Birthday script “Two funny clowns. Scenario of a game program for children with clowns

Tatiana Smirnova

Birthday Scenario« Traveling with the clown Tyapa» .

Enters a festively decorated room clown.

Presenter Tyapa:

Hi Hi! So many guys, all so smart and beautiful! Ah-ah-ah, you must have some kind of holiday? Right? Let me I'll guess: New Year? No? March 8? Didn't guess right again? Is it really day birth? Great, so I've come to the right place, well... let's getting acquainted: My name is Tyapa, but I’m not a bungler at all....And now I’ll find out what your name is!

Game - Getting to know each other - (Tyapa throws the ball, children catch the ball and say their name in an affectionate manner)

Presenter Tyapa:

Well, we’ve met, but there’s one thing I don’t understand: which of you is the hero of the occasion?

Children's answers:

Presenter Tyapa:

Great, (child’s name, I congratulate you with all my heart and in honor of your holiday, I suggest you go to a beautiful fairyland, where fun adventures await you. And we will go there on a special transport - a hot air balloon! (All party participants receive balloons).Who will cheat first balloon, he is the first to get into magical land. The only thing condition: you need to make sure that the balloon doesn’t burst, okay? Well, let's fly!

Balloon competition - Who can inflate a balloon the fastest?

Presenter Tyapa:

So we ended up with you on the island of fabulous adventures, the first to reach (child's name). Let's give him a big clap! It's time to take part in fun adventures! Tell me, do you like to draw? (Children's answers) Can you draw a portrait of our birthday boy?

We'll check this now. I ask all guests of this wonderful island to get ready! Are you ready, young artists? So let's quickly draw the hero of the occasion!

Competition – Portrait of the birthday boy. (Each player takes out an inscription from a magic bag that says that he must draw: nose, eyes, mouth, hair…. etc.) Cheerful music sounds - children draw a portrait.

Presenter Tyapa: Yes, I see that we have real artists gathered here, the portrait turned out to be very beautiful and realistic. Let's give it to our birthday boy.

Presenter Tyapa:

And we continue to play, don’t you agree?

Game – Cut the souvenir. (This is an old game, our grandmothers also played it, to this day children are delighted with it: small souvenirs are hung on a rope according to the number of participants, I blindfold the players and, with the help of an adult, the child must cut off a gift for himself with scissors)

Presenter Tyapa:

Great, is everyone happy?

Guys, I repeat, you are all so beautiful and elegant, but still something is missing in your holiday outfits, tell me what little children love, mothers and fathers often don’t give you this, They say: You’ll ruin your appetite, your teeth will hurt….?

Children's answers:

Presenter Tyapa:

That's right, guys, these are candies and chocolate... since today is a holiday and not a weekday, I agreed with your parents and brought you lots and lots of delicious candies! I suggest you play the game!

Game – Dress up your friend in a candy row. (Blindfolded children use clothespins to decorate each other with candies)

Presenter Tyapa:

You guys are great, you have so much fun, but we still haven’t congratulated our birthday boy!

Come on, we're loud now let's shout: WITH DAY BIRTH! (3 times)

Presenter Tyapa:

Well done, and now it’s time for the best wishes in the world for our birthday boy!

Game - chant - Wishlist.

Congratulations on the Day birth! (Yes Yes Yes)

Everyone bad mood! (no no no)

Be (name, kind, sweet! (Yes Yes Yes)

Naughty and pugnacious! (no no no)

What would mommy love? (Yes Yes Yes)

And she fed me ice cream! (Yes Yes Yes)

Be healthy and smart! (Yes Yes Yes)

Like a green crocodile (no no no)

May success await you! (Yes Yes Yes)

You, name, are the best! (Yes Yes Yes)

Presenter Tyapa:

Oh, how cool, we wished our name, everything, everything, and now please remind us what we flew to our land of adventure on?

Children's answers:

That's right, on balloons! We will need them now to return to the festive table, but the first to return will be those who can keep the ball in the air for as long as possible!

