American research complex in Alaska. The military deployed HAARP to protect the Earth

This is what the HAARP base in Hakko, Alaska looks like.

Even before World War II, the possibility of using powerful radio emission to influence the properties of the ionosphere was experimentally established. Apparently, the military was behind the scientists’ developments. In 1985, scientist Bernard Eastlund patented a work called “Method and mechanism for changing the region of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth”. He also became one of the leaders of the American research project HAARP - a program for high-frequency active research in the auroral region ( HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). At the initial stage, scientists from American universities and research centers were involved in the research, the data was periodically published, although the hands and money of the Pentagon were visible behind the project.

Who is hiding information about the secret base? HAARP in Alaska?

The first and most famous facility of the HAARP system was founded in 1992 on the site of a former tracking station in Alaska, 450 kilometers from Anchorage - near the village of Gakkona. Among the taiga, surrounded by mountains, a giant antenna field appeared, its own power plant, a network of diesel generators, an airstrip and God knows what else.

Eyewitnesses are especially impressed a system of 180 antennas, some of which reach 30 meters in height. The power of the transmitters is 3.5 megawatts, and the antennas aimed at the zenith make it possible to focus short-wave radiation pulses on individual sections of the ionosphere (where the effective irradiation power has already reached a record value of 3.5 gigawatts) and heat them up to form high-temperature plasma. At first, information about the experiments at Hakko was published in the public domain. However, for some time now the information has disappeared.

The Mystery of the Scandinavian Experiments

Something similar operates in Tromso, Norway. The system there EISCAT (European Incoherent Scatter radar site), according to scientists, has antenna capabilities equivalent to the Alaskan HAARP, but the transmitter is 3 times weaker - 1.2 MW. According to some reports, construction of a similar facility in Greenland is being completed.

The construction of the European Community HISCAT system is underway in Sweden. This facility will be many times greater than the American HAARP (36dB, 10 MW). The most interesting thing is that no data about European experiments is published.

For some time now, the Americans have even begun to allow tourists into the facility near Anchorage. However, there is evidence that something similar was created in Alaska, but in a different place. And now access there is already prohibited. Wikipedia gives this address: HIPAS (High Power Auroral Stimulation), near the city of Fairbanks. And a few more addresses: Puerto Rico (near the Arecibo Observatory), Zmiev in the Kharkov region - “Uran-1”, Dushanbe - radio system "Horizon", and also, it is possible that Peru and Australia. Another object is pointed out in scientific circles: SPEAR (Space Plasma Exploration by Active Radar)- on the Spitsbergen archipelago.

Some of these complexes have a purely research, scientific orientation, and due to insufficient capabilities, they cannot achieve any breakthroughs in a direction that is dangerous for us. However, the European complexes are two super systems that, according to scientists, will be able to control the entire circumpolar region.

Italian trace

A surge of attention to the topic of “ionospheric sounding” occurred in connection with the commissioning in 2010 of a top-secret American military base in Sicily, near the town of Niscemi. It is officially known about the base that it is part of the so-called system MUOS (Mobile User Objective System)(global system for communication and tracking (targeting) of mobile users). The facility arose on the site of the largest communications point for NATO troops in the Atlantic and Europe.

Visually, the base is similar to Hakkona: an antenna field located over several tens of square kilometers, its own power plant, and maintenance buildings. Italian scientists have suggested that the base can perform broader functions and be part of the HAARP system. According to physicist Enrico Penna, the Nishemi facility may be an experimental site or even an element for the practical application of ultra-powerful electromagnetic fields that can affect the environment. In addition, according to military experts, it is possible that this system can be used to conduct experiments on influencing ballistic missiles. However, domestic experts believe that there is not enough objective data for such conclusions.

However, the new facility was originally supposed to be located in the village of Sigonella at a NATO air and missile base. However, the US military authorities demanded that the new base be moved a sufficient distance from the air force base, citing electromagnetic radiation that could cause disruption in the communication environment and in the operation of civil and aircraft engines. military aviation during takeoff and landing.

According to some reports, the radiation can also cause the detonation of ammunition. At least, Italian newspapers wrote that in Sicily around this base, malfunctions of electronic watches and other equipment regularly occur. A survey conducted by scientists from an Italian university showed that radiation emanating from the Niscemi base poses a threat to the local population. Not to mention all the other dangers that arise when such a facility is located in a densely populated area.

By the way, the Sicilians are actively protesting and demanding the closure of the base, using, among other things, the fact that the allocation of land in the protected area was made by the Roman authorities, bypassing normal procedures, in violation of Italian law. After all, this is the only way a secret American base could appear in Sicily, where access to local authorities is prohibited.

Since 2011, demonstrations have been taking place around the base of the specially created public movement “NOMOOS”, which we do not write about. People in Sicily quickly realized that they had become guinea pigs in obscure American experiments, and in the event of war, targets for missiles. The mayors of many cities in Sicily opposed the base. But dealing with the Italian government, which was under pressure from Washington, is not easy. At first, even the governor of Sicily supported the movement. But a shout from Rome forced him to moderate his protest impulse.

Nevertheless, the intensity of passions around the base does not subside. Newspapers and television have repeatedly devoted unpleasant stories and articles to her. A conference was held in the Italian Parliament last year, during which deputies and experts exchanged information about what was happening in Niscemi, assessed possible risks and outlined ways to counteract it.

Not long ago, the local prosecutor's office even issued a resolution to close the base.

But for now she continues experiments that few people understand. According to Russian scientists, the Nishemi facility is most likely not associated with the HAARP system. But who knows what else they are up to there... Moreover, Washington responded with a sharp refusal to the demand of Italian parliamentarians to provide detailed information about the new base.

Whose hat is on fire?

And just recently, the English Daily Mail published an interesting article, from which it followed that the CIA suspects Russia of using those same geophysical weapons against the United States. The newspaper, frankly speaking, is greedy for sensations, but the information was picked up by the government “ Russian newspaper", titling the article “The CIA blames Russia for climate disasters”. From the publication it followed that the American spy agency was interested in the ability of other states to control the climate and was interviewing scientists working in this field. The leak was made by a certain professor Alan Robock, who told reporters from a British publication about contacts with people from Langley.

