Communication with English-speaking people. Find a pen pal in English in InterPals

Who speaks nine languages ​​fluently? One of his tips for those who want to learn a foreign language is to find a language partner to practice the language on a regular basis. Ideally, it will also be a native speaker. Where can I find it? There are many sites on the Internet created specifically for finding a language partner for learning English or any other language. We have compiled a selection of the most popular resources.

On this site you can find a language partner from almost any country in the world, for example, from the USA, Germany, France, Great Britain, India, Morocco, Thailand, Chile, etc. To start communicating on this service, you need to register and fill out your profile. For example, you will need to indicate which language you speak and which one you want to learn. At the same time, the system allows you to specify several languages ​​- for example, you can indicate that you speak Russian, but want to practice English and French.

The user is also asked to write a short message describing yourself and your interests to attract attention, add a photo and indicate exactly how you would like to practice the language. For example, through email correspondence, Skype communication, live communication. If you wish, you can also enter your name in Skype so that they can contact you directly.

You can choose your interlocutor by gender, by the languages ​​he speaks and wants to learn, by country of residence or city. For example, we were able to find more than 500 English-speaking users who would be interested in improving their knowledge of the Russian language.

In addition to the main function of searching for a language partner, the main page displays the latest discussion topics on the forum, which are often related to learning a foreign language - you can immediately join the discussion.

Despite the fact that this site is designed to search for a foreign language teacher around the world, there is a separate section where you can find a regular partner for language practice. The search criteria are the same as on the previous site: gender, country and city of residence, the language you speak and the language you would like to learn. You can also specify that the system searches exclusively for native speakers of a foreign language, and not for users who simply know it well. By the way, it is very convenient that the system also shows whether a person is currently on the site, plus - next to each foreign language it is indicated at what level he speaks it.

Other useful features include, for example, the Articles sections, where you can find articles on learning different foreign languages ​​(there is a filter by language to sort out inappropriate content), and Notebook. It allows you to train written skills in a foreign language. The idea is simple: you make a post on any topic, for example, talk about your work, family, travel, publish it, and other users can correct mistakes and leave their comments.

Users also have the opportunity to participate in discussions and ask questions that they have while learning the language. But it is worth noting that if you have a free account, then you will be somewhat limited in what you can do. For example, you can only ask two questions a day, add only two users as friends, etc.

This service works on the same principle as the previous ones: you register, enter information about yourself and select the most suitable language partner based on the language he speaks and the one he wants to learn.

It is very convenient that the user’s profile has an online chat, where all suitable users who are currently on the site are displayed - you can immediately start communicating. Moreover, you can both correspond and enable audio and video chat. Also, if you wish, you can save the correspondence on your desktop.

Another feature of the resource is a built-in video chat, mobile version and online translator, making communication much easier. Here you can also make appointments with your language partners and add them to your schedule.

Here you can only practice English. The entire content of the site can be divided into two parts. The first is, in fact, the search and selection of a foreign interlocutor for communication in English in text, audio or video chats. Moreover, if you do not want or are not ready to communicate one-on-one, then you can communicate in a general chat. The second part is the training area. There are articles, videos, thematic collections of words, dictionaries, etc. And the third part is your virtual trainer. The user needs to indicate his level of English proficiency and those topics in which he would like to improve his knowledge. Depending on this, exercises for training are automatically selected.

Finally, we offer you a few more resources -

Having a pen pal is very interesting, you can write letters and receive many letters in return.

If you think it’s time for your child learning a foreign language to find a pen pal, this article is for you!

Instructions for a convenient service for communicating with people around the world mylanguageexchange
1. Register at

In the upper right corner select WELCOME, GUEST! –SIGN UP. Let's start entering information about ourselves.
NATIVE LANGUAGE (native language)
LANGUAGE TO PRACTICE (what language do you want to practice)
TYPE OF EXCHANGE WANTED (how you will communicate: email, text chat, voice chat, in person. Attention: everywhere you need to make a choice: yes/no)
DESCRIPTION (description. Tell us about yourself here).
EMAIL ADDRESS (Your mailbox)

SUBMIT (send a request)

2. Fill out the form.

FIRST NAME (your name)
GENDER (gender)
COUNTRY (country of residence)
CITY (Your city)
LOCAL TIME ZONE (Your time zone)
At the end of the questionnaire, put yes 3 times)
Congratulations! You have created an account.

