Weather weapon. Russian "weather" weapons, which could be involved in creating hurricanes that hit America, are located at the Gorky training ground

An amazing event from the category of “anomalous” occurred on January 22, 2010. On this day, Australian meteorologists discovered a strange “shining disk” in satellite images. However, nothing like this had ever been observed before. A giant "white disk" hung over Melbourne and there were many small dots around it. This “disk” covered an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers in southern Australia, including the island of Tasmania.

Meteorologists noted that before the appearance of this “disk” there were no storms or thunderstorms. On the contrary, Australia was experiencing one of the longest droughts in its history. These white disc-shaped spirals have rather puzzled Australian meteorologists. Moreover, new similar “discs” began to appear in other parts of Australia.

Thus, on the northwestern coast a dark “disk” appeared in the form of a circle with diverging rays. Its diameter was 650 kilometers. At the same time, in the center of it there was a red and white dot. Another "disc" appeared on the south coast and it was similar to the first disc of shining rings in the Melbourne area. It is characteristic that after the appearance of these strange disks, the weather over Australia changed in the most dramatic way.

Melbourne experienced one of the worst storms in its history, accompanied by egg-sized hail and heavy torrential rain that caused flooding and even mini-tornadoes. A month's worth of precipitation fell in 48 hours. Before these “discs” appeared, there was a drought in Australia for a very long time, and after them unprecedented storms and thunderstorms began. At the same time, the record drought gave way to the wettest spring in the country's history.

The sharp change in weather conditions that followed the appearance of strange “disks” suggests with a high degree of probability that in this case there was an artificial influence on the weather and most likely with the help of the multi-component HAARP system deployed throughout the world by the United States and the British Commonwealth. And it is with the use of this system that the weather anomalies of the summer of 2010 in Europe are associated, when there was an abnormal heat in the European part of Russia, which caused a surge in natural fires, and at the same time, in the countries of Western and Central Europe there were heavy downpours, causing numerous floods.

But, if weather weapons were also used in Europe, then they should also have manifested themselves by the appearance of similar anomalous “discs”. Were there such over Europe? It turns out yes. At the end of March 2010, another similar “disk” was discovered over Belgium, causing considerable panic among the most impressionable residents of Europe.

Thus, the fact that the United States used weather weapons in 2010 can be considered proven, although it is unlikely that we will hear confirmation of this version from officials in the near future. And if in Australia HAARP was used to stop an abnormal drought, then against Russia weather weapons were used exactly the opposite, i.e. to artificially create drought. Well, the floods in Western Europe are just a “side effect” of the climate war unleashed against Russia by the Anglo-American empire in 2010.

And all this once again proves that the clearly unfriendly attitude towards our country on the part of this empire (the USA and the British Commonwealth) began long before the return of Crimea to Russia and is part of a global multi-year plan to achieve world domination, part of which is the destruction of Russia and its people. So the confrontation between Russia and the Anglo-American empire could not be avoided by any concessions or peace initiatives. And if the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon hybrid world “elite” decided to destroy us, then we will have to unite to counter this external threat, which can only be avoided by defeating and destroying its source.

Pandora's Box

Geophysical weapons

Deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation expressed concern about the development in the United States of a qualitatively new type of weapon. The United States, within the framework of the HAARP (High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program) research program, is actually engaged in the creation of a new type of weapon - an integral geophysical weapon that affects the near-Earth environment with high-frequency radio waves. The significance of this qualitative leap in the weapons system is comparable to the transition from edged weapons to firearms or from conventional to nuclear weapons.

A distinctive feature of the new weapon is that the near-Earth environment becomes both an object of direct impact and its constituent element.” These conclusions were reached by a commission of the Defense and International Affairs Committees of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. According to the committees, the United States is currently preparing to test three new weapons.

One of them is located at the Hakkona military training ground in Alaska, the second is planned to be deployed in Greenland, and the third point will be Norway. By launching installations located on the Scandinavian Peninsula, Alaska and Greenland, a closed loop of three installations will be created with truly fantastic integral capabilities for influencing the near-Earth environment.

Conducting large-scale and uncontrolled by the international community scientific experiments under the HAARP program by the United States will lead to the creation of weapons capable of blocking radio communications, disabling on-board electronic equipment of spacecraft and rockets, provoking large-scale accidents in electrical networks and oil and gas pipelines, and negatively affecting the mental state and the health of the population of entire regions. Deputies demand an international ban on such large-scale geophysical experiments. The appeal, signed by 90 deputies, was sent to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the United Nations (UN), other international organizations, parliaments, heads and governments of UN member states, the scientific community, and the media.

The signatories include Tatyana Astrakhankina, Nikolai Kharitonov, Yegor Ligachev, Sergei Reshulsky, Vitaly Sevastyanov, Viktor Cherepkov, Valentin Zorkaltsev, Alexey Mitrofanov and others. (Moscow. August 8. INTERFAX-AVN)

Based on materials from Interfax, 08.08.2002


Since the fall of 1998, the United States, in a defiant manner, has ceased to reckon with anyone else in the world. In all the armed adventures of recent years, the Americans and their allies have managed to avoid even minimal losses with significant destruction and a large number of casualties on the part of the enemy. Since 1960, the number of natural disasters has increased dramatically around the world. There is an increase in man-made disasters caused by people whose qualifications are beyond doubt. Among the population of the most developed countries, the percentage of people with varying degrees of mental impairment is steadily increasing.

We can continue to list the seemingly unrelated strange facts of modern human development, but even the above list makes us think. Any person who is still able to think and normally perceive new knowledge will certainly be amazed to learn that the cause of all these phenomena is Alaska. Yes, yes exactly Alaska. And that's why. At the end of the last and in the first half of our century, the brilliant Slavic physicist Nikola Tesla lived and worked.

This scientist developed methods for transmitting electrical energy through the natural environment to any distance. Careful refinement of this method led to the theoretical justification of the so-called “death ray”, with the help of which electricity can be sent in any quantity to any distance. In other words, the foundations of a fundamentally new weapon system were developed, transmitting energy in the atmosphere or through the earth's surface, focusing it in the desired area of ​​the globe. From theory to technical implementation, the path is long and thorny. However, the US military and intelligence agencies did everything possible to implement this project. The project itself was named HAARP - a high-frequency autonomic activity research program. As part of the HAARP project, since 1960, electromagnetic broadcasts and related experiments began to be carried out at varying intensities in the USA (Colorado), Puerto Rico (Arecibo) and Australia (Armidale). This is the cause of many natural disasters on the planet over the past 40 years. The positive results of the experiments prompted the US Congress to approve a 10-million project budget in 1995, after which in 1998 the HAARP project was fully deployed in Alaska and put into operation. Thus, behind the sweet lull of Russia - its strategic rival - with promises of peace, friendship and all that other stuff for all time, America has created a powerful system of electronic means of warfare.

HAARP enables multiple applications of the underlying technology based on a completely new physical principle. It is in the commissioning of HAARP that the US claims to the role of the world gendarme lie. And these claims are quite justified, for example, by the following possible applications of the HAARP system: complete destruction or damage to military or commercial communication systems around the world (including non-activated ones); control over weather conditions over the territory of any country or large geographical area; the use of directed “death ray” technology to destroy any targets at vast distances; directing an invisible beam with great precision at individuals, causing cancer and other fatal diseases, so that the victim is unaware of the harmful effects; putting entire communities to sleep or causing residents to become so emotionally agitated that they resort to violence against each other; pointing a radio broadcast beam directly into a person’s brain, so that he thinks that he hears the voice of God or some other celestial being, depending on who the presenter of such a radio broadcast introduces himself as...

So, history repeats itself: the United States has superweapons and can, therefore, dictate its will to the whole world, giving up on the UN as a relic of a bygone era. Americanism now affects, first of all, the consciousness of people located in territories that fall within the sphere of vital interests of the United States. This is the reason for many man-made disasters, panic in enemy armies, as well as the sudden loss of skills in controlling military equipment by individual military personnel. Of course, for a greater psychological effect, you can shoot from the usual weapon systems, put on a kind of show, but only after processing the military area with the HAARP system. By the way, long-term exposure to HAARP on the population leads to a significant decrease in IQ and the mass birth of mentally handicapped children. By analyzing statistics over the past decade, convincing evidence can be found of this. But the worst thing about all this is that no one knows what could happen to the planet if this giant “ray gun” is turned on at full power. According to experts, the power of this weapon is thousands of times greater than the power of an atomic bomb. By directing the beam of this “ray gun”, for example, at England, it can be destroyed in a matter of seconds. The entire ionosphere can be destroyed. Can.

Sergei Borodin


Excerpt from a book

“Secret technologies, new world order and UFOs”

Sk112_c.jpg (29010 bytes)According to the Chronicles of the Apocalypse, the truth is that the HAARP system is a veritable Pandora's Box of electronic warfare design capabilities. It's not just one type of weapon, it's multiple applications of underlying technology, including weapons. The HAARP project can also be used as an offensive weapon by altering the weather over targeted areas. Back in 1958, a White House spokesman said that the Defense Department was “studying the possibility of manipulating the conditions of the earth and sky, thereby changing weather patterns.” Later, experiments were carried out on the saturation of clouds, when rain was caused at given moments, but at that time the study of such possibilities was just beginning using the Tesla method, when electronics would manage such things.

At the same time, experiments were carried out with infra-low frequencies, transmitters and the crown of all these technologies - the HAARP project.

HAARP chronology

For the researcher interested in the history of the development of these technologies, I offer a brief chronological summary outlining all the significant events related to the creation of New World Order electromagnetic weapons.

1886-1888: Nikola Tesla defines alternating current and describes methods of its transmission. At that time, Thomas Edison insisted that the future of electricity lay in the transmission of direct current, although everything turned out differently, because today alternating current is used much more widely.

1900: Tesla applies for a patent for “Transmission of electrical energy through the natural medium”, i.e. through air, water and land. This was the beginning of technology that would later be used in the field of electromagnetic broadcasts, including the American HAARP project.

1938: This year, scientists proposed illuminating the night using a broadcast from an electron gyrotron-heater transmitter. Again, this technology will be used in the future by the military-industrial complex for much less humane purposes.

1940: Tesla announced that he had invented the “death ray.” This information was provided to the US government after or shortly before his death.

1958: An announcement is made that the US military is exploring the possibility of manipulating weather conditions. One of the military's assumptions was that this could be done using electromagnetism, and they had much more far-reaching plans than controlling the weather.

1960: Around this time, frequent cataclysms and climate changes began on the planet, the causes of which many had no idea at that time. Now we have a partial explanation for why the weather seemed to go crazy then: electromagnetic broadcasts and other experiments began.

1974: Electromagnetic broadcast experiments, part of the HAARP program, were conducted during this period in Plattsville (Colorado), Arecibo (Puerto Rico) and Armidale (Australia, New South Wales).

1975: The US Congress requires the military to invite civilian experts to inspect any weather modification experiment. The military ignores these demands.

1975: The infra-low frequency transmitter “Russian Woodpecker” went on air, sending electromagnetic waves overseas to the USA. The energy was modulated in a special way by impulses that duplicated the rhythms of the brain.

1976: This year, scientists proved that nerve cells can be damaged by infra-low frequencies. This technology was used to irradiate the staff of the American embassy in Moscow, causing illness and general deterioration in health. There were no special protests regarding this matter.

1980: Bernard J. Eastlund, who did much to prepare and patent the HAARP system, receives a patent for “Method and apparatus for altering layers of the earth's atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere.”

1980s: During these years, the US built a network of GWEN (Ground Wave Emergency Network) towers capable of transmitting extremely low frequency waves, ostensibly for defense purposes.

1995: Congress approved a $10 million budget for the HAARP project, ostensibly aimed primarily at “nuclear deterrence.” 1994-1996: First stage of testing of HAARP installations - at least so it was claimed. Other researchers believe that by this time HAARP was already fully ready for action and participated in a number of projects, and directed its radiation to various areas of the globe.

1998: The HAARP project is expected to go live this year, according to officials.

“Billy” Edward Albert MEYER


“HAARP” stands for “High Frequency Active Aurora Research Project.” The name of this American project camouflages the fact that it has the potential to become a greater disaster for humanity than the creation of the atomic bomb. The truth of this matter is that a HAARP installation can be used for sci-fi type combat. Here we are dealing with a reckless experiment.

Under the guise of the innocuous name “HAARP,” the American government plans to bombard the sky with beams of energy from huge antenna structures. These energy beams will then be reflected back to Earth from the ionosphere as extremely low frequency electromagnetic waves. This process is capable of transforming these waves into very insidious weapons:

1. These vibrations are capable of penetrating the brains of people and animals if these vibrations were aimed at them. This will not only immobilize the victim, preventing any movement or defensive action, but will also cause mental distress. A useful weapon for the military, these waves can also penetrate brick walls and steel.

2. The frequencies improve radio contact and [radio] reception, even inside bunkers and nuclear submarines.

3. Vibrations can penetrate the Earth and reveal hidden bunkers.

4. The waves can be used to track and accurately detect missiles, planes and other aircraft even on the other side of the globe.

5. The frequencies can completely block enemy electronic devices and radio communications. These capabilities, however, represent only one facet of HAARP technology. There may be side effects that are concerning and should also be considered.

