Vegetarians among the stars. Vegetarians vs. meat eaters: which star looks better?

Veganism is gaining more and more popularity every year, accepting thousands of new followers every day. And this is not just so, because the number of fauna representatives is greatly reduced. Not only ordinary people, but also numerous celebrities who are also trying to contribute to the preservation and increase in the number of living organisms refuse animal products.

Vegan stars and features of their meat-free life

Proper nutrition is the most important aspect of modern life, which should never be forgotten. Veganism is one of the ways to implement PP and a healthy lifestyle. More and more famous people prefer not a juicy burger with a beef patty and aromatic cheese, but vegetable stew and soy.

If you think that only a few actors, singers, and businessmen adhere to the vegan trend, you will be wrong. You will be very surprised to know how many celebrity followers there are.

Who doesn't know Paul McCartney? This amazing man has the title of knight, officer of the Legion of Honor, after all, he is one of the Beatles. In a series of creative and other victories in 1968, his gastronomic life changed dramatically. He married a wonderful girl, Linda Eastman, who adhered to vegetarianism for many years and actively promoted the trend. The woman published books and even produced a line of vegetarian products.

Her example inspired Paul so much that the famous musician also decided to limit himself to eating meat and fish. Even after the death of his wife from cancer in 1998, he did not abandon the principles of vegetarianism, following them to this day.

The famous rock musician is 47 years old, but he looks much younger. Jared attributes this to his many years of experience as a vegetarian - more than 25 years. He didn’t come to a vegan diet right away. At first he simply gave up meat, and after 14 years he gave up eggs and milk.

Even after contracting gout and cardiac arrhythmia, the musician rehabilitated himself only with products of plant origin, without changing his gastronomic principles for a day.

Note. Jared Leto is an ardent animal rights activist and member of Greenpeace. He is actively promoting artificial fur in an effort to preserve the lives and populations of lush animals.

This famous zoologist and TV presenter also adheres to the vegan movement. He gave up animal products after a trip to India in 1970, during which he became more familiar with yoga and vegetarianism. The main reasons for Drozdov’s transition to veganism:

  • Meat products are practically not absorbed by the body.
  • There is no point in making innocent animals suffer.
  • Eating plant foods makes a person much calmer and more peaceful.

He became ill because of diabetes, which he has suffered from for five years. Immediately after the diagnosis, the actor radically changed his diet and also joined a healthy lifestyle. It was not so difficult to do this, because he has not eaten beef since he was a child.

Why? For a long time, Alec took care of the calf and became attached to it. But when he learned that it was needed for fattening before slaughter, his opinion regarding beef meat changed radically. For many years now, Alec Baldwin has been calling on social networks to think about your daily diet and eat right, forgetting about meat.

She eliminated meat from the menu almost nine years ago, filling her diet with vegetable and fruit components. This was done to cleanse the body of toxins and waste. It is impossible not to note Jessica’s great love for fried potatoes, fast food and meat, so the transition to it was quite difficult, but it brought results.

This is one of the most famous vegans, confident that exclusively plant foods have a beneficial effect on the body, because they contain a huge amount of useful nutrients. The actor says that as a child he was little spoiled. The diet consisted of junk food and fast food, which left its mark on subsequent gastronomic preferences.

He revised his views on the food he consumed during his marriage to Angelina Jolie. Brad took up sports, started eating according to the principles of PP and gradually switched to veganism. The actor claims that it was the change in lifestyle that had a positive impact on his well-being. For Pitt, being vegan is not a modern fashion, but a lifestyle.

Note. Interestingly, Angelina Jolie also fights for animal rights, takes part in various actions, but does not give up meat. The spouses periodically had disputes on this issue.

Today Brad Pitt is 52 years old, but he looks much younger and more cheerful, which, in his opinion, is due solely to a proper diet.

This is one of the most popular strict vegetarians with a significant “experience” of a quarter of a century. At a young age, he suffered from a chronic runny nose and numerous acne. The reason for all this turned out to be banal lactose intolerance, which forced Woody to radically change his diet and outlook on life in general.

And for many years now, he not only does not eat any animal products, but also actively promotes this idea among other people.

The actress has been a vegan since birth. Her parents have been committed to principles and respect for all living organisms for many years. Moreover, the whole family is strict vegan, that is, they do not eat not only meat, fish, but also honey, milk/sour milk, etc.

As you can see, there are not as few vegans as it might seem at first glance. Even famous personalities actively promote the idea of ​​giving up animal food, showing by their example that there is nothing wrong with it.


One vegetarian trend has become so popular and discussed relatively recently. Today, this position no longer causes surprise or discussion, because more and more often you can meet those who fundamentally refuse food of animal origin, and in the best restaurants and cafes it is considered bad form not to include special dishes for vegetarians on the menu. However, this does not mean that the very concept of “vegetarianism” is just as young: by looking at historical chronicles, one can be convinced that in ancient times there were no less people adhering to a similar diet. What is the deep meaning of such a multifaceted and deep concept? Let's figure it out.

Vegetarian educational program: basic concepts

Upon superficial examination, vegetarianism seems to be just a special diet in which animal products are excluded from the diet. However, some use a plant-based menu solely for weight loss and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. This motivation also exists, but most true vegetarians are also guided by religious, ethical and moral beliefs. The choice of plant food for them is a completely logical and justified step, arising from the commandment “thou shalt not kill,” a protest against violence and cruelty in any form, a humane position towards every living creature inhabiting the world around them.

In the process of evolution, true vegetarianism began to be divided into several areas:

  1. Strict vegetarians (vegans) were able to maintain their beliefs by completely abandoning animal products.
  2. Lactovegetarians include milk and dairy products in their menu.
  3. Ovo-vegetarians consume only eggs among all animal products.
  4. Lacto-ovo vegetarians eat dairy products and eggs, but exclude meat and fish.
  5. Pesco-vegetarians allow the consumption of seafood.

