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“Nibbler. What is this? Another innovation, which you can completely do without, because the shelves are already full of different devices!” – think some mothers who are not familiar with this device. Dear ladies, ignorance or lack of knowledge about the subject does not relieve you of responsibility for the health and development of your child. You have no idea about the important role he will play in your life with your baby. You should meet him.

Useful properties of nibbler

The time has come for the first feeding for the baby, and mothers are excitedly beginning to think about a safe way to introduce solid, unfamiliar foods into the baby’s diet. A nibbler (fruittaker, feeder) will be a great help in this - a silicone or nylon mesh container with a restrictive rim and a plastic holder.

Mothers are well aware that by 5-6 months the child is teething: the gums swell, itch, a lot of saliva accumulates, and the first teeth require additional stress. A nibbler with pieces of fruit will become a kind of massager for the baby’s gums and a supplier of necessary calories and vitamins.

In the first year of his life, the baby experiences an urgent need to suck, so he sucks the contents of the nibbler with such pleasure. The mother will definitely notice that this process has a pronounced calming effect on the child.

Regular use of the nibbler promotes the proper development of the dental system, normal salivation, strengthens the chewing muscles, and forms a correct bite. In the figure below, you see what important problems in the early development of children this device solves:

How did you manage without this device?

Many mothers believe that nibblers were invented by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers, who wrapped millet or semolina porridge in a row (cotton, gauze) and fed their children with this sweet pacifier.

And yet, they were not the first. Mentions of linen bags with honey or poppy seeds are found in the history of antiquity. In 1506, the German artist Albrecht Durer depicted the Madonna and Child. The painting “Madonna and Siskin” is kept in the Berlin Art Gallery. See for yourself.

A siskin sits on the baby’s left arm, and with his right arm he hands the bird…a nibbler.

Of course, earlier this attribute of a children's meal was not called that, but from the beginning of the 16th to the mid-20th centuries. It was impossible to do without this device. Then the feeding net disappeared from use.

Current devices attract children with their convenient shape, bright design, and their use is based on the following principles:

  • help the child adapt to unfamiliar food;
  • help parents introduce solid foods as naturally and safely as possible;
  • to form taste preferences and correct bite in the baby.

Terms of use

From what age can it be used?

At 4-6 months, introduce your baby to the nibbler. By this time, the child has formed a chewing reflex, and any drying material in his hands is immediately sent to his mouth. So he not only scratches his gums, but also tries to chew. By 6 months, the child’s body is ready to accept other foods, and he himself begins to show interest in it. Previously, mothers or grandmothers would lightly tap the baby’s tooth with a silver spoon and, if the sound was loud, they would begin to give solid food. Now is the time to offer him a nibbler with chopped apple pieces, and then other fruits and vegetables.

How to use

This device is easy to use. After you have purchased the device and brought it home:

  1. open the packaging blister and disassemble it into separate parts;
  2. Wash each part with detergent for baby bottles and dishes. Below is a list of products that, according to reviews from mothers, have proven themselves;
  3. Additionally, rinse all parts with clean boiled water. Scald the silicone mesh with boiling water;
  4. cut vegetables or fruits into pieces, place in a net;
  5. secure the container securely to the handle using the ring.

Now offer the Nibbler pacifier to your baby. The baby is attracted by its bright design, and he will happily chew a piece of fruit, gradually turning it into puree and absorbing it through the holes. After the contents of the mesh are finished, take the fruittaker.

Wash the device by disassembling it completely. Process each piece as mentioned above. Dry everything and store it with other children's dishes.

Name of detergent for nibblerPropertiesPrice

Does not smell, does not contain dyes or phosphates50-70r per package (500 ml)

Economical, has a pump dispenser, washes off well, lasts for 3 months,
safe for babies from the first days of life.
130 RUR per bottle (500 ml)

It has an antibacterial effect; there are no phosphates or chemical dyes among the ingredients. The product is economical: 2.5 ml of gel is used per liter of water. Japanese manufacturer.450-500 rubles per package (700ml)

What can you put

The first dish you offer your baby in a nibbler should contain only one ingredient. This can be an apple (a universal option: contains vitamins, natural fructose, soluble pectins) or a steamed vegetable with delicate fiber (zucchini, broccoli, pumpkin). A little later, vegetables with coarser fiber (potatoes, carrots, white cabbage) or a stew of two or three types of vegetables are added to the feeding strainer. A good option is raw vegetables: pieces of carrots, cucumber, tomato, bell pepper.

