Step-by-step recipe for making delicious ground beef cutlets. Juicy beef cutlets

Beef-based cutlets always turn out moderately fatty, quite juicy and very tasty. You can prepare them in the most different ways, it’s so easy to choose interesting additions to each recipe. For example, cheese or a lot of greens. Worth a try!

General cooking principles

Cooking cutlets almost always comes down to one thing: all the components are mixed, then the mass is divided into equal small parts, from which balls are formed. Then they are either fried, baked, or steamed.

You can supplement the minced meat with a variety of ingredients. It is advisable to use moderately wet ingredients so that the minced meat is not too liquid. If this happens, you just need to add a little flour.

Minced beef cutlets – classic recipe

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

A traditional way to prepare beef cutlets. Light breading gives it an appetizing appearance.

How to cook:

Tip: instead of flour for breading, you can use crushed crackers.

Ground beef cutlets with cheese and garlic

Interesting recipe using cheese. They turn out very tender cutlets. The amount of garlic can be adjusted.

How much time - 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 208 calories.

How to cook:

  • Stir spices into minced meat.
  • Soak the pieces of bread in water for a short time, then squeeze them out and also add them to the meat.
  • Remove the skins from the onion and garlic, grate these components or grind them in a blender, and add to the total mass.
  • Beat in the egg and mix the whole mixture.
  • Form the resulting mixture into balls and flatten them slightly to form thick cakes.
  • Place them on a greased baking sheet.
  • Cut fleshy tomatoes into slices, do not use the stem.
  • Also cut the cheese into slices or grate.
  • Grease the cutlets with a small amount of mayonnaise, put a slice of tomato and a small piece of cheese on top.
  • Place in the oven and bake for half an hour at medium temperature.
  • Tip: grated cheese can be mixed directly into the minced meat, but then the tomatoes are best served fresh with the dish.

    Minced beef and potato cutlets

    Potatoes make the meatballs more nutritious and also keep their color light.

    How long is it - 1 hour.

    What is the calorie content - 219 calories.

    How to cook:

  • Grind the minced meat twice using a meat grinder or blender.
  • Grate the peeled onion and stir into the meat.
  • Remove the skins from the potatoes and grate them finely. Add to the minced meat.
  • Also beat eggs here, pour in milk, add spices. Milk will prevent the potatoes from darkening.
  • Finely chop the greens and add two tablespoons of oil to the total mass. Mix everything thoroughly.
  • Form the mixture into neat small cutlets. Place on your palm and sprinkle breadcrumbs on top, then turn over and sprinkle again.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and fry the cutlets in it. At the very end, cover them with a lid, set the heat to low, and cook for another ten minutes.
  • Tip: To give the cutlets a fresher taste, you can add a little chopped rosemary or thyme to them.


    Steaming saves more useful substances each product, this is especially important for children.

    What time is it – 2 hours.

    What is the calorie content - 203 calories.

    How to cook:

  • Cut the meat into small pieces, after washing it.
  • Cut the peeled onion into several pieces. Pass it through a meat grinder together with the meat, maybe twice.
  • Add spices to the resulting mass, beat in eggs, add flour and mix everything.
  • Cover the minced meat with film or a towel and put it in the refrigerator for at least an hour.
  • Next, take it out and form identical cutlets.
  • Grease the steamer with a small amount of oil.
  • Place the cutlets here and cook them for about half an hour.
  • Tip: you can cook the dish in a water bath, but then it may take a little more time.

    Swedish recipe

    Original Swedish recipes are increasingly being prepared in Russian kitchens. Simple ingredients and unusual tastes!

    How much time - 40 minutes.

    What is the calorie content - 115 calories.

    How to cook:

  • Boil large beets and potatoes in separate pans. Then give them time to cool and peel them. Coarsely grate.
  • Stir root vegetables into the minced meat, beat in an egg, add seasonings. Mix everything.
  • With wet hands, form 16 identical cutlets from the resulting burgundy mass.
  • Place everything on a tray or board and put it in the refrigerator.
  • Cut the peeled onions into thin rings and place in a frying pan.
  • Add a little oil and fry everything until golden.
  • Remove the onion and fry the cutlets on all sides in the same oil.
  • Next, return them to the frying pan, cover with a lid and steam for seven minutes over low heat.
  • Place the cutlets on plates. Place fried onions on top. Slice pickled cucumbers nearby. Serve immediately.
  • Tip: there should really be a lot of fried onions. Various seasonings can be added to it during roasting for a rich taste.