“Consultants from the CIA called me and asked: if someone is able to control the world's climate, will we be able to find out about it?”, - said Robok.

In response, the scientist spoke about the technologies known to him for changing the weather. Further, the British newspaper wrote that the professor was not asked a specific question - whether Russia has such technologies. However, hypotheses that Russia can use or has already used climate weapons against the United States appear in the American media every now and then.

And to the question of the CIA officials whether other countries, including Russia, would be able to find out about the use of climate weapons against them, Robok replied:

“Any attempt to manage climate on a large scale simply cannot go unnoticed.”

All this seems like a desire to divert attention from our own and European developments in this area. Get it off your bad head and onto your healthy one.

Ionospheric import substitution

In order not to get into trouble, we ourselves need to study the ionosphere and monitor what is being done abroad. Moreover, developments in this area are available not only in the institutes of the Academy of Sciences... By the way, the USSR, in fact, was one of the leaders in the study of the ionosphere.

We have been conducting similar studies since the 70s of the last century. There is its own installation, similar to HAARP, in the Vasilsursk area ( Nizhny Novgorod Region). The so-called "Sura". With normal funding, it is possible to conduct experiments similar to American ones. In terms of its functional parameters, it is quite similar to HAARP, although it is almost 200 times weaker in terms of effective radiation power. However, at a certain period, in Sura it was only about protecting its antenna facilities from complete theft. Some scientists who worked in this area moved to the West. Now, as a result of changes in the Academy of Sciences, the question is about the complete liquidation of the test site in Sur...

However, during a series of large-scale experiments carried out in 2007-2012 by Russian specialists, using Sura, the Russian segment of the ISS and satellites, interesting results were obtained. It has been established that by influencing (heating) the ionosphere it is possible to obtain a response from the ionospheric-magnetospheric system in the form of artificial “substorms” and the disruption of noticeable energy in the region of the irradiated section of the ionosphere.

“This indicates the possibility of controlled effective impact on the ionosphere of subauroral latitudes by powerful HF radio emission”

Said in one of the articles describing the results of experiments. At the same time, the cosmonauts on the ISS visually and with the help of equipment recorded the glow of that region of the ionosphere that scientists irradiated (heated) from the ground using the Sur stand.

In fact, the possibility of effective intervention in natural processes using a heating stand even at low (~10 MW) effective irradiation power. We are, of course, not talking about climate control, provoking anomalous phenomena. But the fundamental probability of impact on that part of the earth’s surface on which the situation on Earth depends becomes not so fantastic.

But what really? Competent comments about HAARP

Yuri Ruzhin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism, Ionosphere and Wave Propagation of the Russian Academy of Sciences, laureate of the State Prize of Russia, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences:

In my assessment, HAARP and similar systems are not able to influence climate phenomena, create or eliminate cyclones, much less provoke earthquakes. The power of such installations is not comparable to the Sun, which has an incomparably large effect on the ionosphere and atmosphere of the Earth.

In terms of military use, HAARP could test ways to communicate with submerged submarines. Therefore, it was deliberately built in a place where there are aurorae, there is a strong current jet in the lower ionosphere. Heating this region of the ionosphere makes it possible to change its physical properties, thus creating giant antennas with a diameter of about 100 kilometers. It is clear that such an antenna cannot be put into orbit, and it cannot be built on the ground, because it will require a gigantic area. In addition, they use ultra-long waves (VHF range), which penetrate the thickness of salt water. To confirm my words, I will say that, according to published data from Stanford University, the Americans conducted an experiment in which they dropped a 3-ton buoy into the sea, which had the ability to transmit information to a satellite. The buoy was placed in the region of the southern hemisphere magnetically conjugate with HAARP. Some data from this experiment have been published. I think that the Americans were working on the option of communicating with underwater objects.

As for talk about the impact of force on aircraft and missiles, this can theoretically be allowed within the radio visibility of the station itself. The fact is that the levels of emitted power in a particular direction are limited by the conditions of electrical breakdown of air as an insulator. In the same zone, changes in ozone concentration are possible (at the level of the maximum breakdown or discharge power).

Therefore, it is theoretically possible to talk about geophysical warfare, but not on the basis of this system. There is not enough energy for this. In addition, all noticeable changes in nature can occur primarily in the area of ​​the system itself (again, within radio visibility).

Regarding the object in Sicily, I can assume that it has nothing to do with ionospheric sounding or HAARP. In those images that are in the public domain, I do not see antennas, that unique equipment that is necessary for the ultra-powerful emission of HF frequencies on which HAARP and its analogues operate. But this is just my guess. Most likely, we can talk about systems secret communication, radar and, separately, navigation with the radiation of ultra-long waves that propagate along the horizon. But, nevertheless, I do not envy the Sicilians who are under this radiation.

Igor Korotchenko, editor-in-chief of the National Defense magazine:

The HAARP project is associated with attempts to control ionized regions, artificial plasmoids. Maybe the Americans hoped to get some effect in terms of using this system to influence warheads. These hopes turned out to be in vain. This has nothing to do with climate control. This cannot influence the weather or global climate processes in any way. I believe that this is nothing more than an experimental installation related to the control of processes in the ionosphere and the formation of artificial plasmoids. As far as can be understood, these experiments were not successful. There is no military use here. Accordingly, there is also no danger for Russia.

I do not know about the existence of other similar systems, nor about the American base in Nishemi. Regarding the latter, you need to understand what its purpose is and not draw unfounded conclusions. The Americans have hundreds of bases around the world, all of them secret, one more base in this situation changes little.

Overall material rating: 4.6

“Several years have passed since giant waves hit the coasts of Indonesia, Thailand, Somalia, Sri Lanka and the island of Sumatra (December 2004). The tsunami claimed the lives of more than 400 thousand people. After this rampant of the elements, the earth's axis shifted somewhat. Scientists continue to argue whether it was a tsunami or whether all this was testing some secret superweapon?