Sweet fruits and berries placed in a fruit taker will become a healthy treat for your little one. Place bananas, apples, ripe pears, peaches, apricots, quinces there - whatever suits the baby’s preferences, but keep in mind that the child, having tasted sweet berries and fruits, may refuse unsweetened vegetables.


Place a small amount of product, cut into small pieces, into the device. This will relieve the baby of excess juice and allow you to see if the child has a dangerous reaction to any of the proposed products.

Safety regulations

Any mother considers her main task to be creating a safe environment for her child. What is a nibbler and how safe is it?

The device is simple. It includes:

  • a handle-holder convenient for a child’s palm;
  • a replaceable mesh where pieces of fruit are placed;
  • tight-fitting fixation ring;
  • lid-cap (placed on the mesh, tightly adjacent to the handle).

Instead of a mesh, the fruit taker has a silicone tip with many holes. Nibbler has a valuable advantage - it makes life a lot easier for parents. The child eats the offered foods finely chopped, and the mother does not have to worry about the safety of consuming complementary foods.

But, despite the secure fixation of the device, there is always a risk that the child will unscrew the mesh on his own (if he is older) or chew the silicone model.


No matter how busy your child is with the nibbler, never leave him alone with his toy. Splashed juice or saliva can enter the baby's respiratory tract, causing him to choke.

When choosing a feeder, pay attention to its brand and country of manufacture. Make sure there is a certificate, ask if the packaging has a mark on derma testing and whether it is indicated for use by children, be sure to study the composition of the material. Well-known companies use nylon, silicone and special food-grade plastic that is safe for children (polypropylene) to create nibblers. It is durable and will not crack if dropped or hit.

Types of feeding nets

Feeder containers are presented in stores in the form of two types of mesh containers: silicone (for berries and fruits) and nylon (for all applicable products). If you purchased a feeding nibbler with a removable mesh, you can easily replace it later.

If the stationary device fails, it will be difficult to replace the mesh and you will have to buy another one. It is convenient to use nibblers with the additional removable mesh included in the kit.

Each container type has its own advantages and disadvantages. The choice will be made by your baby, who will immediately determine what suits him best.

Sometimes the child does not want to use the nibbler. Don’t immediately complain about the composition and quality of the fruit mesh. He may not like the color, shape, or what's inside. Find the reason for his dissatisfaction and give him time to get used to the new sensations.

Which nibbler is better: silicone or mesh?

If you take the statistics from recent surveys of young mothers on the topic: “Which nibbler is preferable for you?”, it becomes clear that the votes were distributed approximately equally. Mothers give different reasons for their choice, but the child determines the championship in the ranking of the best mesh containers. Some people like lightweight nylon and the natural taste of a sweet product, while others prefer silicone with a lot of fruit juice and the hope of chewing it. Each of these types of containers has its own advantages and disadvantages. You choose:

Silicone containerNylon mesh
Hypoallergenic.Easily replaceable.
Odorless and tasteless.Low price.
Easy to clean and remove food residues.Easy to clean if washed immediately after use.
Low percentage of wear.High strength (not easy to chew and tear).
Does not deform during sterilization.Washable well with the addition of baby gel.
Elastic, quickly returns to its original shape.Comfortable to bite, chewing skills are acquired quickly.
It's hard to find a replacement. Not all manufacturers provide replacement containers.Over time, it darkens and looks unpresentable, but if you hold the mesh for 30 minutes in a solution with lemon juice (acid - 1 tsp per 1 liter of water), it will lighten.
A child can chew the nozzle.May cause irritation of the oral mucosa (rare).
High price.


There are a large number of nibblers of various modifications on the market for selling children's products. All of them are bright, beautiful, safe and, according to the manufacturers, of excellent quality. How to navigate this diversity and not make mistakes? Give your preference to products from famous brands.

