Striptease with a man at home. Striptease for your husband: as easy as shelling pears! How to increase attraction

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How to perform a private dance for your man? It's sexy, it's fun, it's harmless, it's liberating, and your partner will love it!

Attention: This article is intended for persons over 18 years of age.


    Set some ground rules.

    • Never allow your partner to touch you during the entire dance. You can touch him, lick him, rub him, and caress him all you want without letting him get cold. Slow seduction is the surest way for a successful dance. The whole point of a lap dance is to drive a man crazy with impatience and desire.
    • You are in charge. Take your time, take control and have fun teasing him.
    • If he reaches in your direction or starts to open his arms, hit him on the wrist and let him know that if he does it again, the dance is over for him, no exceptions.
  1. To enjoy a private dance, you must feel comfortable. You won't look sexy if you don't feel sexy. Accept your body for who it is and enjoy it, no matter your shape or size. Any woman can do a striptease or a lap dance, regardless of whether she is shy or thinks she doesn't have ideal curves. Not all lap dancers are supermodels, they just act like supermodels. Now is your time to cherish, release your sensual spirit and be seductive. Leave inhibitions and prejudices behind. You are a sexy goddess.

    Choose clothes that make you feel hot and sexy and the rest will follow. There is a huge selection of clothes! These include bras, panties, garters, belts, stockings, chemises, robes, stuffed animals, swimsuits, clubwear, fetish clothing with oversized buttons at the top of the shirt and much more. The key is to wear something that is easy to take off. Go for it! Remember, you will be teasing a man, so it is important to show some flesh.

    • Start by choosing your underwear, as this will be the last thing you will be wearing. A sexy bra, thong, stockings (they're easier to work in) and maybe suspenders.
    • The panties should highlight your buttocks, while the back of the panties should reach as high as possible. Try high hem panties or thongs that stick out from shorts to see what works best for you. Panties that leave marks on your body when removed will need to be removed - they are probably too tight and should be avoided.
    • Thigh high or garterless stockings are a sexy addition to almost any outfit. Try a pair that makes it easy for you to move. If you do not plan to remove your stockings and garters throughout the dance, wear the panties on the outside so that they can be removed without untying the garters.
    • For a top layer, try little shorts, an innocent thin robe, a sexy high school teacher/college uniform, something vamp, Desperate Housewives, or something different like a classic red or black evening dress with retro lingerie underneath.
    • Avoid corsets or clothing that fits too tightly and is difficult to slip out of. Also avoid clothes with zippers at the back or lots of straps, which will take a long time to remove.
    • High heels usually go best with any outfit. It makes your legs look matte, smooth and longer. Even if you feel a little uncomfortable, try it - you won't have to walk in heels for long. Otherwise, wear what you are comfortable in. As a last resort, dance barefoot.
    • Take off as many things as you want. You can choose full nudity, topless, you can stay in sexy lingerie, a lace dress or fully clothed. However, your loved one must remain fully clothed.
    • If you choose shoes with buckles, consider how you will remove your clothes without removing your shoes. Elastic clothes or light dresses can be removed with shoes, but you should make sure this in advance. No shoe option suits you? Dance barefoot and turn your man on as much as possible.
    • If you're doing this in heels, don't take them off (except to remove your stockings, or better yet, leave the stockings on). You may need to put your shoes back on after removing the stockings. Shoes without webbing or straps are easier to remove than shoes with straps or buckles.
    • If you have chosen something that can be easily pulled off over your head, sliding seductively, pull the clothing from the bottom to the sides, while standing straight and not hunched over.
    • A button down shirt can be a very sexy piece of clothing when you take it off. With the last button undone, play with the bare shoulders on each side and then let the shirt slowly slide to the floor.
    • Tight trousers or jeans will take a long time to remove. The pencil skirt can be easily unzipped and pushed down. Do this while bending slightly, and when it subsides, “come out” of it. Skirts can be removed without removing shoes and stockings.
    • Practice removing stockings ahead of time. For added balance (and teasing), place your toes between your legs or on the chair arms as you remove each stocking and slowly roll or roll them up the length of your leg.
    • Don't forget to tease him. For beginners: take your time to remove each layer. Pull your skirt or underwear down a few inches before removing. Grab the sides of your pants, skirt or underwear with one or two fingers and gently lower the item of clothing, teasing your lover.
    • Pull the bra straps over your shoulders before lowering them. The classic way to remove a bra, which professional strippers resort to, is to turn your back to your man and let the bra fall to the floor, or with your back to him, hold the bra over your head before throwing it to the floor. Then turn around, keeping your hand on your chest and slowly move it across and away from your chest. It will look very sexy.
    • When removing your underwear, try sliding them over your shoes, or while you're standing upright barefoot. Do this by bending slightly at the waist and guiding them all the way to the floor and then stepping out of them. If this is not so easy for you, try bending your knees or removing clothes while lying on your back. Don't squat too low.
    • Do not undress completely until the very end, and when you do undress, tease the man’s imagination until his patience runs out.
  2. Choose 2-3 sensual songs that you both enjoy. Think of something cute and seductive. Avoid songs with large vocal parts. It would be nice to take something from the pop singers and divas of the 60s, at least if you want something romantic. The sensual rhythm will guide you through the entire dance. It's best if you can feel the music and feel comfortable with it. Start with 2-3 songs.