Veganism also has a number of varieties:

  1. A raw food diet allows you to include plant-based foods in your diet without heat treatment. Adherents of this trend are convinced that when heated above 46 degrees Celsius, food loses most of its beneficial properties.
  2. Fruitarianism implies that only fruits are used for food, but not the plants themselves. Fruitarians include in their diet only those dishes for the preparation of which it was not necessary to destroy representatives of flora and fauna. For example, they can eat berries, fruits and vegetables, but avoid lettuce and root vegetables (potatoes, carrots, beets, etc.).
  3. The macrobiotic diet is based on cereals and cereals, while sugar and refined vegetable oils are prohibited.

Why is vegetarianism popular among stars and their fans?

Disputes about vegetarianism have not subsided since its appearance in society. Some vigorously agitate to preserve the lives of living beings and take care not only of gluttony, but also of the environment, others consider man a “predator” who needs meat. A banal example given by the famous vegan Gary Yourofsky can dot the i’s once and for all: “Put a live rabbit and an apple in the crib of a two-year-old child. If a child eats a rabbit and plays with an apple, I will admit that I was wrong and eat the steak.” But children listen to their bodies to a greater extent than adults. Therefore, the more important question is not whether the human gastrointestinal tract is able to accept food of animal origin, but is it necessary?

The meat menu became the main part of the diet after production technologies for killing animals became widespread. Such blasphemy could not go unnoticed, so thousands of people began to practice vegetarian habits. “I don’t eat anyone!” - they said, and they were absolutely right. And even those who were least concerned about the moral side of the issue, and who were not disgusted by stories about the unhealthy energy of the food they consumed, wondered whether meat dishes were so healthy. After all, in order to obtain greater profits in production, they began to inject unfortunate animals with appetite stimulants and growth hormones, sedatives and antibiotics. Therefore, eating meat has become not only unjustified, but also very dangerous.

And in terms of its chemical composition, a piece of meat is more reminiscent of “slow poison.” Saturated fatty acids accumulate in the body, causing excess weight, liver damage, atherosclerosis and many other serious diseases. WHO statistics reflect the real picture: in regions where meat is considered the basis of the diet, the incidence of cardiovascular diseases, heart attacks and strokes with a fatal outcome, and malignant neoplasms are many times more common than in countries where vegetarian principles are respected.

A little history. Famous vegetarians of the ancient world

A plant-based diet has always been considered a healthy and correct habit. Have you ever wondered why vegetarianism is popular among celebrities? Speaking about their food preferences and beliefs, they have always tried to convey to their fans that there is no and cannot be an excuse for killing a living creature. And if the voice of reason and conscience is not enough for a person, perhaps he will listen to the sound words of scientists and philosophers who supported vegetarianism.

Despite the fact that vegetarianism only became widespread in the 60s, when hippies openly declared their beliefs, there are many prominent individuals in history who adhered to a plant-based diet. Vegetarianism has been promoted by famous people at all times, and there are many examples of this.


The first thing that is associated with this outstanding ancient Greek philosopher, who lived before our era (404-323 BC) is his famous barrel. However, it was not only this that Diogenes of Sinope became famous in his time. He was the brightest of Antisthenes' students, a follower of the Cynic school, who, moreover, adhered to vegan beliefs. Among his many quotes, which have become aphorisms and remain relevant to this day, are words of wisdom about vegetarianism: “We can eat human flesh just as well as we do the flesh of animals.”


Central Italy was not spared the principles of animal protection. The famous Roman poet Publius Ovid Naso belonged to a noble family of horsemen, and therefore received an excellent education by those standards. It was he who presented a unique verse to the general public, which quickly spread throughout the world:

“Oh, mortals! Be afraid to defile
Their bodies with this wicked food,
Look - your fields are full of grains,
And the branches of the trees bowed under the weight of the fruit,
Vegetables and herbs that are tasty are given to you,
When prepared by a skilled hand,
The vine is rich in bunches,
And fragrant clover gives honey,
Truly, Mother Nature is generous,
Giving us an abundance of these delicacies,
She has everything for your table,
Everything to avoid murder and bloodshed.”


Vegetarianism was supported by famous people of Ancient Greece, among whom was Plutarch, an encyclopedic scientist, writer and philosopher who lived at the junction of two eras in the small Greek town of Chaeronea. However, Plutarch’s fame was not limited to the walls of his native city - he received an excellent education from Ammonius in Athens, and traveled for a long time throughout Greece, Asia Minor and Italy. Once in Rome, he was honored to visit the emperors Trajan and Hadrian.

At home, Plutarch was also very respected: he with dignity bore the title of priest of the Delphic sanctuary, worked as consular and procurator of the province of Achaia. Plutarch devoted an entire treatise to the problems of meat-eating, which has survived to this day in almost unchanged form:

“I, for my part, am perplexed, what must have been the feelings, state of mind or state of mind of the first man when, having killed an animal, he brought the bloody flesh of the victim to his lips? How can he, having placed treats of eerie corpses and carrion on the table in front of the guests, give the names of “meat” and “edible” to something that only yesterday was walking, mooing, bleating, and looking around? How can his vision bear the sight of the shed blood of innocent people killed, the flayed and mutilated bodies? How his sense of smell endures this terrible smell of death and how all these horrors do not spoil his appetite when he chews flesh filled with pain, savoring the blood of a mortal wound.

But how to explain the fact that this madness of gluttony and greed pushes you to the sin of bloodshed, when there is an abundance of resources all around to ensure our comfortable existence? What makes you slander the Earth as unable to provide us with everything we need?.. Aren’t you ashamed to put the product of agriculture on the same level as a torn victim of slaughter? Truly it is common among you.”


Lucius Annaeus Seneca did not come to vegetarianism right away. His father, who valued practice more than his son’s passion for philosophy, moved with his family to Rome from Cordub (a small Spanish town where Seneca was born), where the young scientist learned the basics of the sciences of Sextius, Sotion, and Attalus. Thanks to this, he became not only a philosopher (yes, Seneca did not give up his hobby, but was able to combine it with a career), but also a world-famous playwright and political figure. Among his speeches, many are devoted to vegetarianism as the basis of purity, kindness and humanism:

“The principles of avoidance of meat food, formulated by Pythagoras, if true, teach purity and innocence; if they are false, then at least they teach us frugality, and how great will your loss be if you lose your cruelty? I'm just trying to deprive you of the food of lions and vultures. We are able to find our common sense only by separating ourselves from the crowd - for often the very fact of being supported by the majority can serve as a sure sign of the depravity of a particular view or course of action. Ask yourself: “What is moral?”, not “What is accepted among people?” Be moderate and restrained, kind and fair, forever renounce bloodshed.”

