What can you use instead of a camera on Skype? Video surveillance via USB camera

Modern Android smartphones are equipped with very high-quality cameras, often superior in quality to budget webcams. So the Android phone camera can be used as a webcam for a PC or as a video surveillance camera! You can use it for video chatting or any other needs: the smartphone will be detected by the computer as a real webcam.

How to use a smartphone as a webcam over Wi-Fi or the Internet using IP Webcam

For all operations we will need the IP Webcam application; this free program allows you to create online broadcasts directly from your Android device. But there is a limitation: only members of one network will be able to watch the online broadcast. In other words, your computer and phone must be connected to the same router via wi-fi, but you can also access the broadcast simply via the Internet; for this you will need the Ivideon program.

How to use a smartphone as a webcam for a computer via a USB cable

Sometimes it happens that there is no way to connect a smartphone and a PC via the Internet, so all that remains is the good old USB cable. To connect your smartphone as a webcam using USB, you will have to use the DroidCamX application. What’s noteworthy is that you can connect via Wi-Fi, and the application is more convenient than the previous one.

Troubleshooting and correct settings

  • There is a lot of delay or the video lags a lot

You need to reduce the video stream resolution in the application settings, or change the FPS.

  • The video is of poor quality or too dark/overexposed

Look in the settings of the IP Webcam program - "White balance", and in DroidCamX - everything is done in the PC client of the program.

The same question is often asked on the Internet: “How to connect a Canon, Nikon, Pentax, Sony, Olympus, Samsung, etc. camera instead of a webcam?” This article may partially clarify the answer to this question, and perhaps help fix bugs associated with the “slowdown” of the video image, freezing of the Skype program or the entire OS during a video broadcast. http://oldoctober.com/

Pictures with a magnifying glass icon can be enlarged by clicking. To return to the article, you must either click on the button Close×, located in the lower right corner, or click past the picture on “dark matter”.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a DPC instead of a webcam?

The benefits depend on the camera used. With many cameras, for example, you can set white balance to a target, which is not available when using a webcam.

Modern digital cameras have higher sensitivity and a wider dynamic range than most webcams, allowing you to broadcast video with acceptable quality in almost any lighting conditions.

The picture shows a frame captured from a video stream. The room is lit only by the light from the monitor. The arrow points to the reflection of the monitor in the glass of the furniture, which is located on the opposite wall of the room. http://oldoctober.com/

The disadvantages include the relatively high power consumption of a digital camera in video broadcast mode. Additional energy will also be needed if you use constant focus mode (autofocus tracking).

All this, during prolonged operation, may require recharging the battery or connecting the camera to an external power source. The cost of a branded power supply can be comparable to the cost of a budget webcam.

Another disadvantage is the relatively low image resolution when transmitting video. In any case, it cannot exceed 720x576i pixels at 50fps for the PAL format and 720x480i at 60fps for the NTSC format. In fact, the resolution of the video stream at the output of the DSC can be two or more times lower.

Which DSC can work as a webcam.

DFCs are divided into those that have a “webcam” mode and those that do not. As for the former, there may not be any special problems with the connection, except for the usual problems that arise when connecting a webcam to Skype. You just need to connect the camera to a USB socket, and if the camera does not support the UVC protocol, then also install the driver supplied with the camera.

Next, we will talk about DPCs that do not have a “web camera” function, but transmit an analog video signal not only in slide show mode, but also in the mode of transmitting a video image received through a lens in real time.

Before you buy any video capture device, connect your camera to your TV and make sure it is capable of transmitting a video signal of the quality you are comfortable with.

All digital photo cameras have a video output that allows you to view photos or videos on your TV screen.

That is why, in addition to the USB cable, the DFC comes with a cable for connecting to a TV.

If, when connected to a TV, your camera is capable of streaming video, then it can be used as a webcam for conversations on Skype or recording video on a computer hard drive.

It’s good if the camera allows you to turn off the information board with data about shooting conditions.

Hardware video capture.

The operation of transferring streaming (live) video from a camera to a computer is called Capture Video.

