Names of exhibitions on road traffic. Exhibition on traffic rules in elementary school

Photo exhibition of children's works in 2nd grade “Cross the road correctly!”

Purpose of the exhibition: drawing attention to the problems of non-compliance with traffic rules.
- present children's work on traffic rules,
- introduce the history of the appearance of the traffic light (as the most popular work),
- develop the creative abilities of second grade students,
- contribute to the education of responsible traffic participants.
Description of work: The exhibition coincides with the end of School Safety Month. It will be of interest to organizers, educators, teachers and parents.

Dear colleagues! I invite you to a correspondence tour of the exhibition of children's works "Cross the road correctly!"
Summer is over, children have gone to school, and to remind them of safety, the school year begins with a month of safe behavior rules.
During the month, many events took place: a performance by the UID school team with a propaganda team, a competition at stations “Safety from A to Z”, classroom hours, meetings with inspectors (including the traffic police). Students took an active part in testing and the all-Russian quiz “Safety School”.
It all started with checking the “Safe route to school”, which is stuck in everyone’s diary.

In the second half of September 2015, in the 2nd “A” class of MBOU Secondary School No. 11 in the city of Serov, an exhibition dedicated to the month of safety was organized.
A week before the exhibition, students were asked to make crafts, applications, and drawings on the topic of traffic rules.
A provision was proposed that spelled out the following criteria and requirements.
Evaluation criteria:
- Relevance to the theme
- Brightness, colorfulness
- Aesthetic perception of the image
- Originality
Job requirements
- the craft must be completed independently by the child
- the base of the craft is chosen at will (cardboard, plasticine, waste material, etc.)
- size does not exceed 50 cm
- it is not allowed to use glass and apply sharp and cutting elements and objects
- additional use of beads, rhinestones, buttons, etc. is allowed.
- each work must have a badge with the name of the craft and the name of the artist.
At the exhibition the children demonstrated their works. These include applications, crafts made from waste material, and layouts.
The students who took part in the exhibition were awarded certificates at the school-wide assembly.
I present to your attention photographs from the exhibition and the work of the students.

Second graders suggested a series of traffic lights. From the simplest to the most complex knitted ones, from the fun and funny to the serious pointing ones.

Since the traffic light became the most popular craft, the children were asked to find interesting facts about its appearance and present the information they found at the exhibition.
1. The first gas traffic light was invented by J.P. Knight. It was installed in London in December 1868. During the day, police officers regulated traffic by raising and lowering the wing of the traffic light. At night, the signal light was turned on. The glass of the lantern was colored. A green signal allows movement, a red one prohibits it. But in January 1869, this device exploded, injuring a policeman. After this, the idea of ​​regulating traffic was implemented only 40 years later.
2. In 1910, in Chicago, Ernst Sirrin developed the first automatic traffic light system without human intervention. His device used non-backlit inscriptions: STOP and PROCEED
3. In 1912 in the United States, Lester Wyer invented the first electric traffic light with modern lines. Two round signals, red and green.
4. The first intersection was equipped with traffic lights on August 5, 1914 in the city of Cleveland, USA. Four traffic lights switched from red to green and emitted a warning beep. The traffic lights were controlled by a policeman from a special booth installed at the intersection.
5. Three-color traffic lights using yellow first appeared in Detroit and New York in 1920.
6. In the Soviet Union, the first traffic light was installed on January 15, 1930 in Leningrad, and in December of the same year the first traffic light started operating in Moscow.
7. There is a traffic light monument in the city of Novosibirsk.
8. Traffic Light Day is celebrated around the world on August 5th.
Day and night he keeps watch,
There is a traffic light on the road.
He colors his eyes
Saves us from trouble.
Careful, don't rush,
We don’t rush, we don’t run!
After waiting just a little
We're going across the road!

The jury was interested in the layouts of streets and intersections proposed by second-graders.

The class exhibition of works using the plasticine technique, prepared with sixth-grader chefs after a master class held in the classroom, was highly appreciated.

This concludes our correspondence tour of the exhibition with elements of information presentation. We will be glad if you like it.

Svetlana Astvatsaturova

Safety road traffic is a hot topic in the process of educating preschoolers. On this topic in our kindergarten there was held exhibition« ABC of safety» . Parents Together with the children, we made various crafts and models of traffic safety.

Target Exhibitions:

Compliance with traffic rules for pedestrians.

Formation of discipline in children on the street.

Interaction between teachers and parents in teaching children rules road safety.

Exhibition contributed to the formation of children's knowledge about the rules of behavior on the street and on the road. Knowledge on the topic "Transport and basics" has been consolidated life safety". In progress Exhibitions The children received a lot of positive emotions.

Publications on the topic:

A month of safety was held at the preschool educational institution. The group decided to create a book, “The ABCs of Road Safety.” They were brought in for this.

