Concepts and classification emergency presentation. Emergencies

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Lesson objectives. To familiarize students with types of natural emergencies and general rules of behavior in the event of such emergencies; improve skills of safe behavior and action in case of natural emergencies.

Educational and visual complex:

  • Federal Law “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies”
  • Physical map of the world
  • Presentation for the lesson

During the classes

I. Organizational moment

1. Construction.

2. Report from the platoon commander.

3. Greeting students.

4. Checking appearance.

II. Checking homework

Students read or retell prepared speeches using topic“Rules of Conduct in a Criminal Situation” draw conclusions about the humaneness of the laws of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation in relation to apostate minors.

III. Learning a new topic

1. Introductory conversation on the following questions:

  1. What is meant by natural disasters?
  2. What natural disasters are possible in our country?
  3. Give examples of significant natural disasters.
  4. What natural disasters are possible in our area? (Students’ answers are listened to and discussed.)
  5. Natural disasters cause large-scale destruction, sometimes leading to large numbers of people affected. By creating unfavorable conditions for the life of the population, they also contribute to the emergence of mass infectious diseases.
  6. What is a natural emergency? (A situation independent of human activity.)

2. Main part

Familiarization with the content of the federal law of December 21, 1994 “On the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies.”

“Article 1. Basic concepts.

An emergency is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of living conditions of people."

Students discuss this definition, express their thoughts about its completeness and richness, and make possible changes and additions.

What do you think the concept of “prevention of emergency situations” includes? (Students give tentative answers.) Let's compare your answers with the definition enshrined in federal law.

“Article 1. Basic concepts.

Emergency prevention is a set of measures carried out in advance and aimed at minimizing the risk of emergency situations as much as possible, as well as preserving people’s health, reducing damage to the environment and material losses if they occur.”

Article 3 defines the objectives of this federal law:

  • Prevention of the occurrence and development of emergencies
  • Reducing damage and losses from emergencies
  • Emergency response

The teacher reads out excerpts from the federal law (Appendix 1)

3. Consideration of examples of natural emergencies.

The teacher talks about natural emergencies with a presentation demonstration

The teacher leads students to the need to clarify in detail examples of natural emergencies and actions during natural emergencies: (slide 1-2)

  • hurricanes; (slide 3-4)
  • earthquakes; (slide 5-24)
  • large natural fires (slide 25-37).
  • avalanches: landslides; (slide 38-43)
  • floods; (slide 44-56)

4. Drawing up an emergency action algorithm

  • receiving a signal
  • receiving the information
  • knowledge of warning signals
  • recourse
  • production of simple means of protection and rescue
  • self-rescue actions
  • helping others

IV. Lesson summary

  1. What methods exist to protect the population in natural emergencies?
  2. What is the essence of the collective method of defense?
  3. What does the law require from citizens in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergencies?

V. Homework

Develop options for the behavior of the population in the event of natural emergencies in our area (Appendix 1)

Chapter IV. Rights and responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations and social protection of victims

Article 18. Rights of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations

1. Citizens of the Russian Federation have the right:

  • to protect life, health and personal property in the event of emergency situations;
  • in accordance with emergency response plans, use collective and individual protection equipment and other property of executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizations intended to protect the population from emergency situations;
  • be informed about the risks that they may be exposed to in certain places of stay in the country, and about the necessary security measures;
  • apply personally, as well as send individual and collective appeals to state bodies and local governments on issues of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, including ensuring the safety of people in water-borne objects: participate in the prescribed manner in measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations;
  • participate in the prescribed manner in measures to prevent and eliminate emergency situations;
  • for compensation for damage caused to their health and property as a result of emergency situations;
  • for medical care, compensation and social guarantees for living and working in emergency zones;
  • to receive compensation and social guarantees for damage caused to their health while performing duties during emergency response;
  • for pension provision in the event of loss of ability to work due to injury or illness received while performing duties to protect the population and territories from emergency situations, in the manner established for workers whose disability occurred as a result of a work injury;
  • injury or illness received while performing duties to protect the population and territories from emergency situations, in the manner established for the families of citizens who died or died from injury received while fulfilling their civic duty to save human life and protect property And law and order

Article 19. Responsibilities of citizens of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations

Citizens of the Russian Federation are obliged to:

  • comply with laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations;
  • observe safety measures in everyday life and daily work activities, avoid violations of production and technological discipline, environmental safety requirements, which can lead to emergency situations;
  • study the basic methods of protecting the population and territories from emergency situations, methods of providing first aid to victims, rules for protecting people’s lives on water bodies, rules for using collective and individual protective equipment, constantly improve their knowledge and practical skills in this area;
  • comply with established rules of behavior in the event of a threat and emergency situations;
  • If necessary, provide assistance in carrying out rescue and other urgent work.
MODULE “Life Safety”
Topic No. 3: “Emergency situations.