You can capture video using any video capture device that has a tulip-type composite input (usually yellow). This device can be a video card or tuner with video input, as well as any built-in or external adapter for capturing video signals.

In the picture, pos. 1 and 2 are built-in and external TV tuners, and pos. 3 and 4 – built-in and external video capture adapters.

Video capture software.

Before installing video drivers on your computer, if possible, create an OS restore point, or even better, an OS backup.

It's easier to recognize some software and hardware conflicts when you can roll back and start over. This, of course, applies not only to installing video drivers. It’s just that conflicts that arise when using all kinds of video software can be a little more difficult to resolve.

Any video capture device comes with a driver program that allows you to record a video signal to a hard drive, but this program does not transmit the video signal to Internet telephony programs. To transmit this video signal directly to Skype, it needs to be intercepted and redirected. For this purpose, you can use the free SplitCam program.

However, the software supplied with the video capture device must be installed, since without it, the video signal cannot be captured.

The only case where you can do without installing accompanying software is when the video device supports the UVC (USB Video Class) standard. This standard does not require installing drivers in the OS starting from Windows XP SP2. Such a device, for example, could be a webcam, which, however, does not want to “cooperate” with Skype. Similar cases occur, and we will consider them below.

Installation and use of SplitCam.

Installing the program is no different from installing other applications, except that during the installation process the installer offers to install a bunch of related software that is not related to capture. I have not installed any of the proposed software and I do not recommend it to you.

The picture shows the installation process. On pages with options not related to video capture, you can safely click the “Declines” button.

The installation process itself takes only a few seconds.

So, the Split Cam program is installed, and you can start switching the signal.

Switching the video signal when using a video capture device.

If your video capture device, such as an adapter or TV tuner, is located outside of the computer, you must first connect it to the computer.

Then, in the composite input (usually yellow), you need to connect a cable connected to the same output of the digital camera.

The digital camera has an automatic shutdown timer to save battery power. Set it to the maximum time so that the camera does not turn off at the most inopportune moment.

Using an external power source will eliminate the need to frequently recharge the battery.

Before attempting to redirect a video stream using SplitCam, make sure that your camera's image is being received by the video capture device.

To do this, run the program that came with the video capture device.

Launch the SplitCam program.

In the program menu, select the signal source: File > Video Source > Your video capture device. Do this even if there is already a bird facing your device.

This is a little counterintuitive, since usually when you select again, the bird is removed. But, let’s leave this up to the conscience of the program developer, not forgetting that the program is free.

If you select the option: Options > Advertisements > Exchange ad and video windows, then the picture with the captured video will move to a larger window.

Now that you have verified that the video signal has been successfully intercepted, you can launch Skype.

The latest versions of Skype themselves offer to check the quality of the video image. But, if this does not happen, then you will have to select the signal source manually.

In the Skype main menu, select Tools > Settings > Video Settings > Select Webcam. Select from the drop-down menu SplitCam Capture.

Possible problems with video signal transmission.

The appearance of a video image in the Skype settings window is not a guarantee that you will be able to successfully transmit this video signal to your subscribers.

The first obstacle on this path is the Skype program itself.

If the video signal successfully passed Skype and went to your interlocutor, then we cannot significantly influence his further travels via the P2P (Peer To Peer) protocol. Here, a lot will depend on a number of circumstances, such as the transmission speed between individual computers on the network (of which there can be many), the magnitude of pings, the number of lost packets, etc.

But it’s even worse if, some time after establishing a connection with the subscriber, the video signal “jams” in the Skype program itself. The cause may be a software conflict due to a specific hardware configuration. This manifests itself as freezing of the picture or even freezing of the Skype program itself. In the worst case scenario, this conflict can cause the OS to freeze and require a computer restart.

Manufacturers are aware of the existing problems and are trying to solve them, but the huge variety of hardware used and its configurations makes this process difficult.