Competition – Keep the ball in the air. (Children, without helping themselves with their hands, hold the ball in the air; you can help yourself with your head, nose, shoulder....)

Presenter Tyapa:

Hurray guys, you did great, look how we are back festive table, and our birthday boy is waiting for congratulations. Let's all sing a song to him together!

Song - Loaf-loaf!

Presenter Tyapa:

We sang the song, played it, but something is still missing, where are the gifts?

(Children present gifts to the birthday boy accompanied by a cheerful song, while the hero of the occasion rejoices at the gifts, mother and clown They bring in a birthday cake with candles. The birthday boy blows out the candles, makes a wish...., Tyapa helps treat everyone to cake and says goodbye to the children)

Presenter Tyapa:

Now it’s time for us to say goodbye to you guys, I had a lot of fun with you, you are so good and friendly! Did you like it travel with the clown Tyapa? I promise that we will definitely meet again! Goodbye!

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Rybakova Olga Alexandrovna,

musical director

MAOU secondary school No. 2, Neman, Kaliningrad region

"Clown visiting the guys"


Ved. A ray of sunshine makes us laugh and teases, (SLIDE 2)

We're having fun this morning.

Summer gives us a ringing holiday,

And the main guest on it is the game.

Music plays and a train with a telegram appears on the screen. (SLIDE 3)

Ved. Look, the locomotive brought us a telegram.

“I am the cheerful clown Klepa,

I'll come visit you soon.

Jokes, games, jokes

I’ll bring it to you as a gift!”

Guys, how will Klepa find us? Let's clap loudly, stomp merrily, meow loudly, grunt merrily. And now, kids, let’s all shout “hurray” loudly!

Children clap... (SLIDE 4)

Klepa enters.

Klepa. Here I am! Long time no see!

Are you tired of waiting, and perhaps offended?

Ved. How can I tell you? Not that very...

Well, since you’ve come, say hello, you see, there’s an audience.

Klepa. I don't see any bagel!

Ved. Not the bagel, but the audience. Say hello to the guys!

Klepa. A! They would have said so right away! Hello viewers!

Would you like to fight with me?

Ved. Klepa! What are you saying?

Klepa. What did I say? Hello viewers!

Would you like to compete with me?

Ved. But I heard something else... And what to compete in?

Klepa. Well, for example, who will open his mouth wider! So guys, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children open their mouth “A”)

Now who can scream louder! Come on, 1 – 2 – 3!

(children shout "Oh")

Ved. You know, Klepa, I’ll tell you in advance, we don’t need such competitions!

Klepa. Come on, I was joking. But how much fun it immediately became!

Ved. All! Stop opening your mouth and screaming!

It's time for us to dance!

Can you dance?

Klepa. Of course, my Aunt Motya taught me to dance. Do you want me to teach you too?

DANCE “Aunt Veselchak” (SLIDE 4)

Klepa. Guys, did you receive the telegram?

Ved. We got it, we got it.

Klepa. Then listen carefully, I have a suggestion:

Do you want to visit the circus?

Children. Yes!

Klepa. Then you and I will now go to the circus for the performance “The Clown and the Clowns.”

Ved. Klepa, I guessed it. We already have a clown - it’s you, and the clowns will be children - the most fun children in the world.

Klepa. Guys, do you agree? Then repeat after me

“One - two - three, spin around,

Turn the kindergarten into a circus!” (children repeat)

Child. You can’t help but love the circus, the circus is definitely a holiday

Haven't you dreamed of meeting them, friends?

Remember, a long time ago your mother smiled at you

Tomorrow we are going to the circus, there is a new program there.

Child. Circus always means smile and enthusiasm

There a magician will surprise you and a juggler will surprise you.

There will be courage in the parade, there will be an acrobat doing somersaults

Everything the clown does is funny and out of place!


Klepa. Hooray! Happened! We're at the circus! Now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp!

Let's start our performance with a parade alley.

