Nuclear world quests. Walkthrough of DLC Nuka-World

In addition to the main storyline In Fallout 4 Nuka-World you can also go through some pretty interesting side missions that will give you a lot of emotions, bonuses and other goodies. You can complete these tasks after completing the main storyline of Fallout 4 Nuka-World or while playing through it. IN in this case, there is no fundamental difference when you decide to complete these tasks, as well as their sequence. After all, they were created simply to diversify the whole game process Nuka-World.

Additional quests Fallout 4 Nuka-World

Quest “The Cap in the Haystack”

The Cap in the Haystack mission can be obtained while traveling to Mount Fizztop during the mission "An Ambitious Plan". On the way to the mountain, you will meet Sierra Petrovita, who is an ardent fan of Yader-Cola and everything connected with it. She collects all this in the real Yader-Cola museum. If you have an average or above average level of charisma, then you can easily get this mission. But if you can't do this, then you have two options.

The first thing you can do is play along with Sierra, pretending to be the same crazy fan of Yader-Cola and go with her on a tour of Yader-Town. The next way is to simply bribe her with the coin that suits her. The fact is that the girl really wants to taste the taste of quartz Yader-Cola, which she drank a long time ago and has already forgotten this taste. This drink is so called because of its light glow. You can find this Yader-Cola on the base of Adepts and Operators, and they are also located in the “Galaxy” Zone when you complete the “Star Dispatcher” sub-mission, from the mission “ Grand Tour».

Eventually, when you get the Cap in the Haystack mission, you will need to find a number of images of Mr. Cap that are scattered throughout Yader-Mir. To see these images, Sierra will give you glasses with the image of Mr. Cap, in which you will be able to see invisible images of Mr. Cap. When you find ten pictures of caps, you will be given the opportunity to meet the creator of Yader-Cola, John-Caleb Bradburton. Sierra is just eager for this meeting to find out the recipe for the drink.

Location of all 10 images of Mr. Cap in the Yader-Mir park

The first picture is located in Yader Town not far from Mount Fizztop, if on the left side of the lake, the picture will be located in the wall of the building near the restrooms.

In the Galaxy zone, two images are hidden in the netted courtyard behind the Star Control building and near the RobCo Arena near the Space Walk tunnel.

Also, two pictures are in the Safari Zoo. The first Image is hidden near the primate house on the back of the gorilla pedestal, and the second Image is hidden in the maze of the Village House attraction on one single wall that is not covered with vegetation.

In the “Children's Kingdom” zone you can also find two pictures with Mr. Cap. The first image is on the top tier of a dilapidated clock tower. The second image is hidden in the Funhouse, behind the left red door in the round room.

In the Dry Gulch area, the first picture is on a gravestone in the cemetery to the left of the saloon. The second image is located in Mad Mulligan's mine on the wall of the diggers' house.

And the last picture is in the “World of Freshness” zone. It can be found on the wall of a light house, which stands on the left near the river.

When you find all 10 pictures, where each of them has a letter, you will need to return to Sierra. After meeting her, go to the secret elevator that will lead you to Bradburton's office. The inventor of the Yader-Cola recipe will be waiting for you there. While communicating with the inventor, you will be given a choice: Sierra or Bradburton. If you choose Sierra, you will receive a unique jumpsuit, and if you choose Bradberton, you will receive the recipe for Nuka-Cola, the drink itself and a weapon. You can also take possession of everything at once. To do this, you will need to select Sierra, and then turn off the lights and make your way into the vault. After this, you will most likely have to eliminate Sierra.

Quest “Journey to the Stars”

You can receive this mission in the Hubologist camp with the help of the Purified One, or from Dara Hubbell. The Hubologists' camp can be found on the western side of Yader Town. In this mission, Dara will ask you to find 5 spacesuits.

Locations of all 5 spacesuits for Dara Hubbell

All of these spacesuits can be found in the “Vault-Tec Among the Stars” exhibition. These Spacesuits are worn on mannequins. The first mannequin stands next to the main entrance in the right tunnel. The second one is in the room behind the closed door. You can access this room from the central exhibition hall. Next, move to the end of the complex and go down the stairs. After going through the right door, you will need to go down even lower. After passing through the entire room, you will need to turn right and head towards the two doors that are located straight ahead. Enter the left door. There is a laboratory and a control room in which there is a third mannequin with a spacesuit. You will find the last two mannequins at the exit from the room near the rocket model.