On one of the tested computers, I encountered a similar conflict, which manifested itself in video freezing and Skype freezing. I followed all the manufacturer’s recommendations, from installing the latest drivers for all computer hardware to flashing the BIOS firmware with the latest software version, but nothing changed at all.

If such a conflict occurs, then you can use another program that can also redirect the video stream - ManyCam.

Installing and using ManyCam.

The ManyCam program is a multifunctional software that allows you not only to redirect the video stream in the same way as SplitCam does, but also provides a lot of other equally interesting functions.

For example, using this program, you can show your friends a video recording located on your computer’s hard drive.

The desktop display function has been expanded compared to the similar Skype function, which allows you to adapt the image transmission to the capabilities of the existing communication channel.

Simply put, you can determine not only the size of the transmitted image, but also the resolution of the video image.

With a narrow communication channel, image legibility can be significantly increased by moving the selected area following the movement of the cursor.

Well, for lovers of various baubles, ManyCam was taught to intercept streaming video and add all sorts of effects, like those that allow you to add proprietary software that comes with regular web cameras.

What I liked most was the ability to change the background directly during the video broadcast. Moreover, the background can be not only static, but also dynamic. In the program this effect is located under the button Background.

It works like this. First, ManyCam remembers the background behind you * , and then replaces it with its own static or dynamic background. Of course, upon careful examination of the picture, you can notice artifacts characteristic of mediocre performance of Chroma key technology. But, if you try and match the real and virtual backgrounds by tone, then you can easily.

In general, if you are an active Skype user, then this program may be useful to you, even if everything is already working well for you.

Installing the ManyCam program takes 10 – 20 seconds.

When, during the installation process of the program, you are prompted to install additional software, you can safely click Declines.

* When you try to use the background replacement effect, a pop-up window will appear and you will be asked to capture a photo of your background without you. Clicking the button Take snapshot(Capture photo), you need to leave the field of view of the webcam within 3 seconds.

The background, in this case, must be stationary and the lighting conditions unchanged. For example, if you sit down at a table and even slightly change the flow of light falling on the background, this can cause additional Chroma key artifacts. Naturally, all settings (Focus, WB, Exposure) of the webcam should be in manual mode.

From this article you will learn about new features of the phone, namely using it instead of a webcam.

You will be offered several options with which you can connect a webcam through your phone.

How to use a smartphone instead of a webcam

Read also: TOP 12 Best webcams with good picture quality for online communication and streaming

A smartphone is a multifunctional device that can be used to solve various tasks.

However, not many people know about the possibility of using a mobile gadget as a webcam, or how useful this function is.

In fact, there are such situations in life: you urgently need to answer a video call, but the webcam, as luck would have it, is faulty.

In this case, your gadget’s camera will come to the rescue. By following the step-by-step instructions, you can use your gadget to transfer video in other video chats.

If you require:

  • Make a video call on Skype, but the standard camera is missing or faulty;
  • To broadcast on the Internet, use several cameras;
  • Create remote video surveillance.

Even if the screen on your gadget is broken, but it is still working, you can easily replace the webcam, as long as the front or main camera module remains working.

To connect you need:

  • Special utilities for pairing the gadget with a PC or laptop;
  • Wi-fi access point.

Programs for turning your phone into a webcam via USB

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Almost any gadget can replace a webcam if a special program is installed on it correctly.

As a result, a phone with the utility installed will turn out to be an excellent device that can be used to communicate with family or business partners via video communication, and you can also use it to broadcast video.

The operation of applications designed to turn a phone into a webcam is based on synchronizing the gadget with a personal computer via a connection via a USB cable or.

These utilities will allow you to replace the built-in camera in your phone instead of the regular webcam installed on your laptop or computer.

The image quality will depend on the installed program and the resolution of the mobile camera.

Using the programs DroidCam, AlterCam and USB Webcam, you can connect your phone as a webcam via USB.

Using one of these applications allows you to transport images from the gadget's camera to a laptop via Bluetooth or a USB cable and can be used using web services for instant messaging.

In addition to the camera, you can also use the microphone of your mobile phone to communicate on Skype.


