Prison app. Prison in contact (Dialogues about the game: tricks, secrets, general points)

We have seen many applications to which we were invited by friends, acquaintances, and others. But no one has ever developed very quickly, but rather slowly, like, in general, all the others. But one day I had to see another application in contact, which is called Prison.

Jail game

At first glance, the application seems simple and no different from others, but as soon as you see the introductory menu, all thoughts immediately go away.
The popularity of this application is due to only two reasons, which you will now learn about.

The first thing I'm sure of is the amazingly functional interface of the application, which simply catches your eye the first time you see it. As soon as you enter the first menu, there are immediately a bunch of buttons and actions that you just want to simply turn it off and not strain your head. In addition, when you go from the first menu to another, there are many other actions that further complicate the game.

Yes, it’s very difficult to understand at first, but the game has an assistant who voices all the explanations, and you don’t even have to read, and voices them in Russian. Well, in general, for such a game, or rather for such a theme of the game, so many functions are needed, because in prison there are so many rules, so many prohibitions that it’s unlikely that it all fits into one application.

But not everyone was there, and therefore the next reason for the popularity was the interest of the boys! As I already said, not everyone has been to prison, and they don’t really want to, but it’s interesting what happens there. On this moment In general, there are a lot of teenagers who live according to concepts and behave like real boys, and it’s exactly like them that they like this game.

Prison does not correct people, but only makes them more severe and evil; in the wild they become more popular, because they have gone through something that not everyone has gone through yet. Likewise, those who are popular with ratings in the game are the coolest, they steal from each other, beat each other.

Another sub-reason of the second reason is slang, or, as you can say differently, jargon. All words written in the application are converted into interesting sentences, similar to conversations in prison. This makes users even more interested in learning how they communicate not in the wild, but while locked up.

Funny sayings from prisoners - this is what brings users to Tyuryaga application in contact.
At the moment, almost four million users have already installed this game on their page, and are trying to beat all their friends in it.

A short help and insight into the game using the example of my communication with a friend who wanted to start playing Tyuryagu on VKontakte. Read it - it is possible that if you have just started playing, you will discover some secrets and tricks. (By the way, now I’m level 56 (level 5 cataly) and haven’t invested a single ruble in the game)

Hello, Seryoga =) Listen, the question is this: But how does authority get famously in the slammer?
- Aaah! ) Hey guys, have you decided to sit out a sentence or two? Well, in general, what I figured out is that in every prison you need to pump up the crap that the whitefish gives - “Huckster”, “Hospital”, etc. Stick tattoos on these whitefish and open the next prison, in it again pump the one that gives the whitefish. But I’m more after the whitefish than the authority... The worst thing is to constantly serve time in the first prison, you can serve it as many as two times a day and quickly get rid of the whitefish and the authority.
- Oh, thank you, Serge, I’ll be doing my second term =)
- Listen, Seryoga, How can these whitefish be maintained in normal quantities? Maybe at first it’s so hard for me with them, I don’t know, but I can’t get more than 450, I have to spend money on pumping up the huckster, I haven’t even pinned anything yet, well, sometimes in a rush job you fight with a bitsukha and you’re fucked again.
- Yes, at first it’s a little difficult with them, but if a few hucksters different zones, then you collect more and more each time. And friends also decide. If you have a lot of buddies, they will constantly throw insults at you, put the kit together and you’re done - whitefish and authority. And friends, this is heating, but heating cannot raise more than 50 energy per day.
- Well, yes, I understand =) And here’s another question: there is an urgent request “Send warm-up to the 3rd buddies.” As soon as I didn’t send it to everyone at once, and I went into the cell separately to see my buddies, the urgent task was not completed and that’s it... Maybe some kind of glitch? There seems to be a general heating picture displayed, send it to everyone and select heating... In short, I don’t know what to do...
- It's simple. Exit the game, exit contact and log in again (log in) and enter the game, now everything will work out.
- Seryoga, and also what kind of bullshit is this? whining? I collected 7 and don't get carried away
- Most likely you collected 7 in quantity, and did not collect all 7 from the set. Only when everything is collected, then you can sell the collection. And you can sell the same collection endlessly. By the way, here a large number of It wouldn’t hurt to have people as friends; they’ll constantly throw up niggles.
- Ha, collected, Seryoga =) Ok!
- Sereg, perhaps the last question about the game... Tell me how the battle with the boss happens? A gun fell out to me one day, I haven’t attacked myself yet. What interests me is this: how long does the battle take in time, costs (cigarettes, rubles) and is there a chance of screwing up? If so, what influences this?
- Regarding the boss - you can take down one, but you need to spend a lot of these different things - like a pistol, poison, sharpening... It’s like it’s designed for a crowd. The boss must be brought down within 8 hours, no later. And if you cooperate well, you can get away in 10 minutes. Just try it today for fun, just kick it with your feet so you don’t waste anything. Each boss drops a key that can be used to kill the next one, etc.