1. General characteristics of emergencies
peacetime situations (definition,
damaging factors, medical-tactical
2. Main tasks of RSChS.
functioning of the RSChS.


4. Organization of the Unified State
warning and response systems
consequences of emergency situations of RSChS.
5. Operating modes of RSChS.
prevention and mitigation of consequences
emergency situations RSChS.

Emergency situation (ES)-

Emergency situation (emergency situation) in a certain territory,
disaster, dangerous natural phenomenon,
modern weapons that
may lead to human
victims, damage to human health and (or)
significant material losses and
violation of living conditions
of people.


an incident that creates at the facility,
certain territory (water area)
threat to human life and health,
leading to the destruction of buildings,
vehicles and violation
production or transport
process, as well as causing damage
health of people and (or) the environment

Catastrophe - sudden, fleeting
human casualties, damage to health
people, destruction or destruction
valuables in significant amounts, and
also caused serious damage


natural phenomena or processes
biosphere and other origin
on such a scale that it causes
characterized by
vital activity
population, destruction and destruction
material values, defeat
or loss of life.

According to the type (nature) of the source, emergencies are divided into:

chemical, biological accidents; explosions; collapse
energy systems,
structures; hydrodynamic, transport accidents
funds, etc.;
floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, fires, frosts, droughts,
volcanic eruptions, landslides, mudflows, etc.);
environmental (in the atmosphere, biosphere, hydrosphere and
lithosphere): abrupt climate change, intense
soil degradation, destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere,
severe shortage of drinking water, etc.;
biological and social: infectious morbidity in people,
damage to agricultural plants by diseases and
pests, famine, war, terrorism, etc.

According to the scale of the emergency, they are divided into:

Cross-border (global)

natural and man-made (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 2

Classification of emergency situations

dated May 21, 2007 No. 304).

A) emergency
local situation, in
as a result of which the territory on which formed
life activity of people (hereinafter referred to as the emergency zone
situations), does not go beyond the territory of the facility,
while the number of people killed or injured
damage to health (hereinafter referred to as the number of victims),
is no more than 10 people or, the amount of damage
environmental and material losses
(hereinafter referred to as the amount of material damage) is not
more than 100 thousand rubles.

Classification of emergency situations
natural and man-made
(according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated May 21, 2007 No. 304).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2011 N 376)
B) an emergency of a municipal nature, in
as a result of which the emergency zone is not
extends beyond the territory of one settlement or
intracity territory of the federal city
values, while the number of victims is
no more than 50 people, or the amount of material damage
is no more than 5 million rubles, and also this
emergency situation cannot be attributed to
local emergency.

Classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 2

Classification of emergency situations
natural and man-made
(according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated May 21, 2007 No. 304).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2011 N 376)
B) an emergency situation of an inter-municipal nature, in
as a result of which the emergency zone affects
territory of two or more settlements, intracity territories
cities of federal significance or inter-settlement territory, with
in this case the number of victims is no more than 50 people, or
the amount of material damage is no more than 5 million rubles.
D) a regional emergency, as a result
which the emergency zone does not extend beyond
territory of one subject of the Russian Federation, while
the number of victims is over 50 people, but no more
500 people, or the amount of material damage is over 5
million rubles, but not more than 500 million rubles.

Classification of emergency situations of natural and man-made nature (according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated 2

Classification of emergency situations
natural and man-made
(according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
dated May 21, 2007 No. 304).
(as amended by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 17, 2011 N 376)
D) an emergency situation of an interregional nature,
as a result of which the emergency zone
affects the territory of two or more entities
the number of victims is over 50 people, but no more
500 people
or the amount of material damage
is over 5 million rubles, but not more than 500 million.
E) a federal emergency, in
as a result of which the number of victims is
over 500 people, or the amount of material damage
amounts to over 500 million rubles.

Phases of development and damaging factors of emergency situations

Accumulation of risk factors. Accumulation occurs at the source itself
risk. The stage of the emergence of an emergency can last days, months, years,
decades and longer periods.
Initiation of an emergency. This stage of emergency development represents a push,
trigger mechanism. At this stage, risk factors reach such levels
states when, for various reasons, it is no longer possible to contain them
external manifestations.
The process of an emergency. At this stage, release occurs
risk factors - energy or substance, and their impact on people begins
and the environment. In the initial period of this stage, the duration
process, its consequences are difficult to predict due to the complexity of the situation
and the impossibility of accurately assessing the situation.
Attenuation stage. The stage chronologically covers the period of overlap
(limitations) of the source of danger, i.e. localization of damaging factors
Emergency, until its direct and indirect consequences are completely eliminated. So
Thus, in the development of emergencies over time we can distinguish: pre-emergency
conditions, stages of emergency development and post-emergency processes.