Read also: How to create a video online: TOP 10 best free and paid sites | 2019

One of the best programs for that run on Android. With its help, the gadget will undergo metamorphosis in a matter of minutes and become an excellent portable webcam.

Android version Windows version

Step-by-step installation instructions:

1 In order for your phone to turn into a camera, you need to install Android utilities.

While it is installing, proceed to install the program on your desktop computer. Unpack the archive. To do this, click on the archive file "Extract..." and select the location where you plan to extract the contents of the archive, then click the button "Ok".

After the unpacking process is completed, go to the folder you selected for unpacking and run the installation file and follow the instructions that appear on the screen.

2 Now you need to connect your phone to your PC using a USB cable or Bluetooth.

3 After successfully connecting one of your gadgets to another, run the program on both devices.

In the active window you need to enter a mobile gadget, which allows you to distinguish the device from all others.

You can find this path in the DroidCam application running on your phone. In addition to the IP address, DroidCam also shows the port number.


4 A notification will be sent to your computer desktop that your phone has been detected. You need to select the video quality to get started.

5 To continue working and start streaming, you just need to press the button "Start" . The application will send the image from the gadget's camera to the PC. If your mobile device has two cameras, go to the application settings on your phone and check if the corresponding checkbox is selected, which is responsible for the active camera.


Read also: TOP 12 Best IP cameras for video surveillance of a home or office | Review of current models in 2019

You can also connect your phone to your computer as a webcam via a USB cable using the AlterCam program.

This program allows you to install a virtual webcam on your system.

You can broadcast any video into it: both from a real camera and just video clips stored on your computer.

We will consider the option when the video source is the camera of a mobile device.

Using the IP protocol, the AlterCam program connects to a mobile camera and broadcasts video from it in real time to a virtual webcam.

The process of turning your phone into a webcam may seem complicated, but setting it up is a snap.

Android version Windows version

Step-by-step instruction:

1 First, download the AlterCam application and install it on your PC. After installation is complete, the program will launch automatically.

2 After this, you need to install the IP Webcam application on your smartphone. You can find it in the Play Store.

3 The installed application must be launched on the phone. When you start, a list of settings will appear; as a rule, you don’t have to change them, you just need to go to the very bottom and select “Run”.

4 You need to run the program on your computer. In the window "Camera" select "Add IP camera".

5 Now you need to connect to the camera of your mobile device using the AlterCam program. To line "IP Camera Name" , which will appear when the window opens "Add IP camera" enter any value, for example, my phone number.

The image quality of the IP camera will depend on the resolution settings in the smartphone application. If you don't know the exact value, leave this setting unchanged.

6 At the bottom of the application open on the phone, the camera’s IP address is indicated; move it to the “IP camera address” line in the window open on the computer.

After this, you need to add “/live” or “/video” at the end of the address. The first option is for devices running on the operating system, the second is for Android.

7 Having transferred the IP address to the computer, you can press the button "OK" . If all actions were performed correctly, an image from the phone camera will appear in the AlterCam program. If this does not happen, check that all steps are performed correctly step by step.

8 After the image appears in the AlterCam program, you need to select a virtual camera in the settings of the voice program that you will use. Let's look at Skype as an example.

Log in to Skype using your username and password. Click on the tab at the top "Tools" and select a section "Settings" . In the general settings you will see the “Video Settings” submenu, and select the program there.

USB Webcam

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The program allows you to use your phone as a webcam via a USB cable. First you need to install the application on your phone and PC.

You can download the program for PC on the developer’s website. In folder "Installation path" you need to find the usbwebcam.bat file and run it.

Android version

If the program is installed correctly, the image in all programs that use the camera will be broadcast from the phone's camera. True, the frame rate will be low.

You can reduce the resolution of the video stream in the application settings using a hardware key.

After launching the program on your smartphone, you need to enable software debugging to activate the webcam through a personal computer.

You can find this option in the menu "Options" , where you need to go to the submenu "System" , and then to “Developer Options”.

After enabling USB debugging, connect your phone via a data cable to your PC. Launch the program on your computer; to start working, you need to press any key.

