Homemade raspberry marshmallow recipe. Oak barrels


Raspberry marshmallow belongs to that category of winter treats that are very easy to prepare at home. Today we will demonstrate this to you using a simple step-by-step photo recipe for making marshmallows at home. You can prepare marshmallows from a wide variety of fruits and berries; they can be stored for quite a long time if all the rules are followed, which we will also tell you about directly in the recipe itself. Such sweets will turn out to be completely natural, and they will provide healthy competition to factory-made sweets. If you wish, you can completely exclude store-bought sweets from your child’s diet if you replace them with homemade healthy preparations. Of course, you shouldn’t abuse such a treat either, but marshmallows will be much more beneficial in small quantities.
Very often today, marshmallows are not prepared from just one ingredient. For example, a marshmallow made from lemon and orange at the same time tastes great; you can combine other fruits in the same way. As for raspberries, they contain a large amount of vitamins that strengthen the immune system and allow it to more actively and successfully cope with viruses and colds. Therefore, creating a delicacy from it is absolutely necessary! There are several ways to prepare this pastille. But today we have prepared the simplest and fastest of them. The taste of the finished treat will be very rich, berry and delicate. This preparation is quite suitable as a sweet snack.
Let's start preparing raspberry marshmallows for the winter at home.


Raspberry marshmallow - recipe

The first thing you need to do before starting cooking is to collect the raspberries, wash them thoroughly and dry them. After this, you can start chopping the berries and it is best for this purpose to use a very ordinary mortar or mash the berries in a saucepan using a masher. The manual method of chopping the berries will allow us to prevent the appearance of thick foam in the future: this way the marshmallow will turn out to be very bright and rich in color.

Pour the resulting raspberry puree into a large enamel-coated pan, add sugar to taste if the raspberries themselves are not sweet enough, and place on the stove. Bring the mixture exactly to a boil, cook for literally 2-3 minutes and immediately remove from heat: This processing method will allow us to fully preserve all the beneficial qualities of the berries..

Before starting the actual preparation of the marshmallow itself, the raspberry mass must be completely cooled. We cover the trays of the electric dryer with large pieces of parchment paper, put raspberry puree from the pan on top of it and spread it with a spoon into a not too thin, uniform pancake as shown in the photo. Dry the raspberry marshmallow for the next 2-3 hours until ready: if the top layer of marshmallow no longer sticks to your hands, then the sweetness is already ready.

Turn the parchment sheet with the marshmallow upside down, moisten the paper with a small amount of cold water and easily remove the marshmallow. If the marshmallow gets wet, you need to dry it on the tray for another 10-15 minutes.

Cut the finished marshmallow into ribbons and, if desired, roll into not too tight rolls. This pastille will hold its shape perfectly, so you won’t have to bandage it with anything. As for storage, it is better to choose glass or tin jars, which, if possible, should be left in a cool place.

Ribbons of such fragrant, juicy and very raspberry marshmallows will adequately decorate even a holiday table, not to mention how children will like such candies, your personal production. Homemade raspberry marshmallow according to the simplest recipe for the winter is ready.

Homemade marshmallow recipes are simply amazing in their variety: this sweet delicacy can be prepared from almost any berries, fruits and even vegetables. Moreover, pastille is not only thin, which is rolled into rolls, but also airy and porous. Today I propose to prepare raspberry marshmallow - an amazing dessert that will amaze you with its taste, aroma and richness.

This raspberry marshmallow keeps well for quite a long time, so you can prepare it for future use for the winter. By the way, raspberry marshmallow, which is also called raspberry fig, is essentially a version of jam - it is called “dry jam”. However, in this case we will not boil the berries, but will make a marshmallow almost from live raspberries. Thanks to this, we will preserve not only the original taste of this fragrant berry, but also its color.

Raspberries - 1 kilogram
Sugar - 100 grams

Step 1 To make raspberry marshmallow, we need fresh raspberries and a little sugar. By the way, if you wish, you can omit adding sugar at all - you will get completely natural raspberry marshmallow with a pleasant sourness.