Damaging factors of emergency situations

factors mechanical, thermal,
biological (bacteriological),
leading to injury to people
animals, surrounding natural
environment, as well as objects of folk

Damaging factors of emergency situations

Dynamic (mechanical) factors resulting
direct action of excess pressure in
shock front
high-speed pressure and impacts on external objects,
effects of secondary projectiles (building structures and
structures, stones, fragments, glass, etc.) lead to
the occurrence of various wounds and closed injuries.
Thermal factors - as a result of exposure
high temperatures (light radiation, fires,
high ambient temperature, etc.)
thermal burns and general overheating occur
body; at low temperatures general
hypothermia and frostbite.

Damaging factors of emergency situations

Radiation factors - in case of accidents at radiation hazardous facilities and the use of nuclear weapons. IN
as a result of exposure to ionizing radiation
the body may develop radiation sickness (acute and
chronic) and radiation burns of the skin, and upon contact
radioactive substances into the body through the respiratory tract
pathways and gastrointestinal tract - lesions
internal organs.
Chemical factors - AOXV, chemical warfare agents
substances, industrial and other poisons, affecting
people in case of chemical accidents, use of chemical
weapons, cause a variety of (in nature and
severity) of the lesion.

Damaging factors of emergency situations

Biological (bacteriological) factors, toxins,
(bacteriological) agents, release and distribution
which are possible in case of accidents at biologically hazardous
objects, and in military conditions when using
by the enemy they can lead to massive
infectious diseases (epidemics) or mass
factors on people in extreme
activities, and in some cases - more serious

Health consequences of the emergency

complex characteristics of emergency situations that determine
content, volume and organization of health care provision (size and nature
sanitary losses; the need of those affected
various types of medical care; conditions
conducting LEM in the emergency zone; sanitary and epidemiological situation; failure
or disruption of the activities of health care facilities, as well as
disruption of life support for the population in the emergency zone
and etc.).

Classification of losses

Are common
are divided into irretrievable and sanitary losses.
Irretrievable losses - people who died at the moment
occurrence of an emergency, who died before admission to the first stage
medical evacuation (to a medical facility) and
Sanitary losses – affected (survivors) and
sick during an emergency or as a result of an emergency.
The structure of sanitary losses is the distribution
affected (patients) according to the severity of the lesions
(diseases) – extremely severe, severe, moderate
heaviness, light; by the nature and location of lesions (types

Classification of losses in emergencies

people who died at the moment
occurrence of an emergency,
died before admission
to the first stage
medical evacuation (in
medical institution)
and missing persons.
affected (remaining
alive) and sick
in the event of an emergency
or as a result of an emergency.

Unified State System for Prevention and Elimination of Emergency Situations (RSChS)

ensuring life safety
population and reducing damage to national
economy, and in case of their occurrence - for
liquidation of consequences.
unites governing bodies, forces and means
federal executive authorities,
whose powers include resolving issues related to
protection of the population and territories from emergencies.

Main tasks of RSChS:

development and implementation of legal and economic norms for
ensuring the protection of the population and territories from emergencies;
carrying out activities aimed at preventing emergencies and
increasing the sustainability of the functioning of organizations, as well as
social facilities in emergencies;
creation and ensuring readiness for actions of governing bodies,
forces and means intended and allocated for the prevention and
emergency response;
collection, processing, exchange and distribution of information in the field of protection
population and territories from emergencies;
preparing the population for emergency response;
forecasting and assessing the socio-economic consequences of emergencies;
creation of reserves of financial and material resources for
emergency response;
implementation of state examination, supervision and control in

emergency response;
implementation of measures for social protection of the population,
disaster victims, carrying out humanitarian actions;
implementation of the rights and responsibilities of the population in the field of emergency protection, and
also persons directly involved in their liquidation;
international cooperation in the field of population protection and

RSChS principles:

The entire population of the Russian Federation, foreign citizens and persons without
citizenships located on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as territory, objects
economy, material and cultural values ​​of the Russian Federation;
organization and implementation of prevention and elimination measures
Emergency situations are a mandatory function of federal executive bodies
authorities, executive authorities of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities
self-government, as well as enterprises, institutions and organizations independently
on their organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership;
implementation of measures to protect the population and territories from emergencies
carried out taking into account the division of jurisdiction, powers and
responsibility between federal executive authorities,
executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local authorities
advance and differentiated planning of activities for
protection of the population and territories from emergencies and their continuous implementation, as in
peacetime and in wartime, taking into account the reasonable sufficiency of their volumes and
implementation deadlines;
consistency and complexity of the approach to carrying out activities to
protection of the population and territories from emergencies and civil defense (CD);
compliance of the organizational structure of RSChS with the state
structure of the Russian Federation and the tasks to be solved.