Leonardo da Vinci

A famous Italian scientist, artist, architect, sculptor and inventor of the 15th century, whose word and brushstroke are now worth their weight in gold, the one whose biography formed the basis of the plot of a modern TV series and deserved a Golden Globe... All this is about Leonardo da Vinci. His biting statements about meat-eating still cause a storm of discussion, because Leonardo himself adhered to strict vegetarianism and called on others to save the lives of innocent animals:

  1. “Truly man is the king of beasts, for what other beast can compare with him in cruelty.”
  2. “We live by killing others: we are walking graves!”
  3. “From an early age I avoided eating meat and I believe that the time will come when people like me will look at the killing of an animal as they now look at the killing of a person.”
  4. “As long as people slaughter animals, they will kill each other.”

How do famous people in the music world support vegetarianism?

Pop and show business stars, whose musical compositions are heard by an audience of millions, are trying with all their might to promote the vegetarian position to the masses. It’s hard to blame them for the fact that the fight for the environment is just a PR stunt, because most of them not only openly express their views, but also sacrifice multimillion-dollar concerts, defending the right to life for our little brothers. Vegetarianism is promoted by stars all over the world, many of whom are legends in the musical community.

Stephen Patrick Morrissey

The lead singer of the English rock band The Smiths has become a true legend among vegetarians. According to a BBC2 poll, he was recognized as a silver medalist in the Living Idols category. It was Morrissey who released the album “Meat Is Murder” (“Meat is Murder”) with a track of the same name, which is considered an unspoken anthem for vegetarians. The singer himself gave up eating meat at the age of 11 and only regrets that he did not do this earlier: “Becoming a vegetarian is an absolutely rational decision. There is not a single reasonable argument for killing animals."

The legendary Beatles singer has not eaten animal foods since the early eighties, as has his late wife Linda, who even launched a line of plant-based products. Sir Paul McCartney supports the British organization for the Ethical Treatment of Animals and has more than once been an ardent opponent of killing living creatures for food.

McCartney did not come to vegetarianism right away - he previously consumed meat products and was fond of fishing: “Many years ago I was fishing and, when I pulled it out, I realized that I was killing it - simply for the fleeting pleasure that I received. Then something inside me clicked. I realized when I looked at her struggling for air that life was just as important for this fish as it was for me.”

After this, the singer spoke out more than once in defense of animal rights. Let's listen to what world celebrities say about vegetarianism:

  1. “There are a lot of problems on our planet today. We hear a lot of words from businessmen, from the government, but it seems they are not going to do anything about it. But you yourself can change something! You can help the environment, you can help stop animal cruelty, and you can improve your health. All you have to do is become a vegetarian. So think about it, it's a great idea!”
  2. “If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would become vegetarian.”

Jared Leto

A favorite of the female audience, the lead singer of the rock band 30 Seconds to Mars and actor Jared Leto, in his early forties, looks young and well-groomed. According to the singer himself, a healthy lifestyle and a plant-based diet help him maintain his excellent appearance: “I still have many vices, but alcohol is not one of them. I think it's all about getting enough sleep and diet. If you travel a lot and don’t sleep, you won’t last long, that’s for sure. I lead a pretty healthy lifestyle and I think that helps me a lot. I've been on this path for a long time: I was first a vegetarian for 20 years, then became a vegan, and in general I take care of myself. All this probably helps me maintain my youth.”

The celebrity publicly condemns meat-eaters and does not hesitate to point out that clothing made of leather and fur is essentially the same as murder. At the men's collection show at Fashion Week, Leto wore a fur collar, however, despite the caustic comments of spiteful critics, the fur turned out to be artificial, and Jared himself was very annoyed by the suggestion that he could wear something made from an animal. He had to deviate from his principles only twice since 1993, when the vocalist adopted vegetarianism: during the filming of the video for “A Beautiful Lie” and the film “Alexander,” where, according to his role, he had to consume animal products.

Extravagant singer Alisha Bethe Moore, better known as Pink, is not just a supporter of a vegetarian diet - she actively defends animal rights, being a member of PETA, she speaks sharply negatively about Prince William, Queen Elizabeth II and Beyoncé, who destroy animals for fun and dubious beauty clothes. The singer’s rating is off the charts: for a whole decade (from 2000 to 2010) she held the leading position in the TOP of the American Billboard magazine. However, Pink turned down a multimillion-dollar contract with the royal family: “I turned down an invitation from Prince William to sing at his birthday because he was hunting animals in Africa, and I think that’s disgusting. I also advise you to avoid fur and leather clothing. You can get dressed without killing anyone."

Ozzy Osbourne

Hard rock star Ozzy Osbourne struggled for a long time to become a true vegan. One of the founders of the “golden lineup” of Black Sabbath has released more than 100 million records, and since 2010 he also began writing a column about a healthy lifestyle and a plant-based diet in Rolling Stone magazine. Ozzy Osbourne had no doubt why vegetarianism is popular among stars and their admirers: “Anyone who ordered a steak should be given a knife and brought a cow. Kill yourself and eat!”

Nelly Furtado

The popular Canadian singer supports vegetarianism for several reasons. Firstly, the star recognizes the dangers of meat dishes and tries to take care of her health. And secondly, she is alien to cruelty and abuse towards animals. That is why Nellie’s diet consists exclusively of plant foods: “Vegetarianism is the best choice if you want to be healthy.” Moreover, the singer’s entourage, knowing about her beliefs, does not risk eating meat and fish in her presence - Furtado simply cannot stand the sight of these products.