VED. Klepa, what is this?

Klepa Parade-alle is the exit of all participants in the circus performance before it begins. Clowns, come out and show yourself.



Klepa. The first act of our program will be jugglers!

Do you want to be a juggler? And we will play with circus hats and rings. (children’s answers)

GAME “CATCH THE RING WITH YOUR HAT” (children stand in a circle, Klepa and the Leader are in the center of the circle, with rings for throwing rings; children pass hats around the circle: “Give the hat to a friend, catch the ring in your hat!” Klepa and the leader throw the ball and ring to the one who ended up with the words .)


Ved. Circus riddles,

Guess it, clowns!

Who performs in the arena?

Everyone knows these animals.

1. The ring is on fire, it is burning,

The gymnast flies through the ring,

In flight he fluffed up his mane

And he wagged his tail playfully.

Answer: Leo

2. A juggler performs on stage (SLIDE 8)

He throws balls with his trunk

Standing on one paw, on one

He is very nice and funny.

Answer: Elephant

3.He used to sleep in a den, (SLIDE 9)

The circus invited him.

He lifts weights -

Circus performer strong

Answer: Bear

VED. Well done, you clowns

We solved all the riddles!

And the time has come again

Perform in the circus arena.

And circus animals will perform: giraffes, zebras and even elephants.



Klepa The performance continues!

We invite tightrope walkers to perform.


Klepa Klownyatki, do you want to become a tightrope walker?


VED. The fun continues (SLIDE 12)

Let's cheer up!

Get into the circle quickly

Let's dance more fun!

DANCE game "Circus" (SLIDE 12)


Klepa And now meet me! In the arena of the Rough Riders circus!


Klepa Clownies, do you want to become equestrians?

Let's start preparing, go out to practice.


VED. Circus musicians, (SLIDE 16)

Show me your talents

SONG GAME “FUNNY ORCHESTRA” (song accompanied by a children's orchestra).


Klepa And now the tricks! Do you love magic tricks?

1. MAGICAL PERFORMANCE - color the water in different colour

2. FOCUS WITH A BOX (double bottom)

And in the box there are treats for children.

Clown. Guys, don't be shy, smile more often!

And stay so cheerful!

Congratulations to everyone on the holiday of laughter!!!

Song "Smile"

Klepa and the children go out into the street, where the children are drawing a circus on the asphalt.

  • Children's Animators "Confetti"
  • Date of:
  • A party with a clown for children is always fun and funny. Kids love this...

- This is the most common type of holiday. It doesn’t matter who celebrates it - an adult and a child. It so happens that the clown is associated with such words as kindness, laughter, smile. And we always expect a sea of ​​positivity and an ocean of laughter from this guest.

It instills peace in our souls and distracts us from pressing problems. In the circus he is alone, on the playground he is different. And the clown animator comes to the children for the holiday.

Who is the script for a children's party with a clown intended for:

  1. Yes, to everyone indiscriminately.
  2. It is better for children from 3 (three) years old. Younger people may be intimidated by clown makeup.
  3. Definitely funny friends.
  4. For guys who like to laugh a lot.
  5. For graduations and birthdays.
  6. For relaxation and home.
  7. School party.
  8. A trip to nature.
  9. The script requires more than 1 (one) hour.

What is included in the script for a children's party with a clown:

Scenario for a children's party with a clown. Event plan:

Scenario children's party with a clown will forever leave vivid memories for your child. On this day he will remember when he was the center of attention, when it was so much fun.

We, parents, try to make the world of our children a better place. We want to see happy eyes and faces. Therefore, we need to be closer and open to the children. Never compare with anyone, but only encourage and help.

it couldn't be easier. There are people who care about the fate of children. They will always amuse the children and will give it to anyone children's event your strength. After all, they put their soul into every word, into every number. And this is not given to everyone.

Let's all have fun together to the fullest. Let's show what we can do. And you will show what you can do.

How to prepare a script for a children's party with a clown.

