Destined to be fortune telling. Ways to find out if we will be together: fortune telling for relationships after separation, for a couple’s reunion

Fortune telling for love and relationships is a special topic. Because a person is more willing to put up with a lack of money or failures in the professional field than with the constant presence next to someone who is not loved or dear. It’s not for nothing that they say that it’s heaven in a hut with a sweetheart. And understanding how important the problem of feelings and relationships is in the life of each of us, we tried to collect online fortune telling for love and relationships that would provide free answers to all questions regarding such pressing issues.

In this section you will find free virtual fortune telling for marriage and infidelity, you will be able to make a choice from several candidates for your heart... And you will also have the opportunity to understand directly online whether your chosen one is right for you and what kind of person he is, what are the prospects for your relationship and what he thinks about you in this moment your lover (or beloved).

Free fortune telling for love and relationships online

How deep are the feelings of the person you are in love with? Will the power of your love be appreciated? After all, it may turn out that your heart, beating faster at the mere mention of HIS (or HER) name, will end up mercilessly broken. Or maybe, on the contrary, you think the worst, suspect a person of self-interest, but he (she) is actually ready to sell his soul to the devil in order to always be with you. Here is a love fortune telling, which right now, online, will help you find out the whole truth and understand what is going on in your partner’s soul.

You like this person... Although he probably has shortcomings, and you, of course, disagree with him (her) on something. True, you can’t see it yet. Or you don’t want to notice some disagreements, considering them trifles. Or maybe your partner seems ideal to you. However, life inexorably dots the t's... And therefore it is better to understand in advance how suitable you are for each other. And this virtual online fortune telling will help you understand such important issue in a matter of seconds.

Here is a fortune telling for love and relationships... A fortune telling that gives detailed answers to several personal questions at once. What's going on between you now? What are the prospects? What is on the soul of your chosen one (or chosen one)? What, perhaps, are you doing wrong? The answers to them are objective, because they are given by the Tarot system. Moreover, you can get all these answers online, that is, almost instantly. And yet - completely free.

A woman’s fate does not always look logical and obvious. An ugly girl can get married faster than a beautiful girl, and a girl, seemingly destined by nature itself to be a mother and a wife, is all alone, while her friend, whose culinary talents boil down to scrambled eggs and bacon, is already getting ready to get married... To figure it out in such a difficult matter and to help yourself finally get married, take advantage of this online Tarot fortune telling. It gives a detailed and - most importantly - comprehensive answer to it. In addition, it offers good advice and outlines prospects.

All your doubts and torment about the fidelity (more precisely, infidelity) of your loved one will be resolved by this virtual Tarot layout. With its help, you will see the true state of affairs, understand whether your partner is predisposed to cheating in general, figure out what you can expect from him (her) in the future... Fortune telling will examine the current situation from all possible sides, will help you understand its causes and consequences. This means you will get a chance to look at your relationship with this person from the inside and prevent possible problems in advance.

Nobody knows their fate. And even a simple “tomorrow” is hidden from us by a thick veil. But we humans are curious and persistently look for a crack through which we can peek at our future. Humanity has invented many ways to do this. And Catherine’s fortune telling is one of the simplest and, at the same time, effective among them. It can be used as fortune telling for love, for the near future, or for good luck. The three symbol pictures that appear as an answer to the question are interpreted by you yourself, based on the circumstances own life. That is, everything is extremely honest and fair: no general interpretations of “nothing.” In addition, everything happens online, that is, here and now.

Fortune telling with playing cards online, which allows you to comprehensively consider the situation around your loved one. His (or her) aspirations, worries, doubts, and besides this, possible surprises and probable events - you will find the answers to all this in such a fortune-telling.

This free fortune telling on relationships will allow you to figure out whether there are problems in your union with your loved one, and to understand how deep and sincere the feelings of your loved one are. The layout is done on playing cards online, so you can use it exactly at the moment when it is most relevant to you.