    Recipe with minced pork and beef

    Housewives love mixed minced meat for its special juiciness and structure. It is believed that this perfect combination for cutlets.

    How long is it - 1 hour.

    What is the calorie content - 228 calories.

    How to cook:

  • Turn on the oven to preheat over medium heat.
  • Remove the skins from the garlic and onions.
  • Soak the bread in a small amount of water. The crusts must first be cut off.
  • Pass onion, meat, garlic and bread through a meat grinder at the same time.
  • Coarsely grate the cheese.
  • Add it along with the egg to the onion-meat mass, mix.
  • Next, season and beat the minced meat on the table several times.
  • With wet hands, form equal cutlets.
  • Roll each cutlet in a small amount of flour.
  • Grease a mold or frying pan with oil and place the balls here.
  • Bake them for twenty minutes, then turn them over, pour the specified amount of water into the frying pan (or mold), and cook for another ten minutes. Serve with any side dish.
  • Advice: if you really like cheese, go hard grade you can add a little grated mozzarella.

    Steamed beef cutlet option

    Another steaming recipe. It turns out especially airy due to the large amount of milk and bread.

    How long is it - 1 hour.

    What is the calorie content - 163 calories.

    How to cook:

  • Grind the peeled onions and garlic in a blender into a paste.
  • Place pieces of bread directly with the crust into the milk. They need to be turned over from time to time so that they absorb the liquid evenly.
  • Next, transfer only the slightly squeezed bread into a blender and grind it too.
  • Mix all these ingredients and season them. Form small cutlets with your hands.
  • Grease the steamer container with a small amount of oil, place the cutlets here and cook them for about forty minutes, tightly closing the lid. Then serve.
  • Advice: so that dietary dish it was even healthier; you can mix a lot of chopped greens into the minced meat, including dried ones.

    To get juicier cutlets, you don’t have to grind the meat into minced meat, but simply chop it very finely with a knife. The structure will be coarser, but it will retain meat juice better. This also applies to onions.

    You should not use clean meat for cutlets. You need a piece that has at least a small layer of fat. The fat will melt and prevent the meat from drying out, otherwise the balls will turn out very tight and will fall apart.

    Onions are used for juiciness, but they can be replaced with other products: zucchini, pumpkin, carrots, etc. You need to grind these products using a meat grinder, especially carrots. In addition, this way the dish takes on a completely different color.

    It is advisable to take stale bread. You can use yesterday’s bread or even replace it with breadcrumbs. Then, after soaking, it will be evenly distributed in the minced meat, otherwise it may gather in one lump.

    Delicious ground beef cutlets cook very quickly, but can be an addition to a variety of side dishes and salads. Both adults and children love this nutritious and moderately high-calorie dish. And if served with white or red garlic sauce, then everything will be eaten in one sitting!

    It would seem that what could be more banal than cutlets? The dish does not claim Michelin stars and is not one of the most expensive and sought after in the world, but it is loved and revered, perhaps, for its special “domestication” and taste. Airy minced beef cutlets prepared according to this recipe are far from similar to the dull catering analogue of Soviet times. Of course, cutlet recipes are ephemeral, but you can still make your own additions to them, thereby improving the taste of the dish. So in in this case, the recipe does not include bread or rolls, but instead uses raw potatoes. It’s unlikely that you’ll order regular cutlets in a restaurant, so it’s a good idea to learn how to cook them deliciously at home!

    Ingredients for making ground beef cutlets:

    • minced beef – 400 g
    • egg – 1 pc.
    • raw potatoes – 1 pc.
    • onions – 0.5 pcs.
    • salt – 5 g
    • ground pepper – 2 g
    • vegetable oil – 20 ml

    Recipe for making ground beef cutlets:

    Beat into ground beef egg, add salt and pepper. If your minced meat is not very thick, then use the whole egg, but if it is relatively liquid, then it is better to use only the yolk.

    Finely chop or grate the peeled onion (if you can wait a couple of minutes), grate the potatoes on a fine “carrot” grater.

    Add these ingredients to the minced meat, mix well and beat lightly. How to do it? It is best to transfer the minced meat into a saucepan, scoop as much minced meat into your palm as will fit, raise your hand above the pan and with a sharp movement throw the minced meat back, do this several times. This allows you to make the minced meat more viscous.