* A few words from me personally.

Walking advice: When you move the walker in the zone, first spend energy on the lowest, most energy-consuming movements, and gradually rise to the smaller upper ones. Believe me, spending energy this way is much more rational.

Katala: Well, here everyone decides for himself whether to do this or not. Personally, I think this is currently the most rational way for me to spend the ruble that I receive every day on urgent accounts. You can play Katala 2 times a day (if without investing money) - 1 time for free, the second time for a ruble from a fixed-term account. This part of the game disappointed me a little - I was hoping that there would be some interaction between users at this stage, but no...

The game "Prison" is still one of the most popular games in this social network. At the moment, the Tyuryaga application has been installed by more than ten million people on VKontakte. What is her secret? This is exactly what we will talk about in this article.

Last year, by the way, we wrote an article for you - “”. At that time, naturally, the game was popular, but not as popular as it is now. In the previous article we gave several very valuable advice, and in this one we’ll just review the game as a whole. What if some of the users still don’t know what this game is about and whether it’s worth playing at all?

VKontakte, the game "Tyuryaga" was developed by the company "Kefir". The attention of a very large audience to this application, in our opinion, is based on the heterogeneity of the game and its “dissimilarity” from other applications.

The goal of the game is to become a respected person in the zone. In other words, real authority. As the game progresses, you will sit in nine zones and complete seven missions in each of them. By completing missions, you will receive not only respect (in games these are “antlers”) and authority, but also local currency- cigarettes (“cigarettes”).

In VKontakte, the game “Prison” is simply “stuffed” with many mini-games. For example, you can shoot whitefish from inexperienced prisoners while walking. However, be careful: if you shoot more than three hundred cigarettes, the guards may suspect something is wrong and then expect problems. In addition, you can “breed a terpila” - a prisoner who plays cards for cigarettes. But, you can play with him for free only once a day. For one ruble the game can be repeated.

In the application you will also have to collect “stuff”. They are scattered in locations and as you complete missions, you will definitely find them. In your free time from other things, you can go to a blind tattoo artist (wonderful irony) and get yourself a real Zonovian tattoo. However, what exactly he will hit you with and where is unknown. However, it is known that the tattoo will turn out to be thieves and of high quality and for only fifteen rubles. By the way, in addition to cigarettes and ordinary wooden rubles, there is another currency in the game “Prison” - sugar and toilet paper.

"Prison", like any other game, involves investing real money. Of course, only if you want to become the best - the most authoritative in the zone. Well, if you just play for your own pleasure, then, of course, you can do without donating.

In addition to missions and everything else, you will, of course, take part in fights with Bosses. To defeat them, you should join forces with other players. Each of the Bosses has its own characteristics, this makes the game not so monotonous. Some people love cheesecakes, while others are fighters, in general, the developers are trying to keep the game “Tyuryaga” in the TOP of the best applications on the social network Vonkontakte.

As a result, we can say that “Tyuryaga” is very different from any primitive applications and the like. Although “Prison” will probably get boring after a while, you can play it with pleasure for a week or two, that’s for sure.

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From the scrip and from prison, as they say... But don’t worry, it’s just a game. And believe me, it is very exciting. After all, in the “Prison” application on VKontakte you will have an incredible opportunity not only to become a cool guy in the zone, but also to establish your own order there! Get a bunch of tattoos, pump up your biceps and get acquainted with Zonov life. Isn't it true that this tickles your nerves?

About the game

You can ask friends for help when, when collecting a collection, you place items that you are missing on your wish list. And friends will come to the rescue! By the way, only friends can invite you to the gym, remind them of your responsibilities!

And there is also the opportunity to become a Holder not by the usual way of collecting cigarettes for a long time, but literally with a couple of clicks...

You might want to go to Prison.

In general, there are nuances, there are a lot of rules and secrets in the game. I would like to believe that we will be useful to you. And thanks to us, you will learn how to successfully complete the “Prison” application on VKontakte.

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