In fact, today no one fully understands how the ionosphere will react to the impact of these rays. We must keep in mind that the ionosphere is very fragile. Together with the ozone layer, it protects planet Earth and all life forms from the deadly rays of outer space. It is certainly possible that the additional energy beams emitted by the HAARP program will not only disturb, but actually destroy this sensitive system and the protective ozone layer. Of course, various military groups and their scientists refuse to acknowledge this danger as they cheerfully assume that nothing should happen. So they continue this project despite warnings and by 2003 there will be 180 antennas [installed] which will initiate this madness. Tests are currently underway using approximately 60 assembled antennas. A forest of antennas is being built in the foothills of the Alaskan mountains as a test site for radio warfare. Here's how it should work:

Above the ozone layer is the fragile ionosphere, a gas layer rich in electrical particles called ions. Scientists intend to heat up this ionosphere using powerful HAARP antennas so that a beam of high-frequency radio waves can be released into specific areas of the ionosphere. In turn, this will create artificial ion clouds that can function like optical lenses. These lenses will be used to reflect low frequency waves. These vibrations can be used to detect the presence of an aircraft, for example, but they are also useful for confusing and lethal purposes: they can be directed to other regions of the Earth's surface depending on the angle at which the radio frequencies are reflected from the ion lenses. The US government is trying to reassure everyone by claiming that HAARP is a purely scientific experiment, but in fact HAARP is a disguise for a giant ray weapon project. These antennas serve as a gigantic, new advantage for the military elite, while they pose a potential danger to the entire planet and all its life forms.

Mandatory studies of the environmental impacts of the HAARP project warn of the possibility of changes in the ionosphere, which could affect the ozone layer, among other effects. It is quite interesting that this study was not done by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), but by the US Air Force and Navy. It should come as no surprise that the US military actually intends to bombard the ozone layer and ionosphere with these beam weapons.

HAARP technology can unleash a force that cannot even be remotely countered. Until now, all nuclear attack scenarios have included multiple explosive devices that create strong electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) that are detonated at high altitudes. By using HAARP as a weapon, the same result can be achieved even without nuclear power.

However, HAARP is capable of doing much more because it can penetrate deep into the earth, where, for example, oil reserves or the previously mentioned secret bunkers may be located. The fact that certain types of radiation are not only dangerous, but actually lethal to humans, plants and animals, is simply accepted without question. Although HAARP can be used as a super-radar device and, at the same time, as a destructive device against an aircraft, there is no excuse for endangering the lives of all people, animals and plants, and indeed the entire existence of the planet. This fact seems irrelevant to the military elite, officials of large corporations and people of power in the US Government.

In contrast, these groups seem satisfied that they are not violating agreements to stop nuclear testing (which are ongoing anyway), nor on missile defense systems or disarmament. Moreover, they are satisfied that their criminal endeavors have escaped worldwide attention until now because their activities have been kept almost completely secret and because the general public is simply not paying attention to the situation. Ray guns and microwave wars are almost a reality; man cannot afford to lose the ozone layer or any other layer surrounding the planet, to lose his own life and the life of the plant and animal world. Humanity cannot afford to plunge into the atmosphere the rays of gigawatt devices that squeeze out the layers of the atmosphere surrounding the Earth, interfere with and even destroy their harmony. At a minimum, these wounds inflicted on these layers as a result of this madness will never be healed and will jeopardize earthly life, perhaps forever. Without consulting any other human inhabitants of this planet, their military is tearing dangerous holes in the fragile ionosphere and thus threatening all terrestrial life. These powerful people take it upon themselves to make these tough decisions without a care for anyone other than their disgusting power madness and megalomania.

Indeed, the ionosphere will be damaged and partially dissolved by the HAARP program, thus allowing dangerous cosmic radiation to penetrate the Earth's atmosphere unimpeded. At least this proves that HAARP is an irresponsible project. Such madness can be seen in the annals of human history, but, according to established practice, it is hidden from people. In 1958, for example, three atomic bombs were detonated in the atmosphere to influence the weather.

In the two years following this blunt action, a series of climate catastrophes resulted. Three hundred fifty thousand copper needles, each approximately 1-2 cm long, were shot into the ionosphere in 1961. The result was that the Earth avenged itself with an earthquake in Alaska, which was measured at 8.5 on the Richter scale, while in Chile a large part of the coastline slid into the ocean.

In 1963, the US and USSR militaries detonated three hundred-megaton atomic bombs in the stratosphere and ripped giant holes in the ozone layer. These are just a few of the many criminal atrocities carried out against Humanity by officials of the US and former USSR Governments. In truth, several dozen such crimes can be attributed to the Americans, the French, the Russians, the French, the Israelis, the Chinese and others who have similar malicious goals.

What HAARP can penetrate is far worse than anyone has ever seen. The threat comes from its position, 320 km (200 miles) northeast of Anchorage. In this northern Alaska solitude, a forest of antennas is being built that will consist of 360 towers, 24 meters (72 feet) tall, from which the military will fire beams of high-frequency beams into the ionosphere.

This has been happening in experimental form for some time now, with the result that the number of hurricane-related disasters, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions has increased. The purpose of these experiments is to warm up and partially remove the protective layer surrounding our planet. At the same time, giant “lenses” are burned into the ionosphere with the intention of reflecting the emitted waves to the Earth. Bernard Östlund, an irresponsible student of Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), provided the scientific basis for HAARP. He patented his work in 1985 under the ominous title: “Method and mechanism for changing the region of the atmosphere, ionosphere and/or magnetosphere of the Earth.” This project turned into global vandalism due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with gigawatt power was released into the outer spheres of the Earth. The present impact and future effects on this planet and all life forms, human, animal and plant, cannot be assessed in any way.

A few years after its invention, Östlund lost control of his patent when he ran into financial problems. He wrote that the antenna structure in Alaska is in reality a massive ray gun capable of destroying not only all communications networks, but also missiles, planes, satellites and much more.

He argued about side effects, both desirable and undesirable, including climate disasters around the world or at least in some regions, and unlimited deadly radiation from which there is no protection. The choice of locations for these riots will lie in the hands of irresponsible military and government officials and others. There is also the extraneous effect of deadly radiation passing to the surface of the Earth, from which there is no protection.

The dark face of burning plasma

In the 1990s, plasma weapons (HAARP) became one of the key elements in the development of the National Missile Defense (NMD) project in the United States.

Its action is that 180 phased antennas located on 15 hectares of terrain (for example, in the state of Alaska) focus a high-energy microwave electromagnetic pulse in the ionosphere, resulting in the birth of a plasmoid (localized area of ​​highly ionized gas), or ball lightning, which can be controlled by moving the focus of the antennas using a coherent laser beam.

A plasmoid moving in the atmosphere leaves behind a trail of heated air with low pressure - an insurmountable obstacle for aircraft. The plane literally falls into the mouth of a tornado and is destroyed. During experiments with artificial ball lightning, it was discovered that the energy spent on creating a plasmoid is tens of times less than the energy that is released in the form of heat during its destruction. To explain this, the concept of free energy or physical vacuum energy is used, which manifests itself in plasma due to the division of electromagnetic field quanta in super-powerful fields into electrons and positrons. Thus, through the plasmoid, access to unknown high-energy layers of matter is opened. The concept of free energy was developed at the end of the 19th century by N. Tesla, the brilliant author of the three-phase generator, without which the current technosphere is unthinkable. In Colorado Springs, he installed a powerful transformer that sent man-made lightning with a power of at least 10 kW over a distance of 30 miles. In the 70s of the 20th century, a similar installation was created at one of the US Air Force bases.

The lightning it generates was used to test the stability of aircraft in thunderstorms. Later, as part of the “Star Wars” program, American scientists worked on the creation of a “plasma gun”, with the help of which it was planned to disperse the orbital group of a potential enemy. The USSR also had certain groundwork on this topic. Trying to demonstrate their goodwill, Gorbachev in the late 80s and Yeltsin in 1993 approached the Americans with the initiative to jointly use systems to create plasmoids in the path of attacking missiles. The Americans shrugged it off, classifying their program as secret. They withdrew from the ABM Treaty and with paranoid persistence are demonstrating to the world community the unsuccessful tests of their interceptor missiles. Exploitation of the psychological dominance of the missile confrontation in the mass consciousness of the average person allows the Pentagon to siphon colossal funds from the taxpayer for NMD, hiding where they are actually going.

After all, even the most powerful military computer is unable to process information about the interception of a large number of targets, including false ones, and besides, a plasmoid flying at the speed of light has an absolute advantage over an anti-missile intercepting at a speed of 5 km/s. Therefore, they decided to fence themselves off from a missile strike with a plasma grid created by “Harp”.

But by heating the ionosphere, it will create artificial magnetic storms, the consequences of which affect navigation systems, weather, and the mental state of people. And this reveals the second, darker face of the Harp project - as a geophysical weapon. Since the early 90s, the Pentagon has revised its military doctrine in favor of developing a new concept for the creation and use of special weapons and means of destruction that do not cause unnecessary losses in material assets and manpower - the so-called non-lethal weapons. An entire branch of the defense industry has been dedicated to this topic under the leadership of the US Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency with the participation of a Department of Energy laboratory. Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means for military purposes to influence processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth.

Using the unstable states of these shells, with the help of a small push, catastrophic effects of the enormous destructive forces of nature are caused. Geophysical weapons include means that can stimulate earthquakes, the occurrence of huge waves such as tsunamis, changes in thermal conditions or the destruction of the ozone layer over certain areas of the planet. Based on the nature of their impact, geophysical weapons are sometimes divided into meteorological, ozone and climate weapons. Weather weapons were already used by the Americans during the Vietnam War. Then, with the help of dispersing silver iodide or lead iodide in rain clouds, heavy rains were provoked, complicating the movement of equipment and troops, flooding large areas, worsening the living conditions of the population. Climate weapons can influence weather formation processes, reducing agricultural production and thereby influencing the development of the economic and political situation in the affected country. Ozone weapons are a set of means for destroying the ozone layer over enemy territory and for penetrating the hard ultraviolet radiation of the Sun to the surface of the Earth, which has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms and plant yields, causing skin burns, promoting a sharp increase in diseases, and disrupting the thermal balance of the affected area.

The inability to control the use of geophysical weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country directly affected, but also for the entire world. Even a trial use of “HARP” can cause a “trigger” effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth’s magnetic axis and a sharp cooling comparable to the Ice Age.

A. Volokov,
Information and analytical publication “Adviser to the President”,
No. 4 April 2002

Experiment with heating the atmosphere
and unpredictable consequences

The United States is planning to test an installation that can be considered a prototype of plasma and climate weapons. For the Earth, this could turn into a disaster.


In the late 1980s, Mikhail Gorbachev proposed to US President Ronald Reagan, as a sign of goodwill, reconciliation and mutual trust, to conduct a joint experiment - testing plasma weapons. It was proposed to chip in and jointly build a complex of radiating antennas at a test site in Siberia. But Reagan refused, and all mention of plasma weapons disappeared from the pages of the media.

Secret object

In 1992, in Alaska, 450 kilometers from Anchorage, in the town of Gakona, construction began on a powerful radar station. In a deserted valley, covered by mountains, among the taiga, a gigantic building of a diesel power plant appeared with Pentagon money, and not far from it, the installation of 24-meter-high radiating antennas began. The antenna field and the power plant were connected by a straight, arrow-like section of a wide highway used as a runway. Deutsche Welle correspondent Vitaly Volkov provided some details in his report:

“The facility being built in the snow of Alaska is a huge antenna field with a total area of ​​more than 13 hectares. Of the 180 antennas provided for in the plan, 48 are already operational. The station received the abbreviated name HAARP - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (Harp). The radiating power of the system is 3.5 megawatts, and antennas aimed at the zenith make it possible to focus pulses of short-wave radiation on individual sections of the ionosphere and heat them to form high-temperature plasma. The project is presented as a research project, but it is being implemented in the interests of the US Air Force and Navy in conditions of deep secrecy. Civilian scientists are not allowed to see it.

Geophysical weapons

The developer of the principle of heating the ionosphere, Bernard Eastlund, admits: “There is evidence that in this way it is possible to change, say, the wind rose at high altitudes. This means that “Harp” is capable of influencing the weather to some extent.” But the capabilities of the Harp system are easy to imagine if we remember the magnetic storms caused by solar flares. In essence, “Harp” does the same thing, but in certain areas of the atmosphere and the earth’s surface. And the power of its radiation is many times higher than that of the sun. Accordingly, the damage caused will also be tens and hundreds of times greater. The least it can do is disrupt radio communications over large areas, significantly degrade the accuracy of satellite navigation, and “blind” radars, including early and long-range detection and warning systems, missile defense and air defense systems. The pulsed impact of the beam reflected from the auroral region will cause failures and accidents in the power grids of entire regions. By the way, on days of solar flares, the accident rate increases several times - this confirms the possibility of its artificial increase. Even a fairly weak energy impact can have a destructive effect. Electric fields and various electromagnetic processes will appear on gas and oil pipeline lines that can accelerate corrosion and lead to accidents. What will happen to an airplane caught in such a powerful radio beam? All on-board electronic equipment will instantly fail or at least “go crazy” for a while. The same thing can happen with a rocket. The reflected impulse can be sent to both a warship and a submarine. Some of the energy will be absorbed by the atmosphere and water, but even if 10% of 3.5 MW reaches the target, it is unknown how equipment and people will behave. It is worth remembering that infrasound waves, that is, ultra-low frequencies, have a depressing effect on the human psyche. They are also reflected by the auroral region and can plunge an entire city into a state of depression. Heating of certain areas of the atmosphere can lead to serious climate changes and, as a result, cause tornadoes, drought or floods. It is possible that increased exposure to radio waves will have a negative impact on wildlife, including humans. With the help of the Harp system, a group of military men can bring the economy of an entire state to its knees within a few years. And no one will understand anything. Military experts believe that the Harp can be used as a plasma weapon. Its radiation may be enough to create so-called plasma lattices in the atmosphere, in which aircraft and missiles will be destroyed.

In fact, this is an anti-missile weapon based on new physical principles. And in this light, President Bush's December statement about withdrawing from the ABM Treaty appears completely differently. In six months, that is, in June of this year, the agreement will cease to exist, and at the same time tests of the Harp system will begin. Some experts of the Russian Ministry of Defense believe that it is “Harp” that will become a key component of the US national missile defense system, and the ongoing tests of anti-missile missiles are nothing more than a method of disinformation. After all, the United States withdrew from the ABM Treaty without having not only a serial anti-missile system, but even a prototype of one. Maybe they just don’t need it when plasma anti-missile weapons are about to go into operation?