Famous actors are vegetarians

There is no doubt that acting is a public profession. Therefore, celebrities in the film industry declare their vegetarian beliefs openly and invitingly: in this way they try to convey to their fans the idea of ​​​​a healthy lifestyle and the eradication of evil towards animals. Moreover, many of them note that a plant-based diet allows them to look younger and feel much better. Among them are Leonardo DiCaprio, Brad Pitt, Pamela Anderson, Richard Gere, Natalie Portman, Gwyneth Paltrow, Olivia Wilde and many other world famous stars.

American-Israeli actress Natalie Portman, known to millions of film fans for the films “Leon”, “Closer”, “V for Vendetta” and “Black Swan”, winner of an Oscar and Golden Globe, has been a vegetarian since the age of eight. Natalie’s father involuntarily pushed her to give up meat: “When I was eight years old, my father took me to a medical conference where the achievements of laser surgery were demonstrated. A live chicken was used as a visual aid. Since then I haven’t eaten meat.”

At a conscious age, Natalie Portman became an animal rights activist - she does not wear items made of fur, leather or natural suede, avoids clothes decorated with feathers, and even released her own line of artificial shoes. The actress explains the lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet as follows: “I listened to my body, so I ate eggs and butter. I felt like I wanted these products and I needed them.”

The famous Hollywood actor and sex symbol of the last century, Richard Gere, took the side of vegetarianism after turning to Buddhism. However, he never regretted his decision - according to the celebrity, now he feels more cheerful and stronger every year. And indeed, despite the fact that Richard is over 50, his charm and natural charm are beyond doubt, and his youthful and blooming appearance pleases numerous fans of his work. “The fact that animals suffer from human cruelty is beyond comprehension. Help stop this madness!” - Gere calls. “People are offended by animal rights campaigns. That's funny. It's not as bad as mass animal deaths in a factory."

Richard Gere's healthy lifestyle is not limited to vegetarianism - the actor meditates daily in the lap of nature, travels quite often around Tibet, certainly visiting the Dalai Lama: “This is my home, my family,” says the actor, “here I feel at ease.”

Olivia Wilde

The Hollywood beauty, as if straight from the pages of a glossy magazine, is convinced that her chic appearance is primarily due to her active lifestyle and plant-based diet. Olivia Wilde has adhered to the principles of vegetarianism for many years and practically does not allow herself any indulgences. The only exception for the actress was severe depression after her divorce from her husband, film director Tao Ruspoli Wild. A difficult breakup became a mental trauma for Olivia, and she allowed herself some slack: “I really really like healthy food. I was a vegan for many years. But when my life got hectic, when I was going through a divorce, I thought, “I need some damn cheese.” That’s how cheese came into my life.”

Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow is known as an ardent advocate of the green diet. She has published several books that explain why vegetarianism is popular among celebrities - her collections of macrobiotic recipes have allowed millions of readers to immerse themselves in the world of a celebrity and understand how she manages to look so good.

Such a diet hinders the actress a little on the set, because scenes of family lunches and dinners with the presence of meat dishes should look natural, and Gwyneth literally turns away from the sight of a freshly prepared animal: “Filming scenes of dinners and lunches is bad because you are forced to eat the same thing over and over again.” many takes, sometimes all day. Many actors don’t like this and therefore don’t specifically eat on camera; this approach seems unnatural to me. True, most of what I put in my mouth after the “stop” command I spit out. Otherwise, I risk getting an upset stomach.”

True, Gwyneth Paltrow did not come to such convictions on her own - the basic principles of vegetarianism were put into the actress’s beautiful head by the famous champion of animal rights, colleague Leonardo DiCaprio: “Leo constantly talked about how bad it is to eat meat, and how cattle breeding is terrible. I haven't eaten red meat for 20 years. This is not to say that this is entirely the merit of DiCaprio, but he was definitely the first who gave this idea and nurtured it in me. I became interested in macrobiotics when my father was diagnosed with cancer. Then it seemed to me that a special connection had been established between us and that I could help him by eating right.”

The principles of Hollywood handsome man and incredibly talented actor Brad Pitt personify how famous people promote vegetarianism. He is confident that only products of plant origin can ensure the normal functioning of the body. And he has something to compare with: since childhood, little Brad ate food that was traditional by American standards, including meat, smoked meats and fast food. And only after his wedding with Angelina Jolie, the actor reconsidered his views on life - he began to lead a healthy lifestyle, play sports, eat right and help those in need. For him, vegetarianism became not a fashion statement, but a vital position: “I must be a vegetarian... I don’t want any animal put on my plate.”

Having adopted a healthy lifestyle, Brad Pitt began to look and feel much better. As the actor notes, eliminating animal products helped him improve blood circulation and brain activity.

Famous vegetarians are sports stars

Many successful athletes have proven by their own example that a plant-based diet is the only possible option to maintain health and good spirits, keep the body in good shape and always be at the peak of one’s capabilities. Olympic champions and celebrities talk about vegetarianism as a “panacea” for all diseases, because such a diet contributed to their achievements. Among them are multiple gold medalists of international competitions, sports stars who do not lose their popularity even after they “left the race”: Carl Lewis, Paavo Nurmi, Edwin Moses, Bode Miller, Christopher Campbell, Mike Tyson and others.

Federick Carlton Lewis retired from professional sports a long time ago - the famous athlete was well over 50. However, his popularity did not end there: the US basketball club Chicago Bulls, as a sign of respect for the athlete’s merits, reserved number 208 for him, although he did not even play basketball. In addition, Karl’s portrait adorns one of the postage stamps of Azerbaijan - isn’t this a sign of true honor?

The Olympic champion-record holder, whose biography includes 9 medals, did not immediately become a vegetarian: at the beginning of his career, Carl Lewis did not attach importance to what he ate. However, the transition to plant foods helped strengthen the athlete’s position in the athletics arena. He defended his beliefs by personal example and numerous comments about vegetarianism: “I have discovered that a person does not need animal protein to be a successful athlete.”