Controllable plasmoid

“Having analyzed the situation with the participation of specialists in secret geophysical weapons,” an independent military expert, Ph.D., told Arguments of the Week. n. Yuri Bobylov, – we came to unexpected conclusions. Everything that happened in December 2004 in the Indian Ocean is the result of local tests of US radiophysical and geographic superweapons under the HAARP program (high-frequency active auroral research program). For short, our program is called HARP. Independent military expert Bobylov (more than 16 years of work in secret defense research institutes and design bureaus former USSR) I am sure that there was no tsunami in the Indian Ocean.

A distinctive feature of the new weapon is the use of the near-Earth environment as a component and object of destructive influence. HARP allows you to block radio communications, disable on-board electronic equipment of aircraft, rockets, space satellites, cause accidents in electrical networks, oil and gas pipelines, and also negatively affect the mental state of people. Military expert Bobylov writes about this in his book “Genetic Bomb. Secret scenarios of bioterrorism." “In my book,” continues Yuri Aleksandrovich, “I consider an extremely pessimistic scenario of an unfolding secret radiophysical and biological war, as a result of which the Earth’s population could be reduced to 1–1.5 billion people by 2025.”

But what is this same HARP? Let's go back to the beginning of the last century. In 1905, the brilliant Austrian scientist Nikolai Tesla invented a method of transmitting electricity through natural environment to almost any distance. Then, by other scientists, it was refined several times, and as a result, the so-called “death ray” was obtained. More precisely, a fundamentally new system for transmitting electricity, with the ability to focus it anywhere in the world. The essence of the developed military technology is as follows: above the ozone layer is the ionosphere, a gas layer enriched with electrical particles called ions.

This ionosphere can be heated by powerful HARP antennas, after which artificial ion clouds can be created, similar in shape to optical lenses. These lenses can be used to reflect low-frequency waves and produce energetic "death rays" that are focused at a given geographic location. In Alaska, a special station was built under the HARP program in 1995. 48 antennas, each 24 m high, were erected on an area of ​​15 hectares. With their help, a concentrated beam of waves heats up a section of the ionosphere. As a result, a plasmoid is formed. And with the help of a controlled plasmoid, you can influence the weather - cause tropical downpours, awaken hurricanes, earthquakes, and raise a tsunami.

Energy circuit

At the beginning of 2003, the Americans openly announced the testing of a certain “gun” in Alaska. It is with this circumstance that many experts associate the subsequent natural disasters in Southern and Central Europe, Russia, and the Indian Ocean. The developers of the HARP project warned: as a result of the experiment, it is possible by-effect due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with gigantic power will be released into the outer spheres of the Earth. High-frequency emitters built under the HARP program already exist in three places on the planet: in Norway (the town of Tromsø), in Alaska (the Gakhona military base) and in Greenland. After the Greenland emitter was put into operation, the geophysical weapon created a kind of closed energy circuit. “Given the growing military threat from the United States,” Yuri Bobylov continues his story, “ The State Duma In 2002, the Russian Federation attempted to analyze the situation with the involvement of experts from the Russian Academy of Sciences and the Russian Ministry of Defense. But the representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the State Duma, Alexander Kotenkov, demanded that the issue be dropped so as not to cause panic among Russian population. The question was removed.

Very strange tsunamis

In 2002, the first deputy commander of the Russian Space Forces, General Vladimir Popovkin, in his letter to the State Duma, indicated that “if the top layer atmosphere could have catastrophic consequences of a planetary nature.” He was supported by Valery Stasenko, a specialist in active influences in the atmosphere of the Federal Service for Hydrometeorology and Environmental Monitoring: “Disturbances in the ionosphere and magnetosphere affect the climate. By influencing them artificially with the help of powerful installations, it is possible to change the weather, including globally.”

The result of the debate was a letter to the UN demanding the creation international commission to investigate experiments conducted with the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. The head of the Japanese Center for the Study of Storms, Hiroko Tino, sees a lot of strange things in the December 2004 events in the Indian Ocean. The fact is that the disaster occurred exactly one year and one hour after the earthquake in Iran on December 26, 2003, which claimed the lives of 41 thousand people. It was a kind of sign. Then the disaster came to Europe: dozens of hurricanes, storms and rains were brought with it by Cyclone Erwin, which swept from Dublin to St. Petersburg on January 7–10, 2005. Later, natural disasters came to the United States: floods in Utah, unprecedented snowfalls in Colorado. The reasons for this are the earth tremors that caused the tsunami, changed the tilt of the earth's axis and accelerated the planet's rotation by three microseconds. Tino, like Yuri Bobylov, is inclined to assume that all consequences in the form of natural disasters are the result of the activities of HARP.

"Spinach" against the partisans

American specialists began their games with the weather a very long time ago. Soon after the end of World War II, research began to be carried out in the United States to study processes in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (controlling hurricanes and tsunamis). The results of this work have not been reported anywhere. However, it is known that in 1961, it was in the USA that an experiment was carried out to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the upper layers of the atmosphere, which dramatically changed the thermal balance of the atmosphere. As a result, an earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile fell into the Pacific Ocean.

During the Vietnam War (1965–1973), the Americans used silver iodide dispersed in rain clouds. The operation was codenamed Project Popeye. Over five years, £12 million was spent on cloud seeding to artificially stimulate heavy rainfall to destroy enemy crops. The so-called Ho Chi Minh Trail was also washed away. Along this route, the South Vietnamese partisans were supplied with weapons and equipment. During Operation Spinach, rainfall levels in the affected area increased by a third: the climate weapon worked successfully!

