Is it worth going to Cuba in September? The best prices for tours to Cuba at the moment, all inclusive


Cuba in September - weather, rainy season, tourist reviews with photos

The first month of autumn does not bode well for tourists on the island of freedom. This is due to the fact that the rainy season is in full swing in the Caribbean, it is hot and stuffy. Yes, the weather in Cuba in September 2019 is not the most suitable for a beach holiday, or for any business in general. As for the water temperature in the sea, it is excellent and suitable for swimming. But it’s unlikely that you’ll be able to swim. Want to know more? Let’s read to the end and decide whether it’s worth visiting Cuba in early autumn.

Cuba is a gorgeous place to relax by the sea. White sand beaches, palm trees growing on the shore, beautiful hotels near the water, waterfalls, nature... all this and much more attracts and attracts millions of tourists to the island of freedom. But not in September. And it’s not just about the weather, but also about something else.

But let’s start our acquaintance with September Cuba with the weather. During the day, even on a cloudy day, the air temperature will not be lower than +30 degrees. In clear weather, the air can warm up to +35 and above, and at the same time there will be strong evaporation and air humidity will be very high.

In the evening and at night, when the sun is definitely gone, the air temperature drops slightly and becomes +25 degrees. But strong evaporation and high humidity are still present. So don’t think that after sunset it will become easier to breathe. Sunrise lovers can go ashore around six in the morning. But first, look at the sky. Often in the morning clouds roll in from the sea. If you see an approaching thunderstorm, then throw on a raincoat or even stay at home, since being near a raging ocean is not the best idea.

If the weather is sunny during the day and you want to swim, then you can do it. This month the ocean is very warm and not lower than +29 degrees. If the weather is not windy, then there will be no waves on the water. This is also a plus and a rarity for September. Basically, the water in the ocean is cloudy, often stormy, and swimming is almost impossible.

As for the rains, they occur in Cuba quite often in September. There are not many completely rainy days, only 6-7 per month. But short-term ones happen every day. On average, autumn rain lasts from a few minutes to a couple of hours. Afterwards it was sunny again and again strong evaporation. September rain on the island is a heavy downpour accompanied by wind, thunder and thunderstorms. We don’t want you to get caught in such a downpour, as this is a terrible phenomenon. But if it turns out that the next element took you by surprise, then find shelter as soon as possible. This could be a bar, a cafe, a store, or even a regular entrance to a house. The main thing is to hide from the elements, otherwise things can get very bad.

Also, tourists should be prepared for the fact that in September there are short autumn days in Cuba. Daylight hours last no more than 9 hours. And if it starts to rain in the evening, it will get dark even earlier. So you will have very little time to rest. The already short days become even shorter thanks to clouds and showers.

Where is the best place to go on vacation in Cuba in September?

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September is one of the less attractive months to visit Cuba. But travel agencies, in order not to be left without profit, do their best to stimulate demand for this destination: they make lucrative offers, announce promotions and discounts. In this article, Tour-Calendar will try to figure out how dangerous the hurricane season is on this island, whether you need to worry about tropical downpours and, finally, whether a vacation at this time is worth the money.

Weather in Cuba in September

The beginning of September is not much different from August. During this period, Cuba literally burns with scorching heat. As the month progresses, the latter gradually moderates. However, for those who have never been to the “Island of Freedom” in the summer, these changes are almost impossible to feel. Largely because relative humidity levels are still high - around 78%. This month, the entire country continues to experience impressive amounts of precipitation, which, according to local weather services, is only increasing. Fortunately, tropical rainstorms in the Caribbean do not have the “habit” of being prolonged. Usually their duration is limited to 20-60 minutes, which bring freshness to the air and a wash of lush greenery. Literally two hours after the completion of these, everything returns to normal: the clouds dissipate, the sky clears, and under the scorching rays of the sun it becomes dry again. Often rains hit the ground in the afternoon - around 16.00-16.30. To prevent them from taking you by surprise, it is better to always have a thick plastic raincoat with you, in which you can run to the nearest cafe or shelter without getting too wet. Surely on vacation you will use a camera and a mobile phone. We would advise you to prudently “clothe” them in waterproof cases. You should also worry about your wallet. When the sun freezes at its zenith at noon, the thermometer fluctuates in the range of +30..+32°C.

