Sports for weight loss. Which sport is best for losing weight?

The fight against excess weight includes many factors, with the sports component being one of the most significant in this matter. Regular exercise allows you to develop muscles, correct posture, improve health, and get rid of extra pounds. In addition, playing sports to lose weight gives you a boost of energy throughout the day and improves your mood.

Sports for weight loss

Exercising is the most effective method of losing weight. You can give preference to active training, running or yoga. Also great ways to lose weight and keep your body in good shape are swimming, dancing, and exercising on exercise equipment using sports equipment. However, which sport for weight loss should you choose to achieve the best results?

  • Swimming. This is an ideal sport for weight loss, which has a general healing effect on the entire body, strengthens different muscle groups, has a positive effect on the spine, joints, and corrects posture. You need to swim for at least 30 minutes three times a week, maintaining the pace and intensity of the exercises. Before you start exercising in the water, you should do a warm-up to warm up your body - do squats, bends, and rotations. On average, 400 calories are consumed in one 45-minute workout;
  • Cycling. Every year it becomes more and more popular. Regular training three times a week for at least 30 minutes will help you quickly get rid of excess weight, tighten and strengthen the muscles of your legs, thighs and buttocks. Is the best sport for weight loss;
  • Fast walk. A sport that is healthy and effective in combating excess weight. Ordinary walking at a brisk pace can do wonders for your figure. The advantage of this sport for weight loss is that it can be practiced at any time of the year and anywhere. Walking helps speed up your metabolism and fat burning process. Recommended for people with diseases of the joints of the lower extremities and spine, and heart disease. Excellent for untrained people. It is necessary to walk quickly every day up to 10 thousand steps. Approximately 200 calories are burned in one hour;
  • Jogging. It is an alternative to walking and the best answer to the question of what sport to do to lose weight. Running at an average pace over long distances is especially effective. They need to do it at least three times a week. In half an hour of training, approximately 600 calories are burned;

Other effective sports for weight loss: roller skating, skiing, tennis, football, dancing, rowing, horse riding. Choosing the best sport for weight loss depends on a person's preferences. The most important thing is to have a desire to exercise, a desire to lose weight, adhere to systematic training and combine it with proper and healthy nutrition.

How to lose weight at the gym

Every sport is good for your health and helps you lose weight. Working out in the gym will also effectively help solve the problem of excess weight. What are the features of classes and how to lose weight in the gym?

When starting training, you first need to know that each person requires an individual training program. A trainer will help you create it, based on your level of training and desired results. When building a training plan, it is worth considering that in order to quickly lose weight, you need to work on different muscle groups every day.

To obtain maximum results, each exercise on simulators or sports equipment should be repeated 15-20 times in 3 approaches. Before starting classes, warm up for 5-10 minutes. During this time, the muscles will prepare for the load. In addition, warming up strengthens the immune system. Two hours before and after training - no food, otherwise you will not be able to lose excess weight. The duration of training should be at least one hour. It is not worth training longer, as muscle mass begins to burn.

Aerobic training is the best answer to the question of how to lose weight in the gym. These are endurance activities that strengthen the cardiovascular system, which is why they are also called cardio training. Aerobic exercise increases the endurance of the heart muscle, helps lower blood pressure, increases red blood cells in the blood, and reduces the risk of diabetes. Aerobic exercise includes exercise on a treadmill, stationary bike, and elliptical trainer.

Sports for weight loss must also include strength exercises. They help strengthen all muscle groups. Both your own weight and weights – dumbbells, “pancakes” – are used as resistance in such exercises. Strength exercises include push-ups and pull-ups. They strengthen the muscles of the back, chest, arms, buttocks and legs, helping women replace fat deposits with muscle tissue. The more muscle tissue, the higher the metabolic rate. This means that the body begins to burn more calories, which allows you to lose weight faster.

How much exercise to lose weight

The basis of any sports for weight loss is regular training. Going to the gym 2-3 times a month or occasionally jogging in the morning will not bring any tangible results. To get the effect of physical education, you need to train 3-4 times a week under the guidance of a trainer or on your own.

How much exercise to lose weight? Beginners can start with two workouts a week for 30 minutes. There is no point in exercising less, since the muscles will not work properly and the excess weight will not go away. After a few sessions, you can add one more workout per week, gradually increasing the training time. It is necessary to take a rest day between workouts so that the muscles have time to recover. Before each exercise for weight loss, there must be a warm-up, then comes the main part of the exercise, during which fat is burned. At the end of training, a contrast shower is recommended.

