Anatoly Kashpirovsky: biography, personal life, family, children. Anatoly Kashpirovsky - a unique healer or a charlatan? Kashpirovsky's birthday

An extraordinary phenomenon in science, an innovator in the field of medicine. The phenomenon of Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky remains and will remain a bright page in the history of Russian and world psychotherapy. His television practice of healing at a distance a huge list of diseases of varying severity brought the doctor worldwide popularity.

Childhood and youth of Anatoly Kashpirovsky

Was born in 1939 August 11 in Ukraine, in the small regional town of Medzhibozh, in a large family. Father Mikhail was a participant in the Great Patriotic War, mother Yadviga raised four children. Therefore, the little boy Tolik did not have to dream of any world fame. Moreover, on the eve of the Second World War, there was only one question: how to survive. The place where the family was evacuated was Kazakhstan in 1942. The first book the future doctor read was “Logic,” found in the attic of an abandoned house in the village. Anatoly Mikhailovich warmly remembers his childhood: “Everything was wonderful there. Living parents. Wonderful nature - May beetles, horses. The best country is the country of childhood.”

In his youth, Anatoly Kashpirovsky became actively interested in weightlifting. Achieved significant success in this sport. Became a master of sports. No one imagined that a successful athlete would be fascinated by the topic of the human psyche. Although he himself did not plan to become a doctor. In 1956, he applied to the medical institute in Vinnitsa (Ukraine), only because there were only two exams: physics and literature. Having received higher education in 1962, with a specialty: medical doctor, Anatoly Kashpirovsky gets a job to a psychiatric clinic. But not by distribution, but through sports. He was invited to work as a doctor for a football team, from where, on the recommendation of friends, he was invited to a psychiatric hospital. Worked there for 25 years. I started with the “easy department” - neuroses. That is, the patients required attention, but were mentally healthy.

In 1968, the chief physician transferred Anatoly Kashpirovsky to the gerontology department, or in the vocabulary of doctors, the department is a “graveyard of reason.” There were about 100 mentally ill women there. And there I had to stand at the autopsy table 2-3 times a week for 6 years. It was a scary but necessary medical experience.

Kashpirovsky's TV sessions

In 1987, Anatoly Kashpirovsky became a doctor for the Soviet Union weightlifting team. I was involved in ensuring a healthy psyche in the team. At the same time, maintaining his own physical form.
In 1988-89, he headed a psychotherapy center in Kiev, of republican significance.

Famous television healer Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky

There was little time left before the first television sessions, which brought all-Union popularity to the psychotherapist. But the first steps that became the basis for big television were teleconferences with Kiev and Tbilisi. These teleconferences demonstrated the ability to relieve pain in patients during surgery. Later, one of the patients of this experiment will say that she endured hellish pain out of respect for Anatoly Kashpirovsky. The absurdity of this statement was explained personally by the psychotherapist: operations on the abdominal cavity are the most painful and impossible without pain relief.
1989 became a fateful year in the career of Anatoly Kashpirovsky. The All-Union channel organized 6 screenings of therapeutic and health-improving sessions. The programs were watched by no less than 300 million people. The results were stunning. Invitations poured in from all over the world. In official and unofficial organizations of various international levels, psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky was a welcome guest. The doctor's demand for a new word of psychotherapy was on the wave of success. Screenings in Vietnam, Poland, performance at the UN bring worldwide fame. The only thing the psychotherapist regrets when he gets on television is the small number of sessions. “It was necessary to conduct not 6, but 30 sessions, my modesty failed.”

Poland became especially close to Anatoly Kashpirovsky. In 1990, Polish television provided him with regular airtime on the television program “Television Clinic of Dr. Kashpirovsky.” The broadcast was successfully carried out once a week for 3 years. Afterwards it was repeated several times in the recording.
Having visited the heart of the Catholic confession in Poland - the Czestochowa Monastery, together with Polish doctors it was planned to hold 5 teleconferences. Between Warsaw and the monastery, from which Anatoly Kashpirovsky was supposed to anesthetize surgical operations at a distance. But at the last moment the organizers got scared of this experiment. Teleconferences in Poland never took place.

And in 2008, with the participation of Polish scientists L. Gapik and V. Pyatkovsky, Polish documentarians made a film about the activities of Anatoly Kashpirosvsky.
The number of healings just from watching wellness sessions was beyond the imagination of the colleagues of the famous psychotherapist. This naturally caused a wave of criticism from representatives of various scientific fields.