Bruce Lee

This outstanding man is better known as a popular film actor and director, but he was also a master of martial arts. Bruce Lee was included in the Guinness Book of Records 12 times for his services. His physical characteristics were amazing: the athlete could hold a weight weighing 34 kg on an outstretched arm, punch a Coca-Cola can with his fingers, do push-ups using only 2 fingers, and do pull-ups with his little fingers. His reactions were so sharp that standard 24 frames per second filming technology could not always capture the actor's passages. Bruce Lee himself did not advertise his diet, but his daughter Shannon Lee said in an interview with Big Breakfast that the athlete was a strict vegan for 8 years.

Mike Tyson

The absolute world champion in the heavy weight category, the notorious boxer Mike Tyson also took the “path of correction” and adopted a vegetarian diet. He was pushed to take this serious step by his love for pigeons, for the sake of which he got involved in the first fight in his life. According to the boxer, these birds “have the biggest hearts,” so protecting all living things became the meaning of life for Mike. He even developed his own animal protection project on Animal Planet.

“You must be very surprised to hear that I am a vegetarian?” - Tyson says laughing. Indeed, now his opponents do not have to worry about their ears, because the boxer is no longer interested in them.

Famous vegetarians in Russia

Speaking about famous vegans, it would be biased to mention only foreign stars - domestic athletes, actors, writers and musicians support vegetarianism no less actively. Moreover, the “green diet” in Russia has been popular for many years - not only our contemporaries, but also historical figures of Soviet culture promoted the ideas of giving up meat and other manifestations of cruelty to animals.

Lev Tolstoy

The novel “War and Peace” is not the only achievement of the outstanding Russian writer Leo Tolstoy. Leading the lifestyle of a hermit, the enlightener did not forget to instruct his compatriots “on the true path” - his ideas of non-violent resistance included vegetarianism as the first step towards the spiritual and moral purification of man. Leo Tolstoy’s essays “On the unreasonableness of meat-eating” and “The Way of Life” became a real standard for many Russian humanists: “As long as there are slaughterhouses, there will be battlefields,” said Leo Tolstoy. And this is not his only statement in defense of animals:

  1. “How can we hope for peace and prosperity on earth if our bodies are living graves in which slaughtered animals are buried?”
  2. “If a person is serious and sincere in the search for morality, then the first thing he should turn away from is meat-eating... Vegetarianism is considered a criterion by which one can recognize how serious and true a person’s desire for moral perfection is.”

Valeria Gai Germanika

A woman who became a famous director at the age of 18. Valeria remains the most discussed personality among film critics, colleagues on the set and ordinary people.

Vegetarianism became part of the life of Valeria Gai Germanika after the birth of her daughter Octavia. Only after becoming a mother did the director realize the horror of meat-eating: “When it comes to food, I prefer something Ayurvedic. The basic principle of nutrition according to Ayurveda is that you should eat little, but very good, wholesome foods. I don't eat meat, fish or eggs. My diet is dominated by healthy foods: brown rice, lentils. I gave up meat after the birth of my daughter: I realized how living things are born. And we then kill this living thing and push it into ourselves. It’s hard for me to accept the karma of an animal that died a violent death. So I’ve been a vegetarian for two years now.”

Perky and charming - this is how everyone is used to seeing Olga Shelest on the TV screen. Her lively and ringing voice broadcasts not only from the television screen - the star is also popular on the radio waves. As a child, an event happened to her that forever changed the diva’s worldview: “When I was nine or ten years old, we were visiting my grandmother in the village. I remember the neighbors were planning a wedding. Numerous relatives arrived. And it was decided to slaughter the ram. The following pictures come to mind: they bring a ram and tie it in the yard. And the next episode - he is already hanging dead upside down in a barn, and they are skinning him. Catastrophe! This event made a tremendous impression on me. And I refused to eat the pilaf that was prepared from the meat of this sheep. Moreover, she persuaded all her brothers and sisters to do the same. We then boycotted the grand dinner. And my grandmother later complained to my mother when she came to pick us up: they say, Olenka made such a fuss - she refused to eat. And it’s her fault that the kids are completely thin.”

Parents did not take their daughter’s passion for vegetarianism seriously, considering it a whim and a whim. And, as it turned out, it was in vain - the girl retained her beliefs into adulthood: “I am not a meat eater by nature. Even as a child I didn’t eat that much meat. Sweets are a different matter. I am very biased towards meat, and by the age of twenty I gave it up altogether.”


Vegetarianism causes a lot of controversy and disagreement. Despite the fact that the need to eat meat and fish is highly questionable, and the cruelty and heartlessness of such views makes one involuntarily shudder, one has only to think about what killing an animal looks like, not everyone has been able to recognize the rationality and humanity of a vegetarian diet. Even WHO classified a plant-based diet as a mental disorder - right next to love, which is also one of them. Well, if opposition to cruelty is not considered the norm, then so be it: it is better to be considered abnormal than to eat living beings for the sake of the public.

Before you order a steak in a restaurant, remember Yesenin’s lines, and perhaps you will have time to save at least one living soul!

Decrepit, teeth have fallen out,
Scroll of years on horns.
The rude driver beat her
On distilling fields.
The heart is not kind to noise,
The mice are scratching in the corner.
Thinks a sad thought
About the white-footed heifer.
They didn't give the mother a son,
The first joy is no good.
And on a stake under the aspen
The breeze ruffled the skin.
Soon on the buckwheat road,
With the same filial fate,
They'll tie a noose around her neck
And they will lead you to slaughter.
Pathetic, sad and skinny
Horns will dig into the ground...
She dreams of a white grove
And grassy meadows.

“Perhaps in 100 years no one will eat meat anymore,” suggested Helmut Maucher, former CEO of Nestlé. There are more than a billion vegetarians in the world today. In India this is almost half of the country's population, in the USA - 6%, in Russia - 4%. Celebrities are increasingly announcing their refusal to eat animal foods. What makes them make this choice and how does it affect their well-being?

Actress Jessica Chastain, 40 years old

The actress has followed a vegan lifestyle since 2007. Jessica's mother owns a vegan restaurant; by the way, it was Jessica who inspired her mother to become seriously interested in vegetarianism. “For me, veganism is not just a hobby. It's about living a life where I don't contribute to the existence of cruelty in the world,” Chastain explains.