What sport should I do to lose weight? Any physical activity helps to reduce body weight, so everyone can choose something different from the variety of sports. But to get rid of excess body weight, physical exercise alone is not enough. It is also necessary to review your diet and diet. You should eat healthy low-calorie foods at least 5-6 times a day, in small portions. Also, in the process of losing weight, you need to drink about two liters of liquid per day, as this is an important factor in burning fat.

Video from YouTube on the topic of the article:

Losing excess pounds is a hot topic that is inextricably linked to physical activity. There are many types of load. Everyone affects the fat layer to a certain extent, but determining which sport is best for losing weight on your own is quite difficult.

Finding physical activities that help you lose weight as quickly as possible allows you to have a clear idea of ​​the results that come from practicing a variety of sports aimed at burning fat.

Having set the goal of getting rid of extra pounds, many people choose running. This is no coincidence. Aerobic exercise really helps bring your weight back to normal. Jogging, of course, is not the only physical activity that helps you achieve the desired slimness.

The following workouts are considered the most effective in losing weight:

  • Cardio. It is a long-term physical activity, characterized by low intensity, which increases the heart rate, which is why it is called “cardio”. Such workouts include: an hour on a treadmill, walking on an elliptical trainer for twenty minutes, and so on.
  • Interval. Performed with a change in both intensity and speed. This includes jogging, walking on an elliptical, and cycling. First, for example, speed running for half a minute, and then jogging for one and a half minutes. So, changing the speed, they practice for about 20-30 minutes.
  • Power. Such training involves training either with the use of weights or with the use of your own weight. They tend to be cyclical.

A huge amount of research and experimentation has been devoted to losing weight, which has made it possible to distinguish these three types of physical activity. However, relying solely on exercise, a person struggling with excess weight risks failure. The lack of significant results is due to ignoring the fact that success in losing weight is due not only to regular training, but also to a review of your own diet. You should remember one simple truth, which is that excess fat is gained both due to low physical activity and due to poor nutrition.

Proper nutrition determines 80-90 percent of the results people get when they want to become slim. You can devote up to 10 hours a week to grueling training, but reduce the effect achieved during this time to zero in the remaining 168 hours. Those pursuing the goal of losing weight should adhere to a strict diet. This is the best and fastest way to achieve your goal. It is necessary to completely abandon carbonated drinks and fast food. The diet should contain only healthy and natural foods, that is, fruits and vegetables, lean (lean) meat.

The diet allows you to lose a certain amount of weight, but you can achieve maximum results only by additionally doing cardio, intense or strength training. Which one should you prefer? An analysis of each physical activity will help answer this question.

Most people always associate weight loss with cardio exercises. The choice in favor of training that increases your heart rate is obvious. The more calories you burn, the faster you lose weight. This, of course, is true in cases where the overall energy value of the menu decreases, that is, a certain diet is followed. By running up to five kilometers on a treadmill, about three hundred calories are lost. The benefits of cardio are obvious. There is no need to do any complex exercises or use weights. You just need to have sports shoes, a treadmill or an elliptical trainer at your disposal. You can exercise both at home, if you can purchase equipment, and in the gym. The ease and simplicity of cardio has made this type of training the most accessible and simplest for beginners.

There are also disadvantages to such physical activity. Cardio workouts are monotonous and can quickly become boring after a short period of time. This applies to exercise machines, but not to running outside. Cardio helps you lose weight, but it doesn't get you into really good shape. An increase in heart rate has a positive effect on the heart muscle, but does not increase stress resistance. The latter is due to the lack of rapid switching of loads during running or walking.

Burning calories through cardio may not be considered the most effective due to the low additional oxygen consumption after the workout itself. This means that calories are burned exclusively during the activity, but not after. More detailed information on this topic can be read in various sources, which explain why physical exercise does not always give the desired result.

You shouldn't give up cardio. It really allows you to lose weight, but only for those who are willing to run or walk for several hours every day, without exhausting themselves with complex exercises.

They are recognized as much more effective than cardio training. They are much more successful at burning excess calories. High-intensity interval training requires high oxygen consumption not only during exercise, but also for several hours afterward. The metabolic rate at this time continues to remain high, and, consequently, calories are also lost. After finishing your workout, you can calmly go about your business, and the fat burning process will continue for several hours.