How painful the unknown is! Does he think about me? Will she call me or not? Loves or doesn't love? There are a lot of questions, and they all make the heart beat anxiously and the mind forget about important things... Meanwhile, there is a way to resolve all doubts in a few seconds. And he is in front of you. This virtual fortune telling simple and clear. It won't take much time and won't require special effort, but at the same time will give an accurate answer to the most exciting questions. So, try it!

An excess of fans can be just as problematic as a lack of them. And really, how to choose between several candidates? Here, truly, if only “the lips of Ivan Kuzmich and... to the nose of Nikanor Ivanovich and to the swagger... of Baltazar Baltazarych...” The classic was right. But we suggest that you do not think painfully and pointlessly, but try to resolve all your doubts right now in this online fortune telling for love and relationships. With its help, you will understand how attached each of the contenders for your heart is to you. And you can choose the most loving of them.

As a rule, tarot layouts for the question of whether we will be together are a fortune-telling for compatibility and for viewing the common future of partners. Also, such layouts help to understand existing relationships, find the causes of quarrels and eliminate omissions and misunderstandings.

Such layouts include the following options:

  • - classic version layout whether we will be together on six or seven cards.
  • - "The Current Union"
  • - “Reunion”.

Also, for predictions related to interpersonal relationships, you can use not only classic decks, but also decks specifically designed to view not only interpersonal relationships, but also with an erotic component.

"Will we be together" layout.

Fortune telling is used to view any interpersonal relationships (business partners, couples in love, colleagues, girlfriends, friends) in order to better understand the partner and analyze the current situation. The layout also helps you get to know yourself better and understand your mistakes. In the first version, the layout involves six cards, which are laid out as follows:

1 – general characteristics relationships and current state of affairs.

2 – your partner’s feelings for you, his emotions and experiences.

3 – the card describes how your partner sees you, what associations he has with you, in what image you are present in his thoughts.

4 – what will connect partners in the future and whether this will be the future. This is the key point of the layout - the answer to the question asked.

5 - what to expect from a relationship - this is what you can get in a relationship or count on something. This describes not only the material or financial benefits from a relationship with a given partner, but also the experience and knowledge that you can gain from communicating with a partner.

6 – what you shouldn’t expect from a relationship – unjustified hopes, you’re not destined to get it, and in some cases you’ll even have to give up something.

The second option involves seven cards, arranged in the following order:

1 – description of the existing connection or relationship for a given period of time.

2 – the basis of the relationship, what the relationship is built on and what it is based on.

3 – what is hidden, nuances and points that are worth paying attention to. Until this moment, these aspects of the relationship were inaccessible or invisible to you due to the prevailing circumstances, excessive emotionality or violent manifestation of feelings.

4 – what brings you together, your common interests, character traits. Hope for a happy future.

5 – something that distances you and interferes with relationships, unique obstacles. This is something worth exploring and learning how to compromise on conflicting topics or views.

6 – key of the layout – answer to the question asked.

7 – advice that cards give to strengthen relationships and correct mistakes.

"Current Union" layout.

This alignment can be used for current relationships to find answers to troubling questions and get to know yourself and your partner better, and understand what is really happening. The layout involves five cards plus the S card – the significator. Before the layout, the deck is shuffled and the first card drawn is the S significator card, which characterizes you and your position in the relationship for a given period of time.

1 – your vision of relationships, how you feel in relationships and how you see yourself in these relationships, what they mean to you.

The significator card and position 1 can be considered as cards interconnected with each other, since they relate directly to you and your condition, describing in detail what this relationship and the specific person in question mean to you.

2 – description of your soulmate, your vision of your partner.

3 – what unites you with your partner and what connected you in the past.

4 – description of the current situation, characteristics of the relationship, what is happening at the moment and what keeps you together.

5 – the answer to the question of what awaits your relationship in the future, whether you should hope to continue the connection.

If there is a discord or quarrel in your relationship with your partner, and you don’t know what to expect from this relationship and how to act, you can use the “Reunion” layout to clarify the situation. This alignment will tell you what awaits the couple in the near future.

The prediction uses nine cards plus the significator card.

S – Characteristics of the person who asks the question, general mood and emotional state, the person’s state at the time of the situation and attitude towards what happened.

