Tolstoy's creativity lesson plan. Lecturer L.I

Sections: Sports at school and children's health

Goal: to systematize the material in the “Athletics” section.

  • Formation of a logical block of universal educational actions.
  • Improving running, jumping and throwing skills.
  • Development of speed and strength abilities.
  • Strengthening the muscles of the arms, legs, and abdominals.

Lesson type: improving skills and abilities

Equipment: camera, medicine balls, small balls, hoops, batons, jump ropes, multimedia equipment.

During the classes

Preparatory part:

1. Organizational moment, construction, communication of tasks.

2. Rearrange into 3 ranks, opening to arms outstretched.

3. Game for attention ( formation of logical skills to classify material). 1st rank - repeats after the teacher the movements performed while standing, the rest perform running in place; 2nd rank - only exercises performed while running, the rest run in place; The 3rd rank repeats the jumping exercises, the rest run in place. If the teacher shows strength exercises, the whole class repeats them. Each exercise is performed for 20 repetitions.

4. Run around the site 2 min.

Main part:

5. Running with acceleration 3 x 30m.

6. In an open line, the guys sit on a low start at the teacher’s command, remember the ways to take a low start position and choose the optimal method. 1 person (released) photographs the main provisions of the low start (for further viewing on the computer and analysis of errors). On the command “March!” Participants run out from the start and take 5 steps. Dosage: 3 times.

7. In the same formation, standing long jumps are performed (5 times). The main positions of the jump are photographed.

8. Work by department (division can be done arbitrarily):

1st department: performs all types of throwing: a small ball at a distance, at a target (the target is a hoop or a drawn target), medicine ball throws with both hands from the chest;

2nd section: performs a run overcoming an obstacle in the form of a jump rope pulled by comrades (3-4 people each). All exercises are photographed by the student(s). The work of the departments ends when the whistle blows (7-10 minutes), (see pictures).

9. Exercises on the gymnastic wall: girls – hanging straight leg raises, boys – pull-ups. Dosage: “all the way” (as much as anyone can).

10. Relay race with baton passing over 15m. Exercises 9 and 10 are also photographed.

Final part

11. Walking 1-1.5 minutes.

12. Construction, summing up. Reporting tasks for the next lesson.

For the next lesson, the children print the photographs or bring them to the teacher in electronic form in advance, and the teacher prints them himself. At the beginning of the next lesson (if equipment is available), photographs are viewed. An analysis of completed athletics exercises is made (formation of UUD: analysis, assessment).

Next, whatman paper is laid out on the table with glue, scissors and photographs. The class is divided into 4 sections. After the warm-up, assignments for the three sections are given depending on the objectives of the lesson and the new material being studied. And the last section goes to the table with whatman paper and photographs. His task is to select photographs depicting only one of the three types of athletics or general physical training (running, jumping or throwing) - developing the ability to classify and systematize material.

The selected photographs are glued to whatman paper, the composition of the group is signed and at the top - the name of the type of athletics. The department works for 6-7 minutes, after which the departments change by whistle. The next group makes another column on whatman paper, selecting photos depicting another type of athletics.

The finished product of the lesson is a poster with the classification of athletics exercises, which is kept in the classroom.


  1. Lukyanenko V.P.
The concept of modernization of the system of secondary physical education in Russia / V. P. Lukyanenko. – M.: Soviet Sport, 2007. – 120 p.
  • Sample programs of basic general education. Physical Culture. – M.: Education, 2010. – 64 p.
  • Universal educational activities in primary school: from action to thought / ed. A. G. Asmolova. – M.: Education, 2010. – 159 p.
  • Fundamental core of the content of general education / Ed. V. V. Kozlova, A. M. Kondakova. – 2nd ed. – M.: Education, 2010. – 59 p.

  • Relevance A pressing and new task in accordance with the requirements of the Standard is to ensure the development of universal learning activities as a psychological component of the foundation of education. Universal educational activities provide the “ability to learn”, the individual’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

    Contradictions The complexity of organizing work on the formation of a physical education level lies in the fact that in a physical education lesson this work must be done in the process of physical activity, therefore the methods of forming a physical education level, already developed in modern science and practice, cannot be fully applied in physical education lessons. As a result, a contradiction arises between the need to ensure the educational process taking into account meta-subject results and the insufficiency of the development of the content and methodology for the formation of educational learning in physical education lessons.

    Achieving this goal is expected through the solution of the following tasks: To study the program for the formation of UUD, laid down in the Federal State Educational Standard. To consider UUD at the level of primary education. To ensure the formation of UUD in physical education lessons. To characterize the results of the formation of UUD at different stages of education in primary school.

    If you use UUD in physical education lessons, this will ensure an increase in the development of general educational skills and abilities, will give impetus to the development of students' independence in educational activities and, thereby, will improve the quality of students' knowledge in the subject. Hypothesis

    Scientific and methodological substantiation of the project The priority goal of school education, instead of simply transferring knowledge, skills and abilities from teacher to student, is the development of the student’s ability to independently set educational goals, design ways to implement them, monitor and evaluate their achievements, in other words, the formation of the ability to learn.

    The above contradictions make it possible to formulate the problems of the project: developing competence in independent thinking, acquiring the skills to see the problem for oneself and outline ways to solve it, developing the ability to work with a large amount of information; to master the idea of ​​a healthy lifestyle: physical culture, to master the concept of “health”, to teach how to analyze and summarize, to teach how to express one’s thoughts briefly and clearly. Problem

    Expected results: In accordance with the set goal, UUD should help the Student obtain better knowledge that is necessary for physical development; provide access to non-traditional sources of information; increase interest in the subject; increase the activity of students in lessons, dynamic hours, walks; increase the efficiency of independent work; Teachers can implement fundamentally new forms and methods of teaching; preserve the psychological well-being and health of children in educational activities; increase the level of use of clarity and visualization in the classroom; increase the aesthetic appeal of the lesson; attract students to use ICT

    Characteristics of the project Duration of the project: 2012 – 2013 academic year Project object: educational process in physical education lessons in primary school Subject of the project: development of the personality of students, their cognitive and physical abilities

    Technological Stages of implementation: Mechanism of project implementation 1. Update teachers’ understanding of ways of forming learning skills in physical education lessons 2. Systematize and present a list of teacher actions to form learning skills in physical education lessons. 3. Systematize and present a list of students’ actions to master learning skills in physical education lessons. 4. Contribute to the development of student reflection in physical education lessons.

    Educational universal actions are the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement, students’ full mastery of all components of educational activity, cognitive and educational motives, educational goal, educational task, educational actions and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). Organizational and preparatory stage

    Personal universal educational actions, personal, professional, life self-determination, moral and ethical orientation, assessment of the acquired content, ensuring personal moral choice, meaning formation, establishing a connection between the goal of educational activity and its motive

    Cognitive universal educational actions Logical educational actions - analysis, synthesis; - selection of bases and criteria for comparison and classification; - summing up the concept; - establishing cause-and-effect relationships; - building a logical chain of reasoning; - proof, hypotheses Formulation and solution of the problem - formulation of the problem; - independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature General educational - independent identification, formulation of goals; - search and selection of information; - structuring of knowledge, etc. Sign-symbolic actions - transformation of models

    It is not advisable to invent new means of physical education for the formation of physical education, it is enough to pay attention to the design of the educational process from the following positions 1 POSITION The methodology for forming physical education in physical education lessons is aimed at an independent search for a solution to a motor problem, analysis and evaluation of motor actions, search and formulation of goals, as well as systematization acquired knowledge and skills. Increasing cognitive independence and creative activity of students Problem-based learning, project-based learning, active methods of information and communication technologies 2 POSITION The content of the educational program is determined taking into account the objectives of physical education, the type of lesson, the personality of teachers and the characteristics of their work. Based on this, the content of the educational activities developed in physical education lessons will be as follows: Technological stage

    Designing the educational process from the following positions 3 POSITION taking into account the sections of the program, it is recommended to organize work on the formation of educational learning in the following way Types of educational learning Athletics Gymnastics Sports games Ski training Personal++ Regulatory++++ Cognitive+++ Communicative+ The greatest potential in the formation of educational learning is such sections as gymnastics and sports games. Technological stage

    4 POSITION From the list of UUDs, the teacher selects 5-7 most suitable for his teaching methods of physical education, after which it is recommended to adapt them to the specifics of the educational process in FC. That is, each UUD can be expressed in some kind of action with educational material on FC. designing the educational process from the following positions 5 POSITION Determine ways to organize work on the formation of UUD in the lesson, taking into account the stage of training, since at different stages differences are noted in the formation of UUD. Stage of initial learning Stage of in-depth study Stage of improvement Technological stage

