The original prototype of Apple Glass. The original prototype of Apple Glass The development of virtual glasses technology

One of the most promising types of wearable computing is smart glasses, which can provide the user with information about the world around them using augmented reality technology. The most popular such product is Google Glass.

Despite its status as the most innovative company in the world, it rarely surprises by sticking to the same path for a long time. Most often, the company prefers to follow the beaten path, even holding all its presentations at approximately the same time. Therefore, when Apple refused to hold an October event this year, everyone was quite surprised. In the end, we were expecting several fresh new products from him at once, which, apparently, were not destined to be released this fall. However, as it became known quite recently, there was still a presentation, albeit for an extremely limited circle of people.

Every year we look forward to the next Apple presentation, hoping that this time they will definitely present something unusual. But either we have already developed an immunity to everything new, or the company really hasn’t shown anything revolutionary for a long time, but it seems that over the past five years there has never been anything that would truly surprise everyone without exception. After all, it’s hard to call an iPhone with an additional camera module or an Apple Watch with a never-fading display a revolution. However, it seems that next year we will have exactly what we have been waiting for for so long.

Despite the fact that rumors about the first smart glasses have been circulating for a long time, until now they have remained only rumors without any confirmation. As a result, this topic has long been fertile ground for all kinds of gossip and speculation. All sorts of thoughts were born in the fevered brains of analysts and insiders of various calibers, trying to make a name for themselves by making predictions about a future new product. But now everything has fallen into place. Almost.

It is pointless to argue with the fact that Apple is a cult corporation that can be safely called a lifestyle. The company has millions of followers around the world, ready to accept without complaint what it releases or is about to release. Sometimes this resignation leads to completely absurd situations. For example, as in the case of smart glasses, with which Apple entered the top three leaders in the industry, despite the fact that not only has it not released them for sale, but has not even announced them yet.

The path towards increasing the displays of mobile devices and smartphones, including the one that I have chosen for myself, has minimal prospects. This follows from a statement by Randall Stevenson, CEO of the American operator AT&T. According to him, such a development model is only suitable as an intermediate stage that the company must overcome in time. Only in this way, Stevenson is sure, will it be able to continue to remain the main innovator of the industry, otherwise risking degrading to the position of catching up.

It's no secret that Apple has long been interested in augmented reality technologies. So far, the company has limited itself to launching a platform with a set of tools for developers. But, according to authoritative analyst Ming Chi-Kuo, the corporation plans to develop this area. She intends to do this by releasing a completely new and atypical device for the company - glasses with augmented reality support.

How is Apple going to surprise fans in the future? What will impress the public more? Probably a similar device will be “Apple” augmented reality glasses. There have been rumors about this invention for a long time.

The design of the new product has already started. The device is credited with the name Apple Glass. The product will run the Reality Operating System (or rOS for short). Alas, you shouldn't hope for a quick release. The debut is expected no earlier than 2020.

Want to check out the looks of Apple Glass right now? Designer Martin Hayek provides this opportunity. An enthusiast created conceptual images of the accessory (based on speculation).

According to renderings, the gadget is the antipode of Google Glass. Externally, Apple Glass copies regular glasses. Key electronic components are located in the arms. There is a cutout on the front with a camera and sensors.

The frame is made of metal. You can control Apple Glass with touch, gestures and voice. Support for Qi wireless charging is also announced (like the Apple Watch). Estimated price: $1,000.

New renders.

No one knows exactly when Apple will release smart glasses, but this does not stop insiders from publishing rumors about the wearable device, and designers from creating gadget concepts. Today we look at renders of Apple Glass, which were shared by iDrop News journalists, and also talk about possible features of the new product.

Apple smart glasses can be equipped with a metal frame and arms. For the convenience of the owner, the latter are covered with a material that is pleasant to the touch. Perhaps the arms could even be changed, like Apple Watch straps.

The company's engineers will try to make the gadget as similar as possible to ordinary glasses. Apple Glass will integrate a camera, Wi-Fi and Bluetooth modules, wireless charging and other components used in the iPhone, but the user will not look like a cyborg in them.

Apple smart glasses. Image: iDrop News

The glasses will be able to display augmented reality objects. According to the latest patent Apple plans to use a catadioptric lens system. This will reduce the size of the device. Perhaps the image will be projected onto the retina using a low-power laser, like new glasses Intel - Vaunt.