It was the United States that was the first to try to extinguish hurricanes (in the mid-60s). In 1962–1983 As part of the Furious Storm Project, hurricane control experiments were conducted in the United States. The impetus for this was the data obtained by scientists that one hurricane contains as much energy as is produced by all the power plants in the world combined. One of the successful experiments was carried out in 1969 off the coast of Haiti. Local residents saw a huge white cloud from which huge rings radiated. Meteorologists showered the typhoon with silver iodide and managed to turn it away from Haiti. In recent years, research of a different kind has been carried out: tens of thousands of gallons of vegetable oil are poured into the sea. Scientists have suggested that hurricanes gain strength due to heat generated at the surface of the sea. If the surface of the sea is covered with an extensive film of oil, the strength of the hurricane will decrease due to the cooling of the water. This means that in this way you can change the direction of the hurricane.

By 1977, Americans were spending $2.8 million annually on weather research. Partly as a response to Project Spinach, the UN passed a resolution in 1977 that prohibited any hostile use of environmental modification technologies. This led to the emergence of a corresponding treaty, ratified by the United States in 1978 (meaning the Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modifications). The United States believes that the USSR did not remain aloof from experiments with weather: “The Russians have their own “weather control” system, it is called “Woodpecker,” they wrote in the 80s. many American newspapers. – It is associated with the emission of low-frequency waves that can cause disturbances in the atmosphere and change the direction of jet air currents. For example, the long drought in California in the 1980s was caused by moist air flows being blocked for many weeks.”

Where did the Woodpecker come from?

Indeed, the USSR also experimented with climate. At the Institute of Thermal Processes (now – Research Center named after Keldysh) in the 70s they tried to influence the Earth’s atmosphere through the magnetosphere. From the Arctic region, from one of the submarines, it was planned to launch a rocket with a plasma source with a power of up to one and a half megawatts (but the launch did not take place). “Weather” experiments were also carried out by the 40th Institute of the Navy: at an abandoned training ground near Vyborg, installations for simulating the influence of an electromagnetic pulse on radio waves are rusting.

Are we no longer interested in typhoons?

The USSR, together with Cuba and Vietnam, began studying typhoons in the early 80s. And they were conducted around the most mysterious part - the “eye” of the typhoon. Production aircraft Il-18 and An-12 were used, converted into meteorological laboratories. Electronic computers were installed in these laboratories to obtain information in real time. Scientists were looking for those “painful” points of the typhoon, by acting on which it would be possible to reduce or increase its power, destroy or change its trajectory using special reagents that could cause or, conversely, prevent immediate precipitation. Scientists even then found out that by dispersing these substances from an airplane into the “eye” of a typhoon, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a difference in pressure and temperature, to make it walk “in a circle” or stand still. The only problem was that it was necessary to take into account many constantly changing factors every second. And it was necessary to have a huge amount of reagents. At the same time, a network was created in Cuba and Vietnam radar stations, interesting data were obtained, including on the structure of the typhoon, which made it possible to begin modeling various impact methods. Theoretical work was carried out related to the study of the possibility of influencing cyclones temperate latitudes and the weather in the region. But in the early 90s. work on active influences on the weather in Russia practically ceased to be funded and was curtailed. So today we have nothing special to brag about. The “eye” of the typhoon is no longer of interest to us.

Secret work continues

So, in 1977, within the framework of the UN, the Convention on the Prohibition of “Environmental Warfare” was concluded. (Convention on the prohibition of military or other hostile use of means of influencing the natural environment - artificially stimulating earthquakes, melting polar ice and climate change.) But, according to experts, secret work to create the “ultimate” weapon mass destruction(WMD) continue. Recently, a group of American researchers working on the HARP project conducted an experiment to create artificial northern lights. More precisely, according to its modification, since the real northern lights were used as a screen on which the researchers drew their pictures. Using a 1 MW high-frequency radio emission generator and a set of radio antennas placed over a fairly large area, scientists created a small light show. Despite the fact that the mechanism for creating a man-made glow is not yet entirely clear even to the researchers themselves, the project participants believe that sooner or later the technology they are developing can be used to illuminate cities at night and, of course, to display advertising. Or for something more significant.

Meanwhile, the USA...

The US Army is openly beginning to develop plasma weapons. The new mobile “MIRAGE plasma gun” will disable enemy communications and navigation systems within a radius of tens of kilometers. The device is capable of changing the state of the ionosphere - the upper layer of the earth's atmosphere, which is used as a “reflector” for transmitting radio signals over long distances. Plasmoid generated in a special microwave oven, will be launched by a rocket to an altitude of 60–100 km and disrupt the natural distribution of charged particles. According to military experts, this method can get rid of several problems at once. Firstly, the “extra” plasma will create a barrier for enemy radars, which under normal conditions, thanks to the ionosphere, can see aircraft from the horizon. Secondly, the “plasma shield” will prevent contact with satellites whose signals pass through the atmosphere. This will create difficulties with orientation on the ground if GPS receivers are used for it. The design is a small van that can be easily transported to the site of military operations.

What awaits us all next? In Russia, programs for active influences on the weather have been curtailed. We reacted sluggishly to the news that we found ourselves in a kind of energy circuit between Norway, Greenland and Alaska. The generation of ultra-low frequency signals is today the main task of the HARP program. In 1995, the facility consisted of 48 antennas and transmitters with a power of 960 kilowatts. Today there are already 180 antennas at the facility, and the power of emitted energy reaches 3.6 megawatts. This is enough to create an anti-missile shield and to “calm” a tornado.

Tractor with milkmaid in the sky

In our country, the frequency of mysterious natural phenomena has doubled over the past 15 years. Hurricane winds, tropical downpours and tornadoes came even to Siberia - a phenomenon that was previously considered absolutely impossible in our climate, not to mention winter thaws and frosts in July. In July 1994, in the village of Kochki in the Novosibirsk region, a tornado lifted into the air a tractor with a tractor driver and a milkmaid. On May 29, 2002, in the Kemerovo region, a tornado destroyed the village of Kalinovka. Two people were killed and 20 were injured. Before this, such natural phenomena had not been observed either in the Novosibirsk or Kemerovo regions. Huge hail, the size of a pigeon's egg, fell this year in 2006 in the populated area of ​​Gagino in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 400 houses completely lost their roofs. And in general, in June 2006 alone, 13 tornadoes and hurricanes hit Russia. They walked through Azov, Chelyabinsk, Nizhny Novgorod (they hit 68 settlements region), then moved to Bashkiria and Dagestan. The destruction was enormous." It's only the beginning...