    • The first song is for warming up. This is your time to lead your partner to a chair, sit him down, explain the rules and begin to slowly seduce him with ease.
  3. You don't have to start from the very beginning of the song. Take your time, walk around your loved one, touch him, run your fingers through his hair and feel the rhythm.

    If you choose 2-3 songs, you won't have to worry about finishing the dance in a hurry. You are free to choose short sweet songbooks or long and languid ones. You will probably be at the peak of your passion by the time they finish, so you can safely choose a dozen songs, then the pleasure at the end will be unforgettable.

    • If possible, burn all the songs to a CD or create a playlist on a portable player. Don't stop there, look for new songs and update your CD.
  4. Beginners will need to catch a rhythm and take their time during the seduction process. Close your eyes, feel the music, go into a trance and start swaying.

    • The day before, spend 30 minutes trying on clothes, as well as rehearsing poses and movements. Dance on your feet and on the floor. These might be things you've never done before. Try sliding down the wall and then going up. Walk on your fingertips.
    • While standing on the floor, try opening and closing your legs or leaning on your knees from one side to the other. Experiment with different angles. Sit on a chair. Caress your thighs, neck, stomach and legs. Close your legs and then open them with your hand spreading your thighs apart. Open up again. Close your eyes if you are shy.
    • If you feel uncomfortable while dancing, think of it as an aerobics class. Stretch, bend over, do the splits. Use your arms to stretch them out to the sides and reach your hands towards your fingertips. If you've practiced martial arts, yoga or Pilates, apply your knowledge to create your own sexy image.
    • Think of your dance as a tai chi session at the gym. Slow movements and a general feeling of well-being are all that is needed to dance well.
  5. Seduce your loved one with passionate glances. Your facial expression will reflect your sexual thoughts and activate the sexual tension in the air. Look at your body, touch it, enjoy it, and then look at your loved one, eye to eye, and notice how he reacts to you and your body. Maintain eye contact at all times. If your back is to your partner, look over your shoulder.

    Add a few accessories for your daily dancing, items that you love to play with. You do this for your own pleasure too.

    • Blindfolding will help keep your partner's feelings in suspense. He will be intrigued to find out what happens next.
    • A pair of handcuffs or a silk scarf can be used to keep your partner's hands down if he breaks the rules.
    • Use a soft feather to move it over your partner's body. Sit on a chair and, keeping your body upright, slide the feather along your legs and slowly move it from your neck to your inner thigh.
    • If you wear shirts with buttons, you can use a tie. Tie a noose around his neck to pull him closer to your face, or tie his hands if he breaks the no-touching rule.
    • If you are the kind of girl who loves to get naughty, use your favorite toy for your pleasure and his “torture”.
    • Tease him with a scarf or silk cape, or use it to cover yourself if that makes you feel more comfortable.
    • Use your hair. While kneeling or sitting you stretch your torso, pull back your hair and let it fall back. Use them for seduction.
    • Use an ice cube from a cocktail. Place the cube in your mouth and roll it over your lover's body or brush it over his nipples.
    • Your lips and eyes are powerful tools of seduction. Try the classic pout or smile. Play with facial expressions.
    • With a little practice, use a hat, scarf, cane or items of the equestrian costume to seduce and seduce a man.
  6. Create the perfect atmosphere. Dim lights, perfume, lit candles. You can add light from a floor lamp or garland to the candles. Candles will add a soft, warm glow to your body. Indirect lighting will be both flattering and more intimate. Avoid fluorescent lights or white LED lights.

    • Make sure the room temperature is comfortable, not too cold or too hot, otherwise it will distract you.
    • Turn off all possible distractions - TV, mobile phones, etc.
  7. Clear the area where you will be dancing so you don't bump into anything.

