Volochkova's beloved now. Why Volochkova carefully hides her new boyfriend

At Anastasia Volochkova's new lover. Fans of the ballerina are slightly perplexed by the photos that she posted online. They show Nastya on her veranda country house tenderly hugs a man's foot in a striped blue sock. The owner of the leg himself remains invisible. Another photograph shows Volochkov against the backdrop of a fire, with a hookah in his hand and... the same male leg in the frame. Nastya signed all these photos accordingly.

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A real discussion unfolded on the ballerina’s page. Everyone is trying to guess who is next to Anastasia. Maybe this ex-husband— Igor Vdovin, with whom Nastya recently spoke about reuniting? Or is this a new gentleman? Many decided that the “man in socks” was Mikhail Borisovsky. The young man works as a sound engineer at the Nadezhda Babkina Russian Song Theater and sometimes collaborates with Volochkova. Borisovsky is a brunette. It happens at Nastya’s house, as evidenced by their photographs together.

Moreover, the ballerina touchingly congratulated Mikhail on his birthday. And this was that rare case when roses were not given to Volochkova, but Nastya herself presented the bouquet to the man. And they even kissed on the lips.

Nevertheless, Borisovsky admitted to Gossip Chronicle that the striped socks in the photographs were not his. Although he did not deny that he knew Anastasia very closely and repeatedly spent weekends with her.

— It was her first birthday in the house she bought. I stayed, and some of the employees stayed at her house. And in the morning she says: what Good photo on the stairs. Now I will post it on Instagram. And she simply signed: “This is him.” And that's it, and away we go.

The most interesting thing is that Mikhail Borisovsky knows who Nastya is dating now and whose socks are in the photo.

- Perhaps the person who doesn’t want to be with her now, perhaps Nastya doesn’t want to show her face either,- notes Mikhail Borisovsky.

However, old friend Anastasia Volochkova, producer Bari Alibasov believes that this whole story is just another Internet performance. Nastya is a master of provocations.

- This is where talent lies. He'll wave his tits, then he'll wave his ass, or he'll lie flat. He knows why he does this. The way he uses modern means of communication is like no other. She's a genius- Bari Alibasov is sure.

To confirm this, a new video has appeared on the Internet, where Volochkova, entangled in her dress, fell on stage. By the way, Anastasia herself posted this video.

Laughter is laughter, but only for last month the number of followers on Volochkova’s Instagram increased by more than 50 thousand people. This means that advertising on a ballerina’s blog will cost more. And that's all she needs.

Channel Five previously reported that the “6 Frames” star was planning a new addition to the family.

The great world ballerina was born January 20, 1976 in a family of not poor people. Her father, Yuri Fedorovich, is a master of sports in table tennis, an international class athlete and the first champion Soviet Union in table tennis. Her mother, Tamara Vladimirovna Antonova, worked as an engineer at the design institute of the Academy of Sciences in St. Petersburg.

Anastasia’s mother loved and was passionate about the history of her native town, she completed guide courses and often led and organized interesting walks around the city, telling visitors all the beauties of Russia.

Volochkova with her parents

Anastasia Yuryevna is very grateful to her parents for bringing her into sports, supporting her and always believing in her. They instilled in her hard work, determination, love for her own work, steely endurance and patience. WITH early childhood little Anastasia loved to dance, and even then her parents noticed this and took their preference for their only daughter very seriously.

Anastasia awoke a strong passion for ballet after visiting the ballet “The Nutcracker” by Pyotr Tchaikovsky. Coming out with Mariinsky Theater, she understood what type of activity she wanted to connect her life with, the production itself made a very big impression on Anastasia. After this, the girl definitely told her parents that she liked ballet and saw herself as a ballerina in the future. She made this decision at the age of five and in 1992, already a teenager with an established character and decided life goals, the girl decided to enter the Academy of Russian Ballet named after A. Ya. Vaganova in St. Petersburg, and this is one of the oldest ballet schools in the world.

The future ballet star remembers the days entrance exams, she compares it to cardiac arrest under the gaze of strict jury members sitting in admissions committee academy. But no matter how scared the girl was, she walked with a clear intention to act and fulfill her main childhood dream. The entrance tests were easy for her, but the respected members of the jury did not like the performance, and they considered her as an untalented girl and they assured young Anastasia that she would not succeed in a ballet career. But, fortunately, the very famous Russian choreographer Sergeev Konstantin Mikhailovich influenced the girl’s fate.

