Assistant for registering a new counterparty 1c. Comparison of directories of partners and contractors

As part of its activities, the organization interacts with other organizations or individuals who will be counterparties to it. These can be suppliers of goods or services, buyers. Let's look at how to create a new counterparty and correctly fill in its data for accounting in 1C: Trade Management version 11.3.

The directory of counterparties is located in the “Reference data and administration” section in the top panel of the program interface. Going to the section, you need to select the “Counterparties” item, a list of available counterparties will open. To add a new counterparty to the directory, use the “Create” button:

The registration assistant for a new counterparty opens, in which we will fill out the existing one. this moment information.

Please note that in this version of the program, a new counterparty is created by filling out the data step by step. The program will not allow you to proceed to the next step if the required steps for the current step are completed incorrectly or incompletely.

Here you need to indicate who the counterparty is - an individual or a legal entity, fill out its TIN and KPP, enter the name (it will be displayed in printed forms), fill in the company contact information.

As a rule, the organization communicates with a specific representative of the counterparty. When creating a new counterparty, it is convenient to immediately fill in the details of the contact person. To do this, you need to check the “Indicate details of a contact person” and enter the details of this person in the appropriate fields.

After filling in the data, the first stage of creation is completed, you can click the “Next” button. The UT 11.2 program will ask you to clarify which category of counterparties the one being created belongs to: client, supplier, or you are in other relationships:

Also at this stage, information about the actual and legal address and the VAT rate are entered.

After filling out the contact information by clicking the “Next” button, we proceed to filling out the bank details (if settlements with the counterparty are planned to be carried out through a current account):

It is best to obtain details from the counterparty in paper or in electronic format to avoid possible errors. Also in this regard, the 1C: Counterparty service is convenient. The next step is to check that the information about the counterparty is filled out correctly; the program will prompt you to do this the next time you use the “Next” button:

If an error is found, you can return to the previous steps by clicking on the “Back” button and edit the data. If filled out correctly, you can confirm the creation of a new counterparty in 1C: Trade Management 11.3 with the “Create” button. The counterparty card opens, which is already saved in the information database. Bookmarks have appeared where you can view data on relations with the counterparty and its details. Also here you need to fill out the “Agreements with the Supplier” tab (if the counterparty type “Client” had been selected during creation, the tab would have the name “Agreements with the Buyer”):

The tab shows contracts with this supplier (there may be one or more of them). To add a new document, click the “Create” button, and in the form that opens, fill in information about the agreement:

The fields in the form are filled in:

    Number – enter the contract number from the printed document;

    From – date of conclusion of the contract from a printed document;

    Name – the internal name of the document by which you can identify it later;

    Supplier – specified automatically from the card of the counterparty for whom the contract is being created;

    Manager – indicates the manager responsible for working with the counterparty under this agreement;

    Status – the current status of the agreement;

    Validity period – indicated for fixed-term contract, for indefinite fields are not filled in;

    Operation – “Purchase from supplier” is selected for the supplier.

After this, you can begin filling out the “Purchase Conditions” tab. In addition to other settings, it is important to fill in the type of price that applies to this supplier in this tab. Typically, the “Purchase” price type is created or selected:

In the “Other conditions” tab, the item of the DS movement is indicated:

In this article we will look at the features of working with counterparties in the 1C: Trade Management 11 configuration.

Using the example of a large retail chain, we will organize reference data, determine what is filled out in documents and how, and what detailed reporting looks like.


The article was written for the editors UT 11.1. If you use this edition, great - read the article and implement the functionality discussed.

If you use (or plan to implement) the current edition of UT 11, then the functionality and interface will differ slightly. The most noticeable difference between UT 11.3/11.4 and 11.1 edition is the Taxi interface. Therefore, in order to master the material in the article, reproduce the presented example on your UT 11 base. Thus, you will reinforce the material with practice :)

Implementation of accounting for counterparties in UT 11

With the arrival of large chains on the market, standard accounting for counterparties (legal entities) is no longer sufficient. It is necessary to obtain both large-scale analytics for the entire network (and the network can have a rather complex structure and consist of several legal entities) and detailed analytics for each outlet. In other words " average temperature in the hospital” no longer suits anyone.

In previous configurations, it was necessary to either “double” counterparties or enter a large number of contracts for one counterparty, or modify the program. UT 11 implements a mechanism that allows you to describe various client structures, as well as conduct analysis at various levels (the network as a whole, by partners, by legal entities, or various combinations). This was implemented using the new “Partners” directory and details in the Sales and Payment Documents.