Global threat

The operating principle of long-distance tropospheric communication is also based on the reflection of a narrow radio beam from the atmospheric layer. Technicians from these stations say that a bird exposed to the radiation of the transmitter dies in flight. The effect is like in a microwave oven.

What could happen if powerful Harp pulses begin to heat up the atmosphere? Renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Bertel (Canada), who studies the impact of war on ecosystems, believes that we are dealing with an integral weapon with potentially catastrophic environmental consequences. Active disturbance of the ionosphere can cause the release of huge masses of free electrons, the so-called electron showers. This, in turn, may lead to a change in the electric potential of the poles and a subsequent displacement of the Earth's magnetic pole. The planet will “turn over”, and where the North Pole will end up is anyone’s guess. There are other threats: a surge in global warming, heating by reflected waves of certain areas of the polar lands with deposits of hydrocarbons, natural gas, in other words. The escaping jets of gas can change the spectrum of the atmosphere and, on the contrary, cause global cooling. There may be destruction of the ozone layer and unpredictable climate change across entire continents.

A little physics

The term “auroral region” is often translated as “northern lights.” But this is not entirely accurate. In the polar regions of the Earth at high altitudes in the ionosphere there are irregularities called auroral. These are excited gas ions united into a kind of plasma ropes stretched along the lines of force of the Earth's magnetic field.

They are several tens of meters long and only about 10 centimeters thick. The reasons for the emergence of these structures and their physical essence have not yet been studied. During periods of solar storms, the number of auroral structures heated to the point of glowing rapidly increases, and then they are visible in the form of northern lights even during the day right up to the equator. The peculiarity of auroral irregularities is that they generate strong backscattering of ultra-short and ultra-low range radio waves. In other words, they mirror. On the one hand, this creates interference for radars, and on the other, it allows you to “mirror” the VHF communication signal even to Antarctica. The Harp system can heat up individual areas of the ionosphere several tens of meters thick, creating areas of auroral structures, and then use them to reflect a powerful radio beam onto individual areas of the earth's surface. The range is almost unlimited. At least the northern hemisphere of the planet is completely covered.

Since the Earth’s magnetic pole is shifted towards Canada, and therefore Alaska, “Harp” turns out to be located under the very dome of the magnetosphere, and its position cannot be called anything other than strategic.

Expert opinion

The consequences are unpredictable! Initially, the goals of the experiments were to increase radio communication capabilities by locally changing the ionosphere.

According to available data, side effects were obtained during the interaction of plasma formations with the ionosphere, which suggest the possibility of creating weapons based on the principles of artificial modification of the near-Earth environment with unpredictable consequences for the Earth as a whole. In order to prevent the negative consequences of partial heating of the upper layers of the atmosphere and ionosphere (for example, by the American Harp system) for the Earth, it seems advisable to call on other states and the world scientific community for dialogue and the subsequent conclusion of international acts prohibiting such tests and work in the upper layers atmosphere and ionosphere.

Source: ENCYCLOPEDIA OF TUBE RADIO EQUIPMENT. Issue N 212 bonus issue “GEOPHYSICAL WEAPONS” (c) Moscow-Donetsk, 2002

Vladimir Vostrukhin


The new weapon is called long - High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program. The abbreviation is: HAARP. Our military prefers to speak very briefly: “Harp.”

In the last issue, Pravda published an interview with the chairman of the State Duma Defense Committee, Andrei Nikolaev. He talked about what the geophysical weapon “Harp”, which was created in the United States of America, threatens people with. The Americans have already built emitters that heat the near-Earth environment to the state of plasma in Norway, in Tromsø, and in Alaska, at the Hakkona military training ground. After the introduction of the third installation, in Greenland, geophysical weapons will be able to cover our entire country, from St. Petersburg to Kamchatka. Owners of these weapons can program a flood in a randomly selected area of ​​the Earth. Or completely paralyze communications throughout any country. The capabilities of geophysical weapons are very extensive.

However, neither American politicians, nor American scientists, nor all of earthly science as a whole know whether it will be possible to stop the action of geophysical weapons. It is very likely that the first full-scale, full-scale test of this new weapon of mass destruction will end in a planetary environmental disaster. And such that humanity cannot survive it. Nevertheless, in Alaska, preparations are in full swing for testing the Harp installation at full power. All work is carried out under the direct supervision of the US Air Force and Navy.

It is clear that these crazy people need to be stopped. But who will do it?

It just so happened that tomorrow, four days after our first publication, the State Duma decided to consider the problem of the Kharp geophysical weapon. Two appeals have been prepared. One - to President Putin. The other is to the UN, international organizations, parliaments, heads and governments of UN member states, the scientific community and the media around the world. The main speaker will be communist deputy Tatyana ASTRAKHANKINA.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna, we are talking, but the State Duma Council, which will determine the agenda of the first meeting, has not yet passed. The meeting itself is on Wednesday. And we are already affirming that the “Kharp” problem will be discussed by the State Duma. Are we in no hurry?

There's nothing special here. The usual Duma technology: the agenda is formed and agreed upon in advance. It is simply approved by the Council. But you are right that I myself am not entirely sure whether the discussion will take place on Wednesday. Literally ready to knock on wood, like some superstitious citizens.

But why, if everything is agreed?

I have been dealing with the “Harp” problem for almost a year. And during this time I managed to become convinced that there were gigantic forces behind “Kharp”. Giant money. And gigantic geopolitical interests. We now often repeat that agents of influence helped the Americans collapse the Soviet Union. However, it is a little late to shout about this ten years after the event. But I can now, today, when it is not too late, to tell the readers of Pravda this. There are many people in high positions in our country who, wittingly or unwittingly, are helping the United States create, as part of the Harp program, a fundamentally new weapon of mass destruction - geophysical weapons.

More specifically, it has already been created and tested in low power modes. These weapons are directed not only against Russia, but against all countries of the world. Last week you published an interview with the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Andrei Nikolaev. In response to your ironic question whether a global flood would begin when the Americans used geophysical weapons, General Nikolaev answered precisely, although softly: “I believe, after the catastrophic flood in the south of our country, the catastrophic flood in Europe, the giant tornado off the coast of Italy, where There have never been tornadoes, this biblical story does not seem so incredible.” And now I will decipher for you what these soft words mean. Experts on the Harp problem, with whom I have been communicating for almost a year, are convinced: the catastrophic flooding in Germany, France, the Czech Republic, and southern Russia is the consequences of the first tests of geophysical weapons.

Tatyana Aleksandrovna, excuse me, I can believe that the Americans drowned the south of Russia in order to test the combat readiness of geophysical weapons. But to sink your Europe into a plank? Why is this?

Which one is yours, excuse me? Who belongs to whom in the West? There was always a war of everyone against everyone. Remember how Adolf Hitler, in order to test V-2 cruise missiles, bombed the entire city of Coventry from “his brothers” - the British, with whom the Germans even shared the same alphabet! How did the Americans test an atomic bomb on the Japanese?.. But what can I say... Neither the Europeans nor anyone else in the world has any illusions about the United States. Talking to everyone from a position of strength is an American religion. Or illness - I don’t know which is correct. Therefore, if the “Harp” problem is discussed by the State Duma and both appeals are accepted, I will propose another draft resolution to my colleagues. It is necessary, I believe, to create an international commission as soon as possible to investigate the causes of the series of floods in Europe. I believe that our military experts would agree to provide such a commission with some materials that are still top secret.

You are all about the Americans - Americans this, Americans that... But Heydar Dzhemal, one of the leaders of the Islamic movement in Russia, told me, and quite convincingly, that there are stronger forces than America. These forces at one time took and brought down the English pound sterling - because England tried to pursue an independent economic and international policy. On September 11 last year, these same forces put the United States, which had gone a bit too far, in its place. Jemal directly said what kind of forces these are - a world government. And he explained: “The fusion of international bureaucracy, local mafias, the top layer of shareholders of transnational corporations, part of the national elites and governments of leading countries, coordinating their actions, can be called a really functioning world government.” So maybe the United States is stocking up on geophysical weapons in an attempt to counter the world government?

I agree with this definition of world government. I would add just one more, clearly missing element: “...and the intelligence services of the leading countries of the world.” You are also right that the ultimate goal of the globalization process, which is now the main world process, is the destruction of any statehood. Russia, for example, today is not an independent state, but an American satellite. Our government system of government has already been reconfigured to carry out commands from the outside. For now, these commands come from Washington, but the source of the commands is easy to change. But America, with its gigantic economic potential and a people who have civil rights that no one else in the world has, is truly a bone in the throat of the world government. America is the last empire, and there should not be any extra empires on the planet. The political elite of the United States is trying, yes, trying to ride the globalization process, but it is already clear that it is not succeeding. The dollar has one road - to the grave. Along with it, the enormously bloated and financially insecure US financial system will end its existence. Well, the last empire, respectively. However, to think that America is stocking up on geophysical weapons to fight the world government... This does not work. After all, the narrow upper layer of the American elite is part of the world government. New weapons of mass destruction are being created and tested under the direction of the American government at the expense of the American taxpayer. And then it can be applied, including throughout the United States.

Why is this happening across the United States?

Why did the American intelligence services pour postal packages with anthrax on the heads of their population?

But these are not American intelligence services, but Arab terrorists.

Yes?.. Do you know who received the first package with anthrax bacilli in the mail? Senator Daschle. Do you know what he is famous for? Because after September 11 he spoke out in defense of the civil liberties of the American people. The fact is that after September 11, the human rights that America has always boasted of were greatly curtailed. And now they are cutting back even more. Ostensibly in the name of safety. Daschle publicly questioned the wisdom of such actions. Well, they sent him... Like, don’t perform, guy. Agree, Arab terrorists have no need to scare the senator, who, in fact, is grist for their mill. The more civil liberties, the harder it is for intelligence agencies to catch those damn terrorists.

Why, then, do you want to create an international commission? If it’s against the Americans, who are testing their geophysical weapons on us, that’s understandable. And if these weapons can be used against the Americans themselves... then nothing at all is clear.

Everything is clear if you distinguish some Americans from others. There are the American people - the same guinea pigs as the people of the Russian Federation. Well, they live better than us. Bye. There is an American civilian government, which is officially, through democratic procedures, elected by the American people. And there is a world government that no one elected, but which wants to usurp the rights of the legally elected governments of the whole world. This includes part of the American ruling elite, which no one instructed to make any decisions instead of the American people and the American government. And the commission I'm talking about could become an instrument of civil society, of legally elected governments around the world.

Come on... What can such a commission do, even if it is created? At first it will begin to imitate vigorous activity, then it will calm down, but will continue to receive funding for a long time. From the world government.

Well, such an outcome is quite possible. But, one way or another, the question of the connection between the American Harp program and environmental disasters in Europe needs to be answered. If such a connection is discovered, it means that war crimes have been committed, and the criminals must be punished. In any case, the investigation will help bring geophysical weapons under the control of international civil society.

Let us, however, return to what you said about the people who are helping the United States create geophysical weapons. Could you tell me who they are? Or where to look for them? And how, how do they help create geophysical weapons?

They help in any way they can. Everyone is in their place. You can also find them in the State Duma. And in the presidential administration. And at the Russian Academy of Sciences. And in the government of the Russian Federation. For example, I learned that Russian scientific research in the same direction as the Harp program was frozen. They just weren't funded. And the names... I’m not a prosecutor to bring charges against specific individuals. I can tell you in a few words about the behind-the-scenes struggle that was waged when we tried to bring the “Kharp” problem into the light of day. And you judge for yourself.

Firstly, we must clearly understand that all work in the State Duma is carried out by committees. I am a member of the Information Policy Committee and, therefore, I could not deal with the “Harp” problem directly in my committee. But four Duma committees could deal with it at once. On ecology: of course! The environment is under threat! On international affairs: how can we do without him if trouble comes not only to us, but to the entire world community. Regarding security: well, of course, taking care of the security of the country and the population is his direct task. “Harp” violates this security. On defense: this goes without saying, since we are talking about new weapons of mass destruction. I appealed to all four committees, and in addition, I sent my personal deputy request to the Academy of Sciences and the Ministry of Defense.

International experts were interested and sent a request to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. A reply came from there: thank you very much, but don’t worry, we are tracking everything and everything is under control. Andrei Nikolaev, an army general and chairman of the Defense Committee, turned out to be the only person in the Duma who instantly understood everything and lent a shoulder. Alexander Gurov, chairman of the Security Committee, refused to do anything at all. Mr. Grachev, the chairman of the Ecology Committee, was more cautious and silently clouded the matter. So in the future, all work went through the Defense Committee.

Secondly, we must also clearly understand that the deputy is just a people’s representative. Yes, he can send a request for anything and anywhere. But if those who are considered experts send a negative answer, then that’s it, that’s where all the conversations end.

I had a very interesting dialogue with the Academy of Sciences. If earlier, during the Soviet Union, it was our pride, now it is a rather strange organization. Research institutes are in a half-dead state, since the state does not finance them or finances them very poorly. Accordingly, scientists who can do nothing else but do science dream of American grants. This is the money that Americans allocate for research that interests them. Our very, very qualified specialists using our equipment, using everything that has been accumulated by Soviet fundamental science, are pulling chestnuts out of the fire for the Americans for pennies. In addition, many science administrators have children studying or already working in the United States. And the future of the children depends on the loyalty of the father who remains in Russia.

Therefore, we were not surprised to receive a negative response from the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics, from the director, corresponding member of the RAS Vitaly Adushkin. This is a very well-known research institute and a very famous specialist. In Soviet times, the Institute of Geosphere Dynamics dealt with nuclear safety issues. Well funded. And now he drags out the most miserable existence.