This major benefit of high-intensity interval training is scientifically proven. Changing modes of physical activity forces the heart muscle to adapt to different modes, when high-speed running is replaced by jogging, and uphill is replaced by descent from a hill in a cyclic order within one session. The heart begins to adapt to working in a different format, and the body adapts to such changes. This becomes the main reason why the metabolic rate remains high for several hours in a row, and not just during exercise.

Scientists from the University of New South Wales conducted a study in which they observed and recorded changes that occurred with forty-five women experiencing problems with obesity of varying degrees. The participants were divided into two groups, each of which was assigned to ride a bicycle. The difference was that one group had to do regular training and the other group had to do interval training. Participants in the first group cycled for 40 minutes at a moderate speed, while the second group cycled for only 20 minutes, alternating between eight seconds of strenuous cycling and twelve seconds of easy cycling. After five weeks, the results showed that women who did interval riding lost three times more excess weight than those who rode at an average speed for twice as long. Participants who lost more pounds mostly lost weight in their buttocks and legs.

Thus, drawing a conclusion from this study, it turns out that in much less time, high-intensity interval training loses many times more calories. You can read about this experiment in detail in Mark's Daily Apple. Of course, such training also has its drawbacks. It lies in the fact that the body takes much longer to recover. Even after 20 or 30 minutes of high-intensity interval training, the body will literally “revolt.”

Calorie burning when doing cardio occurs exclusively as part of the workout, but does not stop after the end of the high-intensity interval. Power loads also have their own characteristics. This type of physical activity was described most clearly by Alvin Cosgrove, who devoted one of his articles to comparing cardio and strength training. In it he gave a description of one of the experiments.

The study was conducted on three groups. The first consisted of people strictly following a diet. In the second, there were participants who, in addition to dietary restrictions, also did aerobics. People from the third had to stick to a diet, go to aerobics, and do strength training. The difference between weight loss over three months in the first (6.5 kg) and second (7 kg) groups was only half a kilogram. The latter had to devote from half an hour to 50 minutes to aerobics three times a week. Participants who additionally engaged in strength training lost 9.6 kilograms, which is much more than both the first and second groups.

Therefore, aerobics alone does not allow you to achieve more, even during a diet. And this, taking into account the fact that to lose half a kilo I had to complete about 36 classes. Strength training works much more effectively, allowing you to achieve better results.

However, analyzing this experiment, it turns out that it is nutrition that contributes to the loss of more excess weight. Aerobic exercise can speed up weight loss, but not much. And in order to achieve maximum results, along with aerobic exercise and diet, it is necessary to include strength exercises in your program for gaining harmony.

And it should not be surprising that people who engage in aerobic physical activity and follow a diet lose weight much more slowly than those who also perform strength training. It is not necessary to choose between running and rocking; you can combine these two types of training, getting much better results.

If we again turn to Cosgrove for his expert opinion, the best strength exercises are those that involve the maximum number of muscles. These include: burpees, lunges, squats, push-ups, kettlebell swings, pull-ups. They should be performed from 8 to 12 times without breaks. The process of burning fat after strength training continues for another two days, and building muscle mass becomes a bonus to the workout itself.

Strength exercises should not be seen as the exclusive and only physical activity for burning calories. They rank highest in weight loss, followed by high-intensity interval training and then cardio. This hierarchy is given for an equal amount of time spent on a lesson, for example, half an hour. And here lies the main disadvantage of both interval and strength training. They can be performed only for a limited time, and then the muscles simply refuse to obey. In addition, recovery requires at least two days. You can do cardio every day because it is stress-free and the workouts themselves can last for hours.

The situation is as follows: both high-intensity interval training and strength training allow you to burn a large number of calories, but not more than the body “wants”, since muscle failure after 30-45 minutes of exercise, as well as the recovery process over several days, are inevitable, but cardio does not limit anyone losing weight in anything. Consequently, a person who is willing to run for several hours every day will be able to burn more calories than someone who does only strength training or intensive training three times a week.

The answer to this question varies from person to person. The choice between cardio, intense, and strength training is based on the level of one’s own physical fitness, the time that a person is ready and able to devote to exercise, and also on the fact that one wants to do more - exercise, change speed and intensity, or run and walk without any strain . You can choose any of the three physical activities, but remember that the success of losing weight almost entirely depends on your diet, which should contain only nutritious and valuable foods.

