General Chirkin biography. The former commander-in-chief of the ground forces was returned to the rank of colonel general

Colonel General removed from duty and preparing for pre-trial detention

However, the oddities in Chirkin’s case do not end there: he still arrives for interrogations in a special vehicle with guards and does not seem to be very worried about the outcome of the case. Although, unlike Serdyukov, he does not have to count on an amnesty.

As Kommersant learned, President Vladimir Putin, by decree, relieved Colonel General Vladimir Chirkin of his position as Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces. A statement with a corresponding request was written by him back in October and was granted immediately after the commander-in-chief returned from vacation. The main reason for the personnel decision was the criminal prosecution of the commander in chief - the Investigative Committee accused him of taking a bribe.

As a source close to the presidential administration said yesterday, Vladimir Putin signed decree N867 on the release of General Chirkin from the post of commander in chief on December 2, but it was never published on the official Kremlin website (which, in general, is normal practice - far not all decrees are published). Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had no information about this.

According to media reports, the immediate reason for the resignation of General Chirkin was the charge brought against him by the main military investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of committing a crime under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (taking a bribe). The plot of the accusation has not been disclosed. It is only known that the crime charged against the general dates back to the period from December 2010 to April 2012, when he served as commander of the Central Military District. According to some reports, the investigation began with an inspection of the military prosecutor's office, which revealed fraud with land and buildings belonging to the military: they were sold at prices below market prices. Investigating the case initiated under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud), investigators received information that the district commander could authorize dubious transactions for kickbacks.

Active investigative actions in the case initiated against the general began in October of this year. At the same time, the investigation appealed to the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu with a request to remove Mr. Chirkin from office during the investigation, since, holding his high post in the Ministry of Defense, he could put pressure on witnesses from among his subordinates.

According to a source in the minister’s office, after this a meeting took place between Sergei Shoigu and Vladimir Chirkin straight Talk, during which the latter was asked to write a letter of resignation according to at will. “It was simply pointless to resist this,” says the source. “Therefore, the Main Personnel Directorate almost immediately began preparing a draft presidential decree.” After this, the document was sent, signed by the minister, to the Kremlin. The chief of the main staff has been entrusted with the temporary duties of commander-in-chief ground forces General Sergei Istrakov.

Now the criminal case of the former commander-in-chief is in its final stage, in any case, the operatives accompanying the investigation say that it remains to obtain the results of several examinations, and then bring charges against General Chirkin in the final version.

The general, unlike ex-minister Anatoly Serdyukov, cannot count on an amnesty, since he is accused of a crime classified as serious. He does not admit his guilt.

Let us note that the resignation and criminal prosecution have not yet affected the general’s usual way of life. He arrives for duty and interrogations in a service BMW-750 with a flashing light and security. As a source close to Vladimir Chirkin said yesterday, he was in the building on Frunzenskaya Embankment until 17:00 yesterday. His number mobile phone was unavailable. The Ministry of Defense, as well as the Main Military Administration of the Russian Federation, did not comment on the criminal prosecution and the resignation of the commander-in-chief.

According to interlocutors in the military department, General Chirkin “was an experienced functionary, capable of adapting to any leader.” That is why, at the instigation of the then Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov in April 2012, he became Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, he experienced several personnel purges, both under ex-Minister Serdyukov and under the current Sergei Shoigu. Moreover, it was under him that the commander-in-chief of the ground forces for the first time in last years was entrusted to command the Victory Parade on May 9, 2013.

During his time leading the ground forces, General Chirkin was remembered for his harsh statements. For example, commenting on negotiations with the Ministry of Defense of Tajikistan regarding the extension of the lease of the 201st military base, he stated that Dushanbe put forward over 20 demands to Moscow, which are constantly changing and for the most part are unacceptable to the Russian Federation. “There is an ugly eastern trade going on, the end of which is not yet in sight,” said the general. After the dismissal of Anatoly Serdyukov, he said that the army could refuse to use the Italian Centauro wheeled tanks, which were then being tested: “All this was started under the previous leadership of the Ministry of Defense and we, you know, are just keeping the brand good customer". Last thing public speaking Commander-in-Chief dates back to October 28, when he spoke on the timing of the completion of testing of new generation armored vehicles.

What is Vladimir Chirkin famous for?