Apple smart glasses. Image: iDrop News

The release date for Apple Glass is unknown. Note that the device will definitely not appear this year. Perhaps Apple engineers will have time to finish smart glasses in 2019 or 2020. The wearable gadget will be sold at a price of 1 thousand dollars - this is also just a rumor for now.

Many people are bored with the drab everyday life. Everyone tries to blossom it as best they can: some paint pictures in their free time, some read books and watch films, and some indulge in bad habits. For young people, this window has become the opportunity to access the Internet anywhere in the world.

And now they are waiting for a new opportunity: immersion in a virtual world in which they can escape from troubles. To achieve this, you need special gadgets called virtual glasses. And now the world is stunned by the news that VR glasses from Apple will become available to everyone.

Companies that manufacture electronic gadgets have been making similar devices for a long time. However, the appearance, weight and ease of use leave much to be desired. But let's move in order.

Virtual reality glasses can be broadly divided into computer glasses and smartphone glasses.

Development of virtual glasses technology

The first inventors who gave the idea of ​​virtual reality were, as often happens, science fiction writers. They were able to infect many minds with it, however, due to the lack of the possibility of its materialization, contemporaries shelved it. There she remained since the 60s of the last century.

But still, technology development is moving on, and some engineers and scientists have paid attention to an idea that has not been heard of for a long time. Since about 2010, the best minds in engineering have been working hard and productively on it. And it bore fruit.

In some old films, directors, dreaming of the achievements of science and technology, gave virtual reality glasses the image of a box with lenses. Such constructions actually took place. And yet they were uncomfortable and heavy, constantly straining my neck. Wearing such a design for a long time was fraught with consequences in the form of headaches and neck strain.

This device is not among the popular devices in this form. It was carefully studied and tried to improve by many engineers and scientists around the world. As a result, the strange and unreliable device lost most of its weight and lenses, became more streamlined and acquired a system of fastenings that allow it to be firmly fixed on the head.

Features of VR glasses

Now virtual glasses for smartphones have begun to gain popularity. This gadget has begun to replace the cinema for many people, which can be used almost everywhere. These glasses are compatible with most modern phones that play the role of a carrier. Lightweight, comfortable and compact, they fit in a small bag without causing inconvenience.

The lenses in these glasses are different from the usual ones. They work with very high clarity and do not blur. Their special design helps to always remain crystal clear and not damage vision. With their help, you can watch movies and interesting programs every day, and immerse yourself in the world of virtual reality.

But Apple has taken a new step in the development of virtual technologies. There is an opinion that now they will no longer place the main emphasis in their developments on the development of telephony, but will direct all their efforts to mastering virtual reality. Already, the information base of this corporation allows it to be ahead of others in this industry.

Young people already believe that additional functions in the form of virtual additives in our lives will be very useful. This was confirmed by the popularity of the virtual game “Pokemon Go”. Its basis is augmented reality, but it is displayed a little crudely. Young people expect new gadgets from the developers of modern technologies that will help them escape from reality and simply supplement it with pleasant little things.

VR glasses from Apple

New VR glasses from Apple are another step towards their dream. In the near future, we can expect that ordinary reality will be replaced by a mixed one, which many will plunge into with joy.

Apple is already preparing a new product that will change the world in the imagination of the younger generation. The new glasses are already being tested, and when the management gives confirmation, these gadgets will be produced en masse.

The main feature of the glasses is the presence of special displays. They will be very convenient for reading texts and watching movies. Such a gadget can be connected to.

Using VR glasses from Apple will help smartphone users save time and make driving safer. It is known that the data that will be displayed on the screen of a modern phone will be transmitted to the glasses on top of the image of the surrounding reality. Selected notifications that you urgently need to read without interrupting your work can be opened without taking your phone out of your pocket.

For such a gadget you need a special video camera. Now Apple, together with LG, is working on creating a three-dimensional camera that will help you take perfect videos and photos.

With the help of such glasses, you can get an additional dimension for working with graphic objects, as well as a number of other functions of the 2016 MacBookPro.

To date, many companies have developed similar glasses. However, their achievements look very small compared to AppleGlass. We can say that these virtual glasses are a real embodiment of the dreams of many modern people. This has never happened before. We are looking forward to it going on sale.
