How to pay utility bills. How to pay for housing and communal services


Good afternoon We have such a system in Russia for housing and communal services: if something doesn’t suit you, then pay according to the receipt, for services not provided or services of unsatisfactory quality, and then run around to prove that they are wrong, sue, etc. I don’t like this system okay, I decided to change everything? that is, pay according to the receipt only for those services that were provided, if the management company is not satisfied with something, then let her go to court, but she will not do this, since there are no fools there.

Question with an example: If the receipt indicates several types of payments (for example: heating, hot water supply), is it possible to pay only for one particular type, specifically heating, so that they do not receive an amount that they will scatter wherever they want for both types, but only what I paid for, that is, heating? Is it possible? Or maybe then try sending each line by money transfer through the bank’s information system (Internet banking, Sberbank Online for example) using the details from the receipt. In the purpose of payment, indicate the type of payment or several types separated by a comma, for example, for heating or heating and something else. This will somehow differ from the usual payment of a full receipt; surely such payments can then be used as confirmation that the payment actually took place? Or is it better not to do this from a legal point of view? Dear experts, will this cunning method work if it is known that neither the bank nor the management company (management company) are interested in this? So is it possible to bypass their interests using an electronic system?

Require the provision of a Certificate of Completion of Work and a recalculation.

Is it really possible that in Voronezh the receipt for payment comes in one digit?

No, it is not indicated in one number, but by type of payment, if I pay the receipt through the bank, then the amount received by the organization in a cunning way is distributed among the items that they consider necessary without my participation. Therefore, the idea arose to send money not using a receipt (but using its details), and not to enter into contact with them either to correct the amounts in the receipt or to recalculate. And running somewhere, drawing up acts is a waste of time. You send them a letter with an act, they answer you that measures have been taken, this kind of football is tiring and they know it.

Previously, in order to pay for housing and communal services, it was necessary to personally visit a bank branch, wait in line, and waste your time. In addition, you had to pay a commission to deposit funds. Today, Russian citizens have the opportunity to pay for utilities without visiting financial institutions and without collecting additional funds.

When to deposit funds

The terms of payment for housing and communal services are clearly regulated by Article 155 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation. The first paragraph of this regulatory act states that citizens of the country must make payments by the 10th of each month. Moreover, at this time the user pays for the services provided to him last month.

The same document also contains information about the assignment of penalties in the event of no payments. Thus, penalties are applied 31 days after the 10th day of the month. That is, for a whole month a citizen may not pay utility bills and at the same time no fines will be imposed on him for such actions.

This is convenient if a citizen is on vacation or is away from his place of permanent residence and, accordingly, cannot deposit funds in a timely manner. However, it is recommended to repay the debt on time. Moreover, now it is possible to pay rent without a commission.

Where to make payments

Today there are a large number of ways to make payments for housing and communal services. As before, citizens can use the services of a bank branch or one of the post offices. In this case, you will need to pay a commission. It is calculated as a certain percentage of the payment.

The higher the amount paid, the higher the commission. Given the constant increase in rent costs, such additional financial burden can become a problem for citizens. Therefore, the question becomes relevant: how to pay for housing and communal services without commission? You can do this using:

  • ATM;
  • Internet banking services;
  • electronic payment systems;
  • government services website;
  • mobile banking.

It is worth considering that not all banks provide their clients with the opportunity to transfer funds without charging a commission. Some terminals charge additional funds for such actions. Sometimes the fee is waived only for certain payments. For example, any resident of Moscow can use the website of the Mosenergosbyt company to pay their electricity bill without additional costs, but other services will have to be paid with a commission.

Using ATMs

Where can I pay utility bills without a fee? Many large banks give their customers the opportunity to pay without commission through ATMs. In this case, the citizen just needs to use the appropriate ATM, select the item regarding payment for services, and then fill in the required fields.

But before using an ATM, it is recommended that you read the terms and conditions of the bank that owns it. Not all financial institutions provide such opportunities. The country also has a large number of terminals. Their advantage is the ability to deposit funds in cash, which may be necessary if there is no plastic or funds on it. However, most of these devices charge a fee for making payments.

Electronic payment systems

You can pay for housing and communal services without commission also if you use electronic payment systems. This is possible, for example, in the case of using services "Rapida" And "". So:

It should be noted that not all services provide the opportunity to pay rent without charging a commission. In some services, this is done as recurring promotions, such as in the QIWI service.