World famous Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

But the artist always recalls in her interviews that the teachers mocked and bullied her, while her classmates, on the contrary, sympathized with her. And for the teaching staff she was an outcast. But after some time, Natalya Mikhailovna Dudinskaya drew attention to the aspiring ballet diva; she is a very famous teacher at ballet schools around the world. And it was thanks to her that she graduated from the ballet academy with honors. The final exam was held at the Mariinsky Theater, where Anastasia Yuryevna played the main role of Odette - Odile in the production of Swan Lake; it was this performance that became the first serious debut in the girl’s career.

Volochkova worked for four years at the Russian temple of arts - the Mariinsky Theater, and over these years, she successfully produced several of the most enchanting performances. “The Sleeping Beauty”, “Don Quixote”, “Giselle” - those very difficult, but unsurpassably beautiful performances made an impression on the theater audience. The ballerina herself admitted that this period was very difficult for her, and she faced many troubles, squabbles, slander and intrigue behind her back. Ultimately, Volochkova was simply forced out of all performances and suspended from work.

Ballerina career

Anastasia graduated from the A. Ya. Vaganova Ballet Academy in St. Petersburg with honors and was one of the exemplary students. Then she joined the Mariinsky Theater Group, where she worked until 1988. She performed the most spectacular productions there and had considerable experience for her future career. Also over these years, she experienced the first squabbles and intrigues among her colleagues; at that moment the young artist was removed from all concerts and left without work.

And already in 1988, Vladimir Vasiliev made Volochkova a rather tempting offer; he invited her to the Bolshoi Theater. He saw her the main character in his original production of “Swan Lake”. She did not refuse Vasiliev this chance, and after the director’s original performance, she subsequently performed only in leading roles. Her favorite productions were “The Sleeping Beauty” and “La Bayadère”; during these debuts she had the honor of meeting and working with Yuri Grigorovich.

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova

At the beginning of the new century, in 2000, she decided to leave the Bolshoi Theater, but was asked to return more than once, but she returned only once in 2001 at the request of Grigorovich himself to participate in the production of Swan Lake. The press learned that a philanthropist arranged for the honored ballerina to join the Moscow ballet Anzori Aksentiev, with whom she had a relationship. He helped her in everything and fully provided for her, often giving her gifts expensive gifts and drove to best resorts, and after some time she left him. And after the couple’s separation, Volochkova denies all the facts about him, and says that they are even strangers.

Prima ballet Volochkova

Already in 2000, Anastasia Volochkova went to a competition in Austria, where she won the Golden Lion award and was awarded as the most talented ballerina in Europe. After the award, she was invited to perform in the title role of the play “Sleeping Beauty” in London, at the National English Ballet. And there the ballet prima met another benefactor - millionaire Anthony Kerman, then he held the official post of vice-president of the English National Ballet. For the sake of the best ballerina in the world, he left his family with children, with whom he lived for more than 8 years.

One of Volochkova’s thousands of twines

Already in 2002, Anastasia Volochkova was awarded highest degree awards and given the title of Honored Artist Russian Federation. And in the spring of 2002 she was awarded the most famous and well-deserved prize in the world of ballet “BenoisdelaDanse”, as the best dancer of our time.

Back in 1992, this prize was established by the noble Yuri Grigorovich, he is called Volochkova’s patron. At the time of presentation of the award, unexpectedly unpleasant words were heard from the audience addressed to the woman and screams "A shame!", the identity of the rowdies could not be established, but the mood was ruined for both the ballerina and those around her.

In 2003, a scandal spread throughout the Russian Federation that the Bolshoi Theater refused to sign a contract with a noble ballet prima. They also said the reason for the refusal, it was all about high requirements Anastasia, who are not at all suitable for the ballet group. And further CEO the capital's theater announced to the whole world that she was professionally unsuitable for dancing, with her height of 171 cm, her weight was not stable, but constantly fluctuated from 50 to 55 kilograms, and such an increase in weight is very significant for an international class ballerina. Her colleagues openly told her: “Based on her body type, she would be better off as a swimmer.” After troubles and many intrigues and other very unpleasant situations, she left the ballet troupe in 2003 and decided to pursue solo performances and projects.

In 2004, Volochkova began performing in Grigorovich’s troupe at the Krasnodar Ballet Theater, and there she became a prima ballerina. In the fall of the same year, she was invited to participate as an actress, to which she happily agreed and starred in the film “A Place in the Sun.” Already in 2005 she was noticed in the film "Black Prince", and in 2005-2006 she played the role of a model in the very popular TV series “Don’t Be Born Beautiful.” Also in 2006, she was recognized as People's Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia. And in 2009 she wrote a book about her life, about career path. It was called “The History of a Russian Ballerina”, it was released with a circulation of ten thousand and sold out in a few days. In June 2010 People's Artist received again an MBA degree award in High school economy and in 2011 opened the creative center of the ballerina Anastasia Volochkova.