Among them, Feeders from the American brand Nuby, the Polish brand Canpol babies, and the English brand MamaSense are popular. Gadgets from the Russian company Mir Detstva and the Chinese Kidsme are more affordable. Each of them offers its own variations on the “Nibbler” theme.

  • Happy baby will interest both mothers and babies with its unusual color scheme. It looks like a rattle of different colors. It has a spare cap and a secure lock so that a child cannot open it. The main feeder has a nylon mesh and is inexpensive (300 rubles).
  • Twist Happy baby– model with silicone mesh. New development with a piston for pushing fruit and a twisting mechanism inside.
  • Nuby Along with the feeder, it offers additional replaceable meshes. They sell nylon and silicone devices with original shapes and straight handles. They are expensive, from 500 rubles.
  • "The world of childhood" represents a budget version of products. Made in Russia. It has a shaped handle with a hole, which allows you to attach it to a high chair or stroller. Costs about 200 rubles. Offers replacement nets.
  • MamaSense– English nibbler with a silicone container and small holes. It holds its shape perfectly and has a comfortable ergo handle. The mesh is small, fits completely in the child’s mouth, the contents do not splash. The container volume is small, so the product portions are very small. Suitable for starting complementary feeding. There are no replacement attachments. Cost – 320 rubles.
  • Kidsme offers a device with a silicone container. Food Feeder Plus Kidsme has a large and movable silicone nozzle. It contains twice as much product as a regular feeder. It satisfies all the nutritional needs of a child's growing body. The protective cap also serves as a teaching cup. The price is high - 650-800 rubles.
  • Munchkin presents reliable nibblers for complementary feeding. The silicone bag is small, with fine holes, a comfortable handle, dishwasher safe, BPA-free.

If you are purchasing a nibbler for the first time, listen to the manufacturer’s recommendations and the advice of mothers who have experience purchasing the device. The opinion of your children's pediatrician will not be superfluous.

Always start choosing by studying the instructions and labeling. The labeling must indicate:

  1. product name and country of origin;
  2. name of the manufacturer's company, its legal address;
  3. basic consumer properties;
  4. warning labels.

Nibblers have different designs, handle shapes (straight, ring, double, embossed), materials (plastic, silicone, nylon), and types of fastenings.

The manufacturers themselves try to make it easier for the buyer to choose a product: they indicate at what age children can use the gadget (the designation “5+”, for example, indicates the possibility of using the nibbler for a 5-month-old child)


Carefully inspect the mesh container. Its size and shape will tell you what age the baby will use it:

  • a small oblong bag with small holes, intended for a child up to one year old;
  • voluminous round container with larger cells - for one-year-old children and older.

Quality Standards

To determine the quality of a product, a visual inspection is sometimes sufficient. What you should see:

  • absolutely smooth plastic surface (without visible defects);
  • reliable fastening of the mesh (check);
  • good tightness of the clasp.

Smell the nibbler. If there is a specific smell, discard the selected option. Ask a consultant to disassemble the feeder and inspect every detail. Assemble it yourself and see how easy it is to use the device.


Make sure the nibbler is made from safe materials! Request product specifications and refuse them if they don’t provide you with them.

Silicone mesh is safe, does not cause allergic reactions, and has no odor. The same applies to nylon. There is no reason to worry here.

The removable parts are durable, will not crack upon impact, they are simply washed and subjected to heat treatment (scalding with boiling water, sterilization), i.e. heating. And here, the chemical compounds that make up plastic behave differently.

Well-known manufacturers of children's accessories have long abandoned the use of plastic containing besfinol-A. Polypropylene nibblers are offered by Munchkin, Kidsme, and Nuby.

Reference. Besfinol-A is a synthesized estrogen, an inexpensive plastic hardener, which can be contained in plastic. It has an aggressive effect on the brain and can cause tumors, diabetes, and autism. If you see a “BPA-free” sign, buy it; this compound is not contained in the plastic. Do not buy cheap analogues, they are made of toxic materials that are dangerous for children

Below is a table of chemical compounds that are suitable or unacceptable in the production of children's nibblers:

Designation (marking)MaterialSuitability of the constituent elements (except for the mesh container) of children's Food Feeders.
PolypropyleneSafe to use, can withstand temperatures from -42 to +132 degrees Celsius.
Can be sterilized (if there is a silicone mesh).
PolystyreneChemically unstable, styrene is a carcinogen that penetrates into the product when heated.
Not suitable for use by children.
Polyvinyl chloridePoisonous type of plastic, contains bisphenol A, heavy metals (lead,
chromium, formaldehyde).
Inadmissible in the manufacture of children's devices.