    Self-monitoring (reflection) and control Developed: Test tasks for sections of the “Sports Games” course; Complexes of morning exercises for elementary schools; Information booklets for parents “Physical education – healthy children”; Information booklets for students “Why you need to do physical education”; Additional education program “Fundamentals of physical fitness” for students in grades 1–4
    Extracurricular activities in the subject are a logical continuation of the lesson and have the most pronounced educational functions. Extracurricular activities are built taking into account the interests of children and the capabilities of the teacher and educational institution. It is diverse in form and content and is therefore attractive to students, where they become, as it were, participants in simulated events.
    Assessing the effectiveness of the project Diagnostics and assessment of the formation of UUD components (methodology edited by G.V. Repkina, E.V. Zaika). As a result of monitoring based on the main and additional diagnostic characteristics, the levels of formation of the components of UD are determined. The results obtained prove the feasibility of introducing this project into the pedagogical process. The final stage

    Conclusion The hypothesis was confirmed As a result of the project implementation As a result of the project implementation, the following is noted: positive dynamics in the achievements of students in the academic subject; positive dynamics in the achievements of students in the academic subject; higher level of formation of components of educational activities; higher level of formation of components of educational activities; increasing the level of activity of children's participation in competitions and competitions. increasing the level of activity of children's participation in competitions and competitions. The use of UUD in physical education lessons increases the development of general educational skills, gives impetus to the development of student independence in educational activities and, thereby, improves the quality of students’ knowledge in the subject. The final stage

    Further development of the project This project will be used in the work of my colleagues. This project will be used in the work of my colleagues. The project was published on the social networks of educators on their personal website. The project was published on the social networks of educators on their personal website. Link to my website: My physical education teacher website on

    Information sources GEF PROJECTS. Website - Federal State Educational Standard Vorontsov A. B. Implementation of new standards in elementary school. – M.: Vita-Press, Pedagogical Council-forum Asmolova A. G. Universal educational activities in primary school: from action to thought / ed. – M.: Education, – 159 p. Methodological recommendations “How to design universal educational activities in elementary school: from action to thought”: A manual for teachers / A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya, etc.; Ed. A. G. Asmolova. M.: Education, social network of educators

    An urgent and new task in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is to ensure the development of educational learning as a psychological component of the foundation of education.

    Universal educational activities provide the “ability to learn”, the individual’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. Achieving this goal becomes possible thanks to the formation of a system of universal learning activities (UAL).

    Under the universal educational activities (UUD) understand - generalized actions that ensure the ability to learn.

    General academic skills- skills that are universal for all school subjects and main areas of human activity. Generalized actions are characterized by broad transfer, i.e. a generalized action formed on the specific material of a subject and can be used in the study of other subjects.

    Objective of the project- formation of universal educational actions (UAL) in physical education lessons through games.

    Project object- educational process in primary school physical education lessons.

    Subject of the project- development of students’ personality, cognitive and physical abilities.

    Achieving this goal is expected through solving the following tasks:

    Determine the composition and characteristics of universal educational activities;

    Ensure the formation of UUD in physical education lessons through games;

    To create a program for the formation of universal educational actions in physical education lessons using games.

    The UUD formation program includes:

    1. characteristics of universal educational activities in physical education;
    2. characterization of the results of the formation of universal educational actions at different stages of education in primary school;
    3. typical tasks of forming universal educational actions in physical education lessons using games.

    Today, UUD is given great importance. This is a set of ways for a student to act, which ensures his ability to independently assimilate new knowledge, including the organization of the assimilation process itself.

    The requirements for learning outcomes are formulated in the form of personal, meta-subject and subject results for those who have mastered the basic educational program of primary general education:

    - personal, including the readiness and ability of students for self-development, the formation of motivation for learning and knowledge, the value and semantic attitudes of students, reflecting their individual personal positions, social competencies, personal qualities; formation of the foundations of civic identity.

    - meta-subject, including universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn, and interdisciplinary concepts.

    - subject, including the experience acquired by students in the course of studying an academic subject in activities specific to a given subject area in obtaining new knowledge, its transformation and application, as well as the system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge that underlie the modern scientific picture of the world.

    The result of using UUD in physical education lessons is an increase in the development of general educational skills that give impetus to the development of students' independence in educational activities and, thereby, improve the quality of students' knowledge in the subject.

    Characteristics of universal learning activitiesin physical education

    Universal learning activities can be grouped into four main blocks:

    1) personal;

    2) regulatory;

    3) educational;

    4) communicative.

    The universal competencies of students in physical education are:

    Ability to organize one’s own activities, choose and use means to achieve its goals;

    Ability to actively participate in collective activities, interact with peers in achieving common goals;

    Ability to convey information in an accessible, emotionally vivid form in the process of communication and interaction with peers and adults.

    Personal results students' mastery of the content of the physical education program:

    Actively engage in communication and interaction with peers on the principles of respect and goodwill, mutual assistance and empathy;

    Show positive personality traits and manage your emotions in various (non-standard) situations and conditions;

    Show discipline, hard work and perseverance in achieving your goals;

    Provide selfless assistance to your peers, find a common language and common interests with them.

    Regulatory actions provide the ability to manage activities through setting goals, planning, monitoring, correcting one’s actions, and assessing the success of mastering:

    Goal setting as setting an educational task based on the correlation of what is already known and learned by students and what is still unknown;

    Planning - determining the sequence of intermediate goals, taking into account the final result; drawing up a plan and sequence of actions;

    Forecasting - anticipation of the result and level of knowledge acquisition, its time characteristics;

    Control in the form of comparison of the method of action and its result with a given standard in order to detect deviations and differences from the standard;

    Correction - making the necessary additions and adjustments to the plan and method of action in the event of a discrepancy between the standard, the actual action and its result, taking into account the assessment of this result by the student, teacher, and comrades;

    Assessment is the identification and awareness by the student of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned, awareness of the quality and level of assimilation; performance evaluation;

    Self-regulation as the ability to mobilize strength and energy, to exert volition (to make a choice in a situation of motivational conflict) and to overcome obstacles.

    Cognitive actions include: general educational, logical educational actions, as well as posing and solving problems.

    General educational universal actions:

    Independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

    Searching and selecting the necessary information, including solving work problems using ICT tools and information sources available to the school;

    Structuring knowledge;

    Conscious and voluntary construction of speech utterances in oral and written form;

    Selecting the most effective ways to solve problems depending on specific conditions;

    Reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

    Meaningful reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres;

    Determination of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of texts of artistic, scientific, journalistic and official business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

    Statement and formulation of the problem, independent creation of activity algorithms when solving problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

    A special group of general educational universal actions consists of sign-symbolic actions:

    Modeling is the transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or symbolic-symbolic);

    Transformation of the model in order to identify general laws that define a given subject area.

    Logical universal actions:

    Analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential);

    Synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

    Selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

    Summarizing the concept, deriving consequences;

    Establishing cause-and-effect relationships, representing chains of objects and phenomena;

    Construction of a logical chain of reasoning, analysis of the truth of statements;


    Proposing hypotheses and their substantiation.

    Statement and solution of the problem:

    Formulating the problem;

    Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

    Communicative UUD ensure social competence and consideration of the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group

    and build productive interactions and collaborations with peers and adults.

    Communicative actions include:

    Planning educational collaboration with the teacher and

    Peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

    Raising questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;

    Conflict resolution - identifying, identifying a problem, searching and evaluating alternative ways to resolve a conflict, making a decision and its implementation;

    Managing a partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

    The ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with the grammatical and syntactic norms of the native language and modern means of communication.

    Universal educational actions represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age development.

    UUDs represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age-related development (Table 1).

    Table 1

    Characteristics of the results of the formation of universal educational actions at different stages of education in primary school


    Personal UUD

    Regulatory UUD

    Cognitive UUD

    Communicative UUD

    1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “goodness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”.

    2. Respect for your family, for your relatives, love for your parents.

    3. Master the roles of the student; formation of interest (motivation) in learning.

    4. Evaluate life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms.

    1. Organize your workplace under the guidance of a teacher.

    2. Determine the purpose of completing tasks in class, in extracurricular activities, in life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

    3. Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

    4. Use the simplest instruments in your activities: ruler, triangle, etc.

    1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section.

    2. Answer simple questions from the teacher, find the necessary information in the textbook.

    3. Compare objects, objects: find commonalities and differences.

    4. Group items and objects based on essential features.

    5. Retell in detail what you read or listened to; determine the topic.

    1. Participate in dialogue in class and in life situations.

    2. Answer questions from the teacher and classmates.

    3. Observe the simplest norms of speech etiquette: say hello, say goodbye, thank you.

    4. Listen and understand the speech of others.

    5. Participate in pairs.

    1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”.

    2. Respect for your people, for your homeland.

    3. Mastering the personal meaning of learning, the desire to learn.
    4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms.

    1. Organize your workplace independently.

    2. Follow the regime for organizing educational and extracurricular activities.

    3. Determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of a teacher and independently.

    5. Correlate the completed task with the example proposed by the teacher.

    6. Use simple tools and more complex devices (compasses) in work.

    7. Correct the task in the future.

    8. Evaluate your task according to the following parameters: easy to complete, encountered difficulties in completing it.

