Ksenia Sobchak was directly asked who she was expecting: a boy or a girl. Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to a child from Vitorgan Ksenia Sobchak and Maxim Vitorgan - what name did they give the child, height, weight

The joint child of Sobchak and Vitorgan will not become the subject of quarrels and discord. Despite their recent divorce, Plato's parents are not going to take him away from each other. On the contrary, the son will help the separated couple keep warm friendly relations and communicate regularly.

Star parents of baby Plato - Ksenia Anatolyevna and Maxim Emmanuilovich

How many children does Sobchak have?

Married to Maxim Vitorgan, the TV presenter gave birth to her first child in November 2016 and so far only son. In addition to little Plato, the actor has two adult children from his first wife. Persistent rumors that Sobchak is pregnant with her second child turned out to be a myth. But the reality turned out to be even more shocking.

Living together star couple, contrary to numerous assurances of well-being, recently ended abruptly for the public.

After living together for 6 years, Ksenia and Maxim officially divorced. Neither of them is in a hurry to share the details of their personal lives with the public. However, the media are hotly discussing Sobchak’s romance with the director and head of the Moscow Drama Theater Konstantin Bogomolov.

When asked by journalists who two-year-old Platon will live with, the parents do not give clear answers. While the baby spends a lot of time with both mom and dad. This is facilitated by the frequent employment of both on filming and in creative projects.

If work requires a long absence, the son is taken in by the one who this moment free

Are there principles in Plato's education?

Who would have seriously thought that socialite Ksyusha Sobchak will become responsible caring mother? After all, the presenter herself long time did not intend to start a family, laughing it off in response to fans’ curiosity. However, the fact remains that Plato grows under vigilant attention, without suffering from a lack of love.

Having given birth to a son at the age of 35, Ksenia, according to her, rethought a lot, became more mature in her soul, having significantly lost her former selfishness. The need to take care of not only herself, but also her beloved little child around the clock, affected her character.

Instead of the usual fatigue and lack of sleep in the first months of Plato’s life, the presenter suddenly gained self-confidence. The baby became an inescapable source of joy for her.

As Sobchak herself admits, at 20 she would hardly have been able to fully appreciate motherhood.

Rules of education from Ksenia Sobchak

Ksenia does not adhere to any strict practices in education. She is an opponent of bans on trifles. He believes that the child must go through the process of learning about the world on his own and receive all the significant impressions.

Sobchak is not afraid to pamper his baby and does not refuse entertainment. But at the same time, he does not strive to raise Plato to be effeminate and dissolute. On the contrary, both parents are confident that the son should reach his own pedestal in life, and not use family authority. And he succeeds quite well.

From the first month of life, child Sobchak began to learn to swim. Thanks to this, he now feels more confident in the water than a fish.

Young Vitorgan visits the pool three times a week and works out with a professional trainer. Every 3 days he goes to the gym. And at home she is actively studying English.

The boy grows up not capricious, knows when to go to bed, knows how to take care of himself: get dressed and lace his shoes. Mom tries every day to teach her baby to be neat by example and, laughing, admits that it is not easy.

Another important aspect in raising his son Sobchak - health. The adults in the family are accustomed to eating healthy; there is practically no fast food, sweets or other unhealthy foods in the house. Even on holidays.

In addition, Ksenia takes advantage of every opportunity to take her baby out of town into clean air.

Neither Vitorgan nor Ksenia like to take their son to social events and parties, considering them unsuitable for children's regime. But he goes on trips with his parents, having already visited Sochi and Thailand several times.

Plato’s parents have not yet thought about the main occupation in life, nor about his worldview as a whole. But they know one thing for sure - the boy will make any choice himself, without pressure from them.

Child Sobchak, photo

On the morning of November 18, Maxim Vitorgan and Ksenia Sobchak became parents. For the scandalous journalist, the newborn boy became the first child, and the actor is already raising a son and daughter with actress Victoria Verberg. Ksenia's pregnancy, perhaps, came as a surprise not only to her fans and critics, but also to herself - Sobchak has always openly expressed her dislike for children. But what does love do to people? We decided to remember this love on the heir’s birthday.

They met at an opposition rally

On her political path, Ksenia Sobchak had romantic encounters more than once. In 2012, Sobchak fell in love with a member of the Russian Opposition Council, Ilya Yashin, with whom, however, she did not stay together for long. Shortly before the start of her affair with Yashin, during a rally on Sakharov Avenue in December 2011, Sobchak first met actor Maxim Vitorgan, who also took part in the event. A year later, Maxim and Ksenia met again - and this time they decided not to part again. True, the lovers, like real spies, hid their relationship even from those closest to them. Before the wedding, the couple went out only once: together with Vitorgan’s son Daniil, the future spouses attended a film premiere.

They hid the wedding even from their relatives

On February 1, 2013, Sobchak and Vitorgan became husband and wife. The cunning newlyweds invited their guests, including their parents, to the Fitil cinema - supposedly to the premiere of a new film with Vitorgan's participation. At the “premiere”, a bride in a lace dress and veil from Ulyana Sergeenko and a happy groom were waiting for them. Of course, few people in the party believed in the sincerity of the union: he is a theatergoer from a famous acting dynasty, closed from the public; she is a flamboyant media personality who loves to show off her life. But the marriage changed both: Vitorgan began to go out more often and even agreed to take part with his wife, who had no theater education, in the play “Marriage” at the Theater of Nations, and Ksenia allowed her husband to come to the fore and stopped taking part in dubious adventures.