This quest - alternative ending, completed instead of a quest "Home Sweet Home". At the Yader Town market we meet Mackenzie Bridgeman, a slave girl who works as a doctor. Mackenzie greets the Survivor and sincerely rejoices at our victory over Colter. She carefully asks us future plans related to Yader-Mir. If the Survivor is not going to continue doing business like the former boss and wants to get rid of the brutal raiders, McKenzie will share with us his dangerous idea - to kill them all, or rather destroy the gang leaders. And this means finishing off Nisha, Mason, Maggie and her brother William. After this, the raiders will scatter in all directions, and Yader Town will again become a trading settlement.

Go around the market traders, you can buy from them legendary weapon- “Splashshot”, “Smart” fragmentation grenade, "Throat Cutter".

If we nevertheless decided to exterminate the raiders, then we need to visit and destroy all the leaders in any order. The matter is not easy, these are very serious enemies and their support is not weak. To accomplish our plans, we stock up on ammunition (cartridges and explosives) and put on power armor - it will definitely come in handy in this battle!

Having gone through a “bloodbath”, we managed to put an end to the terror in Yader-Mir. Residents threw off the shackles of slavery and became free, thanks to the Survivor! We return to Mackenzie and listen to words of sincere gratitude, we gave people freedom, and now, no matter where fate takes us, we know that we will always be welcome at Yader-Mir!

After installing the add-on, your pip-boy will pick up a new radio station - "Yader Cola". Listen to her and head to the transit center. It is located in the west of the map, almost on the border with the whistling sea. It is best to go there from the north, from “clean” territory, since at sea you will constantly bump into invisible walls.

The center is captured by raiders, so deal with them. In general, they are no different from ordinary gangs, except that they have an assault gun.

Down below you will come across a man named Harvey. Talk to him using charisma and get the password for the control terminal.

The terminal itself is to the right of where Harvey is sitting. Activate the monorail's power, then enter it and direct it to Yader-Mir. New map available for research and completing new quests.

That's how we went for a ride

When you get to Yader-Mir, Red Raven will contact you over the loudspeaker. He will tell you where you ended up, in order to get out of this place you will need to go through some tests.

The first obstacle will be the room with the turrets. They are fragile, but lively. Try to destroy them one at a time so that they don't all hit you at once.

In the future, you will often be blocked by tripwires and fire traps. If you have improved your stealth, then feel free to go straight ahead. If not, check corners and openings. The best clue to tripwires will be red barrels - if you see them, walk carefully.

After the first flamethrower, you will be taken to a room with traps. There is a red door nearby, and if you have leveled up the hacking enough (very difficult) you can go straight to the next room.

There are three doors, all with traps. But one of them can also take you further - the left one. Go there, but keep in mind: as soon as you go down the steps, you will find yourself in a room with increased radiation. If there is no protective kit or anti-radine with rad-X left in your backpack, when you go down, immediately turn into the room on the left and pick up the medicine from the dead man. Then quickly go through the room with the barrels to safety.

When you get to the room with the turrets, don't rush forward. Just aim your weapon at the monkey and blow its head off. The motion sensor will not work and the guns will not activate.

The next trap will be a subway mine with robots and mines. To begin with, from a distance, we shoot in the head of the securetron, which is peeking out of its shell. Then we pass through the corridor and watch our step so as not to step on a mine.

When you enter the illuminated door, do not forget to disarm the trap. But it won’t be safe inside either: disarm the scales, which actually act as sensors for mines and grenades. Also, there will be stretch marks inside.

The next trap will be the most dangerous of all those already passed: you will find yourself in a room that will close and begin to fill with gas. In addition to the fact that the hero will begin to choke, radcockroaches will begin to make their way into the room. Under no circumstances use a firearm against them, as everything will explode. Closing the valves is also useless.

To get out, you need to follow the marker to the locked door, turn into the room on the left, and pick up the key to the electrical substation. Then return to the door you entered through and turn into the room on the right.

There will be a terminal in the room. Before using, be sure that there are no radroaches in the vicinity. Use the computer to open the door. Running from the gas chamber.

You will find yourself on the street. You will first be attacked by ants and a swarm of insects, and when you go out into the sun you will find yourself in a room with grenades. Here you can forget about caution and run straight to the exit highlighted by the marker, since raiders will shoot at you from above. There is no point in attacking them, since they are indicated by a skull (even for a level 56 character).