As can be seen from the figure of the legal entity. the person is described in the directory of contractors, retail outlets - partners. On the one hand, it may seem that we are doing extra work, but do not rush to conclusions, this division was made on purpose.

Let's look at an example. Let's say we are working with the ALMI network. The network includes several legal entities, each of them has several stores. And the management asks to build a report both for the entire network and for each outlet.

Of course, you can spend a lot of time and make a report, as they say, “on your knees.” For example, transfer data to Excel and group it. It’s good if you are asked to do this once a year and on one network. However, recent trends show that the market situation is changing quite dynamically (new competitors appear, the costs of doing business change, and, of course, various global phenomena), therefore, a detailed analysis of sales must be carried out on a regular basis, while spending as few resources as possible.

Let's continue. To begin with, it’s better to sketch out the client’s structure in graphic editor or on paper and only then transferred to UT, this will allow you to correctly group retail outlets.

IN in this example there are no overlapping retail outlets (when shipments can be made to the same retail outlet by different counterparties), but if necessary, UT allows you to organize such a scheme.

(Click to enlarge image)

This is what the structure of partners in 1C will look like. To complete the picture, it is necessary to add counterparties.

If not all items appear in your search results, try "refresh index" in the Administration tab.

(Click to enlarge image)

You can select based on the hierarchy:

(Click to enlarge image)

IN in this case Partner Almi (AS2) does not have a counterparty, but his “parent” – ALMI – Brest-Yubileiny OJSC has one.

The payment document is also filled in by the counterparty and partner:

(Click to enlarge image)

And finally, and most importantly, a detailed report.

(Click to enlarge image)

In addition to building detailed reports, dividing directories allows you to specify the responsible manager, business region, segments and, most importantly, an agreement for each outlet (store).

In the program “1C: Trade Management 11.3” it is possible to separate management and regulated activities, and this trend is supported in and at the level of maintaining master data. Namely, the function of separate management of partners and counterparties is available, which allows you to distribute operational and accounting information among participants in business interactions.

Concept "Partner" more extensive than "counterparty", and can be reflected in the program by both a company and an individual, while participating directly in management accounting.

If the directory of partners stores data specifically about the entities with which any business is carried out business relationship, then in the directory of counterparties the information is more formalized: information about legal entities with which regulated accounting is maintained is entered here. At the same time, the system itself does not limit the relationship of contractors and partners, allowing them to be created in an arbitrary “many to many” ratio.

In the CRM and marketing settings, an option is available for independent management of partners and contractors, which, when enabled, separates partners and contractors in the database.

What is the practical benefit of this division of directories?

Imagine that your client is a group of companies operating from three legal entities, which has several retail outlets, with each of which it is necessary to conduct mutual settlements. And complex enterprise structures like this can be built in the database using a mechanism for separately maintaining partners and contractors.

But this setting is convenient not only for optimizing the storage of customer information, it also allows you to process mutual settlements when working with retail chains and groups of companies.

Let's take a closer look at how to reflect in “1C: Trade Management 11.3” transactions of mutual settlements with clients who have a branched enterprise structure.

Mutual settlements with a group of companies (holding)

A group of companies may consist of several legal entities or individual entrepreneurs, so mutual settlements can be carried out both for the enterprise as a whole and for each legal entity included in the holding.

In this case, what is the correct way to enter information about the partner into the database?

Let's imagine that our organization is engaged in trading activities, and one of the clients is the Lesnoy Mir group of companies, which includes two legal entities: Berezka LLC and IP Dubov Gennady Petrovich.

The structure of representation of such a group of companies will be reflected in the database as follows: the Lesnoy Mir group of companies is the partner, Berezka LLC and the individual entrepreneur Gennady Petrovich Dubov are the counterparties.

To reflect them in the system, you must first create a “Forest World” partner. To do this, in the Sales > Clients section, click the “Create” button. Let's enter the public name of the partner:

After creating a partner, you need to add counterparties associated with it. To do this, in the partner card, go to the Contractors section and create new ones. In our case, these will be counterparties LLC “Berezka” and IP “Dubov Gennady Petrovich”. When creating, be sure to indicate the partner “Forest World”.

Now that we have reflected the holding structure in the database, we can begin to carry out trade interactions.

Let’s imagine that we sold a product to the client “Lesnoy Mir”, while the sale itself was registered in the name of two of his counterparties.