The USB Webcam application must also be running on the phone. Now log into your Skype account, go to "Tools" , then subsection "Settings" .

In settings, open the section "Video settings" , in the window that opens, select "GWebcamVideo" . If everything works correctly, a picture from the smartphone camera will appear on the monitor screen.

If you see a green screen, your device is not supported by USB Webcam.

Modern people have long been accustomed to the fact that a smartphone is a multifunctional device with which you can solve a wide range of problems. But the user may not even be aware of some of the capabilities of his mobile gadget. For example, in a situation where a webcam is required for video communication, it can be replaced with an Android phone camera.

Turning your phone into a webcam is useful if you need to:

  • Make an urgent video call on Skype, but you don’t have a standard camera at hand, or it’s broken;
  • Install an additional webcam for Internet broadcasting;
  • Create remote surveillance using your phone.

Even a phone with a broken screen can be used as a webcam. The main thing is that the front or main camera module is in working condition. For different ways to connect your phone you will need:

  • USB cable;
  • Wi-Fi hotspot;
  • Programs for pairing your phone and computer or laptop.

Method 1. How to use your phone as a webcam via USB

You can connect your smartphone as a webcam to a PC or laptop using a regular USB cable. You will need some software to set up a video call. The most popular and convenient is the Android application DroidCam Wireless Webcam, which can be downloaded for free in the Google Play digital store. You also need to install the DroidCam program on your PC.

This software will work in conjunction: the Android application will configure the phone as a webcam, and the PC program will receive and process the signal from the mobile device.

Let's look at the step-by-step setup of the phone:

  1. Install the DroidCam Wireless Webcam application on your smartphone;
  2. Open the page http://www.dev47apps.com/ in your browser, download the distribution and install it on your computer or laptop;
  3. Enable developer mode on your phone. You can read about how to do this in our article “The 10 most useful hidden features of Android”;
  4. Launch the USB Debugging feature. To do this, in the phone settings, select the “For Developers” menu item and press the button in the corresponding item.

  1. Launch the DroidCam Wireless Webcam application;
  2. Connect your smartphone to your computer via a USB cable;
  3. Launch the DroidCam client on your computer;
  4. Click on the USB connection button;
  5. Click on the Start button.

An image from the phone's camera will appear on the client's screen. In the settings of the DroidCam Wireless Webcam application, you can select the front camera as the main one for connection, and also assign the phone’s microphone to capture sound.

Method 2. How to use your phone as a webcam over Wi-Fi

The DroidCam Wireless Webcam program allows you to configure your phone as a webcam via a Wi-Fi connection. To do this, follow steps 1 and 2 from the above instructions. Then go through the following steps:

  1. Start Wi-Fi on your phone;
  2. Open the DroidCam Wireless Webcam application;
  3. Open the DroidCam program on your PC;
  4. Click on the Wi-Fi connection button;
  5. In the Device IP line, enter the number that will be displayed on the main screen of the Android application in the WiFi IP item;
  6. Check the Audio and Video checkboxes;
  7. Click Srart.

After this, the application will capture the video signal from the phone's camera and transmit it through the client to the computer. The free version of the application only connects the phone and PC, and also contains advertising. The paid DroidCam application does not show advertising banners and allows you to customize the video: set the contrast and brightness, change the resolution, and so on.

Please note! On the Internet you can find many recommendations for applications that allow you to use your phone as a webcam. The second most popular program is the USB Webcam Android application. It should work similarly to the DroidCam utility, that is, you need to download the application to your smartphone and the PC program from the official website. The problem is that, although the application is still available on Google Play, the client developer’s website has ceased to exist, and downloading the distribution from a third-party source risks introducing a dangerous virus to your computer.

Method 3. Turn your smartphone into an IP camera for remote video surveillance

This method is suitable for those who do not want to limit themselves to the length of the USB cable or the reception area of ​​the home Wi-Fi signal. You can turn your smartphone into a webcam, even if you’re on the other side of town, using the IP Webcam Android application, which can be downloaded for free from the Google Play store. To output a video signal from your phone to a PC or Skype, you will need a special adapter, which can be downloaded from the official website.