Havana Santiago de Cuba Trinidad Varadero

In fact, due to the increased content of water vapor in the atmosphere, they feel like +35..+38°C, so those who oppose the “bath spirit” are probably better off postponing their trip to the dry season. This weather is also not suitable for weather-sensitive people and families with small children. Due to landscape heterogeneity, maximum temperature extremes are characteristic of the southwestern regions, where cities such as Santiago de Cuba and Holguin are located. The sweltering heat is most easily tolerated on the northern coast. With its own international airport and excellent infrastructure, Varadero is one of the favorites of September travelers. Evenings provide a comfortable atmosphere at absolutely all resorts. After sunset, the environment rapidly cools to +22°C on the Atlantic coast and to +24°C in the Caribbean. And in conclusion, let's talk about natural disasters that worry many people. This is the main question that faces everyone who is thinking about a September holiday in Cuba. According to statistics, it is at the beginning of the calendar autumn that typhoons and storms are recorded most often. Let us clarify that they occur locally, and the greatest likelihood of serious natural disasters exists only in the province of Pinar del Rio, which is west of the capital. As a rule, they do not affect other regions, or they reach them with weak echoes - this is when gray, shaggy clouds fly in, and the winds take on the character of squally gusts, which, however, soon subside. In principle, that’s all that concerns the local hurricanes.

What to do in Cuba in September?

September, like August, is not the most favorable period for active and varied recreation. The constant threat of storms makes sea cruises quite dangerous, and the persistent heat, “reinforced” by the sticky stuffiness, does not allow taking part in intense excursions. Beach activities are the main option available. But sometimes it also has “glitches”: from time to time you have to take breaks - strong surf and heavy rains occasionally become an obstacle to the joys of water.

Beach holiday

The swimming season still continues in September in Cuba. The only thing is that there are significantly fewer people on the coast. But for lovers of serene bliss this is more of a plus than a minus.

The water temperature off the coast of Varadero and Playa Esmeralda is +26°C, so a refreshing effect is guaranteed. Those who like “warmer weather” should go to Havana or the resorts of the Caribbean Sea, where at this time they swim at +28°C. When buying a September tour, you need to be aware that you can’t count on an idyllic beach scene this month. It’s not every day that she’ll pamper you with “postcard views” a la bounty. A raging water element looks much less attractive. On top of this, large waves persist for several days after a hurricane. And when they subside, small debris and pieces of algae are found in the water. At the first warning of an impending storm, you should immediately go ashore. Under no circumstances should the ban on swimming be ignored. Reasonable caution will not hurt when sunbathing. Insidious ultraviolet radiation leads to burns even on cloudy days. So you should always have skin protection products with you. On some days you can go diving.

Entertainment and excursions

Cuba attracts different categories of travelers: those interested in the legacy of the Great Comandante Ernesto Che Guevara, those who miss the surroundings of the recent socialist past, those who are fond of “pocket smoke” and those who are not indifferent to the architecture of the colonial era. So palm trees, snow-white sands, azure waters and first-class hotels are not all that this island state can surprise. There are a great many ways to get unforgettable impressions and immerse yourself in the unique Cuban flavor: educational tours of cities and villages, helicopter excursions, a picturesque Cannon Shot ceremony (in the capital), folklore evenings in authentic restaurants and colorful entertainment shows (in Varadero - in the Continental cabaret ", in Havana - in the Tropicana cabaret), crazy bright dances in nightclubs - this is not a complete list of all the activities.

As you know, Cuba is famous for its luxurious nature. The local ecological routes are breathtaking, which is why visiting national parks is so popular in this country. Unfortunately, in September, due to the terrible humidity, they are “inhabited” by annoying mosquitoes and mosquitoes, which pester you with their attacks and turn walks into sheer torment. So think carefully before agreeing to such an adventure.

Holidays and festivals

The September weather does not give reasons for fun, but the carefree Cuban people come up with them for themselves. On the 8th, the city of El Cobre (province of Santoyago de Cuba), together with the whole country, holds magnificent celebrations in honor of the patron saint of the island - the black Madonna. Religious processions take place everywhere. The most beautiful can be seen near the walls of the Basilica of El Sancuta Rio de Nuestra Señora de la Cari dad del Cobre. Despite the unfavorable climatic conditions, at the end of the month Havana organizes a grandiose International Theater Festival, highlighting modern trends in theatrical art. This is a platform for presenting new trends, ideas and proposals, as well as for the most notable performances based on plays by Cuban playwrights. This event brings together spectators, production designers and critics from all over the world. In addition, September is not complete without all sorts of dance events. For example, in 2011, Cuba hosted the rumba festival “Festival Timbalaye”. So be sure to keep an eye on the poster!