1 – hidden reasons for the discord and the current situation, something that you did not notice or overlooked. Information for analysis of why the discord occurred.

2 – real reasons the conflict that occurred, a description of the conflict itself, disagreements or misunderstandings.

3 – description of the situation at a given moment in time, in what position both partners find themselves.

4 – development of the situation in the near future – what should be expected from what happened, the consequences of the conflict.

5 – advice from cards, what to do and what to do to resolve controversial situation. This card will help smooth out rough moments and improve the situation.

7 and 8 – compatibility of partners, common features, that which connects and can strengthen the union, strengths, which are worth paying attention to.

9 – final card – the answer to the key question: “Will we be together?”

Regardless of the type of layout, the final card, which characterizes the answer to the question “Will we be together?” is assessed relative to its meaning - positive or negative, after which an interpretation of the card is made. If the whole alignment indicates good compatibility or that the problem will be resolved, and the result predicts the collapse of the relationship, then it’s worth thinking about at what point and what went wrong, perhaps you didn’t work out something on your part or didn’t address it attention to factors that directly or indirectly affect your relationship. These factors need to be found.

If the alignment is negative, but the outcome is favorable, it means you have a lot to work through and go through with this person. The only question remains is whether you have enough strength for this.

If you want to track the dynamics of changes in your relationship with your partner, then it is better to write down the result of the alignment; it is also worth writing down the original wording of the question. The alignment looks at the near future - about a month and a half, therefore, it will be possible to repeat the alignment after approximately this period.

Few people do not want to know about their future. Once you receive a prediction, a person will immediately begin to analyze it. And if problems are coming soon, he will try to get around them.

The desire for a bright and happy future is perceived by people as a necessity - important aspect own development. And a lot important role Family well-being plays a role in this.

Fortune telling is exactly what will help you find out whether a relationship has a future or not

Fortune telling for the future most often has a love orientation. It is intended for both singles and people already in a relationship.

What does fortune telling for love give?

Fortune telling can help all people without exception who have faith in higher power. Determination and the desire to learn the “bitter” or “sweet” truth of the future are also important.

The magical attributes used for these purposes can also be different. There are fortune telling using playing cards and Tarot. Every girl or woman interested in the magic of the future can use one of these decks.

Fortune telling whether we will be together is a fortune telling for those people who want to know the future, being free from relationships or for those who want to make sure of the stability of the “strength” of feelings.

Some women use magical powers after breaking up love ties. They choose fortune telling on cards as a symbol of calming the heart and soul, in order to check whether their love story has really been completed.

Magicians and sorcerers recommend that people think abstractly, imagining a future together with a loved one as a system of two opposite sexes - men and women. This attitude towards magical rites helps higher powers to more accurately establish the prediction itself - to penetrate the thoughts of the other half and read them.

The fortuneteller has something to work on before taking up the cards. You should approach fortune telling with maximum concentration and faith in the power of love before asking the cards about the future.

Fortune telling for love using playing cards

Belief in magical powers can lift the curtain of the future even with the help of an ordinary playing deck of cards. True Predictions They do not always expect a fortuneteller.

You can even find out the truth with the help of playing cards. The main thing is to believe

What is needed for fortune telling with playing cards?

You can find out whether love will return to a woman’s life again only after the energy is transferred to the cards. This is a mandatory action on the part of the fortuneteller, because there is always an expectation of exact events.

You should guess whether we will be together only after assigning a separate card to your loved one. Therefore, before fortune telling you will need:

  1. Select one king from a deck of cards. Choose it based on hair color. If the guy Brown hair, then choose a tambourine. If he is blond - to the heart, brown - to the cross. Well, if the guy is dark-haired, his suit is spade.
  2. When taking out the corresponding card, you should “scroll through your head” the name of your lover.
  3. Having placed the king in front of you, you need to repeat his name out loud 7 times.

Only after establishing magical connections can the beloved man be tested for reciprocal feelings towards the woman.