Step 2 Since I pick and sort raspberries myself, I never wash them. If you are not sure about the berries, sort them and pour cold salt solution for about 5 minutes so that debris and insects float to the surface, then rinse the berries in cold running water and dry. Place the raspberries in a suitable container. Now, using a masher or submersible blender, mash the berries so that they are crushed and turned into a homogeneous puree.

Step 3 Since I don’t like seeds in marshmallows (believe me, they are completely unnecessary in this sweetness), I need to get rid of them. To do this, rub the raspberry puree through a sieve.

Step 4 The more actively you work with a spoon or spatula, the more seedless raspberry puree you will get. The cake should be almost dry. Don’t throw it away: pour boiling water over it, stir, strain, add sugar and honey to taste and you’ll get a tasty and healthy raspberry compote.

Step 5 This is what raw raspberry puree looks like, which we have removed from the seeds - from 1 kilogram of fresh berries I get 800 grams of puree.

Step 6 Add 100 grams of sugar to it or not add it at all - as you wish.

Step 7 Mix everything. In fact, the workpiece can already be dried, but I prefer to warm it up a little - this way the sugar will completely dissolve and the raspberry puree will change both in appearance (color) and in consistency.

Step 8 In general, you don’t even need to boil raspberry puree, but just bring it to a boil, that is, warm it up.

Step 9 Now take a baking tray and line it with baking paper. If you are not confident in your paper (sometimes it is not of very good quality), lubricate it with a thin layer of refined vegetable oil. Whenever I prepare marshmallows, I always grease the paper with odorless sunflower oil - it’s more reliable. Pour the still burning raspberry puree onto the parchment (it doesn’t matter if you want to cool it) and smooth it out with a spatula. The layer thickness should be no more than 7-8 mm, otherwise the marshmallow will take a very long time to dry and then may not curl. Try to make sure that the berry mass is distributed in a layer of equal thickness, otherwise the marshmallow will take a long time to dry, and even burn at the edges in the oven.

Step 10 You can dry raspberry marshmallows in different ways. First of all, in the oven at the lowest temperature (no more than 100 degrees) with the door ajar. Depending on the thickness of the berry layer, the time may be required differently. In addition, you can use a special dryer for vegetables and fruits. Or outdoors in the sun. If you prefer the latter method, remember that the most suitable weather is a hot sunny day. Then a day will be enough for the raspberry marshmallow to dry. Meanwhile, in normal (sometimes cloudy or changeable) weather this may take 3-4 days. Personally, I dried the marshmallow using a mixed method - I took it out onto the balcony during the day, and at night I put it on the kitchen table, and put it in a warm oven a couple of times (after preparing the baked goods). The readiness of raspberry marshmallow is easily determined tactilely, that is, not only externally, but also by touch. Touch it - if you press on the layer with your finger, it remains dry, and the marshmallow remains elastic.

Step 11 We turn the raspberry marshmallow over with the paper facing up and moisten this same paper with water - let it sit for 5 minutes, then remove the moisture with a paper napkin. Due to this manipulation, the parchment can be easily removed. All that remains is to use a sharp knife to cut the layer into arbitrary pieces.

Step 12 Personally, I cut it into 4 long layers, which I then roll into tubes. In total, from the specified amount of ingredients, about 300 grams of ready-made raspberry marshmallow is obtained - this is two baking sheets or 8 such tubes.

Step 13 To prevent the marshmallow from unwinding, you can tie it with a string. You can store raspberry marshmallows for quite a long time in an airtight container at room temperature.

Step 14 Prepare this tasty and truly healthy homemade delicacy for your children. Believe me, raspberry marshmallows (especially without sugar) are much better than any sweets and chocolates.

It's hard to imagine a sweetness tastier than raspberry marshmallow! And what a healthy yummy it is, how the kids will love it. And you don’t have to worry that they ate a lot of sweets, because they will only benefit from it. I am sure that raspberry marshmallows, dear adults, will not leave you indifferent!