Nibbler will enter the baby's safety zone and remain your assistant there for a long time. Feeding will become an exciting activity, and you will see positive results from using the fruittecker quickly.

Manufacturers of children's products regularly surprise with original new products. One of the latest is a nibbler: what is it, what are the features and tasks of the device, is it worth spending money on it? There are no recommendations or answers from pediatricians on these issues yet. But you can focus on the experience of mothers who are already using this device.

It is not entirely correct to say that the nibbler, or feeder as it is also called, is an invention of modern times. Decades ago, our mothers and grandmothers used its analogue. It was a piece of clean gauze in which pieces of food from the first complementary feeding were wrapped. An apple, a carrot, a cracker - all those foods that can be given to a baby after six months, but due to their fragile structure, there is always a risk that the child will bite off too large a piece and choke.

Marlechka ruled out such a possibility. A piece placed inside ended up in a protective shell. The baby could suck it, chew it, receiving a tasty and healthy product in micro portions. At the same time, the risk that a large piece would fall into his mouth was reduced to nothing.

Features of the nibbler

Nibbler is designed in a similar way. It is a container where you can put a small amount of product. The bag is equipped with a convenient handle by which you can hold it or tie it to a high chair. It looks much more attractive than the gauze used by grandmothers.

The nozzle is tightly fixed with a protective ring, so the child cannot pull out the contents of the feeding net. All models are equipped with protective caps. Thanks to the lid, the nibbler can be safely placed on the table if you have filled it in advance. Or take it with you for a walk, keeping both the nozzle and the contents clean.

Other advantages of the feeder are its versatility and ease of use.

The device is sold with one or more replaceable attachments. They must be changed when they become dirty or when the first damage appears.

Technique of use

Using the device is very simple. After purchasing, the package with contents must be opened and all parts washed in soapy water. Then rinse several times with running water. There is no need to treat with boiling water, as too hot water can damage the integrity of the feeding net.

After this, unscrew the lid with the mesh container. Place the product you want to give to your baby into it and screw it on again.

It is important to monitor a child who is chewing on a nibbler. Despite the safety of the device, there is always a risk that a persistent baby will bite through the container or put it too deep in his mouth.

After use, food residues from the container should be removed and washed with soapy water. The reservoir will begin to darken as you use it. This is due to the coloring of the material with natural food dyes, so you can continue to use the nibbler. Replacement is required if you notice microdamage in the mesh structure.


There are several types of devices on the market today. All of them are made according to the same principle. But different manufacturers have solved the question of what a nibbler is in their own way.


A famous American brand specializing in the production of children's products. The company introduced a feeder that looks like a rattle. The handle is made of rubberized plastic in a bright color and is thick enough to allow the child to hold the device comfortably. A nylon bag is used, where you can put products of different volumes and shapes.

Nuby is the first brand to introduce similar products to our market. That is why the company's products are widely distributed in the pharmacy chain. Based on reviews from mothers, you can determine the advantages and disadvantages of devices.


  • can be found in any city;
  • bright, interesting design that all kids like;
  • two colors - blue and pink, which allows you to choose a nibbler in accordance with the gender of the child.


  • costs more than other types of mesh, the price starts from four hundred rubles;
  • The replacement nozzles themselves, which will have to be changed periodically, are also more expensive;
  • the handle is so beautiful and comfortable that it is more likely to interest the child than the contents of the mesh itself, and the baby will enjoy gnawing on it.

Such a nibbler can be an excellent gift for a baby whose diet is being introduced to complementary foods.

"The world of childhood"

Russian analogue of American products. It is equipped with a nylon bag and is sold under the name “Weaning Net”. It has a number of design features. The handle is rounded, which allows you to give it to a baby or tie it to a high chair for feeding. In this case, you won’t have to bend down for the net every time your baby drops it on the floor.