How to tell love fortunes with playing cards

Fortune telling for a loved one has several variations. The most popular method of prediction is:

  1. The king selected from the deck is placed on the table.
  2. The remaining cards are thoroughly mixed, and then moved with the left hand “towards the heart”. The shifted part of the deck is placed under the bottom of the remaining cards.
  3. From the king's head, 4 cards are placed clockwise on the table. Their location is the numbers 12, 3, 6, 9 on a regular watch.

The king lying in the middle of the layout is a loved one. All the surrounding cards are his feelings and actions. A loved one can also be influenced by extraneous obstacles, such as rivals or other problems. If such facts appear in the prediction, the cards will definitely show this.

How to read the layout

No matter what the cards show the future, there is no need to repeat the ritual. Repeated actions will not bring true information. Information received from magical powers, should be perceived as they are. Therefore, it is worth tuning in to only one session, based on the results of which your relationship with the desired representative of the opposite sex will be built.

And so, there are 4 cards around the king. Each of them has its own meaning. If low cards are dealt:

  • six – a long separation caused by a geographically large distance (business trips, tourist trips, change of residence, etc.);
  • seven - fate has planned a meeting with your soulmate;
  • eight – conflicts that can lead to separation;
  • nine – rapid development love relationship leading to marriage;
  • ten - weak feelings in a man (he is not indifferent to the girl, but he does not experience feelings of love).

Ten - a man does not experience love, but simply shows sympathy

High cards:

  • jack – anxiety;
  • lady - betrayal, betrayal or lie of a close friend;
  • the king is a strong “support” nearby (girlfriend or relatives);
  • ace - the feelings are mutual.

It is equally important to correctly read the entire layout in its entirety, because there may be conflicting cards next to the king, creating confusion in the prediction. So, many newcomers to fortune telling are interested in the combination of ten and ace. Separately, these cards indicate weak feelings of the other half, and, accordingly, strong mutual love.

In such cases, you should pay attention to the location of the cards. The one that was placed on the table first is the present, all subsequent ones are the future. That is, the meaning of the cards is not affected by their position, but only indicates their sequence.

If a guy doesn't know about a girl's feelings

Many girls and women hide their feelings for certain men and do not risk taking the “first step.” The alignment for their lover can help them. It is simple and in many ways similar to the rules of the ritual of love.

It also uses playing cards, and also requires the establishment of an energy connection. The advantage of this ritual is that it can be used for ex-lover, if the fortune-telling girl still has tender feelings for him.

What is needed for fortune telling for a lover?

In order to get an answer to the simple question of whether a guy has feelings for a fortune-telling girl, you should assign him a card. The king is most often used, and the suit is determined from a simple ratio based on hair color:

  • blond is the king of hearts;
  • brown-haired – king of clubs;
  • fair-haired – king of tambourines;
  • brunette is the king of spades.

For fortune telling, you need to take a king (symbolizing your loved one) of a certain suit (depending on the color of his hair)

The king selected from the deck is placed on the table with the thought of his beloved. You should also say his name out loud 7 times.

How to tell fortune telling about a lover

Fortune telling on cards is done with simple steps. All you need to do:

  1. Shuffle the cards, saying a clearly stated question to which there are only two possible answers. Examples might include questions such as: “Does ‘name’ want to date me?” or “do the “name” and I have a future together?
  2. Shift the cards with your left hand towards you and remove them from the bottom of the deck.
  3. Next to the king you should put 3 cards taken from the top of the deck.

In order to find out the result of the ritual, you need to know about the division of cards into those that say “no” and “yes”. A positive answer is indicated by spades and hearts, and a negative answer is indicated by crosses and diamonds. That is, if three cards fall out in the layout, with the value “yes” - and the answer to the question will be positive.

If there are only crosses and diamonds around the king, the answer is “no”. Also, two positive and one negative cards may appear in the layout. This ratio indicates the prudence of fate in relation to a love union between a woman and a man, but the result will depend on the efforts made.

Fortune telling for the future of relationships

Any woman who is ripe for living together, for marriage or for having children can wonder whether we will be together and what our prospects are in the future. But does the beloved want such changes? The answer to this question can be obtained with the help of fortune telling for the future of relationships.