    • Make sure the chair your partner will sit on can support both of them. Sit on him and imagine yourself in his place, and then how you sit on his lap.
  8. Send him a seductive text message or a cryptic email, but make sure he doesn't receive it too late. The invitation will intrigue him and make him eager for the whole day. Alternatively, don't send anything, but give him a surprise. In any case, you will need time to prepare the “scene” and also to calm yourself down, especially if this is your first time.

    Turn on the music and lead your loved one to a chair. Let him sit with his legs crossed. Start by looking him straight in the eye with a teasing smile. Move around the man, touch him, run your fingers through his hair and move to the rhythm of the music. Explain the rules and start dancing slowly, easily and seductively.

    Switch your gaze between him and yourself, touching certain parts of your body. Run your fingers through your hair, then move to the back of your head, across your chest, then down to your hips and across the front of your body. As you move your hands, imagine that they are his hands. Enjoy the touch of your (his) hands on your body. Constantly touch your body and move them to the sides towards the back of your head. Look into his eyes and try to slowly and gently wrap your arms around his head (head falling forward and then up), letting your hair fall onto his face.

    Then try moving your hips. Move so that your groin is in the area of ​​his knee, then lean in as if you are going to kiss him, and hold this position so that he can smell your perfume, and then quickly pull away.

    Take a few steps in front of your partner. Think sexually and show it in your movements. Start moving your hips to the music in soft, circular motions. Close your eyes for a few seconds and enjoy the moment. There is nothing around you except your partner. Take your time, slowly approach him, putting one leg or the other forward, cat-style. Once you get close enough, take your lap dance to the next level.

    Try continuing the lap dance by swaying between your partner's legs, rubbing parts of your body against his groin. Turn around and position yourself between his legs. Bend over, sit on his lap and move slowly (and carefully).

    Step back and start taking off your clothes. The top must go first. Seductively and gradually remove another item or two of clothing (perhaps a skirt or shorts) and return again to your partner. Get so close that you're practically sitting on his lap. Sensually lean on him and let him feel your hot breath and soft passionate moan. By gently biting his ear or touching his neck with a brush, inhale his scent to show him how pleasant his smell is to you.

    Throughout the private dance, continue to caress yourself and do not get too close to your partner for too long. Come just for a moment. Remember that eye contact is very important. Let your eyes convey all those sexy thoughts and don't forget to smile.

    If you're feeling playful, approach him again as if you're going to take him with all your passion, but instead kiss him on the cheek, move away and put the clothes back on. Then go to another part of the house or go for a walk. You may have to run.

    Try it several times in different costumes, styles and with different music and you will soon become an expert in all things sexy dances. The possibilities are endless and the results are always great.

    Finally, take off all your clothes and tell him that your body belongs to him. Your partner will love it!

    Get ready for sex. Don't forget about contraception!