They love to argue

A couple of months after the wedding, in an interview with Vokrug TV magazine, Maxim Vitorgan said: “Ksyusha and I sometimes argue very harshly and for a long time, breaking the word “worldview” into separate fragments. But this is not my conversation with her as a man with a woman - this is my conversation with interesting person" Why aren't we surprised?! Ksenia is not one of those women who will rely in everything on the opinion of her beloved man and unconditionally agree with the word of the head of the family. And, by the way, many men value obstinacy and having their own position in their girlfriends.

They're in good relations with each other's parents

As Vitorgan himself admits, he often acts as a mediator in disputes between Ksenia and her mother Lyudmila Narusova. The tense relationship between mother and daughter in the party has already become the talk of the town, but Maxim decided not to take sides, and his mother-in-law often uses his neutrality to complain about her daughter. His new daughter-in-law also made the most pleasant impression on Emmanuel Vitorgan. “I am very pleased to look at Maxim and Ksyusha, it is very pleasant to listen to them. They speak well, and their point of view on any situation is very important to me. Like any of us, Ksyusha can be wrong about something, but in ordinary life she is gentle, warm, beautiful,” the actor said in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper.

They planned emigration, but not children

After the murder of Boris Nemtsov, Sobchak believed that her name was in the so-called “ hit list" The TV presenter seriously feared for her life and even hired security. “Would I like her to shut up and go with me to the village, where we would live quietly, calmly and happily? I probably would. But it won’t be her then... There are unpleasant sensations associated with this. It’s unpleasant to feel helpless,” Maxim Vitorgan shared his experiences in an interview on Radio Liberty at the end of August. Because of the current situation, the couple began to seriously think about emigration. Ksenia was not averse to getting a second passport and moving to Israel. Sobchak believed that she would not have problems with this, since Maxim has Jewish roots. The journalist also considered the USA or Latvia. “There is a large Russian diaspora in the USA. I would make a career on a Russian TV channel there. There is also Riga. I would go to work at Meduza as an editor. London is very expensive. I can’t handle it,” Sobchak said.

But the children in family plans Ksenia was not included: “I understand that I am 33 years old, and nature has decreed that I need to somehow resolve this issue before I turn 40. But I have a big contradiction between biological necessity and the fact that I like my life today.” Maxim, apparently, did not insist on pregnancy, but the miracle still happened.

They did it

On June 8 in St. Petersburg, Ksenia appeared before the guests of the Sobaka.ru magazine award in a tight dress that emphasized her rounded belly - the rumors were confirmed, Sobchak is expecting a child! All summer, the star's position was the number one topic in social circles, tabloids and gloss. Ksenia was accused of forgery and wearing a false belly, they assured that she would give birth to twins, and the biggest lovers of intrigue (including blogger Lena Miro) suspected that the TV presenter was not pregnant from her legal husband. The culmination of the epic entitled “Sobchak’s Pregnancy” was the cover of the December Tatler, which was decorated with a photograph of a completely naked expectant mother. The photo was taken in the style of the famous photo shoot of Demi Moore, who starred completely naked for Vanity Fair in 1991.

"I am the mother of a beautiful boy"

“11/18/16 is now the happiest day. I am the mother of a beautiful boy,” Ksenia shared her happiness on Instagram. As the young mother herself admitted a few days before giving birth, she did not want to give birth with anesthesia. “What if this doesn’t happen a second time, but I want to feel what kind of severe pain a person still endures,” Sobchak shared in that very interview with Tatler. It is known that before last Ksenia led active image life - and it’s not just going out and filming. Future mom I literally stood on my head, performing asanas from my favorite yoga. We are sure that for such a brave mother natural childbirth turned out to be possible. And the reward for their efforts was a healthy son, whose name is still kept secret.


On November 18, 2016, Ksenia Sobchak gave birth to a child. This was the long-awaited boy from Maxim Vitorgan. For the journalist, who is famous for her very scandalous character, this was her first child, and her husband was already raising two children from his first marriage. His ex-wife- actress Victoria Verberg. Sobchak never liked children, and the news of pregnancy stunned not only her fans, but also herself.

Sobchak's political life was often closely intertwined with her personal life.

In 2012, her lover was the candidate of the Council of the Russian Opposition party, Ilya Yashin. Their relationship did not last long. Sobchak met her future husband even before the start of her relationship with Yashin in the winter of 2011, during a strike on Sakharov Avenue. In 2012, they met again and have not been separated since that day. Even close relatives did not know about their relationship. They attended the film premiere with Vitorgan’s son Daniil, this was their only joint appearance.

On February 1, 2013, Ksenia and Maxim got married. Their wedding took place at the Fitil cinema, where guests and relatives were invited under the pretext of a released film in which Vitorgan starred. And when everyone had gathered, Sobchak came out into the hall in a dazzling white dress and lace veil from Ulyana Sergienko.

At first, few people around the newlyweds believed in their union, but the marriage had a positive effect on both:

  • Vitorgan - theatergoer from acting family, who had always been closed to the public, began to appear in public more often.
  • In turn, Sobchak, a scandalous person who loved to put her life on public display, stopped participating in risky activities.