Personal life of Volochkova

The personal life of Anastasia Volochkova is always of interest to everyone; it is a favorite topic of conversation for all journalists in Russia. The woman dated a billionaire for more than three years. But, unfortunately, the couple separated in 2003, and it was then that problems in the dancer’s career life began, they say that Kerimov had this influence. In 2005, Anastasia gave birth to a daughter, Ariadne, from the oligarch, and in 2007 they played magnificent wedding. But the marriage did not last long and in 2008 the marriage was dissolved, but for the sake of the child they maintained friendly relations. But a few years later, Volochkova admitted that their marriage was fictitious, and everything was “for show.” Already in 2013, the Russian artist was noticed at social events with multimillionaire oilman Bakhtiyar Salimov, they met. The couple met on Valentine's Day on Prima's tour. Anastasia Volochkova has always loved luxury and chose men who can provide her without poor life. But, in 2018, she got a new man, he is an ordinary programmer - Mikhail Loginov. To which the prima responded to the media: “He may earn little, but he has a big heart.”


Volochkova and the Maldives

Before her 35th birthday in early January 2011, she decided to draw attention to her person and posted a lot of nude photographs on her blog. A barrage of discontent and criticism immediately rained down on her. And already in 2013, she also posted candid photos, but this time with, then they arranged an intimate photo shoot in the Maldives. The media were perplexed and wanted to find out whether they were together, but, alas, no. And in 2016, the artist distinguished herself; according to information from the press, she could have been suspended from performances for several years. The ballerina refused to take part in the production “A Man Came to a Woman” because her partner was changed without her consent.

Social activity

At the beginning of March 2003, the dancer joined the action « United Russia» and in 2009 I decided to start political career and wanted to become the mayor of Sochi, and when filling out the documents for a candidate for the mayor’s office, she did not indicate her date of birth and she was denied registration. And on February 2, 2011, she announced her resignation from the United Russia party, because her same-party colleagues reacted poorly and critically to intimate photos online.

Volochkova, who left the ranks of the United Russia party

Anastasia Volochkova now

On this moment The dancer continues to do solo performances, and can also often be seen on city tabloids, which means she works as a model.

Anastasia Yurievna Volochkova- prima ballerina, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, People's Artist, political figure and the author of his own book. A person who set a goal from early childhood and achieved everything herself, having suffered many failures, but she still came to the profession of her dreams.

St. Petersburg Academy of Russian Ballet Sciences named after A.Ya. Vaganova.

Not so long ago Anastasia Volochkova made frank confession that she is in love and has been in a relationship for three months.

According to Volochkova, her new chosen one- a wealthy man who showers her with gifts and lives not far from her house.

Anastasia constantly hides the face of her new lover, explaining that “happiness loves silence.”

But she probably does this for another reason, because she has something to hide.

A certain young woman managed to identify Volochkova’s new lover as her common-law husband. She recognized some of his personal belongings from the photographs posted by the ballerina and she had no doubt that it was him.

A post shared by (@volochkova_art) on Dec 3, 2018 at 12:02pm PST

And the name of this mysterious suitor of the ballerina is Malik, he is a native of Chechnya and not a “businessman” at all, he works as the head of security at a spa salon, where the ballerina often relaxes.

His ex common-law wife stated that they had been together for 10 years and just had a fight.

She is going to show Volochkova their love correspondence.

“My man is sleeping with Volochkova. I saw that he had an Instagram and went from this page. He was signed to Volochkova, there I saw all of him: socks, belt. She hides him, doesn’t show her face. But I recognize my man. She goes to Novakhov Spa, and he lives there permanently, so we met. He is the head of security there. In the photo she signs "M". His name is Malik, he is Chechen. I want to take revenge on him. We were together for 10 years. Later I will send her our correspondence, where he writes that he misses her. We didn’t see him, we had a quarrel,” the woman said.

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The image of Volochkova has long been the embodiment of the “real blonde” metaphor: beautiful, slightly naive and very ambitious. Some people openly criticize her lifestyle, some of the stylish lady causes a fit of envy, others admire her undoubted talent.

Photos on Anastasia Volochkova’s Instagram also generate a lot of controversial comments. Nastya once occupied the place of honor as a prima ballerina Bolshoi Theater. But the scandal with management had a negative impact on the ballerina’s career. Now Volochkova plunged headlong into social life, tours the country with a solo project, actively participates in various concerts and television shows, and even tries herself as a singer and actress.