  • You already know how to take off clothes, you do it every day. So you can safely start practicing striptease - just change the tactics, remove it so that you remain naked or half naked. Unbutton your shirt with one hand and hold the other on your hips. Take your jeans off slowly so your underwear is visible first, then push them down slowly by swaying your hips from side to side. You can do the same with the skirt, and when it is on the floor, “step out” of it. Roll the tights or stockings down gradually, one leg at a time, until you roll them up at the very feet. Practice removing your bra while holding it above your head. Pull your panties down, then let them fall to the floor and step out of them. You already know all the moves, you just need to jog your memory a little.
  • Always be mindful of your hips. They are the basis of every movement, gesture and sentence. Keep them moving.
  • Wear sexy lingerie more often so that you feel comfortable in it. Wear sexy lingerie under your work clothes or when going to the supermarket, and practice taking it off slowly when you get home. Practice and practice again.
  • As you lean toward him with your arms crossed, gently squeeze your breasts together to create extra volume. Your breasts will become rounder and larger if you apply pressure from your forearm.
  • The key to a successful lap dance is the ability to move and touch your body before moving on to more intimate caresses, when the “victim” is already helpless.
  • You don't have to take off all your clothes. Behave sexually, do everything to make his emotions go wild. You don't have to be completely naked to turn him on. The main thing is that you feel comfortable at the same time.
  • If you dance barefoot, or once you've taken off your shoes, try dancing on your toes. Dancing on your toes will help you achieve the same physical effect as wearing shoes and will make your legs look longer, thinner and firmer. This will force you to straighten your chest, arch your back and accentuate your calves as an added bonus.
  • The key to successful erotic dancing lies in layers of clothing and how you remove them one layer at a time.
  • As you move your hips from side to side, keep your arms up in the air with your wrists crossed. This will make your breasts more visible. Among other things, this is a great stretch.
  • Each time you place your hand on your thigh, make sure your fingertips point up and your wrist drops down so that your hand and wrist form a V. This position keeps your shoulders straight, lengthens your body, and creates a beautiful hourglass effect.
  • Slow hot dance will make you feel sexy. Walk confidently with your hands on your hips and show off your body.
  • Some classic songs for a private dance:
    • Prince - Cream
    • Prince - Peach
    • Madonna - Justify My Love
    • Gwen Stefani - Luxurious
    • Justin Timberlake - What Goes Around Comes Around/My Love
    • Nine Inch Nails - Closer
    • Timbaland - The Way I Are
    • Beyoncé - Freakum Dress
    • Kylie Minogue - Chocolate
    • White Stripes - I just don’t know what to do with myself
    • Goldfrapp - Ooh La La
    • Kyuss - Gloria Lewis
    • Jimi Hendrix - Hey Joe
    • Joe Cocker - You Can Leave Your Hat On
  • Imagine that your hands are his hands. Touch yourself where he would like to touch you.
  • Use your surroundings. Lean your back against the wall, twist, squat, and rise again. Use a spare chair. Move forward backward or sit away from him to remove the stockings with one leg straight in the air, one at a time.
  • Stand at a slight angle and turn your head towards him. The angled profile is very flattering in soft light. Hollywood movie stars use this technique in movies for a reason.
  • Remember, you must feel comfortable.
  • Stripper Stance: Arch back, chest forward, wearing stiletto heels or standing on your tiptoes, walking slowly with your toes pointed whenever your foot leaves the floor. Each time you lift your leg, bend it back and up before placing it down. As you walk, try placing one foot directly in front of the other, like a runway model, but slowly. Practice this type of walk, it will make you feel taller, more dominant and sexy.
  • After taking four or five steps in one direction, pause, stand with one or both hands on your hips and look into his eyes.
  • If you drink, take a few sips of wine or cocktail to calm your nerves. Let your partner take a sip too, or as much as you decide to allow him to keep him on his toes.
  • If you're nervous, practice in front of a mirror a few days before the event. Then, when the time comes, just imagine yourself dancing in front of the mirror.
  • Start wearing stockings instead of tights. Wear thigh-high or garter stockings under your jeans while doing chores around the house, or wear them to the supermarket if you're too shy to wear them with a skirt.

In this video lesson you will see how to dance a striptease at home. Probably every woman had the idea of ​​doing a striptease dance for her beloved man, some did it, and some were embarrassed or afraid of disgracing themselves because they had no skills, and this educational video lesson on home striptease was created just for them. The author of the video lesson will show you the seductive movements of this well-known dance; you just have to repeat after her several times to remember them. Please your man with a beautiful home striptease, he will not only be shocked but also very pleased. Such dances not only help to seduce, but also make your figure more beautiful, and you will also become more confident, enjoy watching.

  • Watch striptease video lessons

    You have a great opportunity to watch video lessons of strip dancing and learn this dance that men like so much. The video lesson on strip dancing is taught by a beautiful girl and a professional in her field, she will tell you that you can dance striptease not only while undressing yourself, after watching this video lesson you will see for yourself. Please your man with a good strip dance that he will surely appreciate, such dances excite a man very much, so don’t waste the opportunity, watch this educational video lesson and try to do the same movements that the girl shows. The collection of video lessons on strip dance and strip plastic on our portal will be constantly updated with new videos, so check back often.

  • Basics of strip plastic

    Strip plastic is a real dance of beauty, passion and sensuality, which is unfairly often confused with striptease. This should not be done, because, despite the partially similar names, strip plastic is really a type of dance art based on jazz choreography, as well as elements of dance stretching and wave techniques. Yes, it allows people to observe the natural beauty of the human body, admiring it while dancing. But at the same time, strip plastic helps to train the body, transforming posture and making the gait simply fly. As for striptease, this is also an art, but the art of undressing beautifully, and it is only one of the areas of strip plasticity, and by no means its main essence. If you want to master the art of seduction in dance, then this video lesson is just for you.

    By regularly doing plastic surgery, women can learn to seem like a mysterious stranger to men. Such training will help develop the body, develop coordination of movements and, of course, give a woman more self-confidence. The muscles of those involved in strip-plasty are always in good shape, their cardiovascular system is well trained. Also, with such activities, extra pounds quickly disappear.