What is needed for fortune telling about the future of a relationship?

The most important role in fortune telling is played by a woman’s willingness to learn the prediction and her faith in higher powers. If she has no problems with this, she should prepare playing deck kart. As in other fortune telling for love, it is necessary to choose a king who will personify the beloved in the reading.

One thing is important - fortune telling about the prospects of relationships allows you to see a “picture” only of the near future.

If the result of the ritual is negative, this does not mean that the relationship will end soon. They can simply remain in one stage for a long time.

How is fortune telling done for the prospects of a relationship?

A relationship layout requires maximum concentration and the ability to read cards. Fortune telling is carried out like this:

  1. The postponed king is placed on the table.
  2. The rest of the deck is shuffled and moved with the left hand.
  3. 2 cards are laid out at the top, bottom, left and right. Left and bottom are the present, and top and right are the future.

Tell fortunes using this ratio of the cards drawn:

  • six - happy meetings await the couple;
  • seven – joy;
  • eight - quarrels;
  • nine – the problem of love relationships;
  • ten - traveling together.

Ten prophesies a quick trip together

High cards mean the following:

  • jack – large environment;
  • lady - betrayal or treason;
  • king - support of loved ones;
  • Ace – happiness, marriage and offspring.

It is equally important to look at the suits of the cards drawn in the layout. The spade represents problems, the club represents disagreement, the heart represents love, and the diamond represents money.

The layout is suitable both for a permanent partner, and simply for an acquaintance or friend to whom the questioner is not indifferent. In both cases, the question arises: “Will we be together?”, and what kind of continuation is expected from the love affair.

Fortune telling should not be used more than once every six months, even if the final result is not satisfactory. The cards only give advice and outline the picture, but “everyone is the creator of his own destiny,” and the situation can turn out in favor of the fortuneteller.

After a while, the object of love will change his views and gain long-awaited feelings, the main thing is to have patience.

There are several popular proven relationships for relationships. In the first variation, before fortune telling, you need to think about your loved one, shuffle the deck and draw 6 cards, laying them out in one horizontal line.

The meaning of the dropped Arcana is read from left to right:

  • what connects the fortuneteller and the partner
  • feelings of a loved one
  • what does your other half think?
  • relationship in the near future
  • what will they lead to
  • what won't happen

Designations in order: The second option differs from the first in the layout and number of cards - there are seven of them and the Arcana must be laid out in the shape of a heart.

  • significator of couple's relationship
  • the basis
  • hidden problems
  • what attracts people
  • what repels
  • possible future
  • advice

“Break and connect” layout

Fortune telling is suitable for couples who are in a quarrel. There are 7 cards involved, which are laid out in the shape of a heart.

Meaning in order:

  • hidden causes of conflict
  • reason for the breakup
  • feelings for today
  • near future
  • clue
  • warning
  • probability of reunion

When there is confusion in a couple and it is not clear what emotions connect two people, it is recommended to resort to fortune telling to clarify the relationship. The Arcana will describe what interferes with normal communication between partners and prevents a happy life.

Schedule for clarifying relationships

The layout is recommended to be used even if there are no negative aspects in the couple. This will help you make sure you made the right choice and be confident in the second half. 6 cards are drawn from the deck and laid out in 2 vertical rows opposite each other.

What do the fallen Arcana say:

  • thoughts about the object of feelings
  • vice versa
  • unfavorable factors for the fortuneteller
  • vice versa
  • possible future
  • advice

Tarot spread “Serious conversation”

Fortune telling gives answers to pressing questions and helps to understand whether it makes sense to sort things out with the other half, and what the result will be in the end. 9 cards are pulled from the deck and laid out in order.

Arcana designation:

  • the situation now
  • fortuneteller's position
  • partner's position
  • fortune teller's expectations
  • expectations of a love object
  • Is it worth having a serious conversation?
  • partner's reaction to him
  • what will happen in the end
  • result

Tarot fortune telling online “Will we be together with our beloved?”