Chirkin Vladimir Valentinovich was born on October 12, 1955 in Khasavyurt (Dagestan). Graduated from Kazan Suvorov School(1974), Alma-Ata Higher Combined Arms command school(1978), Frunze Academy (1988), General Staff Academy (2000). Was a platoon and company commander in the Group Soviet troops in Germany, chief of reconnaissance of a tank regiment in the Trans-Baikal Military District, battalion commander, chief of staff of the Kantemirovskaya regiment tank division Moscow district. In 1991-1992, he commanded the 22nd motorized rifle regiment (Prishib, Azerbaijan) of the Transcaucasian Military District, then the 1326th motorized rifle regiment (Cape Schmidt, Chukotka) Far Eastern District. Since 1995 - chief of staff of the 19th motorized rifle division in the North Caucasus District (Vladikavkaz). In 2000, on the recommendation of the commander of the 58th combined arms army, Vladimir Shamanov, he was appointed commander of the 42nd motorized rifle division stationed in Chechnya. Since 2002 - chief of staff of the 58th Army. In 2003-2007 - commander of the 36th combined arms army of the Siberian district (Borzya, Chita region). Since February 2007 - Deputy Commander of the Moscow Military District, since December 2008 - Chief of Staff of the Volga-Ural District. Since January 2010 - Commander of the Siberian Military District. Since July 22 - acting, since December 10, 2010 - commander of the troops of the Central Military District. Since April 26, 2012 - Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces. Colonel General. Awarded with orders Courage, "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree, "For Military Merit" and "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" III degree, many medals.

What did Vladimir Chirkin do in recent months

May 24 held a visiting meeting of the military council of the ground forces in Chebarkul ( Chelyabinsk region).

June 14 held negotiations with the commander of the French ground forces, Bertrand Rakt-Madou.

June 21-23 took part in the graduation ceremony for officers of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces and students of the Suvorov Military School on Red Square.

July 17th reported to President Vladimir Putin on the progress of the exercises at the Tsugol training ground in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

From 5 to 8 August in Pakistan, met with the command of the country's ground forces and visited the training center for mountain, peacekeeping and anti-terrorist units.

August 17 at the training ground in Alabino, near Moscow, awarded memorable prizes to the winners and prize-winners of the Russian part of the “tank biathlon”.

August 19 accompanied Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during a visit to the Arzamas Machine-Building Plant.

6 September in Kubinka near Moscow, he laid wreaths at the monument to the tank crews who died in 1943 during the Smolensk operation.

September 20 observed special tactical exercises at the training ground internal troops in the village of Zhornovka.

September 30th performed at the Theater Russian army at a ceremonial meeting dedicated to Army Day.

28 of October spoke at the international business congress “Security and Protection of the Individual, Society, State” in Moscow, announced the upcoming purchase of the first batch of “Ratnik” combat equipment.

December 7 in Yekaterinburg participated in a gala evening in honor of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.

General Chirkin, who became commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces under Taburetkin, was sentenced for 5 years August 14th, 2015

Vladimir Valentinovich Chirkin - in the recent past, the commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces, commander of the troops of the Central and Siberian military districts - was stripped of the rank of colonel general, orders of Courage, "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree, "For Military Merits", "For Service to the Motherland in Armed Forces USSR" III degree.

"...the general is accused of a bribe of 20 thousand dollars, which was a kickback for a retired major to get a one-room apartment in the Moscow region. The matter would have gone without a hitch if the previous tenant’s mother-in-law had not been registered in the one-room apartment.
The details of the “dark story” with the apartment were told by the retired major himself, who had difficulty finding money for the general to move his large family out of a two-room apartment. Moreover, the officer had the legal right to improve his living conditions at the expense of the Ministry of Defense. For 10 years he achieved this until they hinted to him that he would not be able to get housing without a bribe. The former tanker was patronized by their mutual acquaintance, a colleague in the Kantemirovskaya Tank Division retired lieutenant colonel Dmitry Linov. The general, as participants in the investigation believe, suggested that the major write a statement in his name and pass it through Linov. The latter, according to investigators, was instructed by Mr. Chirkin to take 20 thousand dollars from the former tanker for the service and ensure the confidentiality of the transaction. After transferring the money, the officer received the long-awaited contract, but it turned out that the apartment was occupied: “The previous tenant, a lieutenant colonel, received a new three-room apartment, and reserved the old one, which was supposed to be returned to the Ministry of Defense under the terms of the contract, with the help of his mother-in-law,” the officer explained. The general refused to return the money, and then the officer’s wife filed a complaint with the military prosecutor’s office.
After the bribery story surfaced, the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Russian Armed Forces, Vladimir Chirkin, was dismissed. But according to sources, he continues to actually lead. This is evidenced by the fact that he arrives at the GVSU in an official car with special signals, uses security, and signs interrogation protocols as the commander-in-chief of the ground forces, Chirkin.
Besides the fact that this is far from the only case in which the general can be brought to justice criminal liability. So, from mid-2010 and throughout 2011, by secret order and... O. The commander and commander of the Central Military District, Chirkin, removed the security from one of the army bases storing fuel and lubricants near Samara, their place was taken by private security officers. And all this time, a connection was made into the main pipeline with light oil products, after which the fuel was pumped into tanks and transported by rail. According to the source, the materials of the operational check on various reasons were not implemented. On the other hand, in support of the information provided by Kommersant about the criminal case for fraud, data is provided on manipulations with military real estate on the territory of the Central Military District. According to URA.Ru sources, some of the dubious transactions took place in the Ural Federal District and in Yekaterinburg in particular