    Strip plastic includes many movements with a large amplitude. It also includes hip rotations, bending, squats and much more. In general, the dance component of plasticity is built on a large number of transitions that have both beauty and smoothness. This is done so that the dancer can show off her beauty, strength, flexibility and grace in all her glory. At the same time, strip plastic surgery does not require nudity, although it is saturated with a considerable amount of sexuality. There is flirtation and a hint of something more, but she never crosses the line of decency.

    If you are interested in this description, be sure to watch the video below. Enjoy watching and successful training!

  • Strip plastic - video lesson

    The ability to move plastically is desirable for all women, because they inherently possess the art of seduction, which is also manifested through the language of movements. Even those who do not have the talent to move beautifully, with the help of the presented video lesson “Strip-plasticity”, will be able to learn this skill by repeating after the group and the teacher.

    The video shows the movements, including warm-up and the training itself. The lesson is conducted with a detailed demonstration, accompanied by pleasant music that makes you want to repeat the exercises again and again.

    Having a video will help you conduct classes on your own without attending expensive training sessions. The result will be mastery of fascinating plastic movements, increasing women's confidence in their irresistible attractiveness.

  • Stripplasty video lesson

    An online strip plastic training video lesson will teach you how to dance this sexy dance. Of course, by watching this video you will not learn how to dance strip dances professionally, so it is better to turn to strip dance choreographers for training or watch a video lesson on our strip dance website for free online. The video shows some of the movements that the author demonstrates in a group of girls, stripplasty is somewhat similar to striptease, but here they do not undress, but only seduce with smooth and sexy movements of the hips and other parts of the body. Nowadays, strip dancing has become popular in clubs and parties, you may not need to learn this dance completely to become a professional, but you should remember a couple of movements.

  • Seducing men with strip dance video training

    Have you ever strip danced your friend or husband? Watch a video tutorial on how to seduce a man with a strip dance, after which any man will become yours. The video shows various techniques of seduction with various movements on a chair; in general, you will find a use for this on the sofa. Give yourself and your loved one a gift; after such a sexy dance, a man will do anything for you. See how different girls act in different situations to create more temptation, dress sexier and your boyfriend will be more than satisfied, and then you can ask for anything you want. Try it and most importantly, be serious and don’t be shy, you will succeed.

  • Striptease was invented in order to distract men from smart thoughts and direct them to important thoughts. (Unknown author)

    It’s your husband’s birthday in a week and you’ve already been to all the stores, choosing a gift? A razor, blades, shaving foam, a funny postcard... It seems like you haven’t forgotten anything? No, everything is fine: the annual gift set is assembled and fully packaged! Stop…. Isn't it time to give your husband a gift that he will remember for the rest of his life? No, a fake divorce certificate won’t work here - what if the beloved’s love is enough right on the anniversary? But dancing a stunning striptease for your husband in private is not only a fresh idea, but also quite constructive: you have to bring romance back into your relationship at some point!

    Well, if the idea of ​​striptease not only came to your mind, but has already managed to take root in it, then it’s time to think about a plan of action. What do we want to achieve with our performance? It’s right for your spouse’s jaw to drop and for him to desire you just as he did on your first date (for some, on your second). This means that all we need to do is amaze, stun, amaze and... excite. As easy as pie!

    Stage one: preparatory

    Go to the mirror and look at yourself carefully. If you have a chiseled figure and you work as a ballroom dance teacher, you are damn lucky, you don’t even have to read this article to the end. Just do once for your husband what you regularly do out of duty at work - dance! Just add slow undressing to your usual movements. Believe me, you will once again realize with amazement that you were not mistaken with your choice of profession: your man will be in seventh heaven and will call you there too.

    If the parameters ninety-sixty-ninety are not about you, but the last thing you danced in your life was the Yanka polka in the third grade, then read the text thoughtfully and carefully. Knowing what mistakes a novice plus-size stripper should avoid may come in handy.

    So, under no circumstances shake fat and folds in the face of your dumbfounded man, otherwise he will develop heart disease (wow, such a scar!). All your cute imperfections can and should be covered with a light cloth, and dark lighting should be installed in the room. All these milky candles were invented not so much for the sake of romance, but for the opportunity to hide the gorgeous cellulite on the stomach and thighs of unfortunate dancers. Did you know that no professional strip bar will allow itself to install overhead lighting while a stripper is dancing? Otherwise, all clients will run away in horror, like cockroaches.