RSChS structure
Territorial subsystems
regional, etc.
Functional subsystems (services)
disaster medicine service (Ministry of Health of Russia);
public order service (Ministry of Internal Affairs)
fire service (EMERCOM of Russia);
farm animal protection service and
plants (Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia);
State Rescue Service (EMERCOM of Russia);
sanitary-epidemiological surveillance service
situation (Ministry of Health of Russia);
environmental safety service (Goskomekologiya
flood control service (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Russia);
(Goskomrezerv of Russia);
search and rescue service at sea (Ministry of Transport
transport service (Ministry of Transport of Russia);
service for protecting forests from fires, diseases and
forest pests (Rosleskhoz);
emergency monitoring service (EMERCOM of Russia).

RSChS levels


All levels of RSChS management have:

permanent organs of everyday life
departments specifically authorized to
solving problems in the field of protecting the population and
territories from emergencies (administration bodies for
operational management support bodies
(control points);
forces and means;
reserves of financial and material resources,
communication, warning and information systems

The permanent day-to-day management bodies of the RSChS are:

at the federal level - the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia;
at the territorial level, covering the territory
subject of the Russian Federation, - governing bodies for
cases of Civil Defense and Emergency Situations created within or under bodies

at the local level, covering the territory of the district,
city ​​(district in the city), locality, - authorities
departments for civil emergency situations created within or
at local government bodies;
at the facility level (in organizations) - departments,
sectors (or specially designated persons) for cases

In order to coordinate the activities of territorial and
functional subsystems at all levels of management
RSChS creates emergency commissions
(advisory) bodies:
at the federal level - Interdepartmental Commission on
emergency prevention and response and departmental
(interdepartmental) CoES in federal bodies
executive power;
executive power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;
at the local level - CoES of local authorities
at the facility level (in organizations) - facility CoES,
created depending on the volume of tasks to be solved.

Operating modes of RSChS

mode of daily activities - during normal

seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, with
absence of epidemics, epizootics, epiphytoties and fires;
high alert mode - in case of deterioration
production and industrial,
seismic and hydrometeorological conditions, with
obtaining a forecast about the possibility of an emergency;
emergency mode - in case of occurrence and
during the elimination of natural and man-made emergencies

paramilitary and non-military fire fighting,
search engines,
emergency rescue,
emergency recovery, restoration and emergency technical
formation of federal executive authorities;
formation and establishment of the VSMC;
formation of veterinary and protection services
plants of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of Russia;
paramilitary services for active influence on
hydrometeorological processes of the Federal Service
Russia on hydrometeorology and environmental monitoring
Civil Defense of the Russian Federation territorial, local and
object levels;

Emergency response forces and means

trained forces and means of the Russian Civil Defense troops,
other troops and military formations intended
for emergency response;
emergency technical
centers of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for
nuclear energy;
search and rescue services
civil aviation flights of the Federal Aviation Administration
Russian services;
recovery and firefighting trains of JSC Russian Railways
Ministry of Transport of Russia;
emergency rescue
Federal services of sea and river fleets of Russia,
other federal executive authorities.

Forces and means of constant readiness of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia

Crisis Management Center
State Central Airmobile
rescue team (Tsentrospas, Zhukovsky).
Search and rescue services (SRS), list
federal executive body.
Special Purpose Center (Moscow).
Aviation of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
Combined mobile units of formations and
military units of the Russian Civil Defense Forces.


Emergency prevention is ensured in advance
by management bodies, forces and means
federal executive authorities, bodies
executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities
self-government and organizations whose powers
includes addressing issues of protecting the population and
territories from emergencies, a complex of organizational,
engineering, technical and special events,
aimed at the maximum possible reduction
emergency risk, as well as to maintain health
people, reducing environmental damage
natural environment and material losses in case of

This complex includes:
environment and potentially
dangerous objects;
emergency forecasting;
emergency risk assessment;
organization of state examination in
areas of protection of the population and territories from emergencies;
organization and conduct of state
supervision and control in the field of public protection and
territories from emergencies;


participation in licensing activities in the field
safety of industrial facilities;
planning and implementation of a set of preventive
measures aimed at preventing emergencies;
creation and improvement of regulatory legal
bases in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies;
economic regulation of activities to reduce
emergency risk;
creation and use of financial and
emergency response;

Protection of the population can be carried out in the following main areas (in combination or separately):

emergency localization to reduce impact
damaging factors of its source;
restriction (ban) of access to the emergency zone;
dispersal and (or) evacuation from the emergency zone;
shelter in protective structures;
provision of personal protective equipment;
medical (including medical
protection measures) and other types
priority life support

ensuring the functioning and development of the service
disaster medicine of the Russian Ministry of Health, surveillance service
maintaining them in a state of readiness;
organization of development of scientific and methodological foundations
preparation of the VSMC and its work during the elimination of health consequences of emergencies, organization of interaction
of the forces and means included in it, as well as preparation,
improvement and certification of VSMC specialists;
creation and organization of work of federal and
VSMC commissions;