Criticism on Kashpirovsky

He was called a psychic, a charlatan, a great doctor. Anatoly Kashpirovsky took on the entire spectrum of positive and negative epithets. But he never attributed to himself any extraordinary, extrasensory abilities. And he argued that all the positive effects in healing the disease are the result of correct programming of the body’s internal reserves aimed at self-healing.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky countered all critics and attacks not just with words of justification, but with the results of his meetings and sessions with patients. Their countless letters, telegrams read on television, live stories became support in defense of the people's doctor. Despite public statements by Anatoly Mikhailovich that he does not use hypnosis as a method of treatment. His sessions are called pop-group hypnosis. No matter what programs Anatoly Kashpirovsky appears in, his ardent supporters and ardent opponents are always present. Those who received healing from watching the sessions and those who suffered from them. The psychotherapist himself claims that his mass practice is absolutely harmless, which causes a sharply negative assessment of his work by his colleagues.
Negotiations with terroristsIn 1993 Anatoly Kashpirovsky becomes a deputy of the State Duma of Russia, faction member LDPR. Hence the name becomes closely associated with the name of a famous psychotherapist. The time of the Chechen war, terrorist attacks, instability in power. The country is experiencing the collapse of the Soviet Union. The status of a deputy allowed the psychotherapist to take an active part in the release of hostages in Budyonnovsk (Chechnya) in 1995.

He was not immediately taken to negotiations with terrorists. Because these are the situations that politicians use for PR purposes. The result of the meeting between deputy Kashpirovsky and terrorist leader Shamil Basayev was the release of some of the hostages. When asked what the conversation was like with the main terrorist of Chechnya. Anatoly Kashpirovsky replied: he was not heavy, Basayev said that no one had ever spoken to him so calmly.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky pursued one goal - to minimize the losses that had already begun among the hostages. The authorities were preparing a radical method of “negotiations” in Budyonnovsk as a consequence, which in any case would have resulted in casualties. This was confirmed later during another terrorist attack - the seizure of the musical "Nord-Ost", when the number of dead hostages was enormous. And then the psychotherapist Kashpirovsky offered his help to the country’s leadership in order to avoid losses. While abroad, Anatoly Mikhailovich asked to be allowed into the negotiation process. But he never received an answer.
Having left politics, Anatoly Mikhailovich returned to the active practice of mass meetings with patients abroad. His son Sergei did not really like Italy, where they stayed for a short time, choosing America as their final place of residence. Leaving abroad in 1995 was also associated with security. It was not without reason that the time of the 90s was called dashing.

Still touring

Personal life

Anatoly Kashpirovsky does not talk about his personal life, so there is little information.
From his first marriage with his wife Valentina, two children were born - son Sergei and daughter Elena. He had no more children. It is known that since 2000, he and his children lived in the United States. His son Sergei is interested in sports, works as a car mechanic and does not bear his father’s last name.
Daughter Elena graduated from medical school and worked as a doctor. She was a creative person, played several instruments, and wrote music. Unfortunately, on March 9, 2018, she tragically died by committing suicide. It is unknown what caused this disaster. She was transported from Canada to Vinnitsa, where she was buried.
The adult grandchildren of the famous doctor - Inga and Sean - were born and live in America. In an interview, Anatoly Kashpirovsky notes with regret that they do not know Russian. This is a barrier to communication, but does not prevent you from visiting them regularly.
The second marriage with the Czech Irina took place in 1992 and finally broke up in 2014.

Kashpirovsky today

Anatoly Kashpirovsky: “Psychics do not exist!

In 2014, the Russian series “The Miracle Worker” was released. The main characters are two of the most famous “wonderful doctors” at that time - Anatoly Kashpirovsky and Alan Chumak. Anatoly Mikhailovich expressed his extremely negative attitude towards its content.
Anatoly Kashpirovsky, looks good. Despite his advanced age, he continues to actively tour Russia with health sessions. The official website contains information about upcoming performances. He is a frequent guest on various programs. Although he doesn’t like journalists for twisting his words and their amateurish attitude towards serious issues.
Online broadcasts are regularly held. On the website, Anatoly Mikhailovich communicates with his admirers. He generously shares not only his medical activities, but also family photos. You can read interviews from different years, videos, and interesting stories. Also hear a famous doctor in an unexpected role - a singer.
Who is the psychotherapist Anatoly Kashpirovsky, everyone determines for himself.