Lyudmila Kirsutina
Entertainment script “The Adventures of Klepa the Clown in Kindergarten”

Enters the group clown.

Hello girls, hello boys! You recognized me? Well, of course I Clown Klepa, I love fun, jokes and laughter! Do you like to have fun? Then let's do it together! First, I'll check if you can solve riddles.

U take the clown with you"Wonderful bag".He asks riddles and takes them out of the bag "guessing".

Small in stature, but brave,

He galloped away from me. (Ball)

The fraction is beating,

Walking helps. (Drum)

There are different girlfriends nearby,

But they look alike.

They all sit next to each other,

And just one toy. (Matryoshka)

The baby is dancing,

And only one leg. (Yula)

Well done! You are good at solving riddles! Help a chef I know tell his story.


I wanted to throw a ball

And I am visiting myself...

I bought flour, I bought cottage cheese.

Baked crumbly...

Pie, knives and forks are here-

But something guests...

I waited as long as I could,

Then a piece...

Then he pulled up a chair and sat down

And a pie in a minute...

When the guests arrived,

Even crumbs...

Thank you very much! You helped the cook a lot. Now he knows exactly why the guests didn’t try his pie.

Help this cook sort vegetables into bowls for borscht and fruits for compote.

Relay race underway “SORT THE VEGETABLES”

And I have another one for you interesting story. Clown reads an excerpt of a poem "Confusion" K. And Chukovsky.

The kittens meowed:

“We're tired of meowing!

We want like piglets,


And behind them are the ducklings:

“We don’t want to quack anymore!

We want, like little frogs,


The pigs meowed:

"Meow meow!"

The cats grunted:

"Oink oink oink!"

The ducks croaked:

“Kwa, qua, qua!”

Little Sparrow galloped

And the cow mooed:


A bear came running

And let's roar:


Only the little bunny was a good boy:

Didn't meow or grunt -

Lying under the cabbage

Babbled like a hare

And foolish animals persuaded:

“Who was told to tweet-

Don't purr!

Who is told to purr-

Don't tweet!

The crow should not be like a cow,

Don’t let the little frogs fly under the cloud!”

After reading, children are asked stage excerpt from a poem.

Thank you bunny! Taught the animals wisdom!

Clown invites children to play an active game


After the game clown"calls" telephone.

Hello! What's happened? Are the letters mixed up? Now we will help you!

Clown reads text, children correct mistakes.

1. The bug didn’t finish the booth;

Reluctantly, tired of it.

2. My uncle was driving without a vest

He paid a fine for this.

3. A hurricane hit the island.

The last ram remained on the palm tree.

4. The goalkeeper has a big catch,

Five goals hit the net.

5. The snow is melting. A stream flows.

The branches are full of doctors.

6. Mom went with the barrels

On the road along the village.

7. In a clearing in spring

A young tooth has grown.

8. Sit down in the spoon and - let's go!

Along the river back and forth.

9. Having dropped the doll from your hands,

Masha rushes to her mother:

There are green onions crawling there

With a long mustache.

10. The hunter shouted: "Oh!"

The doors are chasing me!”

Oh, what a fun life you have! Let's play an interesting game!

The game is being played "LAUGHTER"

Did you enjoy our meeting? Do you like to draw? Clown asks children to draw self-portraits that convey the children’s emotions during the lesson. Children draw. After painting, the works are hung on display.

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Game program for older children preschool age"Meeting the Clown"

Purpose of the event game program– increased interest in physical culture And healthy image children's lives.

1. Instill interest in active image life for all participants in the educational process.

2. Form strong-willed qualities: determination, endurance, strength, dexterity.

3. Cultivate a sense of camaraderie, courage, dexterity, attentiveness, and imagination.

Props for games: phonogram music games and fun music for the competition, ball, balloons, A-4 sheets, pencils (felt-tip pens),

Under cheerful music children enter the hall. A clown comes on stage.

Clown: Hello, here I am! Hello! Firework! Let's get acquainted. My name is Pencil. Do you remember? What's your name? Say it in unison!