    1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section; define the circle of your ignorance.

    2. Answer simple and complex questions from the teacher, ask questions yourself, find the necessary information in the textbook.

    3. Compare and group items and objects on several grounds; find patterns; independently continue them according to the established rule.

    4. Retell in detail what you read or listened to; make a simple plan.

    5. Determine in which sources you can find the necessary information to complete the task.

    6. Find the necessary information both in the textbook and in the dictionaries in the textbook.

    7. Observe and draw independent simple conclusions

    1.Participate in dialogue; listen and understand others, express your point of view on events and actions.

    2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations.

    1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”, “justice”, “desire to understand each other”, “ understand the position of the other."

    2. Respect for one’s people, for other peoples, tolerance for the customs and traditions of other peoples.

    3. Mastering the personal meaning of the teaching; desire to continue their studies.

    4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms, moral and ethical values.

    1. Organize your workplace independently in accordance with the purpose of completing tasks.

    2. Independently determine the importance or necessity of performing various tasks in the educational process and life situations.

    3. Determine the purpose of educational activities with the help of yourself.

    4. Determine a plan for completing tasks in lessons, extracurricular activities, and life situations under the guidance of a teacher.

    5. Determine the correctness of the completed task based on comparison with previous tasks, or on the basis of various samples.

    6. Adjust the execution of the task in accordance with the plan, conditions of execution, and the result of actions at a certain stage.

    7. Use literature, tools, and equipment in your work.

    8. Evaluate your assignment according to parameters presented in advance.

    2. Independently assume what additional information will be needed to study unfamiliar material; select the necessary sources of information among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, and reference books proposed by the teacher.

    3. Extract information presented in different forms (text, table, diagram, exhibit, model, illustration, etc.)

    4. Present information in the form of text, tables, diagrams, including using ICT.

    5. Analyze, compare, group various objects, phenomena, facts.

    2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech from your educational and life speech situations.

    4. Performing various roles in the group, collaborate in jointly solving a problem (task).

    5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette.

    6. Be critical of your opinions.

    8. Participate in the work of the group, distribute roles, negotiate with each other.

    1. Appreciate and accept the following basic values: “kindness”, “patience”, “homeland”, “nature”, “family”, “peace”, “true friend”, “justice”, “desire to understand each other”, “ understand the position of the other”, “people”, “nationality”, etc.

    2. Respect for one’s people, for other peoples, acceptance of the values ​​of other peoples.

    3. Mastering the personal meaning of the teaching; choice of further educational route.

    4. Assessment of life situations and actions of characters in literary texts from the point of view of universal human norms, moral and ethical values, and the values ​​of a Russian citizen.

    1. Formulate the task independently: determine its goal, plan the algorithm for its implementation, adjust the work as it progresses, independently evaluate it.

    2. Use various means when completing a task: reference books, ICT, tools and devices.

    3. Determine your own assessment criteria and give self-assessment.

    1. Find your bearings in the textbook: determine the skills that will be developed based on studying this section; determine the circle of your ignorance; plan your work to study unfamiliar material.

    2. Independently assume what additional information will be needed to study unfamiliar material; select the necessary sources of information among the dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, and electronic disks proposed by the teacher.

    3. Compare and select information obtained from various sources (dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books, electronic disks, the Internet).

    4. Analyze, compare, group various objects, phenomena, facts.

    5. Draw conclusions independently, process information, transform it, present information based on diagrams, models, messages.

    6. Create a complex text plan.

    7. Be able to convey content in a compressed, selective or expanded form.

    1. Participate in dialogue; listen and understand others, express your point of view on events and actions.

    2. Formulate your thoughts in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations.

    4. Performing various roles in the group, collaborate in jointly solving a problem (task).

    5. Defend your point of view, observing the rules of speech etiquette; argue your point of view with facts and additional information.

    6. Be critical of your opinions. Be able to look at a situation from a different position and negotiate with people from different positions.

    7. Understand the other person's point of view

    8. Participate in the work of the group, distribute roles, negotiate with each other. Anticipate the consequences of collective decisions.

    Typical tasks of forming universal educational actions

    in physical education lessons using games

    In my practice, in physical education lessons in primary school, I often use gaming technologies, both group and pair games, since these technologies allow the formation of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative learning skills in a natural and relaxed atmosphere.

    The game form of classes is created in physical education lessons with the help of game techniques and situations that act as a means of inducing and stimulating students to educational activities. And finally, the specifics of gaming technology are largely determined by the gaming environment: there are games with and without objects, tabletop, indoor, outdoor, on-site, computer and with TSO, as well as with various means of transportation.

    The game can become a tool that comprehensively provides:

    Successful adaptation of the child to a new developmental situation;

    Preservation and improvement throughout primary education of the achievements of the preschool period of development;

    Development of a junior schoolchild as a subject of his own behavioral activity, his effective socialization;

    Preservation and strengthening of his moral, mental, physical health, etc. etc.

    The choice of game is determined by the educational goals of the lesson. In addition, the game should be accessible to students and meet their needs and interests (see Table 2). The purpose of using the technology of game forms of education is to develop sustainable cognitive interest among students through a variety of game forms of learning.

    It is recommended to organize work on the formation of UUD in physical education lessons taking into account the sections of the program material. Each section of the curriculum, as well as various program materials in physical education, has a different potential in the formation of UUD. .

    table 2

    Formed UUDs in a physical education lesson

    Formed UUD

    Subject actions

    Personal universal actions

    the foundations of general cultural and Russian civic identity as a sense of pride in achievements in world and domestic sports;

    mastering the moral standards of helping those who need it, the willingness to take responsibility;

    development of achievement motivation and readiness to overcome difficulties based on constructive coping strategies and the ability to mobilize one’s personal and physical stress resistance resources;

    mastering the rules of a healthy and safe lifestyle.

    Mastering the methods of motor activity.

    Regulatory universal actions

    the ability to plan, regulate, control and evaluate their actions.
    Planning a common goal and ways to achieve it; distribution of functions and roles in joint activities; constructive conflict resolution; implementation of mutual control; assessing your own behavior and that of your partner and making the necessary adjustments

    Performing sets of exercises, outdoor games, competitions, measuring physical development indicators, playing sports.

    Communicative universal actions

    interaction, partner orientation, collaboration and cooperation (in team sports)

    Performing sets of exercises, outdoor games, sports games, competitions, measuring physical development indicators, playing sports.

    Personal UUD:



    To form personal LUDs, tasks are used in which children are asked to give their own assessment.

    Table 3

    Types of tasks and games

    for the formation of UUD

    Game example

    Games:“Mirror”, “Without false modesty”, “Magic basket”, “I am in the rays of the sun”, “I am a gift for humanity”, “Fortune teller”, “Find yourself”, “Magic chair”, “Pumping up confidence”, “On bridge" "Professions", "Rag Doll" and many others.

    Game “What kind of cat will I be”

    Target: development of reflection and self-awareness, creative activity, empathy and sensitivity.

    During the exercise, children get acquainted with the various components of their personality and character in the safest way, and personal self-analysis occurs. Instructions for students: “Imagine that you have become a cat. What kind of cat are you? Next, you need to analyze the exercise with the children: Are there any similarities between your character and the description of the animal? What did you like most about what the cat said about herself? Does your cat have any negative aspects? Whose stories were the most interesting for you? Did you like the exercise?

    Game "Photo for memory"

    Target: development of self-regulation skills, arbitrariness in alternating activity and static, communication skills (facial expressions, gestures). We will take some photos for memory. Your task is to use posture, gesture and facial expressions to depict the situation that I call, and freeze until the “Cut” command.

    Exercise “Sound gymnastics”

    Target: development of self-regulation skills. Calm, relaxed state, standing, with a straight back. First, we take a deep breath in through our nose, and as we exhale, we pronounce the sound “ha” loudly and energetically - it helps to improve our mood.

    Cognitive UUD:

    1. Statement of purpose

    2. Highlighting the necessary information

    3. Structuring

    4. Choosing effective ways to solve a learning problem

    5. Reflection

    6. Analysis and synthesis

    7. Comparison

    8. Classification

    9. Actions for posing and solving a problem

    Table 5

    Types of tasks and games

    for the formation of UUD

    Game example

    “Find the differences”, “what does it look like?”, “search for the odd one out”, “labyrinths”, ordering, “chains”, games aimed at developing memory, imagination, thinking, the ability to draw up diagrams, orientation in space.

    TRKM techniques: thick and thin questions, Bloom's daisy, syncwine, prediction tree, true and false statements, basket of ideas, “do you believe?” reception Fishbone et al.

    Games:“Guess the idea”, “Snowball”, “Flies - does not fly”, “Edible - not edible”, “Hot potato”, “Looking for treasure”, “Treasure search”, “Route sheet”, “Guess the word”, “ It happens - it doesn’t happen,” “Zipp-Zapp,” “Cartoon,” “Still Picture,” “Spies” and others.

