Marsupials and monotremes presentation. Presentation on the topic "marsupials"

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The presentation on the topic “Crimes committed by teenagers” can be downloaded absolutely free on our website. Project subject: Social studies. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you engage your classmates or audience. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the corresponding text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

Presentation slides

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Crimes committed by teenagers

Report of the teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2, Samoilovka, Saratov Region” Polkovnichenko Z.V.

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General characteristics of crimes

Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general and has its own characteristics. Compared to an adult, she is distinguished by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of crime at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile crime, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. There is a significant increase in female juvenile crime.

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Child crime statistics

Child crime - 9.6% The rate of crimes committed by girls increased from 11% to 14%. The number of teenage girls registered with the police reached 50.6 thousand (2001)

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2 groups of criminals:

1) 13 – 15 years old – teenagers and minors 2) 16 – 17 years old – minors

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What crimes do teenagers commit?

1. Burglary 2. “Mobile” crimes: theft, robbery, fraud. 3. Illegal purchase and manufacture of drugs 4. Serious bodily harm 5. Robbery 5. Murder and attempted murder 6. Rape, prostitution 7. Extortion

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Crime statistics

1991 - 570,000 teenagers 2001 - 1,140,000 teenagers 310,000 - teenagers barely 13 years old Group crime - 70% 295,000 did not work or study anywhere 45,000 - generally illiterate Over the past 5 years, there has been an increase in: murders and attempted murders - 2 times robberies - 1.5 times (annually - more than 15,000 robberies) illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs - 2.4 times

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How can we explain the outbreak of teenage crime and cruelty?

Fear of death syndrome is fear for one’s life, which causes anger, violence, and cruelty.

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What causes fear of death syndrome?

Watching thrillers. Foreign cartoons. Computer games.

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Causes of teenage crime

1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society. 2) Job cuts. 3) The situation with the organization of children's leisure time is catastrophic. 4) Lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests. 5) Growing up in dysfunctional families, where there are quarrels, scandals, drunkenness and debauchery. 6) Shortcomings in the activities of the bodies entrusted with the fight against juvenile delinquency.

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Questions for the audience:

1) What do you think makes children from wealthy families commit crimes? What do they lack in life? 2) Who is to blame for the fact that they become like this? 3) What surrounded their soul with such an impenetrable and dense wall that even compassion and empathy could not seep through it? 4) Do you think it is worth introducing control over television distribution, so that films like the one bought in Krasnoyarsk do not end up in circulation? 5) Do you think the law should treat juvenile offenders: a) more humanely b) more harshly

Tips for making a good presentation or project report

  1. Try to involve the audience in the story, set up interaction with the audience using leading questions, a game part, do not be afraid to joke and smile sincerely (where appropriate).
  2. Try to explain the slide in your own words, add additional interesting facts; you don’t just need to read the information from the slides, the audience can read it themselves.
  3. There is no need to overload the slides of your project with text blocks; more illustrations and a minimum of text will better convey information and attract attention. The slide should contain only key information; the rest is best told to the audience orally.
  4. The text must be well readable, otherwise the audience will not be able to see the information being presented, will be greatly distracted from the story, trying to at least make out something, or will completely lose all interest. To do this, you need to choose the right font, taking into account where and how the presentation will be broadcast, and also choose the right combination of background and text.
  5. It is important to rehearse your report, think about how you will greet the audience, what you will say first, and how you will end the presentation. All comes with experience.
  6. Choose the right outfit, because... The speaker's clothing also plays a big role in the perception of his speech.
  7. Try to speak confidently, smoothly and coherently.
  8. Try to enjoy the performance, then you will be more at ease and less nervous.

General characteristics of the crimeCrime
is composite
in general and has its own

Features of juvenile delinquency:

High degree
Close connection with
adult crime;
aggressiveness and

Juvenile crime statistics

In 2013, in the Unified Register of Pre-trial
15,789 investigations registered
criminal offenses including:
Grave and especially grave – 7,318;

moderate severity is 2,456;
Number of criminal offenses
light severity – 3,677;
number of intentional murders – 1422;
Intentional grievous bodily harm
damage – 648;
Serious bodily harm,
the consequences of which are death
victim, – 268;

Crimes committed by teenagers:

1. Burglary
2. "Mobile"
crimes: theft,
robbery, fraud.
3. Illegal
acquisition and
drug production
4. Serious bodily

5. Robbery attacks
6. Murders and attempted murders
7.Rape, prostitution

Causes of teenage crime

1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and
increased tension in society.
2) Job cuts.
3) Catastrophic situation with the organization
leisure time for children.