Clown (children's answers) All clear! All the boys today are called Boo-boo-boo. And the girls "Syu-syu-syu" !

Clown: How are you? I can not hear! (children answer)

Clown: How beautiful and elegant you all are today. I want to make friends with you. I invite you to dance together, and it’s called “Friendship”( dance "Friendship" «)

Clown: You're in a great mood! Top class! So we can start our program. Well, shall we play, sing, dance? (cheerful music sounds)

Clown: Oh, how I want to play! Do you like games? Now we'll find out! I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I!

Who loves cartoons?

Who loves sunbathing?

Who likes to yell?

Swimming in a muddy puddle?

Who doesn't wash their ears?

Clown. Tell me, guys, do you do exercises in the morning? I

I do the same thing, but not simple, but fun exercises. Do you want me to teach you too?

Clown. Hey girls, spread your arms,

Let's sit on the floor, like in an apartment. (squatting)

And now everyone stood up together,

They removed their hands to their belts.

Step everyone to the right, step everyone to the left,

You are all like queens!

Clown. Hey boys, let's cross our legs

And let's jump on the spot,

And with your hands up and down,

Let's all clap for an encore!

And then sneeze together, And now you need to laugh!

Clown. Now everyone puts their hands on our shoulders together,

So that there is no melancholy or boredom,

Step your right foot forward, and then vice versa.

Everyone sat down on the floor together,

We spun, stood up, sat down, as if we were on a carousel!

Clown. Now listen to the command:

Grab yourself by the ears

And wider elbows,

And just like that, all together, jump on the spot!

Clown. Well, they turned out to be real monkeys!

Clown: I announce a musical warm-up.( musical warm-up “The giraffe has spots everywhere..”)

Clown: By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we’ll do the opposite . A game "Vice versa" Clown: Are you tired of answering? We allow you to remain silent. Are you guys obedient? ( the clown takes the ball, music plays). Guys! I invite you to fun party balls! We'll play with them. The game is being played. Children pass the ball to each other while music plays. Whoever is left with the ball is eliminated.

The clown takes balloons.

Clown: But my balls are not easy. These are sharprosiki. Sharprosiki - well, balls with questions. Whoever answers the question gets the ball.

Game program for children of senior preschool age Meeting with a clown
Download: Game program for children of senior preschool age "Meeting with a clown"


Game program “Meeting with clowns”

Nelly Kabanova
Game program “Meeting with clowns”


Entertaining – game program for older children « MEETING THE CLOWNS»

Prepared and conducted by music director Kabanova N.V. Saratov 2012

Children enter the hall to cheerful music. Two take the stage clown.

Chups: Hello, here we are!

Chupa: Let's get acquainted. Our names are Chupa and Chups. Do you remember? I am Chupa.

Chupa: What's your name? Say it in unison!

Chups: Say your name - one, two, three (children's answers)

Chupa: All clear! All the boys today are called Boo-boo-boo.

Chupa: How are you? I can not hear! Let's So: I ask you, and in response you stomp, clap, whistle. It's clear? So, get ready! Let's start!

Chups: Your mood is just great! Top class!

Chupa: So we can start our program.

Chups: Well, shall we play, sing, dance? I'm asking you. Let's sing.

Chupa: By the way, since we decided to have fun today, we’ll do the opposite.

Chups: Are you tired of answering?

Chupa: We allow you to remain silent.

Chups: Are you guys obedient?

Second clown enters with a ball.

Chupa: Guys! I invite you to a fun ball festival! We'll play with them.

The game is being played. Children pass the ball to each other while music plays. Whoever remains crushed is eliminated.

Chups: Does anyone know poems about balloons?

Children recite poems about balls.

The other one clown holding balloons.

Chupa: But my balls are not easy. These are sharprosiki.

Chupa: Sharprosiki - well, balls with questions. Whoever answers the question gets the ball.