3. All formalities were completed. To the goal!)
Click HOME(upper left corner). On the main page, enter the parameters of who you would like to start communicating with.
NATIVE LANGUAGE (the native language of the future pen pal. If you want to improve your English, then choose a pen pal with native English)
PRACTICING LANGUAGE (the language you will practice)
COUNTRY (from which country do you want to find an interlocutor)
AGE/ FROM …TO (future friend’s age. From … To)
SEARCH (search)

4. Choose a friend by correspondence among a huge number of profiles. And I congratulate you! Now your child can hone a foreign language. Communication is the best way.

Dear parents, do not forget that this is the Internet. Even if you yourself helped your child create a profile and found a friend with him abroad, check who your child communicates with. Control your social circle.

7 sites for communicating with foreigners in English and other languages ​​- EnglishDoma

This social network unites people from more than 180 countries. These people speak 90 different languages! The essence of the site is clear and simple. The student writes a word or sentence, and a native speaker checks and corrects errors. The site has paid services. In the paid version, you can learn more than two languages ​​and make an unlimited number of notes in a notebook.

This is a completely free site for finding a foreign interlocutor. You can register here via Facebook. You can choose the person with whom you will communicate. There is a convenient filter for this. It allows you to search for interlocutors by gender or return. Currently, the site has registered users from more than 15 countries. The site will always tell you which user is online and which is offline.

One of the most famous applications for learning English and many other languages. Ideal for beginners. One of the advantages is that the service itself determines a unique training program for each user based on a test that is carried out when the application is first opened.

This is a site where you can easily improve your vocabulary. You will need at least basic knowledge of the language, so the network is not well suited for beginners. You can choose 1 of 16 languages ​​and learn it. In addition to communicating with native speakers, the site offers access to audio lessons and written works. You can save new words to repeat them later.

On the site you can find a foreigner with whom you will communicate on Skype and improve your speaking skills. The site helps you find a user who speaks the language you need in your city. In addition to learning via the Internet, you can meet and maybe make friends. Here you can improve your English writing skills.

This site only allows you to communicate with interlocutors from other countries. You can choose an interesting interlocutor who suits your age and gender. All you have to do is choose a convenient messenger and start communicating.

This is a young site with only 70 thousand registered users so far. The main profile of the site is English. There is a forum where you can find someone to talk to. A separate plus is that here you can register as a teacher.

This site has one important feature - they speak correct English here. Use a minimum of abbreviations and colloquial versions of words. The site has lessons on many topics and audio materials. There is a separate section for teachers. Here they exchange teaching methods and experiences.

Communication with foreigners

Communication with foreigners- a great way to improve or even learn a foreign language, meet new interesting people and even create serious relationships abroad.

Today, foreign language courses are offered, giving students a serious theoretical basis. However, linguistics is not a science where to achieve results it is enough to simply learn the main rules and general expressions. The main thing is practical communication, with which the necessary skills are mastered, and the best practice is live communication with foreigners who are native speakers.

Possible methods communication with foreigners

Those who are interested in linguistics want to practice communicating with a foreigner - a native speaker. There can be many goals: some are interested in moving to a foreign country and making friends abroad, some dream of getting married or getting married marry a foreigner. Numerous online resources and dating sites for foreigners help you quickly get language practice and talk with a resident of any country you are interested in. Portals don’t even charge for such a service, so it’s useful communication with foreigners is free.

The dating site will not only help you communicate with foreigners, but will also be useful for those girls who dream of getting out get married abroad. The functionality of the dating site also includes a free online translator, which helps if something is not yet clear during communication. Website Russian dating takes 1 place in the TOP 10 best free dating sites for foreigners according to ZsI.

Free communication with foreigners on

Websites for communicating with foreigners

Portals and resources suitable for communication with foreigners:

  • Interpals- the site is suitable for students of rare languages ​​and dialects, the resource allows you to choose any option communication to freely meet and talk with representatives of any country and continent.
  • Russian dating- international free dating site for foreigners. Suitable for those who not only want to improve their level of spoken foreign language, but also are looking for a serious relationship with the opportunity to go abroad.
  • Italki- a portal with a convenient navigation system. Helps you find someone to talk to for any purpose. A section with paid services, forums, meeting foreigners, interest groups - the functionality offered on the portal is convenient and easy to learn for free communication.
  • Lang-8- suitable for those who want to master the language without unnecessary emotions and are ready to help their interlocutor improve their skills in their native language. For example, a Japanese person interested in French helps the French person learn Japanese in the process of correspondence. High-quality verification of message literacy facilitates rapid learning in the process communication between foreigners.
  • My Language Exchange- an international dating site that tries to understand the registered user. During the registration process, you are asked to describe yourself, interests and tastes, and do similar work regarding the “desired interlocutor”. Potential applicants are filtered, and the search returns candidates according to the completed data. The site presents more than a hundred languages ​​of possible communication.
  • My Happy Planet- a convenient social network for practicing foreign communication, aimed more at learning than at spontaneous acquaintance. The user posts on his page a video with visual lessons that reveal the features of speech and communication.
  • Тandemapp- a portal for communication from a mobile device. Inferior to previous support for less than ten languages.
  • HelloTalk- is an application for a smartphone. It is possible to use geolocation. The device finds nearby users of the program and offers to establish communication.
  • Easy Language Exchange- a newly developed platform for communicating with foreigners. Therefore, the number of people using it is not yet large. Suitable for those who are primarily interested in English and want to learn it through live practice, communicating with native speakers.
  • English, Baby!- is positioned as a resource offering to master all dialects of English. A large amount of educational material, including video, audio, graphic content, which will help you master spoken English, taking into account local specifics.
  • Ling- provides the opportunity to easily communicate with foreigners. In the process of dialogues, the user learns new words, stable expressions and, for the sake of convenience, writes them down on his personal page.

Dating site for foreigners

It is worth considering the differences in quality levels of sites. For a more accurate representation, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with TOP 10 best international dating sites for foreigners .

Also, if you are interested in dating abroad, check out the article marriage agencies, in it you will find general concepts, ratings of the best agencies, and interesting video materials on the topic.

The main difference between dating sites is the functionality of the service:

  1. Interface (page design, user-friendliness of questionnaires, walls).
  2. Filter system (search for participants by criteria).
  3. Navigation menu (number of sections).
  4. Online translator function.
  5. Correcting errors (grammar checking).
  6. Paid, free functions (charging for the use of certain services).

Venues may request contact information, including phone number. Sometimes there are requests for a scanned copy of the passport with all the data. They are needed to ensure that the user is meeting a real person and not a robot or dummy. For example, a portal Russian dating uses several verification steps:

  • checking email and phone number;
  • verification of passport data;
  • Help desk operators call each foreigner and check the authenticity of their profiles (this also helps to cut out agencies and bots).

Don’t forget about this method of dating as social networks: Facebook, Odnoklassniki, VKontakte and others, because that’s where the most lively communication takes place.

Communication with foreigners to learn the language

In addition to the above online communication with foreigners to learn the language With the help of international dating portals, other ways to raise the level of language proficiency have been developed. This service is offered by online linguistic schools. They position themselves as a replacement for traditional learning. Anyone who wants to finds a representative of the language they are interested in at the “school”, chooses him, and leaves a response. Next, the student negotiates a price with the teacher and begins online communication and classes. People with different levels of linguistic knowledge can make money on such sites. For example, you can find an experienced German teacher, or you can work with a person who is just starting to master the teaching profession.

Of course, people are wary of this method of learning, especially since it costs money. Not everyone can assess their own level of language proficiency and understand what kind of teacher they need. Many doubt the effectiveness of such schools and express open distrust.

Of course, everyone must answer all these questions unambiguously for themselves. Of course, like any new system, online school contains advantages and disadvantages.

Advantages of online schools for communicating with foreigners

Positive points:

  1. The teacher does not know the native language of his student. Simply put, if you speak Russian to your Portuguese interlocutor, he will not understand anything. This will help to tune in to the right mood, concentrate and force the student to think only in the language he is learning;
  2. The classes are educational. From childhood, everyone is accustomed to the fact that lessons, for example, English, are based on the study of England, its citizens and their way of life. But only a true citizen of this country can tell about all its features like no one else. This is a significant advantage of communicating with foreigners, compared to a Russian repeater.
  3. Improving your pronunciation. Since the student does not have the opportunity to switch to his native language during communication, he gets used to a foreign dialect much faster. Gradually, without noticing it, the student repeats the accent of his foreign teacher.
  4. Increased self-confidence. In the end, a person who has had a close conversation with a native speaker of a foreign language feels completely different. He is more confident in his strengths and abilities, constructs sentences much faster and masters free speech. This is a significant plus for learning any language by communicating with native speakers.