Most likely, everyone remembers Anatoly Kashpirovsky with his health sessions as a psychotherapist. Now you can’t see him on TV, but it is known that Kashpirovsky is still not forgotten and is in demand.

The 77-year-old man spends all his time traveling, organizing receptions in Russia and the USA.

Meetings with Kashpirovsky take place in New York, in one of the hotels on the outskirts of the city. Now these are not health sessions, now Anatoly’s mass gatherings are called mass hypnosis, conferences or generally creative evenings.

People around Alexander say that he visits Russia and carries out his work just as successfully. Currently he is in America, busy with receptions there. His presence there causes great excitement, people always expect his arrival.

More recently, Kashpirovsky again carried out large-scale work. This spread to the whole world! Anatoly promised to heal everyone from snoring. No doctors or special treatment is required: just concentrate as much as possible for three minutes, and then do not touch your nose for 6 hours.

What is unusual about such an action? No contacts needed. In three minutes, without visual influence and even without voice influence, Kashpirovsky was going to influence thousands of people, program at a distance, and cure his nose.

Sergei Zhorin, the healer's lawyer, says that Kashpirovsky has not lost his form. Despite his age, he looks pretty good.

His daily norm is 1200 squats.

Anatoly is not officially married. But he doesn’t despair. He will also meet the ideal woman with whom he will marry.

A healer once said that he does not use hypnosis in his practice. The work is built on faith. Kashpirovsky clarified: he does not require people to believe in him, but he himself has unlimited faith in them.

His sessions were once a great success. They were eagerly awaited and listened to every word. Well, let everyone decide for themselves whether to trust Kashpirovsky’s miracles.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky– psychologist, psychic, doctor. Many people remember his healing sessions, which he conducted through television. Many people tried to get rid of illnesses and health problems with his help and listened carefully to everything he said and spent a lot of time in front of the TV. Kashpirovsky is a personality about whom one can talk and argue a lot, but many will agree that he was an extraordinary person.



Anatoly Kashpirovsky born in a small, cozy town Proskurov in Ukraine 1939 August 11. He was attracted to singing, sports and books. He sang very beautifully, but was a little doubtful that this was his calling. He devoted a lot of time to books on health and psychology, so at the age of 23 he entered the Vinnytsia Medical Institute, from which he graduated in 1962.

After graduation, he began working in a psychiatric hospital, where he stayed for 25 years. In addition, he worked at a physical therapy hospital for railway workers in 1962-1963.

The year 1987 was marked by a new event for Kashpirovsky, because he became a psychotherapist for the USSR weightlifting team. After this, his career rapidly took off, he became a manager Republican Psychotherapeutic Center, where he worked for two years. From 1989 to 1993, Kashpirovsky led International Center.

Since 1989, Anatoly Kashpirovsky has been conducting teleconferences Kyiv-Moscow. With the help of television programs, he tried to cure people of many diseases. These programs were very popular and everyone listened attentively to Anatoly Mikhailovich and tried not only to get rid of their illnesses, but also to cure their relatives of alcoholism and drug addiction.

In 1993, the following books were published:

  • “Nonspecific group psychotherapy”;
  • "Believe in yourself";
  • “Thoughts on the way to you”;
  • "Encouragement";
  • "Psychotherapeutic phenomenon."

Kashpirovsky Anatoly Mikhailovich was. In 1993, he was elected as a deputy from the LDPR party to the State Duma of Russia. Due to constant travel and travel and conflict with Zhirinovsky, Kashpirovsky left the faction in 1995.

In 1995, news of terrorist attack at a school in Budennovsk. He did not stand aside and volunteered to negotiate with the terrorists. Thanks to him, many children were saved, but because of the violence and blood he saw, he was unable to fully complete what he started.

Since 1995, Kashpirovsky moved to the United States and there began treating Russian emigrants for obesity. He retired and did what he liked. Spent a lot of time at the computer, writing memoirs and books on psychology. From time to time he returns to Russia, but he is constantly accompanied by scandals. In 2005, he fought live on “Let Them Talk” with his opponent because he spat on him.