    Games and exercises to develop communication skills and team building: “Cobweb”, “Tourists and Rocks”, “Associations”, “Aliens”, “Inheritance”, “Unfamiliar Planet”, “Interview”, “Mittens”, “Conversation through glass”, “Pum-pum”, “Guess who we’re talking about”, and others.

    Game "Tangle".

    Target: development of communication skills, stress relief, team building.

    You need to compliment someone sitting in the circle and give him the ball. Part of the thread remains in your hands. Look how bright and durable the web we have turned out to be. And now we will unravel it. Starting with the last participant in the game, we wind up a ball and at the same time say words of gratitude to the one who complimented you. You can analyze what is more pleasant (more difficult) to give compliments, to receive them, or to thank them.

    As part of the planned objectives of the lesson, games help solve them, which are used in close connection with other means, through integrated use with general developmental and special exercises. When planning a specific lesson, the overall load of the lesson is taken into account and its place in the game is determined among other exercises and learning tasks.

    Thus, in systematically selected games, practiced naturally and naturally, students learn to run faster, jump high and far, accurately hit the target, throw the ball further, move confidently on skis, and act deftly and effectively in team competitions.

    The difficulty of games in terms of physical activity and the complexity of interaction between participants should be accessible and increase gradually.

    The main condition for the successful introduction of outdoor and sports games into the lives of schoolchildren has always been and remains deep knowledge and fluency in extensive game repertoires, as well as pedagogical guidance methods.

    1. Arefieva, O. M. Features of the formation of communicative universal educational skills of junior schoolchildren / O. M. Arefieva // Primary school plus before and after. - 2012. - No. 2. - P.74-78: table. - Bibliography: p. 78
    2. Klubovich O. V. Formation of communication skills in the conditions of the new Federal State Educational Standard / O. V. Klubovich // Primary school plus before and after. - 2011. - No. 10. - P. 50-51.
    3. Akhmetova G.D., Current problems of pedagogy: materials of the V International. scientific conf. Chief editor Akhmetova G.D., Editorial board of the collection: M.N. Akhmetova, Yu.V. Ivanova, etc. (Chita, April 2014). - Chita: Young Scientist Publishing House, 2014. - 163 p. - 111 p. [Accessed 06/08/2015]
    4. Kopylov, Yu. A., Verkhlin V. N. The third lesson of physical education in elementary school: Methodological recommendations / Yu.A. Kopylov, V.N. Verkhlin // - M.: Chistye Prudy, 2005. -32 p.: ill. (Library “The First of September”, series “Sports at School”) - 11-28 pp.
    5. Anikeeva N.P., Book. for the teacher. - M.: Education, 1987. - 144 p. - (Psychological science - school). [Access date 06/08/2015]
    6. Asmolov A. G., Burmenskaya G. V., Volodarskaya I. A. et al. How to design universal educational activities in elementary school. From action to thought: A manual for teachers / [A. G. Asmolov, G. V. Burmenskaya, I. A. Volodarskaya and others]; edited by A. G. Asmolova. - 2nd ed. - M.: Education, 2010. - 152 p.: ill. - (Second generation standards).

    Lesson 33. A.K. Tolstoy. Main themes and motives of creativity

    Lesson objectives:

    Educational:- know the most important biographical information about the writer, the main themes of his work, the texts of his works;

    Educational:- develop students’ independence, cognitive and creative abilities, the ability to analyze and compare lyrical works;

    Develop the ability to expressively and by heart read and analyze poetic texts, identify figurative and expressive means of language.

    Educational: - education of a thinking person-creator, capable of developing himself.

    During the classes.

    The door to the damp porch opened again,

    In the midday rays there are traces of a recent cold

    They are smoking. A warm wind blew in our faces

    And wrinkles the blue puddles in the fields.

    The fireplace is still crackling, the ebb of fire

    Reminiscent of the past cramped world of winter.

    But the lark is there, ringing over the winter fields,

    Today he announced that a different life has come.

    And words sound in the air, I don’t know whose

    About happiness, and love, and youth, and trust,

    And the running streams loudly echo them,

    Fluctuating reeds, yellowing feathers.

    Let them be like they are on clay and sand

    The melted snow, murmuring, is carried away by waters,

    The longing of your soul will be carried away without a trace

    The healing power of resurrected nature!

      Checking homework.

      Lecture on the biography of A.K. Tolstoy with elements of note-taking.

    A.K. Tolstoy is a great Russian poet, writer, playwright, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In the 20th century, 11 feature films were made based on his works in Russia, Italy, Poland, and Spain. His theatrical plays were successfully performed not only in Russia, but also in Europe. More than 70 musical works were created based on his poems at different times. Music for Tolstoy's poems was written by such outstanding Russian composers as Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Balakirev, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, as well as the Hungarian composer F. Liszt. None of the poets can boast of such an achievement.

    Half a century after the death of the great poet, the last classic of Russian literature, I. Bunin, wrote: “Gr. A.K. Tolstoy is one of the most remarkable Russian people and writers, even to this day under-appreciated, under-understood and already forgotten.”

    Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich (August 24, 1817 St. Petersburg - September 28, 1875 Krasny Rog (now Pochepsky district of Bryansk region)

    On his father's side, he belonged to the ancient noble family of the Tolstoys (statesmen, military leaders, artists, Leo Tolstoy - second cousin). Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya - came from the Razumovsky family (the last Ukrainian hetman Kirill Razumovsky, a statesman of Catherine's times, was her grandfather).

    After the birth of their son, the couple separated, his mother took him to Little Russia, to her brother A.A. Perovsky, known in literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. He took up the education of the future poet, encouraging his artistic inclinations in every possible way, and especially for him composed the famous fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” (1829).

    By 1826 (9 years old), his mother and uncle moved the boy to St. Petersburg, where he was chosen as one of the playmates of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II (later the most friendly relations remained between them). Perovsky regularly took his nephew abroad to see the sights there, and once introduced him to I.V. himself. Goethe. Tolstoy remembered this meeting all his life and kept the gift of the great poet - a piece of mammoth ivory. Until his death in 1836, Perovsky remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the young Tolstoy (he wrote from the age of 6), and submitted them to judgment
    V.A. Zhukovsky and A.S. Pushkin, with whom he was on friendly terms. Perovsky bequeathed his entire rather significant fortune to his nephew.

    In 1834 (17 years old) Alexei Tolstoy was enrolled as a “student” in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    In the public service A.K. was 27 years old. 1834-1861 – Tolstoy in public service(college secretary, in 1843 received the court rank of chamber cadet, in 1851 - master of ceremonies (5th class), in 1856, on the coronation day of Alexander II, was appointed aide-de-camp). He finished his service as a state councilor (colonel).

    Tolstoy made his debut in literature not as a poet, but as a writer. IN In 1841, a mystical story on a vampire theme, “The Ghoul,” was published. V.G. Belinsky noted this work as the creation of a very young, but very promising writer. Other stories written in the late 1830s and early 1840s, “The Family of the Ghoul” and “Meeting after Three Hundred Years,” are also imbued with fantasy.

    Tolstoy's highest achievement in prose was the novel “Prince Silver” (1862). This is a historical novel in the “Walterscott” spirit about the era of the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible. The novel was not accepted by modern critics, but was extremely popular among readers.

    In 1854 (37 years old) Tolstoy began publishing his lyric poems (he wrote from the age of 6). During his lifetime, only one collection of poems was published in 1867 (50 years).

    In the 60s, Tolstoy was passionate about drama (writing theatrical plays). Wide, incl. and he received European recognition thanks to dramatic trilogy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” (1866), “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” (1868) and “Tsar Boris” (1870). Its main theme is the tragedy of power, and not only the power of autocratic kings, but more broadly - the power of man over reality, over his own fate.

    A. Tolstoy's service is disgusting. A. Tolstoy put “art as a benefit a hundred times higher than service.”

    In 1861, A. Tolstoy, in an official letter to Alexander II, asked for his resignation: “Service, whatever it may be, is deeply disgusting to my nature. I thought that I would be able to conquer the artist’s nature in myself, but experience has shown that I fought in vain "Service and art are incompatible, one harms the other, and a choice must be made." Having achieved retirement, A. Tolstoy devotes himself to literature, family, hunting, and the countryside.

    Personality of A.K. Tolstoy He has always been distinguished by nobility, honesty, directness, and an unwillingness to bend his heart and make moral compromises. The poet always honestly spoke to the tsar, with whom he had been friends since childhood, to his face about the absurdities of power. In addition, he resolutely did not accept the Russian radicalism of the revolutionary democrats, and was an opponent of social upheavals (he quarreled with Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    Tolstoy had enormous physical strength: he bent horseshoes, tied silver spoons in knots, and drove nails into the wall with his finger.