    Medium oblong cutlets are most convenient to sculpt with wet hands. Place the blanks on the board.

    A few points on frying minced beef cutlets: place the pieces in a very hot frying pan, and fry them over moderate heat in hot oil for 2 minutes on each side. It is better to sprinkle the bottom of the pan with salt first to prevent oil splashes.

    If you see that the cutlets are not cooked inside, you can simmer them under the lid for another 10-15 minutes with a small amount of water.

    It should be noted that each housewife produces different dishes using the same recipe, but these cutlets always turn out excellent! They also go great with a variety of side dishes that you choose to suit your taste. Ground beef cutlets are ready!

    Bon appetit!

    Products you will need:

  • minced beef – 400g;
  • yellow onion – 1 pc.;
  • white bun – 1 pc.;
  • chicken egg – 1 pc.;
  • sunflower oil – 25 ml;
  • salt – 0.5 teaspoon (or more, to your taste);
  • pepper - a quarter teaspoon.
  • ingredients for cutlets

    The cutlet in our country and the cutlet in European cuisine are two big differences and two absolutely different dishes. Europeans call meat cooked on the thigh or rib bone a cutlet. And what we understand as a cutlet, in Europe is classified as a variety of meatballs. By the way, the dish got its name from the French “cotelette” – i.e. rib There is no absolute recipe for cutlets, as they are prepared differently everywhere. Therefore, we dwell on one of the available recipes for minced meat cutlets.

    Season the ground beef with salt, pepper, and egg yolk. There is no need to add a whole egg so as not to liquefy the minced meat.

    minced salt, pepper + yolk

    Chop finely peeled onion or grate it on a fine grater. Soak the bun in water (or milk) for a few minutes, then squeeze it out lightly, tear off the crust, leaving only the white pulp.

    soak the loaf in hot water

    Now mix all the prepared ingredients (except sunflower oil) in one bowl. Mix the minced meat for the cutlets with your hands. If it turns out not very thick, you can rub potatoes into it (1 piece is enough) or add a little wheat flour, sometimes 1-2 tablespoons of semolina helps.

    mix all products

    We make cutlets from thick minced meat with wet hands, this makes it easier to form balls. Place them on a board and heat the frying pan.

    form the cutlets with wet hands

    Pour plenty of oil into the pan so that the cutlets are well cooked. It is better to turn them over with a wooden spatula or carefully pry them with a fork. As you can see, this recipe does not use additional breading of the cutlets in flour or breadcrumbs, but this does not affect the taste of the dish at all; they turn out even juicier than those fried in breadcrumbs. Fry the minced beef cutlets over medium heat (for a minute on each side), it is important to place the pieces on an already hot frying pan.

    fry in oil

    Place the fried cutlets in a small saucepan, simmer under the lid, adding a large number of water. Or finish the cutlets in the oven.

    stew the cutlets

    This dish definitely needs a side dish. It can be either salad, sliced ​​porridge, porridge, French fries, etc. You can offer ketchup with the cutlets, cream sauce etc.

    Juicy cutlets minced beef

    If you want to cook a hearty meat dish, then beef is what you need. Cutlets can be served as an independent dish, but in our country it is customary to eat them with potatoes, cereals and other side dishes. Many housewives are of the opinion that cooking cutlets is a very difficult and time-consuming job. But sticking to simple rules preparation, you can quickly and easily prepare a meat delicacy.
    Ingredients for cooking:

  • beef – 400 g;
  • black bread - a quarter;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 1 pc.;
  • spices – 2 teaspoons;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • milk - a glass;
  • sunflower oil - for frying.
  • The cutlets should have a dense consistency. The minced beef is quite thick. But to prevent the dish from falling apart, you need to add bread or a loaf to it. Many people prefer white bread, but with beef it is better to use dark varieties of baked goods. Cut the bread into pieces and pour warm milk over it. It will become soft in a few minutes. Remove the bread from the milk and squeeze it vigorously.

    Onion is one of the additional ingredients for cutlets, which will make them more piquant. Cut it into small cubes. You can grate the onion on a fine grater.

    Beef is less fatty than pork. The cutlets will not be as high in calories. Salt the minced beef and mash it with a fork. Add onion to the beef and beat one egg.

    add onion, egg, salt to minced beef

    After the milk has been squeezed out of the bread, add it to the ground beef. Gently mix all ingredients until smooth.