To reflect these transactions in the system, two implementation documents must be created. In the Client field, we indicate the Lesnoy Mir group of companies itself, then select the first counterparty. To ensure that only those counterparties that belong to the specified partner remain in the list of counterparties during selection, you need to check the box “By client “Lesnoy Mir Group of Companies”:

We create the second sales document for the counterparty “Beryozka”:

Thus, the Lesnoy Mir company has a debt to us, which it partially repays through its counterparty, IP Gennady Petrovich Dubov.

We will reflect this in the system by creating, based on the document “Receipt of non-cash Money" In this case, on the Main tab, in the Payer field, the counterparty IP “Dubov Gennady Petrovich” will be automatically entered, and on the Payment Decoding tab, in the Buyer column, the partner “Lesnoy Mir” will be reflected.

You can evaluate the status of mutual settlements with customers in the Statement of Settlements with Customers report, which is called up from the Sales section. The program makes it possible to detail the report for each counterparty separately, so it is convenient to obtain data both for the group of companies as a whole and for each specific organization that is part of it.

From the report we see that part of the debt to the counterparty IP “Dubov Gennady Petrovich” was repaid:

Mutual settlements with the trading network

Features of mutual settlements with trading network is that they can be conducted both for the network as a whole, and for each retail outlet separately. In this case, the goods are shipped to a specific store, and the store address must be printed in the set of documents.

Let's imagine that our client is the Calypso chain of stores with geographically dispersed retail outlets: Calypso Lenina and Calypso Sovetskaya.

This situation is the opposite of what we discussed above. In this case, we have the central office of Calypso, on behalf of which documents will be drawn up in the stores, and the stores themselves, which are essentially partners.

We will create a new partner “Calypso” in the database and immediately a counterparty - the legal entity “Calypso LLC”. To do this, check the box “Indicate partner identification data (a counterparty will be created).”

Now let’s reflect the “Calypso Lenina” and “Calypso Sovetskaya” stores. To do this, we will create new partners, in whose card it is necessary to indicate the parent company Calypso LLC, and also enter the actual address for each of the stores.

Now in the directory of partners the structure of the organization will be presented as follows:

Suppose our company has shipped goods to both stores, and payment has been received in full for the first shipment.

To reflect these operations, we will create two sales documents, in each of which we will indicate a specific store as a client, and in the Counterparty field - the central office of Calypso LLC.

In this case, all mutual settlements are carried out with the parent organization, but shipment will be carried out to specific store addresses. Let's open the printed form TORG-12 from the sales document - it reflects the delivery address and the payer - and make sure that the actual address of the Calypso Sovetskaya retail outlet is recorded in the delivery address, but the payer is the central office of Calypso LLC.

To reflect the fact of payment, we will create a receipt of non-cash funds (the payer will indicate the counterparty of Kalypso LLC, and the buyer will be Kalipso Lenina).

Now let’s evaluate mutual settlements with this client using the Statement of Settlements with Clients report. We see that at one retail outlet the debt has been completely closed, while at another the sales have still not been paid.

The data is reflected both for the counterparty as a whole and for each store separately, which makes it easy to see the whole picture of mutual settlements with the company and make a decision on further actions within the framework of cooperation.

As part of its activities, the organization interacts with other organizations or individuals who will be counterparties to it. These can be suppliers of goods or services, buyers. Let's look at how to create a new counterparty and correctly fill in its data for accounting in 1C: Trade Management version 11.3.

The directory of counterparties is located in the “Reference data and administration” section in the top panel of the program interface. Going to the section, you need to select the “Counterparties” item, a list of available counterparties will open. To add a new counterparty to the directory, use the “Create” button:

The New Contractor Registration Assistant opens, in which we will fill in the currently available information.

Please note that in this version of the program, a new counterparty is created by filling out the data step by step. The program will not allow you to proceed to the next step if the required steps for the current step are completed incorrectly or incompletely.

Here you need to indicate who the counterparty is - an individual or a legal entity, fill out its TIN and KPP, enter the name (it will be displayed in printed forms), fill out the company’s contact information.

As a rule, the organization communicates with a specific representative of the counterparty. When creating a new counterparty, it is convenient to immediately fill in the details of the contact person. To do this, you need to check the “Indicate details of a contact person” and enter the details of this person in the appropriate fields.