If you can’t cast your spell on your own or visit an experienced tarot reader, you can resort to online fortune telling to your loved one over the Internet. The layout is no different from the listed options; it is also considered fast and in an exact way find out the future and get answers to questions.

You need to think about your loved one, write the person’s name and draw 7 random cards. A transcript of the dropped cards will be written on the screen.


  • current relationship
  • the basis
  • what holds the connection
  • what brings us together
  • what distances
  • will you be together
  • Is it worth continuing the connection?

The methodology for the “Will we be together” layout online does not differ from the standard version and the interpretation of the cards does not change.

Online fortune telling with the Waite Tarot “Reunion”

Used in case of a quarrel or breakup of a loving couple. The alignment will explain whether there is a chance of reconciliation and will tell you what actions are best to take. Before fortune telling, it is recommended to calm down, think about the situation and draw 10 cards one by one.

Designation of the dropped Arcana:

  • internal reasons for quarrel
  • external reasons for the quarrel
  • relationship at a given time
  • relationship in the near future
  • what to do
  • what not to do
  • fortuneteller compatibility with partner
  • compatibility of the partner with the questioner
  • common future


Finding out reliable information about relationships with your loved one is absolutely not difficult. The main thing is to turn to Tarot cards for help and advice in time, and magic signs will help save or strengthen a love relationship.

Arcana will reveal the future and warn against possible danger and negativity. A Tarot deck can be an excellent advisor in life situations.

Predictions by playing cards and Tarot help to quickly and reliably determine the features of the development of relationships after a breakup or quarrel. If you don’t have any cards at hand, you can use fortune telling by the clock or by coffee grounds. In all cases, the key success factor is the fortuneteller’s concentration on the issue of interest. Concentration allows you to receive information from the subtle plane through what is at hand. It is not recommended to resort to fortune telling on Sundays or church holidays.

IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW! Fortune teller Baba Nina:“There will always be plenty of money if you put it under your pillow...” Read more >>

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    Tarot predictions

    Tarot fortune telling is considered the most truthful. Arcana allow you to find out whether the fortuneteller and her chosen one will meet again, and if so, what the future together will be like. The deck will give advice on whether to continue the love affair.

    "Affiliate" layout

    Well suited for analyzing the situation in a relationship if the fortuneteller is not sure about her partner’s feelings or his behavior causes serious concern. In this layout, two significators are used: one symbolizes the fortuneteller, the second - her chosen one. After selecting the significators, ten arcana are pulled from the deck and laid out according to the following pattern:

    Interpretation of cards in accordance with their position:

    • S1 - significator of the querent;
    • S2 - significator of the chosen one;
    • 1 - how the fortuneteller behaves in this love affair;
    • 2 - how she sees her lover;
    • 3 - what, in her opinion, are the features of a love union;
    • 4 - factors that contribute to strengthening relationships;
    • 5 - factors weakening the love relationship;
    • 6 - hopes, expectations of the questioner;
    • 8 - will the relationship resume in principle;
    • 9 - what should the fortuneteller do for this;
    • 10 - the deck's recommendation on whether to renew a love affair.

    "Finding a solution"

    This alignment allows you to understand the essence of the problem that destroys the relationship or that led to a breakup. Fortune telling helps to find the most optimal way out difficult situation. After choosing a significator, ten arcana are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Card designations:

    • S - significator;
    • 1, 2, 3, 4 - the existing difficulty and the general background against which it appeared;
    • 5, 6, 7, 8 - a course of action that will lead to a solution to the issue;
    • 9, 10 - a lesson that partners should learn from this problem.


    Fortune telling helps to understand whether the questioner will meet her chosen one again after a breakup or conflict, whether a reunion of the couple and her is possible living together. After choosing a significator, the nine arcana are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Interpretation of fortune telling:

    • S - significator;
    • 1 - hidden reason difficulties encountered;
    • 2 - obvious cause of problems;
    • 3 - current relationship;
    • 4 - what the situation will be in the near future;
    • 5 - what actions should be taken to restore the union;
    • 6 - what actions should you refrain from;
    • 7, 8 - level of psychological compatibility of partners;
    • 9 - will the questioner and his partner get back together, what is the most likely future.