Singer and actress Jennifer Lopez, 48 years old

It is said that Jennifer became a vegetarian to lose weight and get into perfect shape after the birth of twins. Having lost weight, the actress and singer released a video for the song Booty, where she demonstrated her magnificent appearance, and since then she has not changed her vegan diet. Jen has repeatedly mentioned that this lifestyle gives her a lot of energy.

Singer Ariana Grande, 24 years old

The young singer has been vegan since 2013. Ariana claims that a plant-based diet makes her a happier person. “I love animals more than I love most people, I’m not kidding,” Grande explained of her lifestyle.

Actress Natalie Portman, 36 years old

The actress is known for her integrity, and nutrition is no exception. Natalie once said in an interview that she has not eaten meat since she was eight years old, after she witnessed scientific experiments on chicken. Refusal of meat is, first of all, Natalie’s life position, her voice is for ethical consumption.

Actor Woody Harrelson, 56 years old

One of Hollywood's most committed vegans has been dairy-free for a long time. The actor is lactose intolerant; milk causes acne and runny nose. It was with the refusal of dairy products that Harrelson began his path to veganism. Now he is on a strict diet: he does not consume flour or sugar. In the movie Zombieland, even the Twinkie bars Woody ate were replaced with cornstarch bars.

Actress Olivia Wilde, 33 years old

One of the most beautiful and charismatic actresses has repeatedly emphasized that it is thanks to vegetarianism that she looks so good. Olivia has been practicing ethical eating for over sixteen years, but she doesn't hide the fact that when a difficult period comes in her life, she can afford to eat a small slice of cheese.

Actor, musician Jared Leto, 46 ​​years old

Jared is a member of Greenpeace and regularly encourages his fans to support the organization's actions. Leto became a vegetarian more than twenty years ago, for some time he was even a raw foodist (they say to lose weight). He does not wear clothes made from animal skins, and to all questions about how he manages to look so good, of course, he answers that thanks to his diet and exercise. Who can argue?

Actor Brad Pitt, 54 years old

Surprisingly, the magnificent Brad belongs to people who have given up meat. Brad grew up in a traditional American family and didn’t think much about nutrition, but his marriage to Angelina Jolie changed his life in many ways. It was the famous wife who forced the actor to reconsider his views. He took up sports, switched to proper nutrition and began doing charity work. Vegetarianism looks absolutely logical in this connection. By the way, Angelina herself still eats meat.

Singer Sati Casanova, 35 years old

Perhaps one of the most famous Russian stars is a follower of a highly spiritual lifestyle. Sati is not only an experienced vegetarian, she also practices yoga, adheres to the Ayurvedic lifestyle and even conducts special classes in Om Chanting (yogic chanting). “I came to vegetarianism gradually, starting my immersion in a new culture for me with yoga classes. After giving up animal food, I began to sing much better and cleaner, the sound became flying, sparkling,” the singer says in her interviews.

TV presenter Nikolai Drozdov, 80 years old

The most famous doctor of biological sciences in Russia, the legendary host of the TV show “In the Animal World,” Nikolai Drozdov became a vegetarian in the 70s.

“Vegetarianism is my life position. I believe that this path is right for man. Our stomach is perfectly adapted to plant foods. I used to eat seafood and fish, but then I realized that I can do without it. I learned from my guru that many Olympic champions are vegetarians. And I can note that orangutans and gorillas are absolute vegetarians, but I would not advise anyone to get involved with them.” , - Nikolai Nikolaevich says in an interview.

Founder of VKontakte and Telegram Pavel Durov, 33 years old

Few people know about this, but the most famous programmer Rossi is also a vegetarian. They say that when Pavel was advised on Twitter to make a Telegram logo with bacon, he replied that “it would be neither kosher nor halal. And definitely not vegetarian."

Various sources claim that the founder of VKontakte stopped eating meat for ethical reasons while still a student. “I am a peaceful creature, I don’t like war, I’m a vegetarian,” Durov stated bluntly.

Bobsledder and arm wrestler Alexey Voevoda, 37 years old

The 2006 Olympic silver medalist and 2010 Olympic bronze medalist has been a committed vegan for more than seven years. Alexey is perhaps the most famous athlete who does not eat meat. In his interviews, he claims that giving up meat helped him improve his athletic performance and well-being.

For some time, the athlete was fond of a raw food diet: “My fat was gone, but my muscles remained. I thought: “This is really cool! And lightness appeared... I sat in the lotus position. A raw food diet increases the elasticity of joints, which is very healthy. But then I finally had to give up the raw food diet, because a professional athlete really needs amino acids.”

Special biological supplements will also help replenish amino acids in the body. They help strengthen the immune system and restore the body.

Dietary supplement NOT A MEDICINE.

Alicia Silverstone

Alicia Silverstone has been a strict vegetarian for twenty years. The actress even wrote a book about healthy living: "I want people to understand that they can be happy, look amazing and be kind to their planet just by following a vegetarian diet." It is worth noting that Silverstone has quite a lot of wrinkles, but her face retains a consistently youthful expression.

Zooey Deschanel

Zooey Deschanel is a vegan and animal advocate. The actress resembles a doll with her smooth skin and big blue eyes. But what is her secret? “Beauty injections”, genes or vegetarianism? It's hard to say.


Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman captivates audiences with her beauty and impeccable looks on the red carpet. She became a vegetarian as a child when she saw experiments being carried out on live chickens. “I’m not going to agitate anyone for this way of life, I just really love animals and do as my conscience tells me. Each of us has the right to choose,” says the actress.

Alyssa Milano

The Charmed star is a committed vegetarian and animal advocate. She hasn't eaten meat since 9/11. In 2007, she took second place in the ranking of the sexiest vegetarians (and the first, by the way, is Portman). Now Alyssa has devoted herself to her family, has gained a little weight, but looks happy and radiant.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Gwyneth Paltrow is a member of the global vegan community, acts in films, becomes the face of advertising campaigns, does charity work, shines at social events, raises two children and writes books about healthy eating. She has no plans to slow down and continues to delight fans with her excellent form.