  • high-quality analogue at an affordable price, replaceable nozzles are also inexpensive;
  • convenient design that allows the baby to become interested in the contents of the container.


  • less widespread in the pharmacy chain, more difficult to find and buy;
  • when chewing a nylon bag, its contents can leak not only into the child’s mouth, but also to the sides.

The last drawback is noted by mothers when using all feeding nets of this type, regardless of the brand.


Products of an English company that enters the Russian market under the name fruittaker. It differs from other types of devices in the material from which the container is made. It is silicone and maintains its shape well. It has many small holes that allow the baby to “get” complementary foods. The rounded handle, similar to the model from World of Childhood, is designed to be grasped by a child’s hands and secured to a high chair.


  • the container has a denser structure, when the baby eats, the contents do not splash to the sides;
  • gum massage is better;
  • The silicone container can be washed and dries quickly;
  • The volume of the mesh is small, it fits well in the baby’s mouth.


  • the shape and small volume of the container do not allow large pieces to be placed there; the product will often have to be added in micro portions;
  • the cost of the device is higher than that of Russian production;
  • There are no replacement attachments; if the container wears out, you will need to buy a new device.

The question of which nibbler, silicone or with a mesh, is more convenient requires an individual solution. There is no consensus on this matter. You may need to try both models.

Do it yourself

You can get a rough idea of ​​the convenience of a model with a mesh if you make a nibbler with your own hands. According to many mothers, this is a good way to save money and offer complementary foods to the baby in a safe container.

You will need simple and inexpensive items.

  • Plastic jar with a wide neck. Vitamin packaging with a thread and a neck with a diameter of at least four centimeters is suitable.
  • Bag for washing clothes. Choose a mesh for delicate laundry; it has small and frequent holes. You can buy one at a hardware store. They are usually made from nylon, which will suit you perfectly.
  • Braid for handle. Use tape about a centimeter wide and 15 centimeters long.
  • Tools at hand. Threads for sewing bags, an awl, a measuring tape, plain paper and a sewing machine.


  1. Cut off the top part with the neck of the jar, stepping back ten millimeters from the edge of the thread. This edge will come in handy when you need to unscrew and tighten the nibbler.
  2. Sand the edges with sandpaper. There should be no sharp elements left.
  3. Prepare a pattern for the bag. Measure the circumference of the neck by wrapping the tape around it. Divide the resulting number by two and add an extra centimeter for the seams. This will determine the width of the bag. For example, if the circumference of the neck was 12 centimeters, the width of the bag can be calculated as follows: 12: 2 + 1 = 7 cm. Fold a sheet of paper in half, set aside half the width of the bag (in our case 3.5 cm) and move down the fold by 10 cm (length of the future container). Draw an arcuate line connecting the points. Cut out the pattern and unfold it.
  4. Fold the laundry net in half and attach the pattern to it. Trace along the outline, cut out.
  5. Sew the blanks using a machine along the arched edge. Place two or three seams to prevent the mesh from unraveling. Sew several replacement bags at once.
  6. Make holes in the lid using a thick needle or awl. Insert the braid into the holes and tie it with a knot from the inside.
  7. Pass the bag through the threaded ring and screw on the lid, securing the mesh.

Prepared replacement bags will allow you to periodically change the mesh as it gets dirty and worn out.

Convenient design, the most simple technique, how to use a nibbler, allow you to buy or make this device yourself at minimal cost. A feeding container will become a lifesaver for a mother when she needs to keep her baby occupied for a while. And at the same time it will make independent complementary feeding completely safe. You don’t have to worry that your baby will bite off a large piece and choke. The mesh feeder simply will not allow this to happen!


The first months of your baby's life have passed and it's time to introduce him to solid food. And how I want to pamper him with new delicacies - fresh fruits and vegetables. If your baby has already tasted plant foods in the form of all kinds of purees, and you want to treat him, for example, to a fresh apple or carrot, then the nibbler will become an indispensable and safe assistant in this matter.

Without the risk of choking and swallowing a piece of unchopped food, the baby chews the mesh of a special invention filled with it - a nibbler. Simply put, this is a special mesh for safe chewing where the product is placed. Using this device helps teach your baby to chew. Sometimes he is called a fruit taker. It is more correct to call the device a feeder. The name comes from the English feeder (feeder, feeder, breadwinner). Initially, feeders were sold in Russia under the Nibbler brand from Nuby. This is how the name “nibbler” came about.