Adushkin literally wrote the following:

“The direct use of Harp for military purposes is unlikely... As for the influence... on global parameters of the atmosphere and climate, then... one should not expect any deviations in their natural development.” And by that time we already had an answer from the chief of staff - first deputy commander of the Space Forces, Vladimir Popovkin. He confirmed the military orientation of Harp and fully agreed with concerns about possible catastrophic consequences on a planetary scale. We managed to solve the “Adushkin problem” in the following way. On May 13, we invited all leading Russian experts on Harp to a meeting of the Defense Committee. Andrei Nikolaev asked each of them to end their speech with an answer to a simple question. Should the State Duma accept an appeal on the “Harp” problem to the President of Russia? To the heads of other states and the international community as a whole? As a matter of fact, from what the experts reported, it was already clear: it was necessary, and as soon as possible. Moreover, they did not say everything. They gave only open information. And they ended their speech the same way: appeals must be accepted. In such conditions, Vladimir Adushkin, who at first was very unfriendly, became very agitated and said, like everyone else: “We must.”

Then problems arose in the Duma. The spring session was ending. Under the pretext of lack of time, our resolution on “Kharp” was moved from one day to another, from another to the third... I caught the head of the Duma faction “Unity” Vladimir Pekhtin and suggested over and over again: let military experts speak in your faction. They will tell you what “Harp” is, and you will vote consciously. Pekhtin said neither “yes” nor “no” and ran away. Then one of the military experts began calling Pekhtin on the “turntable.” And he was simply hiding from him. The same thing happened when trying to get through to the leader of the “Fatherland - All Russia” faction, Volodin. At one of the meetings, the mouthpiece of the Unity faction, Vladislav Reznik, made a cunning technical move that automatically knocked “Kharp” off the agenda. Finally, the presidential representative in the State Duma, Mr. Kotenkov, directly demanded that the “Harp” problem be removed from consideration. He gave a very simple explanation: the Russian population will begin to panic if this problem begins to be discussed in the State Duma. Logically, the explanation is stupid. So there is a problem, but there is no need to discuss and solve it?.. But Kotenkov is not a private person. I don’t think he expressed the president’s opinion at the time. But the opinion of the presidential administration is at least.

With that, the spring session ended. We nevertheless sent appeals to the president and the international community, but on behalf of 90 deputies who signed them. Military experts and scientists wrote a closed appeal to the president - based on top-secret materials. Nikolaev sent it to Putin on his own behalf - along with the materials.

Well, now the “Harp” problem is on the agenda for September 11th. If we talk formally, then there is nothing special here. That's how it should be. According to the rules of the State Duma, all resolutions that were not adopted in the spring session are automatically postponed to the fall. But from what I told you, it seems clear: not everything that is supposed to happen actually happens. The fact that the resolution on “Harp” was introduced at the very first meeting of the autumn session speaks volumes to Russian politics. Apparently, “Unity” and “Fatherland” received the command. I hope it’s from Putin. But I'm still afraid. And “Unity” is not as united, and “Fatherland” is not as domestic as we would like. Americans have long arms and dollars in their hands. And when someone sneezes in Washington, the Russian parliament will respond with alarming speed.

This book was written by dozens of authors who, in the media and online publications, strive to show that qualitatively new types of weapons have been created and really threaten humanity. Someone, not without humor, called some of them “non-lethal.” Sergei Ionin proposes a new term - “parallel weapons”, that is, weapons that are not considered at international conferences and summits, are not recorded in documents on the limitation of various weapons, but these are weapons that, perhaps, will be more dangerous than those that already exist.

The publication is of interest to the widest range of readers: the question posed by the author is acute: with what and how will they kill us in the 21st century? - will not leave anyone indifferent.


Sections of this page:


Zbigniew knows everything

Back in the 70s of the last century, the former head of the American Security Council, Zbigniew Brzezinski, predicted in his book “At the Turn of Two Centuries”: “Technology will give the leaders of great powers methods of waging secret wars, which will not require special forces... technologies for influencing the weather will be able to cause long-term drought or hurricanes…” Brzezinski knew what he was talking about, because entire civilizations died out during climate disasters.

Crop failures and climatic anomalies during the “Godunov hard times” cost the lives of 3/4 of the population of the Muscovite kingdom. The Grand Duchy of Moscow, which reached unprecedented prosperity under Ivan the Terrible, became depopulated, was invaded and almost disappeared from the map along with the Russian nation itself. The climate “cold” that weakens states has always been followed by complications - wars and, as a consequence, epidemics...

“It has been proven that by changing the electric charge of the air, it is possible to cause the desired weather in a given area” - this quote is from a newspaper article promoting the achievements of scientists from the Obninsk Institute of Applied Geophysics in the struggle for the harvest. But if scientists can provide good weather for peasants in a “given territory”: sun during the day, light rain at night, then with the same success they can turn drought or heavy rains, large hail or a strong hurricane on an unfriendly country, which leads to economic disorganization state and its inability to wage war. There are very real reasons for this - theoretical and experimental studies in the field of dynamics of interaction of aerosol particles. Aerosol particles located in a gaseous environment, under the influence of various types of vibrations (acoustic, etc.), take part in different types of movement. It is by regulating the movement of aerosol particles in a gaseous medium (atmosphere) that the atmospheric electric charge can be changed, causing the necessary weather.

Currently, means of controlling weather and climate are no longer something fantastic; they have been developed for quite a long time based on the achievements of physics and atmospheric chemistry, as well as other sciences about the Earth’s shells. And it is no coincidence that meteorological weapons appeared, based on the use of means that cause natural disasters, such as the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, provoking frosts or droughts, heavy rains by various means, in a word, influencing for military purposes the processes occurring in solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. It has three components: meteorological itself, ozone and climate.

Of particular interest are states of unstable equilibrium, when a relatively small shock in an atmospheric layer with a height of 10 to 60 km can cause the enemy to be exposed to powerful destructive forces of nature (the so-called trigger effect) and the catastrophic consequences of this impact.

World-renowned scientist Dr. Rosalie Burtell confirms that “American military experts have long considered weather systems as a possible weapon. Techniques include creating storms and hurricanes, and manipulating atmospheric moisture flows to cause floods or droughts.”

According to Marc Filterman, a former French officer, already at the turn of the 1980s, the United States and the Soviet Union had weapons that could create severe weather anomalies. The impact on atmospheric processes was carried out by radio waves in the decimeter range.

A report on potential military applications of weather control techniques, commissioned by the US Air Force, states: “ manipulation techniques provide extensive opportunities to defeat and coerce the enemy. Therefore, for the United States, weather modification technologies are likely to become an integral part of national security policy - including both domestic and international aspects. And the government, based on our interests, should pursue such a policy at all levels.”

Random outcome of the experiment

The birth year of meteorological weapons can be considered 1958, in August of which the Americans carried out the first nuclear explosion near the lower boundary of the ionosphere.

This top-secret experiment was carried out in a remote point of the Pacific Ocean - on Johnston Atoll. According to the original plan, the electromagnetic pulse of the explosion was supposed to burn all electronics within a radius of several hundred kilometers - quite a worthy start to breaking through the B-52 armada with hydrogen bombs through Soviet air defense.

But something unusual happened - a cosmic nuclear explosion caused a stable ionospheric disturbance, which disrupted radio communications for a long time at a distance of many thousands of kilometers. And in the Southern Hemisphere, on the Samoa archipelago, 3.5 thousand kilometers from the explosion site, a bright aurora flashed in the tropical sky.

Samoa and Johnston are so-called magnetically conjugate regions, connected by a single geomagnetic field line. Charged particles generated by the nuclear explosion rushed along the magnetic line to the opposite hemisphere and burned a hole in the ionosphere.

The next nuclear tests - Argus (three explosions at different altitudes in the South Atlantic) and Starfish - involved extensive satellite and meteorological measurements. It turned out that nuclear explosions not only create ionospheric anomalies that disrupt radio communications and last for years, but also actively affect the climate. In 1963, at the height of the Cold War, the United States and England signed the Moscow Treaty banning nuclear tests in three environments. The root cause was a sharp increase in radioactive contamination of the atmosphere as a result of tests of record-breaking hydrogen bombs.

The famous “Report of the UN Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation” (1962) officially stated that the levels of radioactive cesium-137, strontium-90 and iodine-131 in soil and food products increased several times compared to natural levels.

However, perhaps more important than radiation, the reason that forced the participants in the nuclear race to sit down at the negotiating table was the climatic consequences of record-breaking thermonuclear tests, which were hidden from non-nuclear powers, since the lion’s share of information was controlled by the “nuclear club.” But it did not go unnoticed that in five years - from July 1958 to January 1963 - the average temperature over the Northern Hemisphere fell by about 0.6 °C.

The direct result of the “small thermonuclear winter” was a noticeable increase in snow and ice cover, the area of ​​which in the Northern Hemisphere from 1950 to 1973 increased from 33 to 39 million sq. km. The effect of nuclear weapons on temperature became known only in the 1980s.

But the global consequences of nuclear strikes on the ionosphere, the “weather kitchen” and the electromagnetic shield from cosmic rays, remain a “zone of silence” to this day.

In the late 1950s, superimposing thermonuclear tests on an active solar year (1957 was the International Meteorological Year - the "year of the active solar") caused unique magnetic anomalies. During the famous magnetic storm of February 11, 1957 in Sweden, not only wired communication lines failed, but also power wiring, railway signaling was interrupted, fuses and even transformers burned. One can only guess how many heart patients and hypertensive patients this cost their lives! The northern lights were no less unique in intensity.

And again the tsunami

The ban on nuclear tests in space served as an impetus for a new direction of research - radio frequency effects on the ionosphere, since by that time all the technical and scientific prerequisites had matured.

Even earlier, it was noticed that with high transmitter power, radio waves are not simply reflected from the upper, ionized layers of the atmosphere, but themselves create ionospheric anomalies that affect radio communications at other frequencies.

Clots of ionospheric plasma heated by radio rays were first used as reflectors for long-distance radio communications, but it turned out that this significantly changed the circulation of the upper, rarefied layers of the atmosphere, which were extremely sensitive to any influences, for example, to changes in the “solar wind”; they, in turn, influence processes in the lower atmosphere and geomagnetic phenomena (magnetic storms).

Even after the end of World War II, research began to be intensively conducted in the United States to study the processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (the possibility of lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (methods of causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (controlling hurricanes) . The results of this work have not been widely reported. It is known, however, that in 1961, American scientists conducted an experiment to throw more than 350 thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the atmosphere, which changed the thermal balance of the ionosphere. It is believed that it was as a result of this that an 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile slid into the ocean. A sharp change in thermal processes occurring in the atmosphere can also cause the formation of powerful tsunamis.

The danger posed by tsunamis hitting coastal areas is illustrated by the tragedy in the states of New Orleans and Louisiana, which were affected by the Katrina tsunami in September 2005. The Americans tried to stop Katrina, but it didn’t work.

It should be noted that satellite images showed that the hurricane changed direction several times and either weakened or regained its previous strength. Theoretically, it can be assumed that by “seeding” from an airplane with various substances the “eye” of a typhoon, its rear or front part, it is possible, by creating a difference in pressure and temperature, to make it walk “in a circle”, or simply stand still. But this is only theoretical. Although the United States began trying to extinguish hurricanes back in the mid-60s of the last century, more on that below.

A decrease in agricultural production in the territory of a potential enemy, a deterioration in food supplies, and disruption of the implementation of socio-economic programs is another goal of meteorological (climate) weapons. In a country where certain climatic conditions are artificially created, political and economic changes can be achieved without the use of traditional weapons.

Stealing the Rain

Experts believe that a decrease of just 1 degree in the average annual temperature in the mid-latitude region, where the bulk of grain is produced, can have catastrophic consequences. The use of climate weapons could cause the extinction of entire countries. However, given the common meteorological space, the possible damage to neighboring countries, including the country that will use such weapons, their use can only be targeted, in certain regions of the world.

For several years, farmers in one of the Spanish provinces were convinced that a small plane that regularly appeared in the sky was stealing the clouds. As soon as the clouds gathered in the sky, this same airplane appeared, spun and spun in the clouds for a while and disappeared. The clouds also disappeared. The peasants believed that their province was being artificially turned into a desert. They demanded that the authorities stop flights in this region. However, authorities could not find the rain thieves. Military radar installations were used, but also without much success. Someone immediately put forward the theory that troubles for Spain began immediately after the country joined the EEC in 1985. After all, “ghost planes”, or “rain pirates”, began to appear a few months after farmers were announced a reduction in grain sales quotas.

The authorities stubbornly refused to believe in the existence of cloud-destroying substances, and careful checks of local airports and military bases did not find any unusual aircraft. But one day, a local journalist managed to photograph a small plane and a strange foggy trail from it, which may have contained a reagent that destroyed the cloud. Real weapons. The possibility of using natural processes occurring on the planet in armed conflict has long been considered by strategists in various countries.

Methods of influencing clouds using silver iodide and carbon dioxide were proposed in the United States back in the early 1950s as part of the concept of meteorological warfare. In 1965, Dr. Richard Blasband conducted 38 rain-making sessions, of which 18 were successful. A CIA report published in 1977 stated that some states were already capable of controlling the weather for military purposes. The Americans were referring to their attempts to influence the climate in North Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia in order to try to make the movement of the Viet Cong as difficult as possible. So the most studied effect of weather weapons is to provoke rainstorms in certain areas. For this purpose, in particular, the dispersion of silver iodide or lead iodide in rain clouds was (and is) used. The purpose of such actions may be to impede the movement of troops, and especially heavy equipment and weapons, create floods and flood large areas.