Often young offenders, finding themselves in
the dock, actively guilty for his
they seek to blame the fall on
those around him: “I was raised poorly, they say,
That’s how I became.” And not a word about my own

How to explain the teenage outburst
fear of death
- fear for one's own
life that

What causes fear of death syndrome?

Crimes are committed by:
Difficult children;
Teenagers from disadvantaged families;
Teenagers with low cognitive levels

Children with dominant negative
With a disturbed psyche
Mentally retarded.

Liability legislation
As a general rule, teenagers are held criminally liable.
who have reached 16 years of age. But for socially dangerous acts you can be punished from the age of 14

In one of the books there are these words: “You will never
understand the causes of delinquency among teenagers,
if you do not understand one very important truth:

negative influences
can be very
strong, the situation in
the family is simply unbearable,
but still in the end
chooses how to behave
a teenager himself. And if he
committed a crime
that means he repeatedly
stepped over his
conscience. Nobody has
the right to remove him
responsibility for his

Municipal government educational institution “Secondary school No. 2 r.p. Samoilovka, Samoilovsky district, Saratov region" Crimes committed by teenagers

  • Report of the teacher of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 2, Samoilovka, Saratov Region” Polkovnichenko Z.V.
General characteristics of crimes
  • Juvenile delinquency is an integral part of crime in general and has its own characteristics. Compared to an adult, she is distinguished by a high degree of activity and dynamism. People who take the path of crime at a young age are difficult to correct and re-educate and represent a reserve for adult crime. There is a trend of “rejuvenation” of juvenile crime, and often crimes are committed by minors who have not reached the age of criminal responsibility. There is a significant increase in female juvenile crime.
Child crime statistics
  • Child crime – 9.6%
  • The rate of crimes committed by girls increased from 11% to 14%.
  • The number of teenage girls registered with the police reached 50.6 thousand (2001)
2 groups of criminals:
  • 1) 13 – 15 years – teenage years
  • 2) 16 – 17 years old - minors
What crimes do teenagers commit?
  • 1. Burglary
  • 2. “Mobile” crimes: thefts, robberies, fraud.
  • 3. Illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs
  • 4. Serious bodily harm
  • 5. Robbery attacks
  • 5. Murders and attempted murders
  • 6.Rape, prostitution
  • 7.Extortion
Crime statistics
  • 1991 – 570,000 teenagers
  • 2001 – 1,140,000 teenagers
  • 310,000 – teenagers barely 13 years old
  • Group crime – 70%
  • 295,000 did not work or study anywhere
  • 45,000 are generally illiterate
  • Over the past 5 years the following have increased:
  • murders and attempted murders – 2 times
  • robberies – 1.5 times (annually – more than 15,000 robberies)
  • illegal acquisition and manufacture of drugs – 2.4 times
How can we explain the outbreak of teenage crime and cruelty?
  • Fear of death syndrome is fear for one’s life, which causes anger, violence, and cruelty.
What causes fear of death syndrome?
  • Watching thrillers.
  • Foreign cartoons.
  • Computer games.
Causes of teenage crime
  • 1) A sharp deterioration in the economic situation and increased tension in society.
  • 2) Job cuts.
  • 3) The situation with the organization of children's leisure time is catastrophic.
  • 4) Lack of culture, artistic taste, underdeveloped interests.
  • 5) Growing up in dysfunctional families, where there are quarrels, scandals, drunkenness and debauchery.
  • 6) Shortcomings in the activities of the bodies entrusted with the fight against juvenile delinquency.
Questions for the audience:
  • 1) What do you think makes children from wealthy families commit crimes? What do they lack in life?
  • 2) Who is to blame for the fact that they become like this?
  • 3) What surrounded their soul with such an impenetrable and dense wall that even compassion and empathy could not seep through it?
  • 4) Do you think it is worth introducing control over television distribution, so that films like the one bought in Krasnoyarsk do not end up in circulation?
  • 5) Do you think the law should treat juvenile offenders: a) more humanely
  • b) more severe
  • Often young offenders, once in the dock, actively seek to place the blame for their fall on those around them: “I was raised poorly, so I became like this.” And not a word about his own guilt.
  • In one of the books there are the following words: “You will never understand the reasons for delinquency among teenagers if you do not understand one very important truth: negative influences can be very strong, the situation in the family is simply unbearable, but still in the end it is up to you to choose how to behave.” , a teenager himself. And if he committed a crime, it means that he repeatedly stepped over his conscience. No one has the right to relieve him of responsibility for his decisions.
  • The person himself is responsible for his actions! »

