Walkthrough of EVE: The Second Genesis.

What is the Game?

In reality, there is only one game in which we are all spectators, directors and actors playing our roles. The Genesis game is a mysterious, exciting journey in its own way. inner world, which will help you realize your own sources of strength to make your desires come true, face your internal obstacles and fears, and find solutions to get out of “dead-end” life situations.

Going through the game frees you from interfering attitudes and illusions that tightly entangle the personality, and you see your life from the outside, as a reflection of a larger whole. Everything that a person can ever know or experience is already contained within him as a potential possibility. During the Game, it becomes obvious to the participant what has so far prevented the fulfillment of his desire and how to correct the situation. The game ends when the player becomes himself and realizes the deep motives of his behavior and desires.

The origins of the game can be traced to the spiritual practices of various movements around the world. In ancient times, it was truly a mystery, when a person went “to the other side” and there received a solution from the “other kingdom” of extraordinary reality.

Modern man is more utilitarian and when he goes through the levels of the Game, he simply says - “and now I will perceive what I feel differently, I think I will perceive myself differently.”

Modern adaptation ancient technology is a European development "Genesis Game". Genesis is both personal growth training, consultation and psychotherapy. The game is based on the principles of humanistic direction, non-directive play therapy, procedural and
transpersonal psychology.

The Genesis game was patented on May 20, 2010 at the Patent Chamber of the Republic of Latvia, by Evgeniy Geller and Linda Lochmane.
The “Genesis” game was conducted as a personal growth training for top managers of the European Chamber of Technology and the National Institute of Technology of the Republic of Latvia, and was tested at the Department of Psychology of the Latvian State University and has a huge amount of positive feedback from participants.

Today Genesis is international project, in which psychologists, trainers and coaches from Latvia, Belarus and Russia take part.

What to play in Genesis

A game is, first of all, a tool, so the main topics of its use largely depend on the presenter and the worldview of the participants themselves. Only you determine that for you the game is a magical adventure, deep introspection, psychological training or spiritual practice.

Approximate topics with which you can come to the Game:……………………………………………………

— Realization of your cherished desire

The Genesis game is an excellent tool for:

* Purify your true desire from social stereotypes, internal fears and limitations.
* Find ways to achieve the realization of your desires;
* In a playful and relaxed atmosphere, see, feel, and understand the technology of fulfilling desires.
* Find within yourself a powerful source of strength and energy to realize your cherished Desire.
* Understand how to use this source
* First in the Game, and then in reality, make your Dream come true.

— Relationships:

* Should I enter into a close relationship with this person?
* Stay together or break up?
* How to build relationships?
* What prevents me from being happy in a relationship?
* How to make sure that relationships do not interfere with work and vice versa?
* I want to find loved one

— Plans, ideas, projects:

* Is this idea worth my effort?
* Where can I find the strength to implement it?
* I want to see the development path of my project.
* What will happen if I make this decision?
* What obstacles await me on this path?
* Where can I find resources and support to implement an idea or project?
*Am I making the right choice?

— Business:

* Organizational consulting – balance of internal forces of the organization.
* Analysis of strengths and weaknesses project.
* Partnership analysis - motives, obstacles and resources of participants in a joint project.

— Self-knowledge, purpose, spiritual growth.

What do you need to play Genesis?……………………………………………….

1. Have a desire to play - something that you can play for.
2. Find yourself a chip for playing field(earrings, rings, SIM cards - any PERSONAL small items)
3. WANT to play.

What should a request for "Genesis" look like?……………………………………………….

Any form within 5-7 words is possible. Examples:

I want to overcome my fear.
+ I want to understand what I want.
+ I want to get a new job.
+ I want to realize my ambitions.
+ I want to catch fish (10 kg).
+ I want to join top management.
+ I want to add color to my life.
+ I want to let go of my past.
+ I want to love.
+ I want to forgive.

The legend of the request may be voluminous, but the final wording is extremely accurate.

How often can I play?

How does the Game work?

The game is based on synchronicity, which means that all events happening to us and around us are interconnected and can only be understood taking into account these connections. To strengthen the work of this principle, it is better for the player to choose an object that has personal meaning for him as his symbol (Playing chip).

The Genesis playing field symbolizes human life. In order to start the Game, you need to be “born” in it by throwing the dice and ending up on the field with the Angel. During the game, by throwing dice, you move along the cells of the playing field, each of which has a specific name, reflecting one of the internal states, or planes of existence. Once on a given field, a player begins to think about ideas and concepts associated with the name of that field until it is his turn to roll the dice again to move on to the next state. As a result, within a few minutes the player's mind, intellect and ego (sense of self) are involved in the game.

In the process, players go through four levels, symbolizing four planes of existence: physical (the level of actions and material resources), emotional (feelings, emotions), mental (the level of plans, comprehension of information) and spiritual (following your destiny). Violation of harmony at one of these levels leads to disruption of peace within oneself, loss of unity and integrity within oneself, and, as a consequence, problems, conflicts, lack of movement and development in life. The game “skips” forward only when each level is worked out and understood.

To obtain maximum benefit from the game, it is good to record the path along which the player moves. By comparing similar records, the player may discover some similarities in the Obstacles that come across the path again and again, or the Angels that come to the rescue in time. There are a total of five game decks in the Game - symbols that help you communicate with your intuition:

White Angels (support),
Insights (positive experience),
Obstacles (beliefs)
Contacts (relationships),
Answers from the world (results),
Blue Angels (future).

The game is built on allegories and psychological projections that are realized, revised, accepted or rejected. From the point of view of interaction with the unconscious - Genesis Game game in the stream. Thus, a sea of ​​information useful for achieving the player’s goal is unconsciously extracted. Its use is the responsibility of the players.

The maximum number of participants in the Genesis training is four players and one certified presenter. On average, the training lasts from 5 to 8 hours with short breaks.

History of creation…………………………………..

The history of the creation of the Genesis Game begins in August 2008, when one of the authors of the Game, Evgeniy Geller, had the opportunity to participate in one transformational Game in Moscow.
Although the Transformation Game itself was interesting and productive, it had a strong touch of esotericism and, most importantly, the lack of possibility of playful contact between the participants and a certain isolation from real life.

Thus, the idea was born to create a game based on a psychological rather than an esoteric basis. In addition, the goal was to make the gameplay accessible to people with different worldviews. The main emphasis should have been on awareness of the usual ways of communicating not with the abstract universe, but with specific people living nearby. The basis for the Game was often encountered life situations in which hidden conflicts manifest themselves. Thus, the Game has become as close as possible to the natural process of life.

In November 2009, in Liepaja, Republic of Latvia, the authors (Evgeniy Geller and Linda Lochmane) began to implement the idea of ​​​​creating the Genesis Game.
In the process, an original playing field and methods were developed that allowed participants to enter into situational game contacts with each other.
Since the goal of the Game is for participants to understand their desires and ways to achieve or avoid them, the ability to visualize the results of their desires in the form of a separate Deck was integrated into the Game.

In March 2009, the development of the Game was a success. The first copy was printed and tested.

In April 2010, the Game was submitted for a patent to the Patent Office of the Republic of Latvia, was fully tested and was found to be original.

On May 20, 2010, the patent of the Republic of Latvia for the Genesis Game was registered under the number D 15331.

At the moment, the Game is completely completed and is being successfully held in the Republic of Latvia and the Russian Federation.

Many players who are just beginning their fascinating journey through the fabulous world of MMORPG Genesis very often have questions regarding one or another element gameplay. We have collected the most popular questions and tried to answer them.

Which class to choose

At the very beginning of the game Genesis, the player is asked to choose a class for the game character, as well as give him a name. If everything is easy and simple with a name, then deciding on the right class can be difficult. Below you will find brief information for each class, which should help you make the right choice.

There are three playable classes in the game: Psionic, Corsair And Ghost.


Psionic- This is a classic magician who can strike the enemy from a long distance, but is weak and ineffective in close combat. He prefers to position himself behind stronger allies and from there hit the enemy or heal allies. This class is perfect for people who have already become a little familiar with the MMORPG Genesis because initial stage The character of this class is quite weak.


  • Has a high damage rate;
  • Can hit multiple targets simultaneously;
  • Has the skills to heal allies;
  • Can cause additional damage to the enemy, for example, stun;
  • Uses a small number of Rage points when activating skills.


  • Low vitality;
  • Weak protection from physical damage;
  • Extremely vulnerable in 1v1 battles or in situations where the tank hero dies.


Corsair- This is a typical tank. Has high levels of endurance and vitality, which allows him to withstand a large number of damage, but at the same time causes extremely weak damage to opponents. A rather difficult gaming class, since its true power manifests itself only after level 75. At the same time, the cost of hiring additional heroes is much higher, which creates additional difficulties when recruiting a group to complete dungeons or other events.


  • High protection;
  • Fast filling of the Rage scale;
  • Ability to stun the enemy;
  • Upon reaching level 75, a skill is activated that can cause great damage.


  • Relatively weak attack power;
  • Most skills, after increasing the level, become ineffective;
  • Even having high level extremely vulnerable to control spells (stun, polymorph).


Ghost is something of a cross between a Corsair and a Psionic. He has fairly high damage and defense rates, as well as an extremely high frequency of strikes, which makes him one of the most dangerous heroes. It is perfect for both beginners and more experienced players.


  • High damage;
  • Can attack several targets at once, with all victims receiving fairly large damage;
  • High speed of movement;
  • Has a high probability of evading an enemy attack;
  • High speed of completing the dungeon.


  • High competition on the world boss, as many players choose this class;
  • Low rate of filling of the Rage scale;
  • The need to have the hero Falx in the team, as well as leveling him up.

What characteristics does the main character have?

The main character and additional characters have the same attributes:

1. Power (strength)- affects physical and magical attacks;

2. Armor- affects physical and magical defense;

3. Vitality- affects health;

4. Health- affects the maximum value of health points;

5. FATC- physical attack, affects physical damage;

6. MATK- magic attack, affects magic damage;

7. FZASCH- physical protection, resists physical damage; 8. MZASH - magical protection, resists magical damage; 9. MTK - accuracy, affects the accuracy of the use of skills;

10. Slope- influences the likelihood of evading MATK and FATC;

11. Crete- affects the probability of critical damage;

12. Resistance to Krit- reduces the likelihood of receiving critical damage;

13. Crit Bonus- increases critical damage inflicted on the enemy; 14. MTK bonus - increases accuracy;

15. Slope Bonus- increases the chance of incline;

16. Speed- increases movement speed;

17. Initial Rage- affects skill rage points at the beginning of the battle;

18. Charisma- depends on the gift of flowers to you and from you to other players, a title and a bonus to parameters are assigned when completing dungeons;

19. Bonus RK- bonus of additional damage from RK;

20. ROK resistance- resistance to additional damage from RK.

How to get an additional hero

You will receive your first mercenary almost at the very beginning of the game, after completing a simple story mission and absolutely free of charge. In the future, all additional heroes should be hired; this can be done in the “Temple” menu section. To hire, you need to collect all the fragments of the hero card and pay 100 gold coins. However, remember that access to some mercenaries opens only after your main character reaches the required level.

Is it possible to increase the strength of a hired hero?

Yes, each hero has his own skills, the parameters and skills of which can be improved, similar to leveling up the main character. An increase in the characteristics of recruits occurs due to the resource - anima (analogous to the experience of the main character). At the same time, remember that their level cannot be 5 levels higher than the level of the main character.

At what level can you join the guild?

The opportunity to join a guild appears after reaching level 21. Having reached this level, you can also create your own guild by inviting your friends or other players to it.

What is Knockout

Knockout is a regular in-game event during which two guilds compete with each other. The knockout takes place every Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday from 20:00 to 20:30 (Moscow time). The maximum duration of one battle is 25 minutes.

How points are distributed in Knockout

IN game event Knockout There are three types of rewards: basic, for capturing a tower and for killing opponents. For capturing one tower, 3 points are given (if several people captured the tower at once, the reward is multiplied by the number of people). For each kill, one point is given. The size of the base reward depends on what day the battle took place. On Monday and Wednesday, the winning team is awarded 700 points, the losing team receives only 350. On Friday and Sunday, the reward is doubled - 1400 points for the winners and 700 for the losers.

What are geodes

Geodes increase the character's characteristics and are useful when leveling up additional heroes. This functionality becomes available after the main character reaches level 27.

How to take part in the Battle of Intellects

The battle of wits is an interactive quiz in which the player is asked questions that must be answered by moving the game character. Any player who has reached level 10 can take part in the Battle of Intellects. Every day the player will be asked 30 questions, which must be answered by moving the character to the right or left side of the screen. For each correct answer you will receive one point; if you collect enough points for a prize, you will receive an additional reward.

Can't leave the guild

When prompted to confirm your actions, enter the word “yes” rather than “yes.”

How to open the game in full screen

To expand the game to full screen, press the F11 key.

What are cards for?

Cards raise combat power the main character, as well as his companions. This functionality becomes available after the main character reaches level 40.

Where to find the forge

This function becomes available after reaching level 13.

The forge serves as a classic tool for improving equipment. There are many options for how to do this - this includes strengthening items with precious stones, and gilding, which increases the level of equipment, as well as engraving, which increases the power of armor. In addition, in the forge you can disassemble unnecessary items into components or create new items (crafting).

How to get a mount

You will receive your first mount almost at the start of the game, after completing a simple story task.

What items are needed to improve the mount?

To upgrade your horse, you must have the “Mount Training Book”, as well as a certain amount gold coins (the higher the level, the more gold you need). Improvement is a random process and does not have a 100% chance of success; if you fail, you receive luck points; the more luck points you collect, the higher the chance of improvement; half of the luck points collected are written off at a certain time. Having achieved success, luck points are reset to zero.

Is it possible to change the appearance of the mount?

Yes, the appearance of the mount can be changed, turning it into various wild animals, mutants, and even a broom or a rocket, and you will receive bonuses to its characteristics. Transformation requires a mount event card.

In sci-fi. The first concept is known to everyone. The second term denotes science fiction, derived from the English “science fiction”. Nova Genesis belongs to this genre.

Russians say "Genesis". A game browser-based To enter the project, just find an Internet connection and register on the official website.

The game of 2016 is winning audiences thanks to its colorful world with complicated history And unique opportunities. Well, first things first.

Genesis game review

"Genesis" - online game multi-user type. An unlimited number of users can be live.

They are divided into roles, that is, they choose different characters. The set is non-standard for most MMORPGs: cirroans, picos, orai, vipers, mogros and pyroes.

Representatives of the first race are arrogant and proud. The Picos are friendly and welcoming. The Orai are refined and reputed to be handsome. Vipers are infernal, that is, they come from the underworld. Mogros are especially warlike and desperate.

Pyroi are a race of aggressors, demons. Once, they already tried to destroy the world of the planet where they live. This is not Earth, but some kind of Heaven.

Thousands of years ago, the Pyroys were opposed by all 6 races that inhabited them. Then Genesis was invented - a weapon that helped drive out evil. But the darkness has returned.

Only now Genesis is already broken into fragments hidden in different corners peace. In addition, there are only 3 races left that can fight the Piroi.

Genesis was broken by a hero. Powerful weapon began to enslave the spirit of those who touched it. The inhabitants of Heaven went crazy and took the side of darkness.

Genesis did not enslave only the strong in spirit. This is the role that all project participants are invited to play.

The goal is to find all the fragments of the weapon, put them together, once, and now forever, destroy evil.

Browser game "Genesis" rich in units. There are 21 supporting characters offered. MMORPG developed in Asia.

Therefore, many units are associated with the mythology of the East. In the forefront, of course, are dragons.

They can be flown, which indicates the possibility of battles on different planes. You go underground, look for enemies on it, and in the sky of Heaven.

"Genesis" - online game with 4 PvP modes. The largest of them is the battle of guilds. The sci-fi strategy game, like most other MMOs, places players in teams.

This allows you to complete tasks faster and resist enemies more effectively. 16 top associations are allowed to participate in the guild battle.

"Battle" - single player mode. Many characters come together in battle. For participation in the “Battle” they give good reward. There are also duels.

The opponent is chosen by the gamer. But in a confrontation between 2 teams, the system selects opponents based on guild levels.

It remains not to lose sight of the PvE mode - battles with computer mobs, which infest dungeons, towers, plains, and mountain gorges.

All fights are distributed over 7 chapters, which takes one step further from the usual archetypes of the genre. However, the strategy also has typical features. We will also pay attention to them.

Features of the game Genesis

Game, review which we represent, divides characters into 3 classes. Their names are unusual, but the essence is typical for most MMORPGs. Psions, corsairs, and ghosts come into play.

Representatives of the latter class can be compared to assassins. This is the name given to members of one of the medieval orders. The strong, dexterous and merciless were taken into the community.

Ghosts fight in close combat, differ in the frequency of their attacks, delivering several blows at once.

However, their damage is average. The mobility of the ghosts helps - they almost never miss.

Corsairs are a kind of tank analogue in other MMORPGs. Representatives of the class do not need to dodge blows; powerful armor saves them.

Corsairs rush into battle, scattering dozens of enemies in all directions, but psionics act from afar.

This class has magic and is also capable of hitting multiple targets at the same time. It turns out that we are looking at typical wizards.

Weakness psionics are protected, which is why representatives of the class do not allow anyone to approach them.

Despite the standard content of the classes, there is one nuance that takes them to a new level.

This is psychic energy - a unique skill that allows you to defeat enemies with the power of thought. That's what it's worth download game Genesis.

Worthy of attention monetary system MMORPG. In addition to gold, experience, rubies, diamonds, anima energy are included.

The last currency can be called divine, because anima is the power of life, heaven.

Many in-game currencies do not exclude the use real money. Rubles significantly speed up the pumping and grading of a character.

The donation in the project is above average, although the strategy itself is “issued” for free. Inside, you have to shell out money, for example, to hire assistants.

They are upgraded simultaneously with the main character, and the skills of the character and the unit can be parallelized. In battle, assistants often play a decisive role.

If Playing the game "Genesis" for free is not always possible, then enjoying the world of strategy is always available.

The gameplay is orientally colorful, with a lot of animation, colors, and details. Each chapter is new to look at.

Landscapes change weather. Despite the partial cartoonishness of the world, there are realistic nuances, for example, the change of day and night, the movement of shadows. Shall we come in?

Walkthrough of the game Genesis

Automatic dashes, but not fights - that’s what’s good about game-operation "Genesis". You control your character’s actions in matchmaking yourself, calculating moves and balances of power.

It’s not for nothing that MMORPG is classified as a strategy genre. You can go through its 7 chapters alone. Team fights take place in special arenas.

The rest of the company is single. The locations are vast, but you won’t be able to visit every corner of them right away.

Entrance to many facilities is closed until a certain level is reached. So, in the first chapter there is a dungeon “Claymore Sword”, where people are allowed starting from the 9th level.

The dungeon of the second chapter is accessible from the 16th level of development, and the third - from the 25th. The same goes for towers. In the first chapter it requires level 17, in the second - 21, in the third - 31.

By joining one of the races, you automatically obey its leader. Its presence is another feature.

The head of the community is not an abstract character; you can meet and talk with him. By the way, don’t forget to use the in-game chat.

In it, gamers share many secrets of completing the strategy. It’s even more interesting to look into the communities of players from other countries.

There, the project was launched a couple of years earlier, which means that more of its nuances are open. One of them is an airship. It is given to teams.

You can collectively cross the sky from one location to another. Don't miss this chance.

From above, the world of Genesis is even more beautiful. You will look at the 3D picture from a third person perspective.

Easy to learn. The principle of pumping is also not complicated. In each battle you decide whether to gain rage, deal damage here and now, or develop defense.

You'll be able to get used to it quickly, so don't delay registration. , or not - the decision is individual.

EVE: The Second Genesis

"This planet is famous for its majestic pink volcanoes and killer edible poets."

The dead from the Glastheim cemetery did not wait for me. The skeletons of the Payon caves now only remember me with a quiet, kindly word. Left behind is noisy Prontera, the capital of the world of Ragnarok Online.

And why all?

Just one day, leaving the hunting cave, my character game world, Teemona's novice, sat down on the ground next to the resting heroes and looked up. And I saw the starry sky. (I didn’t see the starry sky, because the camera in the game does not rise up.)

Stars. Cold spots, flickering ghosts of the past. How rarely do we see them in all their glory. In the city they are almost invisible. Maybe that's a good thing. The spectacle of stars generously scattered across the black sky evokes melancholy with its inhuman beauty and inaccessibility. We haven't dreamed about them for a long time. Forgotten are the poems about the dusty paths of distant planets, the roar of the cosmodrome and the Earth seeing off children.

We are chained to the Earth by distance and time - and this is a prison that cannot be broken. But it’s simply impossible to completely get rid of the longing for distant galaxies. And then dreaming people gather somewhere (where? who cares! even in Iceland!) and make MMORPGs of truly cosmic beauty and scale.

But let's figure it out...
Before you dive headfirst into the world of space adventures in EVE: The Second Genesis, you need to understand the game's role-playing system.

It is arranged in a very original way. Its novelty is not that there are no classes or levels here. We already know games where the main thing for a character is developed skills, which allow him to use high-quality weapons and armor.

In EVE, everything depends on skills. Without training you will not be able to get into a good spaceship, use a powerful gun or install high-end equipment. It's relatively easy to earn millions in the game, but what's the point if the character's level of knowledge only allows him to fly on an ice frigate?

The originality of the game is in the way of “pumping up” skills. Books with skills are cheap, everyone can afford them. Your main enemy here is time, and only time.

Each skill is divided into five levels. You don't have to buy a new book for each level - just take it once and study all the way.

The first level is learned in about fifteen minutes. No problem? Wait. Each subsequent one requires five times more time. This means that the second level takes more than an hour to study. The third is six hours. The fourth - two and a half days. Fifth - more than a week.

That's where the dog is buried! The cunning inhabitants of Iceland managed to kill two walruses: firstly, now there is no point in looking for a way to “quickly level up” (and the Munchkin approach to development is a real disaster for all MMORPGs). Secondly, if you want to become cool in the EVE universe, get ready to play for several months and lay out your money without complaint. Everything is fair.

It's good that you don't have to sit in the game for all these weeks of training. The skill is upgraded even if you are not connected to it. You can safely leave your character for a week and connect to the game only to assign a new skill instead of a learned one. You cannot queue skills for training, but you can interrupt the process of mastering a complex “long” skill in order to urgently learn another one. After this, the interrupted process will continue from where it was stopped.

Did you know: you can keep up to three characters on one game login, but, unfortunately, only one will be able to level up in your absence.

The most important choice
IN role playing games, and especially in MMORPGs, each player, coming into the world, must first make his Most Important Choice. The world of EVE is no exception. But even here the developers managed to distinguish themselves. What do you think you'll have to choose here?

Class? There are none here.

Race? There are four of them, all human, and all of equal importance. Developers regularly monitor balance imbalances and correct them.

Tip: for example, I chose the Amarr race because I heard that they have the most beautiful ships. Although, if desired, the hero can learn to fly on ships of any race.
So what's the most important thing here? You'll never guess. This - appearance character. A ship is a ship, I looked at it once and that was enough. The hero's face is a completely different matter.

The hero's avatar should express the character's inner essence and style of play. If you make the hero a creepy, grinning monster, then the attitude will be the same. This is not always a bad thing - for example, for a pirate, a creepy appearance is even desirable.

There are a lot of opportunities for self-expression. Sixteen head blanks (four races, each with two male and two female models).

The background, clothing, light, tattoos, jewelry, eye skin color, face shape, expression (smile, evil grin or frown - whatever!) vary. Lazy players will roll the dice a couple of times - maybe a random combination of features will suit you. And don’t forget about four more important parameters: body rotation, gaze direction, head rotation and tilt. A proudly raised head or a gloomy, sideways glance can tell others a lot about a character.

Do you want humor and originality? Try the Minmatar race and their characteristic blacks with Rastafarian dreadlocks. A pale black man with comically pursed lips will undoubtedly make his interlocutor at least smile.

Did you know: choosing a face is also important because you cannot change it later. Or rather, it’s not that you can’t at all - plastic surgery in the world of EVE are being made. They cost the player 10 USD. (notional euros).
Take your face seriously. Sit over it and make every detail “play.” Only after this, without haste, set the character’s starting characteristics.

There are five of them: intelligence, will, memory, perception and charm. The speed of learning skills depends on the first four, and charm improves the attitude of NPCs towards you.

Each skill is tied to a specific characteristic. Military things usually require high perception and will. Peaceful work favors intellect and memory.

It is not profitable to specialize in the world of EVE. Every player should be able to quickly learn a variety of skills. In addition, without specific “peaceful” knowledge you will not install high-quality equipment on your computer. Therefore, none of the four characteristics should be neglected, leaving only charm as the “poor relative”. It still plays a role only when communicating with agents, but without good attitude NPC you will live easily.

Tip: Some people recommend setting the intelligence parameter slightly above memory, and perception above will. Like, this reflects real ratio the number of skills “tied” to these characteristics.
When choosing your options, try them on several times. Make sure you don't leave any unattended. Then it will be very difficult to correct the “mistakes of youth.” Neuroimplants that raise the parameter are expensive on the black market and require a whole bunch of skills to successfully use.

But the choice of the first “innate” skills can be put on hold. Choose what you like best. Then buy books anyway and start studying.

Did you know: the best and, perhaps, the only battery useful information for EVE Online the site eve-i.com became. If you wish, visit and official page games eve-online.com. It’s worth visiting the Russian-language website eve-online.ru for a good forum and translations of official gaming legends.
First steps
Once in EVE space, players usually spend a long time looking under the table for a jaw. Let Egosoft forgive me, but compared to these restrained and austere beauties, the universe of X2: The Threat is a cheap shot. Unusual ship design, strict and first-class textures. Stargate looks different. The level of CCP artists is at least not lower than those who painted Lineage 2 at one time. The heavenly watercolor, however, is a little pale. But she shouldn’t be a distraction, right?

Each station is a frozen song of space architecture. The eye rests on them (and there are light bulbs everywhere, little paws - thirty thousand light bulbs alone).

I can’t help but remember films - Kubrick’s “A Space Odyssey”, Spielberg’s “Close Encounters”, “Independence Day”. The widescreen game mode (black fields above and below) adds fuel to the fire. This was done not so much for the cinematic effect, but for convenience: game menus need to be placed somewhere, and fields are best suited for this.

The hyperjump added to my collection of impressions. The camera shook, planets and stations were left far behind. The space in front of the ship turned blue, and behind it turned red. A small tribute to Einstein - but it adds realism.

They finally finish off the scale of the game. A frigate is a midge compared to a huge cruiser. But the cruiser is also a midge next to the giant station. The ratio of the sizes of stations and planets is reminiscent of the space simulator "Orbiter". True, the planets are not directly involved in the game here. They decorate the space and “tie” the stations to themselves, playing the role of geographical landmarks.

Under the first impression of what I saw, I began to go through the training mode in the Amarr Haven system.

This galaxy was not invented by us
The world of EVE is complex and at the same time reasonable. The stars, according to all the rules of the genre, are connected to each other by jump gates. Jumping from star to the nearest star (but no further), the spaceship moves through a huge galaxy in which there are more than five thousand systems.

Did you know: the developers proudly emphasize the scale of their continuous world, which can accommodate a record number of players - more than ten thousand. They achieved this with an exceptionally powerful central cluster and a complex system for distributing calculations across nodes.

Each star system consists of a central star and several planets. Stations are suspended in the void next to the planets - trade, economic and political centers, the main concentration of civilization.

There are several planets in Entropia Universe, each with different game content, but before you begin your journey, you are taken to the starting location - Genesis.

This starting location serves to teach new players the basics of character control.

In the welcome window that opens, you will be offered to complete basic training (Tutorial). Don't miss this opportunity to learn. Click “Continue”

The tutorial will help you learn how to move, interact with objects in the surrounding world, use chat and other useful knowledge. Going through the basic tutorial won't take much time. Once you have mastered the controls, you can wander around the building, look around, talk to NPCs and complete several quests. Quests will not give you anything useful, so you can safely skip them.

It will be impossible to leave the starting location until the game loads the files necessary for further play.

But you will have something to do while the game is loading.

Tuning your loved one - designing the appearance and figure of your virtual “I”

The first creative task you have to tackle is creating your unique character. The interface for editing your avatar is called up with the Tab button (who doesn’t know, this is the button to the left of Q. Until you leave Genesis, you can always return to editing. But as soon as you leave the station, changing the appearance will only be possible for money and only with the participation professionals in this field (stylists and surgeons). So try to perfect your appearance while you can. Don’t stop until you say to yourself: “Yes, this is exactly how I want to be in virtual reality.”

Watch the video showing the process of creating an avatar.

The new avatar creation interface in Entropia Universe gives you great opportunities to give your character a unique look. Take your time, try to try all the menu buttons, experiment with hairstyles, height, weight, and individual body parts.

Pay special attention to what your new face will be like. Bring your look to perfection.

Only after you are completely sure that you finally look perfect, and in the near future you do not want to change anything about yourself, exit the editing interface.

Now we have another exciting activity ahead of us.

Trying on clothes and armor.

You don’t have to do this if the game has already loaded and you don’t want to waste time, but if you want to see your loved one in all its glory, you can experiment a little with clothes and armor. It's a pity, but nothing that you liked will remain with you after teleportation. To try on clothes you need to press the I button.

In the window that appears, click on the topmost triangle. You will see the clothes that your avatar is wearing this moment. These items of clothing are marked with a white palm. To access the wardrobe, click on the “+” button and select what you like by double-clicking the mouse. You can remove clothes by selecting with the mouse what you want to remove, then click the right mouse button and select Unequip in the drop-down menu. If the clothes you choose in the game can be dyed, the Customize tab will be available to you. In it you can choose the color and pattern on your clothes.

After you have created your second “I” and played enough with trying on, turn the camera around yourself again, look at yourself from all sides, take off your clothes, put on your clothes. Is everything really perfect? Well, then it's time to go to Thule.


Find the teleport and activate it.

You will be informed that this road is one way, and you have one last opportunity to change your appearance and come up with a name for yourself that cannot be changed in the future.

Choose a character name. Be careful, the name you choose will remain that way forever. Choose carefully. Full name consists of 3 parts: Actually, First name, Nick Name and Last Name. Later in the game, you can change the display of the name in the settings, for example, you can display only the nickname. Your last name and first name do not have to coincide with your real first and last name. The main thing is that you feel comfortable living with your new name in the new world.

It is important
You can change the appearance in the game after leaving Genesis only for money and only with the help of specially trained people, but You will never be able to change your name again.

So, I warned you. Have you chosen a name?

Then we leave the station and go to mainland. You will be asked to select the planet to which you want to teleport. Choose Planet Calypso. It is shown with an asterisk in the picture. Those who want to understand why exactly it can read it on our website.

Goodbye, green tick! We click, and we are transported to an island where we have a lot to learn.