Meteorological aids can also be used to disperse clouds in the area of ​​the intended bombing to facilitate targeting, especially against point targets. A cloud measuring several thousand cubic kilometers, carrying energy reserves of about 1 million kW · h, can be in such an unstable state that about 1 kg of silver iodide is enough to dramatically change its state. Several aircraft, using hundreds of kilograms of this substance, are capable of dispersing clouds over an area of ​​​​several thousand square kilometers, causing precipitation. In the USSR, developments were also carried out in this area, albeit for peaceful purposes: to ensure weather conditions in areas where agricultural work was carried out and various events were held.

On August 21, 1969, people on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola, which belongs to both Haiti and the Dominican Republic, saw a huge white cloud begin to expand to fantastic sizes and form concentric rings before finally dissipating.

It turned out that the Americans were implementing the “Stormfury” (“Furious Storm”) project in practice, the goal of which was to “extinguish the hurricane” with silver iodide, lead iodide and dry ice. This chemical composition made the element amorphous and directed it towards Panama, Nicaragua and Honduras. This discovery showed that it is possible to control hurricanes or even interfere with the creation of global sea currents such as El Niño.

US Air Force analysts recently made a report: “Weather as a Force Multiplier: Mastering the Weather by 2025.” Answering the question why the military needs this, the authors develop the following picture: “Imagine that in 2025 the United States is fighting a wealthy South American drug cartel that has patrons among the leadership of several local countries. The United States does not plan or does not have the opportunity to start a full-scale war in this region.

The only way out is to destroy coca plantations and warehouses with finished products from the air. But through their political patrons, drug traffickers purchased decommissioned fighter jets from China and Russia, and missile tracking and interception systems from France. Of course, our aircraft (the authors mean American technology) are more advanced.

But for every US Air Force aircraft, there are 10 decommissioned, and therefore cheaper, Russian and Chinese aircraft. And it is not through skill, but through numbers that drug traffickers manage to protect their territory. What to do?" The authors proposed their own solution. According to long-term weather observations, in equatorial South America there is a high probability of heavy thunderstorms around noon throughout the year, and, according to the CIA, drug cartel pilots try not to take to the air at this time of day.

On the day of a planned operation, a US Air Force high-altitude stealth aircraft processes clouds over a given target to produce rain and thunderstorms.

Enemy aircraft remain in the area, and American all-weather combat vehicles carry out retaliation. Just some kind of blockbuster.

More seriously, the document states that by 2025, weather modification tools should be created to regulate weather conditions in limited regions. Summoning storms, increasing cloud cover, thickening or dispersing fog with the help of directed energy and a variety of beam weapons - all this should improve the disposition of one's own troops and worsen the position of the enemy. “In 2025, US aerospace forces will be able to control the weather, turning the development of new technologies into valuable capital. Our capabilities will allow the military to shape the battlefield... In the United States, weather modification will likely soon become part of national security policy, with applications at home and abroad. At the same time, our government will proceed from its interests at different levels: unilateral actions; coalition; participation in security structures such as NATO or membership in international organizations such as the UN. Given that our national security strategy will include weather modification in 2025, we will continually improve in this area." Analysts know what they are talking about.

When there's too much rain

During the Vietnam War, Americans caused torrential rains to destroy enemy communications, “bring out” the Viet Cong from underground shelters, etc.

Why else is artificial flooding interesting to the military and what disasters can it bring to people? Currently, Europe is increasingly being flooded; global warming has brought equally global problems. But historically, drainage systems have existed in Europe, but let’s take Australia. The central part of the country is a real desert, hot and lifeless. The more terrible are the floods and their consequences for these areas. It's like the cold in the Sahara...

In January 1974, a monsoon coming from the Timor Sea spread to the entire northern part of the continent, causing a real flood in the north-west of the country and in the Gulf of Carpentaria. In Western Australia in mid-January, 48 cm of rain fell within 17 hours, the cities of Broome and Darwin were partially flooded and evacuated. The flood covered the entire territory, from horizon to horizon, in the rear of these cities, where in normal times the hot sun shone over the dusty, dry river beds.

By January 20, water had risen above telegraph poles in North West Queensland. People in villages cut off from the rest of the world by rising waters waited in desperation for help. It was the largest flood the area had experienced in the present century and Australia's greatest national disaster. In western Queensland, six major cities were cut off. On January 31, heavy rainfall dropped 14.3 cm in far west Queensland. To preserve coal reserves, copper mining at half of Mount Isa's famous mines was stopped. The rivers through which water flowed to the Gulf of Carpentaria overflowed and connected with each other; water covered areas near the bay over a width of 150 km. Meanwhile, further south in New South Wales, the rain continued week after week, flooding large areas of the north-west, and flooded pastures littered with the bodies of hundreds of thousands of sheep. For residents of Alice Springs and other isolated communities in Central Australia and Queensland, food was dropped from airplanes.

At the end of January, the disaster continued to grow as the cyclones moved further along the Queensland coast. The Brisbane River, flowing through the city of Brisbane (with a population of 800 thousand people), the capital of the state of Queensland, overflowed its banks. By January 30, the usually quiet river was more than 3 km wide and had spread even wider in the university district of São Lucia, inundating industrial suburbs. Above Santa Lucia, towards the town of Ipswich, water flooded the floodplain for many kilometers. All sorts of debris and debris from homes, farms and industries rushed across the surface of the stream into the ocean.

The damage caused by flooding in Brisbane and Ipswich was enormous. In Ipswich, 1,200 houses were destroyed; The flood paralyzed the center of Brisbane, leaving 20 thousand people homeless there. At least 15 people died.

For all its severity, the 1974 flood is inferior to the rampant nature that led to the flood in 1893, when within three weeks 10 thousand (out of 90 thousand) Brisbane residents lost their homes, and it took many years to eliminate the consequences of the disaster. The devastating nature of the 1893 flood was due to prolonged heavy rainfall; as many as five cyclones passed along the coast of Queensland, the deluge affected areas around Brisbane and in the south-east of the state. The heaviest rains began on February 1, 1893, and by February 4, the water height in the city of Brisbane was 2.5 meters.

The seething flow of the flood of 1893 carried from Ipswich numerous remains of destroyed houses, fragments of all kinds of utensils, and animal corpses. On February 5, water washed away the Indooroopilly steel railway bridge, in front of which a mass of various debris had accumulated; ships and dredgers were torn from their anchors and dragged downstream. On February 6, the Victoria Bridge collapsed, its northern end plunging into the river. By February 11, the rain began to fall with renewed vigor. On February 17, a real water hurricane hit forests, houses and ships, causing severe destruction. A third wave of flooding swept through the Brisbane River valley and drove people from their homes, submerging them. By February 21, the flood had receded, taking with it 35 human lives.

Geological evidence and Aboriginal legends indicate that before European colonization of the Brisbane area there were even greater floods than those of 1893 and 1974. Today, the danger of such phenomena has intensified, since forests and meadows, which once could absorb water during heavy rainfalls, are now destroyed, rain no longer hits the ground, but hits road surfaces and roofs of houses, and water flows into streams at increased speed, ponds and ravines. Many stream valleys have been filled in, thereby increasing the load on others.

Natural disasters caused by the use of meteorological weapons will lead not only to human casualties, but also to the destruction of cultural and artistic treasures. You can see this in a clear example of the flooding of Florence. Italy is one of the world's treasure troves of art. "Firenze Bella" - beautiful Florence - is located on the Arno River in a place where the river, having left the Apennines, but not yet reaching the rich floodplain areas in front of Pisa, remains rather narrow. The river has flooded Florence many times, with the floods of 1333, 1557, 1844 and 1966 being particularly devastating.

On November 4, 1966, the stormy waters of the river flooded the great city of the Renaissance. The entire city was asleep - the residents were not warned and did not suspect the trouble, and the rapid flow had already risen above the marks that showed the highest water level during previous floods. At 7:26 a.m., electric clocks stopped throughout the city; violent waves washed away the San Niccolò bridge, and the narrow streets began to turn into thundering waterfalls, dragging boulders and cars.

In two days, November 3 and 4, about 1/3 of the average annual precipitation fell in the Arno River basin. At the same time, 750 villages and 5,000 km of roads were flooded in Northern Italy. In the area from the Po Valley to Tuscany, about 100 people and 50 thousand heads of livestock drowned. On the third of November, water was released from the large flood control reservoirs of Penna and Levane on the Arno River, and huge masses of water rushed down the valley.

The maximum flood level in the city was 6 m. The water brought a lot of debris and dirt, which severely damaged many churches and houses of architectural value. Historical documents of the State Archives (Archivo di Stato) and the Central National Library were damaged: they were saturated with oil floating on the surface of the water from the central heating system.

In Florence, in the State Library, Italy's largest book collection with more than 3 million volumes, more than 1.5 million books, many of them dating back to the Renaissance, were damaged. As the water levels dropped, volunteers, wearing gas masks (to protect against the stench of sewage and rotting leather book bindings), began to remove thousands of these priceless books from basements filled with black mud.

Among the lost masterpieces, the most famous are the Etruscan collections of the Archaeological Museum and the “Crucifixion” by the 13th century Florentine painter Cimabue from the collection of the Church of Santa Croce.

Anomalous zone

In northern Alaska, 320 km from Anchorage, at the foot of the mountains, there is a forest of 24-meter antennas, involuntarily attracting the attention of meteorologists and ecologists. The official name of the project is the High Freguency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). Cosmonauts claim: this zone is clearly visible from space; when there is still snow around, the grass is already green there. But the Eskimos know that birds never sing in this grass.

At night, strange luminous objects appear and disappear over the enchanted place, either hanging motionless, or, violating the laws of physics, flying silently, instantly changing speed and direction... And the aurora lights up in the sky above the test site.

The anomalous zone is surrounded by barbed wire, but this precaution is unnecessary: ​​all the locals know that not only electronic devices burn there...

However, HAARP (in Russian: “High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program”), a joint project of the US Navy and Air Force, was not created to combat migratory birds, vagabonds and ufologists.

This is a little-known part of the famous Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI).

The technology of focusing ultra-powerful radio beams makes it possible to heat up areas of the ionosphere (the upper layer of the atmosphere consisting of ionized gases), concentrating the radiation. Some of the radio waves reflected from the heated plasma return back to the earth, irradiating everything living and dead.

In February 1998, the European Parliament's Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defense and Security sent a formal request to Washington demanding an independent international examination of HAARP. But Washington responded with silence.

The Americans pass off HAARP as a regular program for studying the northern lights. However, official Pentagon documents state that the main goal of the project is “Use of the ionosphere for the benefit of the Department of Defense.” Another US Air Force document points to the use of “artificial ionospheric disturbances” as a means of controlling atmospheric processes and interfering with enemy radar and communications.

According to experts, HAARP is only part of an integrated weather weapon system that is potentially hazardous to the environment. Behind this lies five decades of intense and increasingly destructive experiments in controlling the upper atmosphere. HAARP is an integral part of the long history of military space programs. Its military applications, especially when combined with other similar technologies, are alarming. And the transmission of tens and hundreds of megawatts via radio beam to a space platform capable of precisely directing this enormous flow of energy, comparable to an atomic bomb, in the form of laser or other beams to any point on the Earth is simply frightening. This kind of project can be presented to the public in the form of another “space shield” from offensive weapons within the framework of the same SDI or as a means for restoring the ozone layer.

A natural question arises: if the Americans worked so long and hard on climate weapons, then the same developments should have been carried out here too? What is their fate? Can Russia respond blow to blow, fend off an attack, or at least detect and prove the fact of meteorological aggression?

The closest technical analogue of HAARP was the Krasnoyarsk radar station, destroyed by Gorbachev and Shevardnadze at the insistence of the Americans.

Then, at the turn of the 1990s, after the annulment of the Warsaw Pact, the liquidation of the most powerful offensive group in world history - the Western Group of Forces - and the mass destruction of hundreds and thousands of “unnecessary” ships, aircraft and tanks, the death of the Krasnoyarsk radar station, which never had time to join into operation, was noticed by few.

But even today, even fragmentary information about this object inspires respect for its creators and explains why the Americans were so eager to destroy it.

On the one hand, the Krasnoyarsk station, which was part of the Missile Attack Warning System (MAWS), could operate as a radar with unique characteristics. It had such radiation power that it could simply burn targets it sensed with a radio beam, that is, act as an air defense and anti-satellite weapon system with instant target destruction.

What was the maximum power of the Krasnoyarsk radar? They said that at the right moment all the capacities of the Krasnoyarsk hydroelectric station were switched to it, and this is millions of kilowatts. At a critical moment, this station could burn the entire US satellite constellation in a day, deciding the outcome of the global conflict and throwing Americans out of space.

And then the Americans pressed the most primitive buttons of the psyche of our party bosses - through the efforts of “agents of influence” (hidden recruitment based on the interests) of Shevardnadze and Gorbachev, the station was destroyed.

Was it planned to use the Krasnoyarsk radar for a targeted influence on meteorological processes? Hardly. And as a radar and anti-satellite weapon, it paid for all costs.

Dangerous games

On January 22, 2001, Special Assistant to the US President for Defense and Arms Control Robert Bell officially announced that a Russian-American ionospheric experiment took place in Alaska, during which a plasma generator was exploded. On the American side, the experiment was carried out by the Baltimore Physical Research Laboratory. J. Hopkins, from Russian - Academy of Sciences.

R. Bell did not hide the fact that the experiment was carried out in the interests of the Pentagon and concerned the detection of ballistic missile heads during their entry into the atmosphere, that is, it was part of the program to create US national missile defense - the same one that includes HAARP. But aren't there too many geophysicists with no warheads to detect?

The expansion of joint research in the field of defense has led to the fact that a number of military research in the interests of the Pentagon, and primarily ionospheric research, is carried out by Russian institutions and on Russian territory - but at the same time, according to the concluded contracts, their results are strictly classified from the Russian Ministry of Defense.

By causing climate change by irradiating the atmosphere, HAARP has the potential to generate low-frequency, high-power acoustic vibrations that can affect the human psyche; the possibility of influencing tectonic movements (earthquakes) cannot be ruled out. It is capable of destroying the ozone layer over enemy territory to allow hard ultraviolet radiation from the Sun to penetrate to the surface of the Earth, which has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms.