Internet banking

Modern financial institutions offer their clients to become users of Internet banking. In some banks, transferring funds to pay for housing and communal services through Internet banking is not subject to commission (for example, in Citibank). In this case, the calculation can be made without additional financial costs.

However, paying utility bills without a commission does not apply to all financial institutions, so it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the terms of transfers before conducting the transaction. For example, in Sberbank Online you cannot pay rent without a commission. However, if in a bank branch it is 3%, then in Sberbank Online it is only 1%.

Mobile banking

If for transferring funds through Sberbank Online you need to pay a commission in the amount of 1% of the transferred amount, then in the case of mobile banking from Sberbank, no commission is charged. The user only needs to enable this option after registering in Internet banking.

After the user registers in the system and connects the mobile bank, you need to go to the section "Housing and communal services...", select a specific organization from the list, enter details, information from counters. After all fields have been filled in, you must confirm the payment using the code sent to the client’s phone. You can print a receipt by going to the category "Fulfilled", and selecting the appropriate payment.

Using the "Government Services" service

Using the Gosuslugi service, you can not only submit applications to various government agencies, but also pay rent. At the same time, the service does not charge its clients a commission for making payments. However, you must understand that it may be collected by the bank or service provider.

For example, owners of plastic cards from the Bank of Moscow banking organization have the opportunity to pay rent without any additional costs, but for other banks the commission may be 0.8%. Additionally, the site is a little difficult to use. In some cases, service interruptions may occur.

Thus, paying housing and communal services without commission is possible. Today, citizens do not have to stand in line at the bank and incur additional costs. To transfer funds, you can use ATMs, electronic payment systems, Internet banking/mobile banking, and the government services website. In this case, the citizen is recommended to carefully read the terms of service before making a payment. Not all financial market participants provide such services to their clients. In some cases, special conditions apply only to payments for certain housing and communal services.

In order for citizens to avoid difficulties and conflicts with government agencies, they need to know how to pay utility bills on time and correctly. These include gas supply, electricity, water supply (cold and hot), sewerage and heating. In addition, utility services include procedures for garbage removal and cleaning of the local area.

The tariff for each service provided is set by the executive body, energy commissions and local administration, which in their decisions refer to the current acts of Russian legislation. On their basis, preventive measures are taken against defaulters.

Today, there are quite a lot of options and ways to pay utility bills correctly. These include standard cash registers, banking systems, transfers via terminals or the Internet. Everyone can choose the most convenient way for themselves, so as not to adapt to the time, place and circumstances that depend on anyone. But no matter which option is chosen, you should definitely save receipts so that in the event of a conflict situation, you have confirmation of the conscientious fulfillment of obligations.

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Payment via cash register

The most famous and familiar to many is the option of paying utility bills through a postal or bank office. To do this, citizens should go to the nearest post office or bank office with books for payment and hand them over to the employee in order of priority, along with the money. The branch employee will carry out all the necessary actions and issue receipts with dates, payment amounts and stamps.

This option has long been proven and reliable, and no additional knowledge is required from the person. All you have to do is fill out the books, submit and pay. But, at the same time, given the availability of modern technologies, it would be much more convenient to pay for utilities through the terminal. The disadvantage of postal and bank cash desks is that people waste their time going to the branch, standing in queues and slow service. As a result, the person’s mood is spoiled and at least an hour is lost.

When paying through a cash register, as well as through a terminal or the Internet, you should not forget about the small percentage that is deducted from the payment amount. It ranges from one to five percent, which must be warned about before payment.


Citizens can independently pay for utilities through an ATM, but only those who have bank cards have this opportunity. The principle of operation is very simple:

  • Go to any nearest ATM with a bank card;
  • Insert the card into the ATM and enter your code;
  • Go to the service payment menu;
  • Select the desired recipient from the list;
  • Dial the ten-digit payer number in the pop-up window;
  • Indicate for what period the payment is made;
  • After the amount of debt is displayed, press the payment button. After this, the funds will be withdrawn from the card inserted into the ATM and transferred to the service provider's account.

To do this, you can use not only the ATM of your banking institution, but also any other. True, the commission percentage may differ in this case.

The advantages of paying through an ATM are that it takes no more than five minutes and ATMs do not have operating hours, they are available around the clock. However, there are also disadvantages. For example, there are banks that do not provide such functions. In addition, there are unpleasant moments in the form of the same queues, however, much smaller than at the cash registers, and sometimes machine malfunctions occur and you have to look for a working one.