“Psychological characteristics of adolescents” - I. S. Kon. E. Erickson (1902-1994). Features of young men with different rates of puberty. The physiological foundations of adolescence are common to both sexes. Stanley Hall (1844-1924). This topic of work was chosen because: Features of girls with different rates of puberty. Theoretical development: Possible options for expanding the topic:

“The Life of Teenagers” - Scientific supervisor: social studies teacher Larisa Klimovna Kolokolova. Acceptance of your appearance and the ability to effectively control your body. Frequent misunderstanding on the part of adults. Boys: Girls. Faces adult problems. Character is formed, you need to position yourself in society. There are many problems and temptations.

“Age characteristics of adolescents” - Age limits of adolescence: Main neoplasms. Crisis 13 years. Leading activity. Drastic, qualitative changes affecting all aspects of development. Main features of adolescence: Age characteristics of adolescents. Adolescence (13 -16 years).

"Danger for Teenagers" - Risks Surrounding Teenagers: Letter to the Editor. In modern society, people's lives and health are constantly at risk. 3. Teenage alcoholism. And you need to choose, friend, Your path - the road and help in life. 4. Early sexual development. The answers change even more sharply when it comes to vodka.

“Literature for Teens” - Gone are the days when reading was popular among young people. I enjoy the rustle of the pages. The fascinating plot of the book is also emphasized by the fact that films were made based on the book itself. Let me read until the morning, I will greet the dawn very sleepy. Or What are children reading? The age of technology has not replaced reading from people's lives! Various subcultures have a huge influence on the literary preferences of teenagers.

“Pregnancy in teenagers” - There are currently about 9.3 million girls in Russia. Over 30% of girls have gynecological diseases. By nature itself, every woman is destined to be a mother. Pregnancy due to ignorance. Know yourself, believe in yourself and never give up! "Risk" behavior. Peculiarities of adolescents growing up.

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“If they ask how to cross life, answer: like walking across an abyss - beautifully, carefully and swiftly.” N. Roerich

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The relevance of this topic is due, on the one hand, to the significant role played by juvenile crime in the overall structure of crime, and on the other hand, to the need for a radical revision of approaches to the prevention of illegal behavior among minors.

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The increase in crime in Russia, including among minors, was a consequence of the fact that, in addition to the impact of socio-economic reasons, such high spiritual national values ​​of life as the intrinsic value of each person’s personality, the desire for kindness and rejection of violence towards others, love for the Fatherland and concern for neighbors in conditions of destructive changes in social life have lost their meaning. In this regard, the task of spiritual and moral renewal of modern society through the spiritually oriented education of the younger generation of Russians becomes at the same time the task of early prevention of juvenile delinquency.

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Among the most pressing problems of modern social life are the catastrophic surge in crime among schoolchildren and the spread of cruelty among young people.

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The purpose of my research is to examine the origins and development of the problem of juvenile delinquency: expanding adolescents’ knowledge in the legal field, forming legal consciousness and nurturing a legal culture; prevention and prevention of extremist sentiments among young people.

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In achieving this goal, I tried to solve the following tasks: Identify the causes of child crime; Describe the legislation on the responsibility of minors; Suggest methods to combat juvenile delinquency; Find statistical data on the state of child crime in the city of Alatyr and the Alatyr region.

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The rise in crime is one of the problems that forces the state to look for ways to solve it.