    In Soviet times, one wonderful joke was popular, and it concerned the unsuccessful striptease of one nice woman. All ladies who did not heed the advice about the preparatory stage may find themselves in a similar situation:

    A wife, returning from a trip abroad, tells her husband: “You know, they also took us to see a striptease.” A terrible sight! I will show you now.
    And he starts dancing, slowly taking off his old calico bra…. The husband looked and said:
    - And it’s true, the sight is simply disgusting.

    Yeah, were you scared? Not worth it! To protect yourself from such male rudeness, think carefully about which side your beloved will sit and how the light will fall on your body. If you try hard, then all that your beloved will notice is the curves of the dancing body, and not the folds before and after the expected waist. By the way, it is not at all necessary to strip naked; it is quite acceptable to finish a passionate dance, leaving a couple of modest shreds on yourself: it even turns men on!

    Stage two: how to dance?

    Eh, it’s a pity that the ballroom dancing teachers have already flipped through our page, otherwise they could well have suggested a couple of moves... Although you don’t have to be a first-class dancer to dance a truly beautiful, passionate striptease for your husband. The main thing is your eyes, full of fire and desire! Believe me, any man would prefer to see next to him an undressing woman with slightly clumsy movements, but with passion in her eyes, than a professional ballerina with the look of a tired crow.

    So, remember how you danced at a retro disco with your friends or at your last corporate party (memories of dancing on the table are especially welcome). Now try to depict something similar, simplifying the movements to a minimum. Happened? That's the same, now add light swaying of your shoulders and hips to the dance. Honestly, there are two small tricks at this point: firstly, you shouldn’t roll your shoulders and hips at the same time, otherwise your husband will decide not to pour you any more; and secondly, try to prevent the swaying from turning into outright wagging - you want to excite your loved one, not make him laugh!

    It would be quite nice to watch a couple of films or clips with a beautiful striptease and adopt a couple of tricks. Although you know, you should be careful here: sometimes excessive initiative punishes the initiator! One day, a young, pretty girl decided to please her lover with a striptease and decided to repeat the scene from J.Lo’s video, where she douses herself with water. Actually, everything would have been fine if, at the most crucial moment, the man, crazy with happiness, had not exchanged the warm water in her glass for freshly brewed tea (well, he’s so caring, what can you do?). In the end, there was a surprise, but not for him, but for her...

    Stage three: change your image

    If you are such a bitch, then it will be quite useful to play the submissive concubine, rotating her hips for her adored master. If modesty is your second self, then be bold and seduce your husband by pretending to be a woman of easy virtue. Your spouse has probably gotten used to you a long time ago the way you are - so try to surprise him and create the illusion of a date with a stranger. Be sure that by acting out such a scene, you will light a fire in the loins of your betrothed to such an extent that he may not wait for the end of the dance!

    But you shouldn’t go too far with changing your image either - otherwise your behavior will cause bewilderment and even resentment in your spouse. For example, if your husband is a real puritan, then you should not insult him with your defiant behavior, and a lover of spicy food - on the contrary, with complete submission and humiliation. In both cases, a man may doubt: did he do the right thing by taking you as his wife, maybe your true essence has just been revealed to him?

    Relax and improvise, and everything will work out for you. If your veins are shaking suspiciously strongly, then try to calm them down with a glass of dry wine. Alcohol is one of the most famous, and most importantly, aphrodisiacs available to us. Again, be careful with how much you drink! If you overdo it, the striptease scenario will go in a completely different direction: either your spouse will not be impressed by the uneven movements of a drunk woman, or you will feel so good that you decide to do without striptease at all. As we understand, both options do not suit us, and therefore we will be careful with this insidious drink.

    And don’t forget to select music for the striptease in advance. If you think that absolutely any “slow song” is suitable for these purposes, then you are deeply mistaken: sometimes our musical tastes do not coincide at all with the preferences of men. In a word, if you adore the group “Golden Ring” and the incomparable Stas Mikhailov, then you should not rummage through their repertoire if your husband is a Rammstein fan. Although, on the other hand, heavy “industrial metal” will not be suitable for your erotic dance either - a jerky dance to the murderous screams of brave German guys will make your husband doubt your good health. Choose the “golden mean” – neither ours nor yours, and everything will go like clockwork!

    So try to take into account all the little things so as not to get into trouble and give your husband a truly amazing gift. Don’t forget that your birthday is just around the corner - it’s better to dance a striptease and hit him in the heart (and not only!) than to sadly look at what he is going to give you soon. You don’t want to get another frying pan instead of the present you’ve been hinting at for so long?