    Thanks to the efforts of A. Tolstoy, Turgenev returned from exile in 1853. In the mid-50s, he helped Taras Shevchenko return from exile. In the summer of 1862, he stood up for Ivan Aksakov, who was forbidden to edit the newspaper Den. In 1863, he again stood up for the arrested Turgenev. In 1864, A. Tolstoy makes an attempt to soften the fate of Chernyshevsky, who was sent to hard labor. To the tsar’s question about what was happening in Russian literature, A. Tolstoy replied that she “put on mourning over the unjust condemnation of Chernyshevsky,” but Alexander II coldly cut him off: “Tolstoy, never remind me of Chernyshevsky.” This episode especially clearly demonstrates how deep and unshakable A. Tolstoy’s convictions about honor, law, and justice were. After all, A. Tolstoy never had any sympathy for either Chernyshevsky’s views or his personality, but he was outraged by those illegal methods of reprisal that cannot be permissible even in relation to an enemy.

    3. The main themes of A.K.’s creativity Tolstoy (notebook entries).

    A.K. Tolstoy is a unique poet. His poems cannot but be distinguished from the mass of others. They are musical, flexible, written in rich, figurative language; the image in them is always strictly subordinated to internal logic, and every detail in this image is justified and necessary. The precision and picturesqueness of the language, combined with the masterful finishing of the verse, made Tolstoy's poetry exemplary. Time has no power over great poets.

    The unrelenting attractive force of Tolstoy's poetry consists of deep patriotism, humanism and the perfection of artistic form. Thematically, his poetry is varied. In it one can highlight the themes of the homeland, freedom and the struggle against secular society, the ruling elite, the theme of the departure of the noble class from the historical arena, the theme of love, the role of the poet and poetry in public life. The poet's poems uniquely reflect the social struggle of his time. Affirmation of love for the motherland, condemnation of despotism in any form, proclamation of the ideal of a free personality, service to beauty that elevates man - this is the pathos of the best of them.

    The complexity and inconsistency of the writer’s worldview./ Tolstoy was an ideological opponent of revolutionary democracy in the 60s of the 19th century. At the same time, he had a negative attitude towards both the ruling elite and the police state.

    Homeland theme.

    The most important theme of Tolstoy's lyrics is the theme of the Motherland. The poet always wrote about his Motherland with deep love, excitedly, and often with sadness. His patriotism can be compared to a certain extent with the patriotism of Lermontov.

    Tolstoy divided the history of Russia into two periods: pre-Mongol (Kievan Rus) and post-Mongol (Moscow Rus).

    He idealized the first period. In his opinion, in ancient times Rus' was close to knightly Europe and embodied the highest type of culture, reasonable social structure and free manifestation of a worthy personality. There was no slavery in Rus', there was democracy in the form of a veche, there was no despotism and cruelty in governing the country, the princes respected the personal dignity and freedom of citizens, the Russian people were distinguished by high morality and religiosity. The international prestige of Rus' was also high.

    Tolstoy's ballads and poems, depicting images of Ancient Rus', are imbued with lyricism; they convey the poet's passionate dream of spiritual independence, admiration for the integral heroic natures captured in folk epic poetry. In the ballads “Ilya Muromets”, “Matchmaking”, “Alyosha Popovich”, “Borivoy”, images of legendary heroes and historical subjects illustrate the author’s thoughts and embody his ideal ideas about Rus'.

    The Mongol-Tatar invasion turned the tide of history back. Since the 14th century, the liberties, universal consent and openness of Kievan Rus and Veliky Novgorod have been replaced by servility, tyranny and national isolation of Muscovite Russia, explained by the painful legacy of the Tatar yoke. Slavery in the form of serfdom is established, democracy and guarantees of freedom and honor are destroyed, autocracy and despotism, cruelty, and moral decay of the population arise.

    He attributed all these processes primarily to the period of the reign of Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter the Great.

    Tolstoy perceived the 19th century as a direct continuation of the shameful “Moscow period” of our history. Therefore, modern Russian orders were also criticized by the poet.

    Singer of the nature of his native land.

    The poet's deep love for his native nature and a subtle sense of its beauty. Many of A.K. Tolstoy’s works are based on descriptions of his native places, his Motherland, which nurtured and raised the poet. He has a very strong love for everything “earthly”, for the surrounding nature, he subtly senses its beauty. Tolstoy's lyrics are dominated by landscape-type poems.

    At the end of the 50-60s, enthusiastic folk song motifs appeared in the poet’s works. A distinctive feature of Tolstoy's lyrics is folklore. Spring time, blossoming and reviving fields, meadows, and forests, are especially attractive to Tolstoy. Tolstoy's favorite image of nature is the “cheerful month of May.” The spring revival of nature heals the poet from contradictions, mental anguish and gives his voice a note of optimism

    Satire and humor.

    Humor and satire have always been part of A.K.'s nature. The funny pranks, jokes, and antics of young Tolstoy and his cousins ​​Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov were known throughout St. Petersburg. High-ranking government officials were especially hard hit. Complaints.

    Later Tolstoy became one of the creators of the image Kozma Prutkova- a smug, stupid official, completely devoid of literary talent. Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikovs compiled a biography of the fictitious would-be writer, invented a place of work, familiar artists painted a portrait of Prutkov.

    On behalf of Kozma Prutkov, they wrote poems, plays, aphorisms, and historical anecdotes, ridiculing in them the phenomena of the surrounding reality and literature. Many believed that such a writer really existed.

    Tolstoy's love lyrics.

    Almost all of Tolstoy's love lyrics are dedicated to Sofya Andreevna, who became his

    his wife, his inspirer and critic. Tolstoy's poems about love -

    a kind of lyrical diary about difficult and bright love that heals

    the soul of a strong man.

    In most of Tolstoy's love poems there are two heroes: “I” and “you” (beloved), and that the image of the beloved is imbued with purity of moral feeling, true humanity.

      Reading and analysis of the poem “A tear trembles in your jealous gaze...”.

    Questions for analysis:

    1. How is the ideological and aesthetic concept of beauty reflected in the poem?
    2. Prove that the poet considers nature, love and art to be manifestations of the ideal beauty of the world.

    3. Why does the poet see the imperfection of the world in the disunity of these manifestations of beauty?
    4. What meaning do the expressions “I can love only in open space”, “the verb creative power”, “we love with a fragmented love” acquire in his poem?
    5. What is the meaning of the poet’s call to merge “into one love”?

    Result: The poet gives the concept of “love” a divine and creative meaning. Love is an all-unifying and all-creating force, but on earth both nature and other eternal principles of existence are “fragmented”, incomplete and cannot merge into one beauty. The poet’s concept of love expands the narrow boundaries of sensual love and includes in it all-human love as the principle of being, laid by the Creator as the foundation of the universe. The poet loves his beloved with just such an ideal, universal love, overcoming earthly grief, overcoming the limited laws of the earth and the powers of earthly man. This speaks of a strong romantic tradition in the poet’s lyrics. His lyrical hero despises the mediocre, earthly and turns to the sublime and ideal.

      Reading and analysis of the poem “Against the Current.”

    Questions for analysis:

      What ideological and aesthetic conflict underlies the poem?

      What is its metaphorical meaning?

      What historical examples does Tolstoy prove his ineradicable faith in beauty?

      Why is the poet sure that victory belongs to those who go “against the tide”?

    Bottom line. The poem reflects Tolstoy's ideological and aesthetic concept of the almighty power of beauty; it sounds a rebuke to ordinary people, non-resistance people who profess a utilitarian approach to creativity. The poet is sure that beauty is an eternal category and cannot be shaken by the trends of new times. The poet attributes the creative process, driven by the power of beauty, to sacred values, putting art on a par with the victories of Christianity.

    6.Reading and analysis of the poem “Sir, you are our father.”

    Questions for analysis:

      What artistic meaning is there in the fact that the song was supposedly written on behalf of the people?

      What assessment does Tolstoy give to the nature of Peter's reforms? Why was such a position positively received in Slavophile circles? How did this fit in with the Westernizing views of the poet himself?

      Prove that Tolstoy's song is a symbolic expression of all kinds of transformations in Russia.

      What is the meaning of the dialogue between “father” and “mother”?

      Confirm with examples the poet’s idea that the people are the core of the nation and the keeper of its spiritual treasures. How was the poet’s deep sympathy for the people expressed?

      Why does the poet condemn the rule of Russia by the reforming tsars?

    Result: A. Tolstoy was characterized by personal independence, honesty, incorruptibility, and nobility. Careerism, opportunism and the expression of thoughts contrary to his convictions were alien to him. Being a monarchist by political convictions, the poet always honestly spoke to the face of the Tsar, with whom he had been friends since childhood, about the absurdities of power. He condemned the sovereign course of the Russian bureaucracy and looked for an ideal in the origins of Russian democracy in ancient Novgorod, seeing in it the strong ancient properties of the Russian people. In addition, he resolutely did not accept the Russian radicalism of the revolutionary democrats, being outside both camps. In the dispute between Westerners and Slavophiles, Tolstoy was on the side of the Westerners, but criticized both of them. Such an irreconcilable ideological position, love for Russian culture and history, knowledge of Russian folklore explained the specifics of his work: a combination of lyrics and satire, folklore motifs, breadth and directness of views on the fate of the Motherland.