Cardio classes are suitable for those who:

  • I like to run outside or on a machine, walk on an elliptical;
  • the schedule allows you to devote at least an hour to training every day;
  • the level of training does not allow you to start strength or high-intensity training.

High intensity interval training is suitable for those who:

  • does not like to do strength exercises, but wants to lose weight quickly;
  • has only limited time to train;
  • enjoys pushing himself to the limit.

Strength training is an excellent choice for those who:

  • wants not only to lose weight, but also to build muscle;
  • is not afraid to use weights;
  • loves that calories are burned even after training.

There is no type of sports activity that is one hundred percent effective in the process of burning fat. Each has its own advantages and some disadvantages, which relate to the process of organizing training, the availability of free time, readiness both morally and physically for one or another degree of stress. You need to do what brings you pleasure. You should not limit yourself to any one path; you can create a rational program that includes your most favorite exercises.

Low-intensity cardio, ideal for beginners, can be varied with higher loads and speed after just a month. If lifting weights has been intimidating before, you can try lifting dumbbells once or twice a week and be pleasantly surprised at how the weight gives in. Lovers of strength training can be recommended to do cardio. Adding this physical activity will be another important step for burning more fat.

This question may actually turn out to be very relevant, because otherwise you can wait a long time for positive results. If they don’t exist for a long time, a person may become disappointed and stop actively training altogether. Most often, the issue of losing weight is relevant for girls, since guys prefer to engage in bodybuilding and thereby not only get rid of fat, but also gain muscle mass.

At the same time, girls often prefer dietary programs, which can be quite strict, to sports. Very rarely such tactics bring the desired result. In most cases, when using only diets, weight comes off, but for a short time. Maximum results can only be achieved if the best sports for weight loss and proper nutrition are combined.

Why is it better to lose weight through sports rather than diet?

Sometimes a person wants to get rid of excess weight and at the same time leave the house as little as possible. You must understand that the effect that the best sports for weight loss produce on the body is comparable to the results of strict dietary nutrition programs, but at the same time it is long-term.

If you exercise or use a diet, you achieve the same thing - a lack of energy in the body. However, the impact of strict dietary nutrition programs is often very negative, since the body requires high-calorie foods. With an energy deficit achieved through diets, catabolic processes are activated in the body, destroying muscle tissue.

If you use the best sports for weight loss to achieve your goals, then thanks to regular physical activity you strengthen your muscles and maintain the normal functioning of all body systems. In other words, by playing sports to lose excess weight, you get the desired result and do not cause harm to your health.

Also speaking about the differences between strict diets and exercise, in the first case the body begins to save energy, and fat tissue will be burned extremely inactively. The human body is designed in such a way that during hunger it tries to find sources of energy and at the same time consume minimally fat reserves.

It should be noted that playing sports for weight loss works in four directions at once, which allows you to achieve the desired result in a short time:

  • In one hour of training, on average, from 150 to 1200 calories are burned, and this figure depends on several parameters, for example, the type of load and its intensity.
  • Under the influence of physical activity, the body accelerates the production of the hormone adrenaline, which is one of the most powerful natural fat burners.
  • Sport can significantly speed up metabolic processes (metabolism), which leads to increased energy consumption. As a result, fats are burned even at rest, when you are no longer exercising.
  • Exercise allows you not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to make your figure more attractive.

How can you lose weight by playing sports?

You should first find out what the best sports for weight loss are to avoid disappointment. Energy in the human body can be obtained in two ways:
  1. Aerobic - oxygen participates in energy supply processes.
  2. Anaerobic - oxygen is not used to produce energy.
We can distinguish two types of physical activity of the same name. When using aerobic exercise, the body works for a long period of time, for example, when you run, swim, bike, etc. Anaerobic exercise is strength training where you lift weights.

Thus, you can only talk about what the best sports for weight loss are by knowing the goals of your activities. It is very important to imagine what you want to achieve in class. Strength training promotes active muscle mass gain. This will allow girls to tighten their buttocks and other muscles. However, the problem of excess weight may remain in this case and here you will have to return to using cardio exercises again.

Aerobic exercise stimulates mitochondrial growth. These organelles are located in cellular structures and are designed to obtain energy from various substances, including fatty acids. Scientists have proven a direct connection between the number of mitochondria and the number of calories burned. It is also worth remembering that cardio exercises promote the synthesis of special enzymes that are necessary to activate the processes of reduction of adipose tissue.
In addition, the body has the ability to recover much faster after cardio sessions compared to anaerobic training. Directly during a strength session, fewer calories will be burned than is possible during cardio exercise. At the same time, muscles require a large amount of energy to maintain their function even at rest. As a result, we can say that for weight loss, the ideal option is a combination of aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

What are the best sports for weight loss?