  • Raspberry puree - 1 kilogram;
  • sugar - 200 grams.

Recipe for making raspberry marshmallow:

  1. Place fresh raspberries in a colander and rinse with cold water, let the water drain and remove the stems.
  2. Place the prepared raspberries in an enamel pan, cover tightly with a lid and place in the oven.
  3. Steam it there a little, then rub the hot steamed mass through a sieve.
  4. Place the mashed puree in a basin, put on fire, add sugar, and boil with constant stirring until the original volume is halved.
  5. Pour the boiled mass into a layer 1.5-2 centimeters thick into wooden or plywood boxes lined with parchment paper.
  6. Dry the marshmallow in the oven at a temperature of 35-40°C for 10-12 hours.
  7. Sprinkle the dried marshmallow with powdered sugar, cut into pieces and place in clean, dry jars.
  8. Cover with parchment paper, tie and store in a cool, dry place.

This is a real recipe for raspberry marshmallows, you won’t find anything like it on the Internet! Try to cook at home, a dish that was known back in the 14th century!

Berry marshmallow is a simple, tasty and healthy treat..

Historical reference

The term "marshmallow" comes from the Latin word pastillus (flatbread). According to another version, the word “pastila” (postila, as they said until the beginning of the last century) denotes the principle of preparing the delicacy (fruit and berry puree is spread on a flat surface and dried).

Be that as it may, this confectionery product is an original Russian invention. Marshmallow appeared in the fourteenth century (presumably, the residents of Kolomna were the first to make it).

Kolomna marshmallow was made from grated apples of sour varieties, such as titovka, antonovka, etc. Over time, berries (lingonberries, currants, raspberries) also began to be used.

In addition to fruit or berry puree, honey was used when preparing marshmallows (it was eventually replaced with sugar).

Since the fifteenth century, egg white has become one of the ingredients of marshmallow. Thanks to this additive, the delicacy acquired high plasticity.

Russian pastila was dried in an oven (the puree, mixed with honey, was applied in a thin layer to a cloth stretched on wooden frames). After the first drying stage, the product was subjected to a second procedure: the layers were layered on top of each other and placed in a cooling oven.

Beginning in the nineteenth century, marshmallows began to be exported to European countries. Over time, the delicacy began to be produced on an industrial scale.

Technology for making homemade marshmallows

Making homemade marshmallows is a fairly simple process. Many housewives do not even use sugar, honey or syrup (the level of acidity is determined by the selected fruits and berries).

At the first stage, the raw materials are sorted, washed and processed (ground into puree). Then it is boiled, removing excess moisture, placed in oiled flat trays or on paper-lined baking sheets and dried in an oven or dryer until plastic (the layer of puree at the edges is thicker than in the center of the tray). Sometimes the berries are preheated and only then ground.

The readiness of the marshmallow is determined by bending the dried layer. If it does not stick to your hands and remains elastic, the pastille is ready. If the layer breaks, the treat is overdried.

How to store marshmallows?

Most often, the finished product is stored in glass jars with tight-fitting lids or other sealed containers.

Before placing the marshmallow there, the layers are cut and sprinkled with powdered sugar. It also pays to store the marshmallow in the refrigerator (you don’t have to cut it, but roll it up). I store it mostly in plastic wrap in a dry place.

It is important to remember: berries with a lot of seeds make a fragile marshmallow. They should be combined with fruit puree.

Application of marshmallows

Pastila is not only a low-calorie snack and a favorite children's treat. It can be used to prepare sweet and sour berry sauces - to do this, just soak it in water or juice (the optimal proportion is 1:1). It is also quite acceptable to make jam from marshmallows (in this case, 3 parts marshmallow to 1 part boiling water). We mostly eat it as is)

Berry marshmallow recipes

Wash and peel the required amount of berries and fruits (for example, peel bananas, pit cherries) and blend in a blender. Pour the resulting mass into a saucepan, add the remaining ingredients (sugar, honey, seeds, water) and heat to 30 degrees to melt the sugar. It is important not to overheat so as not to destroy the vitamins. Mix thoroughly. Pour the resulting mass onto drying sheets and level it. The second option is marshmallow without sugar, water and heat, and in recent years I have been using this. It is suitable for marshmallows containing sweet and juicy ingredients: watermelon, banana, sweet apples, pears. And, perhaps, this is the most delicious and healthy marshmallow.