The main tasks of the Russian Ministry of Health are:

development, implementation and improvement of methods and
means of medical care and treatment
affected (patients) taking into account the nature of the emergency;
organization and coordination of work to provide
medical care for the affected (sick) in emergency zones;
coordination of work on the evacuation of the affected (sick)
from emergency zones;
ensuring emergency supplies of medicines
for emergency response;
collection, synthesis, analysis and presentation to authorities
state authorities and management bodies of RSChS
data on those affected (patients) in emergency zones;

The main tasks of the Russian Ministry of Health are:

participation in the organization and implementation of operational
control of radioactive and chemical measurements
pollution in emergency zones;
observation, assessment and forecasting of sanitary and epidemiological
Russian Federation;
prevention, detection and suppression of violations
sanitary and epidemiological safety requirements
and public health protection;

The main tasks of the Russian Ministry of Health are:

participation in the organization and implementation of sanitary and hygienic and anti-epidemic measures in
emergency zones by departmental forces
constant readiness;
sanitary and hygienic
placement and maintenance;
development of methodological foundations for education and training
population to provide first aid in emergencies.


Slides: 11 Words: 1008 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Emergency situations Basic concepts and definitions. Basic concepts. Classification of emergency situations. Classification of emergency situations by scale of distribution. Classification of emergency situations by rate of development. Classification of emergency situations by origin. Emergencies of a man-made nature. Emergencies of a natural nature. Emergencies of an environmental nature. Man-made emergency. Hydrodynamic accidents. Natural emergencies. Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests. Environmental emergency. Development of emergency situations. Regardless of classification, four stages are distinguished in the development of emergency situations. - ChS.ppt

Life safety "Emergency"

Slides: 17 Words: 951 Sounds: 0 Effects: 64

Emergencies. Content. Emergency. Accident - damage to the machine or power supply system. Classification of emergency situations. Dangerous natural phenomena. Flood. Snow drifts, ice, severe frost. Epidemics, epizootics. Accidents of different types. Main types of SDYAV. "Attention everyone!" Questions for groups. Which of the following rules must be followed during forced self-evacuation? Your house is in a flood zone, and you have to escape to the attic of the house. What to do in case of a flash flood until help arrives. - Life Safety and Health “Emergency”.ppt

Crime situations

Slides: 19 Words: 464 Sounds: 4 Effects: 96

Crime situations in public places. Criminogenic means criminal. The basic rule of safety is to anticipate danger and avoid it whenever possible. Criminal situations are divided: by place of occurrence, by purpose. What you need to remember when confronted with a criminal. When going to visit a young man, be sure that you will not be left alone with him. Don't attract attention with your behavior. Come to the company only with close, trusted friends. You cannot be the “center of attention” in public places. A large percentage of sexual assaults occur among acquaintances and friends! - Situation.ppt

Emergency - emergency situations

Slides: 7 Words: 114 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Emergencies. Emergencies Natural: earthquakes, landslides, flood subsidence, floods, floods, storms, hurricanes, tornadoes, squalls, rain, emergencies Man-made: Transport accidents and disasters, fires and explosions at facilities; accidents and disasters at facilities with the release of harmful substances, accidents and disasters at utility life support systems, accidents at electrical systems. - Emergency - emergency situations.ppt


Slides: 50 Words: 2866 Sounds: 0 Effects: 3

Protection of the population during emergencies. Key questions of the topic. What really threatens the life and health of each of us. Ignoring environmental factors. Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine. Accident. Catastrophe. Characteristics of any emergency. Classification of emergency incidents by origin. Man-made emergencies. Transport accidents. Motor transport accidents. Medical and sanitary consequences of motor vehicle accidents. Speeding in dangerous conditions. Violation of overtaking rules. Decreased visibility in fog. - Emergencies.ppt

Dangerous and emergency situations

Slides: 21 Words: 900 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Dangerous and emergency situations. Circumstances. On the protection of the population and territories from emergency situations. Peaceful time. Dangerous situation. Emergency zone. Natural disasters. Accident. Catastrophe. Ecological catastrophy. Emergencies are classified according to three criteria. Environmental emergencies. Dangerous and emergency situations. Emergencies. Classification of emergency situations according to the scale of possible consequences. Damaging factors. Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. - Dangerous and emergency situations.pptx