    The dream of every woman is to be the only one, loved and desired by her lover. But how to achieve this? Today, there are many courses and trainings that teach the art of seduction. And many beauties spend part of their income on visiting them and various surgical interventions to achieve the desired result. But this doesn't always work. And some women, despite their ordinary appearance, are successful with the stronger sex. What's the secret? In charisma? May be. But one thing remains unchanged: men have always been attracted and attracted by the “forbidden fruit,” that is, a woman whom they want to conquer.

    How to increase attraction

    Psychologists advise: in order not to get bored with each other, you need to add variety to your life together, surprise your loved ones, and sometimes, if possible, appear before your partner in a different, unusual way. A series of everyday life develops a habit in us, and adding bright colors can significantly affect the development of our relationships.

    A great way to surprise your chosen one would be a frank dance - striptease. But how can you arrange this if you don’t have choreographic skills, or your build isn’t right, or your embarrassment is through the roof, you ask? Yes, it’s very simple... Be determined and do it! Moreover, there is nothing supernatural in this. You just need a little information about how to quickly learn to dance striptease, your effort, training, self-confidence - and your lover will look at you with different eyes, and you will increase your personal self-esteem.

    The main thing is the psychological attitude

    So, how to learn to dance striptease at home? The first thing to do is tune in. This liberated dance is a game based on attracting a man. For 5 minutes you must become a lioness, a vamp, sexy, make a man's fantasy play out, but at the same time remain inaccessible. Only in this case will the striptease have a good result. You must be confident in your irresistibility, and if you have shortcomings, turn them into advantages or veil them. For greater confidence, you can do auto-training in front of the mirror, convincing yourself with affirmations “I am sexy”, “I am attractive”, “I am the woman that men desire”, and at the same time rehearse your tempting alluring gaze, tilting and turning your head, without looking away eye from its reflection.

    Temptation is a delicate matter...

    If you decide to surprise your partner, find out how to learn how to dance a striptease for your husband or boyfriend, then here are the components of your unforgettable evening that you should also take care of:

    1. Venue of the dance.

    2. Creating an intimate atmosphere.

    3. Music.

    4. Your image.

    5. Sexy lingerie.

    6. Preparation of the striptease itself.

    7. Light treats.

    If you work on each step, you can be sure of your success!


    Make sure that your surprise does not come as a complete surprise to the man after a hard day at work or troubles at work. Choose the day when it will be most appropriate. And be sure to intrigue him. You can directly say: “Darling, don’t be late: a surprise awaits you this evening...” - and then until the end of the working day he will walk around in anticipation of a “miracle”. Or you can pretend that you feel bad and need him. Just don’t overdo it, so that you don’t end up meeting your joyful lover in a peignoir along with a group of his friends.

    How to learn to striptease at home

    Striptease is one of the most frank and liberated spectacles. Based on oriental and Latin American dances and jazz, it has always been popular among the male half. It’s good, of course, if you have something to do with choreography, but if not, then it’s okay, because the main goal is to captivate, seduce, tempt your loved one. The main thing is for him to understand that you have changed for him, you are beautiful...

    In order to find out how to learn to dance striptease at home, use video courses, of which there are many on the Internet, and select a number of exercises that you can do.


    1. Don't forget to warm up, otherwise your movements will be awkward.

    2. How to dance a striptease if you are not in good physical shape? Simple: take time to stretch, and of course, do plastic exercises.

    3. Movements such as transferring weight from one leg to the other, sexy gait, turning, bending the torso will form the basis of your dance, so practice them without even setting aside time for training, but while doing ordinary household chores. Make your hip movements, sway, and shoulder movements seductive. At the same time, touch yourself as if your chosen one were doing it.

    4. Learn to slowly take off your clothes while listening to music.

    Important! Be sure to think about the level of intimacy in the dance (will you conquer your loved one at a distance of several meters or allow yourself to come very close to him, or maybe even sit on his lap). At the same time, remember the taboo: do not let yourself be touched! Let a man desire you. And a continuation will follow if you want it yourself.

    And one more thing: don’t take your eyes off your lover! Don't give him the opportunity to think about anything else. At the moment of your dance, only you should be in his mind. Walk confidently towards your goal!

    Secrets of erotic clothing

    In order to be seductive, take care of erotic lingerie. Keep in mind that you will need several layers of clothing so as not to end up naked in front of a man in 2 minutes.