Let's look at those sports that can be excellent helpers in the fight against fat.


This is one of the best types of spots for weight loss, which, among other things, has a positive effect on the entire body. Thanks to swimming, you can not only get rid of excess weight, but also strengthen all muscle groups. Also, the harmful load will be removed from the spinal column and articular-ligamentous apparatus. Swimming can be considered one of the least traumatic sports disciplines.

If after strength training you often feel pain in your muscles, especially at first, then after visiting the pool this will not happen. To get maximum results, you need to exercise three times a week, and the duration of one workout should be about 45 minutes.


Cycling is no less effective in combating excess weight than swimming. Many people all over the world are fond of this sport and get excellent results. Now cycling is becoming more and more popular in our country.

Cycling not only allows you to effectively burn fat, but also strengthens the muscles of your legs, buttocks and thighs. All this will make your figure more attractive. It is the thighs and buttocks that most often cause displeasure among girls who always strive to look their best.

Cycle three times throughout the week, each session lasting 60 minutes. It should be remembered that an exercise bike can give a similar effect compared to a classic bicycle, but in the warm season, cycling in the fresh air will be the best choice.


Very often people underestimate the benefits of walking in the fight against fat. At the same time, regular walking may well be considered one of the best sports for losing weight. Moreover, if you have serious weight problems, then running or cycling can have a negative impact on your joints. In this case, you should definitely start losing fat through walking.

Start with short walks at a slow pace. Gradually increase your walking speed and mileage. You should not immediately give your body a strong load, as this will negatively affect your health.

Now in many countries of the planet a new sport is gaining popularity - Nordic walking. It differs from the usual one by the presence of poles, reminiscent of ski poles, on which you need to lean while moving. This allows you to strengthen not only the muscles of your legs, but also your arms.

Doctors recommend walking for people who have problems with the joint and ligament system. As with any sport, you should do a light warm-up before your walk. To get the most out of your walking, we recommend taking daily walks of at least two hours. It is also advisable to use rough terrain for this.


For many years, jogging has been one of the most popular means of combating excess weight. To lose excess weight as quickly as possible, run long distance runs at a moderate pace every second day. Try to plan your route so that during the lesson you stay as far away from busy traffic as possible.

Here are the best sports for weight loss. However, men can also recommend sports games, for example, football, basketball, etc. These sports disciplines involve short, fast runs and jumps, which has a very positive effect on the process of lipolysis.

Girls have no less choice, because to lose weight you can use not only the above-mentioned sports disciplines. Dancing classes, Pilates, and various types of aerobics will also be very effective. Whatever type of sport you choose to lose weight, when combined with proper healthy nutrition, the results will not take long to arrive. Although, of course, you will have to be patient.

For more information about the best sports for weight loss, watch this video:

Many women are familiar with the situation when it seems like everything has already been tried (gym, diet), but the extra pounds still don’t go away.

The thing is that, out of ignorance, the basic rules of playing sports are very often violated.

Sports Facts

Here are the most interesting facts about proper exercise:

1. Don't skip breakfast before morning classes.

Some women are inclined to believe that exercising on an empty stomach is much more effective than after a hearty breakfast. In fact, this opinion is wrong. If you haven’t eaten before the gym, then during exercise, calories will be burned not from the fat layer, but from muscle tissue, which in no way contributes to quick and safe weight loss. Thus, you will simply ruin your stomach and get gastritis.

To achieve maximum effect, you need to have a full breakfast. This does not mean that you can eat everything, including confectionery and flour products; preference should be given mainly to protein foods, for example, cottage cheese, meat products, eggs, cheese. Nothing bad will happen if you allow yourself to eat some sandwich.

2. Don’t neglect proper diet and full body exercise

Practice shows that if a woman works hard on a problem area in the gym, but at home completely forgets about her diligence, then she will never achieve the desired weight loss. The fact is that it is useless to train a problem area, for example, the buttocks, using only physical activity. If a woman wants to get rid of cellulite, she needs to first reduce the amount of fat in this area. And this is achieved either through diet or through full body training. In this case, cardio exercise will help you lose fat. You can sign up for step aerobics or dancing. If you train only the problem area, the fat layer will not go anywhere, you will only “pump” it into an even greater volume.