The device helps the child learn a new form of food and allows the mother to find time for other things or relaxation. After all, a daughter or son will happily chew a mesh with a treat, and at this time mom will have time to prepare dinner or enjoy the silence.

Attention: Do not leave a child with the nibbler unattended.

In children's stores you can find two types of nibblers:

  • Nibbler with a mesh made of special fabric
  • Nibbler with silicone mesh

Both types are made in different colors with a ring-shaped or stick-shaped handle. Which one to choose, each mother decides for herself.

A feeder with fabric mesh looks like this:

The nibbler consists of a replaceable mesh, a fixing ring, and an ergonomic handle. Some devices have an internal lid or a container with water built into the handle, which, when cooled, allows you to keep the product fresh longer. The lid-cap is put on the mesh itself and fits tightly to the handle.

Replaceable mesh is used for up to 3 months. Afterwards it is recommended to replace it. Replacement nets for the nibbler are sold separately or in a set of several pieces. They come in white and colored, universal or for a specific brand of nibbler. The mesh parts are made of durable and safe materials and do not contain harmful substances. The replaceable mesh is securely attached to the plastic handle. Pieces of food will not pass through the holes in the mesh.

A feeder with silicone mesh looks like this:

Silicone feeder (nibbler)

It is also made from environmentally friendly materials. This mesh is easy to clean. It is necessary to replace the mesh if it is damaged or purchase a new nibbler. When the first teeth appear, a child chewing with zeal can gnaw through the silicone part.

Many mothers find the silicone nibbler more practical and convenient.

What can you put in a nibbler?

At a time when our grandmothers were still young mothers, children would put some bread in a piece of gauze, wrap it and let it chew. This was the first kind of chewing mesh. With the help of a modern nibbler, your baby can enjoy many foods:

  • Fruits: apple, banana, pear, avocado
  • Berries
  • Fresh or boiled vegetables: carrots, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.
  • A piece of boiled meat
  • Dry or bread

Attention: you should put in the nibbler products that are suitable for the baby’s age.

How to use the nibbler

Before giving it to your baby, follow a few simple steps:

  • After dividing the nibbler into parts, wash with hot water and soap or a special detergent for washing children's dishes.
  • Rinse thoroughly with boiled water. This should be done after each use of the mesh.
  • Place the prepared products in the mesh, tightly screwing the lid with the handle.
  • If the device has a built-in cooling container with liquid, you can first place the nibbler briefly in the refrigerator (not in the freezer). This will keep the fruit or vegetable fresh longer.
  • We invite the baby to take the nibbler in his hand and the mesh in his mouth. We make sure that the baby does not choke on fruit juice or saliva
  • After use, it is necessary to rinse each part of the device, paying attention to the mesh itself.
  • The washed feeder should be dried

Attention: Over time, the mesh fabric may darken or be stained with berry juice. In this case, replace the mesh.

At what age can you give your baby Nibbler?

Nibbler can be given to your baby after starting complementary feeding. To avoid allergic reactions, you need to give foods that the child has already become familiar with in a puree state.

Traditionally, it is believed that complementary feeding should begin at 6 months. It is this age that is indicated on the packaging of the feeder. However, for some babies, due to their individual characteristics, the doctor recommends starting complementary feeding from 4 to 5 months. Such children can start using nibbler earlier.

Advice: when choosing a nibbler for a baby under six months old, you should choose a smaller model. For a 6 month old baby, buy a larger chew net.

Safety rules when using a nibbler

The Nibbler is a safe device, but when using it, you must keep an eye on your baby and follow some safety precautions:

  1. Don't leave your baby alone when he chews a nibbler.
  2. The chew mesh should not be used as a pacifier or toy.
  3. Each time before use, it is necessary to check the parts of the nibbler for signs of wear and damage. It is worth paying attention to the integrity of the mesh itself
  4. If breaks, loose threads or similar problems are detected, the mesh must be replaced. You should not give your baby a nibbler with a damaged mesh.