    This prediction allows you to find out whether the partners will marry if they reunite. This is indicated by the Hierophant and King of Wands cards in the layout.


    It helps to find out what’s on the second partner’s mind after a breakup, whether he wants to meet the witch again. Fortune telling will also tell you whether the person still has feelings towards the fortune teller. Before the layout, one significator is selected, denoting the man of interest. Then the seven arcana are laid out in the following order:

    Interpretation of fortune telling:

    • S - significator of the chosen one:
    • 1, 2 - how he now feels in relation to the fortuneteller;
    • 3 - what events are happening to him at the moment;
    • 4, 5 - what awaits the man in the future;
    • 6 - what his feelings will be in the future;
    • 7 - does he want to meet the fortuneteller again?


    It will help the fortuneteller decide whether she should stay with this man. The oracle allows you to understand how to make separation less painful. After choosing the significator denoting the fortuneteller, nine cards are laid out according to the following scheme:

    Interpretation of the layout:

    • S - significator;
    • 1 - are there any chances to improve this union;
    • 2 - what are the features of the relationship at the moment;
    • 3 - what exactly caused the problems in the relationship;
    • 4 - what benefits or losses will the break bring;
    • 5 - how it will affect the psycho-emotional state of the querent;
    • 6 - what new doors will open after parting;
    • 7, 8, 9 - the final decision about whether to stay with the man.

    "What to expect from a relationship"

    Shows the future of the love union and how life together will turn out. First, two significators are placed on the table, and then nine arcana are pulled out of the deck and laid out according to the diagram:

    Interpretation of the layout:

    • S1 - significator of the fortuneteller;
    • S2 - significator of the chosen one;
    • 1 - those hopes and expectations that the querent has in relation to this union;
    • 2 - the hopes of her chosen one;
    • 3 - how psychologically compatible the fortuneteller and her partner are;
    • 4 - how closely they correspond to each other;
    • 5, 8, 9 - cards indicate the features of a joint future, what to expect from a relationship;
    • 6 - shows the attitude of the fortuneteller’s family towards this love affair;
    • 7 - reveals the peculiarities of the attitude of a man’s family to an alliance with a fortuneteller.

    Fortune telling with playing cards

    For divination, you should use only a new deck. Before the session, a card is selected that symbolizes the man of interest. You can choose a king card of the suit that matches your hair color:

    • the king of hearts is blond;
    • the king of tambourines is fair-haired;
    • king of spades - brunette;
    • the king of clubs is brown-haired.

    Get a clear answer to your question

    The king is laid out in front of him, symbolizing the chosen one. The deck is shuffled, and at the same time you need to mentally ask it a question. For example: “Does Vasily and I have a future together?” With the left hand, the cards are removed, half of the deck is placed down. Now three cards are pulled out of it, which will answer the question:

    • spades and clubs suits - negative answer;
    • diamonds and hearts - positive.

    The response received from the deck is deciphered as follows:

    • if three cards are red, the answer is definitely positive;
    • if out of three cards two red cards and one black card fall out, the answer is most likely “yes,” but you will have to make a lot of effort for everything to end well;
    • if two cards of a black suit and one of a red suit fall out, the probability of the desired outcome of events is extremely low;
    • if all the cards are spades or clubs, the answer is negative.

    36 card spread

    The king is laid out on the table, symbolizing the chosen one. The deck is shuffled and then gently moved with the little finger. Half the cards are placed down, and six cards are removed from the top and laid out in a row diagonally. They mean the following:

    • 1 - what the man thinks;
    • 2 - how he feels towards the witch now, whether he continues to love her;
    • 3 - will a relationship with this person develop again;
    • 4 - if yes, then what will connect her with him in the future;
    • 5 - what are the deepest desires of a man;
    • 6 - situation in the present.