I cook pastille on the Isidri dryer. The recipe indicates the quantity of products for a sheet with a diameter of 34 cm. Drying time is 10-15 hours at a temperature of 50 degrees (medium).

Apple and watermelon pastille

  • 1.5 cups of apples
  • 1.5 mugs

Pastila from apples, watermelon, banana

  • 1 cup of apples
  • 1 mug of watermelon
  • 1 banana

Blackcurrant, grape and apple marshmallow

  • 1 mug
  • 1 mug of black seedless quiche
  • 1 cup chopped apples
  • 2 tablespoons sugar (no heaping)
  • 1 tablespoon water

Blackcurrant and banana pastille

  • 2 mugs of black currant
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Lingonberry and melon pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. l. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

To make the marshmallow multi-colored, heat the lingonberries separately with sugar and water and pour them onto a baking sheet with spoons, then pour the melon into the empty spaces. Move a spoon over the marshmallow to create streaks.

Gooseberry, melon and nut pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • nuts for decoration

When the marshmallow is dry but still sticky, add the nuts.

Cherry, banana, melon pastille

  • 1 mug
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

Cherry and melon pastille

  • 1 cup cherries
  • 2 cups chopped melon
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara

Pastila from currants, bananas and apples

  • 1 cup of currants
  • 1 banana
  • 1 cup chopped apples
  • 3 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Pastila - croissant made from currants, bananas and apples

Raspberry and banana paste

  • 1 mug
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. Sahara
  • 1 tbsp. water

Cherry, banana, sesame pastille

  • 1 cup cherries
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 tbsp. honey
  • 1 tbsp. water
  • 2 tbsp. sesame

I roll some of the marshmallow into a tube and pack it in cling film and store it in the closet.

I cut some of the marshmallow into triangles (rolled like croissants), squares, etc., sprinkle with powdered sugar and store in containers.

Berry marshmallow is a delicacy that has a truly Russian character. This healthy sweet can replace high-calorie and low-health confectionery products.

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Pastila can be made from any fresh fruit or berries, as well as from jam or jam. If marshmallow is prepared for long-term storage, it is made from the original fruits or berries with the addition of sugar or honey. The boiled puree or ready-made jam is dried, turning all the time. The finished sheets are pressed so that the pastille is of the same thickness and acquires a glossy shine.

For taste, at the end of cooking, you can add chopped nuts or sprinkle ready-made layers of marshmallow with nuts.

They also prepare marshmallows with the addition of egg whites; they need to be eaten within a few days. We offer several recipes for raspberry marshmallows.

Raspberry jam marshmallow


  • raspberry jam – 1 kg;
  • egg whites – 5 pcs.


Now we’ll tell you how to make raspberry marshmallow. Beat raw egg whites until a white foamy mass forms. Little by little add raspberry jam to the whites, continuing to beat. Place the finished mixture on a baking sheet lined with parchment. Bake at 60 degrees for 2.5-3 hours.

The marshmallow should not be allowed to dry out; it will lose its taste and appearance. Sprinkle the finished marshmallow with sugar or powdered sugar.

Fresh raspberry paste


  • fresh raspberry puree – 1 kg;
  • sugar – 100 g.


Cook raspberry puree in an enamel bowl over low heat. The puree should reduce by half. Then let it boil and add sugar. Taste it: if the mixture turns out sour, add more sugar. Cook again until thick.

Place parchment paper on a baking sheet, grease it with odorless vegetable oil and spread the thick raspberry mixture in a layer of approximately 1 cm. Dry it in the oven at 40 degrees or in the fresh air, exposing it to the sun (4-5 days). When the marshmallow dries and stops sticking to your hands, roll it up. Wrap the rolls in clean parchment paper.