But the most important thing is that the unpredictability of the results of the use of these weapons makes them dangerous not only for the country on which they affect, but also for the whole world. Even a trial use of HAARP can cause a “trigger” effect with irreversible consequences for the entire planet: earthquakes, rotation of the earth’s magnetic axis and sudden cooling comparable to the Ice Age.

One of Tesla’s students, Bernard Eastlund, who actually prepared the scientific basis for HAARP (in 1985 he patented his work under the ominous title “Method and mechanism for changing the region of the atmosphere, ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth”), wrote that the antenna structure in Alaska is in fact a ray gun capable of destroying not only all communication networks, but also missiles, planes, satellites and much more. Its use inevitably entails side effects, including climate disasters around the world and the effects of deadly solar radiation.

Another expert on the subject, Eduard Albert Meyer, points out the following: “This project has turned into global vandalism due to the fact that an immense amount of energy with a gigawatt capacity was released into the outer spheres of the Earth. The present impact and future effects on this planet and all life forms cannot be assessed in any way. The destructive power of this weapon is thousands of times greater than that of an atomic bomb.”

Many natural disasters of recent years, including the catastrophic flood in southern Europe, cataclysms in Russia and Central Europe last year, and the New Year's tsunami in the Indian Ocean, are clearly associated by domestic experts with side (or planned) effects of testing new weapons.

It is not surprising that Americans are trying to hide everything related to the HAARP program from the public as much as possible, or at least present it as harmless research.

Something else is surprising and alarming: many politicians in our country are doing everything to prevent American developments from being made public. Both resolutions (on HAARP), under pressure from certain forces lobbying the interests of the United States in the State Duma, were repeatedly withdrawn from consideration.

The appearance in the future of fundamentally new types of weapons will undoubtedly have a profound impact on the methods and methods of waging war, on the definition of its ultimate goals, and on the very content of the concept of “victory.” The use of new types of weapons of mass destruction (WMD) and even the threat of their use will be aimed, first of all, at achieving the most important political and economic goals, perhaps without direct contact between the troops of the opposing sides and without conducting combat operations in their traditional sense.

This could lead to the abandonment of armed clashes between large armies and the physical destruction of people directly on the battlefield. They will be replaced by slow-acting agents that will have a damaging effect on the human body and destroy its vitality, undermine the life support system, protection from meteorological and infectious factors, thus leading to the gradual death of people or long-term incapacitation.

Geophysical weapons

Scientists have long been drawing attention to the danger associated with the possibility of creating “geophysical weapons”, the basis of which is the use of means that cause natural disasters (earthquakes, rainstorms, tsunamis, etc.), as well as the destruction of the ozone layer of the atmosphere, which protects animals and flora from solar radiation. The first attempts to artificially stimulate storm rains to destroy irrigation structures in order to create floods over large areas are known. Such attempts were made by the United States during the Vietnam War.

Geophysical weapons are based on the use of means for military purposes to influence processes occurring in the solid, liquid and gaseous shells of the Earth. In this case, states of unstable equilibrium are of particular interest, when a relatively small push can cause catastrophic consequences and exposure of the enemy to powerful destructive forces of nature (“trigger effect”). Of particular importance for the use of such means is the atmospheric layer with a height of 10 to 60 kilometers. Based on the nature of their impact, geophysical weapons are usually divided into meteorological, ozone and climate.

Weather weapons

In northern Alaska, 320 kilometers from Anchorage, at the foot of the mountains, there is a forest of 24-meter antennas, involuntarily attracting the attention of meteorologists and ecologists. The official name of the project is "High Freguency Active Auroral Research Program" (HAARP). According to American representatives, the HAARP project is intended to study ways to improve radio communications. According to a number of prominent scientists, in reality, Pentagon-led work is being carried out in Alaska for military purposes. In particular, scientists believe that with the help of directional antennas, beams of high-frequency radio waves are “shot” into the ionosphere, which at high altitudes heat the ionosphere to form plasma. This creates energy instability in the ionosphere, changing the wind pattern, causing tsunamis, thunderstorms, floods, and snowfalls.

The most studied effect of such weapons is to provoke rainstorms in certain areas. For this purpose, in particular, the dispersion of silver iodide or lead iodide in rain clouds was used. The purpose of such actions may be to impede the movement of troops and especially heavy equipment and weapons, create floods and flood large areas. Meteorological aids can also be used to disperse clouds in the area of ​​the intended bombing to ensure targeting, especially against point targets. A cloud several thousand cubic kilometers in size, containing energy reserves of about a million kilowatt-hours, can be in such an unstable state that about 1 kilogram of silver iodide is enough to dramatically change its state. Several aircraft, using hundreds of kilograms of this substance, are capable of dispersing clouds over an area of ​​​​several thousand square kilometers, causing heavy precipitation.

Work on the creation of meteorological weapons has a long history. Soon after the end of the Second World War, intensive research began to be carried out in the United States to study the processes occurring in the atmosphere under the influence of external influences: “Skyfire” (the possibility of lightning formation), “Prime Argus” (methods of causing earthquakes), “Stormfury” (hurricane control) . The results of this work have not been widely reported. It is known, however, that in 1961, American scientists conducted an experiment to throw more than three hundred and fifty thousand two-centimeter copper needles into the atmosphere, which changed the thermal balance of the ionosphere. It is believed that it was as a result of this that an 8.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Alaska, and part of the coast of Chile slid into the ocean. A sharp change in thermal processes occurring in the atmosphere can also cause the formation of powerful tsunamis. The danger posed by tsunamis hitting coastal areas is illustrated by the tragedy in the states of New Orleans and Louisiana, which were affected by the Katrina tsunami in September 2005. It was a natural disaster, but scientists do not exclude the possibility of creating an equally destructive tsunami near enemy territory by exploding a powerful thermonuclear charge in the ocean at a depth of several hundred meters.

Climate weapons

Climate weapons are considered as a type of geophysical weapon, since in this case climate change occurs as a result of interference in the global processes of weather formation in the Earth's atmosphere.

The purpose of using such weapons could be to reduce agricultural production in the territory of a potential enemy, deteriorate the food supply to its population, and disrupt the implementation of socio-economic programs. In a country exposed to climate weapons, desired political and economic changes can be achieved without starting a war in the traditional sense.

Some experts believe that a drop of just 1 degree in the average annual temperature in the mid-latitude region, where the bulk of grain is produced, could have catastrophic consequences. When carrying out large-scale extermination wars for fertile territories with the help of climate weapons, massive losses of the population of large regions can be caused. However, given the deep interconnection of climate processes occurring in different parts of the world, the use of climate weapons will be poorly controlled, that is, cause significant damage to neighboring countries, including the country that uses such weapons.

Ozone weapon

The ozone layer of the atmosphere is in dynamic equilibrium with the environment, in which ozone is formed from molecular oxygen under the influence of solar radiation and its decomposition under the influence of factors such as the release of industrial gases into the atmosphere, vehicle exhaust, nuclear tests in the atmosphere, and the release of nitrogen oxides from mineral fertilizers and chlorofluorocarbons (freons) from various cooling and air conditioning systems. The ozone layer is very sensitive to external influences.

Accordingly, ozone weapons can be a set of means (for example, missiles equipped with chemicals such as freons) for artificially destroying the ozone layer over selected areas of enemy territory. The formation of such “windows” will create conditions for the penetration of hard ultraviolet radiation from the Sun with a wavelength of about 0.3 microns to the Earth’s surface. It has a detrimental effect on the cells of living organisms, cellular structures and the hereditary apparatus, causes skin burns, and contributes to a sharp increase in the number of cancers in humans and animals. It is believed that the most tangible result of the impact will be an increase in population mortality, a decrease in the productivity of animals and agricultural plants in areas over which the ozone layer has been destroyed. Disruption of processes occurring in the ozonosphere may also affect the heat balance of these areas and the weather. A decrease in ozone content should lead to a decrease in average temperature and an increase in humidity, which is especially dangerous for areas of unstable, critical agriculture. In this area, the ozone weapon merges with the climate weapon.

RF EMP weapons

Among non-nuclear weapons, radio frequency weapons are often mentioned, affecting humans and various objects using a powerful electromagnetic pulse (EMP).

For the first time, an electromagnetic pulse capable of damaging various technical devices became widely known during the first tests of nuclear weapons in the USA and the USSR. However, as it soon turned out, EMP arose not only during the process of a nuclear explosion. Already in the 1950s, academician Andrei Sakharov first proposed the principle of constructing a non-nuclear “electromagnetic bomb”. In this design, the magnetic field of the solenoid is compressed by the explosion of a chemical explosive, resulting in a powerful pulse of electromagnetic radiation.

In Russia, the Institute of Thermophysics of Extreme States, headed by Academician Vladimir Fortov, plays an important role in research into EMP weapons and methods of protection against them. V. Fortov emphasized that although EMP weapons are characterized as “non-lethal,” experts classify them as strategic weapons that can be used to disable key objects of the state and military control system.

In recent years, Russia has made significant progress in the development of stationary research generators that create high values ​​of magnetic field strength and maximum current. Such generators can serve as a prototype of an “electromagnetic gun”, the range of which can reach hundreds of meters or more, depending on what equipment needs to be affected.

Existing technologies allow a number of countries to supply their armed forces with various modifications of ammunition with powerful EMP radiation, which can be used during combat operations. During the 1991 Gulf War, the United States used Tomahawk cruise missiles to suppress enemy electronic weapons, which created EMP radiation with a power of up to 5 MW when their warheads were fired. At the very beginning of the war with Iraq in 2003, an EMP bomb was dropped on the television center in Baghdad, which instantly disabled all the electronic equipment of the television center. Earlier, in 1999, the Americans tested the same bomb in Yugoslavia (destruction of a television center in Belgrade).

Studies of the effects of electromagnetic radiation on the human body have shown that even when irradiated with EMR of a sufficiently low intensity, various disturbances and changes occur in it, in particular, disturbances in the rhythm of the heart, even to the point of cardiac arrest. In this case, two types of impact were noted - thermal and non-thermal. Thermal exposure causes overheating of tissues and organs and, with sufficiently long radiation, causes irreversible pathological changes in them. Non-thermal exposure mainly leads to functional disorders in various organs of the human body, especially in the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

Laser weapons

Lasers are powerful emitters of electromagnetic energy in the optical range - quantum generators. The damaging effect of a laser beam is achieved by heating the object's materials to high temperatures. This causes melting or even evaporation of materials, damage to sensitive elements of weapons, blinding of a person’s visual organs, up to irreversible consequences, and causing severe injuries in the form of thermal burns to the skin. For the enemy, the effect of laser radiation is characterized by suddenness, secrecy, the absence of external signs in the form of fire, smoke, sound, high accuracy, straightness of propagation, and almost instantaneous action. It is possible to create land-, sea-, air- and space-based laser combat systems for various purposes with varying power, range, rate of fire, and ammunition.

The objects of destruction of such complexes can be enemy personnel, their optical systems, aircraft and missiles of various types. There is no doubt that laser weapons will be increasingly used, designed to destroy both enemy personnel and combat weapons.

It is known that the United States has been developing laser rifles that emit a thin, low-energy beam for many years. This rifle was capable of hitting targets at a distance of up to 1.5 km. A shot from such a gun is practically invisible and inaudible. If the beam enters the eyes, it causes damage to the visual organs of varying degrees of severity, up to complete blindness. The safety glasses used in these cases provide protection only against certain wavelengths. To comprehensively study the damaging effects of laser radiation and methods of protection against it, more than a thousand tests were carried out in the United States back in the mid-1950s.

Much attention is also paid to work on creating combat models of laser weapons in Russia. The projects "Ranets-E" and "Rosa-E" were successfully carried out at the Moscow Radio Engineering Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences. With the help of the Mobile Microwave Defense System Project (MMDS), it is planned to ensure the creation of defense of the most important facilities from high-precision weapons. The MMSZ should include an antenna system, a high-power generator, control and measuring equipment. The entire system must be mounted on a mobile base and ensure the prompt transfer of the Ranets-E system to the desired area. This weapon must have an output power of over 500 MW, operate in the centimeter range, and emit pulses lasting 10-20 nanoseconds. The Ranza-E microwave gun is designed to hit targets at a range of up to 10 km, providing a circular firing sector. The mass of such a system will exceed 5 tons. The first information about the new weapon was received by visitors to the Russian pavilion of exhibitions in Singapore and Lima in 2001. This was a kind of breakthrough when original design developments came first, modified depending on customer requests.

Experts, not without reason, believe that laser weapons will be most widely used in connection with the creation of large-scale missile defense on US territory. In 1996, the United States began creating airborne laser weapons ABL (Airborne Laser), designed to destroy missiles in the flight path, especially in the acceleration area, where they are most vulnerable. A powerful laser system with a fuel supply of tens of tons will be placed on board a Boeing 747. When a crisis situation arises, the Boeing takes off and patrols at an altitude of 10-12 km, having the ability to detect an enemy missile within two to three seconds and defeat it at a range of up to 300 km. The full test program is planned to be completed in the near future, in such a way as to create a squadron of seven such aircraft by 2008. In February 2000, one of the leading military-industrial consortiums, Martin-Boeing-TRW, signed a contract with the Pentagon providing for the development of the main elements of a space laser station with the expectation of carrying out full-scale tests in 2012. Completion of the full cycle of work on creating a space-based combat laser is planned for 2020.

The range of possible uses of laser weapons is very wide and diverse, and specialists will apparently have the opportunity to encounter new ways of using them and targets for destruction more than once.