But " General Chirkin was an experienced functionary, capable of adapting to any leader. That is why, at the instigation of the then Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov in April 2012, he became Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, he experienced several personnel purges, both under ex-Minister Serdyukov and under the current Sergei Shoigu. Moreover, it was under him that the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, for the first time in recent years, was entrusted with commanding the Victory Parade on May 9, 2013 "

" As a result, investigators turned to Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu with a request to remove Mr. Chirkin from his post during the investigation, since, holding his high post in the Ministry of Defense, he could put pressure on witnesses from among his subordinates.
Shortly after this, Shoigu reportedly called Chirkin into his office and demanded that he immediately write a letter of resignation of his own free will. Following this, the Main Personnel Department immediately began preparing a draft presidential decree and Chirkin literally “flew out” about his position!

By the way, new scandalous details of Chirkin’s career were also revealed. After all, as it turned out, he became the commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces at the instigation of the then Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov, and was also considered close to Anatoly Serdyukov.
Moreover, Chirkin, according to rumors, is also involved in a scandal with the purchase of Italian Centauro wheeled tanks, which not only are not needed by the Russian army, but are also rumored to be sold at an inflated price.
By the way, as it turned out, Sergei Shoigu has now started a new “purge” and is going to dismiss a number of officials who worked in the defense department under Serdyukov

General Chirkin commands the parade on Red Square on May 9, 2013

The court replaced the former commander-in-chief of the Ground Forces real time fine

The Moscow District Military Court on Wednesday replaced the actual sentence of ex-commander-in-chief of the Russian Ground Forces Vladimir Chirkin with a fine of 90 thousand rubles; he was released from custody in the courtroom, a RIA Novosti correspondent reports from the courtroom.

Stripped of the rank of Colonel General, state and departmental awards(Chirkin was left with only the Order of Courage, received for the Chechen campaign).

The garrison court also ruled to return 450 thousand rubles, which the former commander-in-chief received in the form of a bribe, and to pay more than 34 thousand rubles in legal costs.

“To change the verdict of the Moscow Garrison Military Court due to the discrepancy between the judge’s conclusions and the materials of the case, to reclassify the case from the article of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation “Bribery” to the article “Fraud”. In this regard, impose a penalty in the amount of (a fine of) 90 thousand rubles,” judge Evgeny Zubov announced the decision.

In the near future, Chirkin will be taken to the isolation ward for registration. necessary documents and then must finally let go.

The defense and prosecution have not yet commented on the verdict.

According to the prosecution, in exchange for a bribe, Chirkin promised to help reserve major Vladimir Lopanov get a one-room apartment, which he was entitled to by law anyway. After transferring the bribe, the victim received an apartment, but was unable to live there, since it was already occupied by another former military man.

The man tried to get the money back, and when that didn’t work, he contacted the prosecutor’s office. The major transferred the money through two intermediaries, investigators believe.

Chirkin does not plead guilty and believes that the intermediaries deceived the former military man, extorted money from him, hiding behind the name of the general.

Biography of Vladimir Chirkin

Vladimir Valentinovich Chirkin was born on October 12, 1955 in the city of Khasavyurt, Dagestan Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic (now the Republic of Dagestan).