In accordance with the thematic plan for the implementation of the education program, our group worked on the “Road ABC” project for the third time.

Organization of work with parents on environmental education of children In our time, the problems of environmental education of children not only have not lost their relevance, but, on the contrary, are coming to the fore. The reason.

Organization of work with parents at the “Seven Ya” MDOU 1. Continuity of family and public education in the work of the consultation center of the MDOU Childhood is years of miracles. Experience of this period.

Interaction with parents (or persons replacing them). After a speech therapy examination, the speech therapist provides parents with information.

Organization of exhibitions, magazines, newspapers as forms of work with parents The importance of forms of work with parents cannot be overestimated. The need to use them is important not only for teachers, but, above all,

Plan for working with parents to familiarize children with safety rules Plan of work with parents to familiarize children with safety rules No. Period Age group Subject of the event 1. September.

Planning work with parents on safety Plan for working with parents on safety Name of consultation Date Signature 1. “Be careful when crossing an intersection.”

teacher of MBDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 186 Samara Gorbunova Zhanna Alexandrovna and

senior teacher of MBDOU kindergarten of general developmental type No. 186 g.o. Samara Pulargina Olympiada Petrovna

"Dinner Party with Traffic Rules"

(exhibition of dishes with traffic symbols)

If you have not yet forgotten how to be surprised and rejoice at something unusual, come to the “Romashka” kindergarten!

Why be surprised? Well, for example, an exhibition of dishes.

It is clear that it is unlikely that you will be surprised with a delicious dish. But if these dishes are not only tasty, not only aesthetically pleasing, but also made with the symbols of the Traffic Rules, you will agree that this is interesting, unusual and creative.

Such an exhibition called “Dinner Party with Traffic Rules” opened in kindergarten No. 186 on November 10, 2015, exactly on the Police’s birthday!

The dishes prepared by both teachers and parents of the students delighted the eyes of aesthetes with the sophistication of their execution and a rainbow of bright colors. They tantalized gourmets with subtle aromas and magically delicious smells.

It’s hard to imagine such a variety of dishes presented! It is immediately clear that everything was done not “for show,” but with soul, creative inspiration, and imagination.

Here in front of us is a composition of vegetables demonstrating a road intersection. How much good humor the authors put into its execution!

But the courtyard area with swings, benches and transport, as usual, is made of pasta! Yes, such an amazing metamorphosis occurred with the most ordinary pasta in the hands of a skilled chef.

But here’s an important traffic light, guess what it’s made of? The performers added their own signature touches to their creation.

How can ordinary cookies turn into road signs? They can, if real chefs undertake it.

And of course, the pinnacle of culinary art were the cakes: “Machine” and “Crossroads”. It is clear that venerable authors have worked here.

This culinary exhibition brought pleasure to everyone who wanted to taste dishes prepared in such an unusual way.

And it was carried out with the aim of attracting the attention of all those present to the problem of road traffic injuries in an unconventional way.

Teaching traffic rules in our kindergarten is a vital necessity, so various activities on traffic rules are always relevant. In kindergarten, a child must learn the basic concepts of the traffic system and learn the rules of behavior on the road. Traffic rules in kindergarten are a large complex of knowledge that educators try to convey to children, because their safety on the road depends on it.

Road safety - MSDS

Teach children to follow traffic rules - consultation for parents

Exhibition "Road rules - reliable friends"

In order to release a child into the world, the task of adults is partially to prepare for the difficulties that he will encounter. One of these important points will be correct behavior on the streets and roads of our city. The responsible role assigned to preschool educational institutions is to prevent child injuries on the road.After all, children, firstly, do not know how to consciously act in a given environment, secondly, they do not have the basic skills of safe behavior on the street, in transport, and, thirdly, preschoolers do not develop independence and responsibility for their actions. To solve these problems, a street was created in our kindergarten, which the children gave the name “SAFE”. On this street, children become familiar with road signs and learn to cross the road correctly at a pedestrian crossing.

From November 29 to December 1, an exhibition on traffic rules “Road rules are reliable friends” was organized in the kindergarten’s gym. Teachers, children and parents brought exhibits, trimmed dolls, and published books.

At the exhibition, the children were met by an inspector who introduced them to various types of transport and road signs. The “Safe Pedestrian” section was interestingly presented, where each age group presented its own pedestrian, this is a doll in clothes with reflective elements, which was sewn by parents. The children were also interested in the city street layouts. which children created with their parents and at the “Samodelkin” circle.

The excursion was organized in an interactive way, where children could show their knowledge of traffic rules, recite poems, solve riddles, and play didactic and outdoor games.

This exhibition brought a lot of pleasure, positive, joyful emotions, not only to children, but also to parents who had the opportunity to visit the exhibition as part of Mother's Day. The goal of the exhibition was to show children and parents that “The ABCs of the road are not at all complicated.”