What are the prices for holidays in Cuba in September?

Due to the long transatlantic flight, tours to Cuba cost travelers a pretty penny. But in the low season, which includes September, their cost is significantly reduced. The risk of getting into the epicenter of typhoons discourages mass tourists, as a result of which plane tickets are sold out very sluggishly, and most of the hotel rooms are idle. So participants in the tourism industry are forced to moderate their “appetites” so as not to be left with nothing. But still, you shouldn’t put off purchasing a ticket until the very last moment. By taking care of this in advance, the savings will be much more significant.

September in Cuba is a rather controversial month. Reviews about holidays at this time are very contradictory. Partly, it’s a matter of one’s own perception of the weather: some are delighted with high temperatures and extreme humidity (they say this is very beneficial for the skin), while others are exhaustedly waiting for the coveted coolness. The luck factor is important. In some years, this month is marked by rapid, but very short-term precipitation and an almost complete absence of squally winds. In other years, tourists are caught by hurricanes, during which all hotel guests are evacuated to the basements, and the vacation, as you understand, goes down the drain. So everyone must make the decision about whether to go or not for themselves. We, in turn, would like to wish you all a happy autumn holidays!

Cuba... An emerald-colored lizard that swims in a sea of ​​turquoise, as the poet N. Guillén said... It is called a jewel in a necklace of islands that surround the Caribbean Sea. The awe for her begins long before the plane touches the runway. From the sky, one admires the red-orange land of the island, shrouded in the surf, peeking through the rich green carpet. Slender, beautiful royal palm trees beckon...

Prices for trips to Liberty Island can be easily selected and compared in the tour search system above this text. Last minute tours with departures in the coming days will also appear in the top lines of the search results.

What's inside?

Landing on Cuban lands in mid-September, you will be offered the most varied and unusual excursions. The largest cities, small provinces, famous all over the world, are full of secrets, legends and charm. There are a great number of excavations and grottoes on the island, which will present you with rock paintings, informing about the distant life and habitats of the ancient Indians. Around the main square of Santa Clara, there is the “Palace of Government” (now the “Museum of Decorative Arts”). In Remedios, attractions await you: the “Museum of Carnivals”, the “Museum of Music”, the main church of St. John the Baptist, considered the most interesting in Cuba. There is also something to visit in Havana: architectural monuments, boulevards, lakes, ponds, palaces, museums. When you arrive in Cuba, you should definitely visit the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

In September, an excursion holiday in Cuba is easily compatible with a beach holiday. If you just dream of lounging on the warm white sand and swimming in the clear blue waters of the lagoon, free beaches, umbrellas and sun loungers are at your service. The unique nature, many species of animals and plants will delight you and your children. The peculiarity of the local beaches is safety. The world's largest reefs protect beaches from marine predators and the whims of the ocean elements. This means that you can safely dive while looking at the amazing seabed and its unique inhabitants.

It seems interesting Cayo Guillermo island, considered uninhabited. After all, 90% of the local land is dominated by palm groves, thickets and tropical birds.Among them lives the pearl of Cuba's flora - the rare cartacuba.

The main event in September 2019 in Cuba will be the International Theater Festival, so in addition to beach accessories, it is worth grabbing evening accessories. Because at this time, guests from all over the world gather here. This is a wonderful opportunity to watch performances at the largest ballet venue, presented by the Grand Theater of Havana.

By ordering tours to Cuba, you get the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful climate, gentle calm sea, and experience the uniqueness of this rich island, famous for its rum and unrivaled cigars, at very affordable prices (which can be checked with our managers or by using a search engine). Here you will enjoy town hall and house-museum of E. Hemingway; meet the ancients fortresses "Castillo de la Punta" and "Castillo del Morro"; will you visit Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and the Guanaboca History Museum; You will feel unique emotions when visiting the largest zoo, which your children will simply be delighted with!

Tours to Cuba in September are a paradise for travelers who prefer snow-white beaches and azure shores. The shores of Liberty Island are an excellent place for fishing. Tourists who have once visited Cuba return here again at the first opportunity.