    We bring the dish to taste. Add pepper and a little paprika. These spices will make the cutlets piquant and spicy.

    There is one little secret. Grate one potato into mince. This will add viscosity to the cutlets.

    Mix the minced meat again and form it into cutlets. Make the shape and size of the dish at your discretion.

    Fry the cutlets in a hot frying pan until done.

    Pour some water into the pan and place the cutlets here. Add a little salt and Bay leaf. Simmer the cutlets over low heat for 15-20 minutes.

    Prepared ground beef cutlets

    Italian style ground beef cutlets

    Below is very tasty and original recipe Italian beef cutlets.

    As a simplified version of Italian beef cutlets, I offer you the following list of ingredients:

  • walnuts (ground in a coffee grinder) – 100 g
  • parsley and dill (to taste)
  • regular hard cheese (instead of Parmesan) – 25 g
  • feta cheese (instead of ricotta) – 250 g
  • minced beef – 600 g
  • lard with slit (or bacon) – 150 g
  • lemon – 1 pc.
  • vegetable oil
  • salt and pepper
  • We take the sequence of actions from the recipe for Italian beef cutlets. Three hard cheese and cheese on a grater.

    Mixed minced meat, which I most often cook for my family, can also sometimes get boring, and then this simple recipe for delicious and juicy beef cutlets comes to my rescue. As you know, beef contains less fat than pork, and this fact has both positive and negative sides. On the one hand, less fat and, accordingly, large quantity proteins make this meat less high in calories and more beneficial for the body, but on the other hand, beef dishes are often dry, hard to chew and therefore less tasty.

    In order for the beef cutlets to be soft, juicy and very tender, a large amount of onions and carrots fried in butter is added to them. Fragrant vegetables retain some of their juices and give minced meat a pleasant taste and airy consistency. The cutlets turn out so fluffy and tender that they simply melt in your mouth, and in addition, they carry all the benefits of natural beef. After all, this meat contains a record amount of iron and easily digestible protein, and therefore must be included in the diet of children and adults of all age groups. Try to cook the juiciest beef cutlets with this simple recipe, and you will get a tasty and healthy second course that the whole family will love!


    • 800 g minced beef
    • 1 large onion
    • 1 medium carrot
    • 2 eggs
    • 3 – 4 small slices of rye bread
    • 200 ml cream 10%
    • 2 tbsp. l. flour
    • 30 g butter
    • 50 ml vegetable oil
    • salt, pepper, 1 tsp. hops-suneli optional


    1. To prepare beef cutlets, peel and finely chop the onion.

    2. Peel the carrots and grate them on a coarse grater.

    3. Fry onions and carrots in butter over medium heat for 8 - 10 minutes until golden brown.

    4. While the vegetables are frying, place the bread in a bowl, pour in the cream and leave for 5 - 10 minutes. When it swells a little, peel it off, squeeze it lightly and crumble it.

    5. Place minced meat in a large bowl.

    Delicious cutlets according to this recipe can be prepared not only from minced beef, but also from pork or mixed minced meat.

    6. Add fried vegetables, crumbled bread and eggs to the minced meat.

    7. Salt and pepper the minced meat and knead thoroughly with your hands into a homogeneous mass. You can also add any spices to it to your taste. I like to use the Caucasian seasoning khmeli-suneli to prepare cutlets.

    8. With wet hands, shape the minced meat into cutlets and lightly roll them in flour. From this amount of ingredients I got 9 large beef cutlets.

    9. Heat well in a large frying pan. vegetable oil, place the beef cutlets in one layer and fry them over medium heat for 3 - 5 minutes until golden brown.

    Advice! The cutlets in the frying pan can be placed quite tightly to each other, since during the frying process they will decrease in size.

    10. Carefully turn the cutlets over with a spatula and fry the other side for 3 - 5 minutes.

    11. Bring the cutlets to readiness over low heat under the lid for 13 - 15 minutes.

    You can serve beef cutlets with any side dish of your choice - potatoes, pasta, buckwheat, rice or vegetables. Bon appetit!