Payment terminals

You can correctly pay utility bills yourself and through a special terminal. The principle of its operation is the same as that of an ATM, but a bank card is not needed, and you can pay in cash. To do this, select the desired section from the menu and manually enter the amount that the payer wishes to deposit into the account. In some cases, the terminal also accepts bank cards.

The terminal is convenient because you can find it in almost any store, supermarket, shopping or entertainment center. Sometimes there is a terminal in a subway passage, and in some cities you can find it on the street. This allows you to make a payment without being distracted from other matters, quickly and efficiently.
any convenient time, seven days a week.

The terminal only accepts banknotes when paying in cash. Please note that the terminal does not issue change. That is, if one payment amount is indicated, and a banknote is deposited with a higher denomination, most likely, the allotted change will go to waste. This is definitely a small drawback. In addition, the terminal usually charges a slightly higher commission than at the cash register, about which a corresponding message will be displayed before the money is deposited.

Internet banking and blitz payment

Almost all major banking institutions provide their clients with the opportunity to pay for necessary utilities through their official website on the Internet. To do this, you will need to register in the system yourself or with the help of a bank employee so that everything is correct. After registration, citizens have the opportunity to manage their accounts
without leaving home, while on the road, at work, on vacation in another region or even outside the country.

By logging into your personal account on the bank’s website, you select the appropriate menu and categories, enter the details of the service provider and your data such as personal account, address, last name and initials. After the first payment made, the information is saved, and in the future you will not need to enter the same again. It will be enough to enter the amount and confirm the transfer.

Blitz payments can also be activated directly at the bank or independently through your personal account. This feature will allow you to automatically make payments every month. The specified amount will be transferred to the service provider’s account on a certain date from a bank card.

Internet systems

In addition to the fact that there is a cash register, a terminal, an ATM, and Internet banking, the Internet also provides many other opportunities to pay utility bills correctly, on time and quickly. For example, an equally reliable option is to pay on the website directly to the provider of a particular service. This can also be done through your personal account after registering on the site. There you can also see the amount of debt, find out about changes in tariffs, etc. The disadvantage of this option is that to pay for each service you need to register on all websites, that is, on the website of the supplier of gas, water, electricity, heat, etc. And you will also have to pay by going to each site.

There are other possibilities on the Internet, universal payment systems and electronic wallets with such functions. True, in such systems the commission is usually higher or the same as that of the terminal.

In any case, when making payments yourself, you must be extremely careful when entering any information. One wrong number and the payment will be misdirected.

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Laziness is the engine of progress. That is why now more and more ideas are appearing on how to simplify our lives and save time. There are several ways to save a couple of hours and not have to stand in line to pay for utilities. Now this can be done much easier.

Payment of utilities via bank card and personal account

At almost any payment point you can pay using a bank card. This payment method is more convenient than paying in cash, and when paying by card you are not charged a commission.

A personal account is required to carry out many transactions. Without it, you will not be able to pay utility bills. You can find out your personal account from the receipt in the “Consumer” column or directly from the service provider company. Knowing your personal account, you can pay for housing and communal services through terminals, online services, ATMs, etc.

Payment of utilities via bank online

Almost any large bank provides the opportunity to pay utility bills. It is very convenient and does not take much time.

When paying using Internet banking, the money will be transferred to the recipient until the end of the next day, and you will receive a notification that the payment was successful.

To do this you need register on the bank's website, which will take no more than 10 minutes. After registration, log into your personal account. Select a tab "Payments and transfers". Select item here "Rent" in category "Housing and communal services and home telephone". Next, find your service provider in the list or use the search.

Next step - filling in details. After this, the details of the service provider will be set automatically. Verify all data and confirm payment. To confirm payment, an SMS message with a password will be sent to your phone, which you will need to enter in the appropriate field. You can print the receipt if necessary.

After paying for utilities, a template will appear in your personal account according to which you can pay in the future. All details will already be filled in, and all you have to do is confirm the payment.

Websites of major banks:

Sberbank of Russia -;
Bank of Moscow -

You can pay for utilities online not only through a bank. There are also many other services. The most popular site is

Where can you pay for utilities, payment points, comparison of commission sizes

There are many points where you can pay utility bills. They are scattered throughout the city and are found very often.

