray Dogs.”

    Speaking about Oksana Akinshina’s most successful works, it is worth especially noting the main role in Valery Todorovsky’s musical “Hipsters.” “I didn’t dream of this role, but now I understand that this is the main thing that I have done to date. I am happy that I starred in this film. This is a project that is very dear to me, dearer than anyone else... Those people I met at "Hipsters" remained for me best friends. On the set we had such an endless party!" - recalls the actress. In the film she starred with Anton Shagin, Maxim Matveev, Ekaterina Vilkova, Evgenia Brik, Irina Rozanova, Segrey Garmash. For the role, the artist grew her hair and dyed it a spectacular blonde. The work in the film brought Oksana the award for “Best Kiss” at the “MTV Russia Movie Awards” in 2009.

    In 2011, the biographical film “Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive,” directed by Pyotr Buslov, was released. In it, the actress played Tatyana Ivleva, the lover of Vladimir Vysotsky, and became a nominee for the Nika and Georges awards.

    Along with dramatic and character roles, Oksana Akinshina tries herself in the comedy genre. So in 2015, she played Vera in the film “8 New Dates” by Marius Weisberg, where she was joined by the ensemble Vladimir Zelensky, Mikhail Galustyan, Polina Maksimova. IN family film Arman Gevorgyan "SOS, Santa Claus or Everything will come true!" played the role of Olga. A star tandem worked in the New Year's film: Mikhail Bespalov, Anatoly Bely, Alena Babenko, Dmitry Nazarov, Alexey Bardukov.

    Currently, Oksana Akinshina continues to act in films. Some of the latest projects in which the actress took part: the detective series by Ilya Kazankov “Nesterov’s Loop”, the sports drama by Nurbek Egen “The Fighter”, as well as the series by Igor Grinyakin “To Each His Own”.

    Personal life

    Oksana Akinshina’s personal life is no less eventful than her film career. When she was very young she dated famous actor Alexey Chadov. The actress's first serious love came at the age of 15. The chosen one turned out to be the scandalous rock musician Sergei Shnurov, twice older than Oksana. Their acquaintance occurred on the set of the film "Games of Moths", where Sergei recorded the soundtrack for the film. Akinshina and Shnurov lived together for five stormy years. It was during this period that, thanks to the efforts of Sergei, the actress finally graduated from school and became a student at the Faculty of Art History.

    By 2008, the couple broke up, but the actress warmly recalls Shnurov and the years she lived with him: “He gave me a lot good people, who revealed some truths to me and allowed me to move up a step. He and I went through everything and parted ways quietly and peacefully."

    In one of the interviews, Oksana commented on the reason for the breakup with the rocker as follows: “This happened when I completely unraveled Seryozha as a man, his relationship with the world, etc. Men in general are difficult people, aliens for us. When you unravel him or you have a goal to unravel , nothing can happen anymore."

    First official husband The actress became the director of the PR company "Planet Inform" Dmitry Litvinov. After just two months of dating, Dmitry proposed to the actress and they got married. In 2009, the couple had a son, Philip. The boy was born when the union between his parents had already cracked, and Oksana went to her mother in St. Petersburg. Official registration The divorce took place in 2010.

    Oksana Akinshina’s next chosen one was actor Alexei Vorobiev. New novel with endless meetings and partings lasted about a year.

    In 2011, the artist met her next common-law husband film producer Archil Gelovani. Two years later, the family was replenished with a boy, who was named Konstantin.

    Now the actress has turned into a brilliant woman with impeccable style, raising two sons and doing what she loves - acting in films.

    Based on materials from Wikipedia, sites rusactors.ru, uznayvse.ru, vokrug.tv, 24smi.org, peoples.ru, ok-magazine.ru, hellomagazine.com, piter-m.ru


    • 2001 - Prize at the Kinotavr festival for “Best acting duet”
    • 2001 - Prize at the “Constellation” festival in the “Debut” category
    • 2001 - Prize at the All-Russian Festival of Visual Arts for "Best Actress"
    • 2002 - Prize at the thirteenth International Film Festival in Stockholm - nomination "Best Actress"
    • 2002 - Swedish Film Academy Film Award "Golden Bug" - nomination "Leading Actress"
    • 2002 - Audience Award in the competition "Best Actress in Sweden"
    • 2003 - Prize at the third European Film Festival in Stuttgart - "Best young promising actress"
    • 2009 - Winner of the Sobaka.ru TOP 50 award famous people Petersburg in the category "Cinema"

    Filmography: Actress

    • Super Beavers. People's Avengers (2018)
    • Super Beavers (2016)
    • Child's world (2015)
    • Super Beavers (2015)
    • To each his own (2015)
    • Nesterov's Loop (2015)
    • The Fighter (2015)
    • SOS, Santa Claus or Everything will come true! (2015)
    • 8 First Dates (2015)
    • No rush (2012)
    • Suicides (2012)
    • Where the Sea Flows (2011)
    • Vysotsky. Thank you for being alive (2011)
    • Blizzard (2010)
    • Antalya (2010)
    • Traffic Jam (2009)
    • Enemy No. 1 (2008)
    • Hipsters (2008)
    • Birds of Paradise (2008)
    • Countdown (2007)
    • Captain's Children (2006), TV series
    • Wolfhound (Wolfhound from the Gray Dogs family) (2006)
    • Moscow zero (2006) /Moscow zero/
    • The Bourne Supremacy (2004)
    • Women in a game without rules (2004), TV series
    • Moth Games (2004)
    • Kamenskaya-3 (Illusion of Sin) (2003), TV series
    • South (2003) /Zuiden, Het/
    • A Woman's Romance (2003)
    • On the Move (2002)
    • Lilya forever (2002)
    • Sisters (2001)