    7. Lesson summary.

    The poetic power and charm of Tolstoy’s lyrics lie primarily in the spontaneity of feeling, the sincerity of tone, and the ability to reveal the “dialectics of the soul.” In his poems, the clearly expressed is adjacent to vague experiences, halftones and hints.

    Our conversation today concerned Tolstoy the poet. I pursued the goal of opening your heart to perceive the spiritual heritage of our fellow countryman, contained in his poems. And if your hand reaches out to Tolstoy’s volume to re-read your favorite lines or discover something new, then I, as a teacher, have fulfilled my mission.

    Against this background, the statement about A.K. is very valuable. Tolstoy of another Russian classic I.S. Turgenev: “He left as a legacy to his compatriots wonderful examples of dramas, novels, lyric poems, which for many years every educated Russian would be ashamed not to know; he was the creator of a new literary genre for us - the historical ballad ; in this field he has no rivals: Finally, who doesn’t know that in his strictly ideal and harmonious nature a stream of genuine humor flowed with a fresh spring - and that Count A.K. Tolstoy, the author of “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” and “The Silver Prince” ", was at the same time one of the creators of the memorable Kozma Prutkov. Everyone who knew him knows well what kind of soul he was, honest, truthful, accessible to all good feelings, ready to make sacrifices, invariably faithful and direct. "Knightly nature" - this expression almost inevitably came to everyone’s lips at the mere thought of Tolstoy; I would allow myself to use another - wonderful and in this case the most appropriate - epithet. Humane nature, deeply humane! - that’s what Tolstoy was, and like any true poet, whose life steadily flows into his work, this humane nature comes through and breathes in everything he wrote.”



    1) Educational– introducing students to the personality, biography and work of the great writer; formation of students’ ideas about genres and images of A.K.’s poetry. Tolstoy, enriching students' vocabulary.

    2) Developmental -- consolidating the ability to work with educational literature, developing the ability to listen, analyze, and improving monologue speaking skills.

    3) Educational – developing a sense of pride in Russian literature.

    During the classes

    1.Organizing moment

    2.Learning new material

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    Teacher's introduction

    Russian literature gave the world three writers with the surname Tolstoy:

    • L.N. Tolstoy is the author of “Sevastopol Stories”, the trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth”, the famous novels “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina” and other great works.
    • A.N. Tolstoy is the author of the novels “Peter the Great”, “Walking in Torment”, “Hyperboloid of Engineer Garin”, and the children’s fairy tale “Pinocchio”.
    • If we talk about the work of A.K. Tolstoy, then most likely the overwhelming majority of residents of our country will not remember a single work of this great man (and this, of course, is very sad).

    But A.K. - great Russian poet, writer, playwright, corresponding member of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences. In the 20th century, 11 feature films were made based on his works in Russia, Italy, Poland, and Spain. His theatrical plays were successfully performed not only in Russia, but also in Europe. More than 70 musical works were created based on his poems at different times.Music for Tolstoy's poems was written by such outstanding Russian composers as Rimsky-Korsakov, Mussorgsky, Balakirev, Rachmaninov, Tchaikovsky, as well as the Hungarian composer F. Liszt. None of the poets can boast of such an achievement.

    Half a century after the death of the great poet, the last classic of Russian literature, I. Bunin, wrote: “Gr. A.K. Tolstoy is one of the most remarkable Russian people and writers, even to this day

    In today's lesson we will try to restore historical justice.

    Writing in a notebook

    Topic: “A.K. Tolstoy. Life and art. The main themes and images of A.K. Tolstoy’s poetry"

    Lesson objectives?

    Let's get acquainted with the biography of the poet and his work;

    Let us highlight the main themes and images in his poetry;

    Let us determine the significance of his work for Russian literature.

    2 slide

    Teacher's story (slideshow)

    Tolstoy Alexey Konstantinovich (August 24, 1817 St. Petersburg - September 28, 1875 Krasny Rog (now Pochepsky district of Bryansk region)

    On his father's side, he belonged to the ancient noble family of the Tolstoys (statesmen, military leaders, artists, Leo Tolstoy - second cousin). Mother - Anna Alekseevna Perovskaya - came from the Razumovsky family (the last Ukrainian hetman Kirill Razumovsky, a statesman of Catherine's times, was her grandfather).

    3 slide

    After the birth of their son, the couple separated, his mother took him to Little Russia, to her brother A.A. Perovsky, known in literature under the name of Anthony Pogorelsky. He took up the education of the future poet, encouraging his artistic inclinations in every possible way, and especially for him composed the famous fairy tale “The Black Hen, or the Underground Inhabitants” (1829).

    By 1826 (9 years old), his mother and uncle moved the boy to St. Petersburg, where he was chosen as one of the playmates of the heir to the throne, the future Emperor Alexander II (later the most friendly relations remained between them). Perovsky regularly took his nephew abroad to see the sights there, and once introduced him to I.V. himself. Goethe. Tolstoy remembered this meeting all his life and kept the gift of the great poet - a piece of mammoth ivory. Until his death in 1836, Perovsky remained the main adviser in the literary experiments of the young Tolstoy (he wrote from the age of 6), and submitted them to judgmentV.A. Zhukovsky And A.S. Pushkin with whom he was on friendly terms. Perovsky bequeathed his entire rather significant fortune to his nephew.

    4 slide

    In 1834 (17 years old) Alexei Tolstoy was enrolled as a “student” in the Moscow archive of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    In the public service A.K. was 27 years old.1834-1861 – Tolstoy in public service(college secretary, in 1843 received the court rank of chamber cadet, in 1851 - master of ceremonies (5th class), in 1856, on the coronation day of Alexander II, was appointed aide-de-camp). He finished his service as a state councilor (colonel).

    5 slide

    Tolstoy made his debut in literature not as a poet, but as a writer. INIn 1841, a mystical story on a vampire theme, “The Ghoul,” was published.V.G. Belinsky noted this work as the creation of a very young, but very promising writer. Other stories written in the late 1830s and early 1840s, “The Family of the Ghoul” and “Meeting after Three Hundred Years,” are also imbued with fantasy.

    Tolstoy's highest achievement in prose was the novel “Prince Silver” (1862). This is a historical novel in the “Walterscott” spirit about the era of the oprichnina of Ivan the Terrible. The novel was not accepted by modern critics, but was extremely popular among readers.

    In 1854 (37 years old) Tolstoy began publishing his lyric poems (he wrote from the age of 6).During his lifetime, only one collection of poems was published in 1867 (50 years).

    6 slide

    In the 60s, Tolstoy was passionate about drama (writing theatrical plays). Wide, incl. and he received European recognition thanks todramatic trilogy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” (1866), “Tsar Fyodor Ioannovich” (1868) and “Tsar Boris” (1870).Its main theme is the tragedy of power, and not only the power of autocratic kings, but more broadly - the power of man over reality, over his own fate.

    A. Tolstoy's service is disgusting. A. Tolstoy put “art as a benefit a hundred times higher than service.”

    7 slide

    In 1861, A. Tolstoy, in an official letter to Alexander II, asked for his resignation: “Service, whatever it may be, is deeply disgusting to my nature. I thought that I would be able to conquer the artist’s nature in myself, but experience has shown that I fought in vain "Service and art are incompatible, one harms the other, and a choice must be made." Having achieved retirement, A. Tolstoy devotes himself to literature, family, hunting, and the countryside.

    Personality of A.K. TolstoyHe has always been distinguished by nobility, honesty, directness, and an unwillingness to bend his heart and make moral compromises. The poet always honestly spoke to the tsar, with whom he had been friends since childhood, to his face about the absurdities of power. In addition, he resolutely did not accept the Russian radicalism of the revolutionary democrats, and was an opponent of social upheavals (he quarreled with Nekrasov, Chernyshevsky, Saltykov-Shchedrin).

    Tolstoy had enormous physical strength: he bent horseshoes, tied silver spoons in knots, and drove nails into the wall with his finger.

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    His favorite pastime was hunting. He especially loved bear hunting with a spear (this is the most dangerous bear hunt, many hunters died in such a hunt, many miraculously survived). He had about 100 bears on his account ( hunting incident).

    Despite his friendship with the heir to the throne, and then Emperor Alexander, Tolstoy never used this for his own benefit. He appeared at court only to take advantage of the privilege of a friend of the emperor: “to speak the truth at all costs” in order to help his fellow writers.