  1. Bank branch. In almost any bank you can pay for utilities. Payment can be made in cash or by card. When paying at the branch you will be charged commission of 1.9%, but not more than 1000 rubles. for the work of bank employees. To pay, you will need a receipt, which comes by mail.
  2. Terminal. There are always terminals in places with large crowds of people. You can use them to pay for housing and communal services. To do this, you just need to enter the unique number that is indicated on the receipt and the amount. Next, deposit money into the terminal. The commission is 3-5% of the amount, but not more than 1000 rubles. The machine does not issue change, but sends it as payment to the utility service provider. The minimum commission charged by the Sberbank terminal is 0.5%.
  3. Post office. Russian Post does not charge a commission only from clients of the Bank of Moscow and Sberbank of Russia. The rest pay commission of 1-3%.
  4. Self-service machines. When paying in cash, a fee will be charged commission of 1.5%. But it is also possible to pay by card without commission.

Where can you pay utilities without commission?

There are a number of services with which you can pay for utilities without a commission.

ATM. You can pay for housing and communal services without a fee at self-service machines (info kiosks, ATMs) when paying by card. If you pay in cash, a commission of 1.5% will be charged.

Internet banking. Large banks provide the opportunity to pay utility bills online without commission. To do this, you only need to register on the bank’s website and have the required amount of money on the card.

System A3. This is the site, which provides payment for utilities without commission for all users using a phone or the card itself. You just need to register and know your personal account number.

QIWI wallet. – here you can get yourself a wallet and use it to make various types of money transfers, including rent payments.
It is also possible to pay without commission through other monetary systems, such as Yandex.Money, WebMoney, etc. It all depends on the cooperation of companies providing housing and communal services with payment services.

Where can I see my utility bills?

In addition to directly contacting the service provider and the receipt, there are several other ways to find out the rent arrears.

Internet services. You can check online through your personal account at the management company. But, unfortunately, today not all companies use such a system. Check with your management company if they use such services and ask you to register.

A few more sites for other cities:

Rostov-on-Don -
The entire territory of Russia -

Bank. Many banks provide information on paying utility bills. You need to register. This can be easily done on your bank's website by following the prompts. The procedure will take no more than 10 minutes. After registration, you must log into your personal account, select “Payments and transfers” -> “Payment for services” -> “Housing and communal services” and enter the recipient’s name.

Sberbank of Russia provides such a service. You can follow this link to the bank’s website and, after logging into your personal account, fill in the details and view the debt

This service is also provided by the Bank of Moscow -

ATM. You can also find out the amount of debt through an ATM, as well as pay it. Below we will look at instructions on how to do this.

Paying utilities via ATM: instructions

The method of paying for utilities through an ATM is suitable for all users of plastic bank cards. To do this, you need to have the required amount in your account and some time.


  1. Insert the card into the ATM and enter the PIN code;
  2. In the main menu, select “Payments and transfers”—> “Utility payments” —> “Manual entry”;
  3. Select the payment recipient (for example, “Zhilkomservice No. 2”);
  4. Enter the 10-digit payer code (indicated on the receipt) and click “Next”;
  5. Enter the payment period in MM/YYYY format and click “Next”;
  6. Select the debt you want to pay off;
  7. Check that the entered data is correct and click “Pay”;
  8. Select the payment amount;
  9. Print out the receipt and don't forget to pick up your card.

Unfortunately, not all ATMs allow you to pay for housing and communal services.

How to pay utilities on video

The video below provides details of remote payment of utilities.

In the Internet. To activate the service, visit one of the bank branches, and you must have your passport with you.

If not, there is only one way out: negotiate with neighbors, friends or acquaintances, leave them the keys so that they regularly visit yours and transmit instrument readings to the management company. If you live in the same locality or nearby, it is safer to do it yourself.

If you let in tenants, everything is simpler: assign the responsibility for paying all bills to them. Depending on the market situation in the region where your property is located, these costs may be included in or in addition to your rent.
You can, if the situation allows, regularly meet with the tenants and look at the originals of invoices and documents confirming their payment. Or arrange for scans of all these papers to be sent to you by email.
It is also possible to periodically call service providers and check to see if .

In a situation where the apartment is empty, you can make payments by bank transfer. To do this, you will need a current account in any Russian credit organization that presumably works with utilities. If you have a client, making payments will be possible from anywhere in the world where there is access to the global network and a socket for a laptop.
You will only need payment details, which you can take from your most recent invoices.

Leave your neighbors, friends or acquaintances the key to your mailbox and regularly contact them to clarify the amount of your next payments. The ideal option is if they have the technical ability and skills to scan invoices and send them to you by email.
By regularly looking into the box, your neighbors, friends or acquaintances will simultaneously clear it of junk in the form of free newspapers, leaflets and other things, the presence of which often serves as a tip to thieves about empty ones.