Acoustic weapons

When considering the problems of creating and damaging effects of acoustic weapons, it should be taken into account that in general it covers three characteristic frequency ranges - the infrasonic range with frequencies below 20 hertz, the audible range (from 20 hertz to 20 kilohertz) and the ultrasonic range (over 20 kilohertz) . This gradation is determined by the characteristics of the impact of sound on the human body and, above all, on his hearing aid. It has been established that hearing thresholds, levels of pain and other negative effects on the human body decrease with increasing sound frequency from several hertz to 250 hertz.

In recent years, a wide range of work has been carried out in the United States in the field of non-lethal weapons (NLW) at the Army Research, Development and Maintenance Center (ARDEC) at the Pakatinny Arsenal (New Jersey). A number of projects to create devices that generate acoustic "bullets" emitted by large-diameter antennas have been carried out by the Scientific Research and Application Association (SARA) in Huntington Beach, California.

According to the creators of the new weapon, it should expand the possible range of use of military force not only on the battlefield, but also in a number of situations of police or peacekeeping operations. Research is underway to create infrasound systems using large loudspeakers and powerful amplifiers, which require the development of effective design cooling measures and new materials to ensure their reliable operation. SARA and ARDEC's joint effort to develop high-power, low-frequency acoustic weapons is intended to protect American institutions abroad.

In the UK, infrasound emitters have been developed that affect not only the human hearing system, but also cause resonance of internal organs with disruption of the heart, even death. These weapons were used during the fight against unrest in Northern Ireland. To destroy troop personnel located in bunkers and in combat vehicles, very low-frequency acoustic “bullets”, formed by the superposition of ultrasonic vibrations emitted by large antennas, were also tested. According to American experts in the field of “non-lethal weapons” J. and S. Morris, Russia is also carrying out a complex of work in the field of acoustic weapons and impressive results have been obtained. The Americans, in particular, stated that they were shown in Russia a working device that generates an infrasonic pulse with a frequency of 10 hertz “the size of a baseball,” a power that is supposedly sufficient to inflict a serious injury on a person at a distance of hundreds of meters, even death.

Infrasonic vibrations, which are below the level of perception of the human ear, can cause a state of anxiety, despair, and horror. According to some experts, exposure to infrasound radiation in people leads to epilepsy, and with significant radiation power - to death. Death can occur as a result of a sharp disruption of the functions of individual human organs, damage to the cardiovascular system, destruction of blood vessels and internal organs. Experts believe that by selecting radiation of a certain frequency, it is possible to provoke massive manifestations of myocardial infarction among military personnel and the enemy population. One should take into account the ability of infrasonic vibrations to penetrate concrete and metal barriers, which undoubtedly increases interest in these weapons.

The impact of acoustic weapons on the human body is very diverse and covers a wide range of possible consequences. The report on SARA's work, which summarized the results of research over the previous period of time, indicated, in particular, that infrasound at a level of 110-130 dB has a negative effect on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, causing pain and nausea. High levels of anxiety and distress are achieved with minute-long exposures as low as 90 to 120 dB at low frequencies (5 to 200 hertz), and severe physical injury and damage occurs at levels of 140 to 150 dB.

At low frequencies, excited resonances of internal organs can cause bleeding and spasms, and in the medium frequency range (0.5-2.5 kilohertz) resonances in the air cavities of the body will cause nervous excitement, tissue injury and overheating of internal organs.

Its use could lead to planetary disaster.
According to forecasters, new destructive hurricanes are approaching the US coast, and Europe should expect even more massive floods. What are these: natural processes, the consequences of careless human intervention in nature, or tests of meteorological weapons? Scientists and politicians contradict each other. And yet we will try to get closer to the truth.... ....

Ritual dances of the “petrels”
As usual, in order to test the positions of competitors, parliamentarians are brought into the larger political arena. As soon as the world began to smell the Iraqi problem, Vladimir Zhirinovsky visited this country. The LDPR leader, in an informal address to the US President, said that “at night, our scientists will slightly change the Earth’s gravitational field, and your country will be under water.”

After Hurricane Katrina, the North American continent remembered the speech of the Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma. As American meteorologist from Idaho Scott Stevens reported, this hurricane “could have been initiated by a “weather weapon” developed in the USSR, which, using powerful electromagnetic waves, generates instability of air masses.” According to Stevens, weather modification technologies have been used against the United States since 1976. True, there is a version that Hurricane Katrina was the result of an unsuccessful test of American weather weapons, but experts from both countries prefer to remain silent about this.

Although, our politicians, who are especially sensitive to international life, were on the alert this time too. The Defense Committee brought up for discussion the issue of the harmful effects on the climate of experiments to disturb the ionosphere and magnetosphere of the Earth. Deputies heatedly discussed the use of the American HAAP system in Alaska. Tatyana Astrakhankina stated that “the catastrophic flood in Germany, France and the Czech Republic, the tornadoes off the coast of Italy, where there have never been tornadoes, are nothing more than the disastrous consequences of the Americans testing geophysical weapons.” Parliamentarians accused the Americans of undermining the EU economy and trying to bring down the euro.

As Andrei Nikolaev, Chairman of the Defense Committee, argued at the time, “The United States is already close to creating geophysical weapons. The near-Earth space, ionosphere, and magnetosphere may be under active influence from the NAARP, provoking man-made disasters.”

As a result of the debate, they prepared appeals to President Vladimir Putin and the UN, where they demanded the creation of an international commission to investigate the experiments in Alaska. It is unknown how Putin reacted; the UN chose not to notice the appeal. Meanwhile, some experts believe that the severe frosts last winter were nothing more than the Americans’ response to Russia’s decision to stop gas supplies to Ukraine.
Following the example of the Sun
The United States first used weather weapons in the Vietnam War. By detonating chemical missiles over combat areas, they provoked prolonged downpours. There is also a known case of weather terrorism, when in the mid-80s in the Spanish province of Soria, unknown planes scattered clouds, causing drought. Local farmers decided to destroy the “rain pirates,” but by that time they had disappeared and the drought had stopped.

The founder of American meteorological weapons is considered to be Professor Gordon MacDonald from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California. In the mid-60s, he formulated the basics of its application. The challenge is to identify instabilities in the atmosphere. If you add a small amount of energy to them, gigantic energy flows are released. The Sun has approximately the same effect on Earth's weather.

Changes in solar radiation fluxes lead to disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field and in the upper layers of the atmosphere, affecting, for example, the formation of cyclones. A thundercloud carries energy comparable to an atomic bomb, and within ten minutes it can be influenced, weakening or activating the processes occurring in it. This work began in the 60s and most likely continues at full speed.

Disaster laboratories
Open sources mention three objects capable of influencing the ionosphere using high-frequency radiation. These are HAARP in Alaska, its “little brother” in Tromso (Norway), and Sura in Russia. Outwardly, they are very similar: a web of many antennas is scattered over an area of ​​several hectares. Officially, these objects are intended to study physical processes in the ionosphere. With powerful streams of radiation, they heat the ionosphere, forming plasma - sparkling balls of ionized gas. They are sometimes mistaken for UFOs. But the military knows well that with modern air and space tracking technology, not a single aircraft can approach the Earth unnoticed. And legends about UFOs became one of the official covers for the work of these laboratories, a reason for collecting information about the results of experiments.

The Americans do not hide the capabilities of HAARP. A book was even published in the United States that outlines the principles of its military use. According to the authors, NAARP can create northern lights, jam radar stations for early detection of ballistic missile launches, communicate with submarines in the ocean, detect underground objects, disable space satellites, create rainstorms, earthquakes, floods and hurricanes similar to Katrina. .

The Americans have clearly gone too far with the capabilities of their “weather cuisine”. According to Russian experts, it is possible to influence the weather, but modeling hurricanes like Katrina is still a long way off. The power of HAARP will not be enough even when it reaches 3.5 gigawatts. But in the future, while maintaining good funding, which today is more than $300 million a year, significant results can be expected.

It is known about “Sura” that the power of the object is comparable to that of the American one. Research is ongoing, but our scientists do not yet know how to “attack” America with hurricanes. Specialists are in poverty due to lack of funds for experiments. Russian science spends only about 40 thousand dollars on them.

According to Saveliy Grach, a professor at the University of Nizhny Novgorod, Sura and HAARP are just research laboratories. But the processes developed on them will quite possibly be used for military purposes in the future. Now, despite the lack of money in the 90s, Russian scientists are still superior to Americans in understanding the processes occurring in the ionosphere. But the material and technical base is being destroyed, people are leaving abroad.

It’s sad, but behind these words lies not regret, but the duty of a scientist who does not have the right to divulge state secrets. He and other specialists working in this field apparently have secrets that are more valuable than life. Thus, in the USSR and the USA in the 60s, high-power nuclear explosions were carried out at an altitude of up to 300 kilometers in the ionosphere. They paralyzed radio communications, the northern lights appeared in tropical latitudes, and small earthquakes and landslides occurred. No other effects have been reported. To this day they are classified as “secret”.

This is not the pampas, the climate here is different...
Meteorological weapons remain a mystery, because their gigantic capabilities have not yet been studied. And it may seem to someone that by opening them you can become the ruler of the world. For example, the capture of entire continents can begin suddenly, and no one will understand that a war has begun. And thunderstorms and ball lightning can become precision weapons.

The Pentagon is actively studying the possibilities of managing precipitation, storms, space weather, fog and cloudiness, creating “artificial weather”, as well as “counter-weather”. Imagine a battle between two armies fighting with climate weapons! We are accustomed to the most severe frosts, but it will not be easy for anyone to withstand the sizzling heat. By the way, experiments have already been carried out when, after the partial destruction of the protective atmospheric layer of the Earth, the area where the sun's rays fell burned out.

According to leading experts, the weather in Russia, due to its geographical location, despite the fact that it was taken into the “pincers” of US laboratories (Alaska-Norway), is very difficult to control. Director of the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation Roman Vilfand is confident that we will not have such typhoons as in the United States. For Russia, intense snowfalls remain the most dangerous. But they are not as scary as typhoons or storms. And yet, meteorological disasters and unexplained weather phenomena in recent years make us wonder whether experiments with weather will lead to a catastrophe on a planetary scale.

Vladimir Dernovoy, expert of the Analytical Directorate of NTK Zvezda

In the 21st century, will military missiles and aircraft be replaced by meteorological weapons?
It is quite possible that in the wars of the 21st century, “peacekeeping operations” of Western states will take place not with the participation of strategic bombers, but with the use of meteorological weapons.

After all, it is much cheaper to flood the enemy’s territory with rain (or dry it out with drought), to destroy its economy with hurricanes and tornadoes, than to send winged Tomahawks for 200 thousand dollars apiece. By the way, a strategic bomber using stealth technology (invisibility to radars) costs hundreds of millions of dollars. It's easier to work with the climate

Weather weapons were first used during the Vietnam War by the United States. With the help of special rockets charged with chemicals, they caused prolonged torrential rains over the desired enemy areas.

Rain as a weapon

The “rain on demand” technology has been well developed by meteorologists and is no secret. When clouds have gathered over the desired area, they, for example, can be shot from anti-aircraft guns or using surface-to-air missiles with filling. Silver iodide is used to make rain. If the cloud needs to be dispelled, cement dust is used.
According to some reports, terrorists have already tried to cause an artificial drought. In the mid-80s, a strange plane often appeared over the town of Almazul in the Spanish province of Soria. He arrived as soon as the storm clouds gathered. Several flights through the clouds - and the clouds cleared.
The unknown people were nicknamed “rain pirates.” Local farmers believed that their goal was to turn Soria into a desert. The authorities simply laughed at the theory that terrorists were the cause of the drought, so the farmers seriously wanted to raise money and buy the Stinger. After some time, the mysterious flights stopped. The drought has also passed.

Principles of the “absolute weapon”

The basic operating principle of meteorological weapons was formulated in 1966 by Professor Gordon MacDonald from the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics at the University of California (USA). According to him, the main task of scientists is “to identify instabilities in the environment in order to, by adding a small amount of energy to them, release gigantic energy flows.”
Meteorologists say that the main conductor who controls the weather is the Sun. Any, even small, change in the influx of solar radiation changes the weather on Earth, in particular, controls the formation of cyclones. This occurs due to disturbances in the Earth's magnetic field and processes in the ionosphere.
Let us recall that the ionosphere is the upper layers of the atmosphere (50-80). The air there is discharged and ionized (excited) due to the action of solar radiation and cosmic radiation. The upper boundary of the ionosphere is the outer part of the Earth's magnetosphere (magnetic field).
The energy of atmospheric processes is very high. For example, a single thundercloud releases energy equivalent to the explosion of an atomic bomb. Scientists are not yet able to suppress such an impulse. However, they paid attention to the state of instability of such a cloud, discovered a so-called “window”, when within 5-10 minutes it can be influenced by special means, significantly weakening or, conversely, activating the processes occurring in it.
Therefore, scientists were faced with the task of learning to influence the “critical points” of the weather. Work began in the mid-80s and continues in full swing to this day.

HAARP and Sura - generators of disasters?