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Causes of juvenile delinquency. Unsatisfactory conditions for raising children in the family. The breakdown of families, leading to the fact that every year 500 thousand children are left without one of their parents. Unemployment, impoverishment of families, inability of parents to provide children with adequate nutrition and clothing, evasion of children from receiving education in primary and secondary schools, destruction of the network of government organizations providing cultural leisure for adolescents, which was quite developed in Soviet times, commercialization in this area has made the norm of life for many adolescents senseless pastime on the streets, in hallways, in attics and basements. The corrupting influence of mass culture and the infringement of children's rights in the family and society.

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Crimes are committed by: Problematic children Teenagers from dysfunctional families Low level of cognitive activity Dominant negative qualities (laziness, aggressiveness) Mental disorders, mental retardation

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Legislation on the responsibility of minors As a general rule, teenagers over 16 years of age are held criminally liable. But for socially dangerous acts you can be punished from the age of 14

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Responsibility from the age of 14 for crimes: intentional murder, intentional bodily harm, kidnapping, rape, theft, robbery, robbery, extortion, unlawful taking of a car, intentional destruction or damage to property, terrorism, hostage-taking, aggravated hooliganism, vandalism,

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Responsibility has a regulatory, evaluative, motivational role in human behavior. Possessing a certain consciousness, a person understands the essence of his connections with society and is ready to fulfill all the demands that society makes of him. Real necessity for his negative actions.

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Crime prevention is not only the elimination and neutralization of negative circumstances, but also the use and stimulation of positive processes in the social life of society. That is why it is the most effective means of fighting crime in economic terms, since it allows you to solve many problems through the use, first of all, of social measures implemented by the state in order to solve other, more general problems, and consistently improve the living conditions of the population.

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Preventive influence on children; control over the behavior of adolescent offenders by police departments; educational measures applied by courts and juvenile affairs commissions to teenage offenders. Social security measures applied to parents who negatively influence children

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authorities and management labor collectives. educational institutions (schools, vocational schools) cultural institutions

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The school annually hosts months to prevent juvenile delinquency. Our school held a series of events: - for parents (school-wide meetings, conversations about the rights and responsibilities of parents, about holding them accountable for the unworthy upbringing of their children); - for students (class hours, games, quizzes on legal topics, meetings with the inspector). What does the school do to prevent crime among youth?

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Students in grades 9-11 were asked the following questions: - What do you see as the reasons for the increase in crime? - How to deal with it?

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Students identified the following causes of crime: Unemployment; Money difficulties; Moral laxity Low standard of living; Impunity Struggle for power; Single-parent families.

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Students also suggested methods to combat the causes of crime growth: Increase wages; Restore agriculture; Improve your standard of living; Occupy teenagers' free time; Provide moral education; Legal literacy

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This stern warning came into our everyday life from the past. It reminds us of the most unfavorable turns of fate. The most reckless actions are characteristic of youth. It is at an early age that a person himself often tramples a path to a high fence with a barbed wire ornament. “I didn’t know!”, “I didn’t think”, “I didn’t want to...” - this babble is often heard. Therefore, one of the tasks of educational work in our school is to warn students about the dangers of playing with the law.

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SECTION I When working on the project, I used the material from the Department of Internal Affairs for the city of Alatyr and the Alatyr region. And she revealed the following: issues of improving the prevention of neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency are constantly in the focus of attention of the management of the Department of Internal Affairs of the city of Alatyr and the Alatyr region.

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Statistics of juvenile crimes in the city of Alatyr and Alatyr region. For 9 months (January-October) 2009, the Department of Internal Affairs identified 249 teenage offenders. For APPG -308. During this period, 86 teenagers, APPG-81, were put on preventive registration. A total of 94 minors are under preventive registration. APPG-115. Of these, 6 were conditionally sentenced...

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Currently, some work is being carried out with families in socially dangerous situations. In total, 28 families are under control, APPG -35, 20 materials were collected on deprivation of parental rights, APPG -18

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PREVENTIVE WORK CARRIED OUT TO PREVENT OFFENSE AMONG TEENAGERS In order to prevent neglect, homelessness and juvenile delinquency, in January - October of this year, operations were carried out under the code names “Salon”, “Neglect”, “Recidivism”, “Conditional”, “Teenager”, “ Wardrobe”, the action “Police and Children”, 95 raids on minors were carried out.