Actions in case of emergency

Slides: 16 Words: 1177 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Actions of organization employees in natural emergencies. Strengthen the students' knowledge. Classification and characteristics. Impact area. Classifications of emergency situations. Natural disasters. Types of natural emergencies. Actions upon notification of a natural disaster. Dangerous hydrological phenomena. Valuables and items. Dangerous geological phenomena. Natural fires. Burning matches and cigarette butts. Actions of the population in case of fires. Infectious diseases. - Actions in case of emergency.ppt

Actions of people in emergencies

Slides: 68 Words: 5595 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Organization of protection of the population from the damaging factors of natural disasters. Study the classification of natural disasters. Natural disasters. Study question. Questions for students about previously studied material. Territory of Russia. Dangerous natural phenomena. Damaging factors. Disaster. Landslides. Earthquake. Tectonic processes. Seismic waves. Temperature. Collapse of karst voids. Consequences of human engineering activities. Hearth depth. Magnitude of earthquakes. Classification of earthquakes. Damaging factors of an earthquake. Speed ​​of spread. Impact of the above damaging factors. - Actions of people in emergency situations.pps

Emergency Safety

Slides: 32 Words: 365 Sounds: 1 Effects: 3

Classification of emergency situations

Slides: 21 Words: 1190 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Basic concepts and terms. Damage. Emergency terms. Stages of development. Classification. Classification of emergency situations by scale of distribution. Classification of emergency situations by speed of spread. Definitions and classification. Classification of natural emergencies. Lithosphere. Classification of earthquakes. Classification of volcanoes. Hydrosphere. Classification and causes of floods. Frequency and extent of floods. Atmosphere. Protective measures. - Classification of emergency situations.pptx

Consequences of emergency situations

Slides: 44 Words: 3699 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Socio-economic consequences of emergency situations. Amount of damage. Strategic indicators. Social risks of Russia. Classification of emergency situations. The scale of the emergency. Governing bodies. Common data. Assessing risk levels. Effectiveness of events. Diagram. Proportion of victims as a result of the emergency. Diagram of components of emergency situations. Proportion of deaths. Population dynamics. Main promising directions. Ensuring a guaranteed level of security. Main directions of state policy. Elements of public policy. Monitoring. Main directions of development of the regulatory legal framework. - Consequences of emergency situations.pps

Carrying out emergency rescue operations

Slides: 55 Words: 3617 Sounds: 0 Effects: 356

Organization and conduct. General provisions. Regulatory documents. Instruction. Sources of emergency situations. The most typical consequences of an emergency. Elimination of emergencies. Urgent work. Emergency rescue work in affected areas. Disinfection of territories. Emergency rescue work. Urgent work in the affected areas. Laying column tracks. Destruction of explosive objects. Stages of implementation. Daily activity routine. Ongoing events. Measures to be taken in the event of a threat of emergency. Measures taken in the event of an emergency. Organization ASDNR. - Carrying out emergency rescue operations.pptx

Sustainability of facility operation in emergency situations

Slides: 24 Words: 1468 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Peacetime and wartime emergencies. Declaration of industrial safety of the facility. Sustainability of functioning of an economic object. Increasing operational stability. The main directions for increasing the sustainability of the facility. Organizational structures. Commission to improve the sustainability of the functioning of an economic facility. Study of the stability of the functioning of an object during an emergency. Protection of facility personnel. Storage protection. Potentially dangerous objects. Life support facilities. Declaration of industrial safety of a hazardous facility. Declaration of industrial safety of the facility. - Sustainability of the facility’s functioning in emergency situations.ppt

Safety of hazardous production facilities

Slides: 27 Words: 5288 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

On industrial safety of hazardous production facilities. Classification of hazardous production facilities. Hazardous production facilities. Objects. Substances. Registration of hazardous production facilities. Industrial safety declarations. Development of a declaration. Development of an industrial safety declaration. Hazard classes. Mountain blows. Open pit mining. Quantity of hazardous substance. Name of the hazardous substance. Table. Organizations. Requirements for organizing production control. Industrial safety management systems. - Safety of hazardous production facilities.ppt

Functioning of the economy

Slides: 70 Words: 5893 Sounds: 0 Effects: 2

Academy of Civil Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Fundamentals of sustainable functioning of economic objects and territories. Fundamentals of public policy. Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. About a unified state system. Main directions for increasing sustainability. On the further development of the emergency warning system. Basic terms and definitions. Civil protection. Improving means of armed struggle. Belgrade. Economic objects whose sustainability must be ensured. Life support facilities. Military facilities. Possible conditions for the functioning of economic objects and territories. - Functioning of the economy.ppt

Emergency in 2006

Slides: 27 Words: 1116 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Peacetime emergencies. 6,043 people died. 2541 emergencies of a man-made nature. Major terrorist attack in the Southern Federal District. The largest number of natural emergencies. In the Siberian Federal District - 15. Information about emergency situations in Russia in 2006. The largest number of emergency victims are in the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In the Moscow region - 331 people. Economic damage from emergencies. The most significant increase. Collapse of buildings and structures. In 2006, the number of accidents increased by a third. In 2006, the number of natural emergencies increased by 31.8%. Incidents in industry. - Emergency in 2006.ppt