The HAARP complex in Alaska is the only US Department of Defense facility that has earned an official refutation of rumors that experiments with death rays or mind control are not being conducted there (photo from

A real aura of mystery has developed around the complex of high-frequency effects on the Earth’s ionosphere, located in Alaska. What exactly is this object? Is it possible to use it to influence the Earth’s climate or hit us with “death rays,” as “lone gunmen” often try to imagine when exposing government conspiracies to hide the truth from the population?

Alas, despite the fact that sometimes you really want to believe in the craziest plans of scientists, there are no special secrets in the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program). This does not negate the uniqueness of the complex and does not detract from its capabilities for studying the magnetism of the ionosphere and the propagation of radio waves of a certain frequency in it.

However, to be completely honest, there is still a grain of truth in the chilling rumors about the project and its true purpose.

HAARP is located 250 kilometers northeast of Anchorage (Figure from Nature magazine).

Apocalyptic scenarios of times Cold War envisaged the use of atmospheric nuclear weapons, which would fill the Earth's ionosphere with killer electrons, disabling all satellites in low Earth orbit. This would, in turn, cause paralysis of the entire system of military communications or at least colossal losses for the “national economy.”

Of course, today this is the scenario doomsday It seems a little strange, but then it was taken seriously, and the response planned by the Americans was no less fantastic: directed radiation into the ionosphere with radio waves of a certain frequency to “knock out” these high-energy killer electrons into outer space. And on a planetary scale...

We would venture to suggest that it is unlikely that the American military managed to achieve its goal, if only because the complex was finally completed only in June 2007.

In fact, the HAARP project was conceived a long time ago, during the Cold War, when submarines of the USSR and the USA periodically entered into mini-duels during combat duty in the World Ocean. Being underwater, the submarines were not able to maintain constant contact with the command, and the US military entrusted the development of deep communication devices to scientists.

The number of free electrons - the degree of ionization of the atmosphere - becomes significant already at an altitude of 60 kilometers and steadily increases with distance from the Earth. Thus, the ionosphere is a plasma, that is, a fully or partially ionized gas that readily interacts with high-frequency radiation (photo from

After the idea of ​​​​the possibility of communicating with submarines through the reflection of radio waves by the Earth's ionosphere was confirmed experimentally, astrophysicist Dennis Papadopoulos from the Naval Research Laboratory in Washington, DC took up the development of HAARP.

HAARP affects the Earth's atmosphere at altitudes from 100 to 350 kilometers (Figure from Nature magazine).

At the same time, the Pentagon was going to close one of its tracking stations in Alaska, and in the auroral zone - a place ideal for implementing a project to influence the ionosphere. Dr. Papadopoulos, who is now a scientific adviser to the University of Maryland, proposed building the complex there.

Despite the favorable location of the former military base, an important role in the decision to build the complex, according to scientists, was played by the fact that the then Governor of Alaska Ted Stevens was a very successful lobbyist and achieved funding for the project in order to extend the life of the facility.

And so, at a press conference dedicated to the start of construction of the station (and this was back in 1990), the aforementioned governor suddenly announced that the installation would “take away energy” northern lights and use it for the benefit of humanity. Apparently, inspired by his success in attracting funding, Stevens also felt like an astrophysicist.

Let us remember that at that time discussions about the American “star wars” program, SDI, were in full swing, and the voices of those who argued that HAARP was part of a missile defense system with fantastic capabilities were very significant. In addition, many were confused by the fact that it was planned to generate ultra-low-frequency radiation at the high-frequency installation.

High and low frequencies at the same time? Another secret the military is hiding from us? You probably noticed a certain contradiction: ultra-low-frequency radiation is generated in a high-frequency research facility. The fact is that high-frequency radiation, when interacting with the ionosphere at an altitude of about 100 kilometers, is capable of generating ultra-low frequency waves there: from 1 hertz to 20 kilohertz. In the photo: one of the radars included in the HAARP complex (photo from

All this paved the way for fears, but the final touch was needed. A certain Bernard Eastlund, who worked as a consultant for one of the contractors on the construction of HAARP, proposed a number of developments to the US military that involved using the capabilities of the complex to create a defense shield by influencing the ionosphere and generating microwave radiation there that could destroy Soviet ballistic missiles.

The idea was jokingly nicknamed the “killer shield,” and the military really became interested in it. Which is not surprising, I must say. But after the JASON research group, working in the interests of the US Department of Defense, assessed the project, it was rejected with the wording “nonsense”.

This is the brief history of rumors about the HAARP project. But the project is truly unique. What is he really like?

On the territory of the HAARP complex you can find: 360 radio transmitters with a total power of 3.6 megawatts; 180 twenty-meter transmitting antennas on an area of ​​about 14 hectares; five generators with a total capacity of more than 16 megawatts (photo from

Construction of the complex took 20 years and ultimately cost $250 million. The fact is that the military did not have clear plans for its use, and, even before it was built, HAARP constantly changed its place of “registration”, moving from one military institution to another: it was subordinate to the Office of Naval Research (Office of Naval Research), the Air Force Research Laboratory and the Pentagon Research Agency (DARPA). Its potential technical capabilities changed accordingly, and, as they say, “in the process.”

Although the site is run by the military, an official report from the main construction contractor, BAE Systems, states: “HAARP is a scientific project to study the properties and phenomena in the ionosphere, the main objective of which is to use such phenomena to improve communications and tracking systems, such as military and for civilian needs."

From a scientific point of view, the project to “heat” the ionosphere makes it possible to study the interaction of ionized atmospheric gas (plasma) and electromagnetic waves. The radiation range of the installation is from 2.8 to 10 megahertz.