Pros of using a nibbler

Every baby will sooner or later learn to chew food on his own, but a nibbler will speed up this process. Here are the absolute advantages of using it:

  • By chewing the nibbler mesh, the baby is safe and the parents are calm. He won't choke on a large particle. The baby gnaws the mesh, turning its contents into pulp and sucking out the juice
  • During the difficult time of teething, the feeder will be an excellent helper. The woven mesh massages your baby's itchy and swollen gums, facilitating the appearance of baby teeth. Place chilled fruit slices in the mesh to relieve pain in your child's sore gums
  • It is convenient to use the nibbler while walking. Sitting in the stroller, the baby enjoys his favorite fruit, and the mother does not worry that he will choke
  • The bright colors and details of the nibbler are pleasing to the eye and attract the child’s attention, bringing joy
  • The nibbler is very convenient to use. All parts are easy to clean

Should you accustom your child to a pacifier?

In addition to the nuances of starting complementary feeding, all mothers are interested in the issue of using a pacifier. Should the baby be forced to suck a pacifier or should it not be given under any circumstances? You can often hear from grandmothers and friends that this is extremely harmful. Is it so?

Even in ancient times, there were various prototypes of the modern latex or silicone pacifier: pebbles smoothed with water, leather nipples from the udder of cows, shreds in honey syrup. They, just like the modern pacifier, were designed to satisfy the baby’s main reflex - the desire to suck. A pacifier has nothing to do with feeding a child, but can only give the baby peace of mind and parents cherished moments of silence. Sucking on a pacifier helps babies fall asleep because it satisfies the primary sucking reflex.

Lactation consultants do not recommend giving a baby a pacifier if the mother's milk supply is low. Let the baby satisfy the reflex by applying to the mother's breast, thereby stimulating lactation. Most pediatricians around the world have nothing against pacifiers for babies in the first six months of life. But you should not force your baby to suck a pacifier against his will. If the baby refuses to take a pacifier, he simply does not need it.

Modern nipples are harmless and do not affect the formation of the bite in any way. Pacifiers are convenient because, first of all, they were invented to free up some time for mom and dad.

Nowadays, mothers are lucky, because there are many thoughtful and convenient devices and gizmos. The baby will never get bored, will be happy and full. Nibbler is a necessary device. Of course, you can do without it, but you shouldn’t deny yourself convenience and your baby pleasure.

The list of convenient products that make it easier for modern mothers to care for their babies includes many necessary items. These include: dishes, various pacifiers, thermometers, high chairs, and accessories for strollers.Among the wide variety of accessories, the nibbler (a special strainer for complementary feeding) is becoming increasingly relevant. This device is firmly established in children’s lives as one of the means that helps a child eat solid food independently during complementary feeding. In addition, the Nibbler pacifier can be used for painless teething, replacing traditional chewers.

Nibbler is a factory analogue of home appliances that were previously used to help children acquire independent chewing skills.

What is a nibbler?

Nibbler is a fairly new accessory among other baby care items, however, its effect is widely known to everyone. Why does the child need it? Similar devices were used by our great-grandmothers, who simply called them “chewers” ​​and “chewers.” In ancient times, mothers wrapped pieces of various foods - most often bread - in soft cloth or gauze and gave them to the child to chew. This was done so that the child, in addition to milk, received the skills of chewing solid food independently.

Now this complementary feeding device has acquired a modern look. It consists of a mesh bag for food, an ergonomic (comfortable, adapted) handle for a child’s palm and a latch that ensures reliable fastening of the mesh to the handle. The material is soft, safe silicone or rubber.

Recently, to improve children's nutrition, manufacturers have created a fruit taker, which is becoming increasingly popular among parents. It is a device with a safe base that is easy to maintain. Pieces of fruits or vegetables are placed in it.

Age restrictions

At what age should a child be given nibbler? First of all, this issue is always discussed with the pediatrician, but each mother must independently determine when the baby can already be offered a device for chewing food independently. Practice shows that this action is combined with complementary feeding: so, if the baby is fed formula milk, complementary feeding can be done from 4 months. When feeding with breast milk, complementary feeding is prescribed at 6 months - in these cases, a nibbler is used, where pieces of solid food are placed.