Now it's time for the final stage of the test. You have to fight the boss Colter in power armor. Study it carefully and understand that this armor is not quite ordinary. Talk to Gage through the intercom and, on his advice, take the weapon from the locker. You can trust a stranger.

In a fight with a boss, it is best to first attack him with Gage’s weapon from cover, and then finish him off with a shotgun, rifle, or your favorite upgraded pistol. You will have to use the thirst quencher at least three times. When the armor is weakened, Colter is no different from any other raider wearing power armor.

When you're done, pick up the boss key from the body.

Now go to the window and talk to this same Gage.

Ambitious plan

You need to come to the boss's house and talk to Gage there. Exit the building onto the street, and go to the gate in the north. Use them and we get to the area near the reservoir. We go around it on the left or right.

Use the lift to get into the room. Talk to Gage and find out about the plans of the local gangs. Now you need to talk to the leaders of each of the gangs. There are only three of them: operators, adepts and flock. We go down on the lift.

The closest people to us are the adepts. Go left to Fizztop Mountain. Talk to the leader named Nisha. Be confident during the conversation and convince her that you are a capable boss.

In the Bradburton Amphitheater you will find the Pack, and their leader Mason. Show your toughness by threatening him and get a reward special weapon- rifle "Problem Solver".

Maggie from the camera crew is in the Salon. Everything is simple with her: promise lids.

After talking with everyone, return to Gage and discuss your further plan.

Grand Tour

We speak to Gage in his lair. He tells the global plan: to capture Yader-Mir. To do this, you need to clear all key places in the park. There are five of them in total and each will have its own personal quest. Also, Gage can become your partner for this time. The task will be completed when you clear and distribute all five places.

Advice: it is best that at the end of the task everyone has “equal” shares: two gangs each have two territories, and a third has one. Later you can reward her with a second zone and get a “peaceful” ending.

If you don’t want to help the raiders, the “Hunting Season” quest is for you.

Hunting Season

At the Yader Town market, talk to the doctor named Mackenzie. She will offer you to kill all the gang leaders and return Yader-Mir to the control of the merchants.

If you decide, keep in mind that you will have to kill not only the leaders, but also the entire gang, since they will not approve of the death of the bosses.

Fat minus given choice- the “Grand Tour” quest will be failed, and you will not receive anything else like it from the merchants. But moral principles complied with.

Children's Kingdom

This area is inhabited by ghouls, and radiation is sprayed into the air. So make sure you are dressed appropriately for the weather. The only intelligent inhabitant of the park, the ghoul Oswald, will read his monologue through a loudspeaker.

There are three key places to visit here.

To get started, go to tunnels. The best landmark will be the tracks to the north of the attraction. Follow them and eventually you will get inside, through the door. We listen to Oswald’s lectures to the painted ghoul and, in fact, that’s all. You won't find Oswald, but you can kill the stupid ghoul. There is no point in turning off the sprayers; the ghoul will turn them on again anyway.

Then go to pavilion of laughter. The first test will be a maze of mirrors. There are no reflections on them anymore, so now it's more like a bunch of windows that just block the way. Along the way there will be mines and traps, as well as ghouls and cockroaches. When you reach the exit sign, turn right into the next corridor.

The next obstacle is the floor moving backwards. To cross it, it is best to constantly run and jump. Be careful not to hit the grenade at the end of the path.

Next you will find yourself in a room with rotating platforms. You need to jump to one and then to the other in time. Below is radioactive water and a ghoul. Before moving to the next room, use the terminal (easy) and lower the nausea level in that room.

Now go through the hypnosis room. Here you need to turn correctly:

  • Forward, tunnel on the right
  • Turn left, tunnel on the left
  • Right, into a long tunnel, left
  • Go through the rotating tunnel; in the middle, be careful: there are holes in it. If you fail, go up the stairs and let everyone start again

Open the door and shoot the ghouls. To get further, you need to go through the second red door on the left (the crosshair is indicated on it in the screenshot). Be careful, the floor rotates.

Remove the chain from the door and complete this part of the task.

Now theater. Get back on the tracks and go against the traffic. Go across the bridge and enter the castle. Here the radiation is even higher, plus there are more enemies.

Oswald himself will be inside. After the conversation, he will attack and the ghouls will rise with him. Hit the magician until his health drops to zero.

Now take the elevator off the stage to get a peaceful outcome with Oswald (if you have high charisma). If you don't want to, or don't have enough skills, kill.