Slides: 6 Words: 124 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

Types of emergency situations: Fire. Explosion. Threat of enemy attack. Emergencies. Notification methods. Siren. Rules of conduct in emergency situations. Evacuation of the population. Protective equipment during evacuation. - Emergencies.ppt

Life Safety Emergencies

Slides: 21 Words: 1947 Sounds: 0 Effects: 71

Organization of training of the population in the field of protection against emergency situations. Educational issues: Requirements of guidelines for training the population in the field of emergency protection. Organization of preparation of the population of Moscow for actions in emergency situations. Planning and accounting documents for training. Chapter V “Training the population in the field of emergency protection.” The procedure for preparing the population is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation. The media can be used to promote knowledge. Preparation of the population for actions in emergencies is carried out in organizations, educational institutions and at the place of residence. - Life Safety Emergencies.ppt

Emergency procedures

Slides: 15 Words: 2085 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

State system of protection and safety of the population. Organization of civil defense and emergency situations in a municipal educational institution. The author of the presentation is teacher-organizer of life safety Klyuev A.V. Federal Law No. 28 of February 12, 1998 – Federal Law “On Civil Defense”. Leadership and management of civil defense. Civil defense workers report directly to the head of the organization. Organization and conduct of civil defense. Planning the organization and conduct of civil defense. Civil defense and emergency management bodies of a municipal institution. For training workers and students in the field of civil defense. - Actions in emergency situations.ppt

Symbols of distress

Slides: 21 Words: 80 Sounds: 0 Effects: 0

International symbols of distress. Dimensions of symbols: length – at least 6 meters, width – at least 0.5 meters. We need a doctor - there are wounded. Need medicine. We are unable to move. Need food and water. Requires a weapon. You need a map and compass. We need signaling equipment and a radio station. Specify the direction of movement. We are moving in this direction. We are trying to take off. The ship is seriously damaged. Requires fuel and oil. Everything is fine. We found all the people. We need an engineer. -

In our difficult times, emergencies often occur. They come in different types, each of them has its own consequences, as well as principles for dealing with it. This presentation will focus on natural emergencies - hurricanes and tsunamis.

Let's consider what a hurricane is? A hurricane is a cyclone that occurs primarily in tropical latitudes. Winds arise with great force, reaching up to 74 miles per hour.

In human memory, the worst hurricane recorded occurred over the islands of the Ganges Delta in Bangladesh. This happened in 1970. Then about a million people became its victims.

A hurricane brings with it very dire consequences, followed by great losses of both lives and property.

How to protect yourself from the threat of an approaching hurricane wave? The very first thing: you need to close all windows and doors that are located on the windward side of the building. And on the leeward side you need to open the windows and doors in order to somehow equalize the internal pressure. You need to stock up on the most necessary things that you will most likely need: a flashlight, water, food, a candle, you can also grab a camp stove, medicines. Hide in buildings with stronger walls, in basements or in civil defense shelters.

The strength and power of a hurricane is calculated using the Beaufort scale. The highest level is 12 points.

Let's move on to the tsunami. What is it? A tsunami is a series of huge waves that appear as a result of underwater disturbances.

Underwater tremors are not always capable of causing a tsunami. They must have a force that reaches at least 7 on the Richter scale. The most frequent occurrences of tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean. Thanks to modern technologies, tsunamis can be calculated in advance, and this can save the lives of many people with the help of seismographs and warning systems.

During tremors, large volumes of waves move very quickly, which provokes the occurrence of a tsunami. So the waves reach the shore with great speed and force and destroy it. The distance between waves that move towards the shore can reach up to 1 hour.

The state that is affected by tsunamis every year is Hawaii. But damaging tsunamis occur on average once every 7 years.

In risk zones, the territory is constantly under control. The warning center monitors the occurrence of a safe situation, and at the first recorded data, immediately issues warnings.

The most common deaths caused by a tsunami are drowning, followed by severe injuries that are incompatible with life.

In deep sea areas it is much more difficult to detect a moving tsunami. On average, there are about 6-7 tsunamis per century, which have great consequences.

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Basic concepts Potential danger is a hidden danger, uncertain in time and space. Potential danger is realized through causes and if the undesirable consequences are significant, then this event is classified as an emergency. An emergency situation (ES) is a situation in a certain territory that has arisen as a result of an accident, a dangerous natural phenomenon, a catastrophe, a natural or other disaster that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or the environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions. An accident is an extreme man-made event that occurred for structural, production, technological or operational reasons, or due to random external influences, and consists of damage, failure, or destruction of technical devices or structures. An industrial or transport disaster is a major accident resulting in human casualties, significant material damage and other serious consequences. A natural disaster is a catastrophic natural phenomenon (or process) that can cause numerous casualties, significant property damage and other severe consequences. An environmental catastrophe (ecological disaster) is an emergency event of a particularly large scale, caused by a change (under the influence of anthropogenic factors) in the state of the land, atmosphere, hydrosphere and biosphere, accompanied by mass death of living organisms and economic damage.

