Once again about the origin of Boris Yeltsin-Eltsin-Neznamoky! Nationality of Boris Yeltsin: main questions.

Russian President Yeltsin is a Jew

In the socio-political newspaper “Evening Magadan” dated July 15, 1994 No. 28, the “List of citizens shot on the territory Magadan region, rehabilitated posthumously." The list includes Eltsin Boris Mikhailovich, whose column indicating his nationality says Jew.

Considering our usual and very widespread practice of writing the letter “E” as the letter “E”, especially in words of foreign origin, it becomes clear that the surname “Eltsin” was often written as “Yeltsin”. And accordingly, the conclusion suggests itself that B.N. Yeltsin, President of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as E.B.N. President) is of Jewish origin.

Popular wisdom says that in order to accurately recognize the essence of a person, one must judge not by his words, but by his deeds. The Democrats, led by E.B.N. president (and with the actual assistance of the last dictator of the USSR Gorbachev) in 1991 destroyed a united Russia by dividing it into 20 states, then destroyed the developed industry of Great Russia, turning it into a raw materials appendage of other countries, plundered Russian state (people's) property (which at the beginning of the twentieth century in time civil war and after it the grandfathers of the democrats took it away from the Russian people by force, killing those who resisted). Judging by these and other committed E.B.N. president's "deeds" - it would be more correct to say monstrous atrocities, the whole life of E.B.N. President was dedicated to the extermination and humiliation of the Russian people.

Whatever rotten nit E.B.N. president, but this alone cannot explain the expressed anti-Russian orientation of his atrocities and such fierce hatred of the Russian people. The only thing that can explain the hatred of E.B.N. President to us Russian people, then only the banal (ordinary) xenophobia of a person of a different nationality.

Determine which national minority E.B.N. belongs to. The president can again according to his affairs. Everyone knows which national minority was given all Russian state (people's) property, including the richest oil and gas enterprises, under the guise of privatization. Therefore, the answer to the question of what nationality is E.B.N. There is only one president that suggests itself. The publication of the newspaper “Evening Magadan” dated July 15, 1994 No. 28 unexpectedly only confirms the only reasonable answer to this question.

On 02/07/1998, I conveyed to V.V. Zhirinovsky, through the LDPR headquarters (Magadan branch), information about the origin of E.B.N. president and a white-yellow-black banner. Then I still believed that the LDPR was the opposition to the E.B.N. regime. President, and therefore will do something about it. There really wasn't any positive reaction.

The situation with the pedigree of the first president of Russia is quite confusing. There are still no clear answers to questions regarding the correct spelling of the surname of Yeltsin’s ancestors, their nationality and way of life.

Changeable surname

The surname “Yeltsin,” according to Wikipedia, is Russian, derived from the Turkic nickname Elchy or Elchi, which translates as “messenger.” However, according to the same Wikipedia, the surname Yeltsin (or Yeltsin) in the original version could have sounded like Yelchin, Elchin or even Elchin. Similar surnames are still common in the Urals.

The very first ancestor of Boris Yeltsin is supposedly considered to be a resident of Veliky Novgorod, Elizarko Yelets, who fled in 1495 to the northern Urals from the atrocities of the Muscovites, who encroached on the once free republic. This is how the family of the Novgorod fugitive established itself in the Urals.

Some researchers believe that Boris Nikolayevich’s ancestors bore the surname Yeltsin until the 1920s - it was written with “s” in all official documents, just like other similar surnames - Solzhenitsyn, Kuritsyn, Spitsyn. According to one version, the letter “y” was replaced by “i” by the grandfather of the first Russian president, Ignatius. And his father Nikolai began to sign up for him. There are several versions of modification of the surname. According to one of them, Nikolai Yeltsin wanted to avoid punishment for serving in Kolchak’s army in this way. To do this, he allegedly changed not only the letter, but also the year of his birth - 1899 to 1906.

Historian-archivist D. A. Panov points out that initially the ancestors of Boris Nikolaevich were recorded as Yeltsyn, later it was added to the surname soft sign, and only after the advent of Soviet power did the letter “i” appear at the end. This was done, according to the historian, not for security reasons, but in accordance with the spirit of new times.

Who are the ancestors?

In his autobiography, Boris Nikolaevich wrote that his family lived poorly - “a small house, a cow. There was a horse, but it soon fell. Like everyone else, we joined the collective farm. In 1935, when the cow had already died and it became unbearable, my grandfather began going from house to house and putting on stoves. Then my father became a construction worker.”

However, the author of a monograph on Yeltsin, journalist Boris Minaev, talks about what the first president kept silent about. It turns out that Boris Yeltsin’s grandfather Ignatius was the owner of a mill, which he was later able to modernize. The Yeltsins also had their own threshing machine, as well as five horses and four cows. Harvard University professor and Boris Yeltsin biographer Timothy Colton even calls Ignatius a “rural capitalist.”

Yeltsin's maternal grandfather Vasily Starygin could not boast of such property as Ignatius Yeltsin. He was a master woodworker. However, already in Soviet time Vasily was noticed that he hired seasonal workers - farm laborers - to build houses. That is, according to the new revolutionary ideology, he exploited the labor of others.