After filling in the data, the first stage of creation is completed, you can click the “Next” button. The UT 11.2 program will ask you to clarify which category of counterparties the one being created belongs to: client, supplier, or you are in other relationships:

Also at this stage, information about the actual and legal address and the VAT rate are entered.

After filling out the contact information by clicking the “Next” button, we proceed to filling out the bank details (if settlements with the counterparty are planned to be carried out through a current account):

It is best to obtain details from the counterparty in paper or electronic form to avoid possible errors. Also in this regard, the 1C: Counterparty service is convenient. The next step is to check that the information about the counterparty is filled out correctly; the program will prompt you to do this the next time you use the “Next” button:

If an error is found, you can return to the previous steps by clicking on the “Back” button and edit the data. If filled out correctly, you can confirm the creation of a new counterparty in 1C: Trade Management 11.3 with the “Create” button. The counterparty card opens, which is already saved in the information database. Bookmarks have appeared where you can view data on relations with the counterparty and its details. Also here you need to fill out the “Agreements with the Supplier” tab (if the counterparty type “Client” had been selected during creation, the tab would have the name “Agreements with the Buyer”):

The tab shows contracts with this supplier (there may be one or more of them). To add a new document, click the “Create” button, and in the form that opens, fill in information about the agreement:

The fields in the form are filled in:

    Number – enter the contract number from the printed document;

    From – date of conclusion of the contract from a printed document;

    Name – the internal name of the document by which you can identify it later;

    Supplier – specified automatically from the card of the counterparty for whom the contract is being created;

    Manager – indicates the manager responsible for working with the counterparty under this agreement;

    Status – the current status of the agreement;

    Validity period – indicated for a fixed-term contract; for an open-ended contract, the fields are not filled in;

    Operation – “Purchase from supplier” is selected for the supplier.

After this, you can begin filling out the “Purchase Conditions” tab. In addition to other settings, it is important to fill in the type of price that applies to this supplier in this tab. Typically, the “Purchase” price type is created or selected:

In the “Other conditions” tab, the item of the DS movement is indicated:

Counterparty or partner - what's the difference? With the arrival of the new interface in 1C Trade Management v. 8.2 ed. 11 not only many opportunities arose, but also many questions. One of them sounds like this: “Partner or counterparty - what is the difference and how to use them?”

In this article we will try to describe the main differences and tasks, and also answer the following questions:

  • How can I create a partner? Its main differences and tasks
  • How can I create a counterparty? Its main tasks
  • What directories and reports use information about partners and contractors?
So, let's begin…

In the program, management and regulatory information is divided by participants in business interactions. The information that is recorded in the “Partners” directory is of a managerial nature, and regulated information is stored in the “Counterparties” directory. Records about counterparties are records about legal entities (individuals) of clients, suppliers, etc., information about which is needed in order to correctly write out regulated documents and reflect in accounting transactions related to mutual settlements.

Directory "Partners" and ways to enter information into this directory The directory "Partners" unites all participants in business interactions with the enterprise. They can be clients, suppliers, competitors, holdings as a whole and their subsidiaries, branches, retail outlets, divisions of third-party enterprises with which interaction is carried out on any issues.

The directory can have a hierarchical structure; records about partners can be combined into groups. Such an association is convenient to use to distinguish companies that are holdings.

Method number 1 - through the main directory

To do this, select: Menu → Regulatory and reference information → Partners.

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Information about a new partner is entered using the new partner input assistant (the “Create” button) or by copying an existing partner, through the “Create a new element by copying” button.

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The “Input Assistant” indicates all known information about the partner (name, contact information, identification information, information about the contact person, etc.). When you enter a new partner, the already entered information about partners is automatically monitored and the appearance of duplicate partners in the information base is monitored.

After entering the data, the program automatically records information not only in the “Partners” directory, but also in additional directories: “Counterparties”, “Contact persons”. To do this, you need to check the appropriate boxes and fill in the required information, then click the “Next” button.

Rice. 3

We find ourselves in the next window, where for each partner you can indicate what business interactions are provided between him and the trading company, that is, who he is - a supplier, a client, a competitor.... From the point of view trading enterprise one and the same partner can be a supplier, a buyer, and a competitor at the same time.

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In the same window you can specify the actual and legal address, access group of this partner.

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As well as the parent company, segment and channel of primary interest, selecting it from the directory that opens. Then click the “Next” button.

On the next tab, fill in your bank details - to do this, put a tick in the upper left corner and enter the data in the fields that open. To continue, click “Next”.