In 1974 he graduated from the Kazan Suvorov military school, in 1978 - Alma-Ata Higher Combined Arms Command School, in 1988 - Military Academy named after M. V. Frunze, in 2000 - Military Academy General Staff Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, Trans-Baikal, Moscow, Transcaucasian, Far Eastern, North Caucasian and Siberian military districts in various command positions: commanded a reconnaissance platoon of a tank regiment, reconnaissance company, battalion. Served as chief of staff - deputy commander motorized rifle regiment(MSP), SME commander, chief of staff - deputy commander of a motorized rifle division, division commander, chief of army staff - deputy army commander, army commander.

In 2007-2008, Vladimir Chirkin was deputy commander of the Moscow Military District.

From December 2008 to January 2010 - Chief of Staff - First Deputy Commander of the Volga-Ural Military District.

In January-July 2010, Chirkin served as commander of the troops of the Siberian Military District.

In July-December 2010 - acting commander of the troops of the Central Military District.

From December 2010 to April 2012 - commander of the troops of the Central Military District.

On December 19, 2013, it became known that Chirkin had been relieved of his post as Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Ground Forces, and a criminal case had been opened against him.

Vladimir Chirkin was awarded the Order of Courage, “For Services to the Fatherland” IV degree, “For Military Merit”, “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” III degree, and many medals.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

This, it seems, has never happened in the history of the state: it turns out that the victory parade on May 9 on Red Square was hosted by a convicted person - Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces Vladimir Chirkin. This professional military man, whose career took off during the presidency of Dmitry Medvedev, is accused of taking a bribe under Putin. However, the oddities in Chirkin’s case do not end there: he still arrives for interrogations in a special vehicle with guards and does not seem to be very worried about the outcome of the case. Although, unlike Serdyukov, he does not have to count on an amnesty.

As Kommersant learned, President Vladimir Putin, by decree, relieved Colonel General Vladimir Chirkin of his position as Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces. A statement with a corresponding request was written by him back in October and was granted immediately after the commander-in-chief returned from vacation. The main reason for the personnel decision was the criminal prosecution of the commander in chief - the Investigative Committee accused him of taking a bribe.

As a source close to the presidential administration said yesterday, Vladimir Putin signed decree N867 on the release of General Chirkin from the post of commander in chief on December 2, but it was never published on the official Kremlin website (which, in general, is normal practice - far not all decrees are published). Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said he had no information about this.

According to media reports, the immediate reason for the resignation of General Chirkin was the charge brought against him by the main military investigative department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of committing a crime under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code (taking a bribe). The plot of the accusation has not been disclosed. It is only known that the crime incriminated against the general dates back to the period from December 2010 to April 2012, when he served as commander Central Military District. According to some reports, the investigation began with an inspection by the military prosecutor's office, which revealed fraud with land and buildings that belonged to the military: they were sold at prices below market prices. Investigating the case initiated under Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (fraud), investigators received information that the district commander could authorize dubious transactions for kickbacks.

Active investigative actions in the case initiated against the general began in October of this year. At the same time, the investigation turned to the Minister of Defense Sergei Shoigu with a petition to remove Mr. Chirkin from office during the investigation, since, holding his high post in the Ministry of Defense, he can put pressure on witnesses from among his subordinates.

According to a source in the minister’s office, after this a frank conversation took place between Sergei Shoigu and Vladimir Chirkin, during which the latter was asked to write a letter of resignation of his own free will. “It was simply pointless to resist this,” says the source. “Therefore, the Main Personnel Directorate almost immediately began preparing a draft presidential decree.” After this, the document was sent, signed by the minister, to the Kremlin. The chief of the main staff of the ground forces, General Sergei Istrakov, was entrusted with the temporary duties of commander-in-chief.

Now the criminal case of the former commander-in-chief is in its final stage, in any case, the operatives accompanying the investigation say that it remains to obtain the results of several examinations, and then bring charges against General Chirkin in the final version.

The general, unlike ex-minister Anatoly Serdyukov, cannot count on an amnesty, since he is accused of a crime classified as serious. He does not admit his guilt.

Let us note that the resignation and criminal prosecution have not yet affected the general’s usual way of life. He arrives for duty and interrogations in a service BMW-750 with a flashing light and security. As a source close to Vladimir Chirkin said yesterday, he was in the building on Frunzenskaya Embankment until 17:00 yesterday. His mobile phone number was unavailable. The Ministry of Defense, as well as the Main Military Administration of the Russian Federation, did not comment on the criminal prosecution and the resignation of the commander-in-chief.