Disadvantages of online schools for communicating with foreigners

Among the disadvantages of this method of communication:

  1. Constriction. Shy people simply will not be able to overcome themselves and start communicating with a foreigner from another country. Moreover, from the very beginning the conversation takes place in a foreign language, without the opportunity to switch to your own. This constrains many.
  2. Teacher's speaking. If you speak to a Russian-speaking foreigner using phrases that are known only to the Russian people, he simply will not understand. A similar situation can happen here. Some of the teacher's expressions may not be understood, even if the student speaks the language perfectly. Some things simply cannot be described or explained.
  3. Level of online tutors. It is worth remembering that an online school teacher can be either an experienced linguist or a beginner. He may even have a relatively poor knowledge of basic spelling or grammar. Therefore, no one is responsible for the result of his work and all this turns into chance. You'll be lucky or unlucky.
  4. High price. There is a noticeable difference in prices in Russia and abroad. The amount that seems acceptable to an English tutor for a Russian person may turn out to be unaffordable. At the same time, the higher the fee, the higher the quality, so dating sites with foreigners can become the golden mean, since they are free and represented in dozens of countries around the world, speaking a wide variety of languages.

In addition to international dating sites and online language platforms, we have also developed applications for communicating with foreigners to improve speaking practice.

The most famous of them include:

  1. Tandem. Registration here is possible both as a student and as a teacher. People can be found using a logical filter system, and the communication process occurs both in the form of correspondence and calls. Video calls are also possible. Among the teachers there are beginners and professionals. The function of attaching images, sound files and auto-editing to messages is convenient.
  2. Hello Pal. Voice messages, calls, convenient filtering of potential interlocutors. This application provides such functions. Convenient messenger for simple communication with foreigners. The program edits errors and contains a convenient dictionary, which facilitates the communication process. Suitable for those who find it difficult to start a conversation on their own.
  3. Speaky. The service is not inferior to the previous two in terms of functionality: convenient filters, thanks to which you can find someone close to your interests, a high-quality messenger, support for video calls and audio calls. Special advantages include: support for more than eighty languages ​​and a huge audience of users.
  4. Anygram. The number of registered participants is significantly less than in competing applications, however, Enigram also boasts convenient functions. For example, a certain rating of the friendliness and affability of a foreigner. With increasing complaints and uncivil communication, he falls, and the lower the user’s rating, the fewer people see him in the list of potential friends. The function of blocking unwanted interlocutors for communication is useful. The platform allows you to share music, videos, as well as communicate via video and voice messages.
  5. HiNative. Suitable for those who are embarrassed by personal one-on-one communication. The structure of HiNative is more reminiscent of a forum in which private users can ask each other questions and answer them. There is no personal connection, the user simply selects the desired language and ends up in a dialogue of several dozen people. It is easy to join a conversation and just as easy to leave it in case of discomfort in communication. A convenient dictionary will help you start a conversation and give you a choice of several standard questions to start a correspondence.
  6. HelloTalk. The service supports more than a hundred languages. A huge number of foreigners from all continents are available for communication. The popularity of the application is constantly growing due to its easy navigation, beautiful interface and high-quality chat. Each user can create a dictionary on their page, where words from dialogues and conversations are added. A truly innovative voice messaging system: phrases spoken into the microphone are instantly translated for the person with whom the dialogue is being conducted. For example, during audio communication with an American, the Russian interlocutor will hear only computer-translated Russian speech, and the American will hear Russian. Very convenient when talking with foreigners. Therefore, the HelloTalk application is not suitable for those who start communicating solely for language practice.

Communication with foreigners to learn English

A good program or online school cannot replace a live one. communication. The best option for learning English would be a trip to the country of interest. In addition to classic tourism, it is possible to get to another state in other ways. This is especially convenient to do as a student. It's easy to find profitable competitions and programs. True, they require the fulfillment of certain conditions. In any case, it's worth a try. The methods presented below are cheaper than traveling abroad at your own expense.

Represents summer student employment in the United States. The tour organizers place the participant in an average American family in need of help.

Help includes:

  • care for children;
  • help around the house;
  • performing household duties.

The trip is free, but the work is paid. communication. Students are allowed to move freely around the city and visit local entertainment and cultural institutions. Program participants are provided with benefits for admission to local universities if they perform high-quality work.