In September it is hot in Cuba, the average temperature is +30C. At night - about 22C. You and your children can spend a long time at sea - the water temperature is +28C.

So, if you are a connoisseur of comfort, the exoticism of the tropics, luxurious beaches, a carefree holiday on the azure coast, mastered by a gentle breeze, you will not be able to find a more beautiful place than Cuba!

Cuba is a wonderful country! It attracts with its excellent beaches, wonderful weather, hot dancing, and general warm atmosphere. In general, the country is amazing, and it’s worth visiting there at least once in your life.

Despite the fact that the flight to Cuba is quite long and tiring, all the suffering pays off as soon as a tired tourist sets foot on the fertile soil of the island.

And you can fly to those parts at any time, because in Cuba it is always warm, or rather hot. However, some periods of the year can be a little disappointing with light rains - we are talking about the so-called rainy season, which lasts in Cuba from May to October. This very rainy season is not such a terrible phenomenon, and a trip to one of the months of this period can be a great adventure. So, this article is about what traveling to Cuba is like in September, one of the months of the rainy season.

Let's start right away with the rains. Still, September is the final month of the rainy season, so it’s a little easier. However, it all depends on the region. In some places it may rain only three times during the whole month, in others it will rain every other day or every day. It usually rains in the afternoon, for 0.5-2 hours, sometimes with a thunderstorm, and mostly in the morning, and after the rain good weather is restored quite quickly, the sun appears in the sky, which dries up the puddles, and everyone quickly forgets about the rains. Also, it may well be that during your entire vacation not a single drop of rain will fall, although there will most likely be clouds from time to time.

It doesn't get any cooler during the rainy season. On the contrary, it will be even a little hotter. The average daily temperature this month is +31...34°C throughout the island, sometimes rising a couple of degrees higher. Temperatures in Cuba are always extremely stable, there are no strong (or even noticeable) jumps in temperatures, it will be easy to predict the weather. But what to predict: it will be hot and stuffy. But even in such heat, tourists, as a rule, do not feel any fatigue, especially if they spend half the day on beaches blown by sea breezes. In houses and hotels, some shops there are huge fans, and in some places there are air conditioners that save you from the heat. And yes, you can get sunburned very quickly under the rays of the insidious September sun! There is still a lot of sunshine, although in terms of the amount of sun rays September is inferior to the months of the dry season.

It’s also pleasant to walk around the resorts of Cuba in the evening and at night, since the heat subsides a little, but, nevertheless, the night temperatures are not so different from the daytime, and you will want to sleep (and will be able to), most likely, only with air conditioning: air temperature at night it’s somewhere around +23…27°C, and sometimes it gets even hotter.

The waters washing the island are sometimes warmer than the air. Cuba is washed by the Caribbean Sea in the south, the Gulf of Mexico in the northwest and the Atlantic Ocean in the northeast. Water temperatures in September are +28…31°C. It is not difficult to guess that swimming in such water is very pleasant; you can sit in the water for a long time. By the way, the waters of the Caribbean Sea (on the shores of which there are such resorts as Trinidad, Cienfuegos, Santiago de Cuba, Niquero, Manzanillo and others) are a little warmer (after all, the ocean is an ocean, but it is also very warm in this area). There are sometimes storms in September, but in general, to be completely honest, these storms can happen in any other month of the year, including during the dry season. But during the rainy season they happen more often.

Thus, the weather in September in Cuba can be safely called very pleasant, albeit a little hot, and sometimes rainy or cloudy. Despite these vagaries, in general, the conditions for the trip are decent.

Holidays and festivals in Cuba in September

There are many interesting events in September on the sunny island. For example, in Santiago de Cuba, September 8th is celebrated Fiesta de la Virgen del Cobre(Fiesta de la Virgen del Cobre). This is a national holiday dedicated to the patroness of Cuba, the Virgin Cobra. On this day, local residents make a pilgrimage to the church in the small town of El Cobre, and celebrations in its honor take place throughout the country.

Also this month can be organized International music festival dedicated to the work of the famous Cuban singer Benny More. The festival takes place every September in odd-numbered years.

In September it is held "Turnat". This is an event founded for travel agents, tourists and students to explore issues related to ecotourism and adventure tourism. The festival is most often held in the Central Region of Cuba: this large area of ​​the Cuban archipelago boasts important natural and cultural attractions, amazing landscapes and rich biological diversity.