In 1930, both of Boris Nikolaevich’s grandfathers fell under dispossession. Ignatius, as the most zealous anti-Soviet, was exiled to Nadezhdinsk (now Serov) - the northernmost region of the Ural region with a harsh climate and scarce land. They took everything from the Yeltsins - 12 hectares of land, a house, a mill, a threshing machine, livestock, even household utensils and clothes, which the confiscators themselves began to wear.

Phantom Jewry

There are still heated debates surrounding the nationality of the first Russian president. Some say that Yeltsin has Russian roots, others claim that he has Jewish roots. In my time Chief Editor“Literary News” Edmund Iodkovsky noted that he does not have even a shadow of doubt about the nationality of Boris Nikolaevich, only he prefers to talk about it in a narrow circle of like-minded people. It was about Yeltsin's Jewish roots. What arguments can there be in this regard?

Among the first who, at the dawn of the 90s, to talk about the Jewish roots of Boris Yeltsin was the writer Alla Krotova, who lived in the United States. In her book “Sweet Gift,” she notes: only an inexperienced person in onomastics may think that the surname Yeltsin is Russian, meanwhile, it has been obscured by Russification.

The author draws attention to the fact that the alternation of “s” and “i” in the endings of some Russian surnames plays a role important role, which can only be recognized by an onomast specialist. IN in this case, according to Krotova, the surname Yeltsin does not come from the name of the city Yelets (here surnames like Yeltsov or Yeletsky are derived), but from the Jewish anthroponym, deminative (diminutive) female name Yeltsya.

Krotova claims that this Jewish name the surnames Elkin, Elchin, Elshin also appeared. “As for the surname Yeltsin, it is also found in the United States, having arrived in America along with those who emigrated here in late XIX centuries by Jews,” the author concludes.

There is another argument that may indicate the Jewish ancestry of the first president of Russia. This is the commissar, a Jew by nationality, Boris Moiseevich (Mikhailovich) Eltsin, whom some researchers call Boris Nikolaevich’s uncle. On this family connection, in particular, people’s deputy of the Sverdlovsk District Council of Moscow Valery Rodikov drew attention to in a feuilleton published in the magazine “Young Guard” No. 3 for 1993.

Rodikov in his material notes the active political activity Boris Eltsin, who was the chairman of the Ufa Gubsovnarkom. He was an ally of Trotsky, communicated closely with Lenin and even suggested that the latter tighten ruling regime, to which the leader of the world proletariat refused.

During times Great Terror Boris Eltsin was accused of Trotskyism and executed. “In honor of his Trotskyist uncle, who died a martyr’s death, his nephew Boris was named with a slightly modified surname - Yeltsin,” the deputy summarizes.

On Jewish origin Yeltsin was also hinted at by his schoolmate. Pushkin of the city of Berezniki Yuri Borodin (Chernyaev) in a letter published in the newspaper “Volya Rossii” No. 9 for 1993. True, he does not provide any convincing arguments in favor of his version.

Yeltsin is a half-baked Trotskyist and Jewish fascist! September 12th, 2017

All of Russia (USSR) has always wondered: Who is Yeltsin and why all this?

Today we can answer this question for textbooks and encyclopedias: Yeltsin is a Trotskyist who has not been killed by the patriots! He is a hereditary agent of the USA and England! A Jewish fascist seeking to kill the population of Russia and create a Jewish state on the land of Khazaria, invented by the Jews.

Where are such conclusions from?

Boris Moiseevich (Mikhailovich) Eltsin (1875-1937), in the photo standing behind Trotsky.

Uncle (brother father) B. Yeltsin - Jewish commissar Boris Moiseevich Eltsin (1875-1937), who participated in the capture Russian Empire in October 1917 by a gang of the USA and England with the complicity of an international Jewish organized crime group. It was they who killed the Tsar of Russia and therefore Yeltsin later demolished the house - the crime scene of the Jews and Anglo-Saxons in Yekaterinburg.

Eltsin was in the guard of the bloody Jewish executioner of millions of Russian Cossacks M. Sverdlov, then, as an active Trotskyist, he was expelled from the CPSU (b) in 1929. After his repentance, he was reinstated in the Communist Party and continued to work zealously in the middle-level leadership of the NKVD - by 1937 he held the high post of head of the Sverdlovsk NKVD, after which he was again exposed as a Trotskyist conspirator and repressed. On September 19, 1937, he was sentenced by a troika under the NKVD in Dalstroy to death on charges of “counter-revolutionary Trotskyist activity” and was shot on November 27.

In honor of his Trotskyist uncle, who died a martyr’s death, his nephew Boris was named with a slightly modified surname - Yeltsin. That is, B. Yeltsin was in this global game for the West - the Jewish gang underground in Russia. And his wife Naina Yeltsin was Jewish and therefore his children were potential Israeli citizens. This is the key to understanding all the vile acts of Boris Yeltsin and his family.