There are two sites in Russia and the United States that may be related to weather warfare. The NAARP complex is located in Alaska, and the Sura training ground was built in central Russia.
The main purpose of these objects is to influence the ionosphere using high-frequency radiation. They look almost the same: hundreds of bizarrely shaped antennas, occupying an area the size of several football fields.
HAARP stands for Northern Lights Auroral Active Research Project. Like Sura, the complex is officially designed to study the physical processes occurring in the ionosphere. Powerful radiation streams “heat” it, causing the formation of plasma. Bizarre sparkling balls of ionized gas were even mistaken for UFOs.
Russian politicians and military officials believe that physics research is just a cover for a military program. In their opinion, HAARP is a meteorological weapon under development.
In 2002, deputies of the Russian State Duma prepared appeals to President Vladimir Putin, as well as to the United Nations, demanding the creation of a common international commission to investigate the experiments conducted in Alaska. Then the scandalous appeal was signed by 90 people's representatives.
“Officially, HAARP is presented only as a research laboratory used to improve radio communications,” former chairman of the defense committee Andrei Nikolaev said at the time. – But the program has a military component. The United States is already close to creating geophysical weapons. The near-Earth space, ionosphere, and magnetosphere may be actively influenced by NAARP, provoking man-made disasters.” The operation of the complex was explained by the increased frequency of floods, droughts, destructive cyclones and hurricanes.
In turn, in early September there were American figures who accused the Russian Sura of provoking hurricanes like Katrina. We also remembered the scandalous “drunk interview” of Vladimir Zhirinovsky, in which he threatened to “drown America in 24 hours” with the help of special technologies. After all, New Orleans actually drowned

Here the myth cannot be distinguished from the truth

The capabilities of meteorological weapons are a closely guarded secret. Perhaps those who consider it an irresistible superweapon are right, or perhaps its capabilities are significantly exaggerated.
Nevertheless, the prospects here are colossal. If the development of meteorological weapons is crowned with success, a revolution awaits military science. Now it is not tanks and planes, but field generators, missiles with chemicals and high-frequency lasers that will ensure victory in new types of wars. And instead of bombs and missiles, squalls, hurricanes and torrential rains will fall on the enemy.
Such a war does not even need to be declared. Launched a weather weapon and watch on the news how the enemy’s economy was dying. Even the highly developed economy of the United States will not withstand a long climate war: destruction, floods, and plant shutdowns will lead to a new “great depression.” And people who have lost their homes will never vote for the current president

Andrey Tyutyunikov

Modern technologies make it possible to control the weather. But for some reason humanity uses these opportunities exclusively for military purposes. And Russia, due to its love of peace, generally found itself on the margins of the process.

Many are confident that the abnormal heat in the Northern Hemisphere of the planet and unprecedented cold with snowfall in the Southern Hemisphere are nothing more than a real climate war. Or, in any case, Nature’s reaction to poorly calculated experiments on influencing atmospheric processes in order to cause rains, droughts and even earthquakes. Naturally, the Pentagon is called the main culprit of all climatic and tectonic troubles. There is probably some truth in this.

Climate wars until your nose burns.

People have been trying to influence the climate, one might say, since prehistoric times. Oral traditions of all peoples of the world and even the Bible contain stories about how storms, earthquakes, droughts and other cataclysms were caused.

In the second half of the 20th century, influencing the weather was approached pragmatically, using technologies that are widely known today. It turned out that powerful clouds can be artificially cooled to condense rain moisture or simply spray cement dust into them, which absorbs moisture and provokes rain. Research in this direction has been carried out all over the world. The USA and the USSR succeeded. We learned how to disperse the clouds around Moscow when some grand celebrations and ceremonial events were held there. In the southern regions, the clouds were hit with special shells from anti-aircraft guns, thus preventing city formation and saving the vineyards.

But the Americans have learned to influence the atmosphere as much as possible. During the Vietnam War, the Pentagon could “turn on” the rain, which poured for months, eroding all partisan paths. The problem was that not only local residents and fighters against American aggressors suffered from the rains, but also the entire US expeditionary force in Southeast Asia.

In the 1990s in Russia, for obvious reasons, all research on the impact on the atmosphere for military purposes ceased. Today, even for peaceful purposes, we have very limited capabilities to prevent hail, create artificial rain or disperse clouds. But in the USA, they approached the influence on the formation of atmospheric processes at a qualitatively new scientific and technological level. American scientists have found that directed electromagnetic radiation into the ionospheric regions of high latitudes can respond to changes in weather in the regions of the planet farthest from the North Pole. And the Pentagon has allocated considerable funds for the “high-frequency active auroral research program.” In English transcription this program is called HAARP. It quickly became clear that controlling the ionosphere makes it possible not only to influence weather processes, but also to ensure even US missile defense. All research was kept as secret as possible, which immediately gave rise to a lot of terrible rumors.

The HAARP topic is very popular in the Internet community in the USA, Canada and the Nordic countries. Bloggers and even respected scientists consider the program to be very dangerous and call it nothing less than “satanic” or a “doomsday” weapon. However, there are sites, many are sure that they are funded by the Pentagon, on which HAARP is shown in all its scientific glory and, of course, as an instrument for exclusively humane research into the upper layers of the ionosphere. However, no one today denies that research directly related to the impact on the ionosphere has an impact on the Earth's weather.

Direct and very convincing confirmation of this is the work of our compatriot and even contemporary - Alexei Filippovich Smirnov. He is not some kind of closed figure; there has been controversy about his work on the Internet for a long time. Opinions are polar. Some consider Smirnov a swindler, others - a genius. So who is he who took it upon himself to claim that an ordinary person can control atmospheric processes? And is this possible not in science fiction novels, but in real life?

Alexey Filippovich is not crowned with academic titles, does not shine with polished scientific language. He is just a mechanical engineer by training and an inventor by vocation. They usually say about such people: not of this world. In the early 1960s, Smirnov decided, in his free time from his main engineering work, to invent a gravity plane. It was a time of great and bright hopes, when communism was officially beginning to be built, and it seemed to many that there were no impossible tasks. Naturally, he did not build any gravity plane, but he noticed an interesting pattern. Almost immediately after turning on the “gravitational” electromagnetic engine he invented, the weather began to change. The observation statistics left no doubt - these were not random coincidences, but a pattern.

Alexey Filippovich seriously took up experiments directly related to the control of atmospheric processes. Or, as he himself defined it - the creation of a Weather Modification System (WMS). It seems incredible, but Smirnov really managed, by turning on his “gravity-flight” emitters in Moscow, to cause rain in the driest regions of Africa, to destroy the most powerful tornadoes in the bud in the United States, or to extinguish hurricanes that raged in the Far East. Moreover, he began to do this much earlier than the US launched its “apocalyptic” HAARP program.

Having collected the results together, the inventor, anticipating triumph and high government awards, went to the State Committee for Inventions and Discoveries in March 1985. There they listened to him carefully and gave him the address where he should immediately go with these amazing discoveries. This was the address of the leading psychiatric hospital in the USSR.

The reasoning of those who sent the inventor to specialists in white coats was purely scientific. Does Comrade Smirnov understand what energies are raging in the atmosphere? They are comparable to the energy of all earthly power plants and are equivalent to the explosion of thousands of nuclear warheads at the same time. And here some innovator is trying to prove that with the help of a generator whose power is equal to the energy of an electric kettle, he can turn back storm fronts and calm typhoons. Crazy, there are no other words. And all his statistical observations and experiments that took place are nothing more than random coincidences. What saved Smirnov from the madhouse was that glasnost and perestroika were approaching.

But even during the time of Gorbachev, when from all platforms people were called to intensify creative processes, accelerate and develop innovative technologies (just like now), none of the government officials took the inventor and his ideas seriously. The arguments were the same. The inventor was told that it was stupid to try to change the direction of movement, much less stop a train weighing thousands of tons with a blow of a fist, which was rushing at a speed of one hundred kilometers per hour. But it was not necessary to compare the technology of weather control with a train, but with the trigger mechanism of an artillery gun. Minimum effort is required to pierce the primer, but the energies of the shot and subsequent explosion are enormous.

Alexey Filippovich did not become despondent. Moreover, he found many like-minded people, including among serious scientists. The Laboratory of Applied Astrogeophysics was created and the Urania 2M generating unit was built, the weather modification technology was developed down to the details. It is worth repeating that all this was done ten years earlier than the Americans.

The point is simple at first glance. A certain point is calculated in the ionosphere - the same “trigger mechanism” that is targeted by the minimum flow of electromagnetic radiation of a certain frequency generated by Urania 2M. And very soon atmospheric processes with enormous energy come into play, which humans seem to be unable to control. But it turns out - it can! The main thing here is to accurately calculate the “trigger” point of the initial impact.

You can believe in it, or you can not, but the result is always the same - it rains in a certain area or vice versa - a destructive storm subsides. However, the physics of this process is not completely clear to Smirnov himself and his colleagues. Academic science, which may be able to understand these processes, disdainfully turns away from the developers of the weather modification system as pseudoscientists and notorious charlatans.

It turns out interesting. The vast majority of people have no idea what electric current is, but they calmly use all electrical devices, and do not think that they are based on some kind of quackery or pseudoscientific magic. But our official science, including meteorology, seeing that artificially provoked disturbances in the ionosphere cause either rain or drought, do not believe their own eyes and consider obvious facts almost a hallucination.

Meanwhile, according to Smirnov, the regular use of SMP ensures an increase in atmospheric precipitation to the climatic norm even in the driest region by at least 30%, including in conditions of drought and high atmospheric pressure. No less! It happens much more. And in the current heat, it wouldn’t hurt to have some rain, even if it was a third of the climate norm.

Over the past 20 years, through the efforts of the laboratory of applied astrogeophysics, founded by Smirnov, more than 50 successful experimental and practical works have been carried out on the artificial induction of precipitation by remote electromagnetic method in various countries: the USSR, Kazakhstan, Tunisia, Morocco, Spain, North America. Of course, most of the work was carried out in various regions of the USSR, and then in Russia, including Moscow and the Moscow region.

What is the result? On the one hand, it is excellent in execution. But on the other hand, it is always predictably anecdotal.

On the early morning of July 29, 1991, an alarm was declared in Primorye due to the danger of a super typhoon. The situation was aggravated by the fact that a powerful cyclone was moving from Manchuria. According to the forecasts of Soviet and Japanese forecasters, the typhoon was supposed to combine with a cyclone and hit Primorye with hurricane force. Smirnov and his comrades decided to try to weaken the elements. Before turning on the installation, they called the Marine Department of the USSR Hydrometeorological Center and reported: the merger of the typhoon with the cyclone would not take place, the energy of the typhoon would decrease, and it itself would go into the Sea of ​​Japan, where it would stop its rampage. This is exactly how events developed.

Relatively recently, the weather modification system worked in the Volga region four times. It is noteworthy that the fourth test, under an agreement with the Ministry of Agriculture of the Saratov Region, was planned and prepared in advance in 2005, and turned out to be the most successful. Against the backdrop of a general drought that occurred five years ago in the Volga region, the harvest in the Saratov region was saved. In general, as it turned out, to achieve the maximum effect, you need to prepare to control atmospheric processes long before thunder strikes or drought hits everything around you.

It would seem that there is confirmed evidence that Urania 2M is operational and weather modification is really possible. Take it and use it everywhere, and study at the same time! Not so.

In 1991, the government of the RSFSR even became excited when it learned that the disaster in Primorye had been pacified, one might say, man-made. As Smirnov recalls, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR Ivan Silaev ordered a special meeting on this matter. And when the venerable experts on atmospheric processes heard that a hurricane in the Far East was “killed” by turning on some low-power emitter in Moscow, they became furious, believing that some, naturally, crazy person was simply mocking them, the venerable ones . Atmospheric processes in Primorye, which did not go as meteorologists predicted, were attributed to a weather anomaly.

In the Saratov region, relief from drought was again explained by purely natural phenomena, and not by some directed electromagnetic radiation of negligible power. The rains, they say, passed on their own, that’s how the weather map worked out. Smirnov and his laboratory have absolutely nothing to do with this.

And although the work on weather modification in the right direction was carried out in full accordance with official contracts and all stated obligations regarding rain were fulfilled, the “weather modifiers” were paid mere pennies, and were not invited to work anymore. In general, this almost always happens. The rain is officially ordered, but when it passes, doubts arise: was it not a natural process, and what, exactly, should we pay money for?

Meanwhile, research and practical work on weather modification are not cheap at all. It is problematic for researchers to actually conduct them at their own expense. That is why Smirnov and his like-minded people have been writing letters to high authorities for many years and fighting for the creation of the Russian Institute of World Weather. So that everything is official, according to the state, under public control and not free. But there was still no money for reasonable weather control. But most importantly, as they say, there is no state will. There is both the will and the money for nanotechnology and fantastic innovative projects of the distant future. And there are no financial, administrative, or top managerial resources in the country to ensure that the mushroom rain falls at the right time or dries up in due time.

The difference between Smirnov’s technique and HAARP technology is fundamental. The Americans are striking at the auroral layers of the ionosphere, one might say, with a sledgehammer. The result, if this is truly the result of violence against Nature, is visible to everyone: heat in the North and snow in the South. But Alexey Filippovich does not hit as hard as he can on the pain points of the earthly Noosphere, but is engaged in healing it. His technique can be compared to ancient Chinese acupuncture. And the Earth responds to him not with heat and terrible hurricanes, but with the restoration of the planet’s familiar ecology. When the rains come at their right time, and when the storms subside without destructive consequences. Russia has a chance to save the planet from climate apocalypse. What's stopping you from using it? Moreover, Smirnov is not the only researcher of atmospheric processes who has obtained practical results. There are several other groups of natural scientists working successfully in this direction. Just a few!

However, in fairness, it must be said that there are dozens of real scammers who also claim that they can cause rain and storms if they are paid well. Everyone who watches TV has seen how some “scientists” tried to turn on the “Chizhevsky chandelier” in the pouring rain in the spring to clear the sky. And they tried to knock down icicles with such “chandeliers” in winter. Did not work.

How to distinguish truth from lies? How to find out who is truly scientifically and technologically capable of controlling the weather in the direction we all need, and who is just extorting money? The answer is simple and has long been known in the scientific world. Practice is the criterion for the truth of any theory. Ivanov managed to overcome the drought, at least partially. We work with him, allocating the necessary funds, studying his methodology in more detail. Petrov didn’t succeed... Sorry, Mr. Scientist, work on your “chandeliers” at your own expense until they really can turn the precipitation on and off the way you claim.

Russia is on the verge of a climate catastrophe. Even if this is not an actual, albeit not declared, climate war, but just a purely natural disaster, it is necessary to respond adequately and actively. Is there a way to mitigate the heat? We must take advantage of this opportunity, no matter how exotic and pseudoscientific it may seem.