Kashpirovsky about hypnosis, soul, reincarnation

Treatment method

Kashpirovsky Anatoly Mikhailovich treated not mental, but physical disorders. When you have it, it is very difficult to cure it. When a person has physical problems, Kashpirovsky, with the help of his techniques, puts the patient in a state in which his body begins to produce all the necessary medications that help him recover and cope with painful sensations.

According to Kashpirovsky, each human body is independent, since it contains the entire periodic table. Many men and women suffer from such diseases for which they are given insulin, morphine and many other drugs. But Anatoly Mikhailovich is confident that he is independent, because all medicines are already in the body of every person in small doses.

If you program a person, then all his problems can be solved by influencing his brain. Be that as it may, Kashpirovsky cured many people from various diseases, including Parkinson's disease.

Visiting Dmitry Gordon. Anatoly Kashpirovsky. 1/2 (2009)

Kashpirovsky's success

Thanks to what did Anatoly Mikhailovich Kashpirovsky become famous? He had an attractive appearance and behaved well among people. He did not hesitate in front of television cameras and always remained confident in himself and in what he did. All his gestures, glances, postures, intonation and timbre of voice evoked trust in people, they obeyed him.

At the time when Anatoly Mikhailovich began working, few people were familiar with the activities of doctors, so everything they saw was perceived as a miracle and magic.

While working with the audience, Kashpirovsky A.M. , in which there is no open pressure on a person. He communicated with people and only sometimes, in the right places, he emphasized the right phrase and word, which was instilled in the person. If you needed to quit smoking or drinking, or get rid of your addiction to food, this method worked very well.

Kashpirovsky was very popular, people followed him and watched all his sessions. Some of them were dependent on the doctor and even sometimes ended up in psychiatric hospitals. Anatoly Mikhailovich is an interesting personality. He had not only connoisseurs of his talent, but also opponents who considered him a deceiver.

Anatoly Kashpirovsky on the TV channel HERE! 10/18/2011

Science and religion against Kashpirovsky

Many doctors really did not like Kashpirovsky. Kruglyakov E.P. considered Anatoly Mikhailovich far from medical practice, since many people neglected their illnesses and did not listen to their doctors, because they trusted only Kashpirovsky and his methods.

Patients, after Kashpirovsky's sessions, refused to take medications, and this led to sad consequences. The Church also did not have a very good attitude towards what Anatoly Mikhailovich did. Many priests claimed that the condition of many patients worsened after his sessions.

Finally about Kashpirovsky

Whatever Kashpirovsky was, he helped many people and put seriously ill people on their feet. Perhaps his methods are not very popular and some people with unstable psyches ended up in psychiatric clinics, but all famous people have followers who are not entirely healthy.

The name of Anatoly Kashpirovsky was known to millions of residents of the Soviet Union. The hypnotherapist gathered in front of television screens those suffering to get rid of their illnesses with the help of his healing sessions. There is still no consensus on what it was - a miracle or quackery.

Childhood and youth

At the very beginning, Kashpirovsky’s biography did not imply all-Union, or whatever - world popularity. There is widespread information about the place of birth of Anatoly Mikhailovich - either it is the village of Stavnitsa, or the city of Proskurov (present-day Khmelnytsky) in Ukraine. On the official website, the village of Medzhibozh is indicated as the place of birth. Anatoly was born in August 1939; his nationality, as the media suggests, is Jewish. Another brother and two sisters grew up in the family.

Kashpirovsky called the principle of influence, practiced by himself, programming the internal reserves of the human body for self-healing, and working with the audience as a practical philosophy. The necessary medications are already contained in the body in microdoses, and special external influence activates their action, which ultimately leads to recovery, he assured. However, the results of the work were truly striking in the regeneration of connective tissue: the disappearance of scars, burns, and traces of frostbite.

In 1996, Anatoly, by his own admission, had a surge of pride: he proposed an unheard-of action - to carry out 10 operations under anesthesia from space. Oddly enough, the head of Star City, cosmonaut Pyotr Klimuk, agreed. The psychotherapist did not pass flight tests on simulators, but considered that the path to heaven was blocked by people who were not interested in the success of his treatment methods. If the idea had been successful, then even the church would have agreed that he had the gift of healing.

Personal life

Anatoly's first wife, Valentina, gave birth to his son Sergei and daughter Elena. The son does not bear his father's surname. The daughter, her husband and child left for Canada, and after the divorce she moved to America. There is a grandson, Sean, and a granddaughter, Inga, a three-time US karate champion.