What to do in Cuba in September

Hot weather is more suitable for a beach holiday, and shopping and other entertainment are relegated to the background. A beaches in Cuba noble, the sand is snow-white almost everywhere, and how beautiful the cozy green bays are! And yet, it is necessary to admire the sights of the country. To begin with, you can take a sightseeing tour of the main Cuban cities - and, of course, around. Havana– this is the “must-see” of Cuba.

In the evening, when it is no longer so hot, take a walk through its historical center, along Arms Square, Ofisios Street, go to Roma Museum(here you can see the complete production process of the famous Cuban rum Havana Club, and try the famous drink). Come to Hotel Ambos Mundos– Ernest Hemingway himself once spent the night here! good and Cathedral Square, and romantic Malecon embankment and the Museum of the Revolution.
And in the evening you can sit in the famous bar-restaurant "Bodeguita del Medio". Once upon a time, next to this rather modest-looking bar there was a small printing house, where a creative intelligentsia of famous journalists, writers, actors and artists worked. Hemingway and Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Brigitte Bardot, Francis Ford Coppola and other cultural and artistic figures once sat within the walls of this bar - their autographs can be seen on the walls of the restaurant. And, of course, you can’t leave the bar without trying their signature Mojito.

The second largest city on the island, Santiago is the true cultural capital of Cuba, a city with an amazing Afro-Caribbean spirit and beautiful architecture that has been preserved in its original form, and which no one has altered or destroyed. The city is hectic and wild, but wildly interesting! The main attractions of Santiago - Castillo del Moro fortress, Baconao Park, Convent of Our Lady of Mercy and a number of others.

You can go to crocodile nursery(on the Zapata Peninsula) in Cienega de Zapata National Park. There are 8,000 crocodiles living in the crocodile nursery - very interesting!

Visit Belyamar cave with stalactites, which, for a minute, are 40,000 years old.
For snorkeling (if the weather is clear and the sea is calm) we go to the small islands Cayo Blanco and Cayo Piedra(from the Varadero pier), and more active people can be advised rafting on the picturesque Canimar River.

Pinar del Rio, a village in the west of the island, is a place where luxurious tobacco is produced (it’s not for nothing that these cigars are famous throughout the world!). And you should definitely get to Los Jazmines observation deck, from where the view of the Viñales Valley opens up in all its glory.

Nightlife in Cuba beautiful. This is an indescribable atmosphere! In any town on the island, and even more so in a resort town that is popular among tourists, there are tiny bars, cabarets, and clubs for every taste. Maybe not as cool as you expect, but all the more interesting. The main party city in Cuba is Varadero. Evening Varadero– unbridled and ardent, including during the rainy season, which is not so rainy. Both in Varadero and in other cities, in the evenings mambo, cha-cha-cha and salsa sound from restaurants and bars, Cuban rum flows like a river, and you can dance until the very morning, the main thing is to stop on time. By the way, walking around Cuba at night is absolutely not scary!

In general, don't listen to anyone who says you shouldn't travel to Cuba during the rainy season. It simply means that these people have never been to Cuba and don’t know what they are talking about. A trip to Cuba in September will be very fun and interesting.

Where is the best place to go on vacation in Cuba in September?

This table will help you determine which resorts in Cuba are warmest in September, find out where there is less rain and more clear days. Do you want to know where the warmest sea is? We also provide information on water temperature at seaside resorts.

Resort name Air temperature
Cloudiness Rainy days /
water in the sea
watch *
Baracoa 30.8°C 25.7°C 37.0% 5 days (71.1 mm.) 29.2°C 08h. 42m.
Varadero 30.9°C 23.7°C 37.9% 8 days (137.0 mm.) 29.5°C 08h. 36m.
Havana 30.7°C 23.6°C 39.8% 12 days (157.3 mm.) 29.5°C 08h. 23m.
Cayo Santa Maria 30.5°C 27.1°C 36.2% 8 days (154.6 mm.) 29.6°C 08h. 49m.
Cayo Guillermo 30.8°C 26.3°C 37.0% 6 days (139.9 mm.) 29.7°C 08h. 43m.
Cayo Coco 30.9°C 26.8°C 37.1% 7 days (131.5 mm.) 29.7°C 08h. 42m.
Cayo Largo 30.8°C 27.7°C 32.3% 8 days (122.9 mm.) 30.1°C 09h. 17m.