Meat eaters

Drew Barrymore

Drew Barrymore has been a vegetarian for a long time. But once I tried meat, I decided to include it in my diet again. A couple of years ago, the actress was able to lose 9 kg by following Kimberly Snyder's vegetarian method with the addition of chicken and fish. Drew feels confident and is not shy about posting selfies without makeup.

Katy Perry

Katy Perry has always been a beauty with a cheerful look, elastic skin and appetizing curves. She periodically struggles with extra pounds and adheres to the Pasternak system (eats five times a day and focuses on proteins), but the singer’s figure has never gone beyond the norm.

Keira Knightley

Keira Knightley looks young and beautiful. Nature awarded her a slender figure - it is not the result of strict diets. The actress does not deny herself food and extra meals. Who do you think looks better - meat-eater Knightley or vegetarian Portman? By the way, on the set of the second Star Wars trilogy, even her mother could not distinguish Kira from Natalie Portman.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has repeatedly stated that she is against “beauty injections” and plastic surgery. However, she hasn’t changed much since the days of “My Fair Nanny.” The actress looks great: her figure delights even her young colleagues. Naturally, this requires a lot of work on yourself.

Charlize Theron

Years pass, and Charlize Theron continues to captivate the public with her impeccable appearance. Many are sure that the actress’s elegance is given to her by nature, and some suspect her of being passionate about radical cosmetology and plastic surgery. Charlize makes a lot of efforts to stay in shape: for example, she combines foods correctly and does not load her stomach with heavy foods. All this has a beneficial effect on the star’s skin.

Vegetarians or meat eaters?

Alicia Silverstone (42 years old) - Drew Barrymore (44 years old)

On one American talk show with the participation of Hollywood stars of the first magnitude, the host offered his guests pizza as an improvisational joke. What happened next shocked not only the presenter, but also the majority of the audience in the hall (and maybe not only in the hall). The actors were suddenly very reluctant to eat pizza, but they also didn't want to appear too worried about the situation on air, so it was obvious that they were faced with a real dilemma. And one very famous actor decided to scrape off the cheese with his hands before trying a slice of pizza. Others simply refused to eat it. After what they saw, only two questions were read on the faces of the spectators in the hall: “Are they people or robots? Do they eat anything at all?”

The truth is that actors take their diets extremely seriously, and for good reason. Their health is very important to them because their body is the key to a successful career. If they start to look old very quickly, they will lose out on a lot of potential roles.

Show business is a very cruel industry that requires everyone who appears on the big screen to have an ideal appearance. Therefore, those actors who were offered pizza on a talk show were not pretentious celebrities at all - they were simply concerned about their health.

As it turns out, many actors have made their choice to become strict vegetarians (vegans) for the same reason - they try to take care of their bodies. Many studies show that this type of diet reduces the risk of developing cancer and a huge number of other diseases, and actually prolongs life. So is it any surprise that many actors are vegetarians?

10. Brad Pitt

One of the most famous Hollywood actors, Brad Pitt has been a committed vegan for quite some time. He became a vegetarian because of the health benefits of such a diet, but this is not the only reason for his life choice. The actor is also a supporter of vegetarianism because of the negative impact that raising livestock has on the environment.

Many people support anti-pollution movements and oppose carbon emissions, but did you know that agriculture is the number one source of carbon dioxide and methane into the atmosphere? Raising livestock produces huge amounts of organic waste, releasing huge amounts of methane into the atmosphere, which experts say is a major cause of climate change.

Brad Pitt's vegetarian diet is reportedly a source of conflict in the family because neither Angelina Jolie nor their children are vegetarians.

9. Joaquin Phoenix

Of all the famous Hollywood vegetarian actors, Joaquin Phoenix has perhaps the longest experience: he became a vegetarian at the age of 3. The actor can even remember the moment when he decided to change his lifestyle to save animals.

According to Joaquin, he was fishing with his father and siblings when he first encountered cruelty, watching as the fish his father caught twitched and fought for its life until it died. He and his siblings vowed never to eat meat again, and categorically asked their parents why they were doing this. In his words, "...we said, 'Why didn't you tell us where the meat comes from?' And [my mother] didn't know what to say. I can still see the moment when she cried."

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​not only a strict vegetarian, but also an active activist for animal rights. He has been involved in several short films and documentaries about animal cruelty, such as the well-known documentary "Earthlings", in which he read the text.

8. Woody Harrelson

This actor is perhaps best known for his role in the American comedy series Cheers. He has been a vegan for many years. Woody Harrelson recently made it onto Animal Rights Organization PETA's list of "Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrities."

He stopped eating dairy products while still a young actor. One day, Harrelson was walking along the streets of New York when suddenly he was stopped by a passerby. She said his runny nose and acne were due to lactose intolerance, thereby closing dairy products from Woody Harrelson's kitchen.

After a few days, his runny nose went away and his acne disappeared. The actor later gave up meat, complaining that after eating hamburgers and steaks he felt energetically drained. In fact, he went further than most vegans in terms of dietary restrictions, also giving up sugar and flour.

In the hit movie Zombieland, Woody plays a character obsessed with Twinkies. However, and this is a little-known fact, the actor actually didn't eat a single biscuit during filming because he replaced them all with vegan "fake Twinkies" made entirely from cornstarch.

He has been involved in numerous projects with PETA, including programs fighting for the release of experimental chimpanzees.

7. Alicia Silverstone

Star Alicia Silverstone of the 1995 classic "Clueless" recently appeared on Oprah Winfrey's talk show to discuss her choice to go vegan. As a teenager, the actress struggled with a number of health problems, including acne, asthma, insomnia and constipation. Since Alicia started following a vegan diet, she has noticed a lot of amazing changes in her body.

Now Alicia Silverstone is 39 years old and claims to be full of energy. Many vegans experience this, contrary to popular belief that a vegetarian diet drains energy and vitality.

According to , there is one thing that stands out most from this: the white spots on her nails disappeared, and her eyes began to turn red much less. And this is extremely important for her acting career.