To set up your phone as a webcam you need:

  1. Install the application on your smartphone;
  2. Install the adapter on your computer;
  3. Set up a camera for video capture in the application;
  4. Set video resolution and quality;
  5. Change additional settings: video orientation, focus and flash mode, white balance, color effect, and so on;
  6. Select “Start broadcast” in the application.

  • Via browser;
  • Via VLC player;
  • Via Skype.

To watch the video in a browser, enter the IP address and port of the device into the search bar. This information can be found by clicking the “How do I connect” button in the application. Indicate that you are connecting directly and select the connection method: via mobile network or Wi-Fi. In a pop-up window, the application will indicate the required number, for example, Next, on the video broadcast page, select the viewing and listening mode.

  • Install the distribution;
  • Open the player;
  • In the top menu, select “Media”;
  • Click "Open URL";
  • Enter the line with the address specified in the application and add the word videofeed, for example, like this: ;
  • Click Play.

To connect to a broadcast on Skype:

  • Open the adapter program;
  • Enter an address similar to the one used for the VLC player;
  • Specify the resolution 320x240 (if the signal does not connect, increase the resolution to the next level, for example 640x480);
  • Click "Apply";
  • In Skype, open Video Settings;
  • In the “Select webcam” selector, select MJPEG Camera.

The IP Webcam application differs from DroidCam Wireless Webcam in its advanced functionality and simpler connection, which does not require installing additional drivers for your phone.

While studying ways in which a phone can be turned into a webcam, we used a gadget model from the Fly company.

Why Fly

Since 2003, the British company Fly has been a stable manufacturer of high-quality smartphones, in which engineers try to take into account all the requirements of modern users. The company's main focus is on creating budget smartphones that are not inferior in quality to mid-price models. Even in a gadget for 7-8 thousand rubles, the user will find a powerful 4-core processor, a capacious battery, an excellent camera, a high-quality IPS screen, and all this is framed by a stylish design.

We turned our smartphone into a webcam for a while. Since testing took quite a lot of time, we needed a gadget with a capacious battery, a large screen, a high-speed Internet module and a fast processor. And the Cirrus 9 smartphone ticked all the boxes. The large 5.5-inch IPS screen made it very convenient to manage application settings and study instructions for managing programs. A powerful 1.25 GHz quad-core processor ensured stable system operation while downloading and launching several applets simultaneously. The 4G LTE module made it possible to instantly download the largest application, and a capacious 2800 mAh battery kept the smartphone in a state of full combat readiness all this time.

The easiest and most affordable way to organize a video surveillance system is to connect a USB camera to your computer. Naturally, such a solution has minimal functionality, but is quite suitable for home use.

It’s worth noting right away that using such equipment for professional surveillance (with clear requirements for technical characteristics and safety level) is unacceptable.

There are two options for organizing video surveillance via USB:

  • analog equipment connected via a USB converter;
  • classic USB digital cameras (WEB-camera, “webcam”).

In the first case, special equipment is used - a USB converter, which is a compact video recorder (video capture card with a USB interface). Depending on the converter model, you can connect from 1 to 4 analog video cameras to the device.

However, recording a signal from several cameras simultaneously is usually impossible due to limitations imposed by the hardware of the equipment.

The advantages of the converter include compact size, easy installation and configuration, as well as full compatibility with computers and laptops running the Windows operating system. The main disadvantages are limited functionality and low image quality compared to full-fledged DVRs.

Classic USB cameras allow you to organize video surveillance in just a few minutes. There are a large number of models on the market.

Preference is given to modern equipment with HD resolution (1280×720 pixels) and a built-in microphone. You can use cheaper cameras with a resolution of 0.3 megapixels, but the image quality will be below average.

There are models on sale with built-in infrared illumination for shooting in the dark. As a rule, IR illumination turns on automatically (a light sensor is located on the equipment body).