1. What color balls did Piglet like? (Green)

Entertainment script “The clowns have come to us”

Scenario summer fun is aimed at creating a good, positive mood in children from participating in games and fun, helping to create a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the process of communication.

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“Scenario for the entertainment “The Clowns Came to Us””

The clowns came to visit us.
Target: Create goodness in children, positive mood from participating in games and fun. Contribute to the creation of a favorable, friendly and welcoming atmosphere in the communication process.
— Improve motor skills and abilities, develop physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, coordination of movements.
— Develop the ability to interact in a team.
— Foster a sense of mutual assistance and attention to each other.
Preliminary work: preparing musical accompaniment, attributes and props for entertainment, learning the words of songs and fables with children.
Equipment and materials: costumes for clowns, a stereo system, CDs with recordings of moving children's music, balls, a large candy bar with sweets for children, balloons.

Hello guys! Which one of you is sitting and sad? . Who looks sour? Our entertainment will lift your spirits.
We invite everyone to fun gymnastics (a cheerful melody sounds).

Game "Fun Gymnastics"

Children move in circles one after another

Then, in a circle, they perform movements according to the lyrics of the song:

Place your hands on your belt first,
Shake your shoulders left and right.
You will reach your little toe to your heel.
If you succeed, everything is in perfect order.
And finally you should meow,
Quack, croak, bark and grunt. Well done!

Do you like fairy tales and cartoons? I suggest playing a fun game.

I will call name fairy-tale heroes, if it is a good hero you clap, and if it is an evil one, you stomp. And so we begin. I jumped and jumped and met Malvina (children clap), Karabas-barabas, a wolf, Pinocchio, Cinderella, Baba Yaga, Koshchei the Immortal, a bunny, etc.

Well done. Now guess the riddle:

He's the funniest guy in the circus.
He is a great success.
All that remains is to remember
That's what he's called, the merry fellow.

Two clowns run in with balloons to the music.

Hello, merry fellows and playful people!

We came at a happy hour -

see us soon!

Children clap their hands.

Together: Chupa – Chups!

Chupa: What’s your name, tell me, say your name!

Game "Say Your Name"(children shout in unison)


At the end the clowns cry.

Clowns: How sad we are.

Host: What happened?

Clowns: HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, we were joking!

Friends, we brought you balloons -

all full of surprises!

Chup: We'll take the red ball and start laughing!

(A soundtrack of laughter sounds, the clowns laugh. They invite children to laugh)

Leading: Chupa and Chups, let's play a fun game.

Game "Funny riddles"».

I will make riddles, and you will guess, and the guys will help you.

The bunny went out for a walk

The hare's paws are straight...

(not five, but four)

At Irinka and Oksanka's

(not sleds, but bicycles)

For vaccinations and injections

Mothers take their children to...

(not to schools, but to the clinic)

And capricious and stubborn,

IN kindergarten doesn't want...

(not mother, but daughter)

Mom asked Yulia

Pour some tea for her...

(not a pan, but a cup)

The roads have become drier - My roads are dry...

Birthday is around the corner - we baked...

(not sausage, but cake)

Lada is all wheezing and sneezing:

(not chocolate, but ice cream)

For lunch for son Vanya

Mom cooks soup in...

(not in a glass, but in a pan)

I was able to choose for myself

a pair of mittens for...

(not for legs, but for arms)

The frost is crackling in the yard - You put your hat on...

(not on the nose, but on the head)

We see you are funny guys:

love to laugh and play.

We'll take the blue ball and start dancing now.

Dance-game “The giraffe has spots and spots”

Chupa:- We’ll take the yellow ball and start playing.

I ask those who love games and jokes to speak loudly - I am!

— Who likes cartoons?

- Who likes cake?

-Who loves treasure?

— Who likes to sunbathe?

- Who likes to yell?

— Swimming in a dirty puddle?

- Who doesn’t wash their ears?

Entertainment scenario “Funny Clowns”

(entertainment for children of middle and older preschool age)

Goal: To develop interest in theatrical and play activities.