Video on the topic


Installing meters solves only part of the problems: bills for heat, various services for garbage removal, maintenance of the house and yard, elevator, intercom, etc. will still have to be paid according to the norm.

Tip 4: How to pay utilities in another city

Sometimes situations arise when you are in another city and cannot personally pay for utilities. But the problem can be solved by using various Internet services. There are several options.


The first option is to pay for utilities using a Sberbank bank card. To do this, connect the service that "". This service allows you to use the Internet in your personal account on the bank’s website. You can use either a card you already have or apply for one specifically designed for online transactions. To activate the service, visit one of the bank branches, and you must have your passport with you.

Next, insert the card into one of the ATMs and print the identification number, permanent password, and a list of one-time passwords for making payments on the receipt. Additionally, you can activate the Mobile Bank service, with which you will receive not only SMS messages about your account status, but also one-time passwords.

Launch an Internet browser and go to, find the link “Sberbank online@yn” (with an orange background) and click on it, or immediately go to This is the login page. In the appropriate fields, enter the identification number and permanent password that you printed on the receipt at the ATM. On the next page you will see a list of cards and the number of funds available on them. Find the utility bill payment button and click on it. Enter the required payment details and click “Remember” so you don’t have to re-enter the data next time. Make a payment.

Another option is to pay using payment system services, for example, Yandex.Money. Go to Click on the “Pay” link and in the “Payment of receipts” subsection, select “Housing and communal services”, and then “Payment of receipts”. Carefully enter the required information in the appropriate fields and indicate the amount of the payment to be made. After this, double-check the entered data and click the “Pay” button. On the next page, enter your payment password and complete the transaction.

Pay utility bills without commissions can be done in several ways: via the Internet, an ATM or directly at an organization providing housing and communal services. Payment through a bank teller or post office may incur a commission of one to three percent of the amount.

You will need

  • - bank card;
  • - receipt.


Call the bank and find out if you can pay for the services Housing and communal services through their ATM, whether a commission will be charged and whether a plastic card is needed for this. If the management company and other organizations providing housing and communal services have entered into an agreement with the bank on the possibility of the population paying for their services without commissions, then you can use an ATM.

To pay at an ATM, insert your card, then enter your PIN. If a card is not required or is not available, then press the button on the screen that says “Pay by cash”. Click "Next". In the menu that appears, find the line “Payment for services”, and then “Utility payments”. Enter the payer code in the window that opens in the “receipt number” period (the code is on the receipt). Go to another page by clicking the "Next" button. The ATM program may prompt you to repeat the payer code for identification. Enter the month of payment in numbers and the amount. Click the "Pay" button. Exit the program and receive your check.

Second payment method Housing and communal services without commissions- This is payment via the Internet. To do this, you can enter any proposed site, which can be found by entering the words in the search bar: “Payment Housing and communal services without commissions" It is better if it is a website of government services or a bank where you serve as an individual. Similar sites are designed almost identically for user convenience. Register and get access to your personal account. On the website page from the list of companies, select the one to whose account you want to transfer funds without commissions. Select the button or line “Payment Housing and communal services" Next, on the page that opens, enter the name of the city in the search bar or select it from the list. From the found organizations, select the one you need, then a payment method that will not charge a commission. Enter the payment amount, date and receipt number. And if you agree with the terms of the offer, which is offered by almost all sites of this format, then click the button “I agree with the terms of the offer” and “Make payment”. Print out a receipt for payment.

Another payment method Housing and communal services without commissions– This is a cash payment to the organization’s cash desk. Call there and find out about the nearest offices where you can come and pay utility bills without commissions. Fill out the receipts and pay them directly to the cash desk or mobile points of the organization providing housing and communal services.


The easiest and most effective way to pay for services without commission is to visit the office of the service organization.

Helpful advice

When paying online, be sure to read the public offer for payment. You may not be satisfied with some payment terms. Do not provide your personal information when registering on the site. Be sure to keep receipts to confirm payment in case of disputes.

If there are several adult owners or tenants in the apartment, everyone must bear the costs of utility bills proportionately. If one of the owners or tenants does not pay their share of the payment, the personal account can be divided and the rent can be paid in accordance with their share.

You will need

  • - application to a single settlement center;
  • - title documents for the apartment;
  • - passport of all owners or tenants;
  • - application to court;
  • - a copy of the cadastral plan;
  • - explication.