The Anglo-Saxons and Jews killed Stalin in 1953 and in the fall all these Trotskyists were free. At the same time, all other prisoners continued to serve until 1956 and the Trotskyists were not interested in their fate.

That is, even then, under Khrushchev, the Anglo-Saxons and Jews again restored their rule in Russia (USSR), and Cold War was a bluff. Anthony Sutton, US professor: “The Jews came up with the sanctions. They are taking advantage of them by circumventing them! The Cold War is a bluff.”

What did the Trotskyists do in Russia after 1917? They robbed and killed! These were the occupying forces of the West. There are 300,000 Chinese and some “Latvians”. In Russia, Latvians were those who looked white but spoke an incomprehensible language. Where is the Red Army? She wasn't there yet. The Red Army was created already under Stalin around 1930.

Gradually, Stalin and the patriots of Russia crushed the occupiers - the Trotskyists and liberated Russia in 1939. After this, the Anglo-Saxons sent their colony - Hitler's Germany - against the USSR. Stalin retreated and partially ceded power in the USSR. That’s why we saw deportations and famine again after the war. The Jews wanted to create Khazaria.

After the creation of Israel in Palestine, the topic became irrelevant and the Jewish fascists-Nazis left for Palestine. The topic of Khazaria died out and Stalin completely took control only in February 1949 (created atomic bomb, NATO bloc was created). Mass arrests of Trotskyists, US citizens, Khazarians - everyone associated with the Joint - began. These are those who exterminated the population in famines and deportations, but did not have time to escape to Palestine.

Under Khrushchev, the Anglo-Saxons again began to gather their agents. They visited the children and relatives of the murdered Trotskyists. So they remembered Eltsin’s family and he became Yeltsin - such an unusual fighter. For the second time, the US and British embassies visited the children and grandchildren of the Trotskyists in the 80s and 90s, recruiting them to work like their grandfathers. Not everyone agreed and therefore the information became known.

Yeltsin was directly involved in the war in Chechnya. The Yeltsin family must also be accomplices of treason and involved in the financing of terrorism in Russia and the North Caucasus. It is necessary to conduct investigations and arrests of terrorists, including in the Russian FSB.

There is a motive! Yeltsin acted deliberately!

varjag_2007 in The real origins of Boris Yeltsin

The first President of the Russian Federation, Boris Yeltsin, came from a family of exiled kulaks, and not at all from “ poor family", as it says in his official biography. So, at least, says the Interpreter's Blog.

“The Yeltsin family is an old family. The first written mention of the ancestors of this family dates back to 1495, when Elizarko Yelets fled from Veliky Novgorod from the outrages of the Muscovite Horde, who were destroying the old Russian democracy. Yelets fled to the northern Urals, which at that time was the bearish corner of Eurasia, and where the hand of the Muscovites could not reach. Of course, after the Nikonian “reform” the Yeltsins became Old Believers,” the blog authors write in an article published today. It is noted that the correct way to write the surname Yeltsin is with an “y”: “that’s how it was officially written until the 1920s. And so it is correct to write it according to the rules of the Russian language (compare Kuritsyn, Solzhenitsyn, etc.).”

“The Interpreter’s Blog” writes that Boris Yeltsin’s grandfather Ignatius owned a fairly large farm: 4 cows, 5 horses, small livestock, 12 hectares of crops. While “officially B.N. Yeltsin claimed that “they lived rather poorly, 1 cow and 1 horse.” In 1930, Ignatius Yeltsin was dispossessed and sentenced to exile to the village of Butka. “The certificate from the Ural OGPU states that Ignatius Yeltsin fled from his place of exile and “is on the run at the present time” (again, remember that officially B.N. Yeltsin wrote that at that time his grandfather was laying stoves),” they say authors of the article. According to the blog, Boris Yeltsin's father was arrested for escaping from a place of exile and received 3 years in the camps. Nikolai Yeltsin worked on the construction of the Moscow Canal in the village of Taldom, and for exemplary behavior he was released earlier than 3 years later - in 1936 he returned to his family.

From this version of the origin of the first president of the Russian Federation, the “Interpreter’s Blog” concludes that Yeltsin “had objective motives for the destruction of the “evil empire” - revenge for his father and grandfather.” “In Russia, disputes are still raging about what motivated President Boris Yeltsin when he first destroyed the USSR, and then its subsidiary, Russia. Most often, irrational arguments are given - Yeltsin's alcoholism, his tyranny or even dementia. But having familiarized yourself with the biography of himself, and even more so of his ancestors, you come to the conclusion that Boris Nikolaevich’s hatred of the “evil empire” had serious grounds,” the article says.

It is worth noting that in Boris Yeltsin’s book “Confession on a Given Topic” there is indeed no mention of the dispossession and exile of his grandfather, Ignatius. The first president only mentions “total dispossession” and that “everyone was forced into a collective farm.”

Yeltsin with his parents and at a subbotnik in Sverdlovsk

Let me remind you that such a “skeleton in the closet” turned out to be in the biography of the family of Viktor Yushchenko’s disastrous wife Katka Chumachenko: she stated that her grandfather was a victim of the Holodomor and repressions, but it turned out that