    How to make diet beef cutlets

    In order to make beef cutlets the most dietary and low calorie dish, you should use the following recommendations:

    1. Prepare minced meat yourself from lean beef or veal;

    2. Do not pre-fry the vegetables, but put them in the minced meat raw;

    3. Soak bread in low-fat milk or ordinary water(you can also use oatmeal instead of bread);

    4. Instead of frying in oil, steam the cutlets or bake them in the oven.

    For the recipe for making cutlets with photos, see below.

    If you cook beef cutlets skillfully, they will turn out very tender and juicy in taste. Usually to avoid dryness of beef patties. put a little lard or pork into the minced beef. Vegetables and herbs also add juiciness to the minced meat: onions, carrots, green onions, dill, cilantro, etc. My juicy cutlets are made from beef with the addition of carrots and onions, which results in guaranteed soft and tasty cutlets.

    The meat for the cutlets must be fresh. Before rolling the ground beef, you need to get rid of any awkward areas. Using a knife, cut off films, veins, and areas of fat.

    Juicy beef cutlets recipe

    To prepare beef cutlets I use:

    • 600 grams of beef fillet (boneless);
    • 1 large onion;
    • 2-3 carrots;
    • 1 egg;
    • 3 tbsp. flour;
    • salt and ground black pepper;
    • vegetable oil.

    I grind beef fillet, as well as onions and carrots, through a mechanical or electric meat grinder. I salt and pepper the minced meat and break a chicken egg. Mix the minced meat with vegetables until smooth. You need to mix the minced meat with your hands for at least 10 minutes, preferably 15.

    Heat vegetable oil in a saucepan. With wet hands, form small round beef patties. flatten slightly. Roll each one in flour and fry on both sides for 3 minutes. During this time, an appetizing golden brown crust should appear on the cutlets. Then reduce the heat, pour in a few tablespoons of water and simmer the cutlets under a closed lid for another 10-15 minutes.

    The result is very tasty and juicy beef cutlets. which can be served with any side dish or sauce. Bon appetit!

    Juicy beef cutlets

    Ingredients for Juicy Beef Cutlets:

    For the cutlets we need:

    • 500 gr. ground beef;
    • half a loaf soaked in milk;
    • 1 egg;
    • 2 onions;
    • 30 gr. cold butter;
    • salt, pepper, favorite spices to taste.
    Additionally: Recipe for Juicy Beef Cutlets:

    Soak the loaf in milk.

    Chop the onion very finely; you can grind it through a meat grinder.

    Squeeze the loaf thoroughly from the milk, add the onion and mix everything with the minced meat.

    Knead everything thoroughly, add 1 egg, salt, pepper, spices to taste.

    Knead everything thoroughly.

    Cut the butter into small pieces.

    Beat 2 eggs with a tablespoon of milk, add a little salt and pepper. Then form a flat cake and put a piece of butter in the middle.

    Roll in flour.

    Dip into beaten eggs.

    Send to preheated sunflower oil frying pan

    Fry the beef cutlets until almost done. Then put them in a saucepan, add a little water and simmer for 5-10 minutes under the lid.

    Video Recipe for Juicy Beef Cutlets

    Watch the video recipe step-by-step preparation beef cutlet. In the video you will see all the stages of cooking and can repeat it in your kitchen.

    Juicy beef cutlets in the oven recipe Beef cutlets – general principles and cooking methods

    Beef cutlets are a very versatile dish. On the one hand, delicious cutlets allow you to satisfy your family. On the other hand, if you serve them with a special sauce, they will take their rightful place on the holiday table.

    Beef cutlets food preparation

    You need to approach the choice of meat for cutlets very responsibly. Of course, you can use ready-made store-bought minced meat. But it has several disadvantages: there is practically no meat juice in such minced meat, it is impossible to vouch for the quality of the product and the thoroughness of pre-processing.

    Therefore, it is better to prepare minced meat yourself, purchasing for this the neck part, parts of the back, lean beef brisket. These parts of beef contain more collagen and improve the taste of the dish.

    Speaking of preparing meat, it needs to be thoroughly cleaned to remove unnecessary fat, cartilage and connective tissue.

    You can also use a meat grinder for grinding, but then some of the meat juice will be lost. Therefore, it is better to chop the meat for cutlets. It is most convenient to do this with two heavy, sharp and large knives. When chopping meat, you can add beef kidney fat (one fourth of the amount of meat), which will make the cutlets more juicy. To the chopped meat with fat, add a crumb of bread, which is soaked in milk. It is advisable to use White bread and not fresh baked goods, let it be a little stale.