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Classification of emergency situations It is advisable to initially divide the entire set of possible emergency situations into conflict and non-conflict situations. First of all, military clashes, economic crises, extremist political struggle, social explosions, national and religious conflicts, terrorism, rampant criminality, large-scale corruption, etc. can be classified as conflict-related. Non-conflict emergency situations, in turn, can be classified ( systematized) according to a significant number of characteristics that describe phenomena from various aspects of their nature and properties. All emergencies can be classified according to three main principles: by scale of spread by rate of development by origin

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Classification of emergency situations by scale of distribution Emergency level Number of victims, people. Material damage, rub. local no more than 10 no more than 100 thousand municipal no more than 50 no more than 5 million intermunicipal no more than 50 no more than 5 million regional no more than 500 no more than 500 million interregional no more than 500 no more than 500 million federal over 500 over 500 million

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Classification of emergency situations according to the rate of development: sudden (explosions, transport accidents, earthquakes, etc.); rapid (fires, release of gaseous highly toxic substances, hydrodynamic accidents with the formation of breakthrough waves, mudflows, etc.), moderate (release of radioactive substances, accidents on utility systems, volcanic eruptions, floods, etc.); smooth (accidents at wastewater treatment plants, droughts, epidemics, environmental deviations, etc.). Smooth (slow) emergency situations can last many months and years, for example, the consequences of anthropogenic activities in the Aral Sea area.

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Classification of emergency situations by origin Technogenic emergencies Natural emergencies Environmental emergencies

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Man-made emergencies 1.1. Transport accidents (disasters) 1.2. Fires, explosions, threat of explosions 1.3. Accidents involving the release (threat of release) of chemically hazardous substances (CHS) 1.4. Accidents with release (threat of release) of radioactive substances 1.5. Accidents with release (threat of release) of biologically hazardous substances (BHS) 1.6. Sudden collapse of buildings and structures 1.7. Accidents on electrical power systems 1.8. Accidents on communal life support systems 1.9. Accidents at wastewater treatment plants 1.10. Hydrodynamic accidents

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Natural emergencies 2.1. Geophysical hazards 2.2. Geological hazards (exogenous geological phenomena): 2.3. Meteorological and agrometeorological hazards 2.4. Marine hydrological hazards 2.5. Hydrological hazards 2.6. Hydrogeological hazards 2.7. Natural fires 2.8. Infectious diseases of people 2.9. Infectious disease incidence in farm animals 2.10. Damage to agricultural plants by diseases and pests

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Environmental emergency 3.1. Emergency situations associated with changes in the state of land (soil, subsoil, landscape) 3.2. Emergency situations associated with changes in the composition and properties of the atmosphere (air) 3.3. Emergency situations associated with changes in the state of the hydrosphere (water environment)

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Development of emergency situations Research in the field of emergency situations allows us to conclude that the bulk of extreme events arise as a result of: exposure to a natural factor (natural processes due to gravity, earth rotation, temperature differences, etc.); the impact of the natural environment on structures and equipment (corrosion, changes in technical indicators, etc.); the occurrence or development due to human fault (for example, in violation of operating rules) of failures and defects in structures, machines, etc.; the impact of technological processes (temperatures, vibrations, aggressive vapors and liquids, increased loads, etc.) on structures, machines, mechanisms, etc.; military activities, etc. Regardless of classification, four stages are distinguished in the development of emergency situations.

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Stages of development of an emergency Origin - the emergence of conditions or prerequisites for an emergency (increased natural activity, accumulation of deformations, defects, etc.). It is difficult to determine the moment of the beginning of the generation stage. In this case, it is possible to use statistics of design failures and failures, analyze seismic observation data, meteorological estimates, etc. Initiation - the beginning of an emergency. At this stage, the human factor is important, since statistics show that up to 70% of man-made accidents and disasters occur due to personnel errors. More than 80% of air and maritime accidents are caused by human factors. To reduce these indicators, better staff training is needed. Climaxes are the stage of release of energy or substance. At this stage, the greatest negative impact on humans and the environment from harmful and dangerous factors of an emergency situation is noted. One of the features of this stage is the explosive nature of the destructive effect, the involvement of toxic, energy-saturated and other components in the process. Attenuation - localization of an emergency situation and elimination of its direct and indirect consequences. The duration of this stage varies, days, months, years and decades are possible.