Choice: to whom to give the territory. When choosing, make sure everyone gets an equal amount (or approximately).

Star dispatcher

Territory in the west of the park. Tiana's diary from the body - the quest "Star Dispatcher" will begin. The galaxy is teeming with robots, so check your gear. Go to the center of the attraction, to central computer. The landmark is a building with a glass door and blue Enclave armor.

The computer refuses to do anything - there is not enough power. We need to find the so-called “stellar cores” - they are scattered throughout the galaxy. You can pick up the first one near the corpse of the scientist next to the Central Committee.

To pick up the beautiful armor you need to find all 35 elements, but to capture the territory, 20 are enough. This amount is easily collected by simply clearing all the halls in the galaxy. There are no non-linear halls here like the pavilion of laughter in the Children's Kingdom. Core elements will be located in rooms with computers or systems.

When you collect 20, turn off the alarm, and at the same time all the robots in the pavilion. Decide who gets the zone.

A world of freshness

The Nuka Cola plant is located just north of Children's Kingdom. Inside the plant, water awaits us (we need protection from radiation) and a bunch of crabs. There is nothing complicated in this location, except for a whole army of crabs.

First, in the building, kill all the core crabs in the outer ring, and at the generator all the assault trons. If enough level hacking (difficult) at the terminal at the top you can open the door to get power armor. We go out through the top, onto the roof. Now the core crabs are joined by the king and the boss - the queen of the core crabs. It's best to shoot them from above, so a carbine or rifle won't hurt.

Choose a gang: don’t forget about equality and the quest is completed.


At the entrance to the zoo you will witness a fight between a savage and something like a death claw - a crocodile claw. Help Cyto and talk to him. Be friendly to him and follow him. Kill a few more claws along the way.

In the house, listen to the resulting holotape. Zito knows what place we are talking about and agrees to take him. If high level charisma, you can take a gorilla with you.

We go to the triangular house and look at the terminal in the far left corner. Let's go to the roller coaster.

The road to the “evil anaconda” is located to the left of the bear’s den (you can go there and kill the claw with the yao-guy). There will be three claws near the slides, so be careful. In the trailer (complex lock), pick up the doctor's password. Return to the triangular house and use the terminal to move on.

The inside will be full of claws, including a complex "albino". When you kill everyone, turn off the machine at the Central Committee. There will be a terminal nearby, use it to open the passage on the right. Two more claws will come out from there.

If not all the claws on the zoo grounds have been killed yet, now is the time to do it. They will be highlighted on the mini-map.

When all the monsters are dead, talk to Cito and with average charisma you can convince him to live with the gang.

Raise the banner. The quest is completed.

Dismantling in a dry gorge

In this territory you will have to face new monsters - bloodworms. In principle, they are not dangerous and are easy to kill, but they always attack in a pack.

At the entrance you will be greeted by Sheriff Eagle, a Protectron robot. Talk to him, it's best to play along. Get the password fragment and head to the other robots.

Near Scout, for example, you will be attacked by radioactive crickets, quite aggressive and dangerous opponents. Basically, the opponents will be worms. Talk to the Protectron and he will give you the task of bringing the horses into the stall. Actually, if you have the “Robot Expert” perk, any request of any Protectron can be easily fulfilled by convincing the interlocutor.

Or you can run around and fulfill their various requests. The robot horse Buttercup will be to the right of the tower with strange cocoons. In the saloon, Doc will ask for drinks (tables are marked with markers). Ike will challenge you to a duel. Equip the resulting revolver and, after the signal, shoot once.

You have all the parts of the cipher. In the theater, pick up the key to the mines.

Inside, follow the corridor. On the right, do not miss the corpse of a worker, on whose body there will be a key to many doors of the mines. The road itself will guide you.

When you get to large hall, you will be attacked by a queen of worms. However, she is not very strong and is killed in the same way as her cubs. Talk to the sheriff and then raise the banner. The quest is completed.

Home Sweet Home

When all five territories have been captured and distributed, talk to Gage. He will say that it is time to move on the Commonwealth.

Talk to Shenk near Yader Market. Select a settlement to turn into an outpost. If it belongs to you, then you will lose influence and will have to capture it again. You can choose the capture method: persuasion (money or charisma) or force. Also choose the gang to which this place will go. It is best to give it to the one who owns one territory (provided that the other two have two each). Then you can avoid conflict between gangs.