    Beef cutlets - preparing dishes

    You need to fry the cutlets in a frying pan, the type of coating of which is not so important. It is better to pay attention to something else: during frying, meat juice is released from the cutlets, which will burn. Therefore, after some time of frying the next portion of cutlets, black spots may appear on them. Then it is better to start frying in a second frying pan, and the first one should be washed.

    Beef cutlets - the best recipes

    Recipe 1: Chopped Veal Cutlets

    The cutlets prepared according to this recipe turn out to be very juicy, although chopping the meat is somewhat tedious. The specified amount of ingredients makes 4 servings.

    400 grams of veal tenderloin,

    2 cloves of garlic,

    large onion,

    100 grams of vegetable oil,

    salt, 5 sprigs of parsley.

    1. Beef meat must be cleaned of fat and films, then chopped into fairly coarse mince with a sharp knife. Then transfer the meat to a large bowl.

    2. Add eggs to this bowl and knead the minced meat well.

    3. After this, you need to chop the onion, parsley and garlic. Add this to the minced meat, season with pepper and salt, and then knead the minced meat again.

    4. Cutlets must be formed small, flattened in shape. Then you need to roll the cutlets in flour. And then fry in very hot oil. On each side you need to wait 3-4 minutes. Then cook the cutlets for 4-6 minutes in the oven, preheated to 190C, until cooked. Then serve with potatoes or juicy vegetables.

    Recipe 2: Cutlets with mustard sauce

    A very spicy dish that will surely appeal to those who love spicy cuisine. The specified amount of ingredients will yield 6 servings. Preparing these cutlets takes about an hour.

    800 grams of ground beef,

    1 large onion,

    2 tablespoons vegetable oil,

    2 cloves of garlic,

    300 milliliters of cream with 22% fat content,

    3 tablespoons mustard,

    1. You need to peel and chop the garlic and onion. Wash the parsley, dry it, and then finely chop it.

    2. In a bowl, mix the ground beef, garlic, onion, egg and parsley. Season all this with pepper and salt. Place the prepared minced meat in the refrigerator for half an hour.

    3. Then you need to form small round cutlets from the minced meat.

    4. In heated oil, fry the cutlets on both sides, turning them over periodically. Prepare the sauce by whipping cream and mustard. This sauce needs to be poured into the frying pan. And, reducing the heat, keep the cutlets under the lid for another 10 minutes.

    Recipe 3: Tender Beef Cutlets

    These cutlets are juicy and tender thanks to the addition of milk to the minced meat. By the way, it takes only about half an hour to cook them quickly.

    500 grams of ground beef,

    large onion,

    a tablespoon of mustard,

    2 medium sized potatoes,

    vegetable oil for frying

    4 cloves of garlic,

    1. Through a meat grinder or on a fine grater, you need to grate peeled potatoes, garlic and onions.

    2. The minced meat should be mixed with grated vegetables, then add milk, mustard and a lightly beaten egg. Don't forget to add pepper and salt.

    3. The minced meat should be kneaded with your hands, and then formed into small oval cutlets. Before frying, cutlets need to be rolled in a mixture of semolina and breadcrumbs. Then fry in hot oil.

    - about bread. Some say that there is no need to put bread in cutlets, they say, this is a relic of the Soviet past, when bread was added in order to save money. In fact, bread is added to retain the juice in the cutlets. After all, the bond of fibers in meat passed through a meat grinder is broken and the juice will simply flow out during frying. While the bread absorbs this juice, the cutlets turn out juicier.

    - about eggs. Some recipes for making cutlets indicate the addition of eggs, others do not. But it is believed that it is not worth adding eggs to minced meat; egg whites quickly coagulate when frying, and this contributes to the loss of cutlet juice.

    - about the onion. Experienced housewives believe that chopped onions should be added to minced meat not raw, but lightly sautéed in butter. Raw onions make the finished cutlets tougher.

    - about water. Experienced chefs make cutlets more juicy by adding a little very cold water or small crushed ice. This ensures that during frying it is the water that will evaporate, and the meat juice will remain in the cutlets.

    The main thing is to know when to stop. If you add too much water, the cutlets may begin to fall apart.

    - about fat. The best option Ghee is used for frying cutlets. You can also use pork lard. If it is not there, then fry it in vegetable oil.