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After this, a form will open to check the completed data on the partner. If the information is entered correctly, after checking, click the “Create” button.

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In the form that opens, click “Record and close”.

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The list that appears shows the newly created partner.

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Method number 2 - through the main sales directory

Select: Sales → Clients → Create. And then fill in the partner information as in the first method.

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Method No. 3 - through sales documents

Select: Sales → Sales documents → Create.

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The sales document opens, select the “Client” directory.

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In the directory that opens, click the “Create” button and fill out the partner form as in method No. 1.

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Method No. 4 - through the main directory “Inventories and Purchases”

Select: Inventory and purchases → Suppliers → Create. Next, fill out the form as in method No. 1.

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Method No. 5 - through procurement documents

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Open the supplier directory.

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In the directory that opens, select “Create”, then fill out the form as in method No. 1.

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The rules for working with the supplier are determined in the agreement with the supplier.

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The rules for selling goods and providing services to clients of a trading enterprise are determined in an agreement with the client. At the same time, the enterprise can define standard sales rules that are registered in a standard agreement. A standard agreement is defined for the partner segment.

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The same client can work under different agreements that define various conditions for the sale of each group (segment) of the product. It is also possible to define sales rules for a specific client (individual agreement).

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The procedure for using agreements for clients is determined in the program settings (Administration → Sales). In the event that work with clients is carried out according to the same rules, the use case “Do not use” is set.

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General rules for all clients are defined in a standard standard agreement (Marketing → Settings and directories → Standard sales rules ) .

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If the enterprise conducts commission trading, then standard sales rules (commission) are separately determined. All clients in this case work in accordance with standard sales rules. Only those users who have the right to deviate from the terms of sale can change the rules.

For each partner, you can define the conditions under which he will be served by sales representatives. Information about the terms of service is entered in a separate list, which opens from the partner card when you select the “Service by sales representatives” command in the form navigation panel.

Directory "Counterparties"

The “Counterparties” directory stores information about those legal (individuals) partners of a trading enterprise (suppliers, clients) with whom regulated (financial) relations are registered on the part of the trading enterprise.

Information about the counterparty (legal or natural person of the partner) can be registered as follows.

Method No. 1

If a partner has one legal (individual) entity, then information about the counterparty can be entered at the time of entering a new partner using the new partner entry assistant. A new counterparty will be created automatically after specifying the partner's identification data.

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Method number 2

If a partner has several legal (individual) entities, then information about counterparties is registered after the partner’s entry (the “Counterparties” command in the navigation panel of the partner form).

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Method number 3

Through “Sales Documents” we select: Sales → Sales Documents → Create.

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The sales document opens, open the “Counterparty” directory.

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Method number 4

Through the main directory “Inventory and Purchasing”: Suppliers → Create a partner. We check the boxes as in method No. 1.

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Method number 5

Via purchasing documents:

Inventory and purchasing → Orders to suppliers → Create.

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Open the directory of counterparties.

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Method number 6

Through financial documents: Finance → Applications for spending DS → Create.


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Select the “Counterparty” directory and create a new counterparty in the form that opens.

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If the partner represents a holding company, all of whose enterprises operate on behalf of one legal entity, then information about this legal entity must be registered for the parent enterprise, and all other enterprises will use this data.

All program documents used to formalize trade and financial transactions must include information about the partner and counterparty. Mutual settlements are recorded by partners and counterparties.

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It is possible to conduct mutual settlements within the framework of contracts concluded between one’s own organization and the counterparty (partner’s organization).

In the event that the shipment is made on behalf of one legal entity (counterparty), and payment is made by another legal entity, the “Debt Settlement” document is used to offset the debt.

Important: maintaining separate lists of partners and contractors is regulated by the functional option “Maintain partners and contractors independently” (Administration → Marketing and CRM). If the company does not work with partners who represent holdings (that is, all business partners work on behalf of one legal entity), this option can be disabled. In this case, the documents will need to fill out information in only one field (supplier, buyer, counterparty, etc.).

From the counterparty form, you can obtain information about mutual settlements with the counterparty, draw up and view a list of agreements concluded with him, and a list of bank accounts of the counterparty.

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Based on the results of this article, it is clear that new directory“Partners” has more flexible analytics and is more often used in management accounting in this configuration to summarize information by customer groups. It is the main one, in contrast to the “Counterparties” directory, which mainly contains information about the movement of mutual settlements between legal entities, leaving out the grouping of legal entities for the needs of management accounting.