The program is suitable for those who do not want to spend a lot of money to study a language abroad and are ready to plunge into the culture of the United States of America for a while.

English schools abroad

An expensive way to learn English. The cost of schools is determined by the qualifications and extensive experience of teachers. Classes are conducted according to established standards. Lessons are divided into theoretical and practical communication. During practice, students are tasked with casually communicating with unfamiliar American foreigners. The courses involve teaching people who already know the language at a beginner, intermediate or advanced level. Training from scratch is also provided. Students are divided into classes according to their level of knowledge of the English language. Teachers will teach competent oral communication and writing. School graduates receive special certificates. Certificates from such schools are officially recognized throughout the world.

Working as a volunteer to communicate with foreigners

The method should be classified as one of the free and simple ways of communication. To get started, submit an application to a volunteer organization. Volunteering is not paid and will interest those who want to go and live in another country for free, gaining experience communicating with foreigners in another country. The method is suitable for students, young people, preferably under 35 years old.

Personal live communication with foreigners is suitable for people who want to quickly master the knowledge and pronunciation of the language they are learning. It’s easier to implement the idea as a student, since there are enough exchange programs between universities and offers like “”.

There are plenty of learning opportunities for adults too. Online schools, apps, and sites for dating foreigners are suitable for those interested in developing practical language skills. The main thing is to determine your goals in order to choose the appropriate method.

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Communication with foreigners to learn English is always the right decision if you want to reap the benefits soon after starting your training. Moreover, even the lazy will like such passive language learning, because you will have to make a minimum effort to learn English, but the result will be maximum.

Studying English abroad is one of the most effective ways to quickly and efficiently learn a foreign language. Being in the right environment, you willy-nilly learn words, sounds, subtleties of pronunciation of words and even intonation. The language will be learned in 2-3 months, well, at least at a conversational level for sure! Obtaining minimal knowledge to go to the store yourself to buy groceries or clothes, this, as practice shows, is quite enough. Just walking the streets, sitting in a park, being in a store or shopping, you become saturated with a foreign language, listening to what native speakers say, and thereby enrich yourself with knowledge.

The main reasons that clearly indicate that you need to go to study abroad

  1. You are completely and completely immersed in the desired language environment

As practice shows, it is much easier for student travelers to learn a language. Why? It's simple: whether they want it or not, they will have to speak English. At home you can say that you don’t remember, you forgot, you didn’t learn... But what about abroad? How can you explain that you need to get here and there, buy this or that, that you are late for your flight and where the required bus number stops? The probability that you will meet a Russian speaker is one percent out of a hundred. And don't even think about it! Think about how to say the right phrase. But you have to think! Otherwise, you will walk, won’t buy anything, and won’t fly anywhere.

Reference: how to find the necessary materials in English? A specialized social network is an ideal assistant. Here you will find housing, buy a monthly travel pass and be able to make new friends.

The main advantage of being in a language environment is that you become a passive learner. Learning English abroad occurs even when you simply read a book in the park or hear people talking: words and phrases are stored in memory. When you need to say something similar, the right words will come to mind. In an English-speaking environment, you are soaked in knowledge like a sponge, around the clock. And you don't need to make a massive effort. The result will be in 2-3 months. You'll see!

  1. Overcoming the language barrier

The language barrier is an important factor, which is a big problem for many students. Why do you need to say this and not another? Why was this word chosen and not another? What does this idiom mean and where can we find at least some parallel in the meaning if we compare the translation with its Russian counterpart? All these are realities, features of a foreign language. And in English speech there are more than enough such concepts. When a student is abroad, it becomes much easier to find the right word, phrase or set phrase. When communicating with a native speaker, you go through his experience, expressions, facial expressions and intonation. The acquired knowledge is then successfully used in subsequent situations.

  1. Learning different accents

Let's sum it up

Studying English abroad is an ideal option to learn the language quickly and effectively. Suitable for students of different age categories - both schoolchildren and students and adults. Young children will be offered classes in camps, students and adults – volunteering or studying in specialized schools. In any case, everyone will have the opportunity to communicate with foreigners, and in their environment.

It is important to remember that learning English abroad is not always expensive. Yes, you will have to spend a lot of money to enroll in a language school, but you won’t need a lot of money for volunteering and student exchange programs. Anyone who wants to learn a language will be able to choose a program both according to their means and interests.