It is worth noting that, despite the “exceptional danger” of HAARP being exaggerated in the press, there are similar projects in many countries, including Russia. The closest in terms of its capabilities is the European complex EISCAT, whose radiation range is from 3.9 to 8 megahertz. Also, according to Nature magazine, a direct competitor of the American complex is the radar-antenna “constellation” at our Sura test site near Nizhny Novgorod.

The European EISCAT includes 3 incoherent scattering radar complexes (photo from

It turns out that the Americans are “hiding” an open secret from everyone? Almost like that, but not quite. The fact is that of all known installations of this kind, HAARP has the greatest power, as well as the most sophisticated observational optics and diagnostic equipment, including a real observatory located on the territory of the complex. But its most important gem is the electronically controlled phased array radar.

Although scientific experiments on the complex's equipment were carried out for several years, it was finally put into operation only last year. According to Paul Kossey, administrator HAARP programs at the Air Force Research Laboratory at Hanscom, at this stage the facility operates for both military and scientific purposes. Scientific research is usually carried out over a period of two to three weeks, when the equipment is rented by one or another university.

In this case, the military future of the project may even be under threat. According to Dr. Papadopoulos, the military no longer needs to transmit low-frequency signals to submarines, at least with the equipment installed at this facility. In this regard, it is too early to assess its research potential and prospects for use.

The green aurora at an altitude of 100-150 kilometers was caused by directed high-frequency radiation into the ionosphere, and the artificial aurora is “inside” the real one (photo from

So now we are looking for opportunities to use truly first-class equipment installed at the HAARP site. Supporters of the development of the project on the part of the military proposed using its transmitters “for national security purposes” to scan the underground structures of a potential enemy, but such application options were subsequently assessed by scientists with skepticism.

Most likely, its high cost plays a significant role in the desire to find a new use for the complex. And it is really impressive, especially if you compare it with the “price tag” on the EISCAT project, the construction of which cost $24 million, that is, ten times less.

One of the most famous achievements of recent times is the artificial aurora produced using HAARP “powers”. According to the journal Nature, for the first time such an experiment was carried out at EISCAT, but a series of further studies using the unique equipment of the American complex will make it possible to better understand the intricacies of the mechanism of this amazing phenomenon.

Also among the well-known experiments, we can mention the recent sending of a radio signal to the Moon and receiving a response. But this event, even by the scientists themselves, was held more as a performance for radio amateurs than in the interests of the scientific community.

Nevertheless, scientists are optimistic about the future. There are plans to develop mechanisms for influencing the ionosphere to protect communication systems and satellites from charged cosmic particles (“multiplying” during solar activity) or the same high-altitude nuclear explosions using directed radio emission, causing so-called whistler waves in the magnetosphere.

When solar wind particles collide with the upper atmosphere, ionization and excitation of the atoms and molecules of the gases that make up its composition occur. The radiation from excited atoms is observed as the aurora. So, scientists are looking for a way to quickly “calm” the ionosphere to eliminate communication interference. This is planned to be achieved by directed radiation in a certain frequency range with the aim of early “removal” of high-energy electrons arising during auroral phenomena (photo from the site

According to the journal Nature, to create a system of protection against cosmic particles or the consequences of atmospheric nuclear detonations, it is still necessary to completely new complex, and no one knows whether it will work or not in principle.

However, research is underway: several experiments have been conducted, including the One Hop project at Stanford University, but they have not yet brought concrete results.

One of the scientists actively working on HAARP, Dr. Michael Kosch from Lancaster University, says that although he is a foreign citizen and even has to move around the complex with an escort, there are no real problems with access it never happened to him. In the photo: HAARP control center (photo from

In conclusion, it can be noted that although the development of the HAARP program was not so cloudless, according to many scientists who conduct their research there, the project as a whole was successful. According to Dr. Papadopoulos, the object did not have clear specifics from the very beginning and was not “tailored” for fundamental scientific research, so the results that were obtained are a real success.

Apparently, as further development project, rumors about “death rays” and their effect on the brain will fragmentarily evaporate in the spirit of the Cheshire Cat, leaving us with only a smile and giving grounds for discussion of new, no less fantastic military experiments.

Climate weapons are weapons of mass destruction, the main damaging factor which are various natural or climatic phenomena created artificially.

Using natural phenomena and climate against the enemy is the eternal dream of the military. Send a hurricane to the adversary, destroy crops in the enemy country and thereby cause famine, cause heavy rains and destroy the entire enemy transport infrastructure - such possibilities could not but arouse interest among strategists. However, previously humanity did not have the necessary knowledge and ability to influence the weather.

In our time, man has acquired unprecedented power: he split the atom, flew into space, and reached the ocean floor. We have learned much more about climate: now we know why droughts and floods occur, why it rains and snowstorms, how hurricanes are born. But even now we are unable to confidently influence the global climate. This is a very complex system in which countless factors interact. Solar activity, processes occurring in the ionosphere, the Earth's magnetic field, oceans, and the anthropogenic factor are only a small part of the forces that can determine the planetary climate.

A little about the history of climate weapons

Even without fully understanding all the mechanisms that form the climate, people try to control it. In the middle of the last century, the first experiments on climate change began. First, people learned to artificially cause the formation of clouds and fog. Similar studies were carried out by many countries, including the USSR. A little later they learned to cause artificial precipitation.

At first, such experiments had purely peaceful purposes: to cause rain or, conversely, to prevent hail from destroying crops. But soon the military began to master similar technologies.

During the Vietnam conflict, the Americans carried out Operation Popeye, the purpose of which was to significantly increase the amount of rainfall over the part of Vietnam along the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The Americans sprayed certain chemicals (dry ice and silver iodide) from airplanes, which caused a significant increase in rainfall. As a result, the roads were washed out and the partisans' communications were disrupted. It should be noted that the effect was quite short-lived, and the costs were enormous.

Around the same time, American scientists were trying to learn how to control hurricanes. For the southern states of the United States, hurricanes are a real disaster. However, in pursuit of such a seemingly noble goal, scientists also studied the possibility of sending a hurricane to the “wrong” countries. The famous mathematician John von Neumann collaborated with the American military department in this direction.