After choosing a place and method, go to the place. When the settlers leave the place, no matter how, a gang agent will come and you need to talk to them. Now use the workshop to install the banner of the corresponding gang. At the same time, you can install beds, turrets and food so you don’t have to run around too much later.

Return to the conversation with Schenk. The outpost must receive supplies, and any nearby farm will be suitable for this. Again, choose a place and method and go there for a conversation or a fight. When everything is done, return to Schenk and find out that an attack by an outside gang of raiders is preparing for the outpost you have chosen. Go there and deal with them. Combat is welcome.

When you return to Shenk for the fourth time, he will ask you to install various amenities in the outpost.

After completing this quest, you will be able to completely capture the Commonwealth and transfer it to the control of raider gangs. This is where the storyline of the expansion ends, if all the gangs are happy. If not, the last quest will be "Show of Force".

Show of force

Schenk will tell you that one of the gangs was dissatisfied with the distribution of territories and rebelled. Now they just need to be killed. However, the gang settled not at their base, but in the Yader-Mira power plant. That is, it not only rebelled, but also took away the electricity. Go there and mow down everyone with a tank. Then restore the power supply and talk to Gage.

Now the passage of the main plot of the Nuka-World add-on is finally completed.

"Nuka-World" is the latest addition for original game Fallout 4. The actions and events of this add-on take place in a huge amusement park, which was captured by a huge number of raiders. The main character now has a chance to clear the streets of this peculiar city from mercenaries, thugs and bandits. At the same time, still perform a large number of new tasks, find brand new armor, weapons and even become the leader of your own gang. However, it is difficult for couples to access the new addition. So first, check out how to start the Nuka-World DLC story campaign.

How to access the Nuka-World add-on

First of all, make sure that your copy of Fallout 4 has been updated before you start playing the new addition. All in in perfect order in this plan? Fine. It's time to examine your hero: 1 - he or she needs to be well-pumped, 2 - he or she needs to have good equipment (weapons, armor and other useful things). The bottom line is that the new addition is designed exclusively for heroes of level 30 and above. So if the level is low, then it’s too early to start completing this add-on. But in any case, as soon as you are ready, the corresponding radio station will appear on the Pip-Boy, which you will need to listen to in order to begin playing through the new adventure. You need to complete the following three simple steps: 1 - you need to upgrade your character to level 30; 2 - you need to check the radio stations in the Pip-Boy and find a new purity; 3 - you need to go to the Yader-Mira transit center, which is located in the western part of the map. As a result of these three completed actions, it will be possible to begin the storyline of the Nuka-World add-on.


So, immediately after the radio station was discovered and a point appeared on the map with the Yader-Mir transit center, go to the western part of the map (straight to the border). In the center you will encounter a couple of shooters, but they are unlikely to cause you any problems, so you deal with them and then head to the subway.

Along the way in the metro dungeon, you will definitely come across a wounded man who will tell you that he and his family fell into a raider trap. However, he managed to escape. However, his wife and child are in the hands of these scum, so he asks you to save them. You can try giving him a stimulant, although he will immediately refuse it. But if you have a high level of charisma (red level of dialogue), then you can without any effort extract the truth from this person about what is happening.

In the end, it turns out that he has no family, and this story was simply made up from scratch, all in order to lure travelers (in this case, you) straight into the clutches of bandits. In response to the truth, you can either finish him off or help him. Any of the two presented actions does not affect the storyline in any way, but will only change the dialogue options with the supposedly “victim”.

In any case, take the code from Harvey and use it to activate the monorail. Then you climb into Yader Express and are finally sent to the long-awaited amusement park, which is crowded with bandits.


If the wounded devil did not break down and did not tell you the truth, then you will be able to find out that you are going into a trap among the raiders thanks to the radio, because one of these bandits will kindly tell you about it. However, in any case, you have to face them. There are turrets in the first room. I recommend immediately trying to hide behind the wall on the left side, which is shown in the screenshot below.

In the next (second) room there will already be stretchers on the floor, and a lot of them. So, watch your step carefully and at the same time neutralize all installed mechanisms. And once you find yourself in a room with three doors, don't open all the doors without thinking too much - choose only the door on the left. Then you move forward along the corridor, which will be protected by several turrets. Moreover, you can avoid a fight and not bother yourself with these mechanisms. To do this, go back a little and use the terminal to cut out all the traps that are dangerous to your life.