According to interlocutors in the military department, General Chirkin “was an experienced functionary, capable of adapting to any leader.” That is why, at the instigation of the then Chief of the General Staff Nikolai Makarov in April 2012, he became Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, he experienced several personnel purges, both under ex-Minister Serdyukov and under the current Sergei Shoigu. Moreover, it was under him that the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces, for the first time in recent years, was entrusted with command of the Victory Parade on May 9, 2013.

During his time leading the ground forces, General Chirkin was remembered for his harsh statements. For example, commenting on negotiations with the Ministry of Defense of Tajikistan regarding the extension of the lease of the 201st military base, he stated that Dushanbe put forward over 20 demands to Moscow, which are constantly changing and for the most part are unacceptable to the Russian Federation. “There is an ugly eastern trade going on, the end of which is not yet in sight,” said the general. Already after dismissal of Anatoly Serdyukov, he said that the army could refuse to use the Italian Centauro wheeled tanks, which were then being tested: “All this was started under the previous leadership of the Ministry of Defense and we, you know, are simply keeping the brand of a good customer.” The commander-in-chief's last public speech dates back to October 28, when he spoke on the timing of the completion of testing of new generation armored vehicles.

What is Vladimir Chirkin famous for?

Chirkin Vladimir Valentinovich was born on October 12, 1955 in Khasavyurt (Dagestan). He graduated from the Kazan Suvorov School (1974), the Alma-Ata Higher Combined Arms Command School (1978), the Frunze Academy (1988), and the General Staff Academy (2000). He was a platoon and company commander in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, head of reconnaissance of a tank regiment in the Trans-Baikal Military District, battalion commander, and chief of staff of the Kantemirovskaya Tank Division regiment in the Moscow District. In 1991-1992, he commanded the 22nd motorized rifle regiment (Prishib, Azerbaijan) of the Transcaucasian Military District, then the 1326th motorized rifle regiment (Cape Schmidt, Chukotka) of the Far Eastern District. Since 1995 - chief of staff of the 19th motorized rifle division in the North Caucasus District (Vladikavkaz). In 2000, on the recommendation of the commander of the 58th combined arms army, Vladimir Shamanov, he was appointed commander of the 42nd motorized rifle division stationed in Chechnya. Since 2002 - chief of staff of the 58th Army. In 2003-2007 - commander of the 36th combined arms army of the Siberian district (Borzya, Chita region). Since February 2007 - Deputy Commander of the Moscow Military District, since December 2008 - Chief of Staff of the Volga-Ural District. Since January 2010 - Commander of the Siberian Military District. Since July 22 - acting, since December 10, 2010 - commander of the troops of the Central Military District. Since April 26, 2012 - Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces. Colonel General. He was awarded the Order of Courage, "For Services to the Fatherland" IV degree, "For Military Merit" and "For Service to the Motherland in the USSR Armed Forces" III degree, and many medals.

What did Vladimir Chirkin do in recent months?

May 9, 2013 commanded the parade on Red Square.

May 24 held a visiting meeting of the military council of the ground forces in Chebarkul (Chelyabinsk region).

June 14 held negotiations with the commander of the French ground forces, Bertrand Rakt-Madou.

June 21-23 took part in the graduation ceremony for officers of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces and students of the Suvorov Military School on Red Square.

July 17th reported to President Vladimir Putin on the progress of the exercises at the Tsugol training ground in the Trans-Baikal Territory.

From 5 to 8 August in Pakistan, met with the command of the country's ground forces and visited the training center for mountain, peacekeeping and anti-terrorist units.

August 17 at the training ground in Alabino, near Moscow, awarded memorable prizes to the winners and prize-winners of the Russian part of the “tank biathlon”.

August 19 accompanied Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu during a visit to the Arzamas Machine-Building Plant.

6 September in Kubinka near Moscow, he laid wreaths at the monument to the tank crews who died in 1943 during the Smolensk operation.

September 20 observed tactical and special exercises at the training ground of internal troops in the village of Zhornovka.

September 30th spoke at the Russian Army Theater at a gala meeting dedicated to Ground Forces Day.

28 of October spoke at the international business congress “Security and Protection of the Individual, Society, State” in Moscow, announced the upcoming purchase of the first batch of “Ratnik” combat equipment.

December 7 in Yekaterinburg participated in a gala evening in honor of the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland.