Like Gwyneth Paltrow, Alicia Silverstone has written her own vegan cookbook called The Kind Diet. According to the actress, she became a vegan after seeing animals being slaughtered as a teenager. Then she looked at her dog and thought: “If I don’t want to eat you, then how can I eat animals that are as cute and amazing as you?”

6. Tobey Maguire

Tobey Maguire has been an extremely strict vegan for many years. During the filming of the film "The Great Gatsby" one incident happened to him. Each of the actors playing the main roles was provided with the most expensive Mercedes Benz cars to move around the city. But whoever organized the gifts clearly wasn't aware of Tobey Maguire's vegan lifestyle, because the car's seats were upholstered in leather. The actor refused a new car because he does not use leather products in his life.

Many people think that being vegan means just changing your diet, but this is not true at all. Following a vegan lifestyle means avoiding all animal products - nothing that comes from or from animals is allowed, including leather.

The leather is made from Indian cows that are kept without food or water for several days so that they themselves die of starvation and exhaustion, since killing cows is illegal in India. When you think about it, you realize that wearing leather clothes is no better than wearing fur. Like Woody Harrelson, Toby also received PETA's Sexiest Vegan award. Tobey Maguire was the one who first convinced our next celebrity to go vegan...

5. Natalie Portman

Natalie Portman has established herself as one of the greatest living actresses and has been featured in some truly amazing projects.

In her early thirties, she looks as beautiful as ever. What's the secret? Vegan diet. When the actress is asked questions about her stunning skin color, she says her secret weapon is being vegan and claims that as soon as she eats any dairy product, she immediately gets pimples and blackheads.

Natalie Portman first became a vegan in 2009 after reading Jonathan Safran Foer's book Eating Animals. Like Maguire, she not only does not eat animal products, but also does not use or wear products made from them.

She even had her own vegan shoe brand, which unfortunately went out of business. The problem with buying items from "vegan" designers is that they are usually very expensive. This means that many vegans (including Natalie) tend to buy their shoes and clothes at cheap stores like Target or Wal-Mart, because most of the items they sell are made from synthetic materials. materials.

Vegans should constantly check the ingredients of not only the food they buy in supermarkets, but also the clothes they buy. As you might guess, vegans love wearing cotton.

4. Demi Moore

At 53, Demi Moore still looks gorgeous. She maintained that radiant effect that fueled her successful film career, and many people still wonder how she did it. Maybe she drinks human blood? Or is she an alien disguised as a human? No, the truth is actually much more innocent. She began to lead a vegan lifestyle. Not only vegan - she eats raw food, that is, adheres to a vegan raw food diet.

The philosophy of a raw food diet is that under the influence of heat treatment, all useful minerals and vitamins in foods disappear. Demi Moore also claims that she stays in such great shape because she eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, which contain a wide range of antioxidants that actively fight the aging process.

Now, some may think that the actress follows a vegan diet for health benefits, and not for moral and ethical reasons to save animals. It must be said that in the end, Demi Moore does play a huge role in protecting animals, even if this was not her original goal. It's true - when one person does something as simple as changing the way they eat, it has a huge positive impact on the environment.

3. Alec Baldwin

Alec Baldwin is undoubtedly one of the most popular actors of our time and one of the many who have decided to switch to a vegan diet. But the reason he made this choice may surprise you.

It all started in 2011 when Baldwin was diagnosed with prediabetes. The diagnosis worried the actor, so he immediately tried to find a way to reverse the disease while there was still time. He decided to follow a vegan diet, and as a result, Baldwin became a huge success!

But even before that, Alec Baldwin was a long-time vegetarian. He grew up with cows and other livestock. “They were like pets to me,” says the actor. “Once an incident occurred because of which I forever refused to eat beef.”

Like other vegan actors, Alec Baldwin actively collaborates with PETA, an organization that protects animal rights. He reads the text in the short film "Meet Your Meat", which shows viewers what really happens in large specialized farms (poultry farms, pig farms, etc.).

2. Olivia Wilde

Everyone knows Olivia Wilde for her amazing, beautiful features. She has appeared in numerous films, receiving praise from audiences and critics. She is an outspoken activist on a range of issues, including animal rights. She has been vegan for just over five years, and before that she was a vegetarian since she was 12 years old.

Like Natalie Portman, Olivia switched from veganism to vegetarianism during her pregnancy and began consuming dairy products and eggs to provide her baby with the necessary nutrients and vitamins.

She created a website called "Wilde Things" dedicated to the vegan lifestyle. This site features vegan recipes, stories from her vegan life, and interesting information for those considering going vegan.

Why are so many becoming vegan? According to one theory, it’s all about the very nature of the act. Actors, by the nature of their profession, must be deeply feeling, empathetic people. In other words, they must be able to put themselves in the shoes of others. But after years of developing their professional skills, many begin to expand their sense of empathy towards all living things - not just people.

Actors like Olivia Wilde have the ability to feel, in a very real sense, what it's like to grow up in terrible conditions from birth, to be beaten and abused, only to be inhumanely destroyed for the sake of consumption.

1. Daryl Hannah

Known for her role as katana-wielding Ellie Driver in Quentin Tarantino's Kill Bill, Daryl Hannah is another successful actor turned vegan.

When she was a little girl, she remembers watching calves on the farm and thinking about what wonderful creatures they were. Then someone told her that the next day they would have veal.

Since then, Daryl Hannah has become a vegan and eventually adopted a completely vegan lifestyle. In her opinion, this decision was based solely on emotions, but the ethical component, the beneficial impact on health and the environment, also had an impact.

Daryl Hannah, like many other actors, has turned to the Internet to share her journey to veganism, creating online chats and vlogging about all things vegan. She explains how making the decision to adopt a vegan lifestyle can have a huge positive impact on the environment, even if it's just one person.

Did you know that if we stopped raising livestock for food, milk and other animal products, we could solve the problem of world hunger in just one night? Think about how much food and water it takes to raise an animal before it is slaughtered for food. Farms that raise livestock use five times more land to produce the same amount of food as farms that grow only crops.