    Slide 9

    Thanks to the efforts of A. Tolstoy, Turgenev returned from exile in 1853. In the mid-50s, he helped Taras Shevchenko return from exile. In the summer of 1862, he stood up for Ivan Aksakov, who was forbidden to edit the newspaper Den. In 1863, he again stood up for the arrested Turgenev. In 1864, A. Tolstoy makes an attempt to soften the fate of Chernyshevsky, who was sent to hard labor. To the tsar’s question about what was happening in Russian literature, A. Tolstoy replied that she “put on mourning over the unjust condemnation of Chernyshevsky,” but Alexander II coldly cut him off: “Tolstoy, never remind me of Chernyshevsky.” This episode especially clearly demonstrates how deep and unshakable A. Tolstoy’s convictions about honor, law, and justice were. After all, A. Tolstoy never had any sympathy for either Chernyshevsky’s views or his personality, but he was outraged by those illegal methods of reprisal that cannot be permissible even in relation to an enemy.

    And now we will outline the main themes, genres and images in the works of A.K. Tolstoy. We will enter the data into a table(transfer the table to your notebook).

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    1. Theme of love (in table)

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    The theme of love occupied a large place in Tolstoy's work. Tolstoy saw love as the main principle of life. Love awakens creative energy in a person. The most valuable thing in love is the kinship of souls, spiritual closeness, which distance cannot weaken.The image of a loving, spiritually rich woman runs through all the poet’s love lyrics (see table).

    The main genre of Tolstoy's love lyrics were poems of the romance type (see table).

    What is romance?

    More than half of his love poems turned into musical poems.

    Since 1851, all the poems were dedicated to one woman, Sofya Andreevna Miller, who later became his wife.

    A. Tolstoy in 1851 met at a masquerade ball with a mysterious stranger (in a mask), who was above the social bustle and kept herself apart, while a certain imprint of mystery lay on her face.She refused to take off her mask, but took his business card, promising to make herself known. Returning home, A. Tolstoy could not sleep for a long time. That evening he writes the poem "Among the Noisy Ball."

    In the middle of a noisy ball, by chance,

    In the anxiety of worldly vanity,

    I saw you, but it's a mystery

    Your veils of features:

    A few days later he saw her. Sofya Andreevna became A. Tolstoy’s only love for life. She was married to a colonel of the Horse Guards (she no longer lived with her husband, but the divorce was not finalized). Their love was a deep feeling, but they could not unite their destinies, since there were obstacles from the domineering mother of A. Tolstoy and L.F. Miller. The marriage was formalized only in 1863. Sofya Andreevna was always A. Tolstoy’s faithful friend, his muse and first strict critic; she had impeccable taste, and the artist valued her opinion very much. Sofya Andreevna was superbly educated, knew 14 languages, played the piano, and sang well.

    All of A. Tolstoy’s love lyrics since 1851 are dedicated to her.

    The poem "Among the Noisy Ball", thanks to Tchaikovsky's music, turned into a famous romance, which was very popular in both the 19th and 20th centuries.

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    Sounds like romance

    Their marriage lasted almost 20 years and became the brightest period in Tolstoy’s life and work.At the end of his life (1871), being far from home, the poet wrote the following words in a letter to his beloved wife: “The blood freezes in my heart at the mere thought that I could lose you - I tell myself: how terribly stupid it is to leave! Thinking about you, I "I don't see a single shadow in your image, not a single one. Everything around is just light and happiness."

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    2) Theme of nature (in the table)

    Check out the article.


    • the main genre of Tolstoy's poetry about nature?
    • main lyrical images?
    • feature, distinctive feature of his poems about nature?

    Many of A.K. Tolstoy’s works are based on descriptions of his native places, his Motherland, which nurtured and raised the poet. He has a very strong love for everything “earthly”, for the surrounding nature, he subtly senses its beauty. Tolstoy's lyrics are dominated by landscape-type poems.

    At the end of the 50-60s, enthusiastic folk song motifs appeared in the poet’s works. A distinctive feature of Tolstoy's lyrics is folklore. Spring time, blossoming and reviving fields, meadows, and forests, are especially attractive to Tolstoy. Tolstoy's favorite image of nature is the “cheerful month of May.” The spring revival of nature heals the poet from contradictions, mental anguish and gives his voice a note of optimism:

    And words sound in the air, I don’t know whose,

    About happiness, and love, and youth, and trust,

    And the running streams loudly echo them,

    Fluttering reeds yellowing feathers;

    Let them be like they are on clay and sand

    The melted snow, murmuring, is carried away by waters,

    The longing of your soul will be carried away without a trace

    The healing power of resurrected nature!

    In the poem “You are my land, my native land,” the poet associates his homeland with the greatness of the steppe horses, with their crazy jumps in the fields. The harmonious fusion of these majestic animals with the surrounding nature creates in the reader images of boundless freedom and vast expanses of their native land. The poet with enthusiastic rapture shares pictures of wide steppes, over which horses seem to soar.

    You are my land, my dear land!
    Horse racing in the wild,
    In the sky the cry of flocks of eagles,
    Wolf's voice in the field!
    Goy, my homeland!
    Goy you, dense forest!
    The midnight nightingale's whistle,
    Wind, steppe and clouds!

    In nature, Tolstoy sees not only undying beauty and a force that heals the tormented spirit of modern man, but also the image of the long-suffering Motherland. Landscape poems easily include thoughts about the native land, about the battles for the country's independence, about the unity of the Slavic world. (“Oh haystacks, haystacks”)

    A student reads a poem

    Oh haystacks, haystacks,
    In a wide meadow!
    You can't be counted
    Don't overlook it!

    Oh haystacks, haystacks,
    In the green swamp
    Standing on the clock
    What are you guarding?

    "A kind person,
    We were flowers -
    They mowed us down
    Sharp braids!

    They scattered us
    In the middle of the meadow
    Scattered apart
    Far away from each other!

    From dashing guests
    We have no defense
    On our heads
    Black crows!

    On our heads,
    Eclipsing the stars
    A flock of jackdaws howls
    Filthy nests.

    Filling table rows

    Main genre: landscape (including philosophical reflections).What is landscape?

    Main images:the spring month of May, the image of the long-suffering Motherland,images of boundless freedom and vast expanses of the native land.

    Peculiarity: folklore, nationality of Tolstoy's poetry (poems in the style of folk songs).

    Many lyrical poems, in which the poet glorified nature, were set to music by great composers. Tchaikovsky highly valued the poet's simple but deeply moving works and considered them unusually musical. Well, another poet of Russian nature (20th century) Sergei Yesenin once spoke about Tolstoy:“He is a big-hearted person. Some kind of heroic prowess can be heard in many of his poems; it seems that the Russian people themselves suggest to him the words, the rhythms, and the depth of feelings.”

    1. Satire and humor (in table)

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    What is the difference between satire and humor?

    Humor and satire have always been part of A.K.'s nature. The funny pranks, jokes, and antics of young Tolstoy and his cousins ​​Alexei and Vladimir Zhemchuzhnikov were known throughout St. Petersburg. High-ranking government officials were especially hard hit. Complaints.

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    Later Tolstoy became one of the creators of the image Kozma Prutkova - a smug, stupid official, completely devoid of literary talent. Tolstoy and the Zhemchuzhnikovs compiled a biography of the fictitious would-be writer, invented a place of work, familiar artists painted a portrait of Prutkov.

    On behalf of Kozma Prutkov, they wrote poems, plays, aphorisms, and historical anecdotes, ridiculing in them the phenomena of the surrounding reality and literature. Many believed that such a writer really existed.

    Prutkov's aphorisms went to the people.

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    Aphorisms of Kozma Prutkov(stupid, plagiarism)

    Look to the root.

    No one will embrace the immensity.

    It’s better to say little, but well.

    A fading memory is like a lamp going out.

    If you have a fountain, shut it up; give the fountain a rest.

    Shooting at a target exercises the hand and gives fidelity to the eye.

    Food is as necessary for health as decent treatment is necessary for an educated person.

    Watch out!

    When you dig a hole for someone else, you yourself will fall into it.

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    His satirical poems enjoyed great success. A.K. Tolstoy’s favorite satirical genres were:parodies, messages, epigrams (in the table).

    Tolstoy’s satire was striking in its courage and mischief. He directed his satirical arrows both at nihilists (“Message to M.N. Longinov on Darwinism”, the ballad “Sometimes Merry May...”, etc.) and at the state order (“Popov’s Dream” ), and on censorship, and the obscurantism of officials, and even on Russian history itself (“History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev”).

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    The most famous work on this topic is the satirical review “The History of the Russian State from Gostomysl to Timashev” (1868). The entire history of Russia (1000 years) from the calling of the Varangians to the reign of Alexander II is set out in 83 quatrains. A.K. gives apt characteristics of Russian princes and tsars, describing their attempts to improve life in Rus'. And each period ends with the words:

    Our land is rich

    There is no order again.

    Reading an excerpt about the reign of Peter I

    Tsar Peter loved order,
    Almost like Tsar Ivan,
    And it was also not sweet,
    Sometimes he was drunk.

    He said: “I feel sorry for you,
    You will perish completely;
    But I have a stick
    And I am the father of you all!..

    Having returned from there,
    He shaved us smooth
    And for Christmas time, so it’s a miracle,
    Dressed up as Dutchmen.

    But this is, however, a joke,
    I don't blame Peter:
    Give the patient a stomach
    Useful for rhubarb.