3. Do not delude yourself that walking helps you lose weight.

In fact, walking for 30 minutes only burns 122 calories in the body, which does not in any way contribute to rapid weight loss. In fact, walking is very beneficial before starting a workout. To warm up your muscles, you can walk on a treadmill for 5-10 minutes. However, walking is great for maintaining cardiovascular tone and can reduce cholesterol in the body.

4. Resist the urge to eat after training.

After intense physical activity, as a rule, there is an irresistible desire to eat, and the more, the better. This will reduce all your efforts to zero. After training, it is useful not to eat for an hour. However, if you really want it, then nothing bad will happen if you eat protein food: boiled chicken, a piece of meat, low-fat cottage cheese. This will not affect your weight in any way. On the contrary, this way your body can quickly restore the energy spent, but not the calories.

5. Drink more water.

To lose weight quickly, you should drink at least 2 liters of fluid per day. In the morning on an empty stomach you need to drink a large glass of warm water. This procedure starts your metabolic process, thanks to which the calories acquired during the day are effectively burned.

Motivation, proper nutrition and dosed physical activity are the three commandments of being slim without gaining back those extra pounds.

We have already discussed the first two points in previous publications. Today we’ll talk about how to exercise to lose weight, why some workouts lead to weight gain, and how to lose a few extra pounds without overloading.

5 reasons to exercise to lose weight

  1. physical activity speeds up metabolism, causing calories to be burned faster;
  2. During training, adrenaline is released into the blood, which in particular helps to break down fat;
  3. during physical activity, the brain releases endorphins (so-called happiness hormones), which improve mood;
  4. a sports program for weight loss helps burn 150-300 kcal per hour, so the allowed calorie intake can be increased by 300-400 calories;
  5. Regular exercise not only burns fat, but also strengthens muscles. In a few months you will become healthier. slimmer and skin more elastic.

What is the best sport to do to lose weight?

When wondering what kind of sport is best to do to lose weight, focus on what you want to change in your figure. For example, strength training develops muscle mass, so you can’t do without it if you want to shape your buttocks, tighten your stomach or chest. A program for losing weight in the gym, compiled by an instructor, will help you solve your goals.

There is no need to lift the barbell. Squats, push-ups, abdominal exercises are also strength exercises, where your body acts as an additional load. If after aerobic training the body returns to its normal energy consumption mode within 3:00, then strength training “pulls out” additional calories all the time - to build muscle tissue and support it even at rest. Thus, accelerated metabolism is guaranteed for you for a long time.

The insidiousness of this method is that you train and train, and the weight increases. The fact is that muscle is heavier and more compact than fat. Therefore, here you need to focus on other parameters - volumes, fat folds, etc.

During strength training, each exercise is repeated several times and in several approaches. For beginners, it is ideal to do three sets with a one-minute break. The muscles need such a time-out to restore their performance. The number of repetitions in the approach depends on the goal. For example, for burning fat, 10-12 repetitions are considered optimal (for abs and calves - 12-25), for developing relief - 6-8, for growth and strength - 1-5. Do one exercise for each muscle or muscle group so as not to overload them.

A prerequisite is a 5-10 minute warm-up before starting classes. This will prepare the muscles for the load. Such activities are stressful for the muscles, so strength training is recommended to be done no more than 2-3 times a week.

What to do to lose weight

If strength training is aimed at increasing muscles, their tone and strength, then cardio exercise trains endurance and improves the health of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. There are many options: jogging, aerobics, cycling for weight loss is very important, skiing, swimming or dancing. Calories are burned directly during exercise. The most optimal time is up to 4-5 times a week.

What to do to lose weight? The best option is a bicycle or exercise bike. In an hour's drive you can burn from 450 to 1100 kcal. It is important that the body is in the correct position throughout the workout, so such exercises are usually physically easier than, for example, running or step aerobics.

The gym program for weight loss gives excellent results, but good results can be achieved with a banal walk to work. In 1.5-2:00 of walking, 300 to 800 kcal are burned. If, for example, you give up public transport or a car for a week, you will additionally spend up to 3500 kcal. So in a month you can quietly lose one and a half to two kilograms.

According to experts, the maximum effect can be achieved by combining aerobic and strength exercises. Ultimately, fat burning will occur with any workout. In order to increase the results of your training and not lead yourself to exhaustion, special attention should be paid to proper nutrition.