In 1977, the UN adopted a convention that prohibited any use of climate change as a weapon. It was adopted at the initiative of the USSR, and the USA joined it.

Reality or fiction

Are climate weapons even possible? Theoretically yes. But to influence the climate on a global scale, over areas of several thousand square kilometers, enormous resources are needed. And since we do not yet fully understand the mechanisms of occurrence weather phenomena– then the result can be unpredictable.

Currently, climate control research is being conducted in several countries around the world, including Russia. We are talking about impacts on relatively small areas. Using weather for military purposes is prohibited.

If we talk about climate weapons, then we cannot ignore two objects: the American HAARP complex, which is located in Alaska, and the Sura facility in Russia, not far from Nizhny Novgorod.

These two objects, according to some experts, are climate weapons that can change the weather on a global scale, affecting processes in the ionosphere. The HAARP complex is especially famous in this regard. Not a single article devoted to this topic is complete without mentioning this installation. The Sura object is less known, but it is considered our answer to the HAARP complex.

In the early 90s of the last century, construction of a huge facility began in Alaska. This is an area of ​​13 hectares on which the antennas are located. Officially, the facility was built to study the ionosphere of our planet. It is there that the processes that have the greatest influence on the formation of the Earth's climate take place.

In addition to scientists, the US Navy and Air Force, as well as the famous DARPA (Department of Advanced Research Projects), are taking part in the implementation of the project. But even with all this in mind, is HAARP an experimental climate weapon? Unlikely.

The fact is that the HAARP complex in Alaska is by no means new or unique. The construction of such complexes began in the 60s of the last century. They were built in the USSR, and in Europe, and in South America. HAARP is simply the largest such complex, and the presence of the military adds intrigue.

In Russia, similar work is being done at the Sura facility, which is more modest in size and is currently in no better condition. However, Sura works and studies electromagnetism in the high layers of the atmosphere. There were several similar complexes on the territory of the former USSR.

Legends have arisen around such objects. They say about the HAARP complex that it can change the weather, cause earthquakes, shoot down satellites and warheads, and control people's consciousness. But there is no evidence of this. Not long ago, American scientist Scott Stevens accused Russia of using climate weapons against the United States. According to Stevens, the Russian side, using a secret Sura-type installation, operating on the principle of an electromagnetic generator, created Hurricane Katrina and directed it towards the United States.


Today, climate weapons are a reality, but their use requires too large a scale of resources. We do not yet know enough about the complex processes of weather formation, and therefore it is problematic to control such weapons.

The use of climate weapons can result in a blow to the aggressor himself or his allies, and cause damage to neutral states. In any case, it will be impossible to predict the result.

In addition, many countries conduct regular weather observations, and the use of such weapons will cause serious weather anomalies that will definitely not go unnoticed. The reaction of the world community to such actions will not differ from the reaction to nuclear aggression.

Undoubtedly, relevant research and experiments continue - but the creation of effective weapons is still very far away. If climate weapons (in some form) exist today, it is unlikely that their use would be advisable. So far there is no serious evidence of the existence of such weapons.

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The effect of plasma weapons ("Harp" - HAARP) is that 180 phased antennas located on 15 hectares of terrain (in the state of Alaska) focus a high-energy microwave electromagnetic pulse in the ionosphere, resulting in the birth of a plasmoid (a localized area of ​​highly ionized gas) , or ball lightning, which can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam...

By heating the ionosphere, "Harp" will create artificial magnetic storms, the consequences of which affect navigation systems, weather, mental state of people. And this reveals the second, darker face of the Harp project - as a geophysical weapon...

The Pentagon revised its military doctrine in favor of developing new concept creation and application special weapons and means of destruction that do not cause unnecessary losses in material assets and manpower - the so-called weapons non-lethal action. An entire branch of the defense industry has been dedicated to this topic under the leadership of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with the participation of a Department of Energy laboratory. Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means for military purposes to influence processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. Using the unstable states of these shells, with the help of a small push, catastrophic effects of huge destructive forces nature. Geophysical weapons include means capable of stimulating earthquakes, the emergence of huge waves such as tsunamis, changing thermal regime or the destruction of the ozone layer over certain areas of the planet. Based on the nature of their impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into meteorological, ozone and climate...

The inability to control the use of geophysical weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country directly affected, but also for the entire world. Even a trial use of "HARP" can cause a "trigger" effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth's magnetic axis and a sharp cooling comparable to the Ice Age...

HARP is a system of high-frequency influence on the ionosphere. This is quite a serious thing. In September 2004, our Duma held special hearings on this issue. At them, a corresponding decision was made, an appeal to the UN was developed, an appeal to the president of our country, which stated that some steps need to be taken.

The principle of operation of the HARP system is as follows. Huge antenna fields have been created in Alaska. They are capable of generating radiation that is very powerful. The rays emanating from each individual antenna, connecting at one point, contribute to the emergence of a plasma cloud, that is, controlled ball lightning of gigantic proportions. And in the zone of the ionosphere where this lightning moves, severe destructuring occurs. As a result, the warheads of missiles that pass through this zone, and if it is formed in the atmosphere, then aircraft entering this area enter its trajectory. If they get into this area itself, they simply burn out and are destroyed. This is what the HARP system is.

But now it has become clear that the formation of this ion cloud leads to the appearance of waves in the ionosphere, that is, to the emergence of a wave process. The ionosphere is the layer that conducts electricity. And underground there is a layer that also conducts electricity, this is magma. The result is a cylindrical transformer. And everything that happens in the ionosphere reverberates in the magma, which provokes various earthquakes. In addition, since the ionosphere is the first to perceive solar radiation and other fluctuations and impacts, any destabilization of the ionosphere leads to changes in weather conditions.

Now many scientists are coming to the conclusion that the events that have been associated with the flooding of Europe for two or three years are largely due to experiments with this HARP system. This weapon is essentially geophysical. In particular, there is direct evidence that the hurricanes we are now seeing in America, and the current weather instability in general, are the result of the use of this HARP. This is proven by reference to competent specialists. It can be assumed that the significance of nuclear weapons is being neutralized, which is why the Americans are slowly beginning to agree to a move away from nuclear weapons.