    Although he is very strong
    There might have been a reception;
    But still quite durable
    There was order with him.

    But sleep overtook the grave
    Petra in her prime,
    Look, the earth is abundant,
    There is no order again.

    We came to the most important topic in the work of A.K. Tolstoy - historical.

    1. Theme of Russian history(to table)

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    Main genres: ballads, epics, poems, tragedies(in the table). These works unfold a whole poetic concept of Russian history.

    What were Tolstoy's views on Russian history?

    Student message

    Tolstoy divided the history of Russia into two periods: pre-Mongol (Kievan Rus) and post-Mongol (Moscow Rus).

    He idealized the first period. In his opinion, in ancient times Rus' was close to knightly Europe and embodied the highest type of culture, reasonable social structure and free manifestation of a worthy personality. There was no slavery in Rus', there was democracy in the form of a veche, there was no despotism and cruelty in governing the country, the princes respected the personal dignity and freedom of citizens, the Russian people were distinguished by high morality and religiosity. The international prestige of Rus' was also high.

    Tolstoy's ballads and poems, depicting images of Ancient Rus', are imbued with lyricism; they convey the poet's passionate dream of spiritual independence, admiration for the integral heroic natures captured in folk epic poetry. In the ballads “Ilya Muromets”, “Matchmaking”, “Alyosha Popovich”, “Borivoy”, images of legendary heroes and historical subjects illustrate the author’s thoughts and embody his ideal ideas about Rus'.

    The Mongol-Tatar invasion turned the tide of history back.Since the 14th century, the liberties, universal consent and openness of Kievan Rus and Veliky Novgorod have been replaced by servility, tyranny and national isolation of Muscovite Russia, explained by the painful legacy of the Tatar yoke. Slavery in the form of serfdom is established, democracy and guarantees of freedom and honor are destroyed, autocracy and despotism, cruelty, and moral decay of the population arise.

    He attributed all these processes primarily to the period of the reign of Ivan III, Ivan the Terrible, and Peter the Great.

    Tolstoy perceived the 19th century as a direct continuation of the shameful “Moscow period” of our history. Therefore, modern Russian orders were also criticized by the poet.

    Once, in a letter to his friend, Alexey Konstantinovich wrote: “If before my birth the Lord God had told me:“ Count! choose the nationality where you want to be born!” - I would answer him: “Your Majesty, wherever you please, but not in Russia!”... And when I think about the beauty of our language, when I think about the beauty of our history before the damned Mongols... I want to throw myself on the ground and roll around in despair at what we have done with the talents God gave us!”

    Basic images of poetry

    Images of folk heroes (Ilya Muromets, Borivoy, Alyosha Popovich) and rulers (Prince Vladimir, Ivan the Terrible, Peter I)

    Working with literary terminology.

    The poet's favorite genre was the ballad

    Ballad (find it in a reference book? and write the term in your notebook)

    The most common literary image in Tolstoy’s work is the image of Ivan the Terrible (in many works - the ballads “Vasily Shibanov”, “Prince Mikhailo Repnin”, the novel “Prince Silver”, the tragedy “The Death of Ivan the Terrible”). The era of the reign of this tsar is a vivid example of “Muscovism”: the execution of undesirables, senseless cruelty, the ruin of the country by the tsar’s guardsmen, the enslavement of the peasants. The blood runs cold when you read the lines from the ballad “Vasily Shibanov” about how the servant of Prince Kurbsky, who fled to Lithuania, brings Ivan the Terrible a message from his master.

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    The king silently leans on his staff and walks,
    And with him all the devious ones gather.
    Suddenly a messenger rides, pushes the people apart,
    He holds a message above his hat.
    And he quickly pulled away from his horse,
    A man approaches King John on foot
    And he says to him, without turning pale:
    “From Kurbsky, Prince Andrey!”

    And the king’s eyes suddenly lit up:
    "To me? From a dashing villain?
    Read, clerks, read aloud to me
    Message from word to word!
    Bring me the letter here, you impudent messenger!”
    And a sharp end in Shibanov’s leg
    He thrusts his rod,
    He leaned on the crutch and listened:

    “To the King, glorified of old from all,
    But I’m drowning in abundant filth!
    Answer, madman, for what sin?
    Beat up good and strong people?

    Insane! Or think you are more immortal than us,
    Seduced into an unprecedented heresy?
    Pay attention! The hour of retribution will come,
    Foretold to us by Scripture,
    And I, like the blood in constant battles
    For you, like water, liah and liakh,
    I will appear before the judge with you!”
    This is how Kurbsky wrote to John.

    Shibanov was silent. From a pierced leg
    The scarlet blood flowed like a current,
    And the king on the calm eye of the servant
    He looked with a searching eye.
    A row of guardsmen stood motionless;
    The lord's mysterious gaze was gloomy,
    As if filled with sadness
    And everyone was silent in anticipation.

    And the king said: “Yes, your boyar is right,
    And there is no joyful life for me!
    The blood of the good and strong is trampled underfoot,
    I am an unworthy and stinking dog!
    Messenger, you are not a slave, but a comrade and friend,
    And Kurbsky has many loyal servants, you know,
    Why gave you away for next to nothing!
    Go with Malyuta to the dungeon!”

    The executioners torture and torment the messenger,
    They replace each other.
    “You convict Kurbsky’s comrades,
    Reveal their dog treason!
    And the king asks: “Well, what about the messenger?
    Did he finally call the thief his friends?”
    - “King, his word is all one:
    He praises his master!”

    The day fades, night time comes,
    The gates will hide at the dungeon,
    The shoulder masters enter again,
    The work began again.
    “Well, did the messenger name the villains?”
    - “Tsar, his end is near,
    But his word is all one,
    He praises his master:

    “Oh prince, you who could betray me
    For a sweet moment of reproach,
    Oh prince, I pray that God forgives you
    I will betray you before your fatherland!
    Hear me, God, in my dying hour,
    Forgive my master!
    My tongue goes numb, and my gaze fades away,
    But my word is all one:
    For the formidable, God, king, I pray,
    For our holy, great Rus' -
    And I firmly await the desired death!”
    This is how Shibanov, the striving one, died.

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    3. Reinforcing the material learned

    The main themes in the works of A.K. Tolstoy



    What is the peculiarity, the distinctive feature of all Tolstoy’s poetry?

    Bunin wrote: “Gr. A.K. Tolstoy is one of the most remarkable Russian people and writers, even to this dayunder-appreciated, under-understood and already forgotten.”


    A. Tolstoy was characterized by personal independence, honesty, incorruptibility, and nobility. Careerism, opportunism and the expression of thoughts contrary to his convictions were alien to him. The poet always spoke honestly to the king's face. He condemned the sovereign course of the Russian bureaucracy and looked for an ideal in the origins of Russian democracy in ancient Novgorod. In addition, he resolutely did not accept the Russian radicalism of the revolutionary democrats, being outside both camps.

    Retrograde, monarchist, reactionary - such epithets were awarded to Tolstoy by supporters of the revolutionary path: Nekrasov, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Chernyshevsky. And in Soviet times, the great poet was relegated to the position of a minor poet (he was little published and was not studied in the school literature course). But no matter how hard they tried to consign the name of Tolstoy to oblivion, the influence of his work on the development of Russian culture turned out to be enormous (literature - became the forerunner of Russian symbolism, cinema - 11 films, theater - tragedies glorified Russian drama, music - 70 works, painting - paintings, philosophy - views Tolstoy became the basis for the philosophical concept of V. Solovyov).

    Against this background, the statement about A.K. is very valuable. Tolstoy of another Russian classic I.S. Turgenev: “He left as a legacy to his compatriots wonderful examples of dramas, novels, lyric poems, which for many years every educated Russian would be ashamed not to know; he was the creator of a new literary genre for us - the historical ballad ; in this field he has no rivals: Finally, who doesn’t know that in his strictly ideal and harmonious nature a stream of genuine humor flowed with a fresh spring - and that Count A.K. Tolstoy, the author of “The Death of Ivan the Terrible” and “The Silver Prince” ", was at the same time one of the creators of the memorable Kozma Prutkov. Everyone who knew him knows well what kind of soul he was, honest, truthful, accessible to all good feelings, ready to make sacrifices, invariably faithful and direct. "Knightly nature" - this expression almost inevitably came to everyone’s lips at the mere thought of Tolstoy; I would allow myself to use another - wonderful and in this case the most appropriate - epithet. Humane nature, deeply humane! - that’s what Tolstoy was, and like any true poet, whose life steadily flows into his work, this humane nature comes through and breathes in everything he wrote.”

    4. Summing up(Marks, Homework)


    1. A.K. Tolstoy. Collected works in 4 volumes. – M.: Pravda, 1969.
    2. A.K. Tolstoy. Collected Works/
    3. IN AND. Novikov. Alexey Konstantinovich Tolstoy. - M.: Young Guard, 2011.
    4. Literary names. A.K. Tolstoy/