Recently, Nastya surprised everyone by joining the ranks of the United Russia party. But the famous blonde left her political career in reserve, taking up solo work and devoting herself to raising her daughter.

What Anastasia Volochkova posts on Instagram

Despite the fact that Nastya’s every appearance on television causes a storm of emotions, her Instagram page is not as wildly popular. The number of followers on her account barely exceeds the 100 thousand mark, which is very small compared to other celebrities.

Anastasia Volochkova publishes photos on Instagram mainly for fans and people close to her. the main role, of course, is reserved for Nastya herself, who poses in front of the cameras very professionally. By the way, it should be noted that Volochkova is categorically against selfies and all kinds of “lift looks.” All her photos were taken by third parties.

On the other hand, the bright blonde is not without sentimentality. Therefore, photographs of cute fluffy animals, romantic confessions and pleasant gifts that Nastya’s fans give to Nastya often appear on her page.

Her daughter Arina also occupies a significant place in Volochkova’s account. Nastya happily shares her daughter’s successes with her followers, posting photos from school concerts and talking about creative achievements Volochkova Jr.

It’s always a pleasure to look at Volochkova’s photos on Instagram. This lady knows how to “present herself beautifully.” Along with seminal photos and pictures from the gym, Anastasia publishes many fashion looks in which she shows off new outfits or jewelry. And she does this, admittedly, very skillfully.

At the beginning of 2019, the notorious Russian ballerina Anastasia Volochkova announced that she would soon get married again. Stunning fans with the unexpected news, the ballet star did not reveal the name or status of her future husband. Until now, the identity of Volochkova’s mysterious lover remains unknown to anyone. Some even question it fast wedding Anastasia.

Anastasia Volochkova announced her wedding with her new lover in 2019

Ballerina Anastasia Volochkova intrigued fans by announcing that she plans to get married in 2019. The woman carefully hides the name of her new admirer and future husband. Anastasia slightly lifted the veil of secrecy by saying that she went to the Maldives in January and had a wonderful holiday there with her lover. He supposedly flew in for just a few days. The lovers flew back on different planes so that persistent paparazzi could not photograph them.

When Nastya arrived from the Maldives, her beloved was already waiting for her in the car with champagne and a huge bouquet of roses. New Year's gift Volochkova's lover turned out to be a luxurious ring with rubies and diamonds. The ballerina is preparing for the upcoming celebration, but does not name the wedding date.

Anastasia Volochkova makes fake statements about marriages

Anastasia Volochkova loves to shock the public with unexpected loud statements. Not all fans took the news about the ballerina’s imminent wedding seriously. This is not the first time Nastya has announced her marriage.

So, in the fall of 2018 social network Instagram was full of news about upcoming wedding Volochkova and singer Nikolai Baskov, with whom the ballerina had long been in friendly relations. Volochkova posted joint photo with Nikolai and signed that they have a strong relationship with “the very best man” and will soon have a gorgeous wedding.

As it turned out later, Anastasia published another fake. Fans and haters criticized the ballerina’s statement, and Nikolai Baskov left his comment. The singer clarified that everyone will have their own wedding. True, Nastya did not approve of the revelation and hastily deleted her friend’s comment.

Fans of Anastasia Volochkova doubt her imminent wedding

Anastasia Volochkova is stirring up public interest with her upcoming wedding in 2019. The ballerina claims that she is very happy with her new chosen one, who sought her favor long time. The newly-made lover gave Nastya a ring with tourmaline and a horse worth $1 million. In addition, the man spent a lot on numerous bouquets of her favorite white roses. On the social network Instagram, Volochkova has repeatedly published selfies with luxurious flowers.

Volochkova told reporters that this time the relationship with her lover is very serious. However, the woman does not want to reveal all her cards at once and reveal the identity of her future husband. Some subscribers even doubted the imminent wedding and wrote to the ballerina about it. As proof, Anastasia published a photo of her chosen one’s legs, which made her fans laugh. Volochkova explained that haters might be blinded by the beauty of her future husband when they see his face.

Anastasia Volochkova disabled comments on the post about the wedding

On her Instagram page, Anastasia Volochkova was forced to temporarily disable comments on photos and posts. The fact is that spiteful critics speak too openly and in a negative manner about the upcoming wedding of Nastya and her chosen one. The ballerina deprived them of the opportunity to share thoughts throughout the entire preparation for the special event.

Anastasia called on haters to be happy for her and be able to experience the love, luxury and success of the ballerina. In addition, not so long ago, on the air of the program “Let Them Talk,” Volochkova said something about a mysterious admirer: he lives in Europe, has no children, is noble, smart, slender, young and very sexy.