    The classic black lace set with a belt and stockings has always been a winner. When choosing a bra, opt for the “balconette” style, as it favorably reveals the breasts, but at the same time holds them well. Therefore, you can be sure that during the dance your charms will not appear in front of a man ahead of time. Take a belt with metal clothespins. And be sure to practice unfastening them: your movements should be light and relaxed. Vintage style stockings (with stripes at the back) have always captured the imagination of men. Stop your choice on them. In general, you can take two panties: the first are high, closed, and the second underneath are thin thongs. This will create intrigue. And top it off with any role-play costume or blouse and skirt.

    Clothes should not be too revealing if you want to turn on a man. Show him a part of yourself, and his imagination will fill the rest. Remember: clothes should be easy to remove! Otherwise, how can you dance a striptease if you experience difficulties? Before your performance, be sure to do a “rehearsal” so that everything goes as planned.

    Your new look

    Having prepared a romantic evening, tune in to the fact that today you are allowed to be different. Before you dance a striptease, think about it. It should be interesting for your lover. If the fan is an inveterate puritan, do not shock him in an overly frank way; if he likes role-playing games, give him this pleasure, and if he visits a strip club every weekend, create the image of a discreet lady or, conversely, “punish him for it.”

    How to create an intimate atmosphere

    As mentioned above, for your dance to become unforgettable, you need to make the whole evening extraordinary. To do this, consider some nuances:

    1. Prepare a place where the man will sit. He should be as comfortable as possible. Or maybe, according to your plan, you will choose a chair and tie your “prisoner” to it. You decide.

    2. Your partner should see the striptease, but the flaws of your body should be hidden. Before you dance a striptease, think carefully about the lighting.

    3. Music. Must be insinuating and slow. Good options for performers are Nina Simone, Billie Holiday, etc. At the same time, do not forget that you need to hear the melody and move to it.

    4. Aroma will help you create an intimate atmosphere: use special candles, essential oils, and perfume.

    5. Prepare a light alcoholic cocktail. It will help relieve stress after a hard day at work.

    Before you learn how to dance a striptease for a guy, think about what goal you are pursuing: to make your intimate life more passionate, to appear in front of your husband in a new light, to give a man a private birthday gift, etc., because this will be significant influence the preparation of the dance. Show your sense of taste, intrigue him, be relaxed, but at the same time do not lose your sense of proportion. And then your lover’s attention to you, devotion and passion will be guaranteed to you!

    Description of the video lesson:

    Striptease for a loved one" - this training lesson will give you answers to all your questions about how to please your loved one with the help of dance. The body signals that a woman gives through dance can communicate her mood, feelings, and desires better than words. Graceful and rhythmic female movements, the flexibility of her body, can have a great impact on a man.

    The best way to add fire to your relationship with your loved one is to dance a striptease for him. However, you need to prepare thoroughly for it: learn several dance movements in advance, rehearse them in front of a mirror and, of course, prepare a costume. Clothing should be comfortable, because getting tangled in it can ruin the whole dance. You can wear a corset under a formal office suit or a nurse's robe. Or you can put your loved one’s jacket and tie on your body, covered only with thong panties and stockings. Either way, your man will love your new look.

    Watch online video lesson: "Striptease for a loved one"

    To look sexier, apply self-tanner or glitter to your body, let your hair down over your shoulders and, of course, wear stilettos.

    Before the striptease, turn on the soft light of the floor lamps or light candles. Sit your man down on the sofa. Turn on some nice slow music. Don’t rush to undress, the longer you do it, the more pleasure you will give to the viewer.

    While swaying your hips, walk around the room a little, and then begin to gently sway to the beat of the music. Don't take your eyes off your loved one for too long. Even when you turn your back, look over your shoulder. Making a wave with your whole body, start taking off your clothes.

    First, you can unbutton your skirt and drop it on the floor. Then, rotating your hips, gradually lower yourself to the floor, where you will gradually get rid of the rest of your clothing. While dancing, you should not be afraid to touch your body, stroke it as a loved one would do it, play and shake your hair, erotically lick your lips with your tongue. You can even make the viewer suffer a little by first unbuttoning the blouse and then buttoning it again.

    Remember that if you are shy, you don’t have to undress completely: panties on your hips or a translucent bodysuit will only make you more desirable. But during a striptease, you definitely need to behave boldly and confidently, portraying yourself as a seductress and at the same time hard to touch. And then, even without knowing how to dance, you can drive any man crazy.

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