Pieces of vegetables and fruits that the baby has already tried during the first feeding are placed in the nibbler.

In order for a child to start using an item, several simple conditions must be met. When using a nibbler, they first give preference to those foods that the child already eats in the form of purees: apple, carrot, zucchini, and then introduce new ones.

Experts advise actively using silicone nibblers during the teething period of the baby. Pieces of chilled fruit are placed in the device to eliminate painful and unpleasant sensations.

How to use the device correctly?

Having purchased this useful accessory, the mother must first understand its structure and rules of use. After purchase, the nibbler is completely disassembled and thoroughly washed, for which alcohol or boiling water is used, depending on the material from which it is made. Then all parts must be washed with laundry soap and rinsed with running water. Only after careful processing is the mesh ready for feeding the baby.

Nibbler is easy to clean under water pressure

You can put pieces of food in the mesh that are pleasant to the child and are allowed for complementary feeding, but it is better not to experiment. After this, the nozzle is carefully attached to the handle, the fastening is checked for reliability, and then the nibbler is offered to the child. Despite the fact that the child uses the device independently, parents should not leave the baby unattended, as the baby may choke on juice or saliva while eating.

Choosing the best nibbler

Currently, in specialized stores you can find both simple and branded models in the form of silicone nibbler and mesh nibbler. When asking which nibbler is best to buy, you need to consider the following factors:

  • baby's age;
  • purpose of acquisition;
  • possibility of replacing worn parts;
  • accessory price.

Experts recommend purchasing a silicone nibbler for teething babies. Its quality is denser and odorless. In addition, its parts do not change color, do not darken from food, and remain attractive in appearance for a long time. However, if the chewing attachment is damaged, it will be difficult to find a replacement for it, since parts for such nibblers are sold quite rarely.

For a mesh nibbler, replacing parts is much easier, since they are sold in a specialized store. But unlike the previous one, the mesh bag darkens due to the acidity of the juice. It becomes unattractive and wears out quickly.

Still, many parents are satisfied with the ability of such a nibbler to easily replace worn parts. So the choice of accessory is up to the parents, especially since the price of a silicone nibbler is higher than the price of a mesh one.

Description of popular children's fruit takers

To make an unmistakable choice of a nibbler or fruittaker for their baby, parents need to first study what the manufacturers of these products offer. The main condition is that it is not advisable to purchase accessories from unproven companies. Devices must be odorless and not brightly colored. Now such original accessories of good quality are produced by 3 companies.


The highest quality, but most expensive, nibblers are sold by the company "Nuby". They look like a container made of fine mesh with a comfortable handle adapted to the baby’s palm. This device is easy for a child to use. When the mesh darkens, it is replaced with additional attachments.

The advantage of the accessory is that it is equipped with an additional cap that protects the nibbler from contamination in any situation, for example, while walking or traveling.

The price of such a device is approximately 430 rubles.

Happy Baby

Another original silicone fruit taker - device Happy Baby. The accessory is presented in the form of a funny toy in blue, green-brown or white-yellow. The main advantage of the device is that it is made of soft, safe silicone, which allows you to massage the baby’s gums when teething. In addition, it is firmly locked, so the baby will not be able to open it. Therefore, parents do not have to worry about their child. Convenience also lies in the handle, which is easily twisted and allows you to move the contents of the container forward.

The price is about 300 rubles.

The world of childhood

A similar product in the form of a feeding net is offered by a domestic company "The world of childhood". Unlike the previous device, this accessory is relatively inexpensive, costing 130 rubles. Externally, the model is presented as a mesh container with a handle in bright colors: red, green, yellow, which is attractive to a child.

It is used for feeding a baby from six months. Inside the container, not only vegetables and fruits are placed, but also boiled meat. A nozzle with a fine mesh will not allow the child to choke on large pieces of solid food, but will provide an opportunity to learn to chew (more details in the article:). There are no additional attachments in this kit; to replace damaged bags, you can purchase them at a specialized store.

Speaking about organizing proper complementary feeding for infants, the famous children's doctor Komarovsky gives valuable advice on introducing a new product into the baby's diet. From the video and photos presented on the website, you can learn how to choose and use a nibbler-shaped device for complementary feeding.