Main advantages of digital USB cameras– low price, easy connection and a very wide range of models.


  • minimal functionality;
  • installation restrictions (cable length - no more than 5 m;
  • for larger values ​​it is necessary to use a special signal amplifier).


To implement video surveillance based on USB video cameras, you must install the appropriate software on your PC.

Most digital USB cameras and converters are sold with a disc containing drivers and software. Also, a minimum set of utilities can be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website.

Software for the converter is usually included in the package. Thus, the popular EasyCAP002 DVR converter model is designed to work with the Super Viewer program.

The software allows you to quickly switch between connected cameras, set up timed recording, take screenshots and save video files to the hard drive of your computer or laptop.

Most of these programs have a simple and intuitive interface, so setting up and operating the equipment does not cause difficulties for inexperienced users.

For video surveillance using digital USB cameras, as a rule, third-party software is used, which significantly expands the functionality of even the simplest models. There are both paid and free versions of the programs.

Paid software usually has a greater range of features.


  1. WebcamXP is one of the most popular programs. The main advantages are flexible settings, compatibility with almost all camera models, and the ability to use a motion sensor to send alerts by email.
  2. Mobile Computer Control – built-in recording scheduler, motion detector, ability to remotely control a computer via a mobile phone.
  3. Xeoma – does not require installation (can be launched from a memory card), supports all types of cameras, motion detection, alert mode.
  4. Ivideon Server is an interesting solution with cloud video surveillance capabilities. If the PC is not connected to the Internet, you can only use the client program to save the video to your hard drive.

All of the above programs were created as accessible analogues of specialized software for security systems. And they are mainly used for organizing simple home video surveillance. Also, such software is often installed by owners of small retail outlets to monitor employees and customers.

The Ivideon Server program is especially in demand, allowing you to organize remote video surveillance via the Internet based on simple USB cameras.


The digital camera (“webcam”) is already equipped with a standard USB connector for connecting to a computer or laptop. Most video cameras are designed for the USB 2.0 standard.

However, models with high-resolution matrices, up to 10 megapixels (for example, Logitech HD Pro Webcam C920), which work better when connected via USB 3.0, are gaining popularity.

High data transfer speed allows you to realize all the benefits of high image resolution. It is worth considering that saving video files in high resolution requires much more space on your hard drive.

After connecting the device, you need to install drivers (usually included or available on the manufacturer’s website) and software of your choice.

Connecting the converter is also not particularly difficult. Almost all models connect to a USB 2.0 connector. To connect analog video cameras, the device is equipped with standard composite RCA (tulip) connectors.

Video connectors are yellow, audio connectors are white. The converter can be connected either directly or via a regular USB extension cable.

The system requirements for a laptop or computer are minimal, so you can use hardware that is outdated for modern games or programs (processor from 1.8 GHz, RAM - 256 Mb, video card - 32 Mb).

After connecting the device, the driver and software are installed. For converters, it is recommended to use the included software.

Possible problems:

  1. No picture – the device is not recognized by the operating system. The solution is to reinstall the drivers.
  2. The camera works intermittently, the image freezes, etc. The solution is to check the quality of the USB connection. If an extension cord is used, you need to check the camera's functionality without it (signal attenuation may occur).

In general, a video surveillance system based on USB equipment is quite reliable, while special attention is paid to the technical condition of the computer or laptop.


When choosing a digital USB camera for video surveillance, it is recommended to pay attention to models from well-known manufacturers:

  • Logitech;
  • A4Tech.

For video surveillance in the dark, it is better to choose a camera with IR illumination (available model - A4Tech PK-333E). The advantage for USB cameras is the presence of autofocus, a built-in microphone and a rotating mechanism for lens orientation.

If there are no special requirements for image quality, you can use available models with VGA resolution.

Since the standard length of a USB camera cable rarely exceeds 1.5 meters, you will need an extension cord to select the optimal installation location. It is not recommended to use low-quality extension cords longer than 5 m. After installing the camera, it is necessary to test the functionality of the equipment in all modes.

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