1. Activate children’s dialogical speech, achieve correct and clear pronunciation of sounds and syllables.

2. To develop the ability to imitate the characteristic actions of characters, conveying them through facial expressions, posture, gesture, movement, basic emotions and feelings.

3. Foster a sense of camaraderie.

Children enter the hall, take their seats, there is a knock on the door, and Tick the Clown appears riding a horse.

Type- Igo-go! Igo-go, I'm going, I'm going far!

It seems I have arrived! Hello my friends!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!

I was in a hurry, I was in a hurry, I almost fell off my horse!

And my brother the clown didn’t come to you? That's good, that means I'm first! I'll go meet him!

He gets on the horse and rides off.

Clown Top appears. He rides his horse backwards.

Top- I’m coming, I’m coming to you, friends, everyone, meet me!

I'm sitting on a goat, looking in all directions,

I’m driving backwards, people are surprised!

Whoops! Well, at least backwards, but I got there!

Hello, kids, girls and boys! I'm not late?

My name is Clown Top, I have a brother, Clown Tip.

He probably overslept and hasn’t arrived yet.

I'll go look for him! Like, oh!

Enter Clown Tip.

Top- Dude, where are you? Aw!

Type- Here I am! (hug).

Together: Hello merry and playful people!

Hello girls and boys!

We have arrived at a cheerful hour - meet us quickly!

Children clap their hands.

Type: I'm the type!

Top: I'm Top!

Together: We are Type and Top! What's your name?

Type: Say your name!

Top: Well, once again, and louder!

Game "Say Your Name"(children shout in unison)

Type: Everything is clear: all the boys are called “Boo-bu-boo”, and the girls are called “Syu-syu-syu”!

Button enters the hall

Button: Hello guys, Hello Tip, hello Top! And my name is Button. Have you seen my friend the clown Grisha?

The clown Grisha appears in the hall, loaded with a heavy bag and an umbrella.

Grisha: Hello, where did I end up? What are you doing here? - (everyone greets him).

Button: – Ah-ah-ah, here he is, he showed up without getting dusty! Grisha, where have you been?

Type and Top: Epidemic!

Grisha: Yes! Signs of illness - smiling, laughing until you drop! – (conspiratorially) – There are deaths!

Button: What to do? Did we want to play with the guys and have fun?

Grisha: Do you want to visit the circus? What about you guys? Then you and I will go to the circus right now for the performance “Clowns and Clown Kids! »

Button: Well, I see clowns, but where are the clowns?

Grisha: Now we will fix this matter! – (opens his bag and shows the caps)

All the clowns put caps on the children and put lipstick on each child's nose and cheeks.

Grisha: Well, my dear clowns, now we’ll organize such a circus here, you’ll just gasp!

Button: I ask those who like to play to clap their hands and say, “I am!” "

(further, the Clowns are listed one by one, shouting) - Who likes cartoons? – Chewing gum? - Cake? - Ice cream? - Slaps on the head? – Who likes summer? – Who likes to sunbathe? - Swimming... in a dirty puddle? - Sing? - Dance?

Button: We're off to a good start! … Attention! The next number will be jugglers! Do you want to be a juggler? Then let's play!

There is an attraction: “CATCH THE BALL WITH YOUR HAT”

Two people play 2-3 times

Top- And now a fun game for you! And it's called “Give me a word!”

Top Gray wolf V dense forest met a redhead...

Top- My sock disappeared, it was stolen...

Top— The bird sings all day long in a cage on the window.

She is a small bird, and she is afraid.

Top— Mikhail played football and scored a goal.

Grisha: Well, now we invite you to a fun dance!

A common dance is performed with the Clowns: “BOOGIE – WOOGIE”

Button: And now who will laugh at whom – children or clowns?

Game "Who will laugh who?"(children laugh together)

Type: We’ll take the bags now,

Let's start jumping into them soon.

Game "Sack Run"(bags without bottom)