In any case, you will reach the mobile core arena. In this arena you will have to fight the leader of a gang. Moreover, at this moment the same raider who previously spoke on the radio before arriving at the park will contact you again. So the local “clown” will be called Gage. So get to the communicator located on the wall and talk to this person.

From him you will be able to learn that the local leader has special power armor, which is connected to the power source in the arena, so there is no way to destroy the boss using standard weapons. However, there is a way out, because Gage has saved it especially for you unique weapon, which will help in battle - a water pistol. The point is that with its help it will be possible to cause a short circuit in the armor, which will lead to the fact that the armor will be disabled.

Now with the help of this weapon you can easily deal with the enemy. And at the end of the battle, do not forget to get your hands on new power armor. After the battle, talk to Gage again, who will now appoint you as the main boss of the defeated bandits. So get out of the arena onto the street and move further forward.

"In the city"

First, remember that the amusement park consists of six large areas. You will appear in the first of them - this is “Yader City”. In this area there are bases of three groups at once: 1 - “Flock”, 2 - “Operators”, 3 - “Adepts”.

The headquarters of the gang leader you killed earlier is located in a grill bar called Fizztop. So go to his lair to talk to Gage there. This shelter will have: a multifunctional workshop, a chest for storing all sorts of items and a bed. In addition, Gage will tell you that you will still need to talk with the leaders of the other groups and convince them to follow you. Moreover, if your level of charisma is high, then you can chat with Gage, who will then tell you about the personal tastes of each of the leaders.

Although in fact you will not receive any original answer, since the information presented can be found on your own. And you can have a conversation with the bosses of all the gangs in absolutely any order, but, for example, the “Adepts” base will be located closer to you than the others, so it’s more logical to start from this place. Also know that in all camps (and in the one where you are now), there are terminals and various locked rooms. In these premises and terminal it will be possible to find extremely interesting data that will give a broader idea of ​​the current situation in this place.

In any case, talk to all the gang leaders and return back to your personal headquarters, where Gage will already agree to become your new faithful partner.


It's time to start capturing the rest of the amusement park areas. And the best place to start is in the area called “Galaxy”. The area is managed powerful computer called the "Star Controller". Moreover, it must be activated 100%, and this can only be done with the help of 35 stellar cores, although only 20 of these things are enough to complete the task. However, if you bring all 35 parts, then you will receive the unique power armor “Kvant X-01 Type V”, but you will have to look for the cores. And in this case, pay your attention to the terminal, because it contains information about where to look for these very kernels.

In addition, using a computer system you can deactivate the security mechanism. However, no one has the right to stop you simply by clearing the location of enemies and this entire security system. Moreover, in this case there will be no need to search for stellar cores. In general, in this location there are a total of five unique attractions, each of which is available for visiting and stores the following number of cores:

1. Location Arena "RobCo" - contains six star cores.

2. Vol-tek location “Among the Stars” - contains six star cores.

3. Location Nuclear Galaxy - contains seven stellar cores.

4. Location Cinema “Starlight” - contains four star cores.

"Children's Kingdom"

This place will be primarily dangerous because during the war the area was too heavily irradiated, so the radiation in the “Children's Kingdom” is extremely high. So if you are planning to go here for the total destruction of dissidents and complete story missions, then I recommend wearing power armor and stocking up big amount medications that will reduce the level of radiation in the character’s body.

In addition, in this place you will be constantly monitored by a secret commentator, who, during the passage of the location, will voice literally every action of the character and simply pester you in every possible way.

I would like to note in advance that this commentator will be a ghoul named Oswald, who has been living in this amusement park since the start of the war. The point is that he and his work colleagues were former employees"Nuclear World". In general, as a result of the bombing, they all turned into ghouls and ultimately decided not to leave this part of the park. Moreover, the enraged, wild ghouls are the same former employees park, only aggressive ones.

As I indicated above, there are many wild ghouls in the park. Therefore, it is logical that you will encounter them, but they should not cause you problems, of course, if you are wearing power armor. In any case, follow the marker that will be indicated on the mini-map until the “mysterious” commentator decides to challenge the character to the final battle.

However, he will also add that the problem can be solved peacefully, but for this you will need to have a pumped-up charisma skill. Although Gage will deeply dislike this outcome, since he is, after all, a raider, so he is used to shooting first, reloading and then shooting again, rather than thinking.

. "Pavilion of Laughter"

The first test is a maze. However, getting through it is not as difficult as it might seem at first. The main danger of this place is a huge enemy. In the next room you will have to jump on constantly rotating platforms, making your way to opposite side premises. I recommend hacking the terminal so that the tunnels in the hypnosis room spin a little slower.

Move to the hypnosis room. By the way, here along the way you can also pick up the “Scavenger” magazine. In any case, find the doors and go into the last tunnel. Move through the tunnel extremely carefully. The fact is that in some key places there are huge holes.

You need to get to a room with a rotating floor inside. Find the room with “Mr. Cap” on the wall. To do this, open the red door, which is located on the left side of the door (through which you just passed). You can leave the pavilion of laughter through exactly the same passage.

. "Tunnel"

Move along the railroad tracks, jumping over cars along the way. Be careful, because at a certain moment an entrance will soon appear on the right side. And that’s not all, because in the tunnels it will be possible to overhear the conversations of that same Oswald.

. "Theater"

As soon as you manage to get inside this building, you will come across Oswald near the stage. You can either immediately attack him or listen to what he tells you. In any case, you will have to take the elevator a little higher and talk with Oswald again. You'll either have to finish him off or convince him to leave the Children's Kingdom, but it's up to you.

However, no matter what the option, control over this territory will pass to you, so hang your banner on the flagpole, which is located near the place where you released or finished off Oswald, and choose one of the available factions.

"Showdown in a Dry Gorge"

Once in the indicated location, first of all talk to the cowboy robot named Sheriff Hawk. So, during the conversation, he will give you a task that is related to the search for three parts of the sheriff. Three robots in the park have these parts, so if you have the “Robot Expert” skill/perk, all the parts can be picked up without any problems. However, otherwise you will have to complete their tasks in exchange for parts.

So, a robot named Scout will ask you to find Buttercup, a robotic pony. Go to the saloon, go inside and talk to Doc Phosphate there. He, in turn, issues a task to distribute to all “visitors” alcoholic drinks. You go upstairs and put one bottle on the table. Next, go out into the street and walk a little forward - here you leave the bottles in two open buildings on tables. Immediately after this, you can return back to Doc Phosphate and pick up the well-deserved code from him.

Now stand with your back to the saloon and turn into left side. Take a careful look now, because you need to find the tower, which is in poor condition. On the right side of this tower you can finally find the lost robotic pony Buttercup. Therefore, take it and return together back to Scout. Upon arrival, simply stand in a makeshift pen and throw away the toy. After this, talk with Scout again and receive the first necessary element code. You move on.

The last piece of the code can be obtained from One-Eyed Ike. To find it, go back to the saloon and go straight from this building (from the entrance). You can find a lone robot near the structure on the left side. As soon as you find him, talk to him about everything and agree to a duel. Do you agree? Great! Now pick up a revolver, go out into the middle of the street and shoot at the robot once, precisely on command. Immediately after the shot, talk to him at last time and thus take away the last piece of the cipher.

Now is the time to head to the theater. You need to go inside and open the safe there using the code that was obtained earlier. And along the way you will have to kill a couple of enemies. But in any case, take the key from the safe inside and go with it to the mine. Go inside the mine and kill the moleworm queen along with the babies.

At the top of the structure, which stands not far from the Sheriff Hawk robot, there will also be a flagpole for the banner. Getting to this object is quite simple, although it may not seem so: go to the theater, go up the stands and look for an inclined staircase there. Go forward along the stairs and end up on the key roof.

"World of Freshness"

Enter the factory where Yader-Cola is bottled and soon find yourself in the World of Freshness. The first step is to destroy all enemies located on the territory of this industrial enterprise. After the massacre, you need to move through a tunnel that is filled with water so as not to miss anyone. In general, before the end of the tunnel it is necessary to destroy all the robots. At the end, explore the other rooms and don't forget about the core crabs. Once all the enemies are defeated, the task will be updated, so it's time to get out and destroy the enemies there.

Once you find another exit (and you won't miss it), you will find yourself in the northern part of the plant. So in this part you once again need to destroy all enemies. Moreover, it will immediately be necessary to deal with the queen of nuclear crabs.

After destroying this beauty, you go further along the metal stairs to the roof of the building. Stick to the marker. At the end you will find a red rocket. Go inside the house and use the lift inside to get to the top of the plant. And at the top there will be a flagpole waiting for you, on which you can attach your corporate banner.


Go to absolutely new zone and there help a character named Cyto fight off the monster. After the fight, follow him to the primate house. Talk to a new friend to find out a little more useful information regarding the location. Open your inventory, go to the section called “Miscellaneous” and continue reading Dr. McDermott’s diary, entry 47B, to advance further on the task.

Have you read the entry? Then talk to Cito again. If you have a high level of charisma, then you can ask the gorillas for help. In any case, after the dialogue, follow the marker. When you get to the reception center, deal with the enemy on the lower level, then get to one of the corridors and find doors with a terminal there. To open the doors, you will need to remove the lock from the doors.

After this, you talk with Cyto again and learn from him that the Evil Anaconda is actually a roller coaster. So now go towards the attraction - it is located in the far part of the park. Upon arrival, destroy a couple of enemies and find a booth with a yellow stripe on it. The door key can be found on the roof. In any case, inside you will find a briefcase and Hein's corpse. Moreover, the password for the doors that are locked will be hidden in the case.

Now you can go back to the reception center and use Hein's password. Since you now know the password, you unlock the doors and go inside. Inside you will encounter a crocodile claw, so after killing it, enter the next room, which leads to red doors. Moreover, there are also enemies waiting for you here, so you kill them, then use the panel to deactivate the replicator and destroy the remaining enemies, which will be marked on the mini-map. Nothing complicated.

Return back to Zito, who is in the primate house. Once again, after talking with him, you will have to make a choice: kill Zito along with his friends, or convince him to leave or join your gang. The decision is yours. In any case, you have to go to the flagpole, which is located in this location on the roof of the center for receiving guests. Stand facing the central entrance, go around the building on the right side and thus stumble upon the stairs. The stairs, in turn, will lead you to the desired object.

"Grand Tour"

Everything is simple here: go around all the key zones, and then return back to old Gage to finally pass the “Grand Tour” task. Upon arrival, talk to him. During the dialogue you will receive the next story task.

"Home Sweet Home"

So, go to the Yader Town market to talk with Shank there. After the conversation, together you will have to capture an outpost in the Commonwealth. Moreover, there are two options for capture: 1 - kill everyone and that’s it; 2 - you convince everyone to give up with the help of your eloquence. If you want to avoid wasting a lot of caps, you need to have a high level of charisma. Otherwise, you will have to throw away from 500 to 1000 caps. In addition, you need to carefully choose the settlement you want to capture, because if you are the owner of this place, then you will simply lose control over it.

This applies to relationships with the Minutemen. The point is that Preston will not be too happy that a new outpost is being established, but relations with the faction as a whole will not deteriorate. But this applies only to the case when the settlement was taken through diplomacy. Moreover, choose your grouping responsibly, because the ending of the “Nuka-World” add-on depends on this settlement.

After the settlement is captured, use the workshop to create a flag for the desired group/gang. Next, you install a flagpole on the territory of the outpost, and then wait for the arrival of a small group of bandits. Once the raiders are in place, talk to Shank.

Have you talked? Now it's time to convince the settlers from the village next door to supply the gang with water and food. The supply issue, again, can be resolved either peacefully or harshly. The peaceful path implies either a high level of charisma or a thick wallet with lids.

After this, you once again talk with Shank and now decide what exactly to do with the rest of the raiders. Go to an enemy outpost, where you either kill or intimidate the raiders there. Done? Go back with Shenku and talk to him so you can send him to the settlement.

And one more thing: it is possible that your outpost will not have the amount of resources and life support systems that are required. To do this, create as many beds, generators and other similar objects as possible. I also recommend installing a couple of turrets for safety.

In general, the last thing that remains is to capture two more settlements and create two outposts from them. After completing this task, talk to Shank again. Remember that once you have eight outposts under your control, you can create tribute boxes.

"Show of Force"

No matter what action or decision you take first, the most offended group of raiders will rebel. Therefore, in any case, we will have to discuss this matter with Shank. Moreover, it is you who will be able to influence which particular gang will put forward protests. Immediately after the dialogue, return to Yader-Mir, and from there move to the power plant, where you will have to talk with the leaders of the other two gangs. Go inside, go upstairs and deal with the gang leaders.

Don't forget to search the leader's corpse to take the key with you. Have taken? Then go to the control panel and supply power to Yader-Town. Now return back to Gage to complete the tasks and complete the storyline of the Nuka-World add-on.