    Fortune telling with Lenormand cards

    Involves the use of one significator. From the Lenormand deck, card 29 “Woman” is good for this. The cards are shuffled, and at the same time the question of interest is asked. The 16 cards are then dealt in the following order:

    The interpretation of the positions is as follows:

    • 1 - indicates the cause of discord or rupture;
    • 2, 3 - what do the man and woman think about this love affair;
    • 4, 5 - how partners feel;
    • 6, 7 - the needs of each of its participants, expectations from the other partner;
    • 8, 9 - what a man and a woman hide from each other;
    • 10 - Tarot deck advice to a couple;
    • 11 - what a love affair will be like for a man, what good it will bring him;
    • 12 - what a love affair will be like for a woman, what she will receive from this union;
    • 13 - what a relationship with a loved one cannot give to the questioner under any circumstances;
    • 14 - what a man is unlikely to get from a relationship;
    • 15 - what is the likelihood of the couple reuniting;
    • 16 is the overall result of the relationship.

    On the gypsy cards "Golden Horseshoe"

    The Gypsy Tarot deck is distinguished by its laconic symbols and simplicity of interpretation, so fortune telling on it is considered the most accurate. To find out what the future of the relationship is after the breakup and whether it is worth waiting for a reunion in principle, you can use the following fortune-telling using seven cards.

    The deck is thoroughly shuffled. The cards are moved towards you with the left hand three times. Then cards are taken from the deck: one from the top, the second from the middle, the third from the top again, and so on until seven. The following words are said on each card:

    • To the first: “What is my chosen one thinking about?”
    • To the second: “What is troubling his heart?”
    • To the third: “Should I wait for him, will I see him in the future?”
    • On the fourth: “What does he expect from me?”
    • On the fifth: “What’s going on in his life?”
    • On the sixth: “What will calm the heart?”
    • On the seventh: "Will we get back together?"

    The cards are revealed one by one, with the seventh being the last to be revealed. She will be the final answer to the question of whether there is a chance of renewing the love affair.

    Fortune telling by the clock

    The meaning of this prediction is to accidentally see on the watch dial same values shooter This means that the first and second numbers in fortune telling are the same. For example, 17 hours and 17 minutes. On an electronic watch, fortune telling is more understandable, since you don’t have to look closely at the values. If you happen to see same numbers on the clock, the answer is yes.

    The main provisions of fortune telling are:

    1. 1. The question is mentally asked: “Are we destined to be together again?”
    2. 2. After this, the time is guessed - for example, if yes, then the clock will show 17:17.
    3. 3. You can cast a spell at any time of the day.
    4. 4. You cannot deceive time by trying to specifically calculate it. In this case, the answer will be incorrect.

    Fortune telling using coffee grounds symbols

    To predict using the symbols left behind from coffee, you will need the following items:

    • coffee cup (preferably made from light porcelain);
    • ground coffee;
    • saucer.

    Before drinking coffee, ask yourself a question of interest. When the cup is empty, you should turn it over on the saucer and after a few minutes look at the resulting symbols:

    • If there is a silhouette of a person among them, there will be a second meeting with your lover.
    • If the pattern contains something similar to a tree or natural landscapes of mountains or fields, such symbols foreshadow a final break, obstacles, quarrels, and failures.
    • The outlines of animals or birds speak of sad news, worries, and gossip from ill-wishers.
    • If the shadow of a house or building is examined, this foreshadows the restoration of the family. If before the breakup the couple lived civil marriage, then such a sign promises not only a reunion, but also a quick wedding.

    Predictions on the runes

    In runic divination, 24 signs from the most famous alphabet called Futhark are used, as well as one empty rune of Odin. The latter symbolizes fate. Each of the signs is associated with a certain sphere of existence, the material or spiritual side of life. Fortune telling with runes allows you to quickly find out whether the couple will be restored and what the future holds for the relationship.

    One concerns the sensory sphere of life, and the second - the logical:

    • The first and second runes will tell you what the situation is currently. By studying the meaning of symbols, you can find out what is truly important in a relationship now.
    • The third and fourth will tell about the past that led to a breakup or quarrel. The signs will reveal circumstances that the fortuneteller might not have known about.
    • The fifth and sixth runes will give advice on how best to proceed.
    • The seventh character is decisive. He will talk about the future and what the overall outcome of actions will be.