HAARP (HARP) - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (active high-frequency research program of the auroral region), which are carried out under the direct supervision of the Pentagon. As part of this program, a fundamentally new geophysical weapon, or, as it is also called, plasma, was created. The possible range of its application, according to experts, is extremely wide - from missile defense to offensive weapons. But most importantly, scientists familiar with the issue are convinced that even testing (not to mention combat use) of these weapons can lead to catastrophic natural disasters. Monstrous disasters in the Indian Ocean are the result of testing new US weapons, experts say. However, everything is in order.

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the brilliant physicist Nikola Tesla developed methods for transmitting electrical energy through the natural environment to any distance. Careful refinement of this method led to the theoretical justification of the so-called “death ray”, with the help of which electricity can be sent in any quantity to any distance. In other words, the foundations of a fundamentally new weapons system were created, transmitting energy in the atmosphere or through the earth's surface, focusing it in the desired area of ​​the globe.

The HARP project itself has been operating since 1960. From this opinion, within its framework, electromagnetic broadcasts of varying intensity and related experiments began to be carried out in the USA (Colorado), Puerto Rico (Arecibo) and in Australia (Armidale).

Positive research results prompted the US Congress to approve a more than substantial budget for the project, and three years later the HARP station was deployed in Alaska.

It is located 320 km from Anchorage and consists of 180 antennas, each 24 meters high. This entire structure occupies 15 hectares of land at the foot of the mountains. With the help of these antennas, a concentrated beam of high-frequency radio waves “warms up” a section of the ionosphere - a fragile gas shell enriched with electrical particles located above the ozone layer.

As a result of this, a plasmoid (a localized region of highly intensified gas) or a giant ball lightning is born, which can be controlled. A plasmoid moving in the atmosphere leaves behind a trail of heated air with low blood pressure- an insurmountable obstacle for aircraft. An airplane or rocket literally hits the epicenter of a tornado and is destroyed.

According to experts, a real US missile defense system is being created within the framework of HARP. After all, it is absolutely obvious that a missile defense system created on the basis of interceptor missiles is ineffective.

Even the most powerful computer is not able to simultaneously process information about the interception of a huge number of targets, including false ones. In addition, a plasmoid flying at the speed of light has an absolute advantage over an anti-missile missile, intercepting a target at a speed of 5 km/h. Therefore, the Pentagon relied on HARP.

The persistence with which the Americans demonstrate to the world the unsuccessful tests of their anti-missile defenses only testifies to their desire to misdirect public opinion, distracting them from the creation of a genuine missile defense system.

But protection from enemy missiles does not exhaust the entire HARP program. Antenna installations, heating the ionosphere, create artificial magnetic storms, the consequences of which affect navigation systems, weather, and the mental and somatic state of people. And this circumstance was the reason why so-called geophysical weapons are being developed within the framework of HARP.

Its essence is as follows: artificial ion clouds can function like optical lenses. These “lenses” will be used to reflect and direct electromagnetic waves of extremely low frequencies to the desired point on the earth. According to military experts, both domestic and foreign, with the help of these “death rays” it is possible to damage or completely destroy military or commercial communication systems (including non-activated ones), and it is possible to control and change the weather over the territory of any country or vast geographical region. You can put residents of entire settlements to sleep or put them into a state of panic. Cause torrential rains and floods designed to paralyze enemy communications. Stimulate earthquakes or huge waves such as tsunamis. Destroy the ozone layer over enemy territory to allow hard ultraviolet radiation from the Sun to penetrate to the surface of the Earth, which has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms.

But the most important thing is that the unpredictability of the results of the use of these weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country on which they affect, but also for the whole world. Even a trial use of HARP can cause a “trigger” effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth’s magnetic axis and sudden cooling comparable to the Ice Age.

One of Tesla’s students, Bernard Eastlund, who actually prepared the scientific basis for HARP (In 1985, he patented his work under the threatening title “Method and mechanism for changing the region of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth”) wrote that. - "The antenna structure in Alaska is actually a massive ray gun, capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, aircraft, satellites and much more. Its use inevitably entails side effects, including climate disasters around the world and the effects of deadly solar radiation."

Another specialist on this issue, Eduard Albert Meyer, points out the following: “This project (HARP - author’s note) has turned into global vandalism due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with a gigawatt power was released into the outer spheres of the Earth. The impact in the present and the future results of the impact on "This planet and all life forms cannot be assessed in any way. The destructive power of this weapon is thousands of times greater than that of the atomic bomb."

Many natural disasters recent years, including the catastrophic flood in the south of Europe, cataclysms in Russia and Central Europe last year, the pre-New Year tsunami in the Indian Ocean, domestic experts (a similar program existed in the USSR, but was curtailed due to lack of funds) are clearly associated with side effects ( or planned) effects of testing new weapons.

It is not surprising that the Americans are trying to hide everything related to the HARP program from the public as much as possible, or at least present it as harmless research.

Another thing is surprising and alarming: many politicians in our country are doing everything to prevent American developments from being made public. “Unfortunately, both resolutions (on HARP), under pressure from certain forces lobbying the interests of the United States in the State Duma, were repeatedly withdrawn from consideration. They were only adopted at the plenary session on September 11.” - State Duma deputy Vyacheslav Olenyev testifies.

And deputy Tatyana Astrakhankina, who initiated the adoption of the mentioned resolutions on HARP (one with an appeal to the President of the Russian Federation, the second with an appeal to the UN and member countries) in an interview with the Pravda newspaper said more specifically: “...Finally, the representative of the president in the State Duma of “Kotenkov directly demanded that the HARP problem be removed from consideration.”

Searching for reasons destructive hurricanes, which hit the North American continent, raise many assumptions and questions among experts. Military experts do not rule out that one of the reasons for these phenomena was the HARP defensive system being tested by the United